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Paix-Travail-Patrie Peace-Work-Fatherland
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Controle contenu / Continuous assessment – 1h

A. Pick out the correct sentence from among the four sentences in each
of the following examples.

1. (a) I was able to pass the exam. But I could not appear for it
(b) I could pass the exam. But I did not appear for it
(c) I was able to pass the exam. But I did not appeared for it

(d) I was able to pass the exam. But I did not appear for it
2. (a) Nobody knows his whereabouts. He may was there in Doha
(b) Nobody knew his whereabouts. He may be there in Doha
(c) Nobody knews his where abouts. He is there in Doha
(d) Nobody knows his whereabouts. He might be there in Doha
3. (a) The drug addicts may not be tortured but should be rehabilitated
(b) The drug addicts can not be tortured but must be rehabilitated
(c) The drug addicts should not be tortured but might be rehabilitated
(d) The drug addicts must not be tortured but should be rehabilitated
4. (a) You ought to help the blind to cross the road
(b) You must to help the blind to cross the road
(c) You ought to help the blind to crossing the road
(d) You should help the blinds to cross the road
5. (a) You need not worry at all. I am take care of your luggage
(b) You need not worry at all. I will take care of your luggage
(c) You need to not worry at all. I will taking care of your luggage
(d) You need not worry at all. I will be take care of your luggage
B. Draw a circle around the correct preposition in bracket ( ) in the
exercises below:
1. She walked (in, into) the kitchen and put her packages (on, over) the table.
2. Your score on the examination is well (above, over) average.
3. Is Jane (at, in) home? No, she is (on, at) the library.
4. Mary is sitting (in, on) the sofa (at, in) the living room
5. While waiting for my train, I took a walk (around, across) the station.

C. Fill the spaces provided with the correct tenses

1. I (learn) ……………English for seven years now.
2. But last year I (not / work) ……………….hard enough for English, that's why my
marks (not /be) …………….really that good then.
3. As I (pass / want) ………………….my English exam successfully next year, I (study)
……………………………..harder this term.
4. During my last summer holidays, my parents (send) ………………… me on a
language course to London.
5. It (be) ……………great and I (think) …………….I (learn) …………….a lot.
6. Before I (go) …………….to London, I (not / enjoy) ………………..learning English.
7. While I (do)……………… the language course, I (meet) …………….lots of young
people from all over the world and (notice) …………………how important it was.
8. Now I (have) …………… much more fun learning than I (have) …………… before
the course
9. My exam (be)……………. on 15th of May, so there (not /be) ……………..any time to
be lost
10. If I (pass) …………. my exams successfully, I (start)………………… an
apprenticeship in September

D. Fill in the blanks with correct modal verb from the box below.
should might can could have to must
a) Ritu’s flight from Morocco took more than 11 hours. She ___________ be exhausted after
such a long flight. She ___________ prefer to stay in tonight and get some rest.

b) If you want to get a better feeling for how River Wouri is laid out, you ___________ walk
down town and explore the riverside.

c) You ___________ research the route a little more before you set sail.

d) When you have a small child in the house, you ___________ leave small objects lying

e) Christian, ___________ you hold your breath for more than a minute? No, I can’t.

f) Stella’s engagement ring is enormous! It ___________ have cost a fortune.

g) Please make sure to feed the fish while I am gone. If they don’t get enough food, they
___________ die.

h) I ___________ speak English fluently when I was a child.

i) The teacher said we ___________ read the book if we needed extra credit.

j) The spoon ___________ be in this cupboard but it’s not here.

Continuous Assessment Correction

A. Pick out the correct sentence from among the four sentences in each of the
following examples.
1. (b) I could pass the exam. But I did not appear for it
2. (d) Nobody knows his whereabouts. He might be there in Doha
3. (c) The drug addicts should not be tortured but might be rehabilitated
4. (a) You ought to help the blind to cross the road
5. (b) You need not worry at all. I will take care of your luggage

B. Draw a circle around the correct preposition in bracket ( ) in the exercises

1. Into, on
2. Above
3. At, at
4. On, in
5. Around

C. Fill the spaces provided with the correct tenses

1. Am learning
2. Did not work, were not
3. Want to pass, will study
4. Sent
5. Was, think, learnt
6. Went, did not enjoy
7. Did, met, noticed
8. Am having, had
9. Will be, isn’t
10. Pass, will start

D. ll in the blanks with correct modal verb from the box below.
a) Must, might
b) Have to
c) Should
d) Should
e) Must
f) Can
g) Could
h) Should
i) should

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