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THINK LEVEL 4 Standard


1 1
b3 c1 d5 e7 f2 g6 h4 1G 2A 3E 4J 5B 6D 7I 8C

2 2
1d 2g 3a 4e 5h 6c 7b 8f 1D 2F 3G 4A 5C 6E 7B

3 3
1 14/ fourteen 2 Portland 3 ski 4 shelter 5 freezing 1d 2c 3g 4e 5h 6f 7b 8a
6 midnight 7 alone
4 1A 2C 3B 4C 5A 6B 7B
1F 2T 3F 4F 5 DS 6F 7T 8 DS

1 1c 2g 3a 4e 5h 6b 7f 8d
A 45,000 B 18,000 C 200,000 D 13,000
E 70,000 F 12,000 G 55,000 2
1T 2 DS 3F 4T 5F 6F 7T
1 Homo erectus; Homo antecessor 2 Ethiopia 3
3 climate change 4 10,000 5 east 1T 2S 3M 4T 5M 6S 7S 8M
6 Asia; North America 7 America; France 8 agriculture
3 1 addicted 2 library 3 entertainment 4 turn off
1c 2a 3b 4f 5e 6g 7d 5 soap operas 6 board 7 healthier

1 climate 2 ice 3 compete 4 source UNIT 6
5 roads 6 nets 7 rubbish 8 diseases
1A 2C 3D 4B 5C 6A 7D 8B
1 1T 2F 3F 4T 5 DS 6 DS 7 F
1, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10
2 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10
1T 2F 3 DS 4F 5 DS 6T 7T 8F
3 1 30/thirty 2 nursery 3 photos 4 universities
A 1980-1995 B 2013- C Before 1928 D 1965-1979 5 dating 6 texted 7 restaurant 8 mother
E 1928-1938 F 1996-2012 G 1939-1964

1A 2C 3B 4B 5C 6A 7B 8A

Think Level 4 Skills Tests Standard ANSWER KEY page 1 of 11 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2022
1 1
1G 2E 3H 4A 5D 6C 7B 8F A 72% B 16% C 24% D 10%
E 85% F 50% G 69% H 27%
1A 2C 3C 4A 5B 6B 7A 2
1F 4T 5T 6 DS 7T
1D 2D 3S 4D 5S 6D 7S 8D 3
1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10
1 diary/journal 2 messages 3 list 4 trains 4
5 raining 6 concentrate 7 nightmare 1B 2A 3C 4A 5B 6B 7A 8C

1 1
b4 c1 d5 e8 f3 g7 h6 b3 c5 d1 e8 f6 g7 h4

2 2
a7 b3 c1 d8 e2 f4 g5 h6 a3 b2 c7 d5 e1 f8 g4 h6

3 3
1E 2C 3G 4B 5A 6D 7F 1e 2g 3a 4b 5h 6d 7c 8f

4 4
1 party 2 twice 3 two 4 physics 1 planet 2 ground 3 gas 4 robot
5 cinema 6 grandparents 7 boring 8 freezer 5 shapes 6 sea 7 light

1 1
a1 b5 c7 d2 e4 f3 g6 1G 2B 3F 4E 5A 6D 7C

2 2
1F 2F 3T 4T 5F 6 DS 7F 8 DS 1C 2A 3E 4G 5G 6D 7F 8B

3 3
1 children 2 degree 3 Spanish 44 1 Amazon 2 1925 3 Canada 4 1502
5 asparagus 6 guitar 7 shopping centre 8 screens 5 Australia 6 1861 7 Everest 8 1924

4 4
1C 2C 3A 4B 5B 6B 7C 1A 2B 3C 4B 5A 6A 7C

Think Level 4 Skills Tests Standard ANSWER KEY page 2 of 11 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2022

The following Assessment Scales are taken from the Cambridge English Language Assessment Handbook for Cambridge English: First for
Schools. They are a useful tool for assessing your students’ performance in the Speaking and Writing sections of the Think Skills Tests.

The Speaking section of each Think Skills Test should be marked out of a total of 20.

