Artikel Bola Basket 1 FAISAL HAKIM B. Inggris

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FAISAL HAKIM / 2211090159
Study Program Physical Education Health and Recreation Faculty
Pendidikan of Sports and health education IKIP PGRI Pontianak
Jalan Ampera number 88 Pontianak 78116

The research aims to improve the learning shooting of basketball shooting by using
image media in Class VIII g of SMP Negeri 2 Ngabang. The method used is Class
Action Research (PTK). The subjects were 37 students. The hasil results showed
that the learning shooting of basketball shooting using image media in grade VIII g
of SMP Negeri 2 Ngabang students in the ketuntasan practice of learning
completeness reached 32.42%, in the first cycle of ketuntasan learning completeness
reached 43.24%, and in the siklus second cycle ketuntasan of learning completeness
reached 82.49% with KKM 75. There is an increase in learning shooting basketball
shooting by using image media in Class VIII G students of SMP 2 Ngabang.

Kata Keywords: ketuntasan learning mastery, shooting, media image media.

The research aimed to improve the learning of basketball shooting by using the
image media on the students of class VIII G SMP Negeri 2 Ngabang. The method
used Classroom Action Research. Research subjects consisted of 37 students. The
research result showed that learning shooting in basketball using picture media to
the students of class VIII G SMP Negeri 2 Ngabang on preaction learning
completedness reached 32.42%, the action cycle I mastery learning reached
43.24%, and in the action of cycle II mastery learning reached 82.49% with KKM
75. There was an increase in learning shooting in basketball by using the image
media at class VIII G SMP Negeri 2 Ngabang.

Keywords: learning mastery, shooting, media images.

Physical education, sports, and health lessons are subjects taught at all levels
of education, ranging from Kindergarten, Elementary School, Junior High School,
High School, to college. According to Mone (2007: 1) Physical Education
merupakan bagian is an integral part of sistem pendidikan the overall education
system , whose main purpose to develop. Aspects of physical fitness, movement
skills, berpikir critical thinking, stabilitas emotional stability, reasoning, and
tindakan moral action through

Jurnal Pendidikan Olahraga, Vol. 6, No. 2, Desember 2017

systematically planned physical activity within the framework of the national

education system.
Basketball is a group ball sport consisting of two teams masing-masing of
five players each yang saling competing to score points by entering the ball into
the opponent's basket (ring) . Permainan Basketball game basket is a game that is
held in an area with a hard floor with a length not exceeding 94 feet
(approximately 29 meters) and a width not exceeding 50 feet ( approximately 16
meters). Basketball is a game played by two teams, both men and women yang ,
each team consisting of five players (Muhajir, 2003: 32). In the game of
basketball there are several basic techniques that must be mastered, namely
passing (passing), dribbling (dribbling) and shooting (shot).
Basketball game certainly can not be separated from the basic techniques of
the game, one kind of throw is shooting. In basketball, shooting is a very
important role.shooting Players who shoot well are a dangerous threat to their
opponents because players can easily put the ball into ring the opponent's ring and
generate points for the team.
If you have mastered the shooting, then it can control the rhythm of the
game and produce a lot of points for the team. Because the player can make the
opponent fooled or wrong anticipation in the seizure of the ball from any
situation, for example dribble and can not pass the enemy (opponent), then the
dry shot technique (shooting) can be used to get points and win the game easily.
When shooting, try to be precise and accurate so that the ball is not captured by
the opponent, which requires good physical condition. Sajoto (1995: 8) states that
physical condition is an indispensable prerequisite in the effort to increase the
achievements of an athlete, it can even be said to be a basic requirement that can
not be delayed or bargained again. While Sudjarwo (1993: 41) that the
relationship between kemampuan physical ability and

techniques are inseparable. shooting Basketball shooting ability can be done well
needs to be supported by good physical ability as well.
The basic skill that every basketball player should have is shooting.
Shooting is a very important skill in the sport of basketball. Preparation for
making a basketball shot according to, among others, includes hand position,
view, balance, and shooting rhythm. Based on the observations of researchers,
shooting basketball shooting ability of most students of grade VIII g of Junior
High School 2 Ngabang under KKM ( Ketuntasan minimum completeness criteria).
Of the 37 students of class VIIIG only 32.42% of students whose grades have
reached KKM on this basis , the researchers tried to find a solution how to
overcome it so tujuan that the learning objectives shooting bola of basketball
shooting can be achieved properly.
According to Sanjaya (2008: 67) “Media is everything that can be used to
channel messages from the sender to the recipient so as to stimulate the mind,
feelings, attention, and interest and attention of students in such a way that the
learning process occurs”. Hujair (2009: 35) states that “if the media carries
messages or information that has instructional purposes or contains maksud-
maksud teaching purposes , the media is called Learning media”. Rossi and
Breidle (Slameto, 1995: 104) said that “learning Media are all tools and materials
that can be used for educational purposes such as radio, television, books,
newspapers, magazines, and so on”.
One method to overcome the problem in learning shooting basketball
shooting is to use image media. Students follow and perform the tasks instructed
from the teacher. The most important thing in learning is that students pay
attention and always focus on learning, and then demonstrate the examples that
have been given. The pressure is on giving students the opportunity to practice as
much as possible.

