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Spring 2010

The Electricity Grid

L i n k i n g E n g i n ee r i n g a n d S o c i e t y

The Impact of Renewable Resources on

the Performance and Reliability of the
Electricity Grid
Vijay Vittal
Securing the Electricity Grid
S. Massoud Amin
New Products and Services for the
Electric Power Industry
Clark W. Gellings
Energy Independence: Can the U.S.
Finally Get It Right?
John F. Caskey
Educating the Workforce for
the Modern Electric Power System:
University–Industry Collaboration
B. Don Russell
The Smart Grid: A Bridge between Emerging
Technologies, Society, and the Environment
Richard E. Schuler

Promoting the technological welfare of the nation by marshalling the

knowledge and insights of eminent members of the engineering profession.
National Academy of Engineering

Irwin M. Jacobs, Chair

Charles M. Vest, President
Maxine L. Savitz, Vice President
Thomas F. Budinger, Home Secretary
George Bugliarello, Foreign Secretary
C.D. (Dan) Mote Jr., Treasurer

Editor in Chief (interim): George Bugliarello

Managing Editor: Carol R. Arenberg
Production Assistant: Penelope Gibbs
The Bridge (ISSN 0737-6278) is published quarterly by the National Aca­
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Vol. 40, No. 1, Spring 2010
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Volume 40, Number 1 • Spring 2010

L i n k i n g E n g i n ee r i n g a n d S o c i e t y

Editor’s Note
3 Modernizing and Protecting the Electricity Grid
Alan Crane

5 The Impact of Renewable Resources on the
Performance and Reliability of the Electricity Grid
Vijay Vittal
Renewable power sources will necessitate advances in the
planning and operation of the electric grid.
13 Securing the Electricity Grid
S. Massoud Amin
The threat of terrorism and other attacks raises profound
dilemmas for the electric power industry.
21 New Products and Services for the Electric
Power Industry
Clark W. Gellings
The electricity network of the future will combine power
systems, telecommunications, the Internet, and electronic
29 Energy Independence: Can the U.S. Finally Get It Right?
John F. Caskey
The United States may finally be moving toward greater
energy independence.
35 Educating the Workforce for the Modern Electric Power
System: University–Industry Collaboration
B. Don Russell
The shortage of engineers with experience in emerging
technologies has reached crisis proportions.
42 The Smart Grid: A Bridge between Emerging
Technologies, Society, and the Environment
Richard E. Schuler
Electricity networks bridge the gaps between the
technological and biological networks on which societies

NAE News and Notes

50 Class of 2010 Elected
55 NAE Newsmakers

(continued on next page)


58 NAE Website to Feature Ethics Column

58 Randy Atkins Wins IEEE-USA Award
59 2009 Japan-America Frontiers of Engineering
60 Mirzayan and CASEE Fellows
61 A Message from NAE Vice President Maxine L. Savitz
63 National Academy of Engineering 2009 Private
70 Calendar of Events
71 In Memoriam

72 Publications of Interest

The National Academy of Sciences is a private, nonprofit, self- The Institute of Medicine was established in 1970 by the National
perpetuating society of dis­tin­guished scholars engaged in scientific Acad­e­my of Sciences to secure the services of eminent members of
and engineering research, dedicated to the furtherance of science and appropriate pro­fes­sions in the examination of policy matters pertaining
technology and to their use for the general welfare. Upon the author- to the health of the public. The Institute acts under the responsibility
­ity of the charter granted to it by the Congress in 1863, the Academy given to the National Academy of Sciences by its congressional char-
has a mandate that requires it to advise the federal gov­ern­ment on ter to be an adviser to the federal government and, upon its own
scientific and technical matters. Dr. Ralph J. Cicerone is president of the initiative, to identify issues of medical care, research, and education.
National Academy of Sciences. Dr. Harvey V. Fineberg is president of the Institute of Medicine.

The National Academy of Engineering was established in 1964, The National Research Council was organized by the National
under the charter of the Na­tion­al Academy of Sciences, as a parallel Academy of Sci­enc­es in 1916 to associate the broad community of
organization of out­stand­ing engineers. It is autonomous in its adminis- science and technology with the Academy’s purposes of fur­ther­ing
tration and in the selection of its members, sharing with the National knowledge and advising the federal government. Func­tion­ing in
Academy of Sciences the responsibility for advising the federal gov­- accordance with general policies determined by the Academy, the
ernment. The National Academy of En­gi­neer­ing also sponsors engi- Council has become the principal operating agency of both the
neering programs aimed at meeting national needs, encourages edu- National Academy of Sciences and the National Academy of Engi-
cation and research, and recognizes the superior achievements of neering in providing services to the government, the public, and the
engineers. Charles M. Vest is president of the National Academy scientific and en­gi­neer­ing communities. The Council is administered
of Engineering. jointly by both Academies and the Institute of Medicine. Dr. Ralph J.
Cicerone and Charles M. Vest are chair­ and vice chair, respectively,
of the National Research Council.
Fall 2006 

Editor’s Note
some cases, public opposition delays or stops the con-
struction of new lines, which may stretch for hundreds
of miles and cross many jurisdictions (NAS, NAE, and
NRC, 2009).
These issues can and are being addressed. Of greater
concern for the future are problems associated with
(1) the integration of intermittent renewable resources,
such as wind and solar power, and (2) disruptions caused
by terrorism or natural disasters.
Serious problems will have to be overcome for wind
Alan T. Crane and solar electric power to become a large part of the
generating capacity of a region, because both provide
Modernizing and Protecting the only intermittent power, that is, they operate only
when conditions are favorable. Thus the power level
Electricity Grid can ramp down rapidly when the wind dies down or the
The United States is served by an extraordinarily sun disappears.
complex and effective electric system. The three major But electricity has to be supplied continuously.
parts of the system—generation, transmission, and dis- Therefore, not only must fast-reacting backup capacity
tribution—work together to bring reliable and afford- be available, but the grid has to be able to adapt rap-
able electricity to virtually everyone in America, thus idly to changing conditions. Vijay Vittal discusses the
providing a service that is essential to the nation’s secu- impact of intermittent renewables on the grid and how
rity and well-being. the grid can be modified to handle them.
More than 40 percent of all energy consumed in this Terrorism or massive natural disasters could inflict
country is used to generate electricity. Electric power considerable damage on critical components of the
is generated from a variety of energy sources wherever grid. The physical damage they could do has long been
it is convenient and economical and then transmitted understood. However, cyber attacks have received con-
to users wherever they may be. The high-voltage trans- siderable attention only recently. The increasing sophis-
mission system links generating stations with the lower- tication and ability of hackers and saboteurs to disrupt
voltage distribution systems that deliver power to users. service is the subject of an article by S. Massoud Amin.
The focus of the articles in this issue is on the trans- Modernizing the grid will go a long way toward
mission and distribution (T&D) system, which has been addressing these concerns, as well as toward relieving
called the world’s largest “machine” and is part of the congestion. Clark Gellings reviews the main candidates
greatest engineering achievement of the 20th century for further development. He also explains how increas-
(NAE, 2003). ing dependence on electricity could actually reduce
Although the system as a whole has worked very well emissions of carbon dioxide.
up to now, it could be even more economical and reli- Modernizing the grid will require installing modern
able. Furthermore, strains on the system are increas- equipment. John Caskey asks where that equipment
ing for several reasons, and evolving requirements will will be manufactured. If it is imported, as much electri-
create even more pressure. As demand for transmis- cal equipment is these days, our vulnerability to foreign
sion services increases, competition and the search disruptions could be increased. Large power transform-
for cheaper power have led to independent power ers, which are all imported now, are a particular concern,
generation far from load centers. At the same time, and the world’s production capacity is quite limited.
investment in transmission has lagged, in part because Another potential constraint on modernizing the
structural changes in the industry have failed to reward grid, or even just operating it efficiently, is the loom-
new investments. For the same reason, aging equip- ing scarcity of electrical engineers who are educated and
ment is not being replaced as rapidly as it should be. In have the experience to operate this massively complex

system. Many highly skilled engineers are nearing retire- The articles in this issue do not cover all of the issues
ment, and engineering schools are graduating far too associated with the grid, but they touch on the impor-
few new engineers to fill the replacement pipeline. Don tant ones. We hope they give readers a sense of the
Russell of Texas A&M describes this problem, which magnitude of the problems we face and the necessity of
may be approaching crisis levels. Fortunately, he sees solving them.
some potentially favorable developments and suggests
some steps we could take to alleviate the problem.
Finally, Richard Schuler provides an overview on how
the evolution of the T&D system into the smart grid can Alan T. Crane
encourage innovation and new patterns of consumption Senior Program Officer
in our modern society. He sees the smart grid as a bridge Board on Energy and Environmental Systems
that can link people to technology and sustainability. National Research Council
The information flow supported by the smart grid can
help consumers make intelligent decisions and, perhaps, References
avoid the resource depletion that led to the collapse of NAE (National Academy of Engineering). 2003. Greatest
many past civilizations and facilitate the exploitation of Engineering Achievements of the 20th Century. Available
renewable resources to reduce pollution. online at
Today, most people take reliable electricity for granted, NAS, NAE, and NRC (National Academy of Sciences,
except when it isn’t available or when the monthly bill National Academy of Engineering, and National Research
goes up. But continued reliability is not a given. Today’s Council). 2009. America’s Energy Future: Technology and
T&D system, as massive and complex as it is, must and Transformation. National Academies Press.
will change. Electricity is too important to modern
society to risk letting it become unreliable.
Renewable power sources will necessitate advances in
the planning and operation of the electricity grid.

The Impact of Renewable Resources

on the Performance and Reliability
of the Electricity Grid

Vijay Vittal

Renewable energy resources, which are becoming integrated into electric

power systems around the world, connect to existing transmission grids at
a range of voltage levels. The changes brought about by these new power
sources are certain to have a significant impact on system performance and
efficiency and to necessitate advances in the planning and operation of
electric grids.
Vijay Vittal is Ira A. Fulton
This article focuses on the impact of the penetration of renewable
Chair Professor, Department of resources on the electric grid in terms of system performance and the tech-
Electrical Engineering, Arizona nical challenges and opportunities for achieving higher levels of reliability
and efficiency in grid performance. The specific focus is on wind and solar
State University; director, Power
energy, the renewable resources with the most potential for significant pen-
Systems Engineering Research etration in the near term.
Center; and an NAE member.
The Current Grid
The electricity delivery infrastructure can be broadly divided into two
subsystems—the transmission subsystem and the distribution subsystem—
which are predominantly distinguished by different voltage levels (Figure 1).
The transmission subsystem, also called the bulk power system, primarily
delivers electricity generated at central stations to locations close to load
centers. In North America, the transmission system usually operates at volt-
age levels of 69 kilovolts (kV) to 765 kV, is highly meshed, and has significant
levels of automation and control.

FIGURE 1 Basic electricity system.

The distribution subsystem, which delivers electricity 4.5 MW. Newer generations of wind generators, which
from load centers to customers, operates at voltage levels have permanent magnet synchronous generators and
ranging from 26 kV to 120 V, is predominantly radial in fully rated converters, have a range of control over both
structure, and does not have the same level of automa- real power and reactive power for varying wind speeds.
tion as the transmission subsystem. The network infra-
structure at 69 kV, which serves as the interface point Solar Energy
between the transmission and distribution subsystems, The conversion of solar energy to electricity is cur-
is usually referred to as the sub-transmission system. rently accomplished mostly in two ways—by direct con-
version using photovoltaics (PVs) or by solar thermal
Wind Energy conversion. These are briefly described below.
Early versions of wind turbine generators consisted of
fixed-speed wind turbines with conventional induction Photovoltaic Conversion
generators. This class of machines was rugged but was In the direct-conversion method, PVs generate a
limited to operation in a narrow wind-speed range. In direct current (DC) output that is converted to alter-
addition, the conventional induction generator, which nating current (AC). This conversion is achieved by
was directly connected to the electrical grid, required a power electronic device called an inverter. Most
that reactive power support be provided locally to PVs are rooftop units, and PV-based solar energy pri-
achieve the desired voltage level. marily has limited distribution and capacity. However,
Advances in power electronics have revolutionized some large commercial PV-based solar facilities of up to
wind turbine technology and led to the development of 60 MW have been built recently.
the doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) (Figure 2). The principal problems with the large-scale integra-
The stator of the DFIG is directly connected to the grid, tion of PVs into the grid include limited capacity, high
and the rotor winding is connected via slip rings to a cost, low energy-conversion efficiency, and deteriorat-
converter, which only has to handle a fraction (20 to 30 ing performance as PV cells age.
percent) of the total power. The highly efficient, vari-
able speed DFIG is designed to extract maximum energy Solar Thermal Conversion
from the wind, and it puts out electricity at a constant In solar thermal conversion, the sun’s rays are directed
frequency no matter what the wind speed. by mirrors to heat a thermal exchange agent (e.g., min-
Most modern wind farms have DFIGs and are avail- eral oil) to a sufficiently high temperature. This agent
able in ratings that range from 1.5 megawatts (MW) to then exchanges the heat generated via a conventional
Spring 2010 

the desired level and con-

nects the wind farm to the
transmission system in the
geographical vicinity.

Solar Resources
Distributed PV resources
with inverters produce AC
output at the desired volt-
age. In residential neigh-
borhoods, these would
connect directly with the
utility supply point to the
residence. Utilities around
the country have estab-
lished standards for these
connections to minimize
FIGURE 2 Schematic drawing of a doubly fed induction generator wind turbine. the significant safety risks
of the bi-directional flow
steam cycle and runs a steam turbine that drives a syn- in electricity in existing residential supply circuits if the
chronous generator. customer sells power back to the utility (e.g., http://www.
The solar thermal method also has the capabil- Commercial
ity of storing energy using a thermal phase-transition PV units, which have similar interconnection require-
approach. This is commonly achieved by using molten ments, would most likely interface with the distribution
salt to store heat for up to six hours; the stored heat is system at slightly higher voltage levels than residential
used to run a conventional steam cycle when energy PV units, depending on their ratings.
from the sun is not available. Although solar thermal Central solar thermal resources have significantly
facilities have plant capacities in the range of several higher ratings and would connect to the transmis-
hundred MWs, they also require significant quantities sion grid at high voltage levels ranging from 230 kV
of water for cooling and steam generation. Unfortu- to 345 kV.
nately, water resources are limited in many parts of the
United States where solar insolation is plentiful. Power System Planning
The increasing penetration of renewable resources
Grid Interface with Renewable Resources will have a significant impact on the performance
Wind Resources and reliability of the electricity grid. This is largely
Wind farms are typically located in areas where wind because of the variability of renewable resources and
resources are plentiful and can satisfy certain require- the lack of large-scale economical storage capability.
ments (for details, see This impact will be discussed with respect to planning
Most onshore wind farms are located in rural areas and operation, primary functions related to grid perfor-
where the transmission system voltages are typically in mance and reliability.
the range of 69 kV to 161 kV. The nominal terminal Traditional planning for a power system and for
voltages at the wind turbines range in value from 575 V expanding transmission functions has been undertaken
to 4,160 V, depending on the turbine ratings (Miller et in response to the needs of the transmission system based
al., 2005). The unit transformer at each wind turbine mainly on past and projected loading levels, which have
steps up the voltage and feeds power into a collector traditionally been estimates of future demand. In the
system that operates at voltages ranging from 12.5 kV deregulated market, and in the present case of using dif-
to 34.5 kV. The high side node of the collector system ferent renewables (i.e., different in source and in tem-
is then connected to the main substation transformer poral characteristics, as well as in geographic location),
for the wind farm, which again steps up the voltage to transmission planners must respond to the needs of

energy storage, the stor-

age components must be
included in the integrated
system plan. In the real-
world environment, fed-
eral and state projections
and long-term plans and
portfolios may also strongly
influence the expansion of
the transmission system.
The factors that must be
considered in planning for
increased renewable energy
transmission are briefly
described below.

Scalability of Network
Because a future power
transmission and distribu-
tion network with a high
percentage of renewables
may have more generation
sources than existing net-
works, scalability will be
a significant factor. Plan-
ners will have to determine
(1) the network topology
best suited for this new sce-
nario and (2) the effects on
system performance and
reliability of having a large
number of spatially distrib-
uted generation sources.
Network topology will
FIGURE 3 Integrated system planning for power systems with high penetration of renewable resources. significantly impact total
transmission losses, as well
power generators. In other words, planning to expand as performance of the overall network when subjected
transmission may now be driven by the location and to disturbances. If the network has a very large num-
type of generation, rather than by the needs of the ber of power sources, the range of possible power-flow
transmission system. To compare, traditional transmis- configurations will be enormous (Hecker et al., 2009).
sion planning processes are driven by loads and have Although this will make the performance and reli-
a “bottom up” structure, whereas current transmission ability problems much more challenging, it will also
planning is driven more by generation needs. provide opportunities for designing networks that can
The term “integrated system planning” (see Figure 3) out­perform traditional networks.
refers to the inclusion of the temporal, stochastic, and
voltage-level characteristics of generation sources in Transmission Architecture
plans for system expansion. In addition, because renew- The main objective for legacy transmission sys-
able resources have characteristics that favor large-scale tems was to transmit power from relatively local (e.g.,
Spring 2010 

within a radius of about 500 kilometers [km]) genera- • type of storage (batteries; flywheels; superconduct-
tion sources to load centers. Under deregulation, this ing magnetic energy storage systems; pumped hydro
objective has migrated to much longer distances and storage systems; compressed-air, molten-salt, fuel
much higher operating power levels (e.g., many hun- cells + hydrolyser; and other active and passive
dreds of megawatts, perhaps > 1,000 MW, for 1,200 km innovative systems)
or more). With the assumed renewable energy portfolio
• voltage level and power level at the point of inter-
and the degree of variability from wind and solar sources,
it will be critical for planners to take advantage of the
geographical diversity among renewable resources. To • energy-storage rating
facilitate a balance, a large high-voltage backbone may
• time duration and time profile of the charge/
be necessary. This backbone network could consist of
discharge cycle
an interconnected transmission grid at voltage levels
of 765 kV or greater that would provide the capability • physical location of the storage device in the system
of moving a large amount of power from where it is gen- (e.g., proximity to loads, sources)
erated to the locations where it will be used.
• control objectives
Because distributed resources may be widely dis-
persed and have diverse temporal characteristics, their • ownership and operator of the storage elements
operating level and transmission paths are a combina-
• maintenance of the storage elements
tion of high and low MW levels and long and short
distances. At the 50 percent penetration level, one • cost and efficiency (energy recovered/energy stored)
might expect transmission paths and transmission
• availability and commercialization—including
loading well into the hundreds of kilometers and hun-
availability at a specific time in the future
dreds of MW.
These changes in transmission topology to account
for distributed resources can be facilitated, at least in
part, in the following ways (Osborn and Zhou, 2008): Renewable sources will
• Voltage-level and power-level upgrades would be
made to existing high-voltage DC (HVDC) systems
require large-scale energy
and/or new parallel HVDC systems to convert exist- storage capabilities.
ing 12-pulse bipolar designs into 24-pulse bipolar
designs. These changes could dramatically increase
operational power levels and reliability and concom-
itantly decrease the impact of HVDC converters on Flexible Alternating Current Transmission System (FACTS)
power quality. A critical prerequisite for 50 percent penetration of
renewable generation is dynamic control of power flow
• Transmission routes would be determined after tak-
along optimal corridors in the transmission and net-
ing into account the intermittency of resources, load
worked distribution systems. This can be achieved with
patterns, and available rights-of-way.
different types of high-power electronic controllers:
• The performance of planned routes under varying
• centralized, large FACTS devices (Hingorani,
conditions would be evaluated, including the analy-
1993), especially unified power-flow controllers
sis of adequacy and reliability. The stochastic nature
(UPFCs), which can control power flow in high-
of the renewable resources would also have to be
voltage AC transmission systems
accounted for.
• distributed electronic power-flow controllers, which
Optimal Storage are similar to FACTS devices but are highly distrib-
For optimal use, many renewable resources require uted in the network and have high-frequency opera-
energy storage. The following factors must be consid- tion, lower power rating, and extensive real-time
ered in designing optimal storage systems: communication capability

• power-conversion devices for interfacing renewable through a real-time communication network and used
resources (e.g., DFIGs for wind energy) that are to conduct online security assessments of the grid. The
supplementary to power-flow controls PMU-based WAMS technologies, which effectively
monitor the dynamic state of the grid, including volt-
Communications and Monitoring age and angular stability and thermal limits, provide
The electric power grid is becoming an increasingly early warnings to network operators of imminent fail-
automated network and is expected to have increased ures, stress, or potential instability, thus enabling them
functionality, higher efficiency, more programmabil- to take preventive action.
ity, and more flexibility. A variety of communication
networks are interconnected to the electric grid for sens- Interfaces between the Grid and Renewables
ing, monitoring, and control. These communication net- In light of the very wide range of capacity ratings for
works are closely associated with the supervisory control the renewable mix and the well diversified technolo-
and data acquisition (SCADA) systems in the network. gies used to integrate them into power grids, renewable
sources can be categorized into concentrated energy
resources (CERs) and distributed energy resources
Early warnings can enable Concentrated Energy Resources. Among CERs, geo-
operators to take preventive thermal, biomass, and concentrated solar systems
have conventional synchronous generators and steam
action to avoid network prime movers. As a result, integration of these CERs is
expected to be less challenging than for DERs. How-
instabilities or failures. ever, large-scale wind farms and large-scale PV systems
present a spectrum of technical challenges that will
require thorough investigation. The technical chal-
The data provided by the SCADA systems are used lenges arise mostly from the expanding application of
in the energy-management systems (EMS) for a wide electronic devices at high power ratings.
range of systems-operation functions and real-time con- For instance, large wind turbines with power ratings
trol of the power grid. The SCADA network and EMS of more than 1 MW nowadays commonly have DFIGs.
are the main factors in the operation of the system under A wind generation system with DFIGs requires an AC-
normal and emergency conditions. Any disturbance or DC-AC power converter rated at about 30 percent of
dislocation in the network is sensed primarily by obser- the full power rating of the generator to achieve vari-
vations and analysis of the behavior of the system based able operation frequency within the range of ±30 per-
on data obtained by the SCADA network. cent of the nominal frequency of 60 Hz.
The present method of securing the electric grid is In addition, emerging direct-drive wind generation
real-time monitoring of the electrical behavior and systems that use permanent magnet synchronous gen-
performance of transmission lines. Wide area monitor- erators (PMSGs) are expected to prevail at the power
ing system (WAMS) technologies are key to increasing rating of 3 to 5 MW, which is suitable for offshore wind
access to available maximum capacity of the transmis- farms. Systems with PMSGs require power converters
sion lines. WAMS provide real-time monitoring, which that can handle the full power rating of the generator.
enables grid operators to determine precisely the oper- For CERs with large-scale PV, the power electronic
ating margins of transmission lines while maintaining interface is indispensable because of the necessity of
stability limits. converting DC voltage generated by PV into the 60 Hz
One WAMS technology that is increasingly being AC voltage of the grid.
used is phasor measurement units (PMUs) (Phadke and Distributed Energy Resources. For DERs, namely dis-
Thorp, 2008), which are GPS-enabled sensors that take tributed wind and PV generation systems, large numbers
accurate measurements of grid conditions at strategic of small-scale generation sources are dispersed at the
points in fine-grain time intervals (e.g., microseconds). distribution level. Facilitating the integration of DERs
GPS—time-stamped measurements (e.g., voltage will require microgrid and power management systems
and phase angle)—from multiple PMUs are gathered that transparently provide control and regulation.
Spring 2010 11

2 – 4 Seconds Breaker/Switch
SCADA Status Indications System Model Description 1 – 5 minutes
Topology Updated System
Program Electrical Model State Displays to
Telemetry & Estimator Operator
Substation Communications
RTUs Equipment Analog Measurements
Raise/Lower Signals Generator Outputs
Bad Measurement
AGC 2 – 10 Seconds Alarms
State Estimator



Security Contingency Analysis

Overloads & Potential
Voltage Problems Overloads &

Display Alarms 1 – 2 minutes

Other Applications

FIGURE 4 Main operational controls of an electric power system, with time frames.

Power System Operation minimize operating costs (including start-up and shut-
Power systems operate in a range of time frames from down costs), and satisfy a range of constraints, such as
nearly real time to “operational real time” (i.e., a few environmental impact mitigation, contractual limits,
seconds). Economic dispatch, that is, determining the expected market power generation, and manpower
most economical distribution of the committed genera- limitations). The operational functions most impacted
tion outputs to meet a given pattern of load demand by the high penetration of renewable resources are unit
while accounting for system losses (Wood and Wol- commitment and economic dispatch.
lenberg, 1996), is performed in operational real time. The incorporation of renewable resources would sig-
Figure 4 shows the main tools and controls for power nificantly alter the traditional approach to unit com-
system operation. Note that in the figure, several time mitment. The variability of renewable resources would
frames are called out: require measures to accommodate fast generation (e.g., a
few seconds) changes. The inclusion of storage devices
• SCADA: 2 to 4 seconds would also alter unit commitment. Both features of
• economic dispatch and automatic generation con- renewable resources (i.e., variability and storage) would
trol (AGC): 2 to 10 seconds also alter economic dispatch. No fuel costs would be
associated with the renewable energy resources, but
• security and contingency analysis: 1 to 2 minutes increased operational and maintenance costs would be
• state estimation: 1 to 5 minutes incurred and must be accounted for.
However, the most critical element would be the vari-
Unit commitment, which has a time frame of one ability of renewable resources and accounting for suffi-
week or longer, is not shown in the figure because it is cient commitment and dispatch of reserve generation to
not usually considered an operational tool. The tra- guarantee the reliability of the system in the event that
ditional unit commitment is the procedure by which the renewable resource suddenly becomes unavailable.
the entire ensemble of generating units is examined For example, the wind might suddenly stop blowing, or
to produce a subset of generators that satisfy the load, the weather might become cloudy.

Variability is also closely tied in with automatic gen- the planning and operation of the bulk power system.
eration control to maintain system frequency. In power Increased penetration of renewable resources has the
systems, electricity has to be produced to match the load potential to introduce major technological challenges
on the system, and load patterns are highly variable. that would have to be met to satisfy existing planning
For example, a customer may switch on the TV and air and reliability standards.
conditioner and blend a smoothie almost simultane-
ously. The sudden increase in demand, however small, References
must be met by a concomitant increase in generation. Hecker, L., Z. Zhou, D. Osborn, and J. Lawhorn. 2009. Value
If it is not, the system frequency will change, which Based Transmission Planning Process for Joint Coordinated
will have an adverse effect on expensive power system System Plan. Presented at the Power Systems Conference
components, as well as on customer-owned appliances. and Exposition, 2009. PES ‘09. IEEE/PES March 15 –18,
Hence, the system frequency has to be carefully con- 2009, Page(s):1–5 Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/
trolled within tight tolerances. PSCE.2009.4840181.
Frequency control is achieved by providing control Hingorani, N.G. 1993. Flexible AC transmission. IEEE
mechanisms that adjust the generation output to match Spectrum 30(4): 40 – 45. DOI 10.1109/6.206621.
the load. With the high degree of variability of renew- Miller, N.W., W.W. Price, and J.J. Sanchez-Gasca. 2005.
able resources, either sufficient conventional genera- Modeling of GE Wind Turbine-Generators for Grid Stud-
tion would have to be maintained on active spinning ies, Version3.4b. Atlanta, Ga.: GE Energy.
reserve (i.e., be readily available) or sufficient energy Osborn, D., and Z. Zhou. 2008. Transmission Plan Based on
storage would have to be provided to guarantee that Economic Studies. Transmission and Distribution Confer-
load and generation remain in balance. Overall, the ence and Exposition, 2008. T&D. IEEE/PES, April 21–24,
increasing penetration of variable renewable resources 2008. Page(s):1– 4. DOI 10.1109/TDC.2008.4517276.
will require a re-examination of the economic dispatch/ Phadke, A.G., and J.S. Thorp. 2008. Synchronized Phasor
automatic generation control formulation and could Measurements and Their Applications. New York: Spring-
require reevaluation of the limits of frequency variation er Science+Business Media, LLC. DOI: 10.1007/978-0-
in the system. 387-76537-2_5.
Wood, A.J., and B.F. Wollenberg 1996. Power Generation
Conclusion Operation and Control, 2nd ed. New York: John Wiley
This article has highlighted the potential impact and Sons, Inc.
of increased penetration of renewable resources on
The threat of terrorism and other attacks raises
profound dilemmas for the electric power industry.

