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Part 1: Pick out the word (A,B,C,D) whose underlined part is proonounced
differently from those of the other words. (3 pts)
1. A. pleased B. punished C. practiced D. promised
2. A. drought B. ought C. brought D. bought
3. A. boot B. root C. shoot D. foot
Part 2: Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others
in each group (2 pts)
4. A. Vietnamese B. employee C. remember D. engineer
5. A. opposite B. position C. majority D. opinion
Part 1: Choose the word or phrase (A,B,C or D) that best completes each
sentence (10 pts)
6. I wish I ............................... fly in the sky.
A. can B. am able to C. could D. will
7. When I was a boy, I……………………………. a lot of sweets.
A. used to eat B. have eaten C. will eat D. eating
8. The flight had to be delayed…………the bad weather.
A. because B. due to C. because of D. B and C are correct
9. You should drive …………….. The traffic is heavy.
A. careful B. more careful C. more carefully D. most carefully
10. She told me……………… go to the bank
A. don’t forget B. not forget C. not to forget D. should not forget
11. Either I or Tom ………… beef
A. doesn’t like B. don’t like C. like D. likes
12.I’d rather you ................................ at home tonight
A. stay B. stayed C. to stay D. staying
13. When the teacher speaks, we have to keep quiet,……………..?
A. don’t we B. mustn’t we C. doesn’t he D. won’t he
14. Nancy talks as if she……………………….everything.
A. knows B. had known C. knew D. not know
15. My brother is intelligent but he ………………lacks common sense
A. fails B. lacks C. misses D. wants
Part 2: Fill in each blank with one suitable preposition (10 pts)
16. Yesterday evening, I went to a restaurant ______________some friends of
17. Two men were arrested _________ the police and are taken to the police
18. It’s not easy to live ________________ money.
19. These trains are vert fast, they can travel _____________ very high speeds.
20. Some people talk __________ their work all the time.
21. The boat moved slowly ____________ the coast.
22. “Where’s Tom?”- He’s__________ the kitchen making some coffee.
23. Don’t look at me __________ that
24. Please pick ____________ these papers which are on the floor.
25. She spends a lot of time_________ her English.
Part 3: Complete the sentences with appropriate form of the word in block
capitals (5 pts)
26. ________ are trying to find out new stars. SCIENCE
27. He was turned down for the job because he wasn’t_________.
28. My colleagues are very pleasant but the manager is a little_______ FRIEND

29. Teenagers are now ________ dressed. FASHION

30. Some people claim to be able to_________ the future. TELL
Part 4: Complete each sentence with a suitable form of one of the phrasal
verbs in the box. Use each one once only. There are two extra ones that you do
not need to use (5 pts)
Go off get on put up with give up make out draw up look up
31. My father decided ________ smoking five months ago
32. I woke up when my alarm clock ________
33. Before we do anything else, we ought to ________ and prepare a plan of action
34.“What does “misogynist” mean, Alan?”- “I’ve no idea, Jill. You’d
better_________ it in the dictionary”
35. I’ve always _________ well with old people
Part 5: Put the verbs given in the brackets into their appropriate tenses or
forms. (10 pts)
36. We (send) _________ the money as soon as the goods are delivered.
37. John is washing his hands now. He (just/repair) _________ the TV set.
38. Peter did not get used to (get) _________ up early when he first came to
39. It is no use (ask) _________ her. She doesn’t know anything
40. She regrets (not buy) _________ that house. It is much more expensive now.
41. I am going to have my house (paint) _________ next week.
42. It is critical that the prime minister (address) _________ those sensitive issues.
43. The old car (make) _________ in Japan is expensive.
44. When I came, they (wait) _________ for me in the living room.
45. Nylon (invent) _________ in the early 1930s by an American chemist, Julian Hill.
Part 6: Each sentence has an incorrect word. FIND and CORRECT them.
There is an example at the beginning (0). (5 pts) (5 pts)
46. He has waited there for a quarter past six.
47. Surface mal is many cheaper than air mail.
48. They do their best to keeping the family happy.
49. The armchair is in the living room, among the television and sofa.
50. Tourists usually have a bus to the countryside.
Part 1: Read the passage and choose the correct answer (A,B,C or
D) which best fits each space. (10 pts)
Viet Nam is a country in the (51) ………. Asia. It has an area of 329,566 sq km.
Hanoi is the (52) …………and Ho Chi Minh City is the (53)……… The
population of Viet Nam is about 80 (54)……….. It has age-old culture and long
tradition of fighting against foreign invaders. Viet Nam is now a (55)……country
of ASEAN and many other (56)............originations such as APEC, WTO,….
Viet Nam (57)………….rice, coffee and many other farm (58)…….... Viet Nam
has (59)……….of tourist attractions and World Heritage Sites such as Ha Long
Bay, Phong Nha Cave, Hoi An Ancient Town, ….etc, and it now known as a safe
and attractive (60)……… for tourists the world over. Vietnamese people are proud
of their country. They have been trying hard to build into a power and prosperous
51. A. South-east B. South C. North D. Northern
52. A. city B. town C. old city D. capital
53. A. large B. larger C. largest D. wide
54. A. billion B. million C. billions D. millions
55. A. member B. friend C. classmate D. workmate
56. A. national B. international C. nation D. natural
57. A. exported B. imported C. exports D. imports
58. A. products B. production C. productive D. produce
59. A. many B. some C. a lots D. lots
60. A.depart B. destination C. departure D. department
Books are written to provide knowledge and good books enrich the mind.By
putting(61)___________under the influence of superior
mind,we(62)_________our mental powers.Though good(63)__________we learn
that people everywhere are the(64)__________in all ages and in
all(65)__________This knowledge improves our love(66).___________others and
helps us to live in peace with them. We also (67)______________that the world
was made not only for man (68)___________but for every creature that can feel
hunger and thirst, warmth and cold.
Though it may be possible for us to travel(69)___________the world and see
things happening today, it is not possible for us to see things that happened in the
past. But good books(07)________________us to see not only into the most
remote regions of the world today, but also into the world in which our ancestors

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