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1st May 2024

1. Dispensation: Exemption from a rule or usual requirement

2. Wily: Skilled Person
3. Polemics: A speech or a piece of writing that argues very strongly for or against
4. Groundswell: An increase in a particular opinion among a large section of a population
5. Cliché: The phrase or opinion that is overused and betrays a lack of original thought
6. Consternation: A feeling of anxiety or dismay, typically at something unexpected
7. Pinko: A person with left wing or liberal views
8. Predilection: A preference or special liking for something

Expected Essay Topics

1. Dynastic Politics: The Influence of Family Connections in Pakistani Governance

3rd May 2024
1. Trepidation: A feeling of fear or anxiety about something that may happen
2. Fact: Pakistan’s male labor force is 81% whereas the female labor force is 24%.
3. Palliative: A drug that removes the pain without treating the cause of the suffering
4. Incorrigible: Of a person or their behavior not able to be changed or reformed
5. Volition: The faculty or power of using one’s will
6. Quash: Reject as invalid
7. Vilification: Abusively disparaging speech or writing
8. Impoverished: of a person or area made poor
4th May 2024
1. Latent: Hidden or concealed
2. Vilified: Speak or write about in an abusively disparaging manner
3. Ponzi Games: An investment scam that pays early investors with money taken from later
investors to create an illusion of big profit
4. Semblance: An outward appearance or apparent form of something, especially when reality is
5. Hearken: Listen
6. Predicated: State, Affirm or assert
7. Nostrum: A medicine prepared by an unqualified person
8. Fudging: Present or deal with
9. Ceaseless: Constant and Unending
10. Fact: Gaza’ construction demands $40 Billion for its reconstruction.
11. Annihilating: Destroy utterly, obliterate
12. Swathes: A broad strip or area of something

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