Securing the Electricity Grid

S. Massoud Amin

In the aftermath of the tragic events of 9/11, I became responsible for

research and development (R&D) on infrastructure security at the Electric
Power Research Institute (EPRI). At first, I was faced with many reports and
files claiming either that “we were bullet proof” or that “the sky was falling.” It
turned out that neither extreme was true of the entire electric-power sector.
The truth depends on the specific preparedness and security measures at
S. Massoud Amin holds the
each organization for assessing threats and addressing vulnerabilities of the
Honeywell/H.W. Sweatt Chair in cyber-physical infrastructure. No doubt, however, the existing power-delivery
Technological Leadership, directs system is vulnerable to natural disasters and to intentional attacks. A suc-
cessful terrorist attempt to disrupt the power-delivery system could seriously
the Technological Leadership
impact national security, the economy, and the life of every American.
Institute (TLI), and is a University The importance and difficulty of protecting power systems have long been
Distinguished Teaching Professor recognized. In 1990, the Office of Technology Assessment (OTA) of the
U.S. Congress issued a detailed report, Physical Vulnerability of the Electric
and professor of electrical and com­
System to Natural Disasters and Sabotage. One of the conclusions was: “Ter-
puter engineering at the University rorists could emulate acts of sabotage in several other countries and destroy
of Minnesota. critical [power system] components, incapacitating large segments of a trans-
mission network for months. Some of these components are vulnerable to
saboteurs with explosives or just high-powered rifles.”
The OTA report also documented the potential cost of widespread out-
ages. Estimates ranged from $1/kilowatt hour (kWh) to $5/kWh of disrupted

service, depending on the length of the outage, the types Enterprise Information Security (EIS) programs, put
of customers affected, and a variety of other factors. In into place extensive information-sharing and vendor
the New York City outage of 1977, for example, damage action groups so that the results would reach everyone
from looting and arson alone totaled about $155 mil- “with a need to know” in the utilities community. We
lion—roughly half of the total cost (OTA, 1990). conducted “red-team” studies of cyber attacks on multi-
In the 20 years since the OTA report, the situation ple assets (including power plants, transmission and dis-
has become even more complex. Accounting for and tribution systems, control centers, and communication
protecting all critical assets of the electric-power system, systems). The focus of these exercises was on responses
which include thousands of transformers, line reactors, to attacks (threat and vulnerability assessment, R&D
series capacitors, and transmission lines dispersed across on prevention, mitigation, and restoration) and tech-
the continent, has become impractical. In addition, nology development (secure communication systems,
the cyber, communication, and control layers that have including protocols for communications between con-
been added have created new challenges. The focus of trol centers, substations, and power plants, and cyber
this article is on cyber security. security technologies specifically for control systems).
Risk-management frameworks, vulnerability-reduction
tools, information-sharing programs, and vendor action
The spectrum of cyber threats groups were also important.
Fortunately, although we found that parts of the system
continues to evolve. were extremely vulnerable, we were able to put in place
several simple programs to raise awareness of security
issues and establish cyber-security programs and remedies.
Recent media reports, in April 2009, for example, We worked with the industry and related organizations
highlighted penetrations of the U.S. electricity sys- (e.g., Edison Electric Institute and the North American
tem by hackers. In November 2009, 60 Minutes aired Electric Reliability Corporation) to gain the cooperation
a piece confirming rumors of break-ins to the Brazilian and compliance of other stakeholders (EPRI, 2001, 2002,
energy system in 2005 and 2007. The Nuclear Regula- 2003, 2004). Yet the spectrum of cyber threats continues
tory Commission confirmed that in January 2003, the to evolve, and much remains to be done.
Microsoft SQL Server worm known as “Slammer”
infected a private computer network at the Davis-Besse Interdependencies in Electricity Infrastructure
nuclear power plant in Oak Harbor, Ohio, and disabled Secure, reliable operation of the electricity system
a safety monitoring system for nearly five hours. For- is fundamental to national and international econo-
tunately the plant was off-line at the time. In January mies, security, and quality of life; and their intercon-
2008, the Central Intelligence Agency reported knowl- nectedness makes them increasingly vulnerable to
edge of four disruptions, or threatened disruptions, by regional and global disruptions initiated locally by
hackers of the power supplies for four cities. material failure, natural calamities, intentional attacks,
At the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI),1 we or human error.
had been working since 1999 on the modes of penetra- The North American power network, which under-
tion and manipulation through intrusion that had been pins our economy and quality of life, connects nearly
used in the cyber attacks in Brazil. We launched an 215,000 miles of transmission lines with all of the elec-
Infrastructure Security Initiative (ISI), a two-year pro- tric generation and distribution facilities on the conti-
gram funded by the electric power industry, to develop nent; it may be the largest, most complex “machine” in
and apply key technologies that could improve over- the world. Utilities typically own and operate at least
all system security in the face of such threats (EPRI, parts of their own telecommunications systems, which
2000a, b; 2001; 2002; 2003; 2004; 2005). often consist of backbone fiber-optic or microwave con-
Before and after 9/11, utilities members of EPRI- nections with major substations and spurs to connect to
related initiatives, including the ISI, Y2K, and smaller sites. The increasing use of electronic automa-
tion raises significant issues for operational security in
1 A nonprofit energy research consortium organized for the benefit of
systems where security provisions have not been built
utility members, their customers, and society at large. in as design criteria.
Spring 2010 15

The security of cyber and communication networks these analyses provide an excellent reference point for
is essential for the reliable operation of the grid. The a cyber-vulnerability analysis (Amin 2000a,b; 2003,
more heavily power systems rely on computerized com- 2005a,b,c; 2007; Darby, 2006; DOE, 2002; EPRI, 2000a,
munications and control, the more dependent system b; 2001, 2002; Ericsson, 2009).
security becomes on protecting the integrity of associ- Like all complex, dynamic infrastructure systems,
ated information systems. Unfortunately, existing con- the electric power grid has many layers and is vulner-
trol systems, which were originally designed for use with able to many different types of disturbances. Strong
proprietary, stand-alone communication networks, were cen­tralized control, which is essential for reliable
indirectly connected to the Internet without added operations, requires multiple, high-data-rate, two-way
technologies to ensure their security. communication links, a powerful central computing
Consider the following “sanitized” conversation facility, and an elaborate operation-control center,
showing the lack of awareness of inadvertent connec- all of which are vulnerable, especially when they are
tion to the Internet for a power plant (200–250MW, needed most—during serious system stresses or power
gas-fired turbine, combined cycle, five years old, two disruptions. For greater protection, systems also need
operators, and typical multi-screen layout). intelligent, distributed, secure control that enables
parts of the network to remain operational, and even to
A: Do you worry about cyber threats?
automatically reconfigure, in the event of local failures
Operator: No, we are completely disconnected from or threats of failure.
the net. The specter of future sophisticated terrorist attacks
raises a profound dilemma for the electric power indus-
A: That’s great! This is a peaking unit, how do you
try, which must make the electricity infrastructure more
know how much power to make?
secure, but must also be careful not to compromise pro-
Operator: The office receives an order from the ISO, ductivity. Resolving this dilemma will require both
then sends it over to us. We get the message here on short-term and long-term technology development and
this screen. deployment that will affect fundamental power system
A: Is that message coming in over the Internet?
Operator: Yes, we can see all the ISO to company traf-
fic. Oh, that’s not good, is it?
The security of cyber and
In addition, as the number of documented attacks
and intrusions and their level of sophistication con- communication networks
tinue to rise (Albert, 2004; Amin, 2002a,b; 2005, 2010;
Clemente, 2009; DOE, 2002; EPRI, 2000a,b, 2001,
is essential to the reliable
2002, 2003, 2004; Kropp, 2006; Sandia National Labo- operation of the grid.
ratory, 2003; Ten, 2008), human response has become
inadequate for countering malicious code or denial-of-
service attacks or other recent intrusions (Cleveland, Centralization and Decentralization of Control
2008; Ericsson, 2009; EPRI, 2000, 2001, 2002; Schain-
For several years, there has been a trend toward
ker et al., 2006). Any telecommunication link that
centralizing control of electric power systems. The
is even partly outside the control of the organization
emergence of regional transmission organizations, for
that owns and operates power plants, supervisory con-
example, promises to greatly increase efficiency and
trol and data acquisition (SCADA) systems, or energy
improve customer service. But we also know that ter-
management systems represents a potential pathway
rorists can exploit the weaknesses of centralized con-
into the business operations of the company and a
trol. Therefore, smaller, local systems would seem to
threat to the larger transmission grid.
be the system configuration of choice. In fact, strength
Interdependency analyses done by most companies
and resilience in the face of attack will increasingly
in the last 14 years (e.g., in preparation for Y2K and
require the ability to bridge simultaneous top-down
after the events of 9/11) have identified these pathways
and bottom-up decision making in real time.
and the system’s vulnerability to their failures. Thus

Increasing Complexity that individual utilities are already taking prudent steps
System integration helps move power more effi- to improve their physical security, technology can help
ciently over long distances and provides redundancy by increasing the inherent resilience and flexibility of
to ensure reliable service, but it also makes the system power systems to withstand terrorist attacks, as well as
more complex and harder to operate. We will need new natural disasters.
mathematical approaches to simplify the operation of As part of our ongoing research at the University
complex power systems and make them more robust in of Minnesota, we are designing and assessing control
the face of natural or manmade interruptions. architectures that will enable the power grid to respond
quickly to natural and intentional attacks on its cyber-
Dependence on Internet Communications physical infrastructure. We are developing models
Today’s power systems could not operate without using various software packages to simulate their effects
tightly knit communications capabilities—ranging on system operations. Control architectures are evalu-
from high-speed data transfer among control centers ated by simulations and testing on a microgrid, com-
to the interpretation of intermittent signals from bined with a cost-benefit analysis of options, designs,
remote sensors. However, because of the vulnerabil- and policies.
ity of Internet-linked communications, protecting the In 2008, we launched a new interdisciplinary Master
electricity supply system will require new technology to of Science in Security Technologies (MSST) Program
improve the security of power-system command, con- that draws on systems risk analysis, engineering, emerg-
trol, and communications, including both hardware ing technologies, economics, human factors, law, food
and software. and bio-safety, and public health and policy to teach
and investigate security technologies to meet growing
Investments in Security demand in government and industry.
Although hardening some key components, such as The electric power grid includes the entire appara-
power plants and critical substations, is highly desir- tus of wires and machines that connects the sources of
able, providing comprehensive physical protection for electricity, power plants, and customers. The operation
all components is simply not feasible or economical. of a modern power system depends on complex systems
Dynamic, probabilistic risk assessments have provided of sensors and automated and manual controls, all of
strategic guidance on allocating security resources to the which are linked through communication systems.
greatest advantage. Therefore, compromising the operation of sensors or
communication and control systems by spoofing, jam-
ming, or sending improper commands could disrupt the
entire system, cause blackouts, and in some cases result
Despite increasing in physical damage to key system components. That
automation, human operators is why the increasing frequency of hacking and cyber
attacks is of great concern.
ultimately make the decisions Many elements of the distributed control systems
used in power systems are also used in process control in
that control operations. manufacturing, chemical process controls and refiner-
ies, transportation, and other critical infrastructure sec-
tors, which are vulnerable to similar modes of attack.
Fortunately, the same core technologies that were Dozens of communication and cyber security intrusions
developed to address the vulnerabilities of other sys- and penetration red-team attacks have revealed a vari-
tems can also strategically improve electrical system ety of cyber vulnerabilities, such as unauthorized access,
security. These technologies were developed for open penetration, or hijacking of control.
access, exponential growth in power transactions and Despite increasing automation, human operators in
to ensure the reliability necessary for an increasingly system control centers ultimately make decisions and
digital society. take actions to control operations. Thus, in addition to
However, the electricity infrastructure will also require physical threats and threats to the communication links
power-system-specific advanced technology. Assuming that flow in and out of control centers, we must also
Spring 2010 17

ensure (1) the reliability of operators of control centers impacts on the overall network and allow some areas to
and (2) that insecure code has not been added to a pro- maintain service.
gram in a control center computer. Local controllers guide their islands to operate inde-
Since humans interact with the infrastructure as pendently while preparing them to rejoin the network,
managers, operators, and users, human performance without creating unacceptable local conditions either
plays an important role in their efficiency and security. during or after the restoration. A network of local con-
In many complex networks, the human participants trollers acting as a parallel, distributed computer and
themselves are both the most susceptible to failure communicating via microwaves, optical cables, or the
and the most adaptable in the management of recov- power lines per se, can limit messages to information
ery. Modeling and simulating these networks, espe- necessary to achieving global optimization and facilitat-
cially their dynamic security, will require modeling the ing recovery after a failure.
“insider threat” and the bounded rationality of actual
human thinking.
Threats from “insiders,” as well as the risk of a “Trojan
horse” embedded in the software of one of more con- On any given day,
trol center computers, can only be addressed by care-
ful security measures on the part of commercial firms
500,000 customers in the
that develop and supply software, embedded chips, and United States are without
devices, and by security screening of utility and outside
service personnel who perform software and hardware power for at least two hours.
Another problem today is that security patches are
sometimes not supplied to end-users, or they are sup- Advanced technology now under development or
plied but are not applied for fear of impacting system under consideration could meet the electricity needs
performance. Current practice is to apply an upgrade/ of a robust digital economy. An architecture for this
patch only after SCADA vendors have thoroughly new technology framework is evolving through early
tested and validated it, which can sometimes take sev- research on concepts and enabling platforms to provide
eral months. an integrated, self-healing, electronically controlled
It is important to remember that the key elements electricity supply system that is extremely resilient
and principles of operation for interconnected power and capable of responding in real time to the billions
systems were established in the 1960s prior to the emer- of decisions made by consumers and their increasingly
gence of extensive computer and communication net- sophisticated agents. We could potentially create an
works. Even though computation is heavily used in all electricity system with the same efficiency, precision,
levels of the power network today (e.g., for planning and and interconnectivity as the billions of microprocessors
optimization, local control of equipment, processing of it will power.
field data), coordination across the network happens at
a slower pace. Some coordination is under computer Long-Term Research
control, but much of it is still based on telephone calls The goals of our long-term research are to further our
between system operators at utility control centers— understanding of adaptive, self-healing, self-organizing
even or especially!—during emergencies. mechanisms that can be applied to the development
of secure, resilient, robust overlaid/integrated energy,
Responses to System Failures power, sensing, communication, and control net-
If a large electric network is threatened with a cascad- works. Recent advances have been made in complex
ing, widespread failure, it is highly desirable that it break dynamic systems; bio-inspired defense systems; adaptive
into self-sustaining “islands” that can balance genera- and layered security systems; the design of self-healing
tion with demand. With distributed intelligence and networks; self/non-self recognition; immunology mod-
components acting as independent agents, each island els; trade-offs between optimization and robustness;
has the ability to reorganize itself and make efficient dynamic risk assessment; and the stability of large-scale
use of its remaining local resources to minimize adverse complex networks.

Costs and Benefits of a Secure Electricity stakeholders, who tend to limit R&D investments to
Infrastructure those with immediate applications and short-term finan-
The serious technological challenge facing us is to cial returns. Investor-owned utilities are also under pres-
enable secure, very high-confidence sensing, communi- sure from Wall Street to increase dividends. In truth,
cation, and control of a heterogeneous, widely dispersed, they have little incentive to invest in the longer term.
globally interconnected system. The problem is even A balanced, cost-effective approach to investments
more complex than it appears, because we also have to and to the use of technology could substantially miti-
ensure optimal efficiency and maximum benefit to con- gate the risk of investing in R&D. Electricity shall
sumers without infringing on the rights of all business prevail at the level of quality, efficiency, and reliabil-
components to compete fairly and freely. ity that customers demand and are willing to pay for.
In the past 25 years, grid congestion and atypical On the one hand, the question is who provides the
power flows have been increasing, even as customer electricity. On the other hand, achieving grid perfor-
expectations of reliability and cyber-physical security mance, security, and reliability should not be consid-
have been rising. A major outage (i.e., an outage that ered a cost burden to taxpayers but a profitable national
affects 7 million customers or more) occurs about once investment, because the payback will be three to seven
every decade and costs more than $2 billion. Smaller times the money invested, and it will begin with the
disturbances, which are commonplace, have very high completion of the first sequence of grid improvements
costs for customers and for society as a whole. On any (EPRI, 2005).
given day, 500,000 customers are without power for two The question is not who invests money, because that
hours or more in the United States. Annual losses to the will ultimately be the public. The question is whether
U.S. economy from power outages and disturbances total the money will be invested through taxes or raised
$75 billion to $180 billion (Amin and Schewe, 2007). through consumer payments for electricity usage.
Compare that to the cost of the programs described Considering the importance and “clout” of regula-
above, about $170 million to $200 million per year for tory agencies, they should be able to induce electricity
R&D and about $400 million per year for more than a producers to plan and fund the process. In my view,
decade of fielding, testing, and integrating new technol- this may be the most efficient way to get us moving
ogy into the system, with savings of 5- to 7-fold in the on the grid.
prevention and mitigation of disturbances (Amin and The absence of a coordinated national decision-
Schewe, 2007). making body is a major obstacle. States’ rights and
Several reports and studies have estimated that a sus- state regulators of publicly owned utilities have
tained annual investment of $10 billion to $13 billion removed the incentive for supporting a national plan.
will be required for existing technologies to evolve and Thus investor-owned utilities will face either collabo-
for innovative technologies to be realized (e.g., NRC, ration on a national level or the forced nationalization
2009). However, the current level of R&D funding of the industry.
in the electric industry is at an all-time low. In fact, Given the economic, social, and quality-of-life issues
investment rates for the electricity sector are the lowest and increasing interdependencies among infrastruc-
of any major industrial sector, with the exception of the tures, the key question before us is whether the elec-
pulp and paper industry. The electricity sector invests, tricity infrastructure will evolve to become the primary
at most, a few tenths of 1 percent of sales in R&D (0.3 support for the 21st century digital society—a smart grid
percent of revenues for 1995–2000 and 0.17 percent for with self-healing capabilities—or will be left behind as
2001–2006), whereas the electronics and pharmaceuti- a 20th century industrial relic!
cal sectors invest 8 to 12 percent of net sales in R&D
(Amin and Schewe, 2007).
Even though all industry sectors depend on reliable Cyber systems are the “weakest link” in the electric-
electricity, our energy systems are clearly underfunded. ity system. Although vulnerability to attacks has been
For utilities, funding and sustaining innovations, such reduced, much remains to be done. Technology and
as the smart, self-healing grid, remain a challenge threats are both evolving quickly, which adds complexity
because they must satisfy many competing demands on to the current cyber-physical system; in addition, there is
precious resources while trying to be responsive to their often a lack of training and awareness by organizations
Spring 2010 19

(e.g., forgetting/ignoring the human factor in the equa- Metering Infrastructure. Pp. 1–5 in IEEE T&D Confer-
tion). Installing modern communications and control ence, April 2008.
equipment (elements of the smart grid) can help, but Darby J., J. Phelan, P. Sholander, B. Smith, A. Walter, and G.
security must be designed into the system from the start, Wyss. 2006. Evidence-Based Techniques for Evaluating
not glued on as an afterthought. Cyber Protection Systems for Critical Infrastructure. Pp.
1–10 in IEEE Military Communications Conference. DOI
Acknowledgments 10.1109/MILCOM.2006.302504. New York: IEEE.
Support from the National Science Foundation and DOE (Department of Energy). 2002. Vulnerability Assess-
Electric Power Research Institute for research by Ph.D. ment Methodology: Electric Power Infrastructure.
students is gratefully acknowledged. September. Available online at
References EPRI (Electric Power Research Institute). 2000a. Communi-
Albert, R., I. Albert, and G. Nakarado. 2004. “Structural Vul- cation Security Assessment for the United States Electric
nerability of the North American Power Grid,” Physical Utility Infrastructure. Palo Alto, Calif.: EPRI.
Review E, 69, 023103(R). EPRI. 2000b. Information Security Primer for the Power
Amin, M. 2002a. Security Challenges for the Electricity Industry. Palo Alto, Calif.: EPRI.
Infrastructure. Special issue of the IEEE Computer Maga- EPRI. 2001. Electricity Infrastructure Security Assessment,
zine on Security and Privacy, April. Vol. I-II. Palo Alto, Calif.: EPRI.
Amin, M. 2002b. Special issues of IEEE Control Systems EPRI. 2002. Security Vulnerability Self-Assessment Guide-
Magazine on Control of Complex Networks 21(6) and lines for the Electric Power Industry. Palo Alto, Calif.:
22(1). EPRI.
Amin, M. 2003. North American electricity infrastructure: EPRI. 2003. Infrastructure Security Initiative (ISI): Promot-
are we ready for more perfect storms? IEEE Security and ing Security for the Electric Power Grid. Palo Alto, Calif.:
Privacy 1(5): 19 –25. EPRI.
Amin, M. 2005a. Powering the 21st century: we can—and EPRI. 2004. Complex Interactive Networks/Systems Ini-
must—modernize the grid. IEEE Power and Energy Maga- tiative (CIN/SI): Final Summary Report. Overview and
zine (March/April): 93 –95. Summary Final Report for Joint EPRI/U.S. Department of
Amin, M. (guest editor). 2005b. Special issue of IEEE Secu- Defense University Research Initiative, 155 pp. Palo Alto,
rity & Privacy Magazine on Infrastructure Security 3(3). Calif.: EPRI.
Amin, M. (guest editor). 2005c. Special Issue of Proceed- EPRI. 2005. Strategic Insights into Security, Quality, Reli-
ings of the IEEE on Energy Infrastructure Defense Systems ability, and Availability. EPRI Report 1008566, 128 pp.
93(5): 855 –1059. Palo Alto, Calif.: EPRI.
Amin, M. 2007. Electricity Infrastructure Security. Pp. 9-41 Ericsson, G.N. 2009. Information security for electric power
to 9-57 in CRC Handbook of Energy Conservation and utilities (EPUs)-CIGRE developments on frameworks, risk
Renewable Energy, edited by Y.D. Goswami and F. Kreith. assessment, and technology. IEEE Transactions on Power
New York: CRC Press. Delivery 24(3): 1174 –1181.
Amin, M. 2010a. Countermeasures: Robustness, Resilience, Kropp, T. 2006. System threats and vulnerabilities. IEEE
and Security. In Wiley Handbook of Science and Technol- Power & Energy Magazine 4(2): 46 –50.
ogy for Homeland Security. New York: Wiley and Sons. NRC (National Research Council). 2009. America’s Energy
Forthcoming. Future: Technology and Transformation. Washington,
Amin, M. 2010b. Self-healing, Resilient, Robust and Smart D.C.: National Academies Press.
Infrastructure Systems. In Handbook of Science and Tech- OTA (Office of Technology Assessment). 1990. Physical
nology for Homeland Security. New York: Wiley and Sons. Vulnerability of the Electric System to Natural Disasters
Forthcoming. and Sabotage. OTA-E-453. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Gov-
Amin, M., and P. Schewe. 2007. Preventing blackouts. Sci- ernment Printing Office.
entific American (May): 60 – 67. Sandia National Laboratory. 2003. Common Vulnerabilities
Clemente, J. 2009. The security vulnerabilities of smart grid. in Critical Infrastructure Control Systems. Albuquerque,
Journal of Energy Security (June): 3. N.M.: Sandia National Laboratory.
Cleveland, F. 2008. Cyber Security Issues for Advanced Schainker, R., J. Douglas, and T. Kropp. 2006. Electric utility

responses to grid security issues. IEEE Power and Energy Helman, P., G. Liepins, and W. Richards. 1992. Foundations
Magazine 4(2): 30 –37. of Intrusion Detection. Pp. 114 –120 in Computer Secu-
Ten, C.-W., C.-C. Liu, and G. Manimaran. 2008. Vulnerabil- rity Foundations Workshop V, Franconia, New Hampshire,
ity assessment of cybersecurity for SCADA systems. IEEE June 16–19, 1992. New York: IEEE.
Transactions on Power Systems 23(4): 1836 –1846. Kotenko, I.V. 2007. Multi-agent modelling and simulation
of cyber-attacks and cyber-defense for homeland security.
Additional Readings Pp. 614 –619 in IEEE International Workshop on Intelli-
Amin, M. 2000. National Infrastructures as Complex Inte- gent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems:
ractive Networks. Pp. 263–286 in Automation, Control, Technology and Applications, Dortmund, Germany. New
and Complexity: An Integrated Approach, edited by York: IEEE.
T. Samad and J. Weyrauch. New York: John Wiley and McDaniel, P., and S. McLaughlin. 2009. Security and privacy
Sons Ltd. challenges in the smart grid. IEEE Security and Privacy
Amin, M. 2008. For the good of the grid: toward increased 7(3): 75 –77.
efficiencies and integration of renewable resources for NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology).
future electric power networks. IEEE Power & Energy 6(6): 2010. Smart Grid Cyber Security Strategy and Require-
48 –59. ments, The Smart Grid Interoperability Panel–Cyber
Deconinck, G. 2008. An Evaluation of Two-Way Commu- Security Working Group, DRAFT NISTIR 7628, Feb-
nication Means for Advanced Metering in Flanders (Bel- ruary 2010. Available online at http://collaborate.nist.
gium). Pp. 900–905 in IEEE International Instrumentation gov/twiki-sggrid/pub/SmartGrid/NISTIR7628Feb2010/
and Measurement Technology Conference Proceedings, draft-nistir-7628_2nd-public-draft.pdf.
Victoria, Canada, May 12–15, 2008. New York: IEEE. Sommestad, T., M. Ekstedt, and P. Johnson. 2009. Cyber
Defense Science Board. 2008. Report of the Defense Sci- Security Risks Assessment with Bayesian Defense Graphs
ence Board Task Force on DOD Energy Strategy: “More and Architectural Models. Pp. 1–20 in 42nd Hawaii Inter-
Fight—Less Fuel.” Available online at http://www.acq.osd. national Conference on System Sciences. New York:
mil/dsb/reports/ADA477619.pdf. IEEE.
FERC (Federal Energy Regulatory Commission). 2009. Ten, C.-W., M. Govindarasu, and C.-C. Liu. 2007. Cyber­
Smart Grid Policy. Federal Energy Regulatory Commis- security for Electric Power Control and Automation Sys-
sion, Policy Statement Docket No. PL09-4-000, July tems. Pp. 29 –34 in IEEE International Conference on
2009. Available online at Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Montreal, 2007. New
comm-meet/2009/071609/E-3.pdf. York: IEEE.
GAO (U.S. Government Accountability Office). 2004. Ye, N., Y. Zhang, and C.M. Borror. 2004. Robustness of the
Critical Infrastructure Protection Challenges and Efforts Markov-chain model for cyber-attack detection. IEEE
to Secure Control Systems. Washington, D.C.: GAO. Transactions on Reliability 53(1): 116 –123.
The electricity network of the future will combine
power systems, telecommunications, the Internet, and
electronic commerce.

New Products and Services for

the Electric Power Industry

Clark W. Gellings

Meeting the nation’s future needs for low-carbon electricity in a secure,

reliable, and environmentally friendly way will require integrating large,
low-carbon, central-station generation with local energy networks, electric
transportation, and smart grids. To realize this integration, new products and
services will be needed to govern interactions among buildings, local energy
networks, distribution systems, and the bulk power system, all components
Clark W. Gellings is a fellow at the
of the overall energy system that must function harmoniously to minimize
Electric Power Research Institute environmental impacts, ensure system reliability and security, and optimize
(EPRI) in Palo Alto, California. energy use and economic impact. Research is underway on ElectriNetSM,
a high-level enabling architecture for monitoring, analyzing, controlling,
and otherwise accommodating and taking advantage of the synergy of these

ElectriNetSM, the electricity network of the future, will be a highly inter-
connected, complex, interactive network of power systems, telecommuni-
cations, the Internet, and electronic commerce. ElectriNet will facilitate
competitive electricity markets by supporting a myriad of informational,
financial, and physical transactions among traditional utilities, independent
power producers, third-party providers of electric energy services, consumers,
and new participants in the electricity value chain.

