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✈ ISAGO Checklist - Station

GOSM Edition 10 - effective 1 April 2021


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International Air Transport Association
800 Place Victoria
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ISAGO Checklist
GOSM Edition 10
© 2020 International Air Transport Association.All rights reserved.

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✈ ISAGO Checklist - Station
GOSM Edition 10 - effective 1 April 2021

Section 5 — Aircraft Handling and Loading (HDL)

Changes to GOSM Section 5 (HDL)

Area Changed Description of Changes

△ Applicability Table Updated and includes new provision for Aircraft Cabin cleaning

△ Auditor Actions (AA) No change

△ Guidance Material Alignment with AHM and IGOM-Deleted reference to AHM 431 and 463 and
(GM) replaced with current IGOM reference.

Acceptable Means of

□ GOSARPs HDL 1.5.6 New recommended practice for Aircraft Cabin Cleaning

△ This section consists of 82 GOSARPs.
Section 5 addresses aircraft servicing and loading operations (hereinafter “aircraft handling operations”),
which includes the following functions:

 Aircraft access
 Ground support equipment (GSE)
 Operation of passenger boarding equipment
 Aircraft servicing
 Aircraft Cabin Cleaning
 Unit load devices (ULDs)
 Catering
 Aircraft loading

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 Dangerous Goods
 Other special loading
 Security
 Hold baggage
 Aircraft security.
 Documentation
 Training

Providers of catering services, to be in conformity with ISAGO requirements, shall operate in accordance
with HDL 1.7 and the following provisions:

 ORM Section 1
 HDL 1.1 Aircraft Access (all)
 HDL 1.2 GSE Movement (1.2.1, 1.2.2, 1.2.4, 1.2.5, 1.2.7, 1.2.8, 1.2.10, 1.2.11, 1.2.12, 1.2.13)
 HDL 1.3 Passenger Boarding Bridge and Stairs (1.3.1)
 HDL 1.4 Passenger Boarding Bridge

HDL 1.3.1, 1.4.1 and 1.4.3 are always applicable to those providers not operating a boarding bridge.
Some External References are identified with (RSR). This indicates a GOSARP involving a procedure
having a Red Safety Risk Index Value in the Risk Assessment Table (Ref. to AHM 610 4.5 Risk
Assessment Matrix).
References to HDL services are reported in the Standard Ground Handling Agreement (SGHA) Section
3 Ramp Services, Chapters 3.1 Baggage Handling, 3.4 Ancillary Items, 3.6 Loading and Unloading, 3.7
Safety Measures, 3.11 Hygienic Services, 3.12 Water Services and 3.15 Restaurant Ramp
All GOSARPs apply unless determined otherwise by the ISAGO auditor while performing the audit.
If a person has duties that involve more than one operational discipline, the training requirements related
to the HDL section may be combined with the other training discipline requirements to be qualified to
operate in the multiple functions. Some specific operational training may be merged in one session
giving instructions for multiple disciplines.

1. Operational Procedures

1.1 Aircraft Access

HDL 1.1.1 The provider shall have a process that ensures the operation of aircraft access doors,
applicable to each type of aircraft, is in accordance with the requirements of the customer airline(s)
served at the station. (GM)
☐ Documented and Implemented (Conformity)

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☐ Documented not Implemented (Finding)

☐ Implemented not Documented (Finding)
☐ Not Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ N/A

Auditor Comments:
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Auditor Actions - Station
☐ Reviewed procedures as per HQ requirements, including local standard operating procedures (SOPs),
as applicable.
☐ Interviewed staff directly involved in the respective job duties.
☐ Identified the requirements of customer airlines related to aircraft access doors operation.
☐ Verified IGOM procedure implementation

Recommended Basis for Acceptable Means of Conformity

IGOM 4.4 Aircraft Doors
IRM References
Aircraft Access Door
Additional Guidance
Aircraft access doors are:

 Cabin access doors (passenger cabin doors)

 Cargo compartment doors
 Bulk cargo compartment doors
 Upper and lower deck cargo compartment doors

The operation of access doors is different for the various aircraft manufacturers and types.
Customer airline(s) might have certain elements of cabin access door operation in their Operations
Manual (OM) that adds to, or differs from, from the IGOM or the provider.
The provider must obtain, review and implement the specific requirements for each of their customer
airlines at the station.
Access door procedures should include:

 Inspection of access doors prior to operation

 Operation of handles, panels
 Safety requirements
 Door sill locks/latches

HDL 1.1.2 The provider shall have procedures to ensure all GSE is positioned by the cabin access door

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in a manner that:

i. Minimizes gaps in the walking surfaces between the aircraft and equipment.
ii. If equipped with side railings, they are extended to the fuselage once positioned. (GM)

☐ Documented and Implemented (Conformity)

☐ Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ Implemented not Documented (Finding)
☐ Not Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ N/A

Auditor Comments:
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Auditor Actions - Station
☐ Reviewed procedures as per HQ requirements, including local SOPs, as applicable.
☐ Interviewed staff directly involved in the respective job duties.
☐ Verified IGOM procedures implementation

Recommended Basis for Acceptable Means of Conformity

IGOM Passengers Boarding Bridge
IGOM Passengers Stairs (RSR)
IGOM 4.4 Aircraft Doors
External References
AHM 462 Safe Operating Practices in Aircraft Handling
Additional Guidance
Apply to all equipment positioned by an aircraft cabin access door (e.g., include PRM lift vehicles, catering
With certain types of platforms or stairs, a perfect match will not be possible; however, gaps would
typically be minimized to a safe level.
Side railing deployment that interfaces with the cabin door is typically applicable only to specific GSE such
as passenger stairs, catering trucks, or other elevating equipment.

HDL 1.1.3 The provider shall have procedures for opening aircraft cabin access doors, applicable to each
type of door operated, to ensure:

i. Cabin doors are operated in accordance with the procedures of the customer airline(s) served at
the station.
ii. When a cabin door is opened from inside the aircraft by airline crew, ground personnel must
communicate via nonverbal signals to confirm that the GSE is in position and that it is clear to
open the door.

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iii. Ground personnel must retreat to a safe position before the cabin access door is opened. (GM)

☐ Documented and Implemented (Conformity)

☐ Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ Implemented not Documented (Finding)
☐ Not Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ N/A

Auditor Comments:
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Auditor Actions - Station
☐ Reviewed procedures as per HQ requirements, including local SOPs, as applicable.
☐ Interviewed staff directly involved in the respective job duties.
☐ Verified IGOM procedures implementation
☐ Identified the requirements of customer airlines related to the opening of cabin access doors.

Recommended Basis for Acceptable Means of Conformity

IGOM Opening of Cabin Access Doors from Inside by Trained Crew
IGOM Opening of Cabin Access Doors from Inside by Authorized and Trained Ground Staff
□ IGOM Opening Cabin Access Doors from Outside with Crew/Ground Staff on Board
IGOM Opening of Cabin Access Doors from Outside with no Crew/Ground Staff on Board
IGOM 4.4.2 Cabin Access Doors (RSR)
IRM References
Integral Airstairs
Additional Guidance
Cabin access doors shall only be in the open position if there is an appropriate boarding device positioned
at the door. Cabin access doors may not be opened without appropriate equipment positioned at the door.

HDL 1.1.4 The provider shall have procedures for closing an aircraft cabin access door, applicable to
each type of door operated, to ensure ground handling personnel:

i. Operate cabin doors in accordance with the procedures of the customer airline(s) served at the
ii. Conduct an exterior inspection for obstructions that could hinder cabin door closure before
attempting to close door.
iii. Assist the cabin crewmember, as necessary, in initiating the cabin door closing movement.
iv. Inspect the cabin door after closure to confirm the aircraft door handle is flush with the fuselage.

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☐ Documented and Implemented (Conformity)

☐ Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ Implemented not Documented (Finding)
☐ Not Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ N/A

Auditor Comments:
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Auditor Actions - Station
☐ Reviewed procedures as per HQ requirements, including local SOPs, as applicable.
☐ Interviewed staff directly involved in the respective job duties.
☐ Identified the requirements of customer airlines related to the closing of cabin access doors.
☐ Verified IGOM procedures implementation

Recommended Basis for Acceptable Means of Conformity

IGOM 4.4 Aircraft Doors
IGOM 4.4.2 Cabin Access Doors (RSR)
IGOM Closing Cabin Access Doors
External References
AHM 462 Safe Operating Practices in Aircraft Handling
Additional Guidance
Ground handling personnel to provide a timely communication of the existence of any obstructions to
personnel onboard the aircraft to prevent damage to the door.
With the door closed, the external opening handle shall be aligned with the fuselage surface.
Assisting to initiate the door closing movement could prevent possible injuries to the cabin crewmember.

HDL 1.1.5 The provider shall have procedures for reopening an aircraft cabin access door after it has
been closed. The procedures shall be applicable to each type of cabin door operated at the station and
they must ensure ground handling personnel do not commence to reopen a door unless specifically
authorized by the flight crew of the aircraft. (GM)
☐ Documented and Implemented (Conformity)
☐ Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ Implemented not Documented (Finding)
☐ Not Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ N/A

Auditor Comments:
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Auditor Actions - Station

☐ Reviewed procedures as per HQ requirements, including local SOPs, as applicable.
☐ Interviewed staff directly involved in the respective job duties.
☐ Verified IGOM procedures implementation

Recommended Basis for Acceptable Means of Conformity

IGOM 4.4 Aircraft Doors
IGOM 4.4.2 Cabin Access Doors (RSR)
IGOM Re-Opening Cabin Access Doors
IRM References
Pilot-in-Command (PIC)
External References
AHM 462 Safe Operating Practices in Aircraft Handling
Additional Guidance
In the event the ground handling personnel require a door to be reopened, appropriate communication
with the flight crew would be necessary to gain authorization.

HDL 1.1.6 The provider shall have procedures to ensure, in accordance with requirements of the
customer airline(s), that prior to the operation of any cabin access door, an appropriate boarding device,
including the passenger boarding bridge:

i. Is positioned at a cabin access door prior to door opening.

ii. Remains positioned at a cabin access door at all times when such door is open unless an
appropriate fall prevention device is placed across the open door.
iii. Is removed from a cabin access door immediately after such door is closed by an authorized
person. (GM)

This GOSARP does not apply if the cabin access door has integral air stairs and they are deployed.
☐ Documented and Implemented (Conformity)
☐ Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ Implemented not Documented (Finding)
☐ Not Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ N/A

Auditor Comments:
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Auditor Actions - Station
☐ Reviewed procedures as per HQ requirements, including local SOPs, as applicable.

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☐ Interviewed staff directly involved in the respective job duties.

☐ Verified IGOM procedures implementation

Recommended Basis for Acceptable Means of Conformity

IGOM 4.4 Aircraft Doors
IGOM 4.4.2 Cabin Access Doors (RSR)
IGOM Cabin Access Doors General
External References
AHM 462 Safe Operating Practices in Aircraft Handling
Additional Guidance
Some aircraft types with certain galley configurations require the cabin door to be opened to provide
sufficient space to allow for the servicing of trash bins. However, the cabin door is not fully swung open.
Once the trash bin servicing is completed, the cabin door should be immediately closed and secured.
If an aircraft cabin access door is fitted with integral air stairs, and such air stairs are deployed and in use,
this GOSARP is not applicable. However, if a cabin access door is equipped with retractable integral air
stairs (e.g., B737), and such air stairs remain retracted when the door is open, this GOSARP is
An appropriate fall prevention device consists of equipment or material, or a combination of both, that is
designed to arrest, or prevent, the fall of a person from an open door. Examples include an industrial
safety net, catch platform or safety harness system (other than a travel restraint system). The door strap
installed on most aircraft cabin doors is not considered an appropriate fall prevention device.
For all-cargo aircraft, where the GSE must be removed to allow the aircraft access door to be opened or
closed, procedures are to be in place to permit door operation in a manner that ensures the safety of
personnel involved.

HDL 1.1.7 The provider shall have procedures for opening and closing the aircraft cargo hold doors,
applicable to each type of door operated, to ensure:

i. Access doors are operated in accordance with the procedures of the customer airline(s) served
at the station.
ii. For door clearance, adequate space shall be allowed with the GSE to avoid interference during
door movement. (GM)

☐ Documented and Implemented (Conformity)

☐ Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ Implemented not Documented (Finding)
☐ Not Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ N/A

Auditor Comments:
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Auditor Actions - Station

☐ Reviewed procedures as per HQ requirements, including local SOPs, as applicable.
☐ Interviewed staff directly involved in the respective job duties.
☐ Verified IGOM procedures implementation

Recommended Basis for Acceptable Means of Conformity

IGOM 4.4.3 Cargo Hold Doors (RSR)
IGOM Opening Cargo Hold Doors
IGOM Closing Cargo Hold Doors
IRM References
Ground Support Equipment (GSE)
Integral Airstairs
Additional Guidance
Cargo hold doors shall be operated by trained and authorized personnel only. Manual operation of
electrical or hydraulically operated doors is usually accomplished by maintenance personnel or flight

1.2 Ground Support Equipment (GSE)

HDL 1.2.1 The provider shall have a maintenance program to ensure that GSE:

i. Is maintained in serviceable and good condition prior to being used in ground operations.
ii. When found to be defective, is reported and evaluated for removal from service.
iii. Is tagged as “Out of Service” and removed from operations, when applicable.
iv. Maintenance is documented in records and such records are retained for a period specified by
the applicable regulations. (GM)

☐ Documented and Implemented (Conformity)

☐ Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ Implemented not Documented (Finding)
☐ Not Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ N/A

Auditor Comments:
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Auditor Actions - Station
☐ Reviewed procedures as per HQ requirements, including local SOPs, as applicable.
☐ Interviewed staff directly involved in the respective job duties.