Students should be awarded a maximum of five points for each of the following four criteria:
• Grammar and Vocabulary • Discourse Management • Pronunciation • Interactive Communication
B2 Grammar and Vocabulary Discourse Management Pronunciation Interactive Communication
5 • Shows a good degree of control of • Produces extended stretches of language with • Is intelligible. • Initiates and responds
a range of simple and some complex very little hesitation. • Intonation is appropriate. appropriately, linking contributions
grammatical forms. • Contributions are relevant and there is a clear to those of other speakers.
• Sentence and word stress is
• Uses a range of appropriate vocabulary to organisation of ideas. accurately placed. • Maintains and develops the
give and exchange views on a wide range • Uses a range of cohesive devices and interaction and negotiates towards
• Individual sounds are articulated
of familiar topics. discourse markers. an outcome.
4 Performance shares features of Bands 3 and 5.
3 • Shows a good degree of control of simple • Produces extended stretches of language • Is intelligible. • Initiates and responds
grammatical forms, and attempts some despite some hesitation. • Intonation is generally appropriate. appropriately.
complex grammatical forms. • Contributions are relevant and there is very • Maintains and develops the
• Sentence and word stress is
• Uses a range of appropriate vocabulary little repetition. generally accurately placed. interaction and negotiates towards
to give and exchange views on a range of • Uses a range of cohesive devices. an outcome with very little
• Individual sounds are generally
familiar topics. support.
articulated clearly.
2 Performance shares features of Bands 1 and 3.
1 • Shows a good degree of control of simple • Produces responses which are extended • Is mostly intelligible, and has some • Initiates and responds
grammatical forms. beyond short phrases, despite hesitation. control of phonological features at appropriately.
• Uses a range of appropriate vocabulary • Contributions are mostly relevant, despite both utterance and word levels. • Keeps the interaction going with
when talking about everyday situations. some repetition. very little prompting and support.
• Uses basic cohesive devices.
0 Performance below Band 1.

The Writing sections of the Think Skills Tests should be marked out of a total of 20. Use the Assessment Scale to award a mark from
1 to 5 for each descriptor.

Students should be awarded a maximum of five points for each of the following four criteria:
• Content • Communicative Achievement • Organisation • Language
B2 Content Communicative Achievement Organisation Language
5 • All content is relevant to the task. • Uses the conventions of the • Text is well organised and • Uses a range of vocabulary, including less common lexis,
• Target reader is fully informed. communicative task effectively coherent, using a variety appropriately.
to hold the target reader’s of cohesive devices and • Uses a range of simple and complex grammatical forms with
attention and communicate organisational patterns to control and flexibility.
straightforward and complex generally good effect.
• Occasional errors may be present but do not impede
ideas, as appropriate.
4 Performance shares features of Bands 3 and 5.
3 • Minor irrelevances and/or • Uses the conventions of the • Text is generally well • Uses a range of everyday vocabulary appropriately, with
omissions may be present. communicative task to hold the organised and coherent, occasional inappropriate use of less common lexis.
• Target reader is on the whole target reader’s attention and using a variety of linking • Uses a range of simple and some complex grammatical forms with
informed. communicate straightforward words and cohesive a good degree of control.
ideas. devices.
• Errors do not impede communication.
2 Performance shares features of Bands 1 and 3.
1 • Irrelevances and misinterpretation • Uses the conventions of • Text is connected and • Uses everyday vocabulary generally appropriately, while
of task may be present. the communicative task in coherent, using basic occasionally overusing certain lexis.
• Target reader is minimally generally appropriate ways to linking words and a • Uses simple grammatical forms with a good degree of control.
informed. communicate straightforward limited number of
• While errors are noticeable, meaning can still be determined.
ideas. cohesive devices.
0 • Content is totally irrelevant. Performance below Band 1.
• Target reader is not informed.

Think Level 4 Skills Tests Standard ASSESSMENT SCALES page 3 of 11 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2022
SKILLS TEST 1 television. He decided to try to get back to
the slope so he staggered through the snow
Track 01 until he managed to find some ski tracks
Presenter Hi. Today, we’re talking about stories of going down the mountain. He tried to follow
survival and we’re hearing stories from you, them in the dark but sometimes, he got lost
our listeners.. Our first caller is Jenny. Hi, and had to crawl around in the dark until he
Jenny. found them again so it took a long time.
Jenny Hello. Presenter Oh, my goodness!
Presenter Thanks for calling us. Is this a story about Jenny Finally, he saw lights from a building in the
you? distance and, soon afterwards, met some
rescuers who were looking for him. By now
Jenny No, it was in a blog that my friend told me
it was after midnight. I’m sure his parents
about. It’s about an American boy called Jake
were feeling desperate by then and also
guilty about leaving him behind. Luckily,
Presenter Hmm... OK. I haven’t heard about him. Tell when the rescuers brought him down to
us all about it. the lights, he was OK and he learned some
Jenny Right, he was skiing when… important lessons. Firstly, never ski alone. I
think a mobile phone would also be useful
Presenter Just one moment, Jenny! Can you give us
but I don’t think he owned one at the time.
some background?
He also recommended having a big meal
Jenny Sorry. OK. Jake was a fourteen year old before you go skiing. I guess he didn’t have
boy from Portland in Oregon in the north- any snacks in the pockets of his ski suit.
west of the USA. He went skiing with his
Presenter Probably not. That’s good advice for everyone
parents to Mount Bachelor. It’s south-east
doing anything adventurous. Thank you very
of Portland but still in Oregon. I’m not sure
much Jenny. A great start to the show.
when it happened. He was skiing behind his
parents and was on his own. It was a part of
the mountain he didn’t know very well and, SKILLS TEST 2
as he was descending, he got lost and ended
up in some trees. He also lost a ski. It was late Track 02
in the afternoon and it soon started getting Presenter Some animals travel incredible distances
dark and very cold. each year to find food, warmer weather, or
Presenter Oh no! What happened next? a safe place to bring up their young. But
increasingly, this is changing. With me is
Jenny Well, what I like about this story is that he
wildlife expert David Scarborough.
managed to survive because he was a fan
of survival television shows and especially David Hello, Michaela. Yes, we’re starting to see
Bear Grylls. He remembered watching a some big changes in the way animals migrate.
programme about surviving in the snow Presenter And is this all brought about by climate
and refused to give up. First of all, he built a change?
shelter, which kept him a bit warmer because
David Well, it does have a big impact. And in some
it protected him from the wind. After three
cases, it means animals are forced to move
hours, he saw some rescue helicopters but,
away from their natural habitats – the places
because he was in the forest, they couldn’t
where they usually live. For example, polar
see him.
bears, which live in the Arctic, are moving
Presenter Did he try to signal to them? south because the sea ice which they use
Jenny I’m not sure, to be honest. Anyway, he didn’t to hunt for seals is melting away. They have
want to stay on the mountain overnight. nowhere else to go.
The temperature was well below freezing. Presenter And they come into contact with humans?
The problem is that it is easy to get lost
David Sometimes, but more seriously, they run into
on a mountain at night. You could fall
brown bears. The two types of bear start to
down a crevasse or something. Again, Jake
compete for the same food, which isn’t good
remembered something he had seen on
for either species.

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Presenter I see. There must be many animals affected SKILLS TEST 3
by warmer temperatures.
David Yes. The Adélie penguin, for example, eats a
Track 03
special type of sea creature called krill. But Presenter In the past, there were two generations.
this is disappearing as the sea gets warmer. The younger generation and the older
So, the Adélie penguin is having to travel generation. Once you started work, left
further to find a new source of krill. home and settled down with a family you
moved from one to the other. Now, it’s a
Presenter So, many animals are migrating more
bit more complicated as my guest, Helen
because they are losing their natural habitats,
Connor will tell us. Welcome, Helen.
or food sources. Are there any examples of
animals migrating less? Helen Thank you.
David Yes, there are. Over a million wildebeest Presenter So, how many generations are there and
migrate each year in parts of East Africa. But, what’s the difference between them?
as towns and cities increase in the region, Helen Well, there are several, perhaps six or seven,
so do the number of roads. And of course, which most people agree about, although
these get in the way of the natural routes of there are differences of opinion about when
many animals, and stop them getting to food exactly each one starts and finishes. The
or water sources. And it’s not just on land, years are my ideas. And, of course, these are
but in the seas, too. stereotypes. Not everyone is the same.
Humpback whales, for example, can travel Presenter Of course not.
up to 4,000 miles a year. But, increasingly,
Helen The oldest generation is sometimes called
they have to fight their way past man-made
the GI generation. A GI is an American
problems. It’s easy for these whales to get
soldier. This is the generation that fought
caught in enormous fishing nets, or even hit
in the Second World War. Not everyone,
big ships.
of course, but a good deal of people.
Presenter Are there any animals which actually benefit The youngest member of this generation
from human activity? was 18 in 1945 so born in 1927. The next
David There is the stork – a large, beautiful bird generation were born between 1928 and
that typically flies across Europe to Africa the start of World War Two. Let’s call them
each year to find food. We now know that the Silent Generation. They are generally
many storks are not migrating to Africa any very traditional and similar to the previous
more because they can find all the food they generation. They grew up at a time when
need in Europe, all year round. women didn’t often go out to work and
divorce was seen as very bad. They were
Presenter Why’s that?
followed by the Baby Boomers. These are
David Well, humans – especially in Europe – are children who were born from 1939 to
throwing more food away, and leaving it about 1964. Many famous rock stars are
in enormous rubbish dumps. The storks baby boomers. This was when the phrase
find this rubbish, which provides them with ‘generation gap’ was first used because this
enough food to last through the winter. This generation were completely different to
means that they have no need to migrate their parents. Some boys had long hair, girls
anywhere else. wore short skirts and they listened to loud
Presenter I’m not sure that’s a good thing! music.
David Well, perhaps not. Other animals are also Presenter That sounds like my parents!
benefiting from climate change. The tiger Helen The next generation is called Generation
mosquito is a good example. Because of X who were born from the middle of
warmer temperatures all around the world, the 1960s and in the 1970s. We look at
it is spreading from its usual home in places Generation X as a selfish generation. But
like Brazil, to the US. Unfortunately, it’s there were some big charity events like Live
bringing dangerous diseases like the Zika Aid at this time so maybe this isn’t really
virus along with it. true. MTV started and image became very
Presenter This is all very worrying. important. There were some very strange
David Yes, it’s certainly something we need to think haircuts and clothes. After Generation X, we
about. had Generation Y, also known as Millenials.
They were born from 1980 to about
1995. They are generally felt to be very
organised and less selfish than their parents.
Generation Y grew up with computers but,

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despite this, they still can’t understand the Gary Yes. I didn’t think of that. I would need to get
generation that followed them, Generation some light. OK. Well, it should be possible to
Z. These are people born from about 1996 light the lamp or candle first. The question is,
to 2012. Generation Y used computers for which one?
work. Generation Z are the selfie generation, Jo Remember you’ve got to collect the wood
the social media generation. The smartphone and paper, which is in different places
generation. around the house and garden.
Presenter Haha, well, I have two Generation Z children Gary Well, yes, I need to go outside. My group
and you are exactly right! would have to stay in the dark inside, which
Helen Finally, we have a new generation. They were isn’t great. But, more seriously, if I have to go
born after 2012. Some aren’t even born yet. outside, then it might be windy.
At the moment, this generation is unnamed. Jo Very good point.
Perhaps they will be the virtual reality
generation. Gary That means it wouldn’t be a very bright
idea to light the candle first. Unless I was
Presenter Wonderful. Thank you very much. extremely cautious with it.
Jo Yes. Remember you’ve only got one match.
SKILLS TEST 4 So, the lamp then?
Track 04 Gary Yes, I think so. I would do that so I could get
some light. Then, I’d come back inside and put
Gary What are you reading?
it in the fireplace. I’d collect some paper, too,
Jo About how some companies are asking which would make it easier to start the fire.
unusual questions at job interviews to see But I’d probably light the candle first, to give
how well candidates can think outside the me some more light inside the house. Then,
box. Want to do one? finally, I’d start the fireplace, using the candle,
Gary Sure! and then get everyone warm. Right – I think
Jo OK. Here’s a problem. You have to discuss it that’s the order I’d choose. I’m happy with that.
with me, and come up with as many ideas as To me, it feels like the most decisive solution. I
you can. think I organised that well. Am I right?

Gary Great. Jo Er … Well, no. All your stages seemed right,

except the first one. Actually, first of all,
Jo OK, well, the idea of this is to test how you’d need to light the match!
practical you are. Imagine that you’re alone,
in a dark house, with a group of other Gary What? Well, yes but …!
people. It’s winter, and it’s really cold. But Jo I said, you’ve got one match, a lamp, candle
there’s a fireplace, and you know there is and a fireplace. Which would you light first?
some paper around the house, and wood If you don’t start by lighting the match, then
in the garden, which you can use to start a you can’t do anything! Remember, the idea
fire. The problem is, you’ve only got one of this was to test how practical you are!
match left. You’ve also got one lamp and
one candle. The question is which would you
light first? SKILLS TEST 5
Gary Hmm. Interesting question. OK, so there is Track 05
a group of us, and I have to look after them, Mum Hi, Jake, how was school today?
so it’s important to do the responsible thing.
Boy Yeah, good. We talked about Screen Free
Everyone needs to be warm during the
night, so I need to get the fireplace going.
Mum What’s that?
Jo That’s true. So, you’re confident that you’d
start the fireplace first? Boy It’s a whole week when we all live without
looking at screens.
Gary Maybe, yes. Because then, I could use
the fire to light the candle and the lamp. Mum You won’t want to do that! You’re addicted
It wouldn’t be easy with one match, but to your phone.
keeping people warm is the number-one Boy Actually, I’m quite excited by the idea. Our
priority. teacher told us all about the week and how
Jo Yes, but remember that it’s completely it started. He also said that a lot of places in
dark. You’d find it very difficult to collect town will be organising events. The library,
the paper and wood, and get everything the art gallery and the museum will stay
together to make the fireplace work. open later in the evenings.