The ElectriNet architecture will encourage and providers and energy users, of a power-delivery system
accelerate the development of new products and ser- that includes the two-way communications capabilities
vices—especially “hyper-efficient” end uses, electric of a smart grid. For example, meters with two-way com-
transportation, and dynamic energy management (see munications provide consumers with feedback about
Figure 1). ElectriNet will have four components (Gell- the cost of power, which changes with the time of day,
ings and Zhang, forthcoming): thus encouraging them to reduce consumption during
peak hours. With load-control technology in place, the
• smart grid
consumer or the utility can remotely adjust thermostats
• local energy networks to maximize savings.
The critical technological building blocks for improv-
• low-carbon, central-station power generation
ing the energy efficiency of the power-delivery system
• electric transportation are (1) advanced communications and metering systems
and (2) smart end-use devices, both of which require a
Smart Grid smart-grid architecture.
The existing North American power grid was
designed and built primarily in the 1950s. This aging Local Energy Networks
system, although largely reliable in the past, is inefficient Another key component of ElectriNet will be
today and incapable of fully accommodating advances in local energy networks that include a combination
technology that will save energy, reduce greenhouse gas of wholesale and retail power systems integrated
emissions, and contain energy costs. To meet growing with distributed-generation power sources (e.g., solar
demands more efficiently
and pave the way for hyper-
efficient and smart energy
devices, many elements of
the transmission and distri-
bution system will have to
be substantially changed.
The new grid will intelli-
gently connect all elements
in the power-delivery net-
work through a smart grid,
a key component of which
will be advanced electricity
meters that can communi-
cate with the distribution
network. As a first step
toward a nationwide smart
grid, some local utilities
have already installed tens
of thousands of advanced
meters in the United States,
thus initiating two-way
communications with all
parts of local and regional
power grids.
These initial advanced-
metering infrastructure
projects have demonstrated
the benefit, to both energy FIGURE 1 Components of the ElectriNetSM infrastructure.
Spring 2010 23

panels), local energy storage, and integrated demand- low-cost, off-peak electricity to drive compressors that
response functions at the building, neighborhood, cam- charge a (typically underground) storage reservoir at
pus, or community level. The local energy network night. Then, during the day, when electricity prices are
will facilitate the functionality of ElectriNet. much higher, air is discharged from the reservoir into
The overall goal of ElectriNet is to enable the a fuel-fired expansion turbine connected to an electric
operation of a power system with the following generator. CAES can be significantly more cost effec-
characteristics: tive and emit less CO2 than their conventional, fossil-
fueled counterparts, especially if off-peak renewable or
• smart, self-sensing, secure, self-correcting, self-
nuclear energy is used to charge the reservoir.
healing capabilities
• uninterrupted service, even in the event of failure of
an individual component Products to support an
• a focus on regional, area-specific needs intelligent power-delivery
• reasonable cost, using minimal resources and with
minimal environmental impact, to fully satisfy con-
system are either already
sumer needs here or in development.
• improvement in quality of life and economic
productivity Electric Transportation
• reduction in carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions Most industry analysts agree that there will be a large
number of electric vehicles on U.S. roadways—the only
Local energy networks will enable dynamic energy
question is when. Because transportation plays such a
management, a far-reaching strategy for remotely
significant part in energy consumption, electric trans-
controlling all equipment on the distribution system,
portation—electric vehicles and plug-in hybrid electric
including the use of electricity on consumers’ premises.
vehicles (PHEVs)—will be a major supporting technol-
New products and new product development to sup-
ogy in the ElectriNet infrastructure. As PHEVs begin to
port an intelligent power-delivery system—the smart
proliferate, the availability of both distributed, control-
grid and local energy networks—are either here or are
lable electricity loads and electricity storage can have a
evolving rapidly.
profound impact on electrical systems.
Low-Carbon, Central-Station Power Generation An infrastructure of plug-in stations, intelligently
managed via two-way communications, can provide
Another component of ElectriNet is low-carbon,
off-peak power for recharging vehicles at the most cost-
central-station power generation of solar, wind, and
effective time of day. The vehicle meter will “shake
nuclear power. We will need a wide variety of genera-
hands” with a network-connected “socket” to identify,
tion options to accommodate the economic and envi-
locate, and provide vehicle and billing information.
ronmental uncertainties of the future.
When PHEVs and electric vehicles are not being used,
Solar and wind power generation, which do not have
the power stored in their batteries could be sold to the
constant output, present added challenges to the power
local energy network.
system. Because wind doesn’t blow steadily and the sun
doesn’t shine with the same intensity at each hour of the Consumer Portal
day, we will need energy storage devices, such as pumped
The consumer portal, the interface between consum-
storage (hydroelectric systems that can be pumped up at
ers and elements of the ElectriNet infrastructure, is a
night and discharged during the day) and compressed air
technology that will enable the full development and
stored in underground caverns for future use, to power
implementation of a wide variety of new, advanced-
generators and banks of batteries. These storage devices
energy services for consumers. Depending on the need
can “smooth” the energy output of variable renewable
and application, a consumer portal can help manage
energy sources, such as wind and solar power.
peak loads, optimize energy efficiency or performance,
The most viable option for large-scale storage is
and increase cost effectiveness (Gellings et al., 2004).
compressed-air energy storage (CAES), which uses

Consumer portals will enable two-way communication Dynamic Energy Management

between intelligent equipment and networks in consumer Once the ElectriNet architecture is in place and the
facilities and remote systems throughout the smart grid. consumer portal begins to evolve, consumers will begin
These portals will integrate and interface elements of an to enjoy the benefits of dynamic energy management
integrated energy and communication system and pro- (DEM), an innovative approach by consumers and elec-
vide suppliers with better information on how consum- tricity suppliers to managing electricity demand and
ers use electricity at any point in time. The portal will usage. DEM will incorporate conventional energy-use
enable communications between energy-management management principles, such as demand-side manage-
systems and end-use subsystems and equipment. ment, demand response, and distributed-energy resource
The electric meter is a logical choice for the location programs, and merge them into an integrated framework
of the consumer portal, but it is not the only option. A that simultaneously addresses permanent energy savings,
portal could be located in a home or business PC, a cable permanent reductions in demand, and temporary reduc-
set-top box, a gas or water meter, a dedicated device, a tions in peak loads.
telephone, or another device. In fact, a portal does not DEM will be a system comprised of smart end-use
even have to be in one location; it could be a logical devices and distributed energy resources integrated with
construct assembled of numerous software and hardware highly advanced controls and communications capa-
entities distributed throughout a home or factory. bilities that enable dynamic management of the sys-
Portals have many potential benefits. Most important, tem as a whole. The simultaneous implementation of
the implementation of supply- and demand-responsive these measures will distinguish DEM from conventional
pricing for electricity, for instance, could save consum- energy-use management and will eliminate the inherent
ers billions of dollars. At present, real-time pricing is inefficiencies of a piecemeal strategy. DEM offers a so-
not feasible because there are no real-time communica- called “no-regrets” alternative to program implement-
tions among energy users and electric utilities. With ers by ensuring that future system modifications will be
consumer portal technology, however, real-time com- immediately compatible with legacy systems in a kind of
munication would become commonplace. “plug-and-play” scheme (EPRI, 2008).
In addition, power quality could be improved to The DEM concept is based on four building blocks
minimize equipment failures and power disturbances. (see Figure 2):
Greater energy efficiency could be achieved by coor-
dinating individual consumer programs with grid-wide • smart, energy-efficient, end-use devices
operations. Daily load peaks could be leveled, thereby • distributed resources
minimizing the need for constructing new power plants
and power lines. Additional services are also expected • advanced whole-building control systems
to be developed, such as automatic equipment moni- • integrated communications architecture
toring and management
(upgrading, diagnosing, or
controlling equipment via
the portal), tamper/theft
detection, multi-utility ser-
vices (water, gas, electricity,
cable, etc.), and intrusion
or damage alerts.
Overall, the communica-
tions integration provided
by the consumer portal will
enable the power of exist-
ing intelligent controls and
computer technology to be
used for the benefit of the
entire grid. FIGURE 2 Building blocks of dynamic energy management. Source: EPRI, 2008.
Spring 2010 25

These components will

build upon each other and
interact with each other
to enable a dynamic, fully
integrated, highly energy
efficient, automated, and
learning-capable infrastruc-
ture. The four building
blocks will work in unison
to optimize the operation of
the integrated system based
on consumer requirements,
utility constraints, avail-
able incentives, and other
variables such as weather
and building occupancy.
Figure 3 shows DEM
infrastructure applied to
a generic building. In this FIGURE 3 The dynamic energy management infrastructure applied to a generic building. Source: EPRI, 2008.
example, there are two-way
communications via the Internet as well as via the demand signals and provide two-way communication.
power line. The building is equipped with smart, energy- In both nonresidential and residential buildings, a host
efficient end-use devices, an energy-management system, of intelligent controls and communication protocols
automated controls with data-management capabil­ provide automated operation of lighting and informa-
ities, and distributed energy resources such as solar tion and entertainment systems, as well as mechanical,
photovoltaics, wind turbines, and other on-site gen- security, and ventilation systems. Smart home automa-
eration and storage systems. PHEVs at the building tion systems that control lighting, comfort, and enter-
provide a clean transportation option for consumers tainment systems are based on wireless radio frequency
and a distributed storage device for use by utilities and and Zigbee protocols.
system operators.
Energy-efficient devices, controls, and demand- Hyper-Efficient Appliances
response strategies coupled with on-site energy sources The easiest and most cost-effective way to meet future
serve as an additional energy resource for the local util- consumer demand for electricity is to invest in reducing
ity. All of these elements not only contribute to the demand. Investments in improving end-use energy effi-
utility’s supply side by reducing building demand, but ciency, either by codes and standards, regulatory policy,
the distributed energy resources also feed excess power or encouragement of consumers to use the best available
back to the grid. energy-efficient technologies, can provide substantial
To achieve effective DEM, a variety of R&D is under- returns to consumers, society, and utilities.
way to provide smarter devices and appliances and dis- For a number of reasons, manufacturers of electri-
tributed resources. The following are the main enabling cal appliances and devices in Japan, Korea, and Europe
technologies for a DEM infrastructure. have outpaced U.S. manufacturers in developing
high-efficiency electric end-use technologies. Current
Smart End-Use Devices R&D in the United States demonstrating these “hyper-
Smart devices will have embedded intelligence that efficient” technologies may lay the groundwork for their
can adjust operation of the device within parameters commercialization in the United States, which could
set by the end user. Many smart devices are already lead to a reduction of more than 10 percent in consumer
in operation, and more are on the horizon. Digitally demand and consumption (EPRI, 2009a).
addressable ballasts (e.g., digital addressable lighting Collectively, these technologies have the potential
interface), can dim lighting fixtures in response to peak to reduce electricity consumption in residential and

commercial applications by as much as 40 percent for solar power, which differentiates these two energy
each application. Thus hyper-efficient appliances rep- sources from other renewable resources. Through the
resent the single biggest opportunity for meeting con- ElectriNet, DEM will make the integration of variable
sumer demand for electricity (EPRI, 2009a). energy sources into the power grid more feasible.
Energy-saving technologies include variable refrig-
Distributed Storage Systems. Distributed storage devices
erant flow air conditioning, heat-pump water heating,
can also help mitigate the variability of some renew-
ductless residential heat pumps and air conditioning,
able resources. Distributed storage includes personal
hyper-efficient residential appliances, energy efficiency
electric transportation and a variety of electric-energy
for data centers, and light-emitting diode (LED) street
storage systems (e.g., battery systems and uninterruptible
and area lighting.
power-supply systems primarily designed to improve
power quality and reliability), thermal-energy storage,
and ice storage systems in buildings.
Demand response has a Building Control Systems
small impact on cumulative Highly advanced controls and communications capa-
bilities will enable DEM not only at the building level,
energy reduction, but a large but also at the neighborhood, business park, city, area,
impact on system economics and regional level. For example, at the building level, a
hierarchical control system can manage distributed gen-
and reliability. eration and storage devices, as well as smart appliances
and other systems in the building.
Inputs to the control system may include user settings
Distributed Resources or preferences, utility time-based prices, weather data
and forecasts, the status of smart appliances, the status
An intelligent, nationwide ElectriNet can seamlessly
of generation and storage devices, and others. Based
link disparate and distant sources of power generation
on these inputs, control algorithms will initiate control
and power consumption, including renewable genera-
functions for building systems, appliances, generation
tion sources, distributed storage systems, and electric
devices, and storage devices to reduce energy costs and
transportation. As a part of this DEM, the system
CO2 emissions.
can incorporate widely distributed and local sources
of both stored and generated power for use through- Integrated Communications Architecture
out the nationwide grid. In fact, R&D is under way
A critical element in the functionality of tomorrow’s
to lower the cost of local power generation by incor-
power system will be the development of a communi-
porating solar and wind power-generation products for
cations architecture overlaid on today’s transmission
individual businesses and residences into the overall
and distribution system. This integrated architecture
system (Key, 2009).
must be an open-standards-based systems architecture
Distributed Renewable Power Generation. Renewable for data communications and distributed computing.
energy resources, such as solar and wind energy, have Elements in the architecture must include: data storage
a number of favorable characteristics: they are clean; and networking, communications over a wide variety of
their supply is not depleted over time; and they are—at physical media, and computing technologies embedded
least from a fuel standpoint—free. In response to high in devices (Gellings, 2004).
global demand resulting from government mandates for
renewable energy, wind and solar PV power generation Demand-Response Capability
are growing by 20 to 30 percent a year worldwide. A key feature of DEM is demand response—rational-
Nevertheless, integrating large-scale renewable ization of the pattern and amount of electricity use based
power, particularly wind and solar energy, into the on the wholesale electricity market—for the purpose
electric power infrastructure presents significant of reducing electricity prices and increasing available
challenges. The major issue is the inherent variabil- capacity. Demand response, which shifts the pattern of
ity (often referred to as intermittency) of wind and loading, is critically underused in the United States.
Spring 2010 27

Demand response has only a small impact on cumula- planners, policy makers, and other electricity industry
tive energy reduction, but it can have a large impact on stakeholders (EPRI, 2009b).
improving system economics and reliability. In addi- Research has shown that many end-use applications of
tion, demand response capability will become strategi- electricity can provide energy services much more effec-
cally more important as carbon constraints and the cost tively than other technologies, such as those powered by
of energy create more serious economic challenges to natural gas. In fact, they are so effective that they can
energy companies and consumers. offset CO2 emissions from electricity production.
Demand response programs have the capability of According to the Energy Information Administra-
reducing peak demand by 5 percent thereby reducing tion (EIA) Annual Energy Outlook 2008, total annual
the need for generation capacity. In addition, studies energy consumption in the United States for the resi-
have shown that these systems also reduce overall energy dential, commercial, industrial, and transportation sec-
consumption (e.g., King and Delurey, 2005.) tors is estimated at 102.3 quadrillion Btus (“Quads”).
Demand response will be enabled by “dynamic sys- EIA’s reference case forecasts that this consumption will
tems,” that is, networked, smart, end-use devices that increase by 15.3 to 118 Quads by 2030 (EIA, 2008).
interact with the marketplace for electricity and other Recent research has identified 1.71 to 5.32 Quads
consumer-based services. Market interactions include per year of energy savings by 2030 as the result of
either sending direct “prices to devices”SM or making expanded end-use applications of electricity. In addi-
price signals available to information-technology and tion, CO2 emissions could potentially be reduced by
consumer-electronic devices. 114 to 320 million metric tons per year by 2030—of
Demand response programs and systems may total projected emissions of 6,850 million metric tons
have a substantial impact on system reliability, cus- (EPRI, 2009b).
tomer value, energy savings, and CO 2 emissions
(Chuang and Gellings, 2007; EPRI, 2006). However, Summary
there is very little in the way of demand response The Electric Power Research Institute is heavily
in the field today. To support it, we will need one involved in supporting the research described in this
or more of the following: a communications infra- paper, including research on hyper-efficient appliances
structure, innovative markets, innovative regulation and the development of the consumer portal. Local
and rates, or smart “demand-response-ready” end- and regional utilities have already made great progress
use devices. Current R&D is focused on creating an in deploying the first elements of the smart grid that
environment in which consumers can purchase end- will be essential for next-generation smart devices. In
use devices that are demand-response-ready, either addition, innovative companies are delivering a host of
directly or through embedded information technol- products that will be integrated into the smart grid.
ogy in those devices. Low-carbon, central-station power generation, local
energy networks, the smart grid, and the widespread
Beneficial Uses of Electricity adoption of electric transportation will be the main ele-
Electricity use is generally considered a contributing ments of ElectriNet, an intelligent, end-to-end energy
factor to net CO2 emissions. In response to growing platform that will enable DEM. When fully deployed,
concerns about greenhouse gas emissions, R&D and this infrastructure will support more intelligent devices,
other resources are being directed toward low-carbon deliver more efficient energy use, and enable a signifi-
power-generation technologies. cant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. Forthcom-
Recent R&D has revealed that expanding end-use ing products and services will not only improve the
applications of electricity could save energy and reduce economy and raise living standards. They will also pro-
CO2 emissions. The focus of this research is on con- tect the environment.
verting residential, commercial, and industrial equip-
ment and processes—existing or anticipated—from References
traditional fossil-fueled technologies to more efficient Chuang, A., and C. Gellings. 2007. Demand-side Integration
electric technologies. A key objective is to inform esti- for Customer Choice through Variable Service Subscrip-
mates of the impacts of fuel-conversion programs being tion. Pp. 1–7 in Proceedings of Power & Energy Society
developed by utilities, electric system operators and General Meeting 2009. New York: IEEE.

EIA (Energy Information Administration). 2008. U.S. Gellings, C. 2004. A consumer portal at the junction of
Department of Energy, Energy Information Administra- electricity, communications, and consumer energy services.
tion Annual Energy Outlook 2008. Available online at The Electricity Journal 17(9): 78 – 84. Gellings, C., M. Samotyj, and B. Howe. 2004. The future’s
EPRI (Electric Power Research Institute). 2006. Advancing smart delivery system—meeting the demands for high
the Efficiency of Electricity Utilization: “Prices to Devic- security, quality, reliability, and availability. IEEE Power &
esSM.” Background Paper, 2006 EPRI Summer Seminar. Energy Magazine 2(5): 40 – 48.
Palo Alto, Calif.: EPRI. Gellings, C., and P. Zhang. Forthcoming. The ElectriNetSM
EPRI. 2008. Dynamic Energy Management. Kelly E. Par- concept. Electra. Paris: CIGRE.
menter, Patricia Hurtado, Greg Wikler, Clark W. Gellings. Key, T. 2009. Finding a bright spot: utility experience, chal-
TR-1016986. Palo Alto, Calif.: EPRI. lenges, and opportunities in photovoltaic power. IEEE
EPRI. 2009a. Hyper Efficient Appliances. Clark W. Gell- Power and Energy Magazine 7(3): 34 – 44.
ings and Marek Samotyj. TR-1018759. Palo Alto, Calif.: King, C., and D. Delurey. 2005. Twins, Siblings, or Cous-
EPRI. ins—Analyzing the Conservation Effects of Demand
EPRI. 2009b. The Potential to Reduce CO2 Emissions by Response Programs. Public Utilities Fortnightly. March.
Expanding End-Use Applications of Electricity. Execu- Available online at
tive Summary. TR-1018906. March. Palo Alto, Calif.: demand_response.htm.
The United States may finally be moving toward
greater energy independence.

Energy Independence
Can the U.S. Finally Get It Right?

John F. Caskey

Many Americans had not thought much about “energy independence”

until the Arab Oil embargo of 1973 caused significant increases in gasoline
prices and shortages in supply. Long lines at gas stations were a “wake up
call” to people who suddenly had to plan family trips around the availability
of gasoline. Fortunately the Carter administration got involved and prom-
ised to reduce our dependence on foreign oil by increasing fuel efficiency
John F. Caskey is senior industry
and reducing energy consumption. In 1977, the president, wearing a warm
director at the National Elec­ sweater at the podium to make his point, promoted the idea of turning down
tri­cal Manufacturers Association, thermostats and turning off lights: “Because we are now running out of gas
and oil, we must prepare quickly for … change, to strict conservation and to
Washington, D.C.
the use of coal and permanent renewable energy sources, like solar power.”
Every president since Carter has promised to focus on energy indepen-
dence, energy efficiency, and renewable resources, and we have made some
gains. Take automobile fuel efficiency, for example. Since Congress estab-
lished the Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) to reduce energy con-
sumption by increasing the fuel economy of cars and light trucks, efficiency
has increased—from 18.0 miles per gallon in 1978 to 27.5 mpg in 2009.1
In addition, we have built more fuel-efficient power plants and homes,
increased energy conservation, and demonstrated new energy and renewable

1 See

technologies. At the same

time, however, we have
U.S. Oil Imports
increased the size of our
homes, increased the num-

Oil (Billion Barrels)

ber of cars in our driveways,
added flat-screen TVs, and 4
electrified everything from
pepper grinders to pic- 3
ture frames. As a result,
after a decrease in energy 2
consumption in the early
1980s, oil imports steadily
increased from 1983 to
2006 (Figure 1). 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005

Manufactured Goods Year

from Abroad
FIGURE 1 U.S. oil imports, 1970 to 2006. Billions of barrels of oil are imported into the United States every year. Imports
In addition to oil, the peaked in 2005 at slightly more than 5 billion barrels. Source: EIA, 2009b.
United States has been
importing more and more foreign manufactured prod- independence battle, but were also becoming dependent
ucts, at first mostly from Japan, Korea, and Europe. on foreign countries for the parts and systems that run
Americans fell in love with Toyotas, BMWs, and Dat- our energy and electricity companies.
suns; cheap TVs, stereos, radios, and CD players; and Figure 2 shows a 10-fold increase in imported liquid-
a host of new toys and electronic gadgets produced in filled transformers (more than 10,000 kilovolt amperes)
other countries. People talked about “buying Ameri- between 1996 and 2008. As our dependence on foreign
can,” but mostly they continued to buy cheap products transformers has increased, domestic capacity for man-
from abroad. ufacturing them has decreased. This is not an insur-
Buying foreign products has had two energy-related mountable problem for small transformers, which can
impacts. First, as we imported
more and more finished
U.S. Liquid Dielectric Transformer (>10,000 kVA) Imports
products, we needed less
and less domestic manu- 1200
facturing. As a result, huge
numbers of manufacturing 1000

jobs were shipped overseas,

and many U.S. plants were
Million $

shuttered, particularly in
the automobile and tex-
tile industries. Second, in
addition to cars, appliances,
and electronics, U.S. utili- 200
ties bought foreign-made
transformers, motors, wire, 0
insulators, electronic com- 1996 2000 2004 2008
ponents, and many other Year
products necessary to the
generation and transmission FIGURE 2 Imports of liquid dielectric transformers (more than 10,000 kilovolt amperes). The United States spends millions
of electricity. Thus, we were of dollars annually to import transformers to maintain its energy transmission capabilities. Source: U.S. International Trade
not only losing the energy Commission, 2009.
Spring 2010 31

be easily stockpiled. How-

ever, because large power Wind Energy Generation as a Percentage of Total Electrical Energy
transformers typically take 20
more than a year to build, 18
the United States has 16
almost lost the ability to 14
respond quickly to multiple Percent 12
United States
transformer failures. 10
Lagging Energy Policy Spain
During the 1990s, U.S. 4
energy policy lagged behind 2
the policies of several other 0
countries. Although a few 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005
states established renewable
portfolio standards, there
was no consistent federal
FIGURE 3 Wind energy generation as a percentage of total electricity generation for the United States and a few other countries.
policy. The federal govern-
Source: EIA, 2009a. NOTE: Prior to 1991, statistics were recorded separately for East and West Germany. These statistics have
ment provided tax credits
been combined under “Germany.”
for renewable resources,
but the Production Tax Credit (PTC) for wind energy independence. First, concerns about global warming
lapsed in 2000, 2002, and again in 2004, creating finan- and carbon emissions have generated fresh interest in
cial and planning headaches for wind developers. renewable resources, such as geothermal, wind, and
Even after the government got serious about develop- solar. Second, plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs)
ing renewable resources, we did not have a consistent will soon provide a real opportunity for the transporta-
policy that could attract new domestic manufacturing. tion sector to move away from oil consumption to elec-
From a global perspective, the United States was com- tricity. And, finally the passage of the Energy Policy
peting with other countries for locating new manufac- Act of 2005 and the Energy Independence and Security
turing facilities. International companies could invest Act of 2007 signaled movement toward a comprehen-
capital in the United States to build new wind turbine sive, long-term energy policy.
plants, or they could invest in countries with long-term According to Renewenergy (2008):
energy policies that practically guaranteed a return on
With just three short years of policy stability since
their investment. The choice was obvious, and it was
the production tax credit [PTC] was extended in the
easy to track the growth of renewable resources around
Energy Policy Act of 2005, the wind industry has man-
the world.
aged to turn the offshoring tides, bringing manufactur-
Wind energy production for electric power generation
ing activity back to the U.S. Historically, wind industry
in the United States increased from 22 trillion BTUs in
manufacturing has been dominated by such European
1990 to 57 trillion BTUs in 2000 to 514 trillion BTUs in
countries as Germany, Denmark, and Spain, which
2008 (EIA, 2008). Thus most of the increase occurred
export more than 50% of their manufacturing output.
in just the last few years. Even with that growth, how-
Prior to 2005 the U.S. drew minimal interest as a manu-
ever, wind energy still represents less than 1 percent of
facturing location from the global wind industry thanks
U.S. electricity generation. During that same period,
to policy instability, forcing the U.S. to import 70% or
countries with more consistent energy policies have seen
more of the major components for wind turbines des-
enormous growth. Figure 3 shows the incredible increase
tined for this market.
in wind energy in Spain, Germany, and Denmark.
After three uninterrupted years of the PTC, though, by
The Situation Today the end of 2008, the U.S. will be approaching domestic
The United States finally appears to be approach- manufacturing capacity for components of approximate-
ing enough critical mass to move toward greater energy ly 50% of what’s needed to meet demand levels (Box 1).

Wind industry manufacturing facilities have surged from The smart grid will include every part of the electri-
a very small base prior to 2005 to well over 100 facilities cal system, from the largest power plants to the trans-
today. Other than U.S.-based General Electric, none of mission and distribution systems to the smallest home
the seven largest global U.S. wind turbine manufacturers appliances. According to the U.S. Department of
had plants in the U.S. prior to 2005. Today, six of the Energy (DOE), the smart grid will encompass consumer
seven top global turbine producers now have at least one participation, power generation and storage, new prod-
manufacturing facility located in the U.S. ucts and services, power quality, optimal asset utiliza-
tion, the capability to anticipate and respond to system
disturbances, and the ability to operate against physical
BOX 1 and cyber attacks.
Production Tax Credit-Related Jobs
Jumpstarting Manufacturing
Little Rock, Arkansas: Polymarin Composites
and Wind Water Technologies (WWT) announced The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
October 8 that it will invest $20 million to transform (ARRA) of 2009 has provided the stimulus to jumpstart
the former Levi Building into a combined wind turbine
blade and nacelle manufacturing facility, creating new investments in the smart grid, renewable resources,
830 new jobs with an average wage of $15/hour. electric vehicles, energy storage, and energy efficiency.3
General Wesley Clark is a principal of WWT’s parent Stimulus funds are being used to build manufacturing
company, EWT.
facilities as well as to create jobs.
Muncie, Indiana: Brevini USA, the U.S. subsidiary President Obama announced $2.3 billion in tax cred-
of an Italian wind turbine manufacturer announced
this week plans for a new facility to make gearboxes. its for 183 ventures to build advanced batteries, wind
Brevini will invest more than $60 million to retrofit turbines, and other so-called “clean energy technolo-
an existing 60,000-square-foot building and add gies” nationwide, including projects in New York, Texas,
150,000 square-feet of manufacturing space at the
site in 2010.  The facility will create about 450 per- and California. The tax credits, which are funded by
manent local jobs with annual pay averaging more the $787 billion economic stimulus package enacted in
than $46,000. February 2009, are designed to defray up to 30 percent of
Faribault, Minnesota: Moventas, a Finland-based the cost of new investments in manufacturing facilities
gearbox manufacturer, will build a 75,000-square- to produce clean energy products.
foot North American assembly and distribution facility
using the Faribault-based Met-Con construction com-
pany. The plant, announced by Moventas in Septem- Solar Power
ber, is set to open in October 2009 with 90 workers. The United States is also expanding its solar man-
Employment is expected to rise to 335.
ufacturing capabilities. “‘In fact, cell and solar panel
Newton, Iowa: TPI Composites opened its manufacturing capacity is likely to grow roughly 50
316,000-square-foot wind turbine blade manufactur-
ing facility in September. The newly-built plant replaces percent annually between 2008 and 2012,’ said Shyam
a former Maytag facility that was closed in 2006, Mehta, senior analyst at GTM Research. The U.S.
causing huge job losses in Newton. At full capacity, market demand for solar panels could grow from 342
TPI Iowa plans to employ 500.
megawatts in 2008 to 2.13 gigawatts in 2012” (cited in
Source: American Wind Energy Association, 2008.
Wang, 2009).
There are opportunities for solar jobs in many states.
According to Pennsylvania Governor Edward Rendell,
The Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007
“A thin-film solar panel producer will open a manu-
devoted an entire section (Title XIII) to the smart grid,
facturing facility in Philadelphia’s Navy Yard, creating
which will add real-time monitoring, analysis, control,
400 jobs and leveraging hundreds of millions of dollars
and communications to existing electricity generation
of private investment.” Dr. Panos Ninios, president of
and delivery systems.2 In addition, the smart grid will
Heliosphera US, said that this “investment will allow
improve electrical efficiency and reliability and enable
the company to address what we believe will be the larg-
consumers to decide when and how much electricity
est solar market in the world” (Solarbuzz, 2009).
they consume.

2 Available
online at 3 Available
online at
cgi?dbname=110_cong_bills&docid=f:h6enr.txt.pdf. cgi?dbname=111_cong_bills&docid=f:h1enr.pdf.
Spring 2010 33

FIGURE 4 Map of wind resources and population centers in the United States. Darker patches, with higher wind power density (measured in W/m2 at 50m [Watts per
square meter at 50 meters elevation]), are concentrated in the central plains and along the coasts. However, major population centers, where black dots are clustered, are
often hundreds of miles away. Source: Hagerman and Hart, 2010.

Similar projects are underway in other states, includ- new transmission lines will require significant invest-
ing Tennessee, where more than $2 billion in capital ment. Even T. Boone Pickens, a major proponent and
investment has been made and more than a thousand investor in wind power, has indicated that his wind
jobs have been created; Goodyear, Arizona (500 jobs); project in the Texas Panhandle will not be feasible
Freemont, California; Albuquerque, New Mexico (500 until transmission issues have been addressed.
jobs); Circleville, Ohio; and Williamsburg County, The chairman of the Federal Energy Regulatory Com-
South Carolina (200 jobs) (Solarbuzz, 2010). According mission (FERC), Jon Wellinghoff, noted that “FERC is
to Monique Hanis of the Solar Energy Industry Associa- taking action to encourage transmission investment”
tion, “The U.S. solar industry added about 18,000 jobs via the Energy Policy Act of 2005, FERC Order No. 890
last year, almost doubling total employment to about in 2007, and FERC’s 2009 Strategic Plan. “. . . these
40,000” (Martin and Efstathiou, 2010). actions are important, but much more will be needed
to achieve a significant expansion of renewable energy
A Critical Gap in Transmission resources in our supply portfolio” (Hsieh, 2010).
The expansion of the wind and solar industries, cou-
pled with the prospect that consumers will have the The Need for Power Transformers
capability of controlling their electric bills, have gener- A critical component of the transmission grid is
ated optimism for energy independence. However, one power transformers, which are used to step-up the elec-
of the most serious problems that must be overcome is the trical output voltages of generating plants (including
lack of infrastructure (i.e., transmission lines) to deliver wind farms and solar generators) to very high volt-
power from renewable resources (such as wind and solar ages (230 kilovolts [kV], 500 kV, and even higher), for
farms) to population centers (i.e., load centers). transmission to distribution centers. In simple terms,
As Figure 4 shows, the prime areas for wind as transmission voltage increases, efficiency also
resources are located far from population centers, and increases, and the size of the conductor decreases. Once

electrical energy has been transmitted to its destina- Jobs. White House Press Release January 8. Available
tion, the power must be stepped-down through another online at
power transformer to a lower voltage for distribution to obama-awards-23-billion-new-clean-tech-manufacturing-jobs.
neighborhoods, industrial plants, office buildings, and EIA (Energy Information Administration). 2008. Annual
other users. Energy Review 2008, Table 10.2c: Renewable Energy Con-
Power transformers are critical to transmitting elec- sumption: Electric Power Sector. Available online at http://
trical energy over long distances, not only for U.S.
energy independence, but also for improving energy EIA. 2009a. International Energy Statistics: Total Net Elec-
efficiency and reducing the nation’s carbon footprint. tricity Generation and Wind Electricity Generation. Avail-
Unfortunately, as shown in Figure 2, the United States able online at
has been importing more and more power transformers IEDIndex3.cfm.
every year. EIA. 2009b. Table 5.1, Petroleum Overview, 1949–2008.
The tide may now be turning, however, because Available online at
DOE has devoted a portion of ARRA funds to support- petro.html.
ing the transformer industry. More than $1.3 million Hsieh, E. 2010. Interview with J. Wellinghoff. Electroindus-
was awarded to Cooper Power Systems to produce high- try 15(1): 7–11.
efficiency transformers in Texas and Wisconsin. In addi- Hagerman, G., and G. Hart. 2008. Pickens Plan Plus: “Add-
tion, Waukesha Electric Systems, also in Wisconsin, ing Value to the Vision.” July 21. Available online at
was awarded $12.4 million to “expand an existing plant
to produce very large, high-voltage power transformers. Martin, C., and J. Efstathiou Jr. 2010. China’s Labor Edge
The company anticipates that more than 80 percent of Overpowers Obama’s ‘Green’ Jobs Initiative. Business
them will be used to help bring renewable energy to Week, Feb. 4, 2010. Available online at http://www.
distant load centers” (DOE, 2010).
Conclusion Renewenergy. 2008. Rediscovery of U.S. Wind Manufac-
In this author’s opinion, the United States can get turing. Available online at http://renewenergy.wordpress.
energy independence right, if we can muster the politi- com/2008/06/11/rediscovery-of-us-wind-manufacturing/.
cal will. Momentum is building in several important Solarbuzz. 2009. Philadelphia, PA, USA: Heliosphera to
areas including: renewed interest in using solar and Open Thin Film Manufacturing Plant in Philadelphia.
wind power to generate electricity, advances in batter- Available online at
ies and PHEVs, leadership in smart grid standards and NewsNAMA198.htm.
interoperability, and efforts to address global warming Solarbuzz. 2010. St. Louis, MO, USA: Confluence
and carbon emissions. Solar Announces $200M Solar Manufacturing Facil-
Energy independence will require continued financial ity. Available online at
incentives for the development of renewable resources, NewsNAMA207.htm.
federal intervention in transmission siting decisions, U.S. International Trade Commission. 2009. U.S. Imports
leadership on smart grid architecture and standards, and for Consumption. Available online at http://dataweb.usitc.
continued incentives to expand energy-related manu- gov/scripts/user_set.asp.
facturing in the United States. Wang, U. 2009. Analyst: Boom Time Ahead for U.S. Solar
Manufacturing. Available online at http://seekingalpha.
References com/article/148969-analyst-boom-time-ahead-for-u-s-solar-
American Wind Energy Association. 2008. Wind Energy manufacturing.
Industry Creates Jobs, Shines As Growing Bright Spot
In The Midst Of Faltering Economy. Available online
DOE (U.S. Department of Energy). 2010. President Obama
Awards $2.3 Billion for New Clean-Tech Manufacturing
The shortage of engineers with experience in emerging
technologies has reached crisis proportions.

Educating the Workforce for the

Modern Electric Power System
University–Industry Collaboration

B. Don Russell

Electric power delivery throughout the United States was designated by

the National Academy of Engineering as the leading engineering develop-
ment of the 20th century.1 Since electricity was first delivered to private
citizens in the late 19th century, the value of reliable electric power to our
economy has been obvious. Our world has been transformed by countless
technologies enabled by the widespread delivery of secure, high-quality elec-
B. Don Russell is a Distinguished
tric power. However, the transmission and distribution infrastructure in the
Professor, Regents Professor, and United States is aging, and the need for modernization has become urgent.
Harry E. Bovay Chair, Department One need only glance at a recent professional journal or TV program or
the front page of a newspaper to realize the forces pushing for the modern-
of Electrical and Computer Engi­
ization of the grid—the penetration of renewable and alternative energy
neering, Texas A&M University; an technologies, the infrastructure for plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, and the
NAE member; and chair of the “smart grid.” The need for new technologies and ideas for updating the grid
are topics of daily conversation in the electric power industry, as is the need
NAE Electric Power/Energy Systems
to improve energy efficiency on all fronts, including all aspects of the deliv-
Engineering Section. ery and uses of electricity.
Even in the best of times, the drive to develop and use renewable energy
sources and to automate the transmission and distribution of electricity would
stretch the limits of available manpower. However, these are not the best of

1 See

the electric utility system

for the last three decades.
Because they may not nec-
essarily be conversant with
many of the new technolo-
gies that will be predomi-
nant in the next decade,
their value in these new
technical areas as “consul-
tants” is limited. Never­
theless they will leave a
staggering void in industry
experience. Many of them
have no “replacements” or
apprentices to train, and
their expertise will go with
them when they walk out
FIGURE 1 Undergraduate enrollment in electrical/computer engineering, 1999–2008. Source: ASEE, 2009. the door.
The Workforce Collab-
times. Financial strategies for the last two decades during orative (2009) projects that at least 7,000 electric power
the deregulation of the electric utility industry, includ- engineers will be needed by electric utilities alone (a
ed reductions in force by utilities and manufacturers in number the author believes might be as high as 10,000)
response to economic pressures coupled with the sched- and that another 14,000 power engineers will likely be
uled retirement of experienced engineers, has already needed to meet the needs of the broader electric power
caused a workforce crisis. Finding enough engineers is a industry, which includes manufacturers. The full pro-
major challenge, and solutions will not be easy. duction of all academic institutions in the United States
under the current faculty staffing and student recruiting
The Workforce Crisis regime cannot possibly meet this demand. The problem
This week I received an e-mail from a midsized is real, and change is needed!
engineering firm with a “desperate” appeal for “elec- The projected shortage of replacement power and
tric power engineers,” specifically, experienced engi- energy engineers in the current market will be difficult
neers with backgrounds in the smart grid, modeling, to fill with our existing educational structure. In addi-
and automation. The firm provides consulting services tion, there is an appalling shortage of experienced engi-
on all aspects of the smart grid and modernization of neers in the new technology areas that will define the
the power system. That e-mail is typical of the mes- future of our electric power system.
sages being received daily by engineering educators. When the demand for engineers is overlaid on the
The message is: WE NEED ENGINEERS, NOW! long-term trend of declining enrollments in relevant
After World War II, industrial America underwent technical disciplines, including electrical engineering,
a huge surge and a corresponding expansion of the the “problem” truly looks like a crisis. Figure 1 shows
electric utility infrastructure. As the economy and that in the last 10 years, the national enrollment in
industry grew, the workforce increased, and many college- electrical/computer engineering has dropped by 29
educated engineers found jobs in the electric power percent since peak enrollment in 2002. Total enroll-
industry. But those “baby boomers” are now retiring ment for the last decade has dropped by 18,500 students
and leaving the workforce. (ASEE, 2009).
The U.S. Workforce Collaborative projects that
approximately 50 percent of power engineers may The Way It Was
retire in the next five years (U.S. Power and Engineer- In the decades before deregulation and corporate
ing Workforce Collaborative, 2009). These are the consolidation, locally run, regulated utilities served
engineers who supervised the growth and expansion of defined geographic areas, and the relationships between
Spring 2010 37

educational institutions that produced engineers and universities with electric power programs has changed
the “local” utilities were defined and stable. Past rela- dramatically. Many forces caused these changes.
tionships between universities and electric utilities had A period of declining growth in the electric utility
the following characteristics: industry initiated certain changes. Utilities merged,
and so did manufacturers. Severe competition for stu-
• Utilities regularly hired new engineers who fully
dents from the developing electronics and computer
expected to work for the same electric company
industries caused changes in the dynamics of student
until retirement.
recruitment and a decrease in the number of students
• New engineers were “apprenticed” in the company. studying electric power. Then came deregulation!
They worked beside experienced engineers, fre­ Consolidation of electric utilities changed the emphasis
quently for years, to master the technology and to from local, community-oriented companies to nation-
become intimately familiar with the operations, elec- wide businesses competing to sell power.
trical characteristics, and geography of their utility.
• Utility companies were primarily focused on reli-
ability, and manpower was relatively abundant. Many universities have
Frequently, a utility staff did its own planning,
construction, maintenance, and other necessary downsized or eliminated
functions, with vertically integrated resources and
electric power programs
• “Keeping the lights on” was the charge of the day.
and no longer replace
Other considerations were considered secondary. retiring faculty.
• Upon retirement, senior and experienced utility engi-
neers frequently worked as consultants, thereby keep-
The environment circa 2000 between universities
ing their experience in the industry and providing an
with electric power programs and the electric power
additional resource accessible to utility companies.
industry might be characterized as follows:
• Most electrical engineering departments had elec-
• Utilities have imposed long-lasting hiring freezes,
tric power instruction, and many top-tier universi-
and many utilities have had large reductions in force
ties had large power programs.
as a result of deregulation and economic conditions.
• Electric utilities had long-term, broad-based rela-
• With reductions in engineering staff, few new
tionships with local universities. Companies pro-
engineers have been hired in the last decade. As a
vided scholarships for local students, internships,
result, many utilities have a substantial gap or void
general support funds for electric power programs,
between their mid-career engineers and their retir-
and so on. Some large utilities had their own
ing engineers.
research laboratories with collaborative relation-
ships with local universities. • Utility companies are no longer solely focused on
“keeping the lights on,” although they do this well!
• Many utilities had a “personal” view of relations
They must also emphasize financial practices consis-
with their universities, and their universities’ power
tent with a deregulated, competitive industry.
programs had to prosper!
• Most universities with large electric power programs
In this “Camelot” environment, many large universities
have experienced a dramatic decrease in general and
developed excellent electric power programs and pro-
direct support from the electric power industry for
duced the engineers who are now retiring from industry.
students and research programs.
The Way It Is • As a result of reductions in hiring and competi-
In the last 25 years, with accelerated changes in tion from high-tech industries, many universities
the last decade, the relationship between electric have significantly curtailed or eliminated electric
utilities, the supporting power industry in general, and power programs, and retiring faculty have not been

replaced in kind. Today, there are many fewer Funding for Research and Development
electric power programs supported by four or more One measure of the systemic problem of electric
full-time engineering faculty than there were in the power programs in major universities in relationship
1970s, as documented by periodic studies by the to the electric power industry can be documented by
Power and Energy Society (McCalley et al., 2008). tracking support for research and development (R&D)
Obviously, by 2000, the university/power industry funding. The lifeblood of a tier-one research university
dynamic had changed markedly. is research support, and research is inseparable from,
and synergistically connected to, education.
Knowledge is generated and disseminated to the
next generation enabled by research funding. A faculty
By the late 1990s, member cannot have a successful career, and a power
R&D funding for electric program cannot compete for students and university
resources, unless external research funds are regularly
power programs was and systematically available to faculty.
From the 1960s through much of the 1980s, industry
no longer competitive with research funds were generally available for faculty in

funding for R&D in electric power programs. Power blackouts in the 1960s
underscored the need for “modernization,” a better
computers and electronics. understanding, and modeling of electric power systems.
The creation of the Electric Power Research Institute
(EPRI) in the mid-1970s generated millions of dollars
Here is a specific case, without naming names. One in funding, with significant amounts spent in universi-
large utility was known to support two specific tier- ties on problems of concern to the electric power indus-
one universities at a very substantial level through the try. The growth of many university programs in the
1980s. This support included numerous scholarships, 1970s and 1980s was based mainly on research funds
funding for faculty, general support funds for electric from EPRI.
power programs, significant cooperative and intern- The creation of programs at the National Science
ship opportunities, and direct research interactions. Foundation (NSF) that provided funding for electric
Today that same utility offers no student scholarships, power engineering research enabled basic research.
no cooperative programs, no undesignated support Although the level of NSF funding has never been
funds, no funding for professorships, and virtually no high and its power and energy research budgets are
research funding. That utility is larger, more “high-tech,” measured in only a few million dollars per year, NSF
and deregulated than it was in the 1980s. However, its funding has been an important component of univer-
relationship with the universities that traditionally edu- sity research funding.
cated its power engineers is virtually nonexistent. In addition, from the 1960s on, many utilities funded
Despite a recent resurgence of interest, and some research at universities directly. Several large electric
recruitment of faculty, the status of electric power utilities had research laboratories that collaborated
engineering programs has not improved dramatically with universities, and research funds flowed directly or
in the last decade. The Workforce Collaborative has indirectly through EPRI to universities, supporting both
estimated that there are fewer than five very strong near-term and basic research.
university power engineering programs in the United In the last 15 years, there has been a dramatic
States, as measured by the following metrics: decrease in the availability of research funds. By 2000,
direct funding of research by utilities at most universi-
• four or more full-time power engineering faculty ties had all but disappeared. Funding through EPRI to
• adequate research funding for each faculty member universities, which peaked in the 1990s, has also been
to support acceptable numbers of graduate students reduced to very low levels for electric power engineer-
ing, corresponding to major reductions in the EPRI
• broad undergraduate/graduate course offerings budget. The probability of receiving significant NSF
• sizable student enrollments. funding for an unsolicited proposal is very low; even
Spring 2010 39

for successful projects, net funding is generally mea- because intelligent systems will identify deteriorating
sured in a few tens of thousands of dollars per year per power-delivery apparatus and dispatch crews for repair
faculty member. before outages occur. When a major fault or accident
By the late 1990s, R&D funding for electric power does happen, the electricity system will automatically
programs in universities was no longer competitive with reconfigure itself and restore power with a barely notice-
the huge funding provided by the computer and elec- able blink of the lights.
tronic industries. As a consequence, department heads Widespread deployment of these advanced technolo-
have reduced faculty and, in some cases, eliminated gies is within our grasp. But to make these systems eco-
power programs because they had little funding to sup- nomical, dependable, maintainable, and operationally
port faculty R&D, and the power industry was simply independent of excessive human oversight will require
“not interested.” additional research and much good engineering. A
It is estimated that current non-equipment research plentiful, educated, and experienced workforce is the
funding in university electric power programs, including key to our electric-power future.
considerable funding for power electronics (which are
unrelated to electric power and energy production and The Good News!
delivery), is approximately $50 million per year (NSF, The electric power and energy industries are back in
2007). That amount is not nearly enough to maintain the news! The need to improve and expand the aging
an adequate number of vibrant power and energy facul- electric grid is now obvious to everyone, and political
ties at first-tier research universities. and industry support are widespread. Politicians have
The author believes that research funding, currently recognized that an essential component of our future
about 60 percent from government sources (NSF, economic development and energy independence is
2007), is unhealthy, unsustainable, and undepend- a rigorous and expanded electric utility system that
able. Of course, government support is important and incorporates the best automation practices, enables the
should be increased, but industry must “step up to the incorporation of new energy sources and new transpor-
plate” and shift the balance so that most research funds tation technologies based on electricity, and promotes
flow from industry consortia and research organiza- energy efficiency—all enabled by smart systems. These
tions, as they once did from EPRI. I suggest a goal of improvements will require many more engineers trained
$100,000 per year per graduate student and $50,000 in the newest technologies.
per year per undergraduate student in cumulative sup-
port to ensure the viability of an adequate number of
quality programs.
A plentiful, educated, and
2020, a Different Kind of Power System
The deterioration of the university/electric power
experienced workforce
industry relationship over the last three decades can be is the key to our electric-
viewed with cynicism, if not downright depression. But
recent progress reveals a light at the end of the tunnel. power future.
By 2020 we anticipate that wind, water, and solar
energy (WWS) will be dependably integrated with effi-
cient, conventional-fuel power plants that are cleaner The good news today is that there is a high demand
than ever (Jacobson and Delucchi, 2009). In addi- for electric power engineers and plentiful jobs for those
tion, the transmission grid will be greatly expanded, trained in new power and energy technologies. In fact,
and new monitoring and control systems will help the demand for power and energy engineers greatly out-
keep it reliable. paces the supply, which should translate to increases in
In individual homes, dishwashers and clothes wash- student enrollment, more hiring, higher salaries, and a
ers, more efficient than ever, will turn on to take advan- positive feedback loop that increases the rate of pro-
tage of low-cost power that the utility has signaled is duction of power engineers by universities. So, we can
available; hybrid electric cars will also be recharged justifiably look to the future with some enthusiasm, but
in off-peak hours. Electric outages will be very rare there is much, much more to be done.

The Right Model decreasing talent pool in the United Kingdom (UK),
Several years ago when I was working in engineering which expects to have 16 percent fewer graduates by
administration, a company came to us and said, “I want 2019. The country is also facing a 30 percent decrease
500 engineers NOW! What will it take?” The urgency in the number of lecturers in engineering and manu-
of that request was problematic for a university! How- facturing and a 17 percent decrease in the number of
ever, the company was serious and took appropriate college-level students entering selected engineering
action. programs (Engineering UK, 2009).
First, it funded an endowed chair and several profes- The handwriting is on the wall for the UK, and the
sorships to support new faculty in its area of interest. country is taking action—first to document the problem
The company also funded research programs and the and then to find solutions. Here in the United States
start up of a new research laboratory. The company pro- we have already documented the problem. But are we
vided graduate assistantships for new graduate students going to take action to help meet the growing demand
and offered internships with the company. Faculty vis- for engineering talent worldwide and to take on the
ited in the summer and collaborated with the company’s international competition?
engineers to get a better understanding of the problems
Taking Action
facing the entire industry. In addition, new research
was initiated. Here is what we must do to meet this grand challenge:
With this close industry/university collaboration • Fill the Pipeline. By exposing pre-college students
and external support from the company, the univer- to the excitement and benefits of engineering
sity made a major commitment to this technical area, careers, we can reverse the decline in engineering
which has since been sustained and expanded. As a enrollments.
result of this real partnership, the company has a steady
stream of engineers, and the university is now known • Motivate College Students. We must challenge stu-
for its excellence in this area. The educational/research dents to take on the critical problems that face our
program has grown far beyond the initiatives of the nation to ensure that we have ample, reliable, and
original company. clean power and energy.
The lesson to be learned is simple. If you are a com- • Call on Industry. Scholarships and meaningful
pany that needs engineers, do not ask for graduates internships will excite students and attract future
without first establishing a relationship with a univer- employees. Consistent hiring practices will help to
sity. Industry must “seed the field” and “salt the mine” if stabilize student recruitment and placement.
it expects universities to provide graduates on demand.
• Strengthen Existing Academic Programs and Estab-
We Are Not Alone lish New Ones. Dynamic electric power programs
The current need for technical manpower, specifi­ in major universities must be cultivated with an
cally engineering manpower, is not limited to the emphasis on hiring new power and energy engineer-
United States. The large and growing economies of ing faculty.
the world, especially India, China, and countries in • Renew Industry-University R&D Collaborations
South America, are employing more of their engineers (with appropriate government support). Adequate
“at home” and even recruiting on our shores. It is a research funding for university faculty will create an
compliment that engineers educated in the United environment that motivates students by presenting
States are highly valued worldwide, but the implica- them with challenging short-term and long-term
tions for the workforce shortage in the United States R&D problems that will meet industry’s needs.
are significant.
In its annual report, Engineering UK (formerly the Conclusion
Engineering and Technology Board of the United King- The shortage of engineers is real, and the pipeline
dom) noted that more than 587,000 engineering and is leaky! But if we have the will, we can overcome
manufacturing workers with “state of the art skills” will these problems. But this cannot happen overnight.
be needed by 2017. The report goes on to discuss the We must take the right steps now to rebuild our univer-
difficulty of achieving this number with the rapidly sity electric power and energy research and educational
Spring 2010 41

infrastructure and then commit to sustaining them over 2009. Preparing the U.S. Foundation for Future Electric
the long haul. If we don’t, history will repeat itself. Energy Systems: A Strong Power Engineering Workforce.
The solution is within our grasp! April. New York: IEEE. Available online at http://www.
References workforce/US_Power-Energy_Collaborative_Action_Plan_
ASEE (American Society for Engineering Education). 2009. April_2009_Adobe7.pdf.
Profiles of Engineering and Engineering Technology Col-
leges. Washington, D.C.: ASEE. Available online at asee. Additional Reading
org/colleges. APPA (American Public Power Association). 2005. Work-
Engineering UK. 2009. Engineering UK 2009/10 Annual force Planning for Public Power Utilities: Ensuring
Report. London, England: Engineering UK. Available Resources to Meet Projected Needs. Washington, D.C.:
online at APPA. Available online at
education_&_research/engineering_uk_2009/10.cfm. PDFs/WorkForcePlanningforPublicPowerUtilities.pdf.
Jacobson, M., and M. Delucchi. 2009. A path to sustainable CEWD (Center for Energy Workforce Development). 2008.
energy by 2030. Scientific American 301(5): 58 – 65. Gaps in the Energy Workforce Pipeline: 2008 CEWD Sur-
McCalley, J., L. Bohmann, K. Miu, and N. Schulz. 2008. vey Results. Washington, D.C.: CEWD. Available online
Electric power engineering education resources 2005 –2006. at
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 23(1): 1–24. DOE (U.S. Department of Energy). 2006. Workforce Trends
NSF (National Science Foundation). 2007. National Sci- in the Electric Utility Industry. Available online at http://
ence Foundation Workshop on the Future Power Engineer-
ing Workforce. Report ECCS-0704063. Arlington, Va., Report_090706_FINAL.pdf.
November 29 –30, 2007. National Science Foundation, NCEP (National Commission on Energy Policy). 2009. Task
September 5, 2008. Available online at http://ecpe.ece. Force on America’s Future Energy Jobs. Available online at
Ray, D., and G. Reed. 2008. IEEE-PES Works to Meet Power NERC (North American Electric Reliability Corporation).
and Engineering Education & Workforce Needs. IEEE. 2007. 2007 Long-Term reliability Assessment: 2007–2016.
USA Today’s Engineer. Available online at http://www. Princeton, N.J.: NERC. Available online at http://www.
U.S. Power and Energy Engineering Workforce Collaborative. ltra2007.pdf.
Electricity networks bridge the gaps between the
technological and biological networks on which
societies depend.

The Smart Grid

A Bridge between Emerging Technologies,
Society, and the Environment

Richard E. Schuler

Combine two popular fuzzy concepts, the “smart grid” and “sustain-
ability,” and you may find a pathway to human progress that is flexible,
adaptable, and inspirational for technological innovation and evolving
consumption patterns. Many of the complex networks at the heart of
modern societies are taken for granted, but modern electricity networks
when combined with wholesale markets to provide local public goods, such
Richard E. Schuler, Ph.D., P.E.,
as system reliability and environmental compliance, efficiently bridge the
is Graduate School Professor of gaps between underlying support networks (both technological and bio-
Economics and of Civil and Envi­ logical) and human awareness.
Realizing the full potential of the smart grid will require widespread, real-
ron­mental Engineering at Cornell
time pricing for all customers, which means overcoming some institutional
University and a board member of and political barriers. The advantage of a smart grid, with smart custom-
the New York Independent System ers, is that it may provide incentives for a diverse array of technological
(and environmental) innovations if it connects the customers’ wants and
payments with supplier rewards. And the initial investment by society is
small since no new energy distribution network is required when electricity
is used as a medium to translate primary conversion sources into human
needs. But the smart grid would be only a first step in developing links
between the support networks of a modern society. Its greatest value may
be the innovations and further bridges it inspires us to build.
Spring 2010 43

Introduction budgets through the things they do care about, family

The electric power industry has been serving the pub- and friends, buying goods and services, or making travel
lic for more than 100 years, and most of the underlying and entertainment plans. Wouldn’t that send imagina-
science on which it is based has been known since its tions soaring?
inception. Throughout its history, most of the supply- Or suppose customers could connect their individual
side technological innovations in the electric industry actions with “sustainability” through the smart grid?
have been evolutionary, with the exceptions of nuclear Today the terms “smart grid” and “sustainability” mean
power and modern tele-information systems. something different to nearly everyone who talks about
Revolutionary, transformational changes have them. But, if end-use customers were brought into the
occurred mostly on the user’s end of the system in the smart-grid mix in real-time electricity markets, then
ways people work, think, connect, dream, and enter- these terms would have to be quickly clarified because
tain. Tele-information/computerized society could not of their impact on people’s pocketbooks.
have emerged without the support of a widespread, reli- My hypothesis is that if customers have the neces-
able electricity supply system. sary smarts, the smart grid can be a pathway toward a
Today the electricity system itself may be trans- sustainable society.
formed, in turn, by these innovations. The marvel of
electrified society is not how utterly dependent people
are on it, but how easily they take it for granted. Most The marvel of our
people think about it only when it fails or when the
bills are too high. Otherwise, individuals and businesses electrified society is how
dream about new user-friendly gadgets, more luxurious
cars, homes, and boats, and more exotic entertainment
easily we take it for granted.
and getaways, whether real or virtual. Even scientists
and academics are occupied with seeking fundamental,
Networks and Sustainability
underlying truths and tend to skip over areas of science
that are fairly well understood on a macro-level. Entre- The smart grid will superimpose tele-information
preneurs, hoping to capitalize on novel scientific inno- networks on the electricity network. Like the smart
vations to capture their customers’ fancy, tend not to grid, sustainability implies adequate flows of goods and
focus on improving efficiency or doing existing things services to members of spatially distributed human soci-
better, unless it means hiring fewer workers. eties, which are embedded in a complex web of natural
Although improving efficiency is a primary objective ecological systems (i.e., support networks).
of the smart grid, the media hasn’t paid much attention I see the smart grid as the first step down a path that
to energy efficiency. The attitude seems to be that the may open up unimagined opportunities, leading soci-
smart grid is just the latest twist in the same old industry ety to explore multiple routes but keeping the goal of
story, an attempt to attract attention (and government sustainability in mind. I think of the smart grid as the
funding) by hitching a ride on headlines about recent first step in a dynamic process with antennae searching
advances in tele-information. But at some point the multiple networks that provide feedback and allow for
electricity industry will have to reach out and connect timely course corrections.
with every customer for the “smartening” of the grid to We have some idea of where human societies are today,
deliver its full promise. and each of us has a notion of where society might (or
The standard industry and political line is that cus- should) be in the future. But we have little idea about
tomers do not care about energy efficiency. But they do which paths to take or which production technologies to
care about their I-phones/mobile information/entertain- pursue to get there. The space between here (now) and
ment devices and programs that track the value of their there (then) will evolve depending on the choices we
assets. They just don’t think much about the underlying make, and the choices we have already made.
electricity system that powers them. That’s why I characterize the smart grid as a “bridge,”
What if we could connect the two? What if we actually a flexible, switchable system of bridges linking
could enable customers to monitor, in real time (or people with technology and natural systems. Accord-
plug into an automated computer “app”), their energy ing to many cultural anthropologists and archaeologists,

those three components—people, technology, and nat- everyone. When innovations create negative exter-
ural systems—are always linked, and the nature of that nalities (i.e., adverse impacts on people and/or the
linkage determines the rise, and eventual fall, of human biosphere that are not captured in the prices of goods
societies (e.g., Diamond, 2005; Harris, 1977; Tainter, and services), society as a whole may be harmed. The
1988). In simple terms, human-engineered systems, outcome depends on the nature and reparability of
frequently related to water supply, have historically led the insult and the speed of recognition and response.
to the affluence and expansion of some societies. When Furthermore, undoing or avoiding a negative techni-
they reached a level that was unsustainable in the face cal externality requires collective (i.e., government)
of the inevitable shock(s) that impact the natural bio- action to ensure that everyone shares in the cost, as
sphere, these societies precipitously declined. well as the benefit, of the public good.
The difference between earlier societies and mod- The same principle applies to the care and improve-
ern societies is the interconnectedness of all people on ment of a complex natural or human-engineered net-
Earth and the rapidity of both the physical transport of work. Most engineered networks start as a way to
goods and services and the flow of information about expand markets for a particular type of business. But
their remote availability, which can provide a hedge when enough people become dependent on the service
against localized failures. Unfortunately, they also cre- provided by the network (e.g., roads and highways, the
ate interdependencies that may eventually precipitate air traffic system and airports, telecommunications net-
collapse on a global scale. works and the Internet, financial liquidity networks),
So what does this have to do with the smart grid? government usually steps in to support its repair and
To a large extent, the doomsday just described has to maintenance.
do with the way networks are linked and the differen-
tials between the types and speed of feedback within Electricity Networks, an Essential Step
and among society, technology, and natural systems. The link I have suggested between electricity and
It also has to do with the immediate and potential sustainability is important, because modern societ-
responses and the pace of innovation (i.e., adaptation ies no longer depend on horses, water, or steam to
and change), through which the smart grid may become provide energy. Instead, they depend on non-human
an enabler of a sustainable society. energy, electricity instead of human or animal physical
effort. For example, increased agricultural productivity
improved human nutrition, which greatly increased the
intensity of human effort (Fogel, 1994). Electrification
The smart grid is a flexible, compounded these improvements in per capita produc-
switchable system of bridges tivity, even though it is less efficient when measured
in terms of energy conversion on a BTU-in/BTU-out
linking people with technology basis. What matters is that electricity is an extraordi-
narily efficient substitute for human energy (Weinberg
and natural systems. and Burwell, 1982).
Because electricity can be transported via thin,
flexible wires and delivered precisely where and
Markets for the exchange of goods and services can when it is wanted, production processes no longer
also be both enablers and impediments to the ecologi- have to be aligned to meet the physical requirements
cal collapse of societies. Markets are loosely coupled of metal shafts, gears, and belt drives. Instead, they
networks that bring together, through piecemeal infor- can be arranged to satisfy the needs of their human
mation flows, the efforts of hundreds, even thousands, overseers. Electricity, which powers a myriad of labor-
of people performing highly specialized functions that saving devices, has unleashed the electronic, tele-
result in the delivery of coordinated products to indi- information, and computer era.
vidual customers. Although fossil-fuel-fired power plants are today
An even greater benefit of markets is that their considered a blight on the environment, they facili-
rewards encourage technological innovation that tated an important step toward improving urban envi-
adds to economic productivity in ways that benefit ronments. Imagine how filthy New York City would
Spring 2010 45

be if all of its energy had to be converted (i.e., burned) Smart Networks, Smart Markets
within its boundaries. Instead, much of that combus- The flow of goods and services over networks, which
tion has been concentrated at distant locations and by definition can improve reliability in many ways, is
the energy shipped by wire. And because of the scal- often governed by the laws of physics, chemistry, and
ing laws of large chemical/combustion processes, these biology, rather than the rules of commerce. In the
processes are more efficient and less polluting than past, this hard fact interfered with efforts to establish
when combustion took place in every home or build- electricity markets in the United States because cus-
ing. In addition, filtering and scrubbing remove resid- tomary market transactions frequently have to be over-
ual effluents leading to less pollution per unit of human ruled to maintain system reliability. Because electricity
energy saved. supplied over a network provides the same protection
But that is just the beginning. Energy by wire means against unannounced outages to all customers in a par-
we can get energy from a variety of fuels and deliver ticular neighborhood, reliability is a public good, and its
it at the speed of light. Less-polluting energy sources, level must be determined and enforced by a regulatory
like natural gas, might be located closer to people, but authority (e.g., Mount et al., 2003).
renewable resources must be sited where the resources
are predominant (e.g., hydroelectric plants, wind farms,
and geothermal plants).
The point is that with electricity as the energy inter- Energy by wire means
mediary, a wide range of existing and emerging tech-
nologies for energy generation can be tapped using the we can get energy from a
same delivery system and powering the same end-use
appliances. The electricity network is an extraordi-
variety of fuels and deliver it
nary hedging mechanism for future developments, at the speed of light.
even as it continues to support the most effective end-
use appliances.
There are some major hitches, however. Electricity Therefore, providing low-cost reliable electric service
cannot be stored economically in large quantities (e.g., requires a “smart-market”—one that begins with bids
pumping water uphill, an indirect storage method, is and offers from buyers and sellers but accepts them only
limited to particular locations), and peoples’ use of elec- after taking into account the laws of physics that govern
tricity varies widely over the course of a day, a week, or feasible flows over the multiple paths of an electricity
a year. Whereas fossil fuels can be stored, renewable network (Rassenti et al., 2003). The overall objec-
sources can be tapped only when nature cooperates. tive is to maximize the efficiency of the system, while
Thus the supply doesn’t always match human-usage maintaining a specified level of reliability. Today’s even
patterns. smarter markets also take into account dynamic con-
Fortunately, many electronic advances in the past straints on the network (e.g., the designation of operat-
half-century have already helped to smooth out the ing reserves and unit ramp rates), even as they continue
ebbs and flows of demand and supply while maintain- to ship energy.
ing the reliability of the grid. A more widespread elec- But smart markets can also provide feedback that leads
tricity network may be able to tap a larger variety of to improvements in the design and use of the electricity
generating sources and thereby take advantage of the network. If flow constraints on transmission lines can be
non-coincidence of peak demands in different geo- priced, congestion (a negative technical externality) can
graphic regions. also be priced, thereby improving the matchup between
Another downside to electricity as our source of supply and demand both geographically and over time.
energy is that it leads to a second disconnect in the Feedback can also signal when, where, and how much
minds of most people. Because the primary conversion customers are willing to pay for network improvements.
of energy takes place in distant, out-of-sight locations, In fact, this concept is beginning to be applied to other
most people don’t think about the adverse environ- networks (e.g., congestion tolls on roads).
mental consequences of flipping on their computers or The other big negative technical externality for the
charging their cell phones. electricity network is pollution, primarily from power

generation. Fortunately, because different types of gen- limited success until the ultimate “deciders” (i.e., con-
eration in different locations result in different adverse sumers) speak up.
impacts, the use of price mechanisms by the environmen-
tal community, either through cap-and-trade markets or Smart Meters for All
the levy of effluent fees, nicely complements existing To some, the smart grid implies using the latest sen-
market-based, wholesale exchanges of electricity. sors and computerized algorithms for all aspects of the
Even in areas where electricity allocations and costs operation so that everything is on autopilot. To others
are determined by a regulatory process, environmen- (so far in only a few urban areas), the change extends
tal add-ons, based on estimated damage to society, can to the local distribution system, which will be designed
reflect the external (non-marketed) environmental costs and operated with the same sophistication and redun-
of supplying power from different sources; in this way the dancy as the bulk power network.
externalities can be internalized! Thus for power plants Another local extension of automated systems is the
that burn high-sulfur coal without scrubbing, the social micro-grid, which involves distributed, small genera-
costs of pollution can be added to fuel costs, which will tion sites that combine lighting, heat, air conditioning,
affect the determination of whether or not the fuel is and power managed by their own optimization routines,
economical compared to, say, wind-generated power. while accounting for the economic interface with the
A distinction should be made between the emission external network. In those locations, the existing bulk
of greenhouse gases and the emission of particulates and power system must anticipate and account for the sophis-
the oxides of sulfur (SOX) and nitrogen (NOX). Even- ticated actions and responses of these micro-grids.
tually, the adverse effects of greenhouse gas emissions Evolving technologies may increase the value of a
will affect everyone on the planet. Thus, reducing them smart grid that encompasses all of these perspectives.
is a pure public good. Emissions from each source add For example, combine wind power, solar power, and the
up to what is received collectively by everyone, and car- plug-in-hybrid vehicle (PHEV). The latter, for the first
bon emissions everywhere can be assessed with the same time, would enable the economical distributed storage
incremental fee. of electricity at the local level. Although battery tech-
nology has been around for a century, it is becoming
economical now because of the high price of gasoline.
Add-on costs for estimated This is an example of the fuel-price hedging advantage
of electricity and the technological adaptations it may
damage to society can facilitate.
As more small-scale generating and storage technolo-
internalize externalities. gies become part of the distribution system, economi-
cal coordination with the customer’s use of electricity
will become even more important. This cannot hap-
By comparison, particulates, SOX, NOX, and other pen, however, until nearly every customer has a sensor
pollutants affect people in different locations differently, that measures energy usage in real time and is charged
depending on atmospheric conditions, topography, and for that usage based on time-differentiated costs that
geography. The reduction of these “criteria” pollutants include external environmental costs.
is a local public good, because, even though everyone in Yet we have been reluctant to install smart meters
a neighborhood receives the same benefit, the adverse that can instantaneously sense and record electricity
impacts vary in different places and at different times. usage based on the presumption that customers do not
The problem is that the atmospheric network is dif- want to be bothered, and might even rebel, at real-
ferent from the electricity supply network, and today, time pricing. However, experiments suggest otherwise
the rules and regulations for each are governed by dif- (Adilov et al., 2004). In studies at Cornell, for example,
ferent government agencies. It is easy to imagine the we paid customers (students) real money for what they
tugging and pulling between these oversight bodies saved in their simulated electricity purchases in a com-
(Mitarotonda, 2008). Using prices to manage the twin puterized market.
public goods of electricity reliability and environmental In the first scenario, customers had traditional,
quality in wholesale electricity markets can only have constant-price tariffs in a variety of weather conditions
Spring 2010 47

and simulated day-night

differences. Next, they ran Before After
through the same sequence Participant Preferences Before Participant Preferences After
of purchase conditions but Experiencing DRP and RTP Experiencing DRP and RTP

paid real-time market-

clearing prices. In a third
scenario, predetermined
credits were provided for
reduced consumption in a DRP
traditional, constant-price DRP 34%
exchange, only when sys- 64% RTP
tem stress was anticipated, 66%
similar to demand-response
programs available today.
The results overwhelm­ingly
favored real-time pricing Note: Statistically Significant Reversal of Preferences
(Figure 1). In addition,
price spikes were reduced in
most peak periods, as were FIGURE 1 Preferences for electricity pricing system, before and after actual experience in paid-for performance exercises. Note:
suppliers’ profits. In eco- RTP= real-time pricing. DRP= demand-response pricing. Source: Schuler, 2004.
nomic jargon, the industry
operated more efficiently.
Before the experiments
began, participants were
asked which pricing system
they thought they would
prefer, and two-thirds chose Imp Gen
constant, fixed prices with Out Gen Line 15
traditional demand-response
incentives. After trying all
three systems, however,
two-thirds chose real-time
pricing! This reversal is sta-
tistically significant by any
criteria and refutes the pop-
ular wisdom that customers
will not accept the change. Line 30
Further experiments con-
firmed other benefits to
letting all customers into
the electricity markets. In
simulations of the effects of
alternative pricing systems
on a 30-bus electrical system
with six generators, it was
estimated that maximum
transmission-line capaci-
ties could be reduced by an FIGURE 2 Schematic diagram of 30 bus IEEE test electricity network used for capacity and line flow simulations. Source:
average of 7 percent and Schuler, 2004.

that peak-generation requirements would be reduced which starts with the smart grid, will be dynamic and
by 5 to 10 percent (Adilov et al., 2005). In fact, total will continue to evolve. Whether it will eventually
electricity consumption increased slightly with real-time work through large-scale centralized or small decen-
pricing, because nighttime usage increased (because of tralized loosely coupled systems will depend on future
much lower prices) more than daytime usage declined. developments and the paths that are chosen. Whatever
In the long run, this would translate into lower capital those paths may be, they will reflect human creativity in
costs per megawatt hour sold (Figure 2). ways that were not possible before.
However, these benefits were not included in esti-
mates of overall customer value. In addition, the largest Acknowledgment
benefits to society can only be imagined. These ben- Research for the experiments and simulations con-
efits would result from the realization of technological ducted at Cornell University was supported by the
advances, such as wind and solar generation, micro- Power Systems Engineering Research Center (PSERC),
grids, and PHEVs. a National Science Foundation/industry consortium,
and the Consortium for Electricity Reliability Technol-
Conclusion ogy Solutions and funded by the U.S. Department of
Imagine the economic benefits of storing electric- Energy through PSERC.
ity in your PHEV generated by low-cost, base load and
wind units at night, rather than recharging the vehicle References
during the day with electricity produced by expensive Adilov, N., T. Light, R. Schuler, W. Schulze, D. Toomey, and
gas-fired generation during peak hours. With real-time R. Zimmerman. 2004. Self-Regulating Electricity Mar-
pricing, customers will have a greater incentive to make kets? Presented at the 17th Annual Western Conference,
the extra investment in, for example, PHEVs. In addi- Rutgers Center for Research in Regulated Industries, San
tion, an entrepreneur might begin to market an “app” Diego, California, June 24, 2004.
for a smart phone that would enable the PHEV driver Adilov, N., T. Light, R. Schuler. W. Schulze, D. Toomey, and
to punch in the origin and destination of a trip and the R. Zimmerman. 2005. Differences in Capacity Require-
desired departure and maximum tolerable travel time. ments, Line Flows and System Operability under Alterna-
The program would then respond with a route, as well tive Deregulated Market Structures: Simulations Derived
as refueling (and dining) spots that minimize combined from Experimental Trials. Pp. 635 – 641 in Proceedings of
time and cost while accounting for traffic congestion. IEEE Power Systems Conference and Exposition, San Fran-
This would be just the beginning, however. For the cisco, Calif., June 12–16, 2005.
first time in years, most urban dwellers would once Diamond, J.M. 2005. Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail
again be connected consciously with the broader envi- or Succeed. New York: Viking Books.
ronment that sustains them, even as they could now Fogel, R. 1994. Economic growth, population theory, and
manage their own comfort and convenience. The physiology: the bearing of long-term processes on the
mechanism of this connection would be the inclusion making of economic policy. American Economic Review
of widely varying environmental costs in the prices of 84(3): 369 –395.
consumption alternatives. Harris, M. 1977. Cannibals and Kings: The Origins of Cul-
The smart grid will provide instantaneous access to tures. New York: Random House.
a wide variety of energy sources with modest additional Mitarotonda, D.C. 2008. When the Transport Paths of Com-
investments in pipes, concrete, and wires. Unlike many modities and the Externalities They Generate Diverge:
other proposed energy futures, this one would not require Electricity as an Example. Paper presented at the 55th
a massive nationwide investment at the outset. Mak- North American Meetings of the Regional Science Asso-
ing the electricity grid (and us) smart in terms of cost ciation International, Brooklyn, New York, November
will provide powerful incentives for innovators to devise 20 –22, 2008.
environmentally benign versions of goods and services Mount, T.D., R.E. Schuler, and W.D. Schulze. 2003. Markets
that satisfy customers’ desires. for Reliability and Financial Options in Electricity: Theory
What I have just described is a bridging mechanism to Support the Practice. Pp. 53 – 62 in Proceedings of the
that will link technology, engineered support networks, 36th Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sci-
the biosphere, and human society. The energy network, ence, Waikaloa, Hawaii, January 6 –9, 2003.
Spring 2010 49

Rassenti, S.J., V.L. Smith, and B.J. Wilson. 2003. Control- schuler_demand_response_final_report.pdf.
ling market power and price spikes in electricity networks: Tainter, J.A. 1988. The Collapse of Complex Societies.
demand-side bidding. Proceedings of the National Acad- Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press.
emy of Sciences 100(5): 2998 –3003. Weinberg, A.M., and C.C. Burwell. 1982. The Rediscovery
Schuler, R.E. 2004. Structuring Electricity Markets for Demand of Electricity. Pp. 12–18 in Proceedings of the American
Responsiveness: Experiments on Efficiency and Operational Power Conference 44. Washington, D.C.: American Soci-
Consequences. PSERC Report M-7. Available online at ety of Mechanical Engineers.

NAE News and Notes

Class of 2010 Elected
In February, NAE elected 68 new Montgomery M. Alger, vice presi- profes­sional leadership, and
members and 9 new foreign associ- dent and chief technology officer, for contributions to optimization
ates, bringing the number of U.S. Air Products and Chemicals Inc., and transportation models, algo-
members to 2,267 and the number Allentown, Pennsylvania. For the rithms, and applications.
of foreign associates to 196. Elec- innovative fusion of business and
tion to NAE, one of the highest process engineering models to Rebecca M. Bergman, vice presi-
professional distinctions accorded advance engineering applications dent, New Therapies and Diagnos-
to an engineer, honors individuals and analysis. tics, Medtronic Inc., Mounds View,
who have made outstanding con- Minnesota. For technical leader-
tributions to “engineering research, Lisa Alvarez-Cohen, Fred and ship in the development of inter-
practice, or education, including Claire Sauer Professor and chair of ventional vascular devices and drug
. . . significant contributions to the Civil and Environmental Engineer- delivery systems.
engineering literature” and to “new ing Department, University of Cali-
and developing fields of technol- fornia, Berkeley. For discovery and Jacobo Bielak, University Profes-
ogy, . . . major advancements in application of novel microorganisms sor of Civil and Environmental
traditional fields of engineering, or and biochemical pathways for Engineering and director, Com-
. . . innovative approaches to engi- microbial degradation of environ- putational Seismology Laboratory,
neering education.” A list of newly mental contaminants. Carnegie Mellon University, Pitts-
elected members and foreign asso- burgh, Pennsylvania. For advancing
ciates follows, with primary affili- John David Anderson Jr., cura- knowledge and methods in earth-
ations at the time of their election tor of aerodynamics, National Air quake engineering and in regional-
and brief descriptions of principal and Space Museum, Smithsonian scale seismic motion simulation.
accomplishments. Institution, Washington, D.C. For
aerospace engineering and history Clyde L. Briant, vice president for
New Members textbooks and for contributions to research and Otis E. Randall Uni-
Joseph A. “Bud” Ahearn, senior hypersonic gas dynamics. versity Professor, Brown University,
vice president (retired), CH2M Providence, Rhode Island. For elu-
Hill, Ltd., Englewood, Colorado. Daniel N. Baker, director, Labora­ cidation of microstructural effects
For contributions to improving the tory for Atmospheric and Space on high-temperature mechanical
environment and transportation Physics, University of Colorado, performance of metals.
infrastructure through engineering Boulder. For leadership in stud-
and construction projects. ies, measurements, and predictive Andrei Z. Broder, Fellow and vice
tools for the Earth’s radiation envi- president, Search and Computa­
Ilhan A. Aksay, professor, Depart- ronment and its impact on U.S. tional Advertising, Yahoo! Research,
ment of Chemical Engineering, security. Sunnyvale, California. For contri-
Princeton University, Princeton, butions to the science and engineer-
New Jersey. For advances in cer­ Cynthia Barnhart, associate dean ing of the World Wide Web.
amic processing methods, biologi- for academic affairs and professor
cally inspired materials processing, of civil and environmental engi- James W. Burns, senior vice presi-
and field-induced layering of col- neering and engineering sys- dent, Drug and Biomaterial R&D,
loidal crystals. tems, Massachusetts Insti­tute Genzyme Corporation, Waltham,
of Tech­nology, Cambridge. For Massachusetts. For pioneering the
Spring 2010 51

development and commercializa- Stores Inc., Bentonville, Arkansas. C. Randy Giles, director, Optical
tion of hyaluronan-based products For leadership and contributions Subsystems and Advanced Photon-
and therapeutics to prevent surgi- to the design and implementation ics Research Department, Bell Labs,
cal adhesions. of innovative logistics and retail Alcatel-Lucent, Holmdel, New Jer-
technologies. sey. For contributions to advanced
Gang Chen, Carl Richard Soderberg lightwave communication networks
Professor, Department of Mechani- Heinz Erzberger, Ames Fellow and including erbium-doped fiber ampli-
cal Engineering, Massachusetts Senior Scientist (retired), NASA fiers, fiber Bragg grating-based sub-
Institute of Technology, Cambridge. Ames Research Center, Moffett systems, and MEMs crossconnects.
For contributions to heat transfer at Field, California. For automation
the nanoscale and to thermoelectric of air traffic management systems Irene Greif, IBM Fellow and direc-
energy conversion technology. that increases capacity and reduces tor, Collaborative User Experience,
delays and fuel consumption. IBM Thomas J. Watson Research
Brian Clark, Schlumberger Fellow, Center, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Schlumberger Technology Center, Richard C. Flagan, Irma and Ross For founding the field of computer-
Schlumberger Companies, Sugar McCollum-William H. Corcoran supported cooperative work, and for
Land, Texas. For contributions Professor of Chemical Engineering, leading research teams to shape and
and leadership in development and professor of environmental sci- commercialize the field.
and worldwide implementation ence and engineering, and execu-
of measurement-while-drilling tive officer of chemical engineering, William D. Gropp, Paul and Cyn-
technology. California Institute of Technology, thia Saylor Professor of Computer
Pasadena. For leadership in inven- Science, University of Illinois,
Robert E. Cohen, St. Laurent Pro- tion, measurement, production, and Urbana-Champaign. For contri-
fessor of Chemical Engineering, technology of aerosols. butions to numerical software in
Massachusetts Institute of Technol- the area of linear algebra and high-
ogy, Cambridge. For research on Paul G. Gaffney II, Vice Admiral, performance parallel and distrib-
polymer morphology and surfaces, U.S. Navy (retired); and president, uted computation.
commercial products and processes, Monmouth University, West Long
successful entrepreneurship, and Branch, New Jersey. For techni- Laura M. Haas, IBM Fellow and
novel educational programs. cal leadership in naval research director, Computer Science, IBM
and development and its impact on Almaden Research Center, San
John P. Connolly, Senior Techni- U.S. defense, ocean policy, and the Jose, California. For innovations in
cal Advisor and Principal Engineer, Arctic. the design and implementation of
Anchor QEA, LLC, Montvale, New systems for information integration.
Jersey. For development of inte- Arthur Gelb, president, Four
grated water-quality models used for Sigma Corporation, Belmont, Mas- Eugene E. Haller, professor of mate-
remediation and management plan- sachusetts. For leadership in apply- rials science and Liao-Cho Innova-
ning for large, contaminated bodies ing Kalman filtering techniques to tion Endowed Chair, Department of
of water. the solution of critical national Materials Science and Engineering,
aerospace problems. University of California, Berkeley.
Martin Cooper, chairman, Dyna, For improvements in semiconductor
LLC, Del Mar, California. For Maryellen Giger, professor of radiol- performance through contributions
leadership in the creation and ogy and medical physics, University to synthesis of ultrapure and doped
deployment of the cellular portable of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois. For crystals.
hand-held telephone. contributions to digital signal anal-
ysis for improved cancer detection Jeffrey A. Hubbell, professor and
Michael T. Duke, president and and treatment and for innovations director, Institute of Bioengineer-
chief executive officer, Wal-Mart in interdisciplinary training. ing, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale

de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzer- California, Berkeley. For developing new vortex methods of flow simu-
land. For contributions to the sci- synthetic biology tools to engineer lation, and understanding of flow-
ence, engineering, and technology the antimalarial drug artemisinin. induced vibration.
of bioactive materials for the benefit
of patients. Jon Khachaturian, founder, presi- Dennis P. Lettenmaier, Robert and
dent, and chief executive officer, Irene Sylvester Professor of Civil and
Michael R. Johnson, Rear Admiral, Versabar, Inc., Houston, Texas. Environmental Engineering, Uni-
U.S. Navy (retired) and associate For developing innovative, safe, versity of Washington, Seattle. For
vice chancellor for facilities, Uni- reusable, and economical heavy- contributions to hydrologic mod-
versity of Arkansas, Fayetteville. lifting systems to advance the inter- eling for stream water quality and
For leadership and achievements national marine industry. hydro-climate trends and models for
in U.S. Naval construction man- improved water management.
agement and projects throughout Thomas F. Kuech, Milton J. and A.
the world. Maude Shoemaker Professor and past Robert A. Lindeman, vice presi-
chair, Department of Chemical and dent and chief engineer (retired),
Michael I. Jordan, Pehong Chen Biological Engineering, University Northrop Grumman Corporation,
Distinguished Professor, Depart- of Wisconsin, Madison. For contri- Castle Rock, Colorado. For contri-
ment of Electrical Engineering and butions to chemical vapor deposi- butions to U.S. signals intelligence
Computer Science and Department tion of compound semiconductors. processing, algorithms, and archi-
of Statistics, University of Califor- tecture, and implementation of
nia, Berkeley. For contributions to Derrick M. Kuzak, group vice presi- innovative near real-time systems
the foundations and applications of dent, Global Product Development, operations.
machine learning. Ford Motor Company, Dearborn,
Michigan. For leadership in the John O. Marsden, president, John
Brewster Kahle, digital librarian, design and development of automo- O. Marsden, LLC, Phoenix, Arizona.
director, and co-founder, Internet tive vehicles. For contributions to the technology
Archive, San Francisco, California. of processing copper and gold ores.
For archiving and making available Einar V. Larsen, director, Energy
all forms of digital information. Application and Systems Engineer- David A.B. Miller, W.M. Keck
ing, GE, Schenectady, New York. Foundation Professor of Electri-
Eric W. Kaler, provost and senior For the invention and application cal Engineering, and professor of
vice president for academic affairs, of flexible AC transmission systems applied physics, Ginzton Labora-
Stony Brook University, Stony devices leading to enhanced perfor- tory, Stanford University, Stanford,
Brook, New York. For elucidation mance of the electric power grid. California. For contributions to
of structure-function relationships the physics and application of semi­
in surfactant systems that has led to Hau L. Lee, Thoma Professor conductor nanostructures, includ-
novel formulations of complex, self- of Operations, Information, and ing the discovery of the quantum
assembled media. Technology, Graduate School of confined Stark effect.
Business, Stanford University,
Abraham E. Karem, president and Stanford, California. For contri- Tom M. Mitchell, E. Fredkin Uni-
founder, Karem Aircraft Inc., Lake butions demonstrating the impact versity Professor and chair, Machine
Forest, California. For development of information-sharing on supply Learning Department, School of
of long-endurance unmanned aerial chain design and management. Computer Science, Carnegie Mel-
vehicles and variable rotor speed lon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsyl-
VTOL aircraft systems. Anthony Leonard, Theodore von vania. For pioneering contributions
Kármán Professor of Aeronautics and leadership in the methods and
Jay D. Keasling, Hubbard Howe Emeritus, California Institute of applications of machine learning.
Jr. Distinguished Professor of Bio- Technology, Pasadena. For contri-
chemical Engineering, University of butions to simulation of turbulence,
Spring 2010 53