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☐ Identified the process of defect reporting.

☐ Identified the process of “Out of Service” tagging.
☐ Sampled the GSEs maintenance records.
☐ Checked the retention period of GSEs maintenance records.

IRM References
Ground Support Equipment (GSE)
External References
AHM 910 Basic Requirements for Aircraft Ground Support Equipment
AHM 917 Basic preventive Maintenance Program/Schedule
Additional Guidance
Maintenance programs would typically be designed to be in accordance with one of the following:

 Equipment manufacturer’s recommendations.

 Adequate provider GSE fleet management policies.
 AHM Chapter 9.
 Any combination of the above, depending on the GSE fleet specifics, such as, but not limited to:
age of the equipment, availability of maintenance documentation, frequency of use, whether the
equipment is under warranty or not, maintenance experience/track-record, etc.

If the GSE maintenance is outsourced, the GSE GOSARPs are still applicable and shall be assessed.

HDL 1.2.2 The provider shall have procedures that ensure GSE is subjected to a walkaround and safety
check to verify the equipment is serviceable, prior to being used in operations, and the GSE is used in
accordance with the specific safety requirements. (GM)
☐ Documented and Implemented (Conformity)
☐ Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ Implemented not Documented (Finding)
☐ Not Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ N/A

Auditor Comments:
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Auditor Actions - Station
☐ Reviewed procedures as per HQ requirements, including local SOPs, as applicable.
☐ Interviewed staff directly involved in the respective job duties.
☐ Observed general inspection process of GSE prior to use.
☐ Verified IGOM procedures implementation

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Recommended Basis for Acceptable Means of Conformity

□ IGOM General Safety Instructions
IGOM Basic Operating Requirements for GSE (RSR)
IGOM 4.5.3 Safety Requirements Specific to Aircraft Turnaround Handling
External References
AHM 462 Safe Operating Practices in Aircraft Handling
Additional Guidance
If any system, control level or protective devices are identified as substandard or unserviceable during the
pre-inspection, the GSE shall NOT be used for ground servicing of an aircraft.
The provider’s GSE program must outline reporting and tagging procedures of unserviceable GSE, and
the reporting to GSE maintenance for repair.
The procedures must ensure there is no possibility for someone else to use the equipment.
The GSE must be used in compliance with the operational safety precautions to avoid personnel injuries
or damage to the equipment and aircraft.

HDL 1.2.3 The provider shall have procedures that ensure GSE is parked:

i. Only in designated airside equipment parking areas when not in use.

ii. In a manner that does not obstruct access to firefighting equipment.
iii. In a manner that does not obstruct access to the fuel hydrant emergency stop switch. (GM)

☐ Documented and Implemented (Conformity)

☐ Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ Implemented not Documented (Finding)
☐ Not Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ N/A

Auditor Comments:
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Auditor Actions - Station
☐ Reviewed procedures as per HQ requirements, including local SOPs, as applicable.
☐ Interviewed staff directly involved in the respective job duties.
☐ Verified IGOM procedure implementation

Recommended Basis for Acceptable Means of Conformity

△ IGOM Basic Operating Requirements for GSE (RSR)
External References
AHM 462 Safe Operating Practices in Aircraft Handling

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HDL 1.2.4 The provider shall have a procedure that prohibits GSE from being moved or driven across the
path of:

i. Taxiing aircraft
ii. Embarking or disembarking passengers on the ramp (GM)

☐ Documented and Implemented (Conformity)

☐ Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ Implemented not Documented (Finding)
☐ Not Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ N/A

Auditor Comments:
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Auditor Actions - Station
☐ Reviewed procedures as per HQ requirements, including local SOPs, as applicable.
☐ Interviewed staff directly involved in the respective job duties.
☐ Verified IGOM procedure implementation

Recommended Basis for Acceptable Means of Conformity

IGOM General Safety Instructions (RSR)
External References
AHM 462 Safe Operating practices in Aircraft Handling

HDL 1.2.5 The provider shall have a procedure that prohibits GSE from being driven with elevating
equipment in the raised position, except during final positioning of the equipment to the aircraft. (GM)
☐ Documented and Implemented (Conformity)
☐ Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ Implemented not Documented (Finding)
☐ Not Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ N/A

Auditor Comments:
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Auditor Actions - Station

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☐ Reviewed procedures as per HQ requirements, including local SOPs, as applicable.

☐ Interviewed staff directly involved in the respective job duties.
☐ Verified IGOM procedures implementation

Recommended Basis for Acceptable Means of Conformity

△ IGOM Basic Operating Requirements for GSE (RSR)
IGOM Elevating Equipment
Additional Guidance
Some GSE can be driven with some of the lifting surfaces in the raised position; when this occurs, the
driver’s visibility is affected, which causes a dangerous situation.
The operation of a hydraulic system while driving (such as raising a belt) may impact other hydraulically
operated controls (such as the brakes).

HDL 1.2.6 The provider shall have procedures that require all loaded dollies or transporters to secure the
load from movement by using locks, stops, rails, or straps at all times, except when the load is being
transferred onto, or off of, the dollies/transporters. (GM)
☐ Documented and Implemented (Conformity)
☐ Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ Implemented not Documented (Finding)
☐ Not Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ N/A

Auditor Comments:
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Auditor Actions - Station
☐ Reviewed procedures as per HQ requirements, including local SOPs, as applicable.
☐ Interviewed staff directly involved in the respective job duties.
☐ Verified IGOM procedure implementation

Recommended Basis for Acceptable Means of Conformity

IGOM ULD Loading
External References
AHM 427 Aircraft Handling and Loading
Additional Guidance
Cargo and baggage may be loaded inside ULDs or bulk loaded. ULDs are transported on dollies. Bulk
load is carried in baggage carts.
All locks and latches on dollies must be raised prior to movement.
Baggage carts usually have doors or curtains; these must be closed and secured prior to movement.

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The provider must ensure all nets, ropes, straps, protective materials, etc. are not able to drag on the
ground, or get jammed in rollers, ball mats or wheels.

HDL 1.2.7 The provider shall have procedures to ensure the movement of GSE operated in close
proximity to aircraft, when the vision of the GSE operator is or might be restricted, is directed by one or
more guide persons and:

i. Hand signals are utilized by the guide person(s).

ii. The guide person(s) is (are) positioned so that clearance from the aircraft, other equipment,
vehicles or facilities can be accurately judged, and signals can be visually communicated to the
GSE operator.
iii. If visual contact with the guide person(s) is lost, the GSE operator stops movement of the GSE
immediately. (GM)

☐ Documented and Implemented (Conformity)

☐ Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ Implemented not Documented (Finding)
☐ Not Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ N/A

Auditor Comments:
Click or tap here to enter text.
Auditor Actions - Station
☐ Reviewed procedures as per HQ requirements, including local SOPs, as applicable.
☐ Interviewed staff directly involved in the respective job duties.
☐ Verified IGOM procedures implementation

Recommended Basis for Acceptable Means of Conformity

IGOM Ground Support Equipment Safety Driving and Parking Inside ERA (RSR)
IGOM 3.4.2 Condition for Using Hand Signals (RSR)
External References

AHM 462 Safe Operating Practices in Aircraft Handling

HDL 1.2.8 The provider shall have procedures to ensure the operator of motorized GSE:

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i. Drives no faster than walking pace.

ii. Parks inside the equipment restraint area (ERA).
iii. Makes one complete safety stop prior to entering the ERA, or at five meters from the aircraft.

☐ Documented and Implemented (Conformity)

☐ Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ Implemented not Documented (Finding)
☐ Not Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ N/A

Auditor Comments:
Click or tap here to enter text.
Auditor Actions - Station
☐ Reviewed procedures as per HQ requirements, including local SOPs, as applicable.
☐ Interviewed staff directly involved in the respective job duties.
☐ Verified IGOM procedure implementation

Recommended Basis for Acceptable Means of Conformity

IGOM Ground Support Equipment Safety Driving and Parking Inside ERA (RSR)
IRM References
Equipment Restraint Area (ERA)
External References
AHM 615 Management Review
Additional Guidance
GSE movement around an aircraft:
Drive tractors and carts within speed limits according to local airport regulations and take care to avoid
sharp turns, jerks and sudden stops.
Vehicles/GSE that are not directly involved in the handling or servicing of the aircraft shall not be driven
through or parked within the ERA and do not drive or park under the aircraft fuselage and/or wing.

HDL 1.2.9 The provider shall have procedures for non-motorized Air Start Unit (ASU), Pre-Conditioned
Air (PCA) and Ground Power Unit (GPU) to:

i. Avoid being connected to the tractor and aircraft at the same time.
ii. When parked and/or not connected to motorized vehicles, all non-motorized GSE must have
brakes set or chocks in place
iii. Before towing the unit away, make sure that the unit is disconnected from the aircraft and cables

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and hoses are securely stowed prior to transportation. (GM)

☐ Documented and Implemented (Conformity)

☐ Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ Implemented not Documented (Finding)
☐ Not Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ N/A

Auditor Comments:
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Auditor Actions - Station
☐ Reviewed procedures as per HQ requirements, including local SOPs, as applicable.
☐ Interviewed staff directly involved in the respective job duties.
☐ Verified IGOM procedures implementation

Recommended Basis for Acceptable Means of Conformity

IGOM Basic Operations Requirement for GSE (RSR)
IGOM Non-Motorized Ground Service Equipment
IGOM Ground Support Equipment Safety Driving and Parking Inside ERA (RSR)
External References
AHM 462 Safe Operating Practices in Aircraft Handling
Additional Guidance
As precaution, avoid connecting non-motorized GSE to the tractor and to the aircraft at the same time.
The operator shall maneuver GSE carefully to prevent personnel injury and/or aircraft damage.

HDL 1.2.10 The provider shall have procedures to ensure unattended vehicles or motorized GSE, when
positioned at or near the aircraft, except as specified in HDL 1.2.11, have the parking brake applied with
the gear selector in park or neutral, and wheel chocks installed, if equipped.
☐ Documented and Implemented (Conformity)
☐ Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ Implemented not Documented (Finding)
☐ Not Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ N/A

Auditor Comments:
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Auditor Actions - Station
☐ Reviewed procedures as per HQ requirements, including local SOPs, as applicable.

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☐ Interviewed staff directly involved in the respective job duties.

☐ Verified IGOM procedures implementation

Recommended Basis for Acceptable Means of Conformity

△ IGOM Basic Operating Requirements for GSE (RSR)

HDL 1.2.11 The provider shall have procedures to ensure the operator of self-powered GSE that is
positioned at the aircraft, and is being used during operations:

i. Remains in a position within easy reach of the emergency controls.

ii. Remains in the operating position and in control of the equipment, if the equipment is not fitted
with external emergency controls.
iii. Does not leave GSE unattended with engine running, except in cold weather operations with the
GSE chocked. (GM)

☐ Documented and Implemented (Conformity)

☐ Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ Implemented not Documented (Finding)
☐ Not Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ N/A

Auditor Comments:
Click or tap here to enter text.
Auditor Actions - Station
☐ Reviewed procedures as per HQ requirements, including local SOPs, as applicable.
☐ Interviewed staff directly involved in the respective job duties.
☐ Verified IGOM procedure implementation

Recommended Basis for Acceptable Means of Conformity

△ IGOM Basic Operating Requirements for GSE (RSR)
External References
AHM 462 Safe Operating Practices in Aircraft Handling

HDL 1.2.12 The provider shall have procedures to ensure GSE, when positioned at the aircraft:

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i. Has the stabilizers deployed, if fitted with stabilizers.

ii. Has auto-leveling engaged, if fitted with an auto-leveling system.
iii. Has handrails deployed in the raised position or fall protection is utilized in accordance with local
iv. Has GSE attachment fittings, belt loaders, transfer bridges or platforms correctly deployed when
the equipment is in position at the aircraft access door.
v. Is not positioned at the aircraft with the protective rubber bumpers against the fuselage, with the
exception of passenger loading devices. (GM)

☐ Documented and Implemented (Conformity)

☐ Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ Implemented not Documented (Finding)
☐ Not Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ N/A

Auditor Comments:
Click or tap here to enter text.
Auditor Actions - Station
☐ Reviewed procedures as per HQ requirements, including local SOPs, as applicable.
☐ Interviewed staff directly involved in the respective job duties.
☐ Verified IGOM procedures implementation

Recommended Basis for Acceptable Means of Conformity

IGOM Basic Operating Requirements for GSE (RSR)
IGOM Non-Motorized GSE
IGOM Passenger Boarding Bridge
IGOM Passenger Stairs (RSR)
IGOM Belt Loader (RSR)
IGOM Unit Load Device Loader (RSR)
IGOM Elevating Equipment (RSR)
△ IGOM Tractor/Electric Baggage Tug (RSR)
External References
AHM 462 Safe Operating Practices in Aircraft Handling
Additional Guidance
If stairs are positioned at the aircraft for the purpose of passenger boarding or deplaning, cabin access
doors must not be opened until the stairway stabilizers are deployed.
Stabilizers must remain deployed until the aircraft access door is closed.
In situations where handrails on GSE are not deployed in the raised position, the use of fall protection (in
accordance with local requirements) is acceptable as an alternate means of conformity.
The boom of the belt loader shall never be positioned inside the cargo hold of any aircraft, except for
specially designed belt loaders that require the equipment to be positioned inside the cargo hold.
Handrails must be retracted during GSE movement and positioning; they are extended once the GSE is in
position at the aircraft.

