Tenses 2

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5. A lake in Germany ---- closed to

1. The Etruscans, who ---- a great part swimmers all day tomorrow while
of Italy about 900 BC, ---- from Asia the police ---- the lake for someone’s
Minor. pet alligator that escaped into its
A) had colonised / originally came
B) colonised / had originally come
C) were colonised / have originally come A) has been/will search
D) have colonised / originally come B) is/have been searching
E) were colonising / might originally come C) will be/are searching
D) had closed/had searched
E) would be/searched
2. The orders were that we ---- the area
within hours to prevent further loss
6 . According to the newspaper , the
of life.
government ---- on a proposal
A) had evacuated currently that ---- all higher
B) have to evacuate education entrance exam.
C) will have evacuated
D) had to evacuate A) are working/will abolish
E) shall have to evacuate B) will work/has abolished
C) had worked/abolish
3. According to a report by the prison D) had been working/abolished
service , the nation’s prisons ---- E) will be working/had abolished
their total capacity by the end of next
7. In the past few months, our
company director ---- more mettle
A)had reached than most industrialists ---- in an
B)are reaching entire career.
C)have reached
D)reach A) had shown / have done
E)will have reached B) showed / would do
C) shows / did
D) was showing / may have done
E) has shown / do
4. Though fantasy films and comics
often show primitve men and
dinasaurs together , dinosaurs ---- 8. It’s undeniable fact that our world ----
extinct millions of years before hotter and hotter day by day.
mankind first ----
A) was getting
A) have become/was appearing B) would be getting
B) were becoming/had appeared C) is getting
C) should have become/appears D) had got
D) had become/appeared E) will have got
E) might become/has appeared


9. In the past 40 years, hydroponic 13. There have been some art critics
farming ---- in a number of areas , who ---- in depreciation of Van Gogh
especially where water ---- in short that he ---- a draughtsman all his life.
A) had maintained / has remained
B) have maintained / remained
A) progressed/was C) were maintaining / had remained
B) would progress/has been D) maintained / would have remained
C) was progressing/will be E) will maintain / remains
D) had progressed/had been
E) has progressed/is
14. The Romanian Privatisation
Authority announced last week that
Renault of France ---- to be the sole
10. Between 1815 and 1914 , the world bidder for a majority stake in the
---- the greatest peaceful migration in national car company, Dacia, which
its history : 35 million people ---- ---- cheap cars for the domestic
their homelands to start new lives in market.
A) would turn out / had made
B) has turned out / made
A) has witnessed/has left C) would have turned out / is making
B) had witnessed/are leaving D) is turning out / has made
C) was witnessing/were leaving E) might turn out / make
D) witnessed/left
E) would witness/had left
15. At the Brussels meeting over the
last weekend Madeleine Albright,
The American secretary of State, ----
11. For a hundred years or so some her allies that future NATO missions
critics ---- that poetry is dying and all ---- them further afield, but not all
that time poets ---- poems that later over the world.
generations recognise as great.
A) assures / is taking
A) have maintained / have been writing B) has assured / will have taken
B) maintained / wrote C) assured / would take
C) had maintained / were writing D) had assured / took
D) maintain / are writing E) was assuring / will take
E) would maintain / had been writing

16. Marxism ---- an important

12. When the Italian astronomer movement in Britain even though it
Giovanni Schiaparelli ---- a map of ---- its origin here.
Mars in 1877, he ---- a large number
of straight linear features, which he A) would never have been / takes
called “canali” that is “channels”. B) had never been / would take
C) never was / has taken
A) publishes / has noted D) would never be / would have taken
B) had published / was noting E) has never been / took
C) has published / notes
D) published / noted
E) would have published / had noted


17. Over the past two decades, the 21. Robinson Crusoe ---- on his desert
Corsicans ---- their idyllic island, island for several months before he
which was wrested by France from ---- that there was another man ,
the Genoese in 1768, ---- into Friday, as he later called him, on the
terrorism, corruption and economic island
A) has been living/has discovered
A) have seen / sinking B) had been living/discovered
B) had seen / sank C) was living/had discovered
C) saw / to sink D) might have lived/discovers
D) would have seen / had sunk E) should have lived/was discovering
E) would see / had been sinking

18. It ---- a mistake to think that all 22. Nowadays , more and more people
bacteria are harmful,for, without ---- ozone-friendly products, which
some species, we ---- for long. ---- reduce the level of pollution in
the atmosphere in time.
A) is / had not survived
B) would be / could not survive A) are buying/will help
C) will be / have not survived B) buy/has helped
D) has been / would not have survived C) have bought/will have been helping
E) had been / did not survive D) have been buying/are helping
E) will be buying/helps

19. Over the last few years, consumer

interest in organic agriculture ---- up 23. It seems almost certain that by
dramatically, and demand ---- 2021 the U.S ---- a great food-
currently ahead of supply. exporting nation no longer.

A) has shot / is A) would be

B) shot / was B) had been
C) had shot / had been C) used to be
D) is shooting / has been D) has been
E) was shooting / would be E) will have been

20. The municipality ---- repairs on the 24. Iliad ---- one of the oldest surviving
water system throughout the Greek poems that The Greek poet
following week,so water stoppages Homer ---- in the 700’s B.C
are inevitable.
A) was/was composing
A) will be caryying out B) has been/had composed
B) has carried out C) is / composed
C) carried out D) had been/would compose
D) will have carried out E) will be/has composed
E) would carry out


25. When the first typewriters ---- on 29. Early in 1940, when Europe was
the market in the early 1870s, they already at war, Hitler ---- the sale of
immediately ---- indispensable in uranium from the Czech mines he ----
offices over.

