Narrative Essay Template

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Hargreaves 1

Lydia Hargreaves

Mr. Pace & Mrs. Ragoza

D Block

May 28, 2024

From Struggle to Strength

Ever since I was little, I have struggled with anxiety and ADHD. Having anxiety and

ADHD affected many aspects of my life, including my ability to learn. Regardless, it wasn't until

my sophomore year at Newburyport High School when my chemistry teacher disregarded my

504 plan and humiliated me in front of class that I felt my passion for learning was hindered. I

recall a particular day of my chemistry class where I left the room in tears and headed to the

guidance office, where I was given the option to skip the remainder of the semester’s chemistry

period. Although I was given that opportunity, I deliberately chose not to let this difficult

situation get the best of me. In the midst of working two jobs to achieve my goal of purchasing

my own car, I made a commitment to return to the chemistry class that I was struggling with and

finish off the semester. The internal motivation during a strenuous period of internal conflicts,

which was exacerbated by difficulties in school and working several jobs, led me to understand

the value of empathy and ultimately ignited my desire to become a nurse.

This ability to be self determined originated during my childhood, as I also lacked

support and affection from my father. As a child, I remember asking him to teach me how to ride

my new pink bike that I had just received as a birthday present. Eventually, I ended up teaching

myself how to ride a bike as well as many other things in life. Falling down, over and over again,

but continuing to get back up. Nonetheless, I strongly believe that in the end this lack of support

aided my personal development. Although I have battled with the challenges that came with
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inadequate support systems, they have taught me to be independent and resilient. Ultimately, I

was able to turn this lack of support into a greater comprehension of the importance of being

empathetic towards others.

With this focus on empathy in mind, I have consistently shown up for my friends and

teammates from making posters in effort to support them at our athletic events, to giving public

speeches to honor their achievements, or just being there for them in times of need. Being a

support for others has been crucial to me because I believe in the value of human connection.

The feeling of being involved and those brief encounters with peers mean the world to me. When

I realized I was struggling in my sophomore year, I joined a mental health awareness club at my

high school called “Bring Change to Mind” (BC2M). This club certainly functions as a

leadership and support group. The main goal of the program is to spread awareness regarding the

value of mental health and provide support for members as well as individuals outside of the

club. With the intention of supporting others, the group engages in numerous charitable

endeavors and volunteer opportunities. As a result of my unceasing desire to help others, I

developed an aspiration for working in the healthcare field, which has recently become a new

professional goal for me.

In healthcare I see a purposeful and adaptable vocation, but what I am particularly fond

of is its fusion of a scientific core with a philanthropic motive. The career objective of nursing

resonates with me deeply, as I believe in human connection and helping others. When people

learn that I want to become a nurse, I frequently hear: “Oh…nursing school is difficult,” to

which I always reply, “It’s what I’m passionate about.” Countless adults work careers that they

are not enthusiastic or passionate about, consequently one of my biggest dreams in life is to be

able to look forward to going to work everyday. As caring for others is what makes me happy, I
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believe that healthcare is my calling. Attending nursing school will equip me with the skills and

knowledge I need to make this dream a reality.

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