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IELTS Preparation Course 32-2023_IELTS Thay Son_0347806269 June 3, 2024


- Use sequence signals: First/Initially, Second/Third, After that, before, followed by, following,
finally/ultimately, then…
- Use present simple tense
- Use passive voice
- Common verbs of movement: transport/transfer/move to, pour into/put into, pass, pipe to, funel
into, put onto/place onto, release/come out, discard/throw away,
- Shapes: triangular, rectangular, circular, curved, square, cubic, conical, cylindrical, spherical,
round, oval,
- Focus on changes
- Use compare and contrast
- Use appropriate tenses
- Use passive voice

IELTS Preparation Course 32-2023_IELTS Thay Son_0347806269 June 3, 2024

Process: How to make plastic products from raw materials

The diagram illustrates different stages in the production of plastic items using raw materials from oil
refinery. Cleary, this is a complex process that includes 7 steps and requires a lot of machinery and even skilled
workers at some stages.
Initially, raw materials are transported on trucks from the oil refinery to the factory. On
arrival/arriving, they are poured into a cylindrical container, before being moved to a high pressure square
oven, under whose heat long molecules of plastic form. These molecules are then passed to another container,
where they turn into a liquid form called plastic granules.
In the next stage, plastic granules are funneled into a rectangular injection moulder, where they are
melted completely and forced into a round-shaped mould. The final products come out/are released at the
narrow end of the moulder and are checked for quality by a supervisor, who discards any waste items into
dustbin. After inspection, all qualified products are put onto/placed onto a conveyor belt for packing, before
being stored in the warehouse, ready for use.
Overall, the process shows that among all stages, the moulding step seems to be the most important as it
determines the size and shape of the final products.

IELTS Preparation Course 32-2023_IELTS Thay Son_0347806269 June 3, 2024


IELTS Preparation Course 32-2023_IELTS Thay Son_0347806269 June 3, 2024

IELTS Preparation Course 32-2023_IELTS Thay Son_0347806269 June 3, 2024

1. Writing Practice 1


The diagrams show the process of cement production and then how this cement is used for concrete
production. As is observed from the graph, cement production involves somevarious steps complex
processes and concrete production is done using different amounts of the water, cement and sand in a
concrete mixer.

In the first diagram, we can see that limestone and clay are two important is the raw material to make
cementwith which clay added. Firstly, the two materials are crushed roughly in a crusher to form the
powder. Then this powder passes through a mixer and a heater through which the powder is exposed to
flameheat/high temperature. The powder now is in the form of a paste. This paste is ground inded to
become cement to pass through the last process, packing in bags.

The second diagram shows how concrete is produced for housing and construction projects. In the first
stage, it includes 15% of cement, 10% of water, 25% of sand and 50% of small stones whih are mixed
in a concrete mixer and a rapid rotation machine so that the ingredients mixed together to form

Band 6.0

The first diagram gives information about the stages and the machinery required in cement manufacture, and
another the other diagram shows the production of concrete using cement. As can be seen, they are complex
process that includes 5 steps to produce cement and lots of materials to make concrete.

At the first stage in the production of cement, limestone and clay are crushed into powder through a crusher.
The powder is well mixed before being moved to a rotating heater, where heat is added from the other end to
create. This process creates the raw materials/heated powder which is then are passed onto a grinder and the
result is cement. Finally, it they is are packaged in bags and ready for sale.

After cement and other materials are transported to the concrete-making site, they are mixed into a concrete
mixer with precise proportions. In the mixer, there are gravel, sand, cement and water with ratio of 50%, 25%,
15% and 10% respectively. After blending, concrete is made out.
IELTS Preparation Course 32-2023_IELTS Thay Son_0347806269 June 3, 2024

Overall, the processes shows that among all stages, the heating step seems to be the most important as it
determines the quality of cement, and the proportions of materials are also influence to concrete after

Band 6.5


The diagrams illustrate the stages and tools needed in the production of cement, and the
steps involved in turning it into concrete for construction. Evidently, there are 5 steps in the
cement-making process. To produce concrete, 4 different materials are mixed together.
Initially, limestone and clay are crushed into powder, this powderwhich is then mixed
before being poured into the rotating heater, where the powder is heated from outside. After
that, the heated powder is put into the grinder, where it turns into the smoother last form of
powder, called cement. Finally, the cement is packed in bags, ready for use.
The concrete-making process contains only 1 stage, and cement is one of the 4 raw
materials that are used to make concrete, along with gravel, sand and water. 50% of gravel,
25% of sand, 15% of cement and 10% of water are poured into a mixer machine. Then, they
are blended together to make concrete.
Overall, the heating step seems to be the most vital part of cement production since it
forms the final product. In the process of making concrete, the ratio of the materials is the most
important factor because it determines the quality of the concrete.
Band 7.5

IELTS Preparation Course 32-2023_IELTS Thay Son_0347806269 June 3, 2024

2. Writing Practice 2

IELTS Preparation Course 32-2023_IELTS Thay Son_0347806269 June 3, 2024

3. Writing Practice 3

IELTS Preparation Course 32-2023_IELTS Thay Son_0347806269 June 3, 2024

IELTS Preparation Course 32-2023_IELTS Thay Son_0347806269 June 3, 2024


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