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Modern radiotherapeutic strategies in

the management of lymphoma

Leslie Ballas*

ABSTRACT The history of radiation therapy in the treatment of malignancies is closely

linked to its use in Hodgkin lymphoma. It was less than a decade after the first publication
on x-rays that radiotherapy was used in the treatment of a Hodgkin lymphoma. Over time,
radiotherapy has evolved with newer technology and better understanding of radiobiology.
During this same time frame, the treatment of Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin lymphomas has
also seen great progress. This review will provide detail on modern radiotherapy techniques,
indications for utilization, and modern radiation field sizes and doses.

Approximately 80,000 patients were diagnosed with lymphoma in 2014: 70,000 patients diag- KEYWORDS 
nosed with non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL), while almost 10,000 patients will be diagnosed with • Hodgkin lymphoma
Hodgkin lymphoma (HL). An estimated 20,000 patients will die from lymphoma (the vast majority • involved site
from NHL) in 2014 [1] . Death rates from both Hodgkin and NHL have decreased over the last radiation therapy • ISRT
four decades because of improvements in treatment over time [2,3] . As there are multiple subtypes • non-Hodgkin lymphoma
of lymphoma, survival is dependent on histology and stage of disease [4,5] . • radiation treatment
The development of radiotherapy as a treatment for cancer is closely linked to the historical techniques • radiotherapy
treatment of lymphoma. Radiation therapy was used to treat HL as early as 1902, only 7 years
after the discovery of x-rays by Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen [6] . In 1950, Vera Peters presented the
first definitive proof that patients with early-stage HL could be cured with radiotherapy [6] . With
the development of a linear accelerator at Stanford in the 1950s, Henry Kaplan was able to deliver
larger fields of radiation. Total or subtotal lymphoid irradiation became the standard treatment for
early-stage HL with 5-year survival for localized disease of 72% [7] .
Over time, it was recognized that the large fields of radiation carried significant long-term mor-
bidity including second malignancies, heart disease and thyroid dysfunction. Because of the devel-
opment of effective chemotherapy in the treatment of HL, more extensive fields of radiation were
not necessary to provide curative treatment. Over the past number of decades, radiation treatment
fields have been shrinking. The EORTC H8U, GHSG HD8 and Italian study by Bonadonna et al.
showed the equivalence of involved-field radiation (IFRT) to extended-field RT [8–10] .
Over the past 5–6 years, involved-field radiotherapy has moved from a 2D defined treatment
volume into one that can be more precisely defined in three or four dimensions. The basis for this
type of treatment field derives from the modified involved-field used in pediatric studies [11] as well
as the concept of involved node radiation therapy (INRT) being used by the EORTC/GELA on
Radiation oncology has become more sophisticated in its technology and treatment planning
over the last number of decades. As we have learned more about how to treat lymphomas with mul-
timodality therapy through randomized controlled trials, we are now able to offer smaller fields of
radiation to lower doses. These advancements allow us to provide effective and precise treatment.

*Department of Clinical Radiation Oncology, USC Keck School of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA 90033, USA; part of

10.2217/FON.14.305 © 2015 Future Medicine Ltd Future Oncol. (2015) 11(6), 1011–1020 ISSN 1479-6694 1011
Review Ballas