In accordance with the purpose of the study, the study used the type of
research Classroom Action Research ( tindakan class action research).

Jurnal Pendidikan Olahraga, Vol. 6, No. 2, Desember 2017

carried out according to the rules in Penelitan Tindakan class action research through
cycles, each cycle consists of planning, implementation, observation, and
reflection. To carry siklus out the next cycle diperlukan , the results of reflection
and diskusi collaborative discussion with the teacher yang concerned are needed.
Researchers plan implementation in 2 cycles, but did not rule out the possibility to
implement 3 or 4 cycles.
The subjects yang used as research should not be separated from the theme
and main purpose of the study, because in Class Action Research (PTK)
researchers collaborate with teachers and subjek research subjects are students of
class VIIIG semester II tahun of the academic year 2015/2016 yang consisting of 19
siswa male students and 18 siswa female students.
Data collection techniques in research using direct observation techniques
and measurement techniques (test). Data collection tools in research using
observation sheets and questions. Meanwhile, to analyze the data using
descriptive analysis techniques percentage by determining the presentation of
learning completeness and mean (average) class. The presentation of quantitative
data is presented in the form of presentations and numbers.
The formula for calculating the percentage ketuntasan of learning
completeness is:
∑ 𝑠𝑖𝑠𝑤𝑎 𝑦𝑎𝑛𝑔 𝑡𝑢𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑠 𝑏𝑒𝑙𝑎𝑗𝑎𝑟
P= ∑ 𝑠𝑖𝑠𝑤𝑎 x 100%
After the results obtained, it can be compared the presence or absence of
improvement of hasil belajar student learning outcomes in cycle I and Cycle II.
And how much its success increases. The formula for calculating the average
value is as follows:

Description :
X = Nilai average value
∑X = sum of all student grades
N = number of students

Researchers and subject teachers compiled student score interval instruments

with a minimum completeness of 75. Student grade intervals as follows.

Chart 1. Kriteria Peningkatan Yield Improvement Criteria

Categori Value
Excellent Grade A 88-100100
Category Good
Good B 75-8787
Enough C 60-7474
Less D 45-5959
Very Less E 0-3434


Pre Action
Before the implementation of the cycle in the implementation Penelitian
Tindakan of classroom Action Research, researchers give tests to students to see
their initial ability. In the learning process yang carried out on the field with
materi shooting material in basketball games.
Based on the results of the pre -action yang carried out by researchers, it
was found that the learning process went dengan well, the teacher set an example
to students and provide opportunities pada for students to do what has been
exemplified by the teacher. But at the time of the test, learning outcomes do not
reach the maximum, the possibility that hadapai is students do not understand the
explanation given by the teacher, resulting in test results are not maximal.
At the time of the test, only ditemukan 12 students were melakukan found
shooting with kategori good categories, and 25 students had not reached kriteria
yang the set criteria. Data on the results of pre-action can be seen as follows.
Table 2 Hasil Tes Pre -Action Test Results
Category grades number of percentage
very good A 88-100100 0 0%
Good B 75-8787 12 32.42%
enough C 60-7474 14 37.83%
less D 45-5959 11 29.72%
very less E 0-3434 0 0%

From the recapitulation data of the pre-action results given, it can be seen
that only 32.42% of students yang achieved ketuntasan learning completeness.
Oleh Therefore, researchers try

Jurnal Pendidikan Olahraga, Vol. 6, No. 2, Desember 2017

to improve the learning process through image media in order to improve student
learning outcomes in shooting basketball shooting material.
Cycle I
The study was conducted in two cycles. Each cycle there are several
activities, planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. At the end of
each lesson, the researcher and teacher collaborators reflect together to melakukan
discuss the proses learning process that has been done, to follow up whether it can
be implemented in the next cycle or dismissed if the achievement indicators have
not been met.
Hasil The learning outcomes shooting bola of basketball shooting dengan
using media image media in Class VIII g of Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 2
Ngabang after the first cycle with KKM 75, of 37 students, 16 students have
achieved completeness with a percentage of 43.24% and 21 students have not
reached the criteria for completeness with a percentage of 56.75%. In accordance
with the collaboration with guru subject teachers at school, learning outcomes
have not reached 50%, so based on the agreement will proceed to the second
cycle. The results of the recapitulation can be seen as follows.
Table 3 Hasil Tes Cycle I Test Results
Category grades number of percentage
very good A 88-100100 0 0%
Good B 75-8787 16 43.24%
enough C 60-7474 16 43.24%
less D 45-5959 5 13.51%
very less E 0-3434 0 0%

