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Schmitz and Kazyak (2016) suggests that men have become cautious about the rising

popularity of feminism in the world, which caused some male gender oriented associations to
emerge, particularly on online platforms. The association called Baba-Der (Father’s
association) can be named as one of the examples of such formations. Arif Kizilkan, the
chairman of this organization, has made some significant remarks that highlights the dangers
of feminist movement to the male gender as well as the family structure in Turkey. It is
possible to examine his remarks under the scope of Schmitz and Kazyak’s (2016) study. The
first accusation made by Kizilkan is that feminist mentality is attacking the family life in
Turkey by using the mask of “Women’s Right”. This can be linked with “the Evil of
Feminism” approach explained by Schmitz and Kazyak (2016). This theme suggests that
male gender often tries to demonize the feminist tenets by adopting “methodological,
antifeminist denial of gender inequality” methods to blame the feminists for the problems
such as gender inequality. Kizilkan also tries to show the men as the real victims in the
society and stating that women consider men as unnecessary part of the life. This statement
best suits with the “virtual victims in search of equity” theme that is discussed by Schmitz
and Kazyak (2016). According to Schmitz and Kazyak (2016), the current pressures of
feminist groups make men more vulnerable so they have become the real victims in the
society and the current trends indicate that men are now equally or even more oppressed
compared to women. This indicates that the men groups are now trying to show the male
gender as the one that needs help in the society to be treated equally. The chairman also
implies that the current system works in favour of the women and undermines the rights of
men, which makes the situation worse for the male gender. This can be examined under the
“Delegitimizing Women’s Issues” theme that is explained by Schmitz and Kazyak (2016).
This theme suggests that men claim that the women are given special treatment by the system
and they receive special privilege while men’s rights are often overseen and ignored which
makes the men more vulnerable to the dangers of the real world (Schmitz & Kazyak, 2016).

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