Radiotherapy as a component of patients’ anatomy can be used for contouring

multimodality therapy the tumor and normal tissues throughout the
Today, the use of radiotherapy as the sole treat- breathing cycle.
ment modality for lymphoma is only germane to With motion recorded via 4D CT simulation,
lymphocyte-predominant HL, early-stage, low- the radiation oncologist can create an internal
grade Follicular lymphomas, early-stage MALT target volume (ITV) that delineates where the
lymphomas, and certain cutaneous lymphomas. tumor is at all points during respiration. This
For early-stage HL, combined modality therapy, allows for more conformal treatment since the
regardless of PET-response to chemotherapy, has patients’ own visualized tumor motion replaces
been shown on systematic review to improve generic margins that were created to account for
tumor control and increase overall survival breathing variation (sometimes up to 3 cm). The
(OS) [12] . In patients with advanced-stage HL, increase in the application of conformal treat-
the use of radiotherapy for residual disease after ment reduces the radiation dose received by
chemotherapy has proven beneficial [13,14] . n­ormal tissues in the surrounding area.
The use of radiation in combination with Respiration can also cause spatial separation
R-CHOP chemotherapy in all stages of DLBCL of structures within the mediastinum that can
was shown retrospectively to improve p­rogression be used to the patient’s advantage. Deep inspi-
free survival (PFS) and OS [15] . ration has been proven to decrease the amount
of lung exposed to radiation in the treatment
Immobilization & CT simulation of mediastinal lymphomas by 25% [18,19] . This
Patients should have optimal immobilization spatial separation can further be exploited with
for CT simulation. This should include, in the use of respiratory gating during treatment
head and neck patients, a thermoplastic mask. delivery. Respiratory gating delivers radiation
IV contrast should be used, unless there is a con- only during desired points in the respiratory
traindication, to help delineate vessels and nodal cycle. This technique relies on the same infra-
chains [16] . red sensors that are used to generate a 4D CT
Different positioning techniques can be used simulation. Another technique to maximize the
to minimize normal tissue within the radiation benefits of inspiration is deep inspiration breath
field. For example, when treating the mediasti- hold. This requires patients to take a deep breath
num in women, an inclined board can be used and hold it during their treatment. There is a
to decrease the volume of breasts and heart in feedback mechanism for the patients so that they
the radiation treatment field. This technique has are able to tell when their breathing/breath hold
been shown to decrease the dose to breasts and is in the treatment range. In order for this treat-
heart while not compromising dose to the target ment modality to be successful, patients must be
in HL patients [17] . capable of holding their breath in a consistent
­manner throughout treatment.
●●Motion management
Radiation accuracy can be limited by organ Treatment volumes
motion. If a tumor moves because of normal The conventional radiation fields used to treat
organ motion, for example in the lung, it can lymphomas were based on anatomic lymph node
move outside of the radiation field. In order regions defined in the Ann Arbor staging sys-
to avoid missing the tumor with the radiation tem. Because radiation therapy was used as the
beam, techniques can be used to take normal sole treatment modality for many decades, large
tissue variation into account. extended radiation fields were felt to be necessary
The most common location that motion to encompass all lymphoid regions. Over time,
affects tumor position is in the chest and abdo- as combined modality therapy with multidrug
men due to respiration. In order to account for chemotherapy replaced radiation therapy as a
this, a 4D CT scan can be used at the time of single modality treatment, it was shown that the
simulation. This technique acquires multiple extended fields could be replaced with involved
images at each couch position and correlates field radiotherapy at no cost to the patient [9,10] .
them, via an infrared marker, to the patients’ Involved field radiotherapy (IFRT) became the
breathing cycle. Once these images are recon- standard of care over the past decade or more [20] .
structed (after the images are separated into IFRT restricts radiation to the anatomical nodal
ten different segments), a 3D rendering of the region that was initially involved with disease.

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Modern radiotherapeutic strategies in the management of lymphoma Review

