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**Explanation of My Recording**: My recording is an advertisement that I created for

our luxury perfume brand Andreshka. In this video, I aim to showcase the elegance of
Andreshka's perfume line, confirm what sets it apart from other brands.

2. **Target Audience**: The target audience for my Andreshka perfume ad are

individuals who, like me, appreciate the smaller things in life. These are people with a
taste for luxury, a sense of style, and the means to indulge in high-end luxurious
fragrances. I believe that adults, particularly those who enjoy the smaller things in life,
would be most interested in Andreshka's perfumes.

3. **Rhetorical Appeal**: In my ad, I have incorporated a mix of rhetorical appeals to

effectively convey the message. Ethos is crucial to establish Andreshka's credibility and
reputation as a luxury brand. Pathos plays a significant role in connecting with the
audience on an emotional level, making them desire the fragrance. Additionally, I've used
logos to highlight the unique features of Andreshka's perfumes, providing logical reasons
for viewers to choose this brand.

4. **Incorporation of Rhetorical Appeal**: Ethos is incorporated by showcasing the

brand's heritage, the use of high-quality ingredients, and its history of crafting exquisite
fragrances. For pathos, