Arief Maulana - News Item

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Name: Arief Maulana

Class: 2A
Nim : 2323230015

High sea water briefly closed the West Bengkulu - West Sumatra route

News from North Bengkulu,Tidal Seawater, Closes West Bengkulu - West Sumatra
Road,The seawater filled the west Bengkulu - West Sumatra (West Sumatra) crossing road
in Serangai Village, Batik Nau District, North Bengkulu.The seawater that rose to the axis
road so that it had made the traffic flow a little jammed. The community and police even
came down to help with traffic arrangements.This is because the water conditions had risen
so that vehicles passed on some roads where the water was not too high.Vehicles had to
pass alternately to avoid vehicles breaking down.Kapolres North Bengkulu AKBP. Lambe
Patabang Birana, S.IK, MH through Batik Nau Police Chief Iptu. Denny Mashuri, SH
explained that on Wednesday afternoon the traffic flow had returned smoothly.This was after
the condition of the sea water returned to normal so that sea water no longer entered the
crossing road. ‘The traffic flow has also returned smoothly and we, together with the
community and the TNI, are cleaning up,’ he explained.This is because the water that
entered the sea also made the wood and garbage material spill on the road.This certainly
endangers the flow of traffic between North Bengkulu and Mukomuko.This causes sea water
on the shoreline to rise.For the location of the road in Serangai Village, the condition of the
flooded road is almost parallel to the sea.

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