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A “No Touch” policy shall be employed for all GSE types, with the exception of passenger loading

HDL 1.2.13 The provider shall have procedures to ensure GSE, when positioned at the aircraft, does not:

i. Obstruct the evacuation of persons from the aircraft in an emergency.

ii. Prevent or obstruct the movement of a fueling vehicle away from the aircraft.
iii. Unnecessarily impede the accomplishment of other aircraft handling operations in progress.

☐ Documented and Implemented (Conformity)

☐ Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ Implemented not Documented (Finding)
☐ Not Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ N/A

Auditor Comments:
Click or tap here to enter text.
Auditor Actions - Station
☐ Reviewed procedures as per HQ requirements, including local SOPs, as applicable.
☐ Interviewed staff directly involved in the respective job duties.
☐ Verified IGOM procedure implementation

Recommended Basis for Acceptable Means of Conformity

IGOM Ground Support Equipment Safety Driving and Parking Inside ERA (RSR)
External References
AHM 462 Aircraft Handling and Loading
Additional Guidance
A fueling vehicle (truck, bowser, tanker, servicer) must always have an unobstructed path to exit away
from the aircraft in case of emergency. Providers are reminded NOT to leave baggage carts or belt
loaders parked in front of the fueling vehicle.

HDL 1.2.14 The provider shall have procedures to ensure, when passengers are onboard or
embarking/disembarking from an aircraft being fueled, the area beneath such exits is kept clear of GSE
and/or other obstructions. (GM)

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☐ Documented and Implemented (Conformity)

☐ Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ Implemented not Documented (Finding)
☐ Not Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ N/A

Auditor Comments:
Click or tap here to enter text.
Auditor Actions - Station
☐ Reviewed procedures as per HQ requirements, including local SOPs, as applicable.
☐ Interviewed staff directly involved in the respective job duties.
☐ Verified IGOM procedure implementation

Recommended Basis for Acceptable Means of Conformity

IGOM 3.2.3 Fueling/Defueling With Passengers on Board
External References
AHM 462 Aircraft Handling and Loading

1.3 Boarding Bridge and Stairs Inspection

HDL 1.3.1 The provider shall have procedures to ensure the walking surfaces of passenger boarding
bridges and/or stairs are inspected and free from conditions that could cause injury to passengers or
ground handling personnel. (GM)
☐ Documented and Implemented (Conformity)
☐ Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ Implemented not Documented (Finding)
☐ Not Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ N/A

Auditor Comments:
Click or tap here to enter text.
Auditor Actions - Station
☐ Reviewed procedures as per HQ requirements, including local SOPs, as applicable.
☐ Interviewed staff directly involved in the respective job duties.
☐ Verified IGOM procedures implementation

Recommended Basis for Acceptable Means of Conformity

IGOM Passenger Boarding Bridge

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IGOM Passenger Stairs (RSR)

Additional Guidance
Ensuring passenger walking surfaces are clean of undesired substances will prevent conditions that could
lead to slipping, tripping or falling, and the resulting injuries. Substances that could typically contribute to
unsafe walking conditions include snow, ice, standing water, catering trash, oil, hydraulic fluid or deicing

1.4 Passenger Boarding Bridge

HDL 1.4.1 The provider shall have procedures to ensure the passenger boarding bridge is parked in the
fully retracted position:

i. Prior to aircraft arrival

ii. Prior to aircraft departure movement (GM)

☐ Documented and Implemented (Conformity)

☐ Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ Implemented not Documented (Finding)
☐ Not Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ N/A

Auditor Comments:
Click or tap here to enter text.
Auditor Actions - Station
☐ Reviewed procedures as per HQ requirements, including local SOPs, as applicable.
☐ Interviewed staff directly involved in the respective job duties.
☐ Verified IGOM procedure implementation

Recommended Basis for Acceptable Means of Conformity

IGOM Passenger Boarding Bridge
Additional Guidance
Aircraft passenger bridges that are drivable up to the aircraft pose a risk and can cause aircraft damage.
Usually, the bridge makes contact with the engines on the left side of aircraft, resulting in extensive
damage to engine cowlings.
Markings on the apron identify the correct parking position for the bridge before aircraft arrival and
departure. Some automated guide-in systems have safety features preventing the bridge from movement
unless they are parked in correct position.
If the provider does not physically operate the bridge, but has ramp supervision duties, they must also
have oversight of this requirement to ensure proper bridge parking was done.
Further guidance can be found in the ACI Apron Safety Handbook 2.3.1.

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HDL 1.4.2 The provider shall have procedures to ensure personnel, equipment and vehicles are clear of
the passenger boarding bridge movement path prior to movement of the bridge. (GM)
☐ Documented and Implemented (Conformity)
☐ Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ Implemented not Documented (Finding)
☐ Not Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ N/A

Auditor Comments:
Click or tap here to enter text.
Auditor Actions - Station
☐ Reviewed procedures as per HQ requirements, including local SOPs, as applicable.
☐ Interviewed staff directly involved in the respective job duties.
☐ Verified IGOM procedure implementation

Recommended Basis for Acceptable Means of Conformity

IGOM Passenger Boarding Bridge
Additional Guidance
Most passenger boarding bridges have cameras underneath to see the area below the bridge; however,
visibility is limited and procedures shall be in place to ensure a clear path.
Any ground power cables and conditioned air hoses in the area must be stowed while the bridge is

HDL 1.4.3 The provider shall have procedures to ensure, during the positioning of the passenger
boarding bridge:

i. Only the bridge operator is in the bridgehead.

ii. If vision is restricted, a guide person is used and is in a position to accurately judge clearances
and communicate signals to the driver/operator, or operation is assisted by a video monitoring
system. (GM)

☐ Documented and Implemented (Conformity)

☐ Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ Implemented not Documented (Finding)
☐ Not Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ N/A

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Auditor Comments:
Click or tap here to enter text.
Auditor Actions - Station
☐ Reviewed procedures as per HQ requirements, including local SOPs, as applicable.
☐ Interviewed staff directly involved in the respective job duties.
☐ Verified IGOM procedure implementation

Recommended Basis for Acceptable Means of Conformity

IGOM Passenger Boarding Bridge
Additional Guidance
To reduce the risk of falling while the bridge is in motion, only the bridge operator shall be in the
Some bridges have doors at the end of the bridge. If equipped, the doors shall be closed while the bridge
is moving.
Access to the bridgehead may be allowed to authorized person (i.e., trainers, customer airline observer,
In general, bridges with limited visibility are equipped with a video camera allowing the operator to monitor
clearances without a guide person. When this is not the case, guide person(s) shall be used. They shall
be standing on the apron in positions to ensure:

 They have an unobstructed view of the bridge operator.

 Their position allows a clear view to judge clearance between the bridge and the aircraft.
 They are able to provide visual signals to the bridge operator.

HDL 1.4.4 The provider shall have procedures to ensure the passenger boarding bridge is moved slowly
to the aircraft cabin access doorsill:

i. Until the bridge safety bar just touches the aircraft.

ii. In a manner that prevents damage to aircraft components protruding from the fuselage. (GM)

☐ Documented and Implemented (Conformity)

☐ Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ Implemented not Documented (Finding)
☐ Not Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ N/A

Auditor Comments:
Click or tap here to enter text.
Auditor Actions - Station

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☐ Reviewed procedures as per HQ requirements, including local SOPs, as applicable.

☐ Interviewed staff directly involved in the respective job duties.
☐ Verified IGOM procedure implementation

Recommended Basis for Acceptable Means of Conformity

IGOM Passenger Boarding Bridge
External References
AHM 462 Aircraft Handling and Loading
Additional Guidance
Protrusions would include various antennae, sensors and probes located near the access door. In
general, proximity sensors are installed to limit bridge speed while approaching the aircraft in the final
phase, but they shall not be used as the main source of reference to prevent aircraft damage.
Further guidance can be found in the ACI Apron Safety Handbook 2.3.1.

HDL 1.4.5 The provider shall have procedures to ensure, once the passenger boarding bridge is in
position at the cabin access door, the bridge auto-leveling safety system is engaged. (GM)
☐ Documented and Implemented (Conformity)
☐ Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ Implemented not Documented (Finding)
☐ Not Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ N/A

Auditor Comments:
Click or tap here to enter text.
Auditor Actions - Station
☐ Reviewed procedures as per HQ requirements, including local SOPs, as applicable.
☐ Interviewed staff directly involved in the respective job duties.
☐ Verified IGOM procedure implementation

Recommended Basis for Acceptable Means of Conformity

IGOM Passenger Boarding Bridge
External References
AHM 462 Aircraft Handling and Loading
Additional Guidance
The auto-leveling system shall be engaged to ensure the aircraft movements up and down due to loading
and unloading procedures are compensated for and the aircraft cabin door do not come in contact with
the passenger boarding bridge platform.
These auto-leveling systems must immediately be engaged once the bridge is docked on an aircraft.
These safety devices are equipped with alarms that sound once the unit begins to malfunction. When this

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alarm is heard, immediate action must be taken as there is a risk of imminent damage to the cabin door.
Further guidance can be found in the ACI Apron Safety Handbook 2.3.1.

HDL 1.4.6 If the passenger boarding bridge is fitted with devices that prevent operations by unauthorized
persons when an operator is not at the controls, the provider shall have procedures to ensure such
controls are secured. (GM)
☐ Documented and Implemented (Conformity)
☐ Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ Implemented not Documented (Finding)
☐ Not Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ N/A

Auditor Comments:
Click or tap here to enter text.
Auditor Actions - Station
☐ Reviewed procedures as per HQ requirements, including local SOPs, as applicable.
☐ Interviewed staff directly involved in the respective job duties.
☐ Verified IGOM procedure implementation

Recommended Basis for Acceptable Means of Conformity

IGOM Passenger Boarding Bridge
Additional Guidance
Passenger boarding bridge operator control panels are usually found on the bridge platform. The bridge
controls can be accessible to passengers (especially children) as they board.
Some bridges have safety controls protecting critical switches. If so equipped, these safety controls must
be engaged to prevent operation by unauthorized persons.
Further guidance can be found in the ACI Apron Safety Handbook 2.3.1.

HDL 1.4.7 If the passenger boarding bridge is fitted with safety barriers, the provider shall have
procedures to ensure such barriers are placed across the forward opening of the passenger boarding
bridge platform prior to removal from the cabin access door. (GM)
☐ Documented and Implemented (Conformity)
☐ Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ Implemented not Documented (Finding)

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☐ Not Documented not Implemented (Finding)

☐ N/A

Auditor Comments:
Click or tap here to enter text.
Auditor Actions - Station
☐ Reviewed procedures as per HQ requirements, including local SOPs, as applicable.
☐ Interviewed staff directly involved in the respective job duties.
☐ Verified IGOM procedure implementation

Recommended Basis for Acceptable Means of Conformity

IGOM Passenger Boarding Bridge
External References
AHM 462 Aircraft Handling and Loading
Additional Guidance
An effective safety device prevents personnel from inadvertently falling from the passenger boarding
bridge opening (e.g., roll-down door).
Further guidance can be found in the ACI Apron Safety Handbook 2.3.1.

HDL 1.4.8 The provider shall have procedures to ensure passenger boarding bridge malfunctions are
reported to the appropriate authority in a timely manner. (GM)
☐ Documented and Implemented (Conformity)
☐ Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ Implemented not Documented (Finding)
☐ Not Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ N/A

Auditor Comments:
Click or tap here to enter text.
Auditor Actions - Station
☐ Reviewed procedures as per HQ requirements, including local SOPs, as applicable (Focus:
Malfunctions reports records).
☐ Interviewed staff directly involved in the respective job duties.
☐ Sampled the reports related to boarding bridge malfunctions.
☐ Verified IGOM procedure implementation

Recommended Basis for Acceptable Means of Conformity

IGOM Passenger Boarding Bridge (PPB)

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External References
AHM 462 Aircraft Handling and Loading
Additional Guidance
Passenger boarding bridges are equipped with sensors and devices that ensure a safe operation and
minimize the risk of damage to the aircraft.
Bridges are normally equipped with proximity sensors, auto-leveling devices, video cameras, control
panel devices, and platform safety straps.
If any part is not properly functioning, the bridge must not be used, and malfunctions are to be reported to
the appropriate authority in a timely manner.
Further guidance can be found in the ACI Apron Safety Handbook 2.3.1.