David J. Mooney, dean for chemical/ Gregory H. Olsen, principal, GHO Mark R. Pinto, executive vice pres-
biological sciences and engineering, Ventures, LLC, Princeton, New Jer- ident, Applied Materials Inc., Santa
and Robert P. Pinkas Family Pro- sey. For research and commercial- Clara, California. For contributions
fessor of Bioengineering, School of ization of optical components for to modeling and manufacturing
Engineering and Applied Sci­ences, fiber communications and national technologies for semiconductor
Harvard University, Cambridge, defense. devices.
Massachusetts. For contributions to
the fields of tissue engineering and Gregory B. Olson, Walter P. Murphy Stephen B. Pope, Sibley College Pro-
regeneration. Professor, Department of Materials fessor of Engineering, Sibley School
Science and Engineering, North- of Mechanical and Aerospace Engi-
David L. Morse, senior vice presi- western University, Evanston, Illi- neering, Cornell University, Ithaca,
dent and director of corporate nois. For contributions to research, New York. For contributions to the
research, Corning Inc., Corning, development, implementation, and modeling of turbulent flow, includ-
New York. For contributions to teaching of science-based design of ing the development of probability
photochromic materials and leader- materials. distribution function methodologies
ship in fiber-optic technology. for turbulent combustion.
Thomas W. Parks, Professor Emeri-
Ali Mosleh, professor, Department tus, Cornell University, Ithaca, New William R. Pulleyblank, vice presi-
of Mechanical Engineering, Uni- York. For contributions to digital dent, Center for Business Optimi-
versity of Maryland, College Park. filter design, fast computation of zation, IBM Business Consulting
For contributions to the develop- Fourier transforms, and education. Services, Somers, New York. For
ment of Bayesian methods and contributions to the theory and
computational tools in probabilis- Larry L. Peterson, Robert E. Kahn methods of optimization and leader-
tic risk assessment and reliability Professor of Computer Science, ship in their application to business
engineering. Department of Computer Science, problems.
Princeton University, Princeton,
William New Jr., chairman and New Jersey. For contributions to Arthur H. Rosenfeld, commis-
chief executive officer, The Novent the design, implementation, and sioner, California Energy Commis-
Group, Palo Alto, California. For deployment of networked software sion, Sacramento. For leadership in
developing applications of pulse systems. energy efficiency research, develop-
oximetry technology to clinical ment, and technology deployment
problems of blood oxygen monitor- Roderic I. Pettigrew, director, through the development of appli-
ing, and for innovations in neonatal National Institute of Biomedi- ance and building standards and
audiology. cal Imaging and Bioengineering, public policy.
National Institutes of Health,
Paul D. Nielsen, Major General, Bethesda, Maryland. For the use Richard C. Scherrer, retired aircraft
U.S. Air Force (retired) and direc- of MRI in human blood-flow stud- design consultant, Port Townsend,
tor and chief executive officer, ies and for leading advancements Washington. For his pioneering
Software Engineering Institute, in bioengineering research and work on revolutionary aircraft
Carnegie Mellon University, Pitts- education as the initial director of designs with extremely low radar
burgh, Pennsylvania. For leader- NIBIB. cross sections that led to the F117A
ship of the systems engineering and stealth fighter.
design of advanced national satellite George F. Pinder, professor, and
programs, including restructuring director, Research Center for Ben Shneiderman, professor of
and upgrades of MILSTAR. Groundwater Remediation Design, computer science, Department
University of Vermont, Burlington. of Computer Science, University
For leadership in groundwater mod- of Maryland, College Park. For
eling applied to diverse problems in research, software development,
water resources. and scholarly texts concerning

human-computer interaction and Engineering Center, Department of sand during earthquakes and its
information visualization. of Mechanical Engineering, Uni- application to practice.
versity of California, Berkeley. For
John C. Wall, vice president and pioneering contributions in meta- Danie G. Krige, independent con-
chief technical officer, Cummins materials and creation of the first sultant, Florida Hills, South Africa.
Inc., Columbus, Indiana. For lead- optical superlens with resolutions For development of statistical meth-
ership and management of research, beyond the fundamental diffraction ods and their application to resource
design, development, and produc- limit. valuation.
tion of low-emission, fuel-efficient,
heavy-duty diesel engines. New Foreign Associates Sang Yup Lee, Distinguished Pro-
José M. Aguilera, professor, Depart- fessor, dean, and director, KAIST,
Mark N. Wegman, IBM Fel- ment of Chemical Engineering and Daejeon, Republic of South Korea.
low and Chief Scientist, Software Bioprocesses, Pontificia Universidad For leadership in bacterial biotech-
Technology, IBM Thomas J. Wat- Católica de Chile, Santiago. For nology and metabolic engineering,
son Research Center, Hawthorne, advancing food material technology including development of fermen-
New York. For contributions to and the understanding of structure tation processes for biodegradable
computer algorithms and complier functions in foods. polymers and organic acids.
optimization that have influenced
many areas of computer science Edward J. Davison, University Pro- N.R. Narayana Murthy, chairman
theory and practice. fessor Emeritus of Electrical and of the board and chief mentor, Info-
Computer Engineering, University sys Technologies Ltd., Bangalore,
Andrew J. Whittle, head, Depart- of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario. For India. For contributions to the
ment of Civil and Environmental contributions to control system development of global information
Engineering and SMART Research methodology for model reduc- technology services.
Professor, Massachusetts Institute of tion, robust servomechanisms, and
Technology, Cambridge. For devel- decentralized control. Jens Nielsen, professor in systems
opment of soil models and numeri- biology, Department of Chemi-
cal analyses that advance the design L.K. Doraiswamy, Anson Marston cal and Biological Engineering,
of braced excavations and offshore Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Chalmers University of Technology,
structures. Department of Chemical and Bio- Göteborg, Sweden. For contribu-
logical Engineering, Iowa State tions to the development of fungal
Alan S. Willsky, Edwin S. Webster University, Ames. For outstanding bio­technology for pharmaceutical
Professor of Electrical Engineering leadership in the development of intermediates and neutraceuticals.
and Computer Science and direc- the Indian chemical industry and
tor, Laboratory for Information and contributions to organic synthesis Jun-ichi Nishizawa, advisor and
Decision Systems, Massachusetts engineering, heterogeneous reac- University Professor (special
Institute of Technology, Cambridge. tions, and reactors. appointment), Sophia School
For contributions to model-based Corporation, Tokyo, Japan. For
signal processing and statistical Kenji Ishihara, professor of contributions to static induction
inference. research and development initia- devices, dislocation-free semi-
tive, Department of Civil Engi- conductor processing, and optical
Xiang Zhang, Ernest S. Kuh neering, Chuo University, Tokyo, device technologies.
Endowed Chair Professor and direc- Japan. For advancing understand-
tor, NSF Nano-scale Science and ing of the fundamental behavior
Spring 2010 55

NAE Newsmakers
The Chinese Academy of Engi- several academic-industry consortia, distinguished leadership in materi-
neering (CAE) recently elected a and advocating the broader role of als science and engineering.” At the
class of six new foreign members, materials science and engineering in Awards/American Welding Society
five of whom are NAE members: solving global human challenges.” (AWS) Foundation Recognition
Liang-Shih Fan, Distinguished Uni- Roger W. Brockett, An Wang Luncheon on November 17, 2009,
versity Professor and C. John Easton Professor of Electrical Engineering held in Chicago, Illinois, in con-
Professor in Engineering, Ohio State and Computer Science, School of junction with the 2009 FABTECH
University; Raj Reddy, Mozah Bint Engineering and Applied Sciences, International and AWS Exhibition,
Nasser University Professor of Com- Harvard University, received the Dr. Chang and his colleague Prof.
puter Science and Robotics, Car­ IEEE 2009 Leon K. Kirchmayer Sindo Kou received the 2009 War-
negie Mellon University; Surendra Graduate Teaching Award on ren F. Savage Memorial Award
P. Shah, Walter P. Murphy Professor, December 17, 2009. Dr. Brockett for a paper titled “Liquation of Mg
Northwestern University; Charles was recognized for his inspirational Alloys in Friction Stir Spot Weld-
M. Vest, president, National Acad- mentoring of generations of graduate ing” published in the Welding Journal
emy of Engineering; and Henry students who have gone on to define in 2008. This paper was selected by
T. Yang, chancellor, University of the field of control engineering. their peers “to best represent inno-
California, Santa Barbara. Estab- Y. Austin Chang, Wisconsin vative research resulting in better
lished in 1994, CAE is a national, Distinguished Professor Emeritus of understanding of the metallurgical
independent organization of elected the Department of Materials Sci- principles related to welding.” Dr.
members who have made significant ence and Engineering, University of Chang was recently notified he has
and creative contributions in engi- Wisconsin, Madison, received four been selected to be an Honorary
neering and technological sciences. awards in 2009 and one in 2010. Dr. Member of AIME for “outstanding
Diran Apelian, Howmet Profes- Chang delivered a lecture, “Synthe- life-long contributions to research,
sor of Mechanical Engineering, and sis and Characterization of AlOx- technology, materials science and
director, Metal Processing Institute, based Magnetic Tunnel Junctions,” engineering education, and sus-
Worcester Polytechnic Institute, at the Acta Materialia Gold Medal tained leadership.” The honor was
received the 2010 Robert Earll Celebration on February 15, 2009, formally announced on February
McConnell Award from the Ameri- at the 2009 Annual TMS Meeting 16, 2010, at the 2010 Annual TMS
can Institute of Mining, Metal- in San Francisco, California. At Meeting in Seattle, Washington.
lurgical, and Petroleum Engineers the end of the lecture, he officially Joseph M. Colucci, president
(AIME). The award was presented accepted the 2009 Acta Materialia of Automotive Fuels Consulting
during the AIME annual banquet Gold Medal in recognition of his Inc. and retired executive director,
and awards ceremony in Seattle, demonstrated ability and leader- materials research, General Motors
Washington, on February 16, 2010. ship in materials research. At the Research and Development, is the
Dr. Apelian was honored “for ASM International Awards Dinner recipient of the 2010 SAE Inter-
working tirelessly for over 40 years on October 27, 2009, at the Annual national Medal of Honor, the orga-
dedicated to teaching, mentoring 2009 ASM International Meet- nization’s most prestigious award.
future engineering leaders, advanc- ing in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, he A member of SAE International
ing the science and technology of first received the 2009 J. Willard for nearly 50 years, Colucci has
materials science and engineer- Gibbs Award for “seminal contri- consistently strived to make SAE
ing by conducting and supervising butions to phase equilibria and alloy International a better organization
fundamental and applied research, thermo­dynamics both theoreti- for its members and constituencies.
publishing and presenting many cally and experimentally” and the Toward that goal, he has improved
technical papers, books, and patents, 2009 Gold Medal for “outstanding the quality of papers delivered at
applying fundamental knowledge to accomplishment as an exemplary the SAE International Technical
industrial applications, establishing world-class teacher/researcher and Meeting and the environmental

quality and organization of meet- 2010 Founders Medal in recog- will receive the Katayanagi Prize
ing sessions; strongly endorsed and nition of his “exemplary career of for Research Excellence, and Jon
encouraged participation in techni- leadership in education, research M. Kleinberg, professor, Depart-
cal sessions and committee activi- and public policy.” The Founders ment of Computer Science, Cornell
ties; increased funding for the SAE Medal is given “for outstanding con- University, will receive the Katay-
Foundation, and originated objec- tributions in the leadership, plan- anagi Emerging Leadership Prize.
tive measures for determining the ning, and administration of affairs The prizes are presented annually
success of A World In Motion® pro- of great value to the electrical and by Carnegie Mellon University in
grams. The medal will be presented electronics engineering profession.” cooperation with the Tokyo Univer-
during the SAE 2010 World Con- Thomas Kailath, Hitachi America sity of Technology (TUT). Tohru
gress in Detroit, Michigan, April 13 Professor of Engineering, Emeritus, Hoshi, dean of the TUT School of
to 15, 2010. Department of Electrical Engineer- Computer Science, said, “Dr. Knuth
John Bannister Goodenough, ing, Stanford University, received a is widely known as one of the great-
Centennial Professor of Engineer- number of awards and recognitions est scientists in programming algo-
ing, Texas Materials Institute, in 2009. He was elected a Foreign rithms and also as the designer of
University of Texas, Austin, and Member of the Royal Society, one TeX. Dr. Kleinberg is famous for
Siegfried S. Hecker, co-director, of only eight foreign members from developing the HITS algorithm
Center for International Security around the world. The Royal Soci- for Web network analysis as well as
and Cooperation, and professor ety was established in 1660, and the analyzing the small-world phenom-
(research), Department of Man- induction cere­mony includes using enon.”
agement Science and Engineering, a quill pen to sign a book of parch- Henry McDonald, Distinguished
Stanford University, are the winners ment leaves dating back to 1660. In Professor, Sim Center, University of
of the 2009 Enrico Fermi Award. April, he received a Padma Bhushan Tennessee at Chattanooga, was pre-
In announcing the winners, U.S. Award from the president of India. sented with the Royal Aeronautical
Secretary of Energy Steven Chu The award is the third highest civil- Society Gold Medal for 2009. Dr.
stated: “The 2009 Enrico Fermi ian honor of the government of McDonald was honored for his aero-
Award will go to two scientists who India. On November 6, in Bologna, space contributions and his leader-
have selflessly devoted themselves Italy, the European Academy of Sci- ship of the NASA Ames Research
to our nation’s energy and national ences awarded Professor Kailath the Center. The award was presented
security challenges. These two indi- Blaise Pascal Medal for Computer on December 10, 2009, in London.
viduals are pioneers in innovative and Information Sciences. The Royal Aeronautical Society is
research, and I want to thank them Ahsan Kareem, Robert Moran the foremost international orga-
for their work and congratulate Professor of Engineering, Depart- nization promoting the aerospace
them on this award.” The award, ment of Civil Engineering and profession. The first Gold Medal
administered on behalf of the White Geological Sciences, University was awarded to Wilbur and Orville
House by the U.S. Department of of Notre Dame, has been elected Wright in 1909.
Energy, will be presented at a date a foreign fellow of the Indian Edward I. Moses, principal
to be announced. One of the old- National Academy of Engineering. associate director, Lawrence Liver-
est and most prestigious science Dr. Kareem has long been involved more National Laboratory (LLNL),
and technology awards given by the in research and education initiatives received the 2009 Edward Teller
U.S. government, the Enrico Fermi in India, including working at the Medal, sponsored by the Ameri-
Award includes an honorarium of Structural Engineering Research can Nuclear Society. The medal
$375,000, which will be shared Center in Chennai (Madras) as a was presented at the Sixth Inter-
equally, and a gold medal. consultant to the United Nations national Conference on Inertial
Paul E. Gray, Professor of Elec- Development Program. Fusion Sciences and Applications
trical Engineering Emeritus and Donald E. Knuth, Professor in San Francisco on September 10,
President Emeritus, Massachusetts Emeritus of The Art of Computer 2009. Dr. Moses was cited for his
Institute of Technology, has been Programming, Computer Science “leadership in the development and
named the recipient of the IEEE Department, Stanford University, completion of the National Ignition
Spring 2010 57

Facility” (NIF). As principal asso- National Academy of Engineering, or managerial directions.” Dr Wong
ciate director of NIF and Photon was awarded honorary member- was recognized for his untiring pas-
Science at LLNL, he is leading an ship in the American Society of sion and dedication to the IEEE and
interna­tional effort to perform the Mechanical Engineers in recogni- CPMT Society, in which he has
first ignition experiments on NIF. tion of his distinguished achieve- held leadership positions for the last
Ekkehard Ramm, professor, ments in technology management, 22 years.
Institute of Structural Mechanics, his service to society and commu- Edgar S. Woolard Jr., former
University of Stuttgart, received the nity, and his lifetime of service to chairman, E.I. du Pont de Nemours
2009 Eduardo Torroja Medal from the engineering profession. Dr. Vest & Company, received the 2010
the International Association for also delivered the keynote address Josiah Marvel Cup Award, the
Shell and Spatial Structures. The at the DC Council of Engineering highest honor presented by the Del-
prestigious Torroja Medal is given and Architectural Societies Awards aware State Chamber of Commerce.
in recognition of outstanding and Banquet on February 27, 2010, in Active in professional and business
distinguished contributions to the Silver Spring, Maryland. affairs, Mr. Woolard remains an
development of the field of shell Andrew J. Viterbi, president, advocate for corporate ethics. He
and spatial structures. Viterbi Group LLC, has been is former director of the New York
Ponisseril Somasundaran, direc- named the recipient of the 2010 Stock Exchange Inc.; Citigroup Inc;
tor, NSF/IUCR Center for Surfac- IEEE Medal of Honor. The Medal IBM; Apple Computer Inc.; Telex
tants, and La Von Duddleson Krumb of Honor, IEEE’s highest award, will Communications; and Bell Atlan-
Professor, School of Engineering and be presented on June 26, 2010, in tic, Delaware. Mr. Woolard serves
Applied Science, Columbia Univer- Montreal, Quebec, Canada, as part on the Board of Trustees of the
sity, has been awarded the Padma of IEEE’s annual Honors Ceremony. Christiana Care Health System and
Shri by the Indian government. Dr. Viterbi has been selected for his the North Carolina Textile Founda-
The Padma Shri is usually awarded “seminal contributions to commu- tion Inc.
to Indian citizens to recognize their nications technology and theory.” Roe-Hoan Yoon, Nicholas T.
distinguished contributions in the In the mid-1960s, while a professor Camicia Professor, Department of
arts, education, industry, literature, at UCLA, he developed the Vit- Mining and Minerals Engineering,
science, sports, medicine, social ser- erbi algorithm, a breakthrough in Virginia Polytechnic Institute and
vice, or public life. On November wireless technology that separated State University, was awarded the
11, 2009, Dr. Somasundaran was information (voice and data) from 2009 Stephen McCann Memorial
inducted as a fellow of the American background noise. Award for Educational Excellence
Institute of Chemical Engineers C.P. Wong, Regents’ Professor of from the Pittsburgh Coal Mining
(AIChE). The ceremony took place Materials Science and Engineering Institute of America. Dr. Yoon was
during the AIChE annual meeting and the Charles Smithgall Institute recognized for his “international
at the Gaylord Opryland Hotel in Endowed Chair, School of Materi- record of teaching and researching
Nashville. Only a small percentage als Science and Engineering, Geor- in mineral processing science and
of AIChE members are inducted as gia Institute of Technology, received technologies.”
fellows. Candidates for the award the David Feldman Award in recog-
must have been in the chemical nition of “his outstanding contribu- Send submissions for Newsmakers to
engineering practice for at least tions to the fields encompassed by or mail to Dennis
25 years and must have extraordi- the IEEE Components, Packaging, Thorp, NAE Membership Office, 500
nary accomplishments in the field. and Manufacturing Technology Fifth Street, N.W., Washington, DC
Charles M. Vest, president, (CPMT) Society through executive 20001.

NAE Website to Feature Ethics Column

To highlight work by NAE mem- ideas or feedback. The first col- Section has established a group to
bers and other prominent engineers umn focuses on accessibility to the study these issues headed by Ross
in the area of engineering ethics, results of failure investigations and Corotis, professor, Department of
the Center for Engineering, Ethics, highlights the experiences of NAE Civil, Environmental and Archi-
and Society has launched an ethics member Zdenek Bazant, professor tectural Engineering, University
column on the NAE website. The of civil and environmental engi- of Colorado, Boulder. The column
column features a “Comments” sec- neering at Northwestern Univer- can be found at http://www.nae.
tion where readers can enter their sity. The NAE Civil Engineering edu/17098.aspx.

Randy Atkins Wins IEEE-USA Award

Literary Contributions Furthering ing journalistic or other efforts that
Public Understanding of the Profes- lead to a better public understanding
sion” for his radio series, “Engineer- of the contributions of engineering
ing Innovation.” Since 2003, Randy professionals to the enhancement
has recorded hundreds of 40-second and expansion of the social, eco-
pieces, which are broadcast many nomic, and cultural aspects of life.”
times on WTOP-FM, a commer- The award, which includes a $1,500
cial, all-news station and the most honorarium, was presented at the
listened-to station in the Washing- IEEE annual meeting in Nashville,
ton, D.C., region. Slightly longer Tennessee, on March 6, 2010. Pre-
Randy Atkins versions are broadcast on Federal vious awardees include journalists
News Radio. The reports are also from National Public Radio, the
Randy Atkins, NAE Senior available via podcast on the NAE Chicago Tribune, the Wall Street
Program Officer for Media/Public website at Journal, and the NOVA television
Relations, has been awarded the The IEEE-USA journalism award series.
IEEE-USA “Award for Distinguished is given in recognition of “outstand-
Spring 2010 59

2009 Japan-America Frontiers of Engineering Symposium

Engineering at the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, and Ichiro
Kanaya, associate professor in
the Frontier Research Center of
the Graduate School of Engineer-
ing at Osaka University, co-chaired
the organizing committee and the
symposium. Funding was provided
by The Grainger Foundation,
the Arnold O. and Mabel Beck-
man Foundation, the National
Science Foundation, and the Japan
Science and Technology Agency.
The next JAFOE Symposium will
Poster sessions provide an opportunity for all participants to share their research and technical work. be held in June 2011 in Japan.
NAE has hosted annual U.S. Fron-
On November 9 to 11, 2009, the signal processing, an industrial per- tiers of Engineering symposia since
ninth Japan-America Frontiers of spective on nanomanufacturing, 1995 and JAFOE symposia since 2000.
Engineering (JAFOE) Symposium and challenges of modeling aerosols Other bilateral Frontiers programs,
was held at the Beckman Center in and their interactions with clouds in with Germany, India, China, and the
Irvine, California. Approximately Earth-system models. European Union, bring together out-
60 engineers—30 from each coun- The dinner speech on the first standing mid-career engineers (ages
try—attended, with additional rep- evening was given by Fred Kavli, 30 to 45) from industry, academe, and
resentation from NAE’s partners in chairman of the Kavli Founda- government to learn about develop-
this program, the Japan Science and tion, who described his entrepre- ments, techniques, and approaches at
Technology Corporation and the neurial and scientific career and the forefront of many fields of engi-
Engineering Academy of Japan. the work of the Kavli Foundation. neering. Frontiers symposia facilitate
The topics for the four symposium Other highlights of the sympo- interdisciplinary contacts and collab-
sessions were: State-of-the-Art Tech- sium included a poster session on orations among the next generation
nologies for Knowledge Manage- the first afternoon, which gave all of engineering leaders.
ment; Breakthrough Technologies participants an opportunity to For more information about
in Brain Science; Novel Materials describe their technical work or Frontiers symposia or to nominate
for Industrial Applications; and research, and tours of the National an outstanding engineer to partici-
Modeling Global Climate Change. Fuel Cell Research Center and the pate in a future Frontiers meeting,
Presentations by two Japanese and Beckman Laser Institute on the contact Janet Hunziker at the NAE
two American researchers in each UC-Irvine campus. Program Office at (202) 334-1571
area covered Wikipedia mining, Arup Chakraborty, Robert T. or by e-mail at
engineering approaches to brain- Haslam Professor of Chemical

Mirzayan and CASEE Fellows

Erica Clites Valerie Henderson Summet Rocío Chavela Guerra Katherine Meza

On January 25, 2010, two new for a government or nonprofit agency she enjoys cooking, reading, sewing,
Mirzayan Science and Technology Pol- engaged in conservation. In her free and traveling.
icy Fellows joined the NAE Program time, Erica enjoys playing cards, run-
Office for a 12-week term. ning, hiking, and cheering for the The Center for the Advancement of
Michigan Wolverines. Scholarship in Engineering Education
Erica Clites recently graduated (CASEE) welcomes two new fellows,
from the University of California, Valerie Henderson Summet Rocío Chavela Guerra and Katherine
Riverside, with a master’s degree in (Center for Engineering Ethics and Meza.
geological sciences. For her master’s Society) is currently completing her
research, she traveled to South Aus- Ph.D. in computer science at the Rocío Chavela Guerra is a doc-
tralia to describe fossils of an early Georgia Institute of Technology, toral candidate in the School of
animal that resembled a pin­cushion. where her research focused on how Engineering Education at Purdue
Since July 2009, Erica has been mobile technologies can be used for University. In her research, she is
working as a paleontologist evaluat- learning (“m-learning”) and algo- investigating faculty development
ing fossil sites for the National Park rithms for adaptive instruction. She practices at engineering degree-
Service in Washington, D.C. This also occasionally teaches a course, granting institutions in Mexico.
project afforded her the opportunity “Computing and Society,” at Georgia Rocío received her bachelor and
to learn about resource manage- Tech. Valerie’s graduate studies were master’s degrees in chemical engi-
ment, which she found fascinating. supported by a National Science neering from Universidad de las
Erica also loves to teach; she spent a Foundation Graduate Fellowship Américas, Puebla (México), where
year teaching English in northeast- and a National Science Foundation she was an instructor for five years
ern Germany as a Fulbright Scholar. East Asia Pacific Summer Institute and developed a passion for helping
She received her bachelor’s degree Fellowship. During her Mirzayan others to learn.
in geology, with a minor in Ger- Fellowship, she hopes to learn more At CASEE, Rocío will help
man studies, from the College of about the ethical dilemmas facing develop workshops to promote put-
Wooster. engineers and scientists. ting the results of engineering edu-
During her fellowship working In the long term, Valerie would cation research into practice. Rocío
with the media relations office at like to remain in academia and work aspires to become an agent of change
NAE, Erica hopes to learn how at an undergraduate-focused univer- in engineering education, with an
research findings shape national sity where she can incorporate what emphasis on countries with Spanish-
policies and how scientific and tech- she learns at NAE into her teach- speaking populations. In her free
nical information can be communi- ing. Valerie graduated from Duke time, she enjoys spending time with
cated effectively. Her career goal is University and loves to watch col- her family and friends, cooking, and
to work as a science communicator lege basketball. In her free time, playing piano and guitar.
Spring 2010 61

Katherine Meza holds a Ph.D. assisted in the development of new hopes to gain insight into how
in industrial engineering from programs and research centers, such research findings shape national
the University of Central Florida as the Center for e-Design and the policies, how the dissemination of
(UCF), where her doctoral research Center for Engineering Leadership research findings can have a positive
was focused on developing tools and and Learning (CELL) in the Indus- impact in the engineering commu-
models to characterize and quantify trial Engineering Department at nity, and how she can help promote
user-centered design in product UCF. Dr. Meza received the Modern- engineering nationwide. Her career
and system development. She also Day Technology Leader Award goal is to work for a government or
holds a B.S. and M.S. in industrial in 2007 and is a member of the nonprofit agency on improving engi-
engineering, a Six-Sigma Green- Na­tional Scholars Honor Society neering policies in the United States
Belt Certification, and a Project and the Delta Epsilon Iota Aca- and abroad. In her free time, she
Engineering Certificate from UCF. demic Honor Society. enjoys visiting museums, going to
During her doctoral research, she During her fellowship, Dr. Meza the theater, traveling, and dancing.

