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Campus Balzain Highway, Brgy.

Centro 13, Tuguegarao City

1st Semester, AY 2022-2023

Course Title

Forensic 5
(Lie Detection Techniques)

Answer the following question. MINIMUM OF (10) sentences each questions.

1. Enumerate the parts of Polygraph machine, explain minimum of ten sentences.

a. Pneumograph
b. Galvanograph
c. Cardiosphygmograph
d. Kymograph
- The penumograph compenent of a polygraph machine is used in recording
the changes in the breathing of the person who is subject to the interrogation.
It is made up of two units which are the [1] pneumograph chest assembly
composed of the rubber convoluted tube (10 inches) as fastened around the
chest and abdomen and beaded chain tubing; and [2] pneumography
recording unit consisting of a frame brass bellows, crankshaft, adjustable
fulcrum, bearing with adjusting screw pen travel, vent limiting screw, pen
cradle, and pen centering control. The volume changes in the chest caused
by breathing transmitted by the chest assemble to the recording unit.
- The galvanograph functions as a recorder of the skin resistance to the
subject in a every imperceptible amount of electricity. This consists of
electrodes attached to the index finger and the ring finger of the left hand. It
may also be attached to the palmar and dorsal surface of the left hand, the
left hand is suitable because of the fact that the blood pressure cuff
attachment is on the right arm.
- The cardiosphygmograph has a function to record the changes of blood
pressure and pulse rate. It consists of blood pressure cuff and rubber pump,
and the sphygmomanometer, of the typed used by physician. When the
rubber cuff is inflated, the alternating distension and contraction of the tissue
of the subject’s arm, due to the changes in blood pressure (and probably
blood volume as well), cause an increase in pressure within the cuff and in
the associated bellows.
- The kymograph has the purpose in recording the blood pressure/pulse,
respiration and galvanic skin resistance are recorded simultaneously and
continuously on the surface of moving graph paper driven by it. This is also a
motor that drives or pulls the chart paper under the recording pen at the rate
of 6 or 12 inches per minute.
2. How does Polygraph Machine help law enforcement in detecting deception.
- The polygraph machine can help law enforcement to help elicit admissions
from people who believe, or are influenced to believe, that it will accurately
detect any deception they may attempt. Such an examination can be thought
of as an interrogation interview conducted in the presence of a polygraph. In
this case, the polygraph test has a useful role independently of whether it can
accurately detect deception: it is effective if the examinee believes it can
detect deception. Admissions of this kind provide evidence of the value of the
polygraph examination for investigative purposes, but they do not provide
evidence that the polygraph test accurately detects deception.
- Another role of the polygraph is to test cooperation with an investigative
effort. Sometimes a polygraph examination is terminated or leads to an
assessment that the examinee is deceptive because of detected or
suspected countermeasures during the test. Noncooperation is in turn taken
as a reason to suspect deception. Holding aside the question of whether such
inferences are valid, the use of the polygraph in this way does not depend on
the scientific validity of the test.
- A third role of the polygraph test is to influence the conduct of a polygraph
interview. A polygraph examiner who detects what he or she believes to be
deceptive responses during the polygraph test normally conducts the
remainder of the interview differently than an examiner who sees no signs of
deception. A polygraph chart readings may be used directly to make
inferences about truthfulness or deceptiveness. Assessments of the scientific
validity of the polygraph test as a technique for the psychophysiological
detection of deception should properly be made on test outcomes that
depend only on chart scoring.


Section & Year : 4Q – 4th year
Course : Criminology
Subject : Forensic Ballistic
Date & Time : TH (3:00-5:00); F (7:00-10:00, 4:00-7:00)

Prepared by :

PSSg Diaz, Mark Anthony N


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