1.5 Aircraft Servicing

The following provisions under Subsection 1.5 are applicable to a provider that conducts aircraft servicing
functions. Nevertheless, some of the sub-requirements might still be applicable when the provider is
engaged in certain aspects of ramp operations and shall, therefore, be assessed accordingly. Individual
applicability shall be determined and verified by the auditor.

HDL 1.5.1 The provider shall ensure procedures are in place and followed by ground handling personnel
during aircraft fueling operations which address:

i. Aircraft protection
ii. Fuel safety zone
iii. Fuel hose safety
iv. Fuel spillage
v. Ground support equipment
vi. Notification to persons onboard the aircraft
vii. Aircraft evacuation (GM)

☐ Documented and Implemented (Conformity)

☐ Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ Implemented not Documented (Finding)
☐ Not Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ N/A

Auditor Comments:
Click or tap here to enter text.
Auditor Actions - Station
☐ Reviewed procedures as per HQ requirements, including local SOPs, as applicable.
☐ Interviewed staff directly involved in the respective job duties.

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☐ Verified IGOM procedures implementation

Recommended Basis for Acceptable Means of Conformity

IGOM 3.2.1 Fueling Safety Zone
IGOM 3.2.2 Fuel Spillage
IGOM 3.2.3 Fueling/Defueling with Passengers on Board
External References
AHM 462 Safe Operating Practices in Aircraft Handling

HDL 1.5.2 The provider shall have procedures for aircraft toilet servicing operations that address:

i. Operation of aircraft access panels or doors

ii. Operation of aircraft servicing controls
iii. Equipment-to-aircraft interface
iv. Clean-up and leakage check (GM)

☐ Documented and Implemented (Conformity)

☐ Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ Implemented not Documented (Finding)
☐ Not Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ N/A

Auditor Comments:
Click or tap here to enter text.
Auditor Actions - Station
☐ Reviewed procedures as per HQ requirements, including local SOPs, as applicable.
☐ Interviewed staff directly involved in the respective job duties.
☐ Verified IGOM procedure implementation

Recommended Basis for Acceptable Means of Conformity

IGOM 3.5 Toilet Servicing
External References
AHM 441 Aircraft Toilet Servicing
Additional Guidance
Leakage check shall be accurate to avoid ice formation during flight (known as blue ice).

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HDL 1.5.3 The provider shall have procedures for potable water servicing operations that address:

i. Operation of aircraft access panels or doors

ii. Operation of aircraft servicing controls
iii. Equipment-to-aircraft interface
iv. Clean-up and leakage check (GM)

☐ Documented and Implemented (Conformity)

☐ Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ Implemented not Documented (Finding)
☐ Not Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ N/A

Auditor Comments:
Click or tap here to enter text.
Auditor Actions - Station
☐ Reviewed procedures as per HQ requirements, including local SOPs, as applicable.
☐ Interviewed staff directly involved in the respective job duties.
☐ Verified IGOM procedure implementation

Recommended Basis for Acceptable Means of Conformity

IGOM 3.6 Potable Water Servicing
External References
AHM 440 Potable Water Servicing
Additional Guidance
The tank fill point shall have a quick connect water fill coupling with cap.
Leakage check shall be accurate to avoid ice formation during flight (known as blue ice) Ref. HDL 1.5.2.

HDL 1.5.4 The provider shall have procedures for the application of water quality standards in the
preparation, handling and inspection of aircraft potable water to ensure no contamination is uploaded into
the aircraft, in accordance with local health authorities and those of the customer airline(s) at the station.
☐ Documented and Implemented (Conformity)
☐ Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ Implemented not Documented (Finding)
☐ Not Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ N/A

Auditor Comments:
Click or tap here to enter text.

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Auditor Actions - Station

☐ Reviewed procedures as per HQ requirements, including local SOPs, as applicable.
☐ Interviewed staff directly involved in the respective job duties.
☐ Sampled the inspection reports or other means of evidences related to the quality standards of
potable water.
☐ Verified IGOM procedure implementation

Recommended Basis for Acceptable Means of Conformity

IGOM 3.6 Potable Water Servicing
External References
AHM 440 Potable Water Servicing

HDL 1.5.5 The provider shall have procedures for the operation of aircraft potable water servicing
equipment to ensure such equipment is operated and positioned in a manner that will prevent
contamination of potable water to be loaded into the aircraft. (GM)
☐ Documented and Implemented (Conformity)
☐ Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ Implemented not Documented (Finding)
☐ Not Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ N/A

Auditor Comments:
Click or tap here to enter text.
Auditor Actions - Station
☐ Reviewed procedures as per HQ requirements, including local SOPs, as applicable.
☐ Interviewed staff directly involved in the respective job duties.
☐ Verified IGOM procedure implementation

Recommended Basis for Acceptable Means of Conformity

IGOM 3.6 Potable Water Servicing
External References
AHM 440 Potable Water Servicing

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□ HDL 1.5.6 If the Provider performs aircraft cabin cleaning services, the provider should ensure that the
operational personnel responsible for this service: (GM)

i. Access and utilize cleaning products approved by the customer airline

ii. Have received customized or aircraft specific cabin cleaning training in accordance with the
customer airline specifications
iii. Perform cabin cleaning processes in accordance with customer airline requirements
iv. Are provided with PPE appropriate to the task they are performing
v. Dispose the waste collected in accordance with the requirements of the customer airline and/or
appropriate authority
vi. Maintain records of training and cleaning services provided

☐ Documented and Implemented (Conformity)

☐ Documented not Implemented (Observation)
☐ Implemented not Documented (Observation)
☐ Not Documented not Implemented (Observation)
☐ N/A

Auditor Comments:
Click or tap here to enter text.
Auditor Actions - Station
☐ Verified IGOM procedure implementation
☐ Verified cleaning processes and products used are as specified by customer airline
☐ Interviewed operational personnel performing aircraft cleaning services
☐ Sampled records of training conducted and cabin cleaning services performed at the station

Recommended Basis for Acceptable Means of Conformity

IGOM 3.7 Aircraft Cabin Servicing
External References
Additional Guidance
The Provider should ensure there are procedures and aircraft cleaning product requirements made
available by the customer airlines for cleaning and disinfecting of the cabin, flight deck and cargo
compartments while taking in consideration the operational impact, cost and the practicality of mitigation
measures for pandemic management. A team leader is responsible for the delegation of duties. The
number of cleaning crews assigned to each aircraft depends on the type of aircraft and the type of service
required (quick transit, lay-over, or deep cleaning). There are basically three levels of cleaning services
for the aircraft: quick transit cleaning, overnight (lay-over) cleaning, and deep cleaning. The types of
services rendered depend on the duration of stay of the aircraft at the airport. The tasks in a typical quick
transit cleaning involve seat cleaning, seat pocket cleaning, ashtray cleaning, galley cleaning, toilet
cleaning and replenishment, floor cleaning, and blanket management. Lay-over cleaning is more thorough
and in addition to the above processes includes floor vacuuming, window cleaning, stowage cleaning, and
cleaning of the cabin crew resting area. Deep cleaning includes all the above tasks but in a more
extensive manner in accordance with customer airline requirements and may be under supervision of the
maintenance team.

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1.6 Unit Load Devices (ULDs)

Refer to Section 1 of this manual (ORM), Subsection 2.3 Ground Operation Management of ULD
Airworthiness and Serviceability for provisions that are applicable to the management of ULDs in station
aircraft handling and loading operations.

1.7 Catering

HDL 1.7.1 The provider for catering operations, in addition to requirements for premovement inspection
as per HDL 1.2.2, shall have procedures to ensure that:

i. The load is properly secured (incl. cart brakes), tied down and all doors and shutters are closed.
ii. Seal and security documentation is completed and checked. (GM)

☐ Documented and Implemented (Conformity)

☐ Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ Implemented not Documented (Finding)
☐ Not Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ N/A

Auditor Comments:
Click or tap here to enter text.
Auditor Actions - Station
☐ Reviewed procedures as per HQ requirements, including local SOPs, as applicable.
☐ Interviewed staff directly involved in the respective job duties.
☐ Verified IGOM procedure implementation

Recommended Basis for Acceptable Means of Conformity

IGOM Elevating Equipment (RSR)

HDL 1.7.2 The provider shall have procedures for catering operations to ensure that:

i. The catering vehicle approaches the aircraft only after the anti-collision lights have been
switched off and the aircraft wheels are chocked.
ii. Prior to approach, a visual check of the aircraft must be made to ensure no signs of damage.

☐ Documented and Implemented (Conformity)

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☐ Documented not Implemented (Finding)

☐ Implemented not Documented (Finding)
☐ Not Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ N/A

Auditor Comments:
Click or tap here to enter text.
Auditor Actions - Station
☐ Reviewed procedures as per HQ requirements, including local SOPs, as applicable.
☐ Interviewed staff directly involved in the respective job duties.
☐ Verified IGOM procedures implementation

Recommended Basis for Acceptable Means of Conformity

IGOM 3.1.2 General Ramp Safety
IGOM Basic Operating Requirement for GSE (RSR)
IGOM Elevating Equipment (RSR)

HDL 1.7.3 The provider for catering operations, in addition to requirements for GSE approaching and
positioning at the aircraft as per HDL 1.2.7 and HDL 1.2.8, shall have procedures to ensure that:

i. The vehicle’s loading platform is always perpendicular to the aircraft door sill.
ii. The catering vehicle is chocked with at least one chock at the front and one chock at the rear of
the same wheel.
iii. Vehicle stabilizers are extended (if equipped).

☐ Documented and Implemented (Conformity)

☐ Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ Implemented not Documented (Finding)
☐ Not Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ N/A

Auditor Comments:
Click or tap here to enter text.
Auditor Actions - Station
☐ Reviewed procedures as per HQ requirements, including local SOPs, as applicable.
☐ Interviewed staff directly involved in the respective job duties.
☐ Verified IGOM procedures implementation

Recommended Basis for Acceptable Means of Conformity

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IGOM Basic Operating Requirement for GSE (RSR)

IGOM Elevating Equipment (RSR)

HDL 1.7.4 The provider for catering operations, in addition to requirements for GSE positioning at the
aircraft as per HDL 1.1.2, shall have procedures to ensure that:

i. The vehicle body entry door is closed and latched.

ii. The vehicle body is raised to the correct height, level with the aircraft door sill.
iii. The vehicle engine is shut off.

☐ Documented and Implemented (Conformity)

☐ Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ Implemented not Documented (Finding)
☐ Not Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ N/A

Auditor Comments:
Click or tap here to enter text.
Auditor Actions - Station
☐ Reviewed procedures as per HQ requirements, including local SOPs, as applicable.
☐ Interviewed staff directly involved in the respective job duties.
☐ Verified IGOM procedures implementation

Recommended Basis for Acceptable Means of Conformity

IGOM Basic Operating Requirement for GSE (RSR)
IGOM Elevating Equipment (RSR)

HDL 1.7.5 The provider for catering operations shall have procedures to ensure that the aircraft servicing
is conducted as follows:

i. Carts are pushed on and off the aircraft (no pulling).

ii. No equipment is staged on the platform.
iii. Clearance between the aircraft door and vehicle platform is continually checked.
iv. Security seals are checked and all equipment is stowed as per airline procedures.

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☐ Documented and Implemented (Conformity)

☐ Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ Implemented not Documented (Finding)
☐ Not Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ N/A

Auditor Comments:
Click or tap here to enter text.
Auditor Actions - Station
☐ Reviewed procedures as per HQ requirements, including local SOPs, as applicable.
☐ Interviewed staff directly involved in the respective job duties.
☐ Verified IGOM procedures implementation

Recommended Basis for Acceptable Means of Conformity

IGOM Basic Operating Requirement for GSE (RSR)
IGOM Elevating Equipment (RSR)

HDL 1.7.6 The provider for catering operations shall have procedures to ensure that preparation for
backing off from the aircraft is conducted as follows:

i. Load in the vehicle must be properly secured and cart brakes set, and loading platform
ii. Guardrails shall be retracted and ground clearance over both sides of the truck shall be
iii. Vehicle body shall be lowered into the fully lowered position.
iv. Front vehicle body door shall be closed and secured.
v. After exiting, the door of vehicle body shall be closed and latched.
vi. A walkaround inspection to check for foreign objects that can cause damage to the aircraft
(FOD) and stabilizer clearance shall be performed.
vii. Stabilizers shall be raised.

