Grammar Assignment

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[Last Name] 1





Grammar Homework

Activity 01 :

1. The horse reared and the rider was thrown.

- Compound Sentence

- IC1: The horse reared.

- IC2: The rider was thrown.

- Conjunction: and

2. Walk quickly, else you will not overtake him.

- Simple Sentence

3. The town in which I live is very large.

- Complex Sentence

- Main Clause: The town is very large.

- Subordinate Clause: in which I live

4. I called him, but he gave me no answer.

- Compound Sentence

- IC1: I called him.

[Last Name] 2

- IC2: he gave me no answer.

- Conjunction: but

5. I agree to your proposals, for I think them reasonable.

- Compound Sentence

- IC1: I agree to your proposals.

- IC2: I think them reasonable.

- Conjunction: for

6. I went because I was invited.

- Complex Sentence

- Main Clause: I went.

- Subordinate Clause: because I was invited.

7. Either he is drowned or some passing ship has saved him.

- Compound Sentence

- IC1: Either he is drowned.

- IC2: some passing ship has saved him.

- Conjunction: or

8. I returned home because I was tired.

- Complex Sentence

- Main Clause: I returned home.

[Last Name] 3

- Subordinate Clause: because I was tired.

9. They always talk who never think.

- Simple Sentence

10. He came oftener than we expected.

- Simple Sentence

11. He blushes; therefore he is guilty.

- Compound Sentence

- IC1: He blushes.

- IC2: he is guilty.

- Conjunction: therefore

12. A guest is unwelcome when he stays too long.

- Complex Sentence

- Main Clause: A guest is unwelcome.

- Subordinate Clause: when he stays too long.

13. Whatever you do, do well.

- Simple Sentence

14. He must have done his duty, for he is a conscientious man.

[Last Name] 4

- Compound Sentence

- IC1: He must have done his duty.

- IC2: he is a conscientious man.

- Conjunction: for

15. He rushed into the field, and foremost fighting fell.

- Compound Sentence

- IC1: He rushed into the field.

- IC2: foremost fighting fell.

- Conjunction: and

16. Man proposes, but God disposes.

- Compound Sentence

- IC1: Man proposes.

- IC2: God disposes.

- Conjunction: but

17. Where ignorance is bliss, 'tis folly to be wise.

- Complex Sentence

- Main Clause: 'tis folly to be wise.

- Subordinate Clause: Where ignorance is bliss.

18. Listen carefully and take notes.

[Last Name] 5

- Compound Sentence

- IC1: Listen carefully.

- IC2: take notes.

- Conjunction: and

19. The heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament showeth His handiwork.

- Compound Sentence

- IC1: The heavens declare the glory of God.

- IC2: the firmament showeth His handiwork.

- Conjunction: and

20. He tried hard, but he did not succeed.

- Compound Sentence

- IC1: He tried hard.

- IC2: he did not succeed.

- Conjunction: but

Activity 02 :

8 sentences with subject clauses :

● What he heard was indeed the voice of that young man.

● Whoever arrives first should start setting up the meeting room.

● that he was to stay behind because he couldn’t keep up, he’d feel bitter.

● If it wouldn’t be a bother, will you bring me along?

[Last Name] 6

● whether he had lost or won, the outcome would still have been bad.

● what you are all saying is not right .

● whatever he wanted to do, it succeeded.

● Wherever you want , you are free to go.

4 Sentences with predicative clauses :

● Her greatest concern is that the project might not meet the deadline.

● His hope is that the new initiative will bring positive change to the community.

● The result of their hard work was that they achieved their sales targets for the quarter.

● My belief is that continuous learning is the key to personal growth.

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