A Message from NAE Vice President Maxine L. Savitz

energized our fundraising by call- • A. James Clark, Robert and
ing on the NAE community to Florence Deutsch, and a
increase its giving in 2009. Thanks member who wishes to remain
to their generosity and the gener- anonymous made significant
osity of donors who responded to commitments to ensure that
their Challenge, we are pleased to we would meet our goal for the
announce that we exceeded our Jacobs Challenge.
goal of raising $500,000 for the
• Gordon and Betty Moore made
NAE Independent Fund by more
a very generous gift to be used at
than $200,000!
the president’s discretion.
Maxine L. Savitz The impetus for the increase
can also be attributed to the NAE • Robert Pritzker established a
I am very pleased to report a
Development Committee and NAE fund to recruit a fellow to work
healthy and robust 2009 fundraising
Council members who personally on improving innovation and
year for NAE. Despite the overall
supported the Jacobs Challenge manufacturing in the United
economic climate, NAE enjoyed
initiative and encouraged their States.
a significant increase in philan­
peers to do the same. We gratefully
thropic support from our members Your philanthropic support
acknowledge their efforts. Our suc-
and friends. Thanks to your gen- continues to be vital to NAE’s
cess would not have been possible
erosity, we raised more than $4.8 independence and a significant
without their participation and the
million in new gifts and pledges, contributor to the quality of our
overwhelming participation of all
including more than $1.4 million work. Although the government
members and friends who helped us
for the NAE Independent Fund, our provides much of the funding to
leverage the Challenge.
unrestricted fund that gives us the support the fulfillment of our mis-
I also call your attention to some
flexibility to take on high-priority sion, your private donations give us
recent extraordinary commitments
special activities for which funding the strategic flexibility to address
from our members:
is not immediately available. long-range challenges that are criti-
We extend a special thanks to • Stephen D. Bechtel Jr.’s foun- cal to securing our nation’s future.
Irwin and Joan Jacobs for issu- dation provided funding to Your contributions allow us to
ing the Jacobs Challenge this past establish a President’s Discretion- address urgent, complex issues that
September, which catalyzed and ary Fund. affect our nation’s safety, long-term

economic strength, and quality of and development, public policy. committee. In particular, we will
life. Some key initiatives from 2009 Follow-up efforts to this founda- try to engage these young faculty
are highlighted below: tional study will provide analyses members more intensely in the
of the relative strengths and weak- “formal presentation” phase of the
• America’s Energy Future (AEF).
nesses of energy policy options. meeting.
From May 2009 through the end
of the year a series of five reports • Frontiers of Engineering Educa- For 2010, NAE will focus on
associated with America’s Energy tion. Thanks to generous support building our endowment to ensure
Future: Technology Opportunities, from the O’Donnell Founda- our long-term economic strength
Risks and Tradeoffs, was delivered tion, the inaugural Frontiers of and to increase the NAEF endow-
to the Obama administration Engineering Education (FOEE) ment to $100 million by our 50th
and Congress. The reports were Symposium was held November anniversary in 2014. We also plan
subsequently released publicly. 15–18, 2009, in a retreat-like to provide more opportunities for
The AEF project was initiated in setting in suburban Washington, learning about deferred giving and
2007 jointly by NAE and NAS D.C. Forty-seven young faculty estate planning by hosting estate
to inform the national dialogue members attended. Discussions planning seminars in conjunction
on the nation’s energy future by covered innovative engineer- with some NAE Regional Meetings
providing authoritative charac- ing programs, findings based on in addition to the Estate Planning
terizations of technology options education research that per- Brunch traditionally held during the
for meeting the nation’s energy tain to engineering and science, NAE Annual Meeting.
challenges. These options are and instructional practices that On behalf of the NAE Council,
either currently available or could are both innovative and practi- I thank all of our members and the
make a substantial contribution cal. The conference itself was a corporations, foundations, govern-
to improving energy supply or learning experience. Although ment sponsors, organizations, and
managing energy use in the next the planning committee had friends who support NAE for your
two decades. The NAE Council origin­ally assigned attendees to continued involvement and gener-
Development Committee was “affinity groups” to facilitate infor- osity. Your commitment this past
instrumental in securing a signifi- mation sharing, the attendees “self- year was a vote of confidence for
cant portion of funding for the organized” into new groups that NAE’s work and encourages us to
project. Through scores of brief- they thought would help them work even harder to justify your
ings and broad dissemination of the achieve their goals. According continued support. Please know
AEF reports among policy makers to a post-conference survey, the that we are deeply appreciative and
(see flexibility to make this change that we look forward to working
energy), the results are being enhanced the symposium expe- together to address the engineering
widely used by Congress as it rience for 90 percent of attend- challenges that lie ahead.
considers energy and climate ees. In the spirit of continuous
legislation and by government improvement, we plan to modify
departments and agencies consid- FOEE for 2010 based on feedback Maxine L. Savitz
ering options for energy research from attendees and the planning NAE Vice President
Spring 2010 63

National Elwyn and Jennifer

Anita K. Jones
Thomas V. Jones
Anne and Walt Robb
Henry M. Rowan
Academy of Diane and Norman Trevor O. Jones George Rowe
Engineering Bernstein Kenneth A. Jonsson Jack W. and Valerie Rowe
Mrs. Elkan R. Blout Yuet Wai and Alvera Kan Mrs. Joseph E. Rowe
2009 Private Contributions Harry E. Bovay, Jr. Fred Kavli William J. Rutter
The National Academy David G. Bradley Cindy and Jeong Kim Stephen and Anne Ryan
of Engineering gratefully Donald L. Bren Olga Kirchmayer* Jillian Sackler
acknowledges the following Sydney Brenner Frederick A. Klingenstein Raymond and Beverly
members and friends who Fletcher* and Peg Byrom William I. Koch Sackler
made charitable contribu- Russell L. Carson Jill H. Kramer Henry and Susan Samueli
tions during 2009. Their Ralph J. and Carol M. John W. Landis Bernard G. and Rhoda
collective, private philan- Cicerone William W. Lang Sarnat
thropy helps to enhance the A. James Clark Gerald and Doris Laubach Leonard D. Schaeffer
impact of NAE as advisor to James McConnell Clark Whitney and Betty Wendy and Eric Schmidt
the nation. Dale and Jeanne Compton MacMillan Sara Lee and Axel Schupf
Roman W. DeSanctis William W. McGuire Shep and Carol Ruth
Einstein Society Robert and Florence Burton and DeeDee Shepherd
In recognition of members Deutsch McMurtry Melvin I. Simon
and friends who have made George and Maggie Eads Richard and Ronay Georges C. St. Laurent, Jr.
lifetime contributions of Robert and Cornelia Menschel Charlotte and Morry
$100,000 or more to the Eaton Dane and Mary Louise Tanenbaum
National Academies as per- Richard Evans Miller Ted Turner
sonal gifts or as gifts facili- Harvey V. Fineberg and Mrs. G. William Miller Leslie L. Vadasz
tated by the donor through a Mary E. Wilson George and Cynthia* Roy and Diana Vagelos
donor advised fund, match- Tobie and Dan Fink Mitchell Charles M. and
ing gift program, or family George and Ann Fisher Gordon and Betty Moore Rebecca M. Vest
foundation. Harold K. and Betty A. Joe and Glenna Moore John C. Whitehead
Forsen David and Lindsay Wm. A. Wulf
Anonymous William L. and Mary Kay Morgenthaler Alejandro Zaffaroni
John Abelson Friend Richard M. Morrow Janet and Jerry Zucker
Bruce and Betty Alberts Eugene Garfield Philip and Sima
Rose-Marie and Jack R. William H. Gates, III Needleman Heritage Society
Anderson T. H. Geballe Gerda K. Nelson* In recognition of members
John and Lise Armstrong Penny and Bill George Ralph S. O’Connor and friends who have con-
Richard C. and Rita Nan and Chuck Geschke Peter O’Donnell, Jr. tributed to the future of the
Atkinson Bernard M. Gordon Kenneth H. Olsen National Academies through
Norman R. Augustine Barbara N. Grossman Doris Pankow life income, bequests, and
William F. Ballhaus, Sr. Corbin Gwaltney Lawrence and Carol Papay other estate and planned
Craig and Barbara Barrett Margaret A. Hamburg and Jack S. Parker gifts.
Jordan and Rhoda Baruch Peter F. Brown Shela and Kumar Patel
Warren L. Batts Andreas Acrivos
William M. Haney, III Percy Pollard
Stephen D . Bechtel, Jr. Gene M. Amdahl
Michael and Sheila Held Robert A. Pritzker
Kenneth E. Behring John C. Angus
Jane Hirsh Dr. and Mrs. Allen E.
C. Gordon Bell John and Lise Armstrong
M. Blakeman Ingle Puckett
Norman R. Augustine
Joan and Irwin Mark Ann and Michael Ramage
Jack D. Barchas
Key: Jacobs Simon Ramo
*Recently deceased Stanley Baum
§Emeritus Robert L. and Anne K. Carol and David Richards
Stephen D. Bechtel, Jr.
◊Giving matched by James
the Jacobs Challenge

Clyde J. Behney Norman F. Ness through a donor advised David and Susan Hodges
Paul Berg Ronald and Joan fund, matching gift program, Kenneth F. Holtby
Franklin H. Blecher Nordgren or family foundation. Edward E. Hood, Jr.
Daniel Branton Gilbert S. Omenn Robert E. Kahn
Andreas Acrivos
Robert and Lillian Brent Wm. R. Opie Thomas Kailath
William F. Allen, Jr.
John A. Clements Dr. and Mrs. Bradford Dr. and Mrs. Paul G.
Gene M. Amdahl
D. Walter Cohen Parkinson Kaminski
William A. Anders
Morrel H. Cohen Zack T. Pate John and Wilma
Bishnu S. Atal
Colleen Conway-Welch Daniel W. Pettengill* Kassakian
William F. Ballhaus, Jr.
Ellis and Bettsy Cowling Frank and Billie* Press Theodore C. Kennedy
William F. Banholzer
Barbara J. Culliton Simon Ramo James Krebs
Paul Baran
Malcolm R. Currie Alexander Rich Kent Kresa
Thomas D. Barrow
Ruth M. Davis Frederic M. Richards* Lester C. Krogh
Franklin H. Blecher
Robert A. Derzon* Henry W. Riecken David M. Lederman
Erich Bloch
Peter N. Devreotes Emanuel P. Rivers Bonnie Berger and Frank
Barry W. Boehm
Paul M. Doty Richard J. and Bonnie B. Thomson Leighton
Lewis M. Branscomb
Mildred S. Dresselhaus Robbins Johanna Levelt Sengers
Harold Brown
Gerard W. Elverum James F. Roth Norman N. Li
George Bugliarello
Emanuel Epstein Sheila A. Ryan Frank W. Luerssen
William Cavanaugh, III
William K. Estes Paul R. Schimmel James F. Mathis
Robert A. Charpie
Richard Evans Stuart F. Schlossman Kenneth G. McKay
Joseph V. Charyk
Robert C. Forney Kenneth I. Shine John L. Moll
John M. Cioffi
Paul H. Gilbert Robert L. Sinsheimer Dan and Patsy Mote
Stephen H. Crandall
Martin E. Glicksman Arnold and Constance Van C. Mow
Malcolm R. Currie
George Gloeckler Stancell George E. Mueller
Ruth A. David
Chushiro Hayashi H. Eugene Stanley Dale and Marge Myers
Lance A. Davis
Michael and Sheila Held Dale F. Stein Cynthia J. and Norman A.
Ruth M. Davis
Richard B. Johnston, Jr. Rosemary A. Stevens Nadel
Gerald P. Dinneen
Anita K. Jones John A. Swets John Neerhout, Jr.
E. Linn Draper
Jerome Kagan Esther S. Takeuchi Robert M. Nerem
Mildred S. Dresselhaus
John W. Landis Paul Talalay Ronald P. Nordgren
Thomas E. Everhart
Norma M. Lang Ivan M. Viest Franklin M. Orr, Jr.
Samuel C. Florman
William W. Lang Willis H. Ware Simon Ostrach
Robert C. Forney
R. Duncan Luce Robert H. Wertheim Zack T. Pate
Donald N. Frey
Thomas S. Maddock Maw-Kuen Wu Donald E. Petersen
Richard L. Garwin
Artur Mager Wm. A. Wulf Dennis J. Picard
Louis V. Gerstner, Jr.
Jane Menken Charles Yanofsky Richard F. Rashid
Martin E. Glicksman
G. Lewis* and Ingrid Michael Zubkoff George B. Rathmann
Joseph W. Goodman
Meyer Ronald L. Rivest
Golden Bridge Society William E. Gordon*
Gordon and Betty Moore George A. Roberts
Robert W. Gore
Arno G. Motulsky In recognition of members Jonathan J. Rubinstein
Paul E. Gray
Van C. Mow of the National Academy of Maxine L. Savitz
Paul R. Gray
Guido Munch Engineering who have made Warren G. Schlinger
John O. Hallquist
Mary O. Mundinger lifetime contributions of Roland W. Schmitt
Delon Hampton
Gerda K. Nelson* $20,000 to $99,999 to Donald R. Scifres
Martin C. Hemsworth*
the National Academies as Robert F. Sproull
John L. Hennessy
Key: personal gifts or as gifts Arnold and Constance
*Recently deceased Robert and Darlene
§Emeritus facilitated by the donor Stancell
◊Giving matched by
the Jacobs Challenge
Spring 2010 65

Raymond S. Stata E. Cabell Brand§ Jack S. Parker§ NAE Members

H. Guyford Stever Malin Burnham Robert A. Pritzker Anonymous
Stanley D. Stookey Fletcher L. Byrom*§ John S. Reed Alice M. Agogino◊
Peter B. Teets Louis W. Cabot§ Charles W. Robinson§ William F. Ballhaus, Jr.◊
Daniel M. Tellep Wiley N. Caldwell§ Neil R. Rolde§ Paul Baran
Leo J. and Joanne J. M. Blouke Carus§ Jillian Sackler Craig and Barbara Barrett
Thomas Ralph J. Cicerone Harvey S. Sadow§ Stephen D. Bechtel, Jr.◊
Gary and Diane Tooker James McConnell Clark§ Axel Schupf Harry E. Bovay, Jr.◊
Ivan M. Viest Dollie Cole§ Sara Lee Schupf George Bugliarello
Andrew J. Viterbi Nancy E. Conrad§ H.R. Shepherd§ Robert A. Charpie◊
Daniel I.C. Wang Howard E. Cox§ Susan E. Siegel John M. Cioffi
Willis H. Ware Charles R. Denham Georges C. St. Laurent, Jr.§ A. James Clark◊
William L. Wearly Ralph C. Derrickson Thomas C. Sutton G. Wayne Clough◊
Johannes Weertman Meredith L. Dreiss Judy Swanson Ruth A. David◊
Julia R. Weertman Charles W. Duncan, Jr.§ Deborah Szekely§ Lance A. Davis◊
Robert H. Wertheim George C. Eads Charles M. Vest Robert H. Dennard◊
Albert R. C. Westwood Harvey V. Fineberg Robert H. Waterman§ Robert and Florence
Robert M. White Richard N. Foster Margaret S. Wilson§ Deutsch◊
Sheila E. Widnall Raymond E. Galvin§ Carole S. Young Robert and Cornelia
John J. Wise Eugene Garfield§ James F. Young Eaton
Edward Woll Jack M. Gill Stephen N. and Sharon
A. Thomas Young Samuel F. Heffner§ The 2009 Irwin and Joan Finger◊
Jane Hirsh Jacobs NAE Matching Tobie and Dan Fink◊
The Presidents’ Circle Charles O. Holliday, Jr. Gift Challenge matched, William L. and Mary Kay
The Presidents’ Circle is an M. Blakeman Ingle§ dollar for dollar, any Friend◊
advisory and philanthropic Christopher Ireland increase over a donor’s Nan and Chuck Geschke
support group of the National Irwin Mark Jacobs 2008 contribution to the Paul R. Gray◊
Academies. Donations by Robert L. James§ NAE Independent Fund. John O. Hallquist◊
members of the Presidents’ Scott A. Jones§ Donors are recognized in John L. Hennessy◊
Circle help promote greater Kenneth A. Jonsson§ the NAE’s annual giving Charles O. Holliday, Jr.◊
awareness of science, tech- William F. Kieschnick§ societies, listed below, Joan and Irwin Mark
nology, and medicine in our William I. Koch according to the com- Jacobs
society and a better under- Jill H. Kramer bined impact of their Thomas Kailath◊
standing of the work of the Gerald D. Laubach§ 2009 contributions and Theodore C. Kennedy
National Academies. Richard J. Mahoney§ the matched amount. Cindy and Jeong Kim
Robert H. Malott§ John W. Landis
Drew E. Altman Catalyst Society
Davis L. Masten David M. Lederman
Jack R. Anderson§
John F. McDonnell In recognition of NAE mem- Bonnie Berger and Frank
Norman R. Augustine
Burton J. McMurtry§ bers and friends of NAE Thomson Leighton◊
Thomas D. Barrow§
Charles H. McTier who contributed $10,000 Gordon and Betty Moore
Ernest A. Bates§
Kamal K. Midha§ or more in collective support Dan and Patsy Mote◊
Warren L. Batts§
George P. Mitchell§ for the National Academies Ronald and Joan
Donald R. Beall
Joe F. Moore§ in 2009. We acknowledge Nordgren◊
Berkley Bedell§
Robert W. Morey§ those contributions made as Roberto Padovani◊
Diane Bernstein§
David T. Morgenthaler personal gifts or as gifts facil- Lawrence and Carol
Darla Mueller itated by the donor through a Papay◊
Key: Patricia S. Nettleship§ donor advised fund, match- Jack S. Parker◊
*Recently deceased
§Emeritus Peter O’Donnell, Jr. ing gift program, or family Robert A. Pritzker
◊Giving matched by foundation.
the Jacobs Challenge

Ann and Michael Ramage Joseph V. Charyk donor advised fund, match- Willis S. White, Jr.◊
Richard F. Rashid◊ Sunlin Chou◊ ing gift program, or family Wm. A. Wulf ◊
Ronald L. Rivest◊ Paul Citron◊ foundation.
Anne and Walt Robb◊ Robert P. and Ellen M. Friends
Jonathan J. Rubinstein◊ Colwell◊ NAE Members Jim and Cindy Hinchman◊
Maxine L. Savitz◊ Robert C. Forney Anonymous◊
Donald R. Scifres◊ Louis V. Gerstner, Jr.◊ Rodney C. Adkins Charter Society
Arnold and Constance Richard D. Gitlin◊ Ken Austin◊ In recognition of NAE
Stancell◊ William E. Gordon*◊ Clyde and Jeanette Baker◊ members and friends of
Dale F. Stein◊ Michael W. Hunkapiller R. Byron Bird◊ NAE who contributed
Peter B. Teets Robert E. Kahn Thomas F. Budinger◊ between $1,000 and $2,499
Charles M. and Dr. and Mrs. Paul G. Jeffrey P. Buzen◊ in collective support for
Rebecca M. Vest◊ Kaminski Corbett Caudill the National Academies in
Raymond Viskanta◊ James R. Katzer Selim A. Chacour◊ 2009. We acknowledge
Andrew J. Viterbi◊ Pradman P. Kaul◊ Joseph M. Colucci◊ those contributions made as
Robert H. Wertheim◊ Oliver D. Kingsley, Jr.◊ Harry M. Conger personal gifts or as gifts facil-
Sheila E. Widnall◊ Gerald and Doris Laubach Robert W. Conn◊ itated by the donor through a
Paul G. Yock◊ Frank W. Luerssen Ross B. Corotis◊ donor advised fund, match-
A. Thomas Young◊ John C. Martin◊ Malcolm R. Currie◊ ing gift program, or family
George E. Mueller Lee L. Davenport◊ foundation.
Friends Cynthia J. and Norman A. James J. Duderstadt◊
Jane C. Brown◊ Nadel Charles Elachi◊ NAE Members
Barbara N. Grossman Dennis J. Picard Harold K. and Betty A. Andreas Acrivos
Peter O’Donnell, Jr. Simon Ramo Forsen◊ Ronald J. Adrian◊
Henry M. Rowan Howard L. Frank Harl P. Aldrich, Jr.
Rosette Society Henry and Susan Samueli Paul E. Gray Edward C. Aldridge, Jr.
In recognition of NAE Joel S. Spira◊ Wesley L. Harris◊ Clarence R. Allen
members and friends of Dr. and Mrs. Leo J. Siegfried S. Hecker◊ Lew Allen, Jr. *
NAE who contributed Thomas Chenming Hu◊ John L. Anderson
between $5,000 and $9,999 Gary and Diane Tooker Anita K. Jones◊ John C. Angus◊
in collective support for Daniel I.C. Wang◊ John and Wilma Minoru S. Araki
the National Academies in Edgar S. Woolard, Jr.◊ Kassakian Neil A. Armstrong
2009. We acknowledge Adrian Zaccaria Anthony D. Kurtz Wm. Howard Arnold
those contributions made as Richard A. Meserve◊ Arthur B. Baggeroer
personal gifts or as gifts facil- Friends James K. Mitchell◊ Daniel Berg◊
itated by the donor through a Anonymous◊ Cherry A. Murray◊ Philip A. Bernstein◊
donor advised fund, match- Stuart O. Nelson◊ Rudolph Bonaparte◊
ing gift program, or family Challenge Society Matthew O’Donnell◊ Seth Bonder
foundation. In recognition of NAE Percy A. Pierre◊ George H. Born◊
members and friends of George A. Roberts H. Kent Bowen
NAE Members NAE who contributed Mendel Rosenblum◊ Willard S. Boyle◊
Thomas D. Barrow between $2,500 and $4,999 Andrew P. Sage◊ Corale L. Brierley◊
Barry W. Boehm in collective support for Jerry Sanders◊ James A. Brierley◊
Lewis M. Branscomb the National Academies in Linda S. Sanford◊ William R. Brody
2009. We acknowledge Ronald V. Schmidt◊ Alan C. Brown
those contributions made as Maurice E. Shank◊ Andrew Brown, Jr.
Key: personal gifts or as gifts facil- John A. Swanson◊ Harold and Colene Brown
*Recently deceased Thomas H. Vonder Haar◊
§Emeritus itated by the donor through a John H. Bruning◊
◊Giving matched by Robert H. Wagoner◊ James R. Burnett
the Jacobs Challenge
Spring 2010 67

Robert P. Caren◊ Edward E. Hagenlocker◊ Dan Maydan Roland W. Schmitt

Moustafa T. Chahine◊ George A. Harter◊ Walter J. McCarthy, Jr.◊ William R. Schowalter◊
A. Ray Chamberlain◊ George N. Hatsopoulos Sanford N. McDonnell Soroosh Sorooshian◊
Jean-Lou A. Chameau◊ Alan J. Heeger◊ James C. McGroddy◊ James F. Stahl◊
Chau-Chyun Chen◊ David and Susan Hodges◊ Terence P. McNulty◊ Raymond S. Stata
Stephen Z. Cheng Thom J. Hodgson Kishor C. Mehta◊ Richard J. Stegemeier
Aaron Cohen◊ Edward E. Hood, Jr.◊ James D. Meindl◊ Kenneth E. Stinson
Esther M. Conwell John R. Howell James J. Mikulski Stanley D. Stookey◊
Avelino Corma◊ Mary Jane Irwin◊ William F. Miller◊ Richard M. Swanson◊
Richard W. Couch, Jr.◊ Andrew Jackson and Duncan T. Moore Charlotte and Morry
Arthur Coury◊ Lillian A. Rankel◊ Edward I. Moses◊ Tanenbaum
Gary L. Cowger Stephen B. Jaffe◊ Albert F. Myers◊ Charles E. Taylor◊
Henry Cox Leah H. Jamieson◊ Dale and Marge Myers George Tchobanoglous
Natalie W. Crawford George W. Jeffs Albert Narath◊ James M. Tien◊
Glen T. Daigger Marvin E. Jensen◊ Venkatesh Matthew V. Tirrell
Ernest L. Daman Barry C. Johnson Narayanamurti◊ Hardy W. Trolander
David E. Daniel◊ G. Frank Joklik John Neerhout, Jr.◊ James J. Truchard◊
L. Berkley Davis◊ Evelyn S. Jones Chrysostomos L. Nikias R. Rhodes Trussell◊
Carl de Boor Aravind K. Joshi◊ Robert B. Ormsby, Jr. James E. Turner, Jr.
Pablo G. Debenedetti M. Frans Kaashoek◊ Franklin M. Orr, Jr. A. Galip Ulsoy
Raymond F. Decker Melvin F. Kanninen◊ Dr. and Mrs. Bradford David Walt and Michele
Thomas and Bettie Deen Chaitan Khosla◊ Parkinson◊ May◊
Ralph L. Disney◊ Sung W. Kim◊ Shela and Kumar Patel Darsh T. Wasan◊
Nicholas M. Donofrio◊ James L. Kirtley Arogyaswami J. Paulraj◊ William L. Wearly
E. Linn Draper, Jr.◊ Albert S. Kobayashi Stanford S. Penner◊ Johannes Weertman
George J. Dvorak◊ Paul C. Kocher◊ Donald E. Petersen Julia R. Weertman
Gerard W. Elverum◊ U. Fred Kocks◊ Kurt E. Petersen◊ Albert R. C. Westwood◊
Lawrence B. Evans◊ Lester C. and Joan M. William P. Pierskalla◊ David A. Whelan◊
Thomas E. Everhart Krogh Chris D. Poland◊ Ward O. Winer◊
Thomas V. Falkie Doris Kuhlmann-Wilsdorf William F. Powers Jack K. Wolf ◊
Leroy M. Fingerson◊ Way Kuo◊ Donald E. Procknow◊ Eugene Wong
Anthony E. Fiorato◊ Charles C. Ladd Henry H. Rachford, Jr.◊ Herbert H. Woodson◊
George and Ann Fisher Fred J. Leonberger Prabhakar Raghavan◊ Richard N. Wright
Peter T. Flawn◊ Frances S. and George T. Joy and George Rathmann Israel J. Wygnanski
Samuel C. Florman Ligler◊ Buddy D. Ratner◊ Alfred A. Yee◊
Gordon E. Forward Burn-Jeng Lin◊ Joseph B. Reagan William W-G. Yeh◊
Mauricio Futran◊ Kuo-Nan Liou◊ Kenneth L. Reifsnider◊ Yannis C. Yortsos◊
Elsa M. Garmire Jack E. Little Richard J. and Bonnie B.
Donald P. Gaver◊ Robert G. Loewy Robbins Friends
Joseph G. Gavin, Jr. J. David Lowell Bernard I. Robertson Kristine L. Bueche
Alexander F. Giacco Dr. and Mrs. J. Ross Warren M. Rohsenow◊ Eric C. Johnson and
Eduardo D. Glandt◊ Macdonald Alton D. Romig, Jr.◊ Kathleen Minadeo
Arthur L. Goldstein◊ William J. MacKnight◊ Anatol Roshko Johnson
Mary L. Good◊ Thomas S. Maddock William B. Rouse◊
Hermann K. Gummel Artur Mager◊ William B. Russel◊ Other Individual
Hans Mark◊ Allen S. Russell◊ Donors
Key: Edward A. Mason◊ B. Don and Becky Russell◊ In recognition of NAE
*Recently deceased
§Emeritus James F. Mathis Vinod K. Sahney members and friends of
◊Giving matched by Robert D. Maurer Steven B. Sample◊ NAE who contributed up to
the Jacobs Challenge

$999 in collective support Anne and John Cahn Robert M. Fano Ira* and Tina Hedrick◊
for the National Academies James D. Callen Richard G. Farmer Adam Heller
in 2009. We acknowledge John M. Campbell, Sr. James A. Fay Martin E. Hellman
those contributions made as Federico Capasso Joseph Feinstein Robert W. Hellwarth
personal gifts or as gifts facil- E. Dean Carlson◊ Robert E. Fenton◊ Arthur H. Heuer
itated by the donor through a William Cavanaugh, III Michael J. Fetkovich John P. Hirth
donor advised fund, match- Don B. Chaffin Morris E. Fine William C. Hittinger◊
ing gift program, or family Morris Chang◊ Bruce A. Finlayson◊ David G. Hoag◊
foundation. Vernon L. Chartier Essex E. Finney, Jr. Allan S. Hoffman◊
Anil K. Chopra◊ RADM and Mrs. Millard Stanley H. Horowitz
NAE Members Andrew Chraplyvy Firebaugh◊ Evelyn L. Hu◊
H. Norman Abramson◊ Richard C. Chu◊ Robert E. Fischell Thomas J. Hughes
Linda M. Abriola◊ David R. Clarke◊ Nancy D. Fitzroy◊ Sheldon E. Isakoff
Hadi Abu-Akeel Edmund M. Clarke◊ Merton C. Flemings◊ Robert B. Jansen
Mihran S. Agbabian John L. Cleasby G. David Forney, Jr. Donald L. Johnson
William G. Agnew Ray W. Clough◊ John S. Foster, Jr.◊ Marshall G. Jones◊
Paul A. Allaire Seymour B. Cohn◊ Charles A. Fowler Angel G. Jordan
Charles A. Amann Richard A. Conway Eli Fromm John W. Kalb◊
John E. Anderson Fernando J. Corbato◊ Shun Chong Fung Ivan P. Kaminow
John G. Anderson◊ Dale R. Corson Dr. and Mrs. Elmer L. Ahsan Kareem◊
Paul M. Anderson◊ Eugene E. Covert Gaden◊ Kenneth H. Keller◊
Frank F. Aplan◊ Douglass D. Crombie Theodore V. Galambos Pradeep K. Khosla
Kenneth E. Arnold David E. Crow Gerald E. Galloway, Jr.◊ Timothy L. Killeen
R. Lyndon Arscott◊ Lawrence B. Curtis Edwin A. Gee◊ Judson and Jeanne King
James R. Asay◊ Edward E. David, Jr.◊ Ronald L. Geer Robert M. Koerner
Donald W. Bahr Delbert E. Day Don P. Giddens◊ Bernard L. Koff ◊
Ruzena K. Bajcsy◊ Anthony J. DeMaria◊ Virginia P. Gidley◊ Max A. Kohler
Grigory I. Barenblatt◊ Joseph M. DeSimone◊ Paul H. Gilbert Bill and Ann Koros
Robert W. Bartlett◊ Charles A. Desoer◊ George J. Gleghorn Demetrious Koutsoftas◊
Howard and Alice Baum Robert C. DeVries Earnest F. Gloyna Herbert Kroemer◊
Zdenek P. Bazant George E. Dieter Alan J. Goldman Richard T. Lahey, Jr.◊
Georges and Marlene Robert H. Dodds Richard J. Goldstein◊ Larry W. Lake◊
Belfort Albert A. Dorman Steve and Nancy James L. Lammie
Leo L. Beranek Irwin Dorros Goldstein William W. Lang
Arthur E. Bergles◊ Earl H. Dowell Solomon W. Golomb Carl G. Langner◊
James R. Biard Elisabeth M. Drake Joseph W. Goodman Robert C. Lanphier, III
Paul N. Blumberg◊ Floyd Dunn Roy W. Gould◊ Louis J. Lanzerotti
Jack L. Blumenthal Ira Dyer Thomas E. Graedel Ronald G. Larson◊
F. Peter Boer David A. Dzombak◊ Gary S. Grest Chung K. Law
Geoffrey Boothroyd Peter S. Eagleson William and Sharon Alan Lawley◊
Lillian C. Borrone Robert C. Earlougher, Jr. Gross◊ Edward D. Lazowska
P. L. Thibaut Brian Lewis S. Edelheit Barbara J. Grosz◊ Margaret A. LeMone
Yvonne C. Brill◊ Helen T. Edwards Karl A. Gschneidner◊ Johanna Levelt Sengers
Howard J. Bruschi Farouk El-Baz Jerrier A. Haddad Mark J. Levin◊
Jack E. Buffington◊ Bruce R. Ellingwood Carl W. Hall◊ Herbert S. Levinson◊
Joel S. Engel Carol K. Hall◊ Salomon Levy
Key: Deborah L. Estrin◊ William J. Hall Paul A. Libby◊
*Recently deceased
§Emeritus John V. Evans Thomas L. Hampton Peter W. Likins
◊Giving matched by James R. Fair Julius J. Harwood Barbara H. Liskov◊
the Jacobs Challenge
Spring 2010 69