☐ Documented and Implemented (Conformity)

☐ Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ Implemented not Documented (Finding)
☐ Not Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ N/A

Auditor Comments:
Click or tap here to enter text.
Auditor Actions - Station

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☐ Reviewed procedures as per HQ requirements, including local SOPs, as applicable.

☐ Interviewed staff directly involved in the respective job duties.
☐ Verified IGOM procedures implementation

Recommended Basis for Acceptable Means of Conformity

IGOM Basic Operating Requirement for GSE (RSR)
IGOM Elevating Equipment (RSR)

HDL 1.7.7 The provider for catering operations shall have procedures to ensure that the backing off from
the aircraft is conducted as follows:

i. The back-off route shall be checked to ensure that the area is clear of obstructions.
ii. The rear chock shall be removed from the wheel and the front chocks shall be left in position.
iii. When a guide person is used, guide person must be positioned at the rear of the truck on the
wing side and in full view of the operator and use approved hand signals. The operator must
stop immediately if the guide person is out of sight.
iv. Once back off is completed, the front chocks shall be retrieved and stowed.

☐ Documented and Implemented (Conformity)

☐ Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ Implemented not Documented (Finding)
☐ Not Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ N/A

Auditor Comments:
Click or tap here to enter text.
Auditor Actions - Station
☐ Reviewed procedures as per HQ requirements, including local SOPs, as applicable.
☐ Interviewed staff directly involved in the respective job duties.
☐ Verified IGOM procedures implementation

Recommended Basis for Acceptable Means of Conformity

IGOM Basic Operating Requirement for GSE (RSR)
IGOM Elevating Equipment (RSR)

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HDL 1.7.8 The provider, during catering operations, when operating in high wind conditions, shall have
procedures to ensure that:

i. Increased distance between the vehicle and the aircraft is maintained.

ii. No loose items are stowed on the vehicle loading platform.
iii. No loose items are transported on top of catering carts.
iv. Only one catering cart at a time can be pushed using both hands.
v. Operations conducted with high loaders at wind speeds greater that 40 knots are prohibited.

☐ Documented and Implemented (Conformity)

☐ Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ Implemented not Documented (Finding)
☐ Not Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ N/A

Auditor Comments:
Click or tap here to enter text.
Auditor Actions - Station
☐ Reviewed procedures as per HQ requirements, including local SOPs, as applicable.
☐ Interviewed staff directly involved in the respective job duties.
☐ Verified IGOM procedure implementation

Recommended Basis for Acceptable Means of Conformity

IGOM 3.3 Adverse Weather Conditions (RSR)
External References
AHM 462 Aircraft Handling and Loading
Additional Guidance
In general, the airport provides indications of high wind conditions and specific operational procedures.
Definitions of high wind conditions vary from airport to airport.
Design of newer catering vehicles has improved, adding stabilizers to almost every size. These changes
may prompt a false sense of safety, or possibly a disregard for the wind’s destructive force.
Extreme caution shall be used while operating in such conditions to ensure adequate safety levels for the
people and equipment.

1.8 Aircraft Loading Offloading Operations

HDL 1.8.1 The provider shall have procedures to ensure aircraft are loaded:

i. In accordance with written loading instructions.

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ii. In a manner that prevents movement or spillage during flight. (GM)

☐ Documented and Implemented (Conformity)

☐ Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ Implemented not Documented (Finding)
☐ Not Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ N/A

Auditor Comments:
Click or tap here to enter text.
Auditor Actions - Station
☐ Reviewed procedures as per HQ requirements, including local SOPs, as applicable.
☐ Interviewed staff directly involved in the respective job duties.
☐ Verified IGOM procedures implementation

Recommended Basis for Acceptable Means of Conformity

IGOM 4.5.1 Supervision of Aircraft Loading (RSR)
IGOM Spills in Cargo Holds
IGOM 4.5.7 Securing of Load
IRM References
Loading Instruction/Report (LIR)
External References
AHM 590 Load Control Procedures and Loading Supervision Responsibilities
AHM 462 Safe Operating Practices in Aircraft Handling
DGR 9.3 Loading
Additional Guidance
Effective procedures ensure precautions are taken during the loading to prevent aircraft damage and
injuries to personnel.

HDL 1.8.2 The provider shall have procedures to ensure a qualified person is designated as a loading
supervisor for all aircraft loading and offloading operations with the responsibility for ensuring the aircraft
is loaded or offloaded in accordance with applicable loading procedures and instructions. (GM)
☐ Documented and Implemented (Conformity)
☐ Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ Implemented not Documented (Finding)
☐ Not Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ N/A

Auditor Comments:

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Click or tap here to enter text.

Auditor Actions - Station
☐ Reviewed procedures as per HQ requirements, including local SOPs, as applicable.
☐ Interviewed staff directly involved in the respective job duties.
☐ Verified IGOM procedures implementation

Recommended Basis for Acceptable Means of Conformity

IGOM 4.5.1 Supervision of Aircraft Loading (RSR)
IGOM Offloading Instructions
External References
AHM 590 Load Control Procedures and Loading Supervision Responsibilities
AHM 462 Safe Operating Practices in Aircraft Handling
Additional Guidance
The person in charge of, and responsible for, the safe and efficient loading and offloading of the aircraft,
as well as the protection of the goods carried, will ensure the aircraft is loaded as specified by the load
agent, in accordance with the customer airline(s) procedures. In some cases (e.g., special flights), the
loading supervisor could be provided by the customer airline operating the aircraft (e.g., flying

HDL 1.8.3 The provider shall have procedures to ensure, when an offload is completed, a final check of
all cargo holds must be conducted to inspect each cargo hold for:

i. Damage to the compartment or malfunction of floor locks.

ii. Spills in the hold that may have occurred.
iii. Baggage, cargo or any other item that may have been left onboard the aircraft that should not be
present in the hold. (GM)

☐ Documented and Implemented (Conformity)

☐ Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ Implemented not Documented (Finding)
☐ Not Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ N/A

Auditor Comments:
Click or tap here to enter text.
Auditor Actions - Station
☐ Reviewed procedures as per HQ requirements, including local SOPs, as applicable.
☐ Interviewed staff directly involved in the respective job duties.

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☐ Verified IGOM procedures implementation

Recommended Basis for Acceptable Means of Conformity

IGOM 4.5.5 Cargo Hold Inspection
△ IGOM Actions During Loading
Additional Guidance
Compartment separator nets must be secured prior to all flight departures. Between offload and onload,
compartment nets must be secured inside aircraft compartments and not left hanging outside.

HDL 1.8.4 The provider shall have procedures to ensure, prior to being loaded into an aircraft, ULDs and
other items are inspected for damage, and if found damaged, are not loaded into the aircraft. (GM)
☐ Documented and Implemented (Conformity)
☐ Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ Implemented not Documented (Finding)
☐ Not Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ N/A

Auditor Comments:
Click or tap here to enter text.
Auditor Actions - Station
☐ Reviewed procedures as per HQ requirements, including local SOPs, as applicable.
☐ Interviewed staff directly involved in the respective job duties.
☐ Verified IGOM procedures implementation

Recommended Basis for Acceptable Means of Conformity

△ IGOM Loading Procedures (RSR)
□ IGOM Checking ULD Conditions on the Ramp
Additional Guidance
Damaged ULDs, besides the operational implications, can pose a threat to staff safety (handling and
loading), content (damage, loss, protection) and the aircraft (damage).
Procedures, in accordance with requirements of customer airline(s), shall be defined to address the
control, handling and reporting of damaged ULDs.

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HDL 1.8.5 The provider shall have procedures to ensure ULDs to be loaded into an aircraft are
crosschecked by unit number, commodity, weight (if applicable), number of pieces (if applicable) and
destination with the Loading Instruction Report (LIR). (GM)
☐ Documented and Implemented (Conformity)
☐ Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ Implemented not Documented (Finding)
☐ Not Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ N/A

Auditor Comments:
Click or tap here to enter text.
Auditor Actions - Station
☐ Reviewed procedures as per HQ requirements, including local SOPs, as applicable.
☐ Interviewed staff directly involved in the respective job duties.
☐ Verified IGOM procedures implementation

Recommended Basis for Acceptable Means of Conformity

IGOM Loading Procedures (RSR)
△ IGOM Identifying Shipments Requiring Special Handling
External References
AHM 420 Tagging of Unit Load
Additional Guidance
The Ramp Loading Lead or Ramp Loading Supervisor monitors, verifies and records the onload
operations. The LIR is used to record the actual loading details, including the ID numbers, weights and
aircraft position of the ULDs loaded. The Ramp Loading Lead or Ramp Loading Supervisor shall confirm
and record that the planned load was loaded as planned on the LIR and communicate the completed LIR
to Load Control prior to aircraft departure.

HDL 1.8.6 The provider shall have a process to ensure the aircraft loading information and data is
accurate, documented and such data is transferred to the individual responsible for the calculation of the
final weight and balance. (GM)
☐ Documented and Implemented (Conformity)
☐ Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ Implemented not Documented (Finding)
☐ Not Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ N/A

Auditor Comments:
Click or tap here to enter text.
Auditor Actions - Station

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☐ Reviewed procedures as per HQ requirements, including local SOPs, as applicable.

☐ Interviewed staff directly involved in the respective job duties.
☐ Verified IGOM procedures implementation

Recommended Basis for Acceptable Means of Conformity

□ IGOM Actions After Loading
IGOM 5.4 Load Control Tasks
□ IGOM Loading Instructions Report
□ IGOM 5.4.3 Weight and Balance Calculation Task
External References
AHM 590 Load Control Procedures and Loading Supervision Responsibilities
Additional Guidance
Load data transfer shall be verified to ensure correct and updated information to Load Control. Typically,
data is transferred to Load Control as follows:

 Passenger: automatically at check-in closure on the weight and balance system.

 Baggage: entered in the make-up areas/offices directly on the weight and balance system.
 Cargo: entered by the cargo warehouse on the weight and balance system.
 Mail: Load Control office is generally advised of weights to be entered in the system.
 Company material (COMAT): provided by the airline and handled as per cargo or per mail,
depending on the airline’s procedures.

Deviation to the above might apply, depending on the automation of the departure control
system (DCS) used and the interaction with the customer airline(s) DCS system(s).

HDL 1.8.7 The provider shall have procedures for ensuring, once an aircraft has been loaded, a Load
Instruction Report (LIR) is:

i. Completed and certified by the supervisor responsible for aircraft loading

ii. Communicated to Load Control
iii. Retained as per customer airline requirements (GM)

☐ Documented and Implemented (Conformity)

☐ Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ Implemented not Documented (Finding)
☐ Not Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ N/A

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Auditor Comments:
Click or tap here to enter text.
Auditor Actions - Station
☐ Reviewed procedures as per HQ requirements, including local SOPs, as applicable.
☐ Interviewed staff directly involved in the respective job duties.
☐ Sampled the completed LIRs.
☐ Checked the retention of LIRs.
☐ Crosschecked the retention of LIRs with the customer airlines requirements.
☐ Verified IGOM procedures implementation

Recommended Basis for Acceptable Means of Conformity

IGOM 5.1 Introduction
IGOM 5.4 Load Control Tasks
External References
AHM 514 EDP Loading Instruction/Report
AHM 590 Load Control Procedures and Loading Supervision Responsibilities
Additional Guidance
The LIR shall contain all deviations to the planned load, ULDs loaded, their position, contents and
destination. The LIR shall also be signed by the Ramp Loading Lead or Ramp Loading Supervisor,
attesting that the aircraft has been loaded in accordance with the loading instructions.

HDL 1.8.8 The provider that conducts aircraft handling operations for a passenger airline that does not
accept cargo, mail or stores for transport, shall have a process to ensure such items are prevented from
being loaded into any aircraft operated by that customer airline. (GM)
☐ Documented and Implemented (Conformity)
☐ Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ Implemented not Documented (Finding)
☐ Not Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ N/A

Auditor Comments:
Click or tap here to enter text.
Auditor Actions - Station
☐ Reviewed procedures as per HQ requirements, including local SOPs, as applicable.
☐ Interviewed staff directly involved in the respective job duties.
☐ Verified IGOM procedures implementation

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External References
AHM 514 EDP Loading Instruction/Report
AHM 590 Load Control Procedures and Loading Supervision Responsibilities
Additional Guidance
Stores (e.g., headphones, blankets, pillows, beverages, magazines) for consumption by passengers may
include COMAT.

HDL 1.8.9 The provider shall have procedures for the cargo, mail and baggage transported and
transferred when the cargo, mail and baggage have to move between ground facilities and aircraft or
between aircraft. (GM)
☐ Documented and Implemented (Conformity)
☐ Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ Implemented not Documented (Finding)
☐ Not Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ N/A

Auditor Comments:
Click or tap here to enter text.
Auditor Actions - Station
☐ Reviewed procedures as per HQ requirements, including local SOPs, as applicable.
☐ Interviewed staff directly involved in the respective job duties.
☐ Verified IGOM procedures implementation

Recommended Basis for Acceptable Means of Conformity

△ IGOM Checked Baggage Destination
□ IGOM 2.4 Departure Baggage Handling
△ IGOM 2.5 Transfer Baggage

IGOM 4.5.6 Loading
External References
ICHM 10.2 Move Shipments from Hold Area to Aircraft
Additional Guidance
As applicable, procedures to ensure safe and secure movement of cargo, mail and baggage between
ground facilities and aircraft or between aircraft shall be identified and assessed.