As radiation has progressed technologically and organ) and any residual disease or scar tissue.
has moved to 3D planning with better delinea- This volume is always part of the CTV.
tion of vasculature and lymphatics, the concept
of involved site radiation therapy (ISRT) has ●●Clinical target volume
matured. ISRT radiation fields are modifica- The clinical target volume (CTV) should
tions of the involved field, based on pediatric encompass the pretreatment (chemotherapy or
lymphoma protocols [11] and adult protocols that surgery) GTV. The CTV should be edited to
use INRT. ISRT is intended to minimize unnec- exclude structures that were not involved with
essary exposure of normal tissue to radiation and lymphoma initially (e.g., air, muscle, bone,
hopefully prevent some late sequelae of treat- lungs, kidneys, etc). According to the ILROG,
ment. The rationale for ISRT/INRT is based the following points should be considered in
on the fact that patterns of relapse after chemo- determining CTV:
therapy alone are usually limited to the initially ●● Quality and accuracy of imaging;
involved nodes [21] . In addition, more effective
chemotherapy eradicates microscopic disease, ●● Concerns of changes in volume since imaging;
therefore larger RT fields are not necessary to ●● Spread patterns of the disease;
eliminate microscopic cells. The widespread
use of better imaging technology for defining ●● Potential subclinical involvement;
RT targets allows more limited treatment fields. ●● Adjacent organs constraints [16] .
All of these reasons, coupled with the fact that
late effects of radiotherapy show a direct link- Separate nodal volumes can be encompassed
age between field size and risk of toxicity [22,23] , in the same CTV if they are within 5 cm. If
make the use of smaller field sizes essential. The the involved nodes are more than 5 cm apart,
involved site is based on common radiation def- then the volumes should be treated separately
initions that delineate p­rechemotherapy gross and should have different PTVs.
disease (see below).
●●Internal target volume
●●Determination of treatment planning The ICRU Report 62 defines an internal tar-
volumes get volume (ITV) as the CTV plus a margin
Modern lymphoma treatment planning should taking into account uncertainties in size, shape
adhere to the conventions defined by the and position of the CTV within the patient. It
International Commission on Radiation Units is most commonly used to define a target that
and Measurements (ICRU) Report 83. This moves within the body. As described previously,
includes defining a gross target volume (GTV), the ITV can be defined at 4D CT simulation.
clinical target volume (CTV), planning tumor ITV contours are not necessary in structures that
volume (PTV) and, if appropriate, as previ- are unlikely to change position or shape during
ously discussed, an internal tumor volume treatment (e.g., the neck).
(ITV). All descriptions below are based on the
International Lymphoma Radiation Oncology ●●Planning target volume
Group (ILROG) guidelines [16] . The planning target volume (PTV) expan-
sion will vary somewhat depending on immo-
●●Presurgery/prechemotherapy GTV bilization used, patient cooperation and body
Because lymphomas are very chemosensitive, the site. PTV takes into account the CTV or ITV
initial prechemotherapy disease is often greatly and builds in a margin for setup uncertainty.
diminished by the time radiation is initiated. A Hoskin, et al. on behalf of the Lymphoma
prechemotherapy (or presurgical, when appli- Radiotherpay Group gave general guidelines
cable) GTV should be defined based on review based on different body sites treated [24] :
of all of the prechemotherapy imaging. This
v­olume should be included in the CTV. ●● Head and neck: 0.5–1 cm depending on local
●● Mediastinum: 1 cm transversely and 1.5 cm
The no-chemotherapy or postchemotherapy
GTV should include the involved nodes (or ●● All other sites: 1 cm.

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●●Organs at risk introduced to shrink radiation treatment fields to