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Mum Well, I’ll be interested to see how you get SKILLS TEST 6
on because it’s true that we need to take a
break from screens from time to time. But, it Track 06
won’t be easy. One of the good things about the Internet is that it can
Boy No, but…well, our teacher said we should bring people together, and maybe even help people
try to persuade our parents to take part, fall in love. But for one couple, Amy Giberson and Justin
too. It’s easier if everyone gives up at the Pounders, the Internet managed to bring them together
same time. I’ve got a letter for you here. No, after 30 years apart.
that isn’t it. That’s a form about the skiing When they were both just three years old, Amy and Justin
trip. Here it is. Mr Green wrote it because he had lived in the same small town in Florida in the US, and
couldn’t get enough leaflets for everybody. had attended the same nursery school. Although they
Mum I’m sorry, but I can’t give up screens! I have didn’t have very clear memories of themselves so young,
work to do in the evenings. they had appeared sitting together in school photos, and
teachers and parents remember them being the best of
Boy Don’t worry, you can still do your work friends.
and I can still browse the Internet to do my
homework, we’re just not allowed to use But, as often happens, their parents moved to different
them for entertainment. homes, so the two children forgot all about each other.
Although both Amy and Justin remained in Florida, they
Mum Well, that’s OK. I’m not very excited about both attended different universities, and got on with
smartphones or computers. I don’t use social completely different lives.
media or play games online. It would be
easy, I’d just watch television in the evenings. That is, until 30 years later, they both found themselves
single, and using the Internet to find someone to fall in
Boy er, mum, don’t forget that TVs are screens, love with. They had both gone out with, and split up with,
too. In fact, Screen Free Week was originally other people, never having found their perfect match.
called TV Turn Off Week when it was
started in 1994. One day, Justin saw a picture of a woman on a dating
website, and was immediately struck by how beautiful
Mum What, no TV? Well, that would be a she was. He couldn’t explain why – among all the people
challenge. It’s good that we can watch the on the website – he was attracted to her. He felt as if he
shows online the following week. I wouldn’t must get in contact with her – and he did. What he didn’t
want to miss my favourite soap operas. know was that this was Amy – the same girl he had been to
Boy Well, if you really have to... school with 30 years earlier.
Mum So what would we do in the evening? Justin began sending messages to Amy, and to his surprise,
she replied. Before long, they were texting each other
Boy There are loads of things we could do. We
every day, and planned to meet in a restaurant for what
can read books, play board games, go for
they thought would be the first time.
walks or on bike rides. Things we should do
but often don’t because we’re too busy with When they did, Amy fell in love with Justin at first sight.
our screens. She immediately knew that this was the man she was going
to marry. They started going out, and a year later, were
Mum This letter is very interesting. It says here
thinking about getting engaged.
that using screens can cause problems with
sleeping. That’s true for you. Every evening, Surprisingly, it was only a year after they met in the
you are wide awake and can’t sleep then you restaurant that they realised that they had already met –
come to breakfast the next day exhausted 30 years earlier.
and bad-tempered. It also says that screens They knew that they had both lived in the same area, but
can make you aggressive. Well, I don’t think it wasn’t until Justin’s mother found an old school photo,
you have that problem….Oh, and cutting with Justin and Amy together, that they were able to
down on screen use can help you do better discover the truth.
with school work and make you healthier.
OK, let’s do it.
Boy Great. How about playing a game now?
Mum I’d love to but MasterChef is starting soon. Track 07
It’s very exciting. I love watching it. Sara With me is David Capaldi, who has invented
Boy Hmmm and you say I’m addicted. a new app. David, can you run through who
the app is for, and what it does?
David Yes, Sara, it’s called ‘Silver Linings Journal’
and it’s for people who want to be happier
and live more positive lives.