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HDL 1.8.10 The provider shall have procedures to ensure hold baggage, ULDs and/or equipment, prior to
release for loading into the aircraft, are inspected for signs of substance leakage, and, if leakage of
dangerous goods is found, such baggage and/or equipment is prevented from release for loading into the
aircraft, in accordance with requirements of the customer airline(s) and:

i. An evaluation is conducted to identify and prevent from transport any other baggage or
equipment that has become contaminated by such leakage.
ii. A notification is made to the applicable authority and customer airline. (GM)

☐ Documented and Implemented (Conformity)

☐ Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ Implemented not Documented (Finding)
☐ Not Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ N/A

Auditor Comments:
Click or tap here to enter text.
Auditor Actions - Station
☐ Reviewed procedures as per HQ requirements, including local SOPs, as applicable.
☐ Interviewed staff directly involved in the respective job duties.
☐ Sampled the notification about the leakage of dangerous goods to the applicable authority.
☐ Sampled the notification about the leakage of dangerous goods to the customer airline.
☐ Verified IGOM procedures implementation

Recommended Basis for Acceptable Means of Conformity

IGOM General
IGOM 4.5.1 Supervision of Aircraft Loading (RSR)
IGOM Loading Procedures
△ IGOM Checking ULD Conditions on the Ramp
External References
AHM 310 Preparation for Loading of Cargo
DGR 9.3 Loading
DGR 9.6 Reporting

1.9 Load Positioning

HDL 1.9.1 The provider shall have procedures to ensure the ground stability of an aircraft (where
applicable) during loading and unloading operations. (GM)

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☐ Documented and Implemented (Conformity)

☐ Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ Implemented not Documented (Finding)
☐ Not Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ N/A

Auditor Comments:
Click or tap here to enter text.
Auditor Actions - Station
☐ Reviewed procedures as per HQ requirements, including local SOPs, as applicable.
☐ Interviewed staff directly involved in the respective job duties.
☐ Verified IGOM procedures implementation

Recommended Basis for Acceptable Means of Conformity

△ IGOM 4.5.2 Aircraft Ground Stability
External References

Additional Guidance
Aircraft ground stability is a serious threat that requires strict adherence to the balance limits of an aircraft.
Certain aircraft require the use of special equipment to maintain the aircraft’s stability and prevent it from
tipping. Aircraft ground stability during loading and unloading requires the center of gravity to remain in a
range that does not permit the aircraft to tilt aft and rest on the underside of the aft fuselage (known as

1.10 Loading Equipment

HDL 1.10.1 The provider shall have procedures to ensure ground loading equipment is positioned at the
aircraft with adequate clearance between the aircraft and the equipment to allow for vertical movement of
the aircraft during loading or unloading operations. (GM)
☐ Documented and Implemented (Conformity)
☐ Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ Implemented not Documented (Finding)
☐ Not Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ N/A

Auditor Comments:
Click or tap here to enter text.
Auditor Actions - Station
☐ Reviewed procedures as per HQ requirements, including local SOPs, as applicable.

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☐ Interviewed staff directly involved in the respective job duties.

☐ Verified IGOM procedures implementation

Recommended Basis for Acceptable Means of Conformity

IGOM Basic Operating Requirements for GSE (RSR)
Additional Guidance
This requirement applies to all types of ground support equipment:

 Passenger steps (with no auto-leveling sensor)

 ULD loaders
 Belt loaders

HDL 1.10.2 The provider shall have procedures to ensure, once aircraft loading operations have been
completed, ground loading equipment is removed and parked outside the Equipment Restraint Area
(ERA). (GM)
☐ Documented and Implemented (Conformity)
☐ Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ Implemented not Documented (Finding)
☐ Not Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ N/A

Auditor Comments:
Click or tap here to enter text.
Auditor Actions - Station
☐ Reviewed procedures as per HQ requirements, including local SOPs, as applicable.
☐ Interviewed staff directly involved in the respective job duties.
☐ Verified IGOM procedure implementation

Recommended Basis for Acceptable Means of Conformity

△ IGOM Pre-Departure Table
IRM References
Equipment Restraint Area
Additional Guidance
The ERA is generally indicated by painted lines (usually yellow or red). If no markings exist, local
procedures should establish safe movement and parking areas.
The ERA must be free of obstructions and Foreign Object Debris (FOD) before and during aircraft arrival
and departure.
Once loading equipment has completed its function on the aircraft turnaround process, it must

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immediately be removed from the ERA.

HDL 1.10.3 The provider shall have procedures to ensure the guides and safety rails on ground loading
equipment are properly deployed for loading and unloading operations. (GM)
☐ Documented and Implemented (Conformity)
☐ Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ Implemented not Documented (Finding)
☐ Not Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ N/A

Auditor Comments:
Click or tap here to enter text.
Auditor Actions - Station
☐ Reviewed procedures as per HQ requirements, including local SOPs, as applicable.
☐ Interviewed staff directly involved in the respective job duties.
☐ Verified IGOM procedure implementation

Recommended Basis for Acceptable Means of Conformity

IGOM Basic Operating Requirement for GSE (RSR)
Additional Guidance
All loading devices shall have safety rails and/or guides promptly deployed to mitigate risk from falling to
persons and/or goods.
Typical GSEs fitted with this such devices are: stairs, conveyor belts, belt loaders, ULD loaders, etc.

1.11 In-Plane Loading

HDL 1.11.1 The provider shall have procedures in accordance with requirements of the customer
airline(s) for operation of the in-plane loading system(s). (GM)
☐ Documented and Implemented (Conformity)
☐ Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ Implemented not Documented (Finding)
☐ Not Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ N/A

Auditor Comments:

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Click or tap here to enter text.

Auditor Actions - Station
☐ Reviewed procedures as per HQ requirements, including local SOPs, as applicable.
☐ Interviewed staff directly involved in the respective job duties.
☐ Verified IGOM procedure implementation

Recommended Basis for Acceptable Means of Conformity

△ IGOM 4.5.3 Safety Requirements Specific to Aircraft Loading
External References
AHM 462 Safe Operating Practices in Aircraft Handling
Additional Guidance
Operation of the in-plane loading system is typically addressed in the agreement between a provider and
the customer airline.

HDL 1.11.2 The provider shall have procedures to ensure ULDs, when loaded into an aircraft:

i. Are guided into position by side rails and/or stops, locks or guides.
ii. Have an unobstructed path into the desired position.
iii. Are prevented from high-speed impact with locks or stops.
iv. Are of a type approved for the specific aircraft type.
v. Have no protrusions or overhangs that will damage the aircraft cargo door opening or the interior
of the aircraft cargo hold.
vi. Are secured by aircraft floor locks. (GM)

☐ Documented and Implemented (Conformity)

☐ Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ Implemented not Documented (Finding)
☐ Not Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ N/A

Auditor Comments:
Click or tap here to enter text.
Auditor Actions - Station
☐ Reviewed procedures as per HQ requirements, including local SOPs, as applicable.
☐ Interviewed staff directly involved in the respective job duties.
☐ Verified IGOM procedures implementation

Recommended Basis for Acceptable Means of Conformity

△ IGOM Loading Procedures (RSR)

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△ IGOM Actions Prior to Loading

□ IGOM Actions During Loading
External References
AHM 310 Preparation for Loading Cargo

HDL 1.11.3 The provider shall have a procedure to ensure any components of the in-plane loading
system found to be missing or unserviceable are immediately reported to the customer airline prior to
loading/unloading and are taken into consideration in the aircraft loading and weight and balance process
if ULDs are to be loaded with any missing locks or latches. (GM)
☐ Documented and Implemented (Conformity)
☐ Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ Implemented not Documented (Finding)
☐ Not Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ N/A

Auditor Comments:
Click or tap here to enter text.
Auditor Actions - Station
☐ Reviewed procedures as per HQ requirements, including local SOPs, as applicable.
☐ Interviewed staff directly involved in the respective job duties.
☐ Verified IGOM procedures implementation

Recommended Basis for Acceptable Means of Conformity

△ IGOM Loading Procedures (RSR)
IGOM 4.5.5 Cargo Hold Inspection
External References
AHM 462 Safe Operating Practices in Aircraft Handling
AHM 451 Technical Malfunctions Limiting Load On Aircraft
Additional Guidance
Components of the in-plane loading system found to be missing or unserviceable can be container or
pallet locks, nets, roller mats, etc.
Any defects shall be immediately reported to the supervisor, flight crew, and/or a provider representative,
as required by the customer airline, PRIOR to loading anything in the cargo hold, or as soon as the
missing or unserviceable components are discovered.
In case a missing/inoperative lock is identified, a calculation is required by the weight and balance agents
to determine the weight allowed for that position.

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2. Special Procedures

2.1 Dangerous Goods

HDL 2.1.1 The provider shall have procedures for aircraft loading to ensure dangerous goods are
handled and secured or stowed in a manner that:

i. Prevents damage to packages and containers during aircraft loading and unloading.
ii. Provides for separation and segregation of packages on the aircraft to prevent interaction in the
event of leakage.
iii. Prevents movement that could change the orientation of packages on the aircraft.
iv. Is in accordance with the information provided on the notice to captain (NOTOC). (GM)

☐ Documented and Implemented (Conformity)

☐ Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ Implemented not Documented (Finding)
☐ Not Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ N/A

Auditor Comments:
Click or tap here to enter text.
Auditor Actions - Station
☐ Reviewed procedures as per HQ requirements, including local SOPs, as applicable.
☐ Interviewed staff directly involved in the respective job duties.
☐ Verified IGOM procedures implementation

Recommended Basis for Acceptable Means of Conformity

△ IGOM Safety Requirements Specific to Aircraft Loading - General
IGOM Spills in Cargo Holds
IGOM 4.5.5 Cargo Hold Inspection
IGOM Loading Procedures
IGOM 4.5.7 Securing of Load
External References
AHM 320 Handling of Damaged Cargo
DGR 9.3 Loading
DGR 9.5 Provision of Information

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HDL 2.1.2 The provider shall have procedures that address a dangerous goods package or shipment that
appears to be damaged or leaking, to ensure:

i. Such package or shipment is prevented from being loaded into an aircraft.

ii. If already loaded, the package or shipment is removed from the aircraft.
iii. In the case of leakage, the conduct of an evaluation to identify and prevent from transport any
other cargo, baggage or transport devices that have become contaminated by the leakage of
dangerous goods, and the removal of the hazardous contamination.
iv. Immediate notification of the customer airline and relevant authority. (GM)

☐ Documented and Implemented (Conformity)

☐ Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ Implemented not Documented (Finding)
☐ Not Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ N/A

Auditor Comments:
Click or tap here to enter text.
Auditor Actions - Station
☐ Reviewed procedures as per HQ requirements, including local SOPs, as applicable.
☐ Interviewed staff directly involved in the respective job duties.
☐ Sampled the evidences of notification about damaged or leaking dangerous goods to the authority.
☐ Sampled the evidences of notification about damaged or leaking dangerous goods to the customer
☐ Verified IGOM procedures implementation

Recommended Basis for Acceptable Means of Conformity

△ IGOM Safety Requirements Specific to Aircraft Loading - General
IGOM Spills in Cargo Holds
IGOM 4.5.5 Cargo Hold Inspection
IGOM Loading Procedures
External References
AHM 320 Handling of Damaged Cargo
DGR 9.2 Storage, DGR 9.3 Loading
DGR 9.4 Inspection

HDL 2.1.3 The provider shall have procedures to ensure shipments labeled “Cargo Aircraft Only” are not

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loaded into a passenger aircraft. (GM)

☐ Documented and Implemented (Conformity)
☐ Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ Implemented not Documented (Finding)
☐ Not Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ N/A

Auditor Comments:
Click or tap here to enter text.
Auditor Actions - Station
☐ Reviewed procedures as per HQ requirements, including local SOPs, as applicable.
☐ Interviewed staff directly involved in the respective job duties.
☐ Verified IGOM procedure implementation

Recommended Basis for Acceptable Means of Conformity

IGOM Loading Procedures
External References
DGR 7.2 Labelling
DGR 9.3 Loading
Additional Guidance
Cargo Aircraft Only shipments are identified by the applicable handling label (black and orange) and all
ramp staff involved in the loading process must be familiar with it.

HDL 2.1.4 The provider shall have procedures that require the following:

i. The person responsible for loading the aircraft shall sign a NOTOC to confirm or otherwise state
a. There was no evidence of leakage from the package(s) or any leakage from the ULDs
loaded on the aircraft.
b. The package or ULD is loaded in the designated position and secured.
ii. The NOTOC is retained and the information on the NOTOC is distributed in accordance with
applicable requirements. (GM)

☐ Documented and Implemented (Conformity)

☐ Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ Implemented not Documented (Finding)
☐ Not Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ N/A

Auditor Comments:

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Click or tap here to enter text.