Neighboring normal structures should be con- minimize toxicity compared with extended-field
toured and dose to these structures should be radiation, so too was INRT introduced to limit
analyzed to ensure that structures are kept the normal tissues exposed to radiation. When
within known tissue tolerances based on the INRT has been compared with IFRT in the
QUANTEC model [25] . The therapeutic ratio evaluation of normal tissue doses, INRT lead to
can be evaluated and potential morbidity a reduction in mean heart dose of 50% and mean
a­ssociated with treatment hopefully prevented. breast dose in 42% [29] .
In both IFRT and INRT, the prechemo-
●●Image co-registration therapy GTV determines the CTV. INRT
Fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG)-PET is routinely minimizes the treatment fields to the area of the
used for diagnostic purposes in lymphomas. prechemotherapy involved node with minimal
It has also become increasingly important margin. This technique requires FDG-PET in
for target delineation in radiation therapy. the treatment position before administration of
Hutchings et al. showed that the use of an systemic chemotherapy [16] to allow for accurate
FDG-PET scan for contouring purposes could image fusion with the CT simulation images.
increase radiation target definitions and the The contouring process (as described by the
volume of tissue getting therapeutic dose from ILROG) is quoted below [16] :
8–87% [26] . The same study also showed that the ●● The CT images of the prechemotherapy PET/
use of FDG-PET could decrease the radiation CT are used to delineate the initially involved
field [26] . Nodes that require consolidation with lymphoma volume, the GTVCT as deter-
radiation can be missed if a prechemotherapy mined by morphology on CT;
FDG-PET is not used in conjunction with CT
images. Girinsky et al. found that FDG-PET ●● The PET images of the prechemotherapy
detected lymph nodes that required consolida- PET/CT are used to delineate the initially
tion with radiation in 36% of the patients that involved lymphoma volume, the GTVPET as
were undetected by CT [27] . determined by FDG uptake;
FDG-PET scans can be co-registered to ●● The prechemotherapy PET/CT is fused with
treatment planning scans if they are done in the postchemotherapy planning CT scan, the
the same position with identical immobilization GTVCT and GTVPET are imported to the
(co-registration can be challenging if the initial planning CT images;
FDG-PET was done in a different position from
the treatment position because of anatomic vari- ●● The postchemotherapy tissue volume, which
ation that is associated with arm position/neck contained the initially involved lymphoma tis-
position). FDG-PET simulators have made it sue, is contoured using information from both
possible to acquire both the treatment planning prechemotherapy PET and prechemotherapy
CT images and PET images simultaneously. CT, taking into account tumor shrinkage and
Without an FDG-PET simulator, the initial other anatomic changes. The CTV encom-
pre-chemotherapy FDG-PET would need to be passes all of the initial lymphoma volume
performed in the radiation treatment position while still respecting normal structures that
with proper immobilization. This is rarely done, were never involved by lymphoma, such as
however. lungs, chest wall, muscles and mediastinal
While the most common scenario is to use normal structures.
FDG-PET to help define tumor volume, MRI, The expansion to PTV is similar to ISRT
in the right situations, can be co-registered to and depends on immobilization and site under
treatment planning CT scans. This is relevant treatment.
mostly in disease of the head and neck and
­especially NK/T cell lymphomas. ●●RT as the sole modality of treatment in
lymphocyte predominant HL or localized
●●Involved node radiation therapy indolent NHL
INRT was introduced by the European When RT is not combined with chemotherapy
Association for Research and Treatment of Cancer in the definitive management of either lympho-
(EORTC) for use on protocols of early-stage cyte predominant HL (LPHL) or indolent NHL,
HL [28] to replace IFRT. Just as IFRT was initially the CTV needs to encompass any suspected

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Modern radiotherapeutic strategies in the management of lymphoma Review

subclinical disease. This would involve the GTV physical properties of protons. In a comparison
plus any adjacent lymph nodes in that site with of 3D conformal RT (3DCRT), IMRT and
a generous margin. proton therapy, proton therapy decreases inte-
gral dose over both 3DCRT and IMRT. This
Treatment techniques was specifically seen as decreased dose to the
In deciding which treatment technique to use, heart, lungs and female breasts. Of the three,
the radiation oncologist must weigh giving more the IMRT plan had the most conformal high-
normal tissue full radiation dose (as is com- dose distribution [30] . While a Phase II study has
monly the case in AP-PA plans) against giving shown excellent outcomes at 37 months follow-
larger volumes of normal tissue lower radiation ing proton INRT, decades of data are necessary
dose (which is commonly the case with IMRT to determine if these reductions in integral dose
and volume arc treatments). make a difference in long-term sequelae [30] .