Joseph C. Logue◊ Athanassios Z. Anthony E. Siegman Eli Yablonovitch

Mark S. Lundstrom◊ Panagiotopoulos◊ Arnold H. Silver Les Youd
Larry Lynn Stavros S. Papadopulos◊ Peter G. Simpkins Laurence R. Young◊
Albert Macovski Frank L. Parker Kumares C. Sinha◊ Ben T. Zinn◊
Subhash Mahajan Claire L. Parkinson◊ Jack M. Sipress
William F. Marcuson, III◊ Alan W. Pense Ernest T. Smerdon Friends
Robert C. Marini◊ Nicholas A. Peppas◊ Henry I. Smith◊ Anonymous
James J. Markowsky◊ John H. Perepezko◊ Gurindar S. Sohi◊ Mary Lee Berger-Hughes◊
David K. Matlock Thomas K. Perkins Alfred Z. Spector◊ Roger and Dolores Kiel
Fujio Matsuda◊ Julia M. Phillips◊ Gunter Stein Radka Z. Nebesky◊
Walter G. May◊ Karl S. Pister Dean E. Stephan Kenneth Phillips
William J. McCroskey◊ William R. Prindle Gregory Stephanopoulos
William McGuire Ronald F. Probstein Thomas G. Stephens Foundations,
Kenneth G. McKay Charles W. Pryor, Jr. Kenneth H. Stokoe, II◊ Corporations, and
Ross E. McKinney Edwin P. Przybylowicz Richard G. Strauch◊ Other Organizations
Robert M. McMeeking◊ Robert H. Rediker◊ G. B. Stringfellow In recognition of founda-
Alan L. McWhorter Cordell Reed◊ Stanley C. Suboleski tions, corporations, and other
Eugene S. Meieran Gintaras V. Reklaitis◊ James M. Symons organizations that contrib-
Angelo Miele Eli Reshotko◊ Rodney J. Tabaczynski uted to NAE in 2009.
James A. Miller Jerome G. Rivard R. Bruce Thompson
Analytic Services Inc.
Robert D. Miller◊ Leslie E. Robertson and David A. Tirrell◊
Avid Solutions Industrial
Warren F. Miller, Jr.◊ Sawteen See Neil E. Todreas◊
Process Control
Keith K. Millheim Lloyd M. Robeson◊ Charles H. Townes◊
AYCO Charitable
Joan L. Mitchell Theodore Rockwell◊ Charles E. Treanor
Sanjit K. Mitra Robert K. Roney Alvin W. Trivelpiece◊
Baltimore Community
Dade W. Moeller Arye Rosen Richard H. Truly
Francis C. Moon Howard B. Rosen◊ Howard S. Turner
Stephen Bechtel Fund
Richard K. Moore Ken Rosen Stephen D. Umans◊
Bechtel Group
A. Stephen Morse◊ Hans T. Rossby◊ Moshe Y. Vardi
Joel Moses Alfred Saffer Anestis S. Veletsos
Bechtel Group Inc.
E. Phillip Muntz William S. Saric◊ Walter G. Vincenti
Bell Family Foundation
Earll M. Murman Peter W. Sauer◊ John Vithayathil
Boeing PAC Match
Haydn H. Murray◊ Thorndike Saville, Jr. Irv Waaland
Gerald Nadler George W. Scherer C. Michael Walton
BP America Inc.
Devaraysamudram R. Jerald L. Schnoor◊ Warren M. Washington◊
Bristol-Myers Squibb
Nagaraj Walter J. Schrenk◊ John T. Watson
David J. Nash Albert B. Schultz Lawrence M. Wein◊
Combined Jewish
Alan Needleman◊ Henry G. Schwartz, Jr. Shelly Weinbaum◊
Joseph H. Newman Lyle H. Schwartz Irwin Welber◊
Community Foundation
Wesley L. Nyborg◊ Mischa Schwartz Jasper A. Welch, Jr.
for Southeastern
James G. O’Connor Hratch G. Semerjian Edward Wenk, Jr.◊
Charles R. O’Melia Robert J. Serafin David C. White◊
Cummins Inc.
Robert S. O’Neil◊ F. Stan Settles Robert Marshal White
Dow Chemical Company
David H. Pai Don W. Shaw Robert Mayer White
Hilliard W. Paige Freeman D. Shepherd Robert V. Whitman
Charles Stark Draper
Thomas B. Sheridan John J. Wise
Key: Martin B. Sherwin M. Gordon and Elaine
*Recently deceased E.I. du Pont de Nemours
§Emeritus Reuel Shinnar◊ Wolman
& Company
◊Giving matched by Neil G. Siegel Beverly and Loring Wyllie
the Jacobs Challenge

ExxonMobil Foundation Jewish Federation The Omaha Community The Teagle Foundation
Fidelity Charitable Gift of Silicon Valley Foundation Inc.
Fund Philanthropic Funds Qualcomm Inc. TIAA-CREF
Ford Motor Company Medtronic Foundation The Rathmann Family Triangle Community
GE Energy Microsoft Corporation Foundation Foundation Inc.
GE Foundation Microsoft Matching Brian and Jill Rowe United Way of Central
General Motors Gift Program/Giving Foundation New Mexico
Corporation Campaign Samueli Foundation Vanguard Charitable
Geosynthetic Institute Gordon and Betty Moore The San Diego Endowment Program
GivingExpress Online Foundation Foundation WGBH Educational
from American Express NACCO Industries Inc. Schwab Charitable Fund Foundation
Google Inc. Network For Good Shell Oil Company Zarem Foundation
The Grainger Foundation Northrop Grumman Siemens Product Lifecycle
We have made every effort to
Houston Jewish Corporation Management Inc.
list donors accurately. If we
Community Foundation Employees Charity Silicon Valley Community
have made an error, please
Indo-US Science and Organization of Foundation
accept our apologies and con-
Technology Forum Northrop Grumman Strategic Worldwide LLC
tact the Development Office
Ingersoll-Rand Company O’Donnell Foundation The T. Rowe Price
at (202) 334-3517 so we can
Intel Corporation The Ohio University Program for Charitable
correct our records.
Jewish Community Foundation Giving
Foundation San Diego

NAE Calendar of Events

March 1–31 Election of NAE officers and April 15 NAE Regional Meeting May 13 NAE Regional Meeting
councillors University of California, University of Michigan,
March 11–13 Indo-America Frontiers of San Diego, California Ann Arbor, Michigan
Engineering Symposium April 19–20 Annual Convocation of May 19 NAE Regional Meeting
Agra, India Professional Engineering University of Colorado,
March 23 NAE Regional Meeting Societies Boulder, Colorado
Tucson, Arizona (canceled) April 22–25 German-American Frontiers of June 4 Deadline for Reference Forms for
March 29–April 14 Election of NAE section officers Engineering Symposium new nominations for members
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and foreign associates
April 1 Deadline for nominations for Oak Ridge, Tennessee
NAE awards All meetings are held in Academies’ facilities
April 30 Deadline for Nomination
April 2 Deadline for Nomination/ in Washington, D.C., unless otherwise noted.
Forms for new 2011 election For information about regional meetings, please
Reference Forms for candidates
renominating candidates contact Sonja Atkinson at or
for 2011 May 6–7 NAE Council Meeting (202) 334-3677.
Spring 2010 71

In Memoriam
LEW ALLEN JR., 84, retired Gen­ was elected a foreign associate of NAE in 1972 “for creative research
eral, U.S. Air Force, and retired direc- NAE in 1979 “for contributions in and development in liquefaction,
tor, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, died research and education leading to ocean transport and storage of natu-
on January 4, 2010. Dr. Allen was the development of improved super- ral gas, fundamental behavior of
elected to NAE in 1978 “for pioneer- sonic aircraft.” flames, and combustion.”
ing work in combining technologies
of space and information processing WILLIAM H. PHILLIPS, 91, RONG-YU WAN, 77, indepen-
to strengthen the nation.” retired Distinguished Research dent consultant and retired chief
Associate, NASA Langley Research research scientist-hydrometallurgy,
KERMIT E. BROWN, 86, consul- Center, died on June 27, 2009. Mr. Newmont Mining Corporation,
tant, died on December 10, 2009. Phillips was elected to NAE in 1991 died on September 22, 2009. Dr.
Dr. Brown was elected to NAE in “for theoretical and practical contri- Wan was elected to NAE in 2000
1987 “for exceptional teaching butions that have advanced under- “for accomplishments in metallurgi-
of university and industry courses standing of aircraft stability, control, cal research and industrial practice,
and the promotion of cooperative guidance, flying qualities, and simu- and for teaching, supervising, and
oil and gas drilling and production lation technology.” inspiring students, researchers, and
research.” industrial colleagues.”
AMIR PNUELI, 67, professor of
ANTHONY G. EVANS, 66, pro- computer science, Department of RICHARD T. WHITCOMB, 88,
fessor, Department of Materials, Computer Science, Courant Insti- retired Distinguished Research
University of California, Santa Bar- tute of Mathematical Sciences, New Associate, NASA Langley
bara, died on September 9, 2009. York University, died on Novem­ Research Center, died on Octo-
Dr. Evans was elected to NAE ber 2, 2009. Dr. Pnueli was elected ber 13, 2009. Dr. Whitcomb was
in 1997 “for contributions in the a foreign associate of NAE in 1999 elected to NAE in 1976 “for pio-
development and understanding of “for the invention of temporal logic neering research and application
structural materials.” and other tools for designing and in the aero­dynamic design of high
verifying software and systems.” performance aircraft.”
IRENE K. FISCHER, 102, retired
research geodesist, Defense Mapping ROBERT W. RUMMEL, 94, avia- RICHARD N. WHITE, 75, James
Agency, died on October 22, 2009. tion consultant, died on October 17, A. Friend Family Distinguished
Dr. Fischer was elected to NAE in 2009. Mr. Rummel was elected to Professor of Civil and Environmen-
1979 “for pioneering in geoid stud- NAE in 1973 “for contributions to tal Engineering, Emeritus, Cornell
ies for application to defense and the integration of design and airline University, died on October 4, 2009.
space programs in connection with operational considerations in the Dr. White was elected to NAE in
development of a unified world geo- development of economic transport 1992 “for advancing understand-
detic system.” aircraft.” ing of the behavior of structures, for
innovations in engineering educa-
PAUL GERMAIN, 88, Honorary CEDOMIR M. SLIEPCEVICH, tion, and for leadership in concrete
Permanent Secretary, Academy of 89, Professor Emeritus, University technology.”
Sciences of France, died on Febru- of Oklahoma, died on October 22,
ary 26, 2009. Professor Germain 2009. Dr. Sliepcevich was elected to

Publications of Interest
The following reports have been computer engineering, Drexel Uni- Executive Director Emeritus, Sigma
published recently by the National versity, and Woodie C. Flowers, Xi, The Scientific Research Soci-
Academy of Engineering or the Pappalardo Professor of Mechanical ety; Douglas M. Chapin, principal,
National Research Council. Unless Engineering, Massachusetts Institute MPR Associates Inc.; Christine
otherwise noted, all publications are of Technology. Paper, $15.00. A. Ehlig-Economides, professor
for sale (prepaid) from the National and Albert B. Stevens Endowed
Academies Press (NAP), 500 Fifth America’s Energy Future: Technology Chair, Harold Vance Department
Street, N.W., Lockbox 285, Wash- and Transformation. Energy consump- of Petroleum Engineering, Texas
ington, DC 20055. For more infor- tion has short-term costs (e.g., for A&M University-College Station;
mation or to place an order, contact gasoline, home heating, and running John B. Heywood, professor of
NAP online at <> businesses), long-term environmen- mechanical engineering, Massachu-
or by phone at (888) 624-8373. tal effects (e.g., the depletion of nat- setts Institute of Technology; James
(Note: Prices quoted are subject to ural resources, pollution, and climate J. Markowsky, retired executive
change without notice. Online orders change), and national security effects vice president, power generation,
receive a 20 percent discount. Please (e.g., the concentration of energy American Electric Power Service
add $4.50 for shipping and handling for sources in geopolitically unstable Corporation; Richard A. Meserve,
the first book and $0.95 for each addi- regions). The National Academies president, Carnegie Institution
tional book. Add applicable sales tax or established the America’s Energy for Science; Warren F. Miller Jr.,
GST if you live in CA, DC, FL, MD, Future Project (AEF) to develop an retired senior advisor to the labora-
MO, TX, or Canada.) energy portfolio that addresses these tory director, Los Alamos National
concerns and provides for sufficient, Laboratory, and research professor,
Engineering Curricula: Understanding affordable energy reserves for the nuclear engineering, and associate
the Design Space and Exploiting the nation. Although the United States director, Nuclear Security Science
Opportunities: Summary of a Workshop. has the resources to support solu- and Policy Institute, Texas A&M
During a workshop in April 2009, tions to the energy challenge, before University-College Station; Frank-
representatives of industry, aca- we decide which technologies to lin M. Orr Jr., professor of energy
demia, government agencies, and develop, and on what timeline, we resources engineering and director,
professional societies came together must first have a better understand- Global Climate and Energy Project,
to address (1) the restructuring of ing of each of them. In this report, Stanford University; Lawrence T.
engineering curricula to focus on an AEF committee of independent, Papay, CEO and principal, PQR
inductive learning through inquiry- nationally recognized experts ana- LLC, and retired sector vice presi-
based activities and learning expe- lyzes the potential of a wide range of dent for integrated solutions, Sci-
riences grounded in the real world, technologies for generating, distrib- ence Applications International
(2) the integrated, just-in-time uting, and conserving energy. The Corporation; Michael P. Ramage,
learning of relevant topics in STEM committee considers the impacts and retired executive vice president, Exx-
fields, and (3) the creative use and projected costs of (1) technologies to onMobil Research and Engineering
implementation of learning tech- increase energy efficiency, (2) coal- Company; Maxine L. Savitz, retired
nologies. Additional topics arose fired power generation, (3) nuclear general manager, technology/part-
during breakout discussions, includ- power, (4) renewable energy, (5) oil nerships, Honeywell Inc.; and C.
ing many suggestions for facilitating and natural gas, and (6) alternative Michael Walton. Ernest H. Cock-
curricular innovation. transportation fuels. The alterna- rell Centennial Chair in Engineer-
NAE members on the organizing tives are categorized into three time ing, University of Texas at Austin.
committee were Eli Fromm (chair), frames for implementation. Paper, $69.95. Summary Edition
Roy A. Brothers University Profes- NAE members on the study also available. Paper, $24.95.
sor and professor of electrical and committee were John F. Ahearne,
Spring 2010 73

Ensuring the Integrity, Accessibility, technology forecasting, the Office of is imperative. Attractive candi-
and Stewardship of Research Data in the Director, Defense Research and dates include abundant domestic
the Digital Age. Digital technologies Engineering and the Defense Intel- coal and biomass that can be con-
have made it difficult to ensure the ligence Agency, asked the National verted to non-oil-based liquid fuels
validity of research data, ensure Research Council Committee appropriate for existing and future
that standards keep pace with for Forecasting Future Disruptive vehicles. Many questions remain
innovation, deal with restrictions Technologies to provide guidance to be answered, however, about
on data sharing that make it diffi- on developing a forecasting system their economic viability, carbon
cult for researchers to verify results to predict, analyze, and reduce the impact, and technological status.
and build on previous research, and impact of disruptive technologies This report, part of the America’s
manage the enormous amounts (i.e., technological innovations that Energy Future Project, provides an
of data generated to ensure acces- surprise and disrupt the status quo). overview of the potential costs of
sibility. In this report, the study In this report, the first of two, the (1) liquid fuels produced from
committee examines the conse- committee analyzes existing forecast- biomass by biochemical conver-
quences of changes in the accessi- ing methods and processes and out- sion and (2) liquid fuels from coal
bility and stewardship of research lines the essential characteristics of produced by thermochemical con-
data and calls for a new approach a comprehensive forecasting system version. The study committee con-
to the design and management of that (1) integrates data from diverse cludes that, with immediate action
research projects. The committee sources to identify potentially game- and sustained effort, alternative
recommends that all researchers changing technological innovations liquid fuels could be available by
be given training in the manage- and (2) facilitates informed decision about 2020. This report provides a
ment of research data and calls on making. This report will be useful road map to independence from for-
researchers to make all of their data, for the U.S. Department of Defense, eign oil for policy makers, investors,
methods, and pertinent information the U.S. Department of Homeland leaders in industry, the transporta-
publicly accessible within a reason- Security, the intelligence commu- tion sector, and others.
able time. This report is an essen- nity, and other defense agencies. NAE members on the study com-
tial guide for individual researchers, NAE members on the study com- mittee were Michael P. Ramage
research institutions and sponsors, mittee were Ruth A. David, presi- (chair), retired executive vice presi-
professional societies, and scientific, dent and chief executive officer, dent, ExxonMobil Research and
engineering, and medical research ANSER (Analytic Services Inc.); Engineering Co.; Edward A. Hiler,
journals. Stephen W. Drew, Drew Solutions Ellison Chair in International Flo-
NAE members on the study LLC; and Jennie S. Hwang, Board riculture, Texas A&M University
committee were Anita K. Jones, Trustee and Distinguished Adjunct (retired); W.S. Winston Ho, Univer-
Lawrence R. Quarles Professor of Professor, Case Western Reserve sity Scholar Professor, Department
Engineering and Applied Sciences, University, and president and CEO, of Chemical and Biomolecular Engi-
University of Virginia, and Linda H-Technologies Group, Inc. Paper, neering and Department of Materi-
P.B. Katehi, provost and vice chan- $33.75. als Science and Engineering, Ohio
cellor for academic affairs, Univer- State University; James R. Katzer,
sity of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Liquid Transportation Fuels from Coal independent consultant, Visiting
Paper, $29.95. and Biomass: Technological Status, Scholar, Massachusetts Institute of
Costs, and Environmental Impacts. Technology, and manager, strategic
Persistent Forecasting of Disruptive Volatile oil prices threaten the U.S. planning and performance analysis,
Technologies. Recently, the U.S. mil- economy; large imports of foreign ExxonMobil Research and Engi-
itary has encountered unexpected oil threaten U.S. energy security; neering Co. (retired); Michael R.
challenges on the battlefield due, and greenhouse gas (GHG) emis- Ladisch, Distinguished Professor
in part, to the adversary’s use of sions threaten the environment. and director, Laboratory of Renew-
technologies not traditionally asso- Thus the development of domestic able Resources Engineering Depart-
ciated with weapons. Recognizing sources of alternative transportation ment, Purdue University, and chief
the need to broaden the range of its fuels with lower GHG emissions technology officer, Mascoma Corp.;

Ronald F. Probstein, Ford Professor BioWatch and Public Health Surveil- Bioengineering, University of Cali-
of Engineering Emeritus, Massachu- lance: Evaluating Systems for the fornia, Riverside. Free PDF.
setts Institute of Technology; and Early Detection of Biological Threats:
Gregory Stephanopoulos, Willard Abbreviated Version: Summary. In the Strengthening Forensic Science in
Henry Dow Professor of Biotech- aftermath of September 11 and the the United States: A Path Forward.
nology and Chemical Engineering, anthrax letters, in 2003 the U.S. Forensic investigations are often
Massachusetts Institute of Technol- Department of Homeland Security constrained by a lack of adequate
ogy. Paper, $49.95. (DHS) introduced BioWatch, a fed- resources, unsound policies, and a
eral monitoring system intended to lack of national support. Clearly,
Enhancing the Effectiveness of Sustain- detect specific biological agents that systemic changes and scientific
ability Partnerships: Summary of a could be released in aerosolized form advancements will be necessary to
Workshop. Sustainable development during a biological attack. In 2008, ensure the reliability of forensic
will require continuous innovation, at the direction of Congress, DHS results, establish enforceable stan-
new knowledge, and—according asked the Institute of Medicine and dards, and promote best practices.
to some—collaborative approaches National Research Council to form This National Research Council
(e.g., partnerships among stake- a committee to (1) evaluate the report provides a detailed plan for
holders), to overcome obstacles to costs and merits of the current pro- addressing these needs and suggests
the implementation of technologies gram and plans for a new generation the creation of a new government
and policies and achieve positive of BioWatch devices, (2) review the entity, the National Institute of
results. Advocates of the collabora- surveillance of infectious diseases by Forensic Science, to establish and
tive approach argue that experience hospitals and public health agencies, enforce standards. The benefits of
has shown that government regula- and (3) determine if BioWatch and the proposed plan would include pro-
tions, international commitments, traditional surveillance measures are viding assistance to law enforcement
and business-as-usual do not lead redundant or complementary. The and homeland security officials and
to sustainable outcomes. Skeptics study committee concludes that the reducing the risk of wrongful convic-
of this approach argue that, in the current program needs more test- tion or exoneration. The plan would
absence of demonstrated results, it is ing to demonstrate its effective- require the upgrading of systems and
questionable whether partnerships ness and more collaboration with organizational structures; improve-
will lead to projects that achieve public health systems to improve ments in training; the widespread
sustainable development goals. At its usefulness. The committee also adoption of uniform, enforceable
the symposium summarized in this recommends that infectious disease best practices; and mandatory certi-
volume, participants attempted to surveillance and disease detection fication and accreditation programs.
advance the dialogue by sharing resources in both public and private This call-to-action for Congress and
knowledge and ideas to help leaders health care systems be re-evaluated policy makers is also a vital tool for
in government, the private sector, and improved as necessary. This law enforcement agencies, crimi-
foundations and non-governmental volume provides an abbreviated nal prosecutors and attorneys, and
organizations, and universities, both summary of the full report. forensic-science educators.
in the United States and abroad. NAE members on the study com- NAE member Sheldon M. Wie-
NAE members on the roundtable mittee were Joseph M. DeSimone derhorn, Senior NIST Fellow,
were Glen T. Daigger, senior vice (vice chair), W.R. Kenan Jr. Dis- National Institute of Standards and
president and chief technology offi- tinguished Professor of Chemistry Technology, was a member of the
cer, CH2M Hill Inc., and Lawrence and Chemical Engineering, Uni- study committee. Paper, $35.95.
T. Papay, CEO and principal, PQR versity of North Carolina at Chapel
LLC, and retired sector vice presi- Hill; Stephen M. Pollock, Herrick Advancing the Competitiveness and Effi-
dent for integrated solutions, Sci- Emeritus Professor of Manufactur- ciency of the U.S. Construction Industry.
ence Applications International ing, University of Michigan; and The productivity of the construction
Corporation. Paper, $21.00. Jerome S. Schultz, Distinguished industry—how well, how quickly,
Professor and chair, Department of and at what cost buildings and
Spring 2010 75

infrastructure can be built—directly they can also be used by the intel- technology and systems. The pur-
affects the prices of homes and con- ligence community for covert pose of this report is to advise the
sumer goods. Industry analysts differ actions, domestic law enforcement, nation on key goals and critical
on whether productivity is improv- and, according to some analysts, issues in civil space policy in the
ing or declining, but advances in private-sector entities that are under national and international context
technologies may offer opportunities cyberattack. This report focuses on of the 21st century.
for substantial improvements in effi- cyberattack as an instrument of U.S. NAE members on the study com-
ciency and in meeting requirements national policy. The study com- mittee were Wanda M. Austin.
for environmental sustainability and mittee describes how the current president and chief executive offi-
other national challenges. In this international and domestic legal cer, Aerospace Corporation, and
report, five interrelated goals are structure might apply to cyber­attack Thomas H. Vonder Haar, Director
identified for improving the quality, and draws analogies with other Emeritus of CIRA, College of Engi-
timeliness, cost-effectiveness, and domains of conflict. This integrated neering, Colorado State University.
sustainability of construction proj- look at technology, policy, law, and Paper, $29.75.
ects: (1) increased use of interop- ethics will be of interest to the mili-
erable technology applications; tary, intelligence, law enforcement, Final Report from the NRC Committee
(2) improved job-site efficiency and homeland security communities on the Review of the Louisiana Coastal
through more effective interfacing of and an essential point of departure Protection and Restoration (LACPR)
people, processes, materials, equip- for non-government researchers. Program. The U.S. Army Corps of
ment, and information; (3) improved NAE members on the study com- Engineers (USACE) released the
prefabrication, preassembly, modu- mittee were David D. Clark, senior draft of the Louisiana Coastal Pro-
larization, and off-site fabrication research scientist, Computer Sci- tection and Restoration (LACPR)
techniques and processes; (4) more, ence and Artificial Intelligence final technical report in March 2009.
and more extensive, innovative, Lab, Massachusetts Institute of In response to federal legislation,
widespread demonstration instal- Technology; Richard L. Garwin, USACE had analyzed hurricane pro-
lations; and (5) the development IBM Fellow Emeritus, IBM Thomas tection, designed and presented a full
of effective performance metrics to J. Watson Research Center; and range of measures to protect against a
encourage efficiency and innova- Jerome H. Saltzer, Professor of storm equivalent to a category 5 hur-
tion. The study committee recom- Computer Science and Engineering ricane (including measures for flood
mends that the National Institute of Emeritus, Massachusetts Institute of control, coastal restoration, and hur-
Standards and Technology work with Technology. Paper, $49.00. ricane protection), and stipulated
industry leaders to develop a strategy close coordination with the state of
for pursuing these five goals. America’s Future in Space: Aligning Louisiana and its appropriate agen-
NAE members on the study com- the Civil Space Program with National cies. For this second and final report
mittee were Theodore C. Kennedy Needs. The U.S. space program was by the National Research Council
(chair), retired co-founder, BE&K originally driven in large part by (NRC) Committee on the Review
Inc.; and James O. Jirsa, Janet S. competition with the Soviet Union. of the Louisiana Coastal Protection
Cockrell Centennial Chair in Engi- Today, however, many nations have and Restoration (LACPR) Program,
neering, University of Texas at Aus- established, or aspire to develop, the committee was asked to review
tin. Paper, $41.00. independent space capabilities. In two draft reports from the LACPR
addition, discoveries during the first team and to assess the hurricane
Technology, Policy, Law, and Ethics 50 years of the space age have led risk-reduction framework and alter-
Regarding U.S. Acquisition and Use to an explosion of scientific and natives for flood control, storm pro-
of Cyberattack Capabilities. Cyber­ engineering knowledge and practi- tection, coastal restoration, and risk
attacks—actions intended to dam- cal applications of space technol- analysis. This volume includes the
age an adversary’s computer systems ogy, and the private sector has been committee’s review and suggested
or networks—can be used for a developing, fielding, and expanding improvements to the final technical
variety of military purposes. But the commercial use of space-based report.

NAE members on the study com- Fostering Visions for the Future: A Review of Engineering, Department of Aero-
mittee were Robert A. Dalrymple of the NASA Institute for Advanced space and Mechanical Engineering,
(chair), Willard and Lillian Hack- Concepts. The National Aeronautics University of Southern California;
erman Professor of Civil Engineer- and Space Adminis­tration (NASA) and Laurence R. Young, Apollo
ing, Johns Hopkins University, and Institute for Advanced Concepts Program Professor of Astronautics
John T. Christian, consulting engi- (NIAC) was created in 1998 to and professor of health sciences and
neer, Waban, Massachusetts. Paper, provide an independent source of technology, Massachusetts Institute
$21.00. advanced aeronautical and space of Technology. Paper, $21.00.
concepts that could dramatically
Frontiers in Crystalline Matter: From impact how NASA develops and Improving State Voter Registration
Discovery to Technology. For much of conducts its missions. Until NIAC Databases Final Report. Since 2002,
the past 60 years, the U.S. research was terminated in 2007, it provided when the Help America Vote Act
community was predominant in the an independent, open forum, high- mandated the nationwide adop-
discovery of new crystalline mate- level point of entry to NASA for a tion of statewide voter registration
rials and the growth of large single large community of innovators and databases (VRDs), many states have
crystals, putting the country in the a capability for independent analysis successfully created initial VRDs.
forefront of condensed-matter sci- and definition of advanced aeronau- These databases can be improved
ences and fueling the development tics and space concepts to comple- in a number of ways in the short
of new technologies at the heart of ment in-house NASA activities. term. However, addressing long-
U.S. economic growth. Although Throughout its nine-year history, term issues will require coordinated,
future developments in this field NIAC inspired an atmosphere that concerted, sustained support on the
are as promising as past achieve- encouraged innovation and creativ- part of state election officials, non-
ments, the United States’ capability ity and stretched the limits of imagi- election state and local agencies,
to pursue those opportunities has nation. As requested by Congress, state legislatures, voter advocacy
deteriorated, and several European the review committee explores and groups, and the federal government.
and Asian countries have made sig- defines the proper role of NASA In this report, the study committee
nificant investments in their own and the federal government in explores how VRDs can be used
capacities. This report identifies encouraging scientific innovation to share information among state
challenges and opportunities for the and in developing advanced con- agencies and across state lines. Rec-
discovery of new crystalline materi- cepts for future systems. The com- ommendations include short-term
als and the growing of large crystals mittee concludes that for NASA changes to improve voter education,
and charts a way for the United to fulfill its mission it must have, the dissemination of information,
States to reinvigorate its efforts and and is currently lacking, a mecha- and administrative processes and
return to a position of leadership. nism for investigating visionary, long-term changes to improve data
NAE member Paul S. Peercy, far-reaching advanced concepts collection and entry and matching
dean, College of Engineering, and recommends that a NIAC-like procedures and to ensure the privacy
University of Wisconsin-Madison, entity be reestablished. and security of personal data.
chaired the study committee. Paper, NAE members on the study com- NAE member Rakesh Agrawal,
$43.25. mittee were Marshall G. Jones, Microsoft Technical Fellow, Micro-
Coolidge Fellow, GE Corporate soft Search Labs, was a member
Research and Development; E. Phil- of the study committee. Paper,
lip Muntz, A.B. Freeman Professor $32.50.
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