Auditor Actions - Station
☐ Reviewed procedures as per HQ requirements, including local SOPs, as applicable.
☐ Interviewed staff directly involved in the respective job duties.
☐ Sampled the NOTOCs.
☐ Verified IGOM procedures implementation

Recommended Basis for Acceptable Means of Conformity

IGOM Notification to the Captain
△ IGOM Actions During Loading
□ IGOM Actions Prior to Loading
IGOM Spills in Cargo Holds
External References
AHM 381 Special Load-Notification to Captain through AHM 384 NOTOC Message (NTM)
AHM 590 Load Control Procedures and Loading Supervision responsibilities
DGR Notification to Captain
Additional Guidance
The NOTOC is required for the loading of any DG shipment on any aircraft. The NOTOC is typically
completed by the cargo acceptance warehouse and transmitted to the ramp handler for completion and
presentation to the PIC.

HDL 2.1.5 The provider shall have procedures to ensure dangerous goods are loaded onto an aircraft for
transport on the flight deck or in the cabin occupied by passengers in accordance with the restrictions
specified by the authority or in the IATA DGR. (GM)
☐ Documented and Implemented (Conformity)
☐ Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ Implemented not Documented (Finding)
☐ Not Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ N/A

Auditor Comments:
Click or tap here to enter text.
Auditor Actions - Station
☐ Reviewed procedures as per HQ requirements, including local SOPs, as applicable.
☐ Interviewed staff directly involved in the respective job duties.
☐ Verified IGOM procedures implementation

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Recommended Basis for Acceptable Means of Conformity

△ IGOM Dangerous Goods in Baggage
△ IGOM Cabin Baggage
External References
DGR 2.3 Dangerous Goods Carried by Passengers or Crew
DGR 2.5 Dangerous Goods in Operator’s Property
Additional Guidance
Dangerous goods may be carried in the aircraft cabin or on the flight deck only if they are identified for
such carriage (e.g., on person or in carry-on) as listed in DGR Table 2.3.A Provisions for Dangerous
Goods Carried by Passengers or Crew.

2.2 Other Special Loading

HDL 2.2.1 The provider shall have procedures for the transportation and loading of live animals, which
ensure that they are:

i. Loaded and secured into suitable aircraft compartments as directed by the Loading Instruction
ii. Separated from foods, dangerous goods or other AVI that are natural enemies.
iii. Handled in a manner to minimize the waiting period.
iv. Not exposed to adverse weather or environmental conditions during transportation, loading and
unloading. (GM)

☐ Documented and Implemented (Conformity)

☐ Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ Implemented not Documented (Finding)
☐ Not Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ N/A

Auditor Comments:
Click or tap here to enter text.
Auditor Actions - Station
☐ Reviewed procedures as per HQ requirements, including local SOPs, as applicable.
☐ Interviewed staff directly involved in the respective job duties.
☐ Verified IGOM procedures implementation

Recommended Basis for Acceptable Means of Conformity

IGOM Special Baggage
External References

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AHM 332 handling and Stowage of Live Animal

LAR 10.3 Loading Procedures

HDL 2.2.2 The provider shall have procedures for the transportation and loading of perishable and
temperature-sensitive healthcare products, which ensure that they are:

i. Handled in a manner to minimize the waiting period.

ii. Not exposed to adverse environmental conditions during transportation, loading and unloading.

☐ Documented and Implemented (Conformity)

☐ Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ Implemented not Documented (Finding)
☐ Not Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ N/A

Auditor Comments:
Click or tap here to enter text.
Auditor Actions - Station
☐ Reviewed procedures as per HQ requirements, including local SOPs, as applicable.
☐ Interviewed staff directly involved in the respective job duties.
☐ Verified IGOM procedures implementation

Recommended Basis for Acceptable Means of Conformity

△ IGOM Identifying Shipments Requiring Special Handling
△ IGOM Loading Procedures
External References
AHM 330 Handling of Perishable Cargo
PCR 6.3 Acceptance
TCR (IATA Checklist)
TCR Warehouse Storage (waiting Periods)
TCR 12.2.3 Table of Temperature Impact Vs Weather
Additional Guidance
Perishable cargo must be separated from other incompatible cargo. Incompatible perishables must be
separated from each other.
Time and temperature-sensitive healthcare products must be accepted in accordance with the Perishable
Cargo Regulations (PCR) and/or Temperature Control Regulations (TCR) and/or any national legislation.
Acceptance check shall be done by using the IATA checklist or provider checklist for the type of special
commodity goods being accepted.

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Special handling requirements:

 Perishables must be moved into storage (e.g., cooler, freezer) appropriate for the type, in
accordance with the PCR.
 Pharmaceuticals must be moved into storage (e.g., cooler, freezer) appropriate for the type, in
accordance with the TCR.

2.3 Security

HDL 2.3.1 The provider shall have a process to ensure transfer hold baggage, prior to release for loading
into the aircraft, has been subjected to appropriate security controls. (GM)
☐ Documented and Implemented (Conformity)
☐ Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ Implemented not Documented (Finding)
☐ Not Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ N/A

Auditor Comments:
Click or tap here to enter text.
Auditor Actions - Station
☐ Reviewed procedures as per HQ requirements, including local SOPs, as applicable.
☐ Interviewed staff directly involved in the respective job duties.
☐ Verified IGOM procedures implementation

Recommended Basis for Acceptable Means of Conformity

△ IGOM 2.5 Transfer Baggage
External References
AHM 621 Management and Safety
Additional Guidance
In situations where baggage has been subjected to security controls (e.g., screened) at the point of origin,
and such controls are in accordance with requirements of the state of the transfer and customer airline
requirements, typically there would be no need to apply additional security controls (e.g., rescreening) at
the point of transfer, if the baggage has remained free from unauthorized access (usually meaning it has
remained airside).
If the passengers must collect their hold baggage during the transfer process (because of immigration or
security policies of a state), the hold baggage must be handled as originating baggage and subject to

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HDL 2.3.2 The provider shall have a process to ensure the reconciliation of hold baggage. (GM)
☐ Documented and Implemented (Conformity)
☐ Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ Implemented not Documented (Finding)
☐ Not Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ N/A

Auditor Comments:
Click or tap here to enter text.
Auditor Actions - Station
☐ Reviewed procedures as per HQ requirements, including local SOPs, as applicable.
☐ Interviewed staff directly involved in the respective job duties.
☐ Verified IGOM procedure implementation

Recommended Basis for Acceptable Means of Conformity

△ IGOM 2.4.3 Execution of Departing Baggage
□ IGOM 2.10.2 Baggage Reconciliation Systems
IRM References
Baggage Reconciliation
Additional Guidance
This requirement is largely based on security requirements to ensure that unauthorized baggage is not
loaded on a flight.
In case of hold capacity or weight limitations, the customer airline may decide to embark some of the
passenger bags on another flight. Specific customer airline security procedures shall be applied to allow
for such conditions (rush bags).

HDL 2.3.3 If required by the customer airline(s), the provider shall have procedures to conduct an aircraft
security check or an aircraft security search to ensure no prohibited items are introduced in the aircraft
prior to departure. (GM)
☐ Documented and Implemented (Conformity)
☐ Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ Implemented not Documented (Finding)
☐ Not Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ N/A

Auditor Comments:
Click or tap here to enter text.

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Auditor Actions - Station

☐ Reviewed procedures as per HQ requirements including local SOPs, as applicable.
☐ Interviewed staff directly involved in the respective job duties.

Additional Guidance
Trained and competent security personnel or other qualified personnel typically conduct searches and
checks of aircraft. The customer airline typically provides procedures for aircraft checks and searches for
normal circumstances, higher threat situations, and emergency situations.
As a rule, the security checks would include:

 An inspection of the exterior of the aircraft, with special attention to wheel bays and technical
 A comprehensive inspection of the interior of the aircraft, including the passenger cabin area,
seats, overhead luggage lockers, toilets, galleys and other technical areas such as the flight
deck. The focus is on areas that are readily accessible without the use of tools. To facilitate the
search, panels that can be sealed are sealed to show their integrity has not been compromised.

In general, providers conduct cargo compartment security checks, whereas the cabin check is done by
the customer airline(s).
A “security search” is a more thorough than a “security check”, and typically includes an in-depth
inspection of the interior and exterior of the aircraft.

HDL 2.3.4 The provider shall have procedures, in accordance with applicable local regulations and
requirements, to secure an aircraft during layover or overnight parking. (GM)
☐ Documented and Implemented (Conformity)
☐ Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ Implemented not Documented (Finding)
☐ Not Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ N/A

Auditor Comments:
Click or tap here to enter text.
Auditor Actions - Station
☐ Reviewed procedures as per HQ requirements, including local SOPs, as applicable.
☐ Interviewed staff directly involved in the respective job duties.

Additional Guidance
For an aircraft parked for a layover or overnight, the procedure may vary as per customer airline(s)
instructions. Typical elements include:

 Closing aircraft doors

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 Removing stairs/passenger bridges

 Applying tamper-evident seals to cabin entry doors

HDL 2.3.5 The provider shall have procedures to ensure that any situation of unauthorized presence in
the security restricted area is immediately reported to appropriate security authority (GM)
☐ Documented and Implemented (Conformity)
☐ Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ Implemented not Documented (Finding)
☐ Not Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ N/A

Auditor Comments:
Click or tap here to enter text.
Auditor Actions - Station
☐ Reviewed procedures as per HQ requirements, including local SOPs, as applicable.
☐ Interviewed staff directly involved in the respective job duties.
☐ Sampled the reports about the situation of unauthorized presence in the security restricted area to the

IRM References
Security Restricted Area
Additional Guidance
Not displaying a proper identification card is a potential indication that a person might not be authorized to
be in the security restricted area. In any such case, staff is required to report unauthorized person(s) to
the security personnel immediately.

HDL 2.3.6 The provider shall have procedures to ensure inflight supplies intended for transport on a
passenger flight are subjected to appropriate security controls, in accordance with applicable local
regulations, and are thereafter protected from unauthorized interference until loaded onto the aircraft.
☐ Documented and Implemented (Conformity)
☐ Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ Implemented not Documented (Finding)
☐ Not Documented not Implemented (Finding)

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☐ N/A

Auditor Comments:
Click or tap here to enter text.
Auditor Actions - Station
☐ Reviewed procedures as per HQ requirements, including local SOPs, as applicable.
☐ Interviewed staff directly involved in the respective job duties.

External References
AHM 621 Security Management
Additional Guidance
Inflight supplies, apart from catering, could be blankets, newspapers, headphones, lavatory supplies
(toilet paper, paper towels) delivered for use during the flight.

3. Documentation

3.1 General Documentation

HDL 3.1.1 The provider shall have a process to ensure the Policies and Procedures Manual (PPM), as
specified in ORM 3.2.1 and ORM 3.2.3 used in support of aircraft handling and loading operations

i. Local SOPs as applicable

ii. Customer airline(s) requirements (GM)

☐ Documented and Implemented (Conformity)

☐ Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ Implemented not Documented (Finding)
☐ Not Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ N/A

Auditor Comments:
Click or tap here to enter text.
Auditor Actions - Station
☐ Reviewed procedures as per HQ requirements, including local SOPs, as applicable.
☐ Interviewed staff directly involved in the respective job duties.

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☐ Sampled current edition of customer airlines documentation related to aircraft handling and loading
☐ Sampled local operating procedure(s) related to aircraft handling and loading operations.

Additional Guidance
Document review and distribution to operational staff, either from the provider, the customer airline(s) or
any other source (e.g., airport, local authority) is a difficult task, specifically for those functions that do not
have direct access to a company computer or are not able to read the documentation in their original
The provider shall have a process to ensure that changes to the operational documentation, local SOPs
and customer airline requests are communicated in a clear an understandable manner. Various methods
may apply (i.e., logs of read and sign, peer-to-peer briefings).
The auditor shall verify effective communication of changes and understanding from all operational staff.
This GOSARP is interlinked with ORM 3.2.1 and ORM 3.2.3 and shall be reviewed in conjunction with
those GOSARPs to allow the auditor to complete an accurate assessment.
During the combined audit the GSP may use alternative documentation to the local SOP.

HDL 3.1.2 The provider shall ensure the required operational documentation is accessible in a usable
format in all station locations where aircraft handling and loading operations are conducted. Such
required documentation includes the current versions of the:

i. Applicable operational manual(s) of all customer airline(s).

ii. IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR) and addenda, if applicable, or equivalent
iii. Emergency response plan (ERP) of the local airport authority and of the customer airline(s), as
iv. Live Animal Regulations (LAR), Perishable Cargo Regulations (PCR), Temperature Control
Regulations (TCR) and ULD Regulations (ULDR), as applicable. (GM)

☐ Documented and Implemented (Conformity)

☐ Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ Implemented not Documented (Finding)
☐ Not Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ N/A

Auditor Comments:
Click or tap here to enter text.
Auditor Actions - Station
☐ Reviewed procedures as per HQ requirements, including local SOPs, as applicable.
☐ Interviewed staff directly involved in the respective job duties.