●●Intensity-modulated radiation therapy & Patient selection for radiation

volumetric modulated arc therapy ●●Response-adapted selection
Intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) Response-adapted selection of patients for
refers to radiation delivery via multiple small radiation therapy, or selection of patients who
‘beamlets’ of varying intensities to precisely can omit radiotherapy as part of their treat-
radiate a tumor. The radiation intensity of ment paradigm, is an area of investigation both
each beamlet is controlled, and the shape of in the pediatric and adult population. The
the beam changes throughout treatment. This Children’s Oncology Group (COG) recently
advanced technology allows for more confor- completed AHOD 0031 that randomized
mal treatment and better avoidance of sur- patients to RT or no further therapy based on
rounding structures. This can be particularly their early response to two cycles of ABVE-PC
important in mediastinal treatment in which chemotherapy. Those with a >60% reduction
IMRT provides better protection of the heart in the prechemotherapy lymphoma mass on
and coronary arteries [16] . CT scan after two cycles of chemotherapy and
Volumetric-modulated arc therapy (VMAT) a subsequent complete response (CR) to four
delivers radiation with varying intensity cycles were randomized to either 21 Gy IFRT
through beamlets of varying shape as well. or no RT. The 3-year disease-free survival rates
Its distinguishing feature from IMRT is that showed no statistically significant difference in
it delivers continuous treatment through one treatment arms [7,31] . AHOD0431, a low-risk
or more arcs. This form of treatment decreases study, omitted RT based on radiologic response
treatment time significantly. When comparing to three cycles of ABVE-PC. AHOD0431 was
treatment plans, VMAT offered no significant closed to accrual because of an unexpectedly
advantages over conventional IMRT for IFRT high relapse rate in the non-RT arm [7,32] .
plans. It also produced equal dose homogene- In the adult population, the question of omit-
ity to the target. For ISRT/INRT planning, ting RT based on PET response was studied in
however, VMAT dose to the lung, thyroid and the EORTC/GELA H10. H10 randomized
breast were lower [29] . stage I/II HL patients to RT or no further
Both IMRT and VMAT cause larger volumes therapy in patients who were PET negative
of normal tissue to be exposed to low dose radia- after two cycles of ABVD chemotherapy. H10
tion while three-dimensional conformal radia- found that chemotherapy alone did not produce
tion delivers prescription dose to larger volumes equivalent disease-free survival compared with
of normal tissue. Because of the highly confor- the combined modality arm. Because of this, the
mal treatment, it is essential to give enough mar- non-RT arms of the study were closed early [7] .
gin to account for tissue movement so as not to HD16 and HD17 are currently accruing patients
cause geographic miss of the tumor. 4DCT sim- to similarly designed studies.
ulation is especially important in these settings. Picardi et al. looked at whether RT could be
eliminated in patients with bulky stage I–IV
●●Proton therapy patients treated with six cycles of VEBEP, if a
Proton radiation diminishes the dose of radia- CR (PET negative with >75% reduction in CT
tion deposited in tissue outside the target detected mass) was achieved. What they found
(the integral dose) by taking advantage of the was that in the non-RT arm, the event-free

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survival (EFS) was only 86% at 40 months, CTV. Patients with refractory disease should be
despite PET CR. There were fewer relapse discussed in a multidisciplinary setting to deter-
events in the RT arm [33] . The combined expe- mine what salvage options are best suited for the
rience of the pediatric and adult cooperative patient.
studies shows that response-adapted therapy is
not standard of care and should be utilized only Dose: NHL
on a clinical trial. ●●Indolent NHL
A prospective randomized Phase III trial com-
Dose: HL paring 40–45 versus 24 Gy for stage I/II local-
●●Classical HL ized-early stage disease was undertaken in the
Over the past couple of decades, radiation dose, UK. They reported that with a median follow-
as well as field size, has been studied in order to up of 5.6 years, there was no difference in the
minimize treatment related effects in the long overall response rate (ORR) between standard
term. Dose de-escalation has been at the forefront and lower-dose arms [39] . Because indolent lym-
of both the German Hodgkin Study Groups and phomas are exquisitely sensitive to radiation
the EORTC in both the favorable and unfavora- responding to doses of 4 Gy, further dose de-
ble early-stage Hodgkin population. Studies have escalation in the curative setting was explored
examined 20 Gy versus 36 Gy or 40 Gy with in a randomized Phase III study. This study, by
different chemotherapeutic regimens [34,35] . Hoskin et al., randomized patients with indolent
Most recently HD10 (early-stage favorable lymphomas to 4 versus 24 Gy treatment. The
patients) and HD11 (early-stage unfavorable results showed that there was increased local
patients), both using a 2 × 2 design, randomized progression and shorter duration to progression
patients with classical HL to either 20 Gy IFRT in the 4 Gy arm compared with the 24 Gy arm
or 30 Gy IFRT. In HD10, stage I/II favorable of the trial [40] .
patients showed no difference in overall sur- In advanced stage indolent lymphomas, radia-
vival or progression-free survival to two cycles of tion can be used for palliation of symptomatic
ABVD followed by either 20 Gy or 30 Gy [36] . disease. In these patients, a low dose of 4 Gy in
HD11 studied 20 Gy versus 30 Gy IFRT in the two fractions achieves overall response rates of
stage I/II unfavorable patients and found that if >80% [41] . While the Hoskin randomized control
the patient receives four cycles of BEACOPP that trial found that 24 Gy yields better results than
20 Gy is equivalent to 30 Gy in terms of freedom 4 Gy in the palliative setting, it is reasonable to tai-
from treatment failure, progression-free survival lor the dose based on the clinical scenario (dissemi-
and overall survival [37] . If the patient receives nated disease, etc.) to assess whether the modest
four cycles of ABVD, however, the patient must decrease in local control with 4 Gy is tolerable [40] .
receive 30 Gy as consolidation. Four cycles of
ABVD and 20 Gy is inferior and not recom- ●●Aggressive NHL
mended. Based on these findings, the current rec- The Lowry UK study also randomized patients
ommendation, if patients meet the HD10 criteria, with aggressive NHL (predominantly DLBCL) to
is to use 20 Gy IFRT after two cycles of ABVD. If 40–45 versus 30 Gy consolidative radiation (most
patients have early unfavorable disease and meet patients had received prior chemotherapy) and
the HD11 study criteria, the r­ecommendation is found that with the same 5.6 years of follow-up,
for 30 Gy to follow four cycles of ABVD. there was no significant difference in the overall
response rate or the OS rate between the two dose
●●Lymphocyte predominant HL levels. There was also a trend for reduced toxicity
The use of RT alone in the curative manage- in the low-dose arm [39] . Because the majority of
ment of lymphocyte predominant HL (LPHL) the patients included in the study were DLBCL,
has been used for decades. In a multicenter retro- it is worth mentioning that certain aggressive
spective study examining the treatment of LPHL lymphomas may require higher doses; one such
with definitive radiation showed that doses of example is natural killer T cell lymphomas, which
30–36 Gy are sufficient [38] . require doses of at least 50 Gy [42] .