A) had arrived/had become A) has banned / has taken

B) arrived/became B) had banned / took
C) were arriving/became C) banned / had taken
D) arrived/had become D) bans / was taking
E) have arrived/have become E) was banning / had been taking

26 . In the past, sex,race and 30. Soon, customs officers ---- to use
discrimination ---- a lot more X-ray technology ---- cavities in
common in companies, but vehicles for drugs.
nowadays most companies ---- an
equal opportunities policy. A) have been able / having scanned
B) are able / scanning
A) had been/are trying C) were able / to be scanned
B) has been/have D) will be able /to scan
C) would be/will have E) would have been able / to have
D) is / are having scanned
E) was/have

31. Greenhouse gases , like carbon

27. All the reports ---- handed in last dioxide, ---- in the atmosphere and
week, but some of them still ---- me. ---- the sun’s heat from escaping
from the planet.
A) should have been / haven't reached
B) were / didn't reach A) will accumulate/are preventing
C) have been / won't reach B) accumulate/prevent
D) had been / didn't reach C) accumulated/were preventing
E) would have been / don't reach D) have accumulated/will have prevented
E) were accumulating/prevented

28. By the late 1980s, a surge of 32. To achieve independence ---- the
prosperity ---- across Southeast goal of many nations since the end
Asia, but in some countries of the of Second World War.
region the economic structure ----
sufficiently to the benefit from this A) has been
trend. B) is
C) was
A) would sweep / could not have D) had been
developed E) will be
B) would have swept / has not developed
C) was sweeping / had not developed 33. Reiki , which is a method of stres
D) has swept / was not developed reduction that ---- healing, ---- in use
E) could have swept / was not developing for more than 90 years.

A) is also promoting/is
B) has also promoted/was
C) would also promote/had been
D) will also promote/will be
E) also promotes/has been


38. He insisted that mountaineering
34. Solar energy , which is a ---- a sport for him, but a passion
renewable energy form that ---- the that ---- his whole life.
burning of fosil fuels, generates no
CO2 , so it ---- to global warming or
climate change. A) hadn't been / would dominate
B) isn't / has dominated
C) hasn't been / is dominating
A) doesn’t require/doesn’t contribute D) wouldn't be / is dominating
B) hasn’t required/hadn’t been E) wasn't / had dominated
C) hadn’t required/hasn’t required
D) won’t require/hadn’t contributed 39. There is a popular belief that the
E) didn’t require/wasn’t contributing feminist movement , which ---- very
popular and powerful in the early
1970’s, ---- women to be dissatisfied
with their traditional roles as
35. Water continually ---- between land wives,mothers, and homemakers.
, air and sea but actual amount of
water on earth ---- A) became/caused
B) has become/was causing
A) circulated/had never changed C) had become/causes
B) circulates/never changes D) was becoming/had caused
C) has circulated/never changed E) became/has caused
D) will circulate/has never changed
E) is circulating/was never changing

40. In recent years , computer

36. Over the past several years, programmers ---- make it easy for
researchers ---- deep into Atlantic people to use computer systems.
sea-floor sediments and Greenland
glaciers to study the chemistry of A) tried
ancient mud and ice. B) would be trying
C) were trying
A) dug D) had tried
B) used to dig E) have tried
C) will dig
D) have dug
E) would dig

41. Epidemiology studies ---- that the

37. Whatever else ---- the British prevealence at birth of orofacial
empire for so long, it was not clefting ---- on the increase.
Britain's education system.
A) are revealing/would be
A) was sustained B) reveal/is
B) has sustained C) have revealed/used to be
C) sustains D) will reveal/would have been
D) sustained E) had revealed/had been
E) to have sustained


42. The cosmetics company ---- for 25
years to this date , but last month 46. Older drivers have difficulty
the original directors ---- from the detecting distances between them
board. and a truck ahead so when they ---- a
stopped or slow-moving truck,
A) traded/have resigned they---- enough time or distance to
B) was trading/resign stop.
C) has been trading/resigned
D) trades/had resigned A) will perceive/won’t have
E) will be trading / will resign B) have perceived/didn’t have
C) perceive/don’t have
D) perceived/haven’t had
43. Physics ---- scientific E) are going to perceive/won’t have
methodologies to understand the
most fundamental principles of 47. Slaughtered by the millions ,
nature: matter and energy and how passenger pigeons ---- extinct in the
they ---- early part of the 20th century.

A) applied/have interacted A) are becoming

B) will apply/are interacting B) become
C) had applied/interacted C) have become
D) applies/interact D) became
E) has applied/had interacted E) will become

48. For most people , the economy ----

44. Ever since it ---- a household well but the politicians still claim that
fixture , television ---- the lives of it ---- better soon.
those who watch it.
A) hadn’t gone/is going to get
B) hasn’t been going/got
A) has become/influenced C) is not going/will get
B) becomes/will influence D) wasn’t going/had got
C) will become/influences E) doesn’t go/gets
D) had become/was influencing
E) became/has been inflencing
49. Technically speaking, most forms
of energy on earth ---- originally from
the sun,even fosil fuels that ---- the
45. Today there ---- a lot of companies products of photosynthesis.
from a wide variety of sectors
ranging from airlines to banks that A) have derived/had been
---- outsourcing as a business B) had derived/will be
option. C) derived/are
D) will derive/would be
A) were/were choosing E) will have derived/have been
B) have been/had chosen
C) were/choose
D) will be/will have chosen 50. By the time the Goths ---- the great
E) are/choose temple of Artemis during a raid in
252 A.D, both the city and the
religion of Artemis ---- to decline.

A) have destroyed/started
B) destroyed/had started


C) would destroy/have started
D) had destroyed/used to start
E) were destroying/have started


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