Think Level 4 Skills Tests Standard AUDIOSCRIPTS page 7 of 11 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2022
Sara I understand what ‘Silver Linings’ means, and David I was always a negative person – complaining
a journal is a kind of diary, but how does it about things, and my friends sometimes
work? How would it make people happier? pointed out how negative I was. I remember
David Well, basically, you get a message, on your being in a café with some friends. The coffee
phone, five times a day, telling you to write I bought wasn’t nice. I had just bought some
down something nice that has happened expensive new shoes, and they were hurting
to you. So, you get these messages and you my feet. I got really worked up about it. So I
have to type in something that made you wanted to go online and update my status,
feel good, or something nice that happened. to complain about them. But the wi-fi in the
For example, ‘I slept very well’, or ‘someone café was very slow. I just complained and
just smiled at me.’ complained.
Sara So it doesn’t have to be big things, it can be Sara I’ve known people like that. I usually ended
the minor things that happen in life. up avoiding them.
David Yes, I have to say that I didn’t think it would David Yes. I was a nightmare. I realised that if I
work, but it really does. At the end of the wanted to keep my friends, I’d need to have
day, you get a list of all the things that a different way of thinking about life.
happened to you throughout the day. The Sara Well, I’ll be trying your app over the next
way this works is that even if you think you’re week or two, and hopefully I’ll have become
having a horrible day, the app trains you to a more positive person!
think positively all the time, and to look for
the good things in life.
Sara I’d find it difficult to use this app. I wouldn’t
be able to come up with anything nice that Track 08
happened to me this morning. Anne Hi, Leo. What are you doing?
David Well, that’s because you aren’t used to Leo Hey, Ann! I’m just running through a
thinking positively. Tell me one thing that shopping list. We’re going later to get some
happened to you today. food for my party.
Sara OK. I looked out of the window and I saw it Anne Why don’t you just go to the supermarket
was raining. and see what they’ve got?
David That means that as soon as you go out, you Leo Because, if I went to the shops without a list,
can have fun splashing in all the puddles! I’d forget something. I always make shopping
That’s a great way to spend time. lists.
Sara I’m not four years old! Anne Hmmm, I don’t. I don’t see the point.
David You’re too negative! When the rain stops, Leo And how often do you have to rush out
all the streets are going to be cleaner and to the local shop in the evening for milk or
fresher. toilet paper and pay twice as much as you
Sara OK. The next thing I can remember is would in the supermarket?
stopping to buy a coffee on the way to work. Anne Not very often! Did you make a list of guests,
And the man in the café was rude to me too?
because I didn’t have coins – I only had a
large banknote, and the man said … Leo I made two. One of school friends and one
of other people I know – from the music
David Let me stop you there. You’re on the point club and friends who live near me.
of saying something negative. Was the coffee
good? Anne So, what other lists do you make?
Sara No. I walked away without buying one. Leo Well, the most important lists, I think, are
about school work and revision. If I didn’t
David So, concentrate on that. You saved some come up with lists, I know I would forget
money. Imagine yourself looking for a new something important.
café in the future. By this time next week, you
will have found your dream café, and you’ll Anne Yes, I suppose so. I made a timetable for our
be going there every morning, for a perfect last exams.
cup of coffee. Imagine that, instead of being Leo Really? Great. Did it work?
so negative! Anne No, I kept putting off my physics revision
Sara Wow, that is positive thinking …! How did until it was too late.
you get the idea for this app, David? Leo See? Lists are useful. Otherwise you can
become disorganised. My favourite lists are
advantages and disadvantages lists.

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Anne What are they? course. I think I’d have been happier if I’d
Leo Well, if I have to make a decision between studied French or Spanish.
two options, like what to do at the weekend, Melanie Hmm, and what about less important
I write a list of advantages and disadvantages advice?
of each and then decide. Last weekend, I Dad Well, I’d say, when you’re at college and
went to a party instead of the cinema. It someone offers you a ticket to see an
was cheaper, easier to get to and gave me a unknown American band called Nirvana, for
chance to meet more people. £4, say ‘Yes’. I stayed at home because I’d
Anne I bet you make a list of New Year resolutions, never heard of them! Big mistake! Two years
don’t you? later they were one of the biggest bands in
Leo No. I used to but I never kept to them, even the world!
when I wrote them down. And it’s always Melanie What about health? What advice would you
difficult to come up with new ideas every give yourself?
year. But I always write present lists. Dad Well, I was always very careful with food but
Anne Presents for other people? I think I’d tell myself that, actually, asparagus
Leo No, for me. I give my parents and is really tasty. I did a lot of sports at school
grandparents the list and I always get things I but I would tell myself not to worry so much
want. about winning and try to enjoy taking part.
The problem was that I used to get very
Anne Isn’t it a bit boring to know exactly what you upset whenever I lost a race and I always
are going to get? dwelled on the bad result.
Leo No, it’s great! And they always buy me Melanie OK, so is there anything you didn’t do that
something small which I don’t know about so you wish you had done?
I do get a surprise.
Dad I’d like to have learned the guitar. I tried to
Anne So, have you finished running through your learn but I wasn’t patient enough. When we
shopping list? Can we go to the shops now? go on holiday with your Uncle Tom, I always
Leo OK. Oh, wait a minute. (Reading) ‘Clean get very jealous when he plays songs by the
room’, done it, ‘take meat out of the freezer’ campfire and everyone sings along.
done it, ‘phone Colin’, yes, ‘switch off Melanie Your singing is OK. Not as good as Uncle
computer’ .. hang on, I’ve got to switch my Tom’s but you’re the best cook and you’re
computer off. It’s on my jobs list and I haven’t just as good at putting a tent up as he is!
done it yet.
Dad Thanks! I know one more thing I would
advise my young self. Be more assertive
SKILLS TEST 9 and don’t be scared to say ‘No’. I always
agreed to my friends’ ideas and, as a result,
Track 09 I spent many boring Saturday afternoons
Dad Morning, Mel. What are you reading? Looks in the shopping centre when I would have
interesting! preferred to be somewhere else. I learned to
Melanie Yes, it is! It’s an article about the advice you say ‘No’ at college.
would give your younger self. Melanie What, when you said ‘No’ to the Nirvana
Dad Sorry? What? concert!
Melanie If you could go back in time to when you Dad Ha, ha, yes. So, do you know what a grown
were a teenager, knowing what you know up you would say to you right now?
now and with the life experience that you Melanie No? What?
have had, what advice would you give Dad Don’t spend so much time looking at
yourself? screens. That’s an interesting website but it’s
Dad Oh right. There’s a lot of advice I would give. Saturday morning, the sun’s shining and you
First of all, don’t have children. should be outside. I’m going out and I don’t
Melanie Dad! want you sitting here all day.
Dad Ha, ha. Only joking! Well, I suppose I’d tell Melanie Don’t worry. I’m meeting my friends soon.
myself to make up my own mind about what I’ve just got to send a message to organise
to study at university. My parents persuaded where and when.
me to study economics because they
wanted me to get a steady job and earn a
good salary. I didn’t really enjoy the degree