●●Refractory & recurrent HL ●●Refractory & recurrent NHL

Patients who have residual lymphoma after chem- This patient population needs discussion at a mul-
otherapy may be considered for 36–40 Gy to the tidisciplinary tumor board to decide on the best

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Modern radiotherapeutic strategies in the management of lymphoma Review

Radiotherapy as a component of multimodality therapy
●● Radiotherapy is rarely used as the sole treatment modality in Hodgkin lymphoma (HL) or non-HL (NHL), it is more
commonly used as part of combined modality therapy with chemotherapy.
Immobilization & CT simulation
●● Optimal immobilization and positioning techniques allows for more conformal treatment that can help minimize dose
to organs at risk.
●● Motion management:
ūū Tumor motion that is attributable to normal organ variability (such as the lungs during respiration) should be
accounted for with the use of specialized techniques at the time of CT simulation (4DCT, deep inspiration breath
hold) and during treatment.
Treatment volumes
●● Determination of treatment planning volumes:
ūū With the widespread use of 3D imaging for radiation planning, treatment planning volumes should be contoured
and defined.
●● Presurgery/prechemotherapy gross tumor volume:
ūū Because lymphomas are chemosensitive and the postchemotherapy residual will vary quite a bit from the
prechemotherapy gross tumor volume (GTV), the prechemotherapy volume should be defined because it will
need to be included in the clinical target volume (CTV).
●● No chemotherapy/postchemotherapy GTV:
ūū This volume should include any residual disease.
●● CTV:
ūū The CTV is dependent on quality and accuracy of imaging, spread patterns of disease and potential subclinical
involvement. It should be edited to exclude structures that were not involved with lymphoma initially.
●● Internal target volume:
ūū The internal target volume (ITV) takes into account uncertainties in size, shape and position of the CTV by adding a
margin onto the CTV based on tumor position variability.
●● Planning target volume:
ūū Planning target volume (PTV) accounts for interfraction variability by adding a margin onto the CTV/ITV based on
immobilization and local set-up.
●● Organs at risk:
ūū QUANTEC has developed recommendations for normal tissue tolerances; these recommendations are in place to
help avoid morbidity and mortality that can be associated with treatment.
●● Image co-registration:
ūū FDG-PET co registration can help define contours. MRI co-registration can also be helpful in defining treatment
volumes in the brain and possibly the head and neck.
●● Involved node radiotherapy:
ūū Involved node radiotherapy (INRT) describes a smaller field of radiation that is currently under investigation by the
EORTC-Gela and should be used on protocol until results of that randomized trial are available.
●● RT as the sole modality of treatment:
ūū When RT is used as the sole modality of treatment, treatment planning volumes may require larger margins.

