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Natasha Jean A.

Cardona OB-GYN
BSN-2A May 21,2024
Today marked another day of invaluable learning and growth in my journey as a student
nurse, particularly within the challenging yet rewarding realm of obstetrics and gynecology.
Assigned to the afternoon shift, I found myself entrusted with the care of a post-cesarean
section (CS) patient who had undergone surgery eleven hours prior. However, what began as a
routine assignment quickly evolved into a poignant reminder of the disparities that exist within
healthcare. Despite the fatigue etched on her face, there was an unmistakable sense of joy and
contentment as she cradled her newborn in her arms. However, my attention was soon drawn to
the distressing sight of her battling a fever of 38.0 degrees Celsius.
As I conducted my assessment, it became evident that my patient’s fever was
exacerbated by the sweltering afternoon heat, compounded by the absence of an electric fan in
her room. The stark reality of the situation weighed heavily on me—here was a woman in the
throes of recovery, deprived of basic amenities due to the constraints of a public hospital. In that
moment, I was confronted with a profound dilemma: how could I, as a student nurse, reconcile
the principles of patient advocacy with the systemic challenges that pervade our healthcare
system? It was a question that demanded introspection and action, challenging me to transcend
the confines of my role and advocate for my pt. comfort and well-being.
With unwavering determination, I embarked on a mission to address her needs while
navigating the constraints imposed by the hospital environment. Drawing upon the principles of
resourcefulness and creativity, I sought alternative solutions to alleviate her discomfort, whether
it be through the strategic placement of wet towels for cooling or the provision of oral hydration
to combat dehydration. Throughout the afternoon, I remained steadfast in my commitment her,
offering unwavering support and empathy as we navigated the challenges together. Despite the
adversity she faced, her resilience and fortitude served as a poignant reminder of the inherent
strength of the human spirit.
In conclusion, my experience today reaffirmed my commitment to the field of obstetrics
and gynecology, reminding me of the profound privilege and responsibility that comes with being
a nurse. As I continue on this journey, I carry with me the lessons learned and the heartfelt
gratitude of those whose lives I have the privilege to touch.

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