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SKILLS TEST 10 Eva I think it is, especially now that politicians
and even governments are starting to use
Track 10 social media more to control and influence
Jack Eva Graham is an expert on journalism, and people. For example, it seems to be more
she’s here today to talk about how social common for politicians to put out a message
media is shaping the news, and how people that isn’t completely true. In fact, it may be
get news. Eva, you wrote an interesting totally untrue. But, because of the speed
article recently about Japan, didn’t you? of social media, and because most people
aren’t really checking the information they
Eva That’s right, Jack. I don’t know whether you
read, the lie can spread very quickly. The
know, but Japan gets a lot of earthquakes,
politician can always apologise later and
and some of them are extremely serious
admit that the information wasn’t correct, or
ones which can cause a lot of damage. Well,
deny they actually said something, but the
at some point in August 2016, people
damage will have already been done.
in the Tokyo area started getting official
messages on their mobile phones. The Jack I’ve heard that some governments are
messages warned that there would be a employing people to put out false
huge earthquake. Now, there are 40 million information online.
people living in that area, so of course, the Eva This might be true, although it’s difficult to
news spread very quickly on social media. prove it. These people are called ‘trolls’. They
Jack So, what happened? can create fake names for themselves, fake
Twitter accounts, and deliberately go online
Eva Well, there was no earthquake. In fact, it
to spread false information. You can often
was a false alarm – a mistake. But, because
find them posting in ‘Comments’ sections
everyone was spreading the news on social
under important news articles.
media, there was panic. Mobile phone
networks went down, trains stopped, Jack It sounds like it’s going to be more difficult to
everything. work out what’s true and what is a lie on the
Jack That’s very interesting. So, social media
actually made the mistake worse. Eva You’re right. There’s so much information
online, and it’s so easy to reach. What we
Eva Much worse, yes. But this raises the
have to learn to do as readers, is understand
interesting question of how social media
who created the information, and what their
can spread news very quickly – perhaps too
agenda was …
quickly – before anyone can tell whether the
news story is actually real or not. Information
spreads very fast these days. SKILLS TEST 11
Jack Do you have any other examples?
Track 11
Eva One famous one was when the Twitter
Hello everyone, today I’m going to talk a little bit about
account of a big news agency was hacked, a
the possibility of finding life on Mars. Mars is our closest
few years ago. Some people broke into the
neighbour, and similar to our planet in many ways. But so
Twitter account and created a fake Tweet far, scientists have never discovered any kind of life on
that there had been an attack at the White Mars. Not even the smallest, simplest kind of life.
House in Washington, and the American
president was hurt. The bad news is that we’re still a very long way from really
finding out any answers. It is believed that there was once
Jack And did anyone take this seriously? a lot of water on Mars, which may have supported life.
Eva Yes. It was retweeted and shared more than However, that water is now very difficult to find, because it
3,000 times in just a few minutes. The US exists only in the form of ice, or under the ground, where it
economy even started to crash! is difficult for us to look at it.
Jack So, social media can be very powerful. Scientists have recently discovered evidence of a gas
Eva Yes. Often because people share news on Mars called methane, which appears and disappears
stories or photos without really thinking suddenly.
about whether they are true or not. It is thought that bacteria – tiny life forms – may be
Jack Is this becoming more common? producing this. And this bacteria may be trapped in water
underneath the ground. Why do scientists think this? It’s
because most methane on the planet Earth is produced by
animals. So if it’s appearing on Mars, too, then that may be
a sign of life.

