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Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram

[Rectified in accordance with Hebrew sources]

by Eric C. Friedman
Part I: The Qabalistic Cross
1.) Stand facing East. Visualize yourself getting taller and taller until the Earth becomes a tiny sphere at
your feet. See the solar system swirling around you. Your feet are anchored to the Earth. You are a Pillar
in the Void. From high above your head you see a point of light coming toward you. Watch it until it
becomes a sphere about the size of a dinner plate right above your head. It is bright white, an extreme,
pulsating brilliance. Point to this sphere with the index or dagger and draw it down to the forehead
(third eye area). Vibrate:

Atah – hta

2.) Bring the light down more, pointing first to the heart, then descending to the groin area. Hold the
dagger pointing downward, covering the groin. Feel this shaft of pure light go down through the body
into infinity below you. Vibrate:

Ha-Malchut – tvklmh

3.)Bring the point of the dagger back up the body and then over to the right shoulder. Touch the left
shoulder and visualize the beam of light running down the left arm and continuing on to the farthest
reaches of the Universe. Focus on the beam of light and vibrate:

v’ha-Gevurah – hrvbghv

4.) Cross over to the right shoulder. Focus on the beam of light extending limitlessly to your right and

v’ha-Gedulah – hlvdghv

5.) Clasp the hands to the chest, as if praying. (If using the dagger, the tip of the blade should be pointing
up). Visualize within the chest at the top of the hands a brilliant golden glow. Vibrate:

L’Olam, Amen – ]ma ,lvil

You are now standing in the center of a cross of light that reaches to the ends of the Universe.
Part 2: The Pentagrams
IMPORTANT NOTE: Most prefer to use the Earth Banishing Pentagram (illustrated below), according to
the teachings of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, in all four directions. There are four elemental
pentagrams – one for each Quarter. The only “Rule” is to be comfortable and confident. Use a Pentagram –
or any other glyph – according to your personal comfort, practice, and/or choice.

6.) EAST: Clockwise, go to the eastern boundary of the circle. (If there's not a great amount of space
available, just turn in place rather than circumventing the area). Trace a pentagram in the air before
you. Visualize it glowing in flaming or shining light.

7.) Inhale through your nose, visualizing energy entering your body with the breath. Make the sign of
the Enterer. Bring your hands up to the sides of your head and point both index fingers (and wand,
dagger, or any other preferred ritual implement) forward. Step forward with your left foot and thrust
your hands forward so that they penetrate the exact center of the pentagram. As you do this, use your
entire exhalation to vibrate the God name –

EHEIEH (Eh-Heh-YEH) – hyha

Picture the energy you inhaled shooting out your hands, through the pentagram and into infinity.

8.) SOUTH: Keeping the arm extended, move to the south of the circle, (or pivot). Visualize the tip of the
finger, wand, or dagger, drawing a white line in the air, connecting the east pentagram to the south.
Trace a pentagram, and make the Sign of the Enterer while vibrating:

YHVH (Yud-Heh-Vahv-Heh) – hvhy

9.) WEST: Turn to the west, drawing your white line. Trace a pentagram and vibrate

ADONAI (Ah-Doh-NYE) – ynda

10.) NORTH: Repeat as above, turning to the north, and tracing a pentagram, but vibrate:

A.G.L.A. (Ah-GLAH) – .a.l.g.a

11.) Now turn back to the East, still drawing the white line, completing your circle. There should be now
four shining or flaming pentagrams sealed with names of God, blazing at the four quarters of the circle
connected with a circle of light. Return to the center of the circle and stand facing East.

Part 3: The Invocation of the Archangels

Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and extend arms straight to the sides, forming a cross. Visualize
your body as a Pillar of Alabaster or Marble at the intersection (or “0” point) of three axes: South-North,
East-West, and Above-Below. surrounded by a sphere of light upon which are projected the Elemental
Pentagrams. Vibrate:

At my right hand, MICHAEL (Mee-khah-EL) – lakym ynmym

At my left hand, GAVRIEL (Gah-vree-EL) – layrbg ylam>mv

Before me, URIEL (Oor-ree-EL) – layrva ynplmv

And behind me, RAPHAEL (Rah-Fah-El) – lapr yrvxamv

And upon my head rests the Shekhinah (or “Holy Spirit”) of God – la tnyk> y>ar liv

For about me flame the pentagrams,....

Visualize bright light radiating out from your heart along the 3 axes to the Heights, the Depths, and to
the Four Directions. Vibrate:

….And I am the Center of the Six-rayed Star.

Part 4: Repeat The Qabalistic Cross.

The original Jewish prayer from two Siddurim (Prayer Books):

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