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Treatment techniques
●● Intensity-modulated radiation therapy and volumetric-modulated arc therapy:
ūū Intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) and volumetric-modulated arc therapy (VMAT) techniques are
described. Both techniques allow for highly conformal treatment while exposing larger volumes of normal tissue
to low dose radiation.
●● Proton therapy:
ūū The benefits of proton radiation in the setting of lymphomas are starting to be explored. The theoretical benefit of
lower doses to surrounding normal tissues exists, but we do not have long-term data yet to show if that translates
into clinically meaningful end points.
Patient selection for radiation
●● Response-adapted selection:
ūū Omitting radiation based on FDG-PET response has been studied in the pediatric and adult population. Based on
the EORTC/GELA H10, there is no data to show that RT can be omitted in stage I/II HL based on FDG-PET response.
Dose: HL
●● Classical HL:
ūū HD10 and HD11 showed that lower doses of radiation could be used with fewer cycles of chemotherapy in the
early favorable stage I/II patient population. This same decreased dose cannot be used in early unfavorable
●● Lymphocyte predominant HL:
ūū Lymphocyte predominant HL (LPHL) is a situation in which RT can be used as the sole treatment modality. Doses of
30–36 Gy have proven sufficient.
●● Refractory and recurrent HL:
ūū Higher doses of radiation therapy are necessary in recurrent or refractory disease.
Dose: non-HL
●● Indolent non-HL:
ūū A randomized Phase III trial from the UK showed that lower doses of radiation could be safely and effectively used
in indolent NHL.
●● Aggressive NHL:
ūū The same Phase III trial from the UK proved that doses of 30 Gy was sufficient in consolidation of aggressive
lymphomas following chemotherapy.
●● Refractory and recurrent NHL:
ūū Higher doses of radiation therapy are necessary to treat refractory or recurrent NHL.

salvage option. Often, these patients are candidates Conclusion

for stem cell transplantation (SCT). Radiation Modern radiotherapy in the management
may be a component of the salvage protocol to of lymphomas is a complex and individual-
sites of dominant disease or sites of recurrence. In ized treatment option for many patients. The
patients who achieve a CR to salvage chemother- advances are the result of multiple randomized
apy, 30–40 Gy prior to or after transplantation can clinical trials that have been aimed at maintain-
be utilized for maximal local control. In patients ing excellent cure rates while minimizing treat-
who are not candidates for SCT, radiation doses ment related side effects. As part of that goal,
of up to 55 Gy may be necessary [43] . there has been a decrease in both radiation fields

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Modern radiotherapeutic strategies in the management of lymphoma Review

and doses. Hopefully, as we move forward, we tumor but also eliciting a response in tumors
will see these modifications improve late effects outside the treatment field). It will be interest-
from treatment. ing to see if this can be harnessed in the treat-
ment of lymphomas to treat what is often times
Future perspective a systemic disease.
Over the next 5–10 years, as medicine con-
tinues to evolve, the treatment of lymphomas Financial & competing interests disclosure
will likely involve more immune-modulated The author has no relevant affiliations or financial involve-
treatments. We have seen tremendous progress ment with any organization or entity with a financial inter-
with monoclonal antibodies and other immune est in or financial conflict with the subject matter or materi-
checkpoint drugs in clinical trials. As the field als discussed in the manuscript. This includes employment,
of immunotherapy continues to expand, the consultancies, honoraria, stock ownership or options, expert
role radiation plays will likely evolve with it. testimony, grants or patents received or p­ending, or
In melanoma treatment, there has been great royalties.
interest in the abscopal effect (the use of local- No writing assistance was utilized in the production of
ized treatment not only shrinking the treated this manuscript.

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