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In 2019, we will have sent a new robot to Mars, which again. However, in 1918, messages were found, carved
might be able to answer lots of these questions, and into a rock which seemed to suggest that he survived
dig deep beneath the planet’s surface. Until then, some for at least another ten years and became leader of the
interesting research is being done here on Earth. Indians. Did he really rule a tribe of Native Americans?
About 30 years ago, a rock was found in Antarctica – a Burke and Willis were two explorers who actually reached
place where no animals live except by the sea, and very their destination. Unfortunately, they didn’t return. They
few plants can grow. This rock, it was thought, came from set out from Melbourne, in South Australia to find a route
Mars 17 million years ago, flying through space, and to the north coast. They left Melbourne in August 1860
landing on our planet. Scientists discovered that the rock and arrived at the Gulf of Carpenteria about six months
had tiny little shapes on it, which looked very similar to the later. They then only had enough food for five more
shapes that bacteria might make. Although scientists do weeks. Local aborigines gave them food and water and
agree that the rock actually did come from Mars, no one they also killed the camels they had taken with them but,
can agree on what the small shapes were caused by. in 1861, they died near a place called Cooper’s Creek,
In North Yorkshire, in the UK, there is a very large about halfway through their return journey.
underground system, stretching for a thousand kilometres Now, a piece of history. In 1953, when Elizabeth became
under the land, to under the sea – about a kilometre queen of England, on the same day, news reached the UK
deep. It’s called the Boulby Mine, and it’s known that 250 of Edmund Hilary’s successful conquest of Mount Everest.
million years ago, there was sea water in this underground He was the first person to climb it, or was he? George
system. Mallory and Andrew Irvine set out to climb the mountain
However, this water disappeared, just like it has on planet in 1924 but they never returned. One of their ice axes
Mars. When the water went away, it created unusual was later found just 300 metres from the summit of the
shapes in the rock – and again, we can see similar shapes in mountain and their bodies were discovered in 1999. Did
the rocks on Mars. they reach the top? No-one knows but we do know that
they took a camera with themselves. Perhaps one day it
Scientists have recently been spending time deep in the will be found and we will discover photos of the two men
Boulby Mine, searching for signs of life. Basically, nothing standing proudly on top of the world.
much can live so deep underground, where there is little
oxygen, no light, no water and lots of salt. Only small
bacteria can survive – bacteria which has somehow lived ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
there for millions of years. But the important point is If it
can be found here, then it might exist on Mars, too, where The authors and publishers acknowledge the following
the environment is very similar. sources of copyright material and are grateful for the
permissions granted. While every effort has been made, it
In a few years, we may find out whether there really is life has not always been possible to identify the sources of all
on Mars. Until then, scientists will continue looking here on the material used, or to trace all copyright holders. If any
Earth, for clues.
omissions are brought to our notice, we will be happy to
include the appropriate acknowledgements on reprinting
SKILLS TEST 12 & in the next update to the digital edition, as applicable.
Writing and Speaking assessment scales reproduced with
Track 12
permission of Cambridge English Language Assessment
Today, we’re going to look at some explorers who you ©UCLES 2016.
might not have heard of. The thing they all have in
common is that they didn’t return from their journeys. Key: U = Unit, S = Speaking, L = Left, R = Right
Let’s start with Colonel Percy Fawcett who was looking for All the photographs are sourced from GettyImages.
a lost city in the Amazon Jungle. He had already spent a lot U2 S6 (L): NurPhoto; U2 S6 (R): Alex Segre/Moment
of time exploring in the area and had become obsessed Mobile; U3 S6 (L): Beau Lark/Corbis/VCG; U3 S6 (R): Hero
with the idea of the city. In 1925, he set off with his son Images; U5 S6 (L): Education Images/Universal Images
and another man and…they disappeared, completely. Group; U5 S6 (R): Alistair Berg/DigitalVision; U8 S6 (L):
Were they killed by natives? Were they eaten by a jaguar? shank_ali/E+; U8 S6 (R): Nick Ledger/AWL Images; U9
Did they get lost and starve or did they find the city and S6 (L): dolgachov/iStock/Getty Images Plus; U9 S6 (R):
live there, happily ever after? No-one knows and no-one monkeybusinessimages/iStock/Getty Images Plus; U12 S6
ever found any trace of them again. (L): s0ulsurfing - Jason Swain/Moment; U12 S6 (R): madsci/
Our second story concerns two brothers, Gaspar and iStock/Getty Images Plus.
Miguel Corte-Real who were Portuguese. They were
sailing near Newfoundland an island off the coast of
Canada in 1501. Miguel returned to Portugal and thought
Gaspar would follow. He never did. The following year,
Miguel returned with three ships. Each explored a
different part of the coast and, when it was time to meet
up again, Miguel’s boat didn’t turn up. He was never seen

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