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☐ Sampled current version of customer airlines applicable operational documentation.

☐ Sampled current DGR or equivalent documentation.
☐ Sampled current ERPs of local airport authority/the customer airlines.
☐ Sampled current LAR
☐ Sampled current PCR
☐ Sampled current TCR
☐ Sampled current ULDR

Recommended Basis for Acceptable Means of Conformity

IGOM Intro Par. 8 References
External References
AHM 620 Guidelines for an Emergency Management System
Additional Guidance
A provider may be required to maintain only part of the manual for certain customer airlines. Based on
customer airline(s) requirements and the types of ground operations conducted at a specific location, only
relevant parts of applicable manuals may be necessary.
“Accessible in a usable format” is intended to mean that all applicable operational personnel can have
free access to any type of document, as per the provider’s own documentation system, in conformity with
the requirements of ORM Table 1.1.
Availability of only the provider’s manual may be sufficient when such manual is accepted by the
customer airline(s) or when a customer airline does not provide a manual.
A current edition of the DGR would include any addenda that are applicable. Applicability of dangerous
goods regulations to ground operational functions is defined in DGR Section 1, Table 1.5.A.
Equivalent documentation would contain information derived from the DGR that is relevant only to the
specific ground handling functions conducted at any particular location. Also, the ICAO Technical
Instructions for the Transport of Dangerous Goods would be considered equivalent documentation.
The LAR, PCR and TCR are manuals that are required only at stations where cargo operations are

4. Training

4.1 Aircraft Handling and Loading Training Program

HDL 4.1.1 The provider shall have a training program, as specified in ORM 4.1.2, that ensures all
personnel with duties and/or responsibilities within aircraft handling and loading operations required to
operate vehicles and/or self-powered equipment in airside areas are in the possession of a valid driving
license and complete airside driver training as per HDL Table 1–Airside Driver Training. (GM)

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☐ Documented and Implemented (Conformity)

☐ Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ Implemented not Documented (Finding)
☐ Not Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ N/A

Auditor Comments:
Click or tap here to enter text.
Auditor Actions - Station
☐ Reviewed procedures as per HQ requirements, including local SOPs, as applicable.
☐ Interviewed staff directly involved in the respective job duties.
☐ Reviewed initial and recurrent airside driving training course curricula/syllabi and material.
☐ Crosschecked airside driving training course curricula/syllabi with HDL Table 1.
☐ Sampled initial and recurrent airside driving training records of aircraft handling and loading
operations personnel.

External References
AHM 610 Guidelines for a Safety Management System
AHM 1110 Ground Operations Training Program
Additional Guidance
Linked to ORM 4.1.2

HDL 4.1.2 The provider shall have a training program, as specified in ORM 4.1.2, that ensures all
personnel with duties and/or responsibilities within aircraft handling and loading operations complete job-
specific training for their assigned operational function(s) as per HDL Table 2- Aircraft Handling and
Loading Functional Training. (GM)
☐ Documented and Implemented (Conformity)
☐ Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ Implemented not Documented (Finding)
☐ Not Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ N/A

Auditor Comments:
Click or tap here to enter text.
Auditor Actions - Station
☐ Reviewed procedures as per HQ requirements, including local SOPs, as applicable.
☐ Interviewed staff directly involved in the respective job duties.

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☐ Reviewed initial and recurrent training course curricula/syllabi and material.

☐ Crosschecked job-specific training course curricula/syllabi with HDL Table 2.
☐ Sampled initial and recurrent training records of aircraft handling and loading personnel.

External References
AHM 462 Safe Operating Practices In Aircraft Handling
AHM 610 Guidelines for a Safety Management System
AHM 1110 Ground Operations Training Program
Additional Guidance
Linked to ORM 4.1.2

HDL 4.1.3 The provider shall have a training program, as specified in ORM 4.1.2, that ensures all
personnel with duties and/or responsibilities within aircraft handling and loading operations complete
dangerous goods training as per HDL Table 3-Dangerous Goods Training. The recurrent training shall be
completed within a 24-month period since the previous dangerous goods training. (GM)
☐ Documented and Implemented (Conformity)
☐ Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ Implemented not Documented (Finding)
☐ Not Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ N/A

Auditor Comments:
Click or tap here to enter text.
Auditor Actions - Station
☐ Reviewed procedures as per Headquarters requirement, including local SOP, as applicable.
☐ Interviewed staff directly involved in the respective job duties.
☐ Reviewed initial and recurrent dangerous goods training course curricula/syllabi/material.
☐ Crosschecked dangerous goods training course curricula/syllabi with HDL Table 3.
☐ Sampled initial and recurrent dangerous goods training records of aircraft handling and loading
operations personnel.

External References
AHM 1110 Ground Operations Training Program
DGR 1.5 DG Training
DGR Appendix H–Training Provisions Under the Competency-Based Training Approach
Additional Guidance
Linked to ORM 4.1.2

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HDL 4.1.4 The provider shall have a training program, as specified in ORM 4.1.2, that ensures all
personnel with duties and/or responsibilities for passenger boarding bridge operations complete job-
specific training for their assigned operational function(s) as per HDL Table 4-Passenger Boarding Bridge
Functional Training. (GM)
☐ Documented and Implemented (Conformity)
☐ Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ Implemented not Documented (Finding)
☐ Not Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ N/A

Auditor Comments:
Click or tap here to enter text.
Auditor Actions - Station
☐ Reviewed procedures as per HQ requirements, including local SOPs, as applicable.
☐ Interviewed staff directly involved in the respective job duties.
☐ Reviewed initial and recurrent passenger boarding bridge operations specific training course
☐ Crosschecked boarding bridge operations training course curricula/syllabi with HDL Table 4.
☐ Sampled initial and recurrent boarding bridge operations specific training records of aircraft handling
and loading operations personnel.

External References
AHM 462 Safe Operating Practices In Aircraft Handling
AHM 610 Guidelines for a Safety Management System
AHM 1100 Ground Operations Training Program
Additional Guidance
Linked to ORM 4.1.2

HDL 4.1.5 The provider shall have a training program, as specified in ORM 4.1.2, that ensures all
personnel supervising the aircraft loading operations complete job-specific training for their assigned
operational function(s) as per HDL Table 5-Aircraft Loading Supervision Functional Training. (GM)
☐ Documented and Implemented (Conformity)
☐ Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ Implemented not Documented (Finding)
☐ Not Documented not Implemented (Finding)

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☐ N/A

Auditor Comments:
Click or tap here to enter text.
Auditor Actions - Station
☐ Reviewed procedures as per HQ requirements, including local SOPs, as applicable.
☐ Interviewed staff directly involved in the respective job duties.
☐ Reviewed supervisors' initial and recurrent job-specific training course curricula/syllabi/material.
☐ Crosschecked supervisors' job-specific training course curricula/syllabi with HDL Table 5.
☐ Sampled aircraft handling and loading supervisors' initial and recurrent job-specific training records.

External References
AHM 513 Aircraft Structural Loading Limitation
AHM 1100 Ground Operations Training Program
Additional Guidance
Linked to ORM 4.1.2

HDL 4.1.6 The provider shall have a training program, as specified in ORM 4.1.2, that ensures all
personnel with duties and/or responsibilities that require the operation of GSE for their assigned
operational function(s) complete a GSE-specific training. (GM)
☐ Documented and Implemented (Conformity)
☐ Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ Implemented not Documented (Finding)
☐ Not Documented not Implemented (Finding)
☐ N/A

Auditor Comments:
Click or tap here to enter text.
Auditor Actions - Station
☐ Reviewed procedures as per HQ requirements, including local SOPs, as applicable.
☐ Interviewed staff directly involved in the respective job duties.
☐ Reviewed initial and recurrent GSE specific training course curricula/syllabi/material.
☐ Sampled initial and recurrent GSE specific training records of aircraft handling and loading operations

Additional Guidance
Linked to ORM 4.1.2

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HDL Table 1–Airside Driver Training

Airside driver training for ground handling personnel shall address, as a minimum:

i. General
a. Role and responsibilities of vehicle operators
b. Vehicle equipment standards
c. Hazards of airside driving
d. Reduced visibility procedures
e. Accident and incident reporting procedures
ii. Ramps (aprons), stands and airside roads
a. Familiarization with ramp layout, operational stands, vehicle corridors, airside roads, aircraft taxi
b. Airport rules, regulations and/or procedures pertaining to airside vehicle operations
c. Procedures for crossing aircraft movement areas
d. Pedestrian crosswalk rules
iii. Maneuvering area Note 1
a. Identification of obstacle free areas and limited access areas
b. Airport regulations and requirements
c. Air Traffic Control
d. Airport layout
e. Maneuvering area driving
f. Radio communication requirements and procedures
g. Aircraft familiarization

Note 1: Applicable to vehicle operators that require operational access to maneuvering areas.

iv. Evaluation

HDL Table 2–Aircraft Handling and Loading Functional Training

Training for personnel with aircraft handling duties and/or responsibilities shall address the following subject areas, as
appropriate to assigned operational function(s):

i. Irregularity/incident/accident reporting procedures

ii. Manual handling of load
iii. Safety during aircraft fueling
iv. Principles of aircraft loading
v. Handling of loads that require special attention
vi. Loading incompatibilities
vii. Handling of ULDs
viii. Operation of aircraft loading systems/securing of ULDs

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HDL Table 2–Aircraft Handling and Loading Functional Training

ix. Identification/consequences of malfunctions of in-plane loading systems
x. Consequences of load damage and spillage
xi. Positioning and operation of loading and servicing equipment
xii. Load notification to the PIC
xiii. Passenger embarkation/disembarkation procedures
xiv. Standards of aircraft cleaning, lavatory and potable water servicing
xv. Aircraft movement operations
xvi. Airline-specific procedures (as applicable)

HDL Table 3–Dangerous Goods Training

Training for personnel with duties and/or responsibilities in operational aircraft loading functions shall address
dangerous goods subjects, to include, as a minimum:

i. General philosophy
ii. Limitations
iii. Labelling and marking
iv. Recognition of undeclared dangerous goods
v. Storage and loading procedures
vi. Pilot-in-command notification
vii. Provisions for passengers and crew
viii. Emergency procedures
ix. Airline-specific procedures (as applicable).

HDL Table 4–Passenger Boarding Bridge Training

Passenger boarding bridge training for ground handling personnel shall address, as a minimum:

i. Standard operating procedures

ii. Bridge control system, including emergency switches, cut-offs and buttons
iii. Out-of-limit procedures (for returning the bridge to normal working limits)
iv. Back-off procedures and application
v. Manual wind-off procedures
vi. Accident and incident response procedures
vii. Accident and incident reporting procedures (airport, provider)
viii. Fire procedures (bridge or aircraft)
ix. Airline-specific procedures (as applicable)

HDL Table 5–Aircraft Loading Supervision Training

Training for personnel assigned to supervise aircraft loading operations for the provider shall address the following
subject areas:

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Effective date: 1 April 2021
✈ ISAGO Checklist - Station
GOSM Edition 10 - effective 1 April 2021

HDL Table 5–Aircraft Loading Supervision Training

i. General weight and balance proficiency and awareness:

a. Terminology, operational codes, abbreviations
b. Aircraft balance principles, consequences of improper aircraft loading
ii. Aircraft structural load limitations:
a. Basic knowledge of containerized holds resistance (relationship between missing or damaged
restraints and ULD gross weight limitations)
b. Area limitation (spreader floors)
c. Limitation per compartment/section/ULD position
d. Monocoque (combined) limitation
e. Cumulative limitation
f. Missing restraints limitation
iii. Unit load devices (ULDs):
a. Tie-down limitations and rules
b. Rejection criteria for damaged ULD and tie-down accessories
c. Tagging
iv. Bulk hold loading:
a. Physical loading rules concerning baggage, cargo and mail
b. Tie-down and spreader floor procedures
c. Utilization of nets
v. Loading Instruction Report (LIR):
a. Designation and numbering of aircraft holds
b. Utilization of the LIR document
vi. Loading messages:
a. Reading standard loading messages for offloading of holds
vii. Dangerous goods:
a. Cargo IMP codes
b. ULD and parcels labelling and marking
c. Loading compatibilities
d. Onboard accessibility
e. Rejection criteria
f. Emergency procedures
viii. Other special loads (e.g., perishables, EAT, AVIH, WET, OBX, LHO):
a. Cargo IMP codes
b. Marking and labelling
c. Loading compatibilities
ix. Positioning and operations of loading equipment:
a. Areas of aircraft susceptible to damage by GSE
b. Recording and reporting of damage to aircraft caused by GSE
x. Operation of aircraft loading systems:
a. Opening and closing supervision of aircraft hold doors
b. In-plane loading systems
c. ULD automated and hand-operated restraints
d. Customer airline’s hold configurations and layouts
xi. Airline-specific procedures (as applicable)

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Effective date: 1 April 2021

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