Cycle II
Based on the reflection in the first cycle, it can be concluded that the second
cycle will be carried out to improve the learning process, especially the things that
need to be improved in this second cycle. The implementation phase of Cycle II is
the same as that of cycle I. Learning outcomes shooting of basketball shooting
using image media in siswa Class VIII g of Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 2
Ngabang after the siklus second cycle with KKM 75 of 37 students, 32 students
obtained results mencapaai completeness 86.48%, and 5 students obtained

results below the specified completeness is 13.51%. The results of the
recapitulation can be seen as follows.
Table 4 Hasil Tes Cycle II test results
Category grades number of percentage
very good A 88-100100 9 24.32%
good B 75-8787 23 62.16%
enough C 60-7474 5 13.51%
less D 45-5959 0 0%
very less E 0-3434 0 0%

Discussion Hasil Of Research Results

Physical education will involve physical activity that is its hallmark.
Aktivitas tersebut This activity tidak cannot be found in any other science.
Therefore, learning outcomes in Physical Education will be influenced by the
physical activity of students. According to Husdarta, et al. (2000: 54), the main
purpose of learning Motion Skills is the development of skilled motion. In
physical education, movement skills are differentiated from other sciences.
Basketball game certainly can not be separated from the basic techniques of
the game, one kind of throw is shooting. In basketball, shooting is a very
important role.shooting Players who shoot well are a dangerous threat to their
opponents because players can easily put the ball into ring the opponent's ring and
generate points for the team. The basic skill that every basketball player should
have is shooting. Shooting is a very important skill in the sport of basketball.
Preparation to make a basketball shot according to Abidin (1999: 58) namely
hand movement, sight, balance, and I rama shooting. Learning steps in classroom
action research activities there are four main components, namely planning ,
implementation, observation, and reflection. Arikunto, (2014: 96)

Jurnal Pendidikan Olahraga, Vol. 6, No. 2, Desember 2017

Discussion Of Cycle
I Planning
Kegiatan perencanaan Action planning activity i researchers and teachers of
the respective penjas ( collaborative partners) discuss the design of actions to be
carried out in the research process, the entire action plan in cycle I is contained in
pelaksanaan the learning implementation plan (RPP) cycle I and contains media
image media. The teacher and the researcher conducted an assessment of shooting
ability in basketball games in grade VIII g of Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri
2 Ngabang.
In accordance with the lesson plan in the first cycle, learning is carried out
by researchers and teachers concerned, and simultaneously observe the learning
process. The order of implementation of these actions is as follows: (1)
researchers and teachers prepare students by starting proses the learning process
with berdo’a prayer and then mengabsen students; (2) researchers and teachers convey
the motivation and learning objectives, as well as basic competencies, and
indicators that must be achieved by students briefly, (3) researchers and teachers
start the learning process beginning with the process stretching of stretching or
stretching; (4) researchers and teachers provide warm-up movements yang related
to materi shooting material in permainan basketball games ; (5) researchers and
teachers deliver an explanation of materi the first material , namely teknik
shooting techniques in permainan basketball games . Students are asked to pay
attention to the implementation of an example image of how to do a shooting with
the good; (6) Students asked to do the shooting in the game ball basketball, in
accordance with the image that is given or that shown by researchers and teachers; (7)
Researchers and teachers provide guidance and evaluation of the students about the
movement that he does as well as provide the opportunity to ask if difficulties occur;
(9) Then the student is asked to perform again the movement of shooting in the game
of basketball after being given guidance and evaluation; (9) the Researcher and
the teacher gives motivation to the students to be able to do the shooting in the
game of basketball with earnest and correct; (10) The students repeat the
movement such until the time that has been determined by researchers and

teachers; (11) At the end of a meeting of researchers and teachers

Jurnal Pendidikan Olahraga, Vol. 6, No. 2, Desember 2017

to evaluate the learning outcomes that have been carried out and provide
information about the material that will be delivered minggu next week; (12) the
lesson di ends with berdo’a dan prayer and students di are dismissed.
Observation of action I is carried out during action I. In melakukan observing
action I , the researcher collaborated with the teacher yang concerned as pengelola
the class manager, as for the implementation of action I, namely: (1) the researcher
observed proses the learning process of shooting in permainan bola a basketball
game in siswa grade VIII G students of Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 2
Ngabang. Researchers mengajarkan teach teknik basic shooting techniques in
permainan basketball games basket by using media image media; (2) researchers do
the learning process of shooting in basketball games. In the flow of learning in the
learning method is the image media, namely the explanation of the material, media
performance example images, as well as the implementation of instructions directly
by the students; furthermore, researchers conducted a final test cycle I, to
determine the results of the development proses of the learning process during
cycle I.
Researchers conducted analysis and reflection as follows: (1) the number
and frequency of meetings in the first cycle has shown appropriate results; (2) the
implementation proses of the teaching and learning process has been in
accordance with the plan made in the learning implementation plan (RPP) cycle I;
(3) the initial test to determine the ability of students at the beginning before being
given action simply describes the initial conditions of the class before getting
Action; (4) Metode learning methods applied by researchers and teachers are able
to regulate the conditions of the class, so proses belajar that the teaching and
learning process and the transfer of material can take place more optimally; (5)
the results of pekerjaan student work on the implementation of action I have not
shown maximum results yang maksimal cycle I; (6) the advantages and successes in
the implementation of actions in cycle I, will be maintained and improved; and (7)
in anticipation of weaknesses and shortcomings found during the implementation
of action I, maka disusun anticipatory steps are prepared , namely:

(a) students were asked to remember the basic shooting technique movements in
basketball games according yang to what had been taught; (b) researchers were
not only berada in front of the current

Jurnal Pendidikan Olahraga, Vol. 6, No. 2, Desember 2017

provide explanations to students. The researcher must also monitor the students
who are in the back, so that students also participate actively in teaching and
learning activities; and (c) the researcher asks for help to some friends to
dapat help regulate the course proses of the learning process.
Discussion of the
second cycle of
Researchers and teachers concerned penjas (collaborative partners) discuss
action planning II to be carried out in the research process, the entire rencana
action plan in siklus II the second cycle refers to the results of analysis and
reflection of action I contained in the learning implementation plan (RPP) Cycle
In accordance with the lesson plan in the second cycle of learning conducted
by researchers and teachers concerned and simultaneously observe the learning
process. The whole process of learning in action II is the reinforcement of the
material because the material has been given in the previous action.
In conducting observation and interpretation of action II, the researcher
collaborated with the teacher concerned as the class manager, as for the
implementation of action II, namely: (1) the researcher observed the learning process
of shooting in a basketball game with image media; (2) before the learning took
place,the researcher and the teacher concerned prepared a learning implementation
plan (RPP) Cycle II, as a guide or reference in the process of implementing
learning; (3) researchers and teachers provide motivation to students to follow the
learning process properly. Previous researchers and teachers provide examples of
the game correctly; (4) teachers, researchers, and students always give applause
on each student's appearance. Teachers and researchers also give rewards in the
form of praise, such as “very good ”, “let 's spirit”, “ yes good”, and others. The
atmosphere seemed alive with high enthusiasm and enthusiasm of the students;
(5) researchers with teachers conducted an assessment through sheets

observation of students, with the aim to determine the level of ability of students in
receiving learning material shooting dengan using media image media.
researchers conduct analysis and reflection as follows: (1) the number and
frequency of meetings in the second cycle has shown appropriate results, namely
2 meetings. The material yang provided is only a little hanya reinforcement to
some students while others are perfecting the movement; (2) the implementation
of the teaching and learning process has been in accordance with the plan made in
the second cycle of the learning implementation plan (RPP); (3) image Media
applied by researchers and teachers are able to regulate classroom conditions, so
that the teaching and learning process material transfer can take place more
optimally, as well as strengthening the material yang carried out in siklus the
second cycle can be carried out well; and (4) seeing the results obtained in action
II, the class action research has met the target of the expected target plan.

The conclusion of the study is there is an increase in learning shooting by
using media image media in permainan basketball games basket in siswa class
VIIIG students of State Junior High School 2 Ngabang. Implementation of
learning through media image media to improve learning shooting permainan
basketball game conducted by teachers has been implemented well. The learning
outcomes shooting of basketball shooting using image media after the first cycle I
with KKM 75. Of the 37 students, 16 students have achieved completeness with a
presentation of 43.24% and 21 students have not reached the criteria for
completeness with a percentage of 56.75%.
Increased learning through image media to improve learning shooting
basketball game in class VIIIG students of Junior High School 2 Ngabang.
Learning outcomes shooting of basketball shooting using image media in Class
VIII g of Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 2 Ngabang after the siklus second
cycle with KKM 75 out of 37

Jurnal Pendidikan Olahraga, Vol. 6, No. 2, Desember 2017

students, 32 students obtained results mencapaai completeness of 86.48%, and

5 students obtained results below the specified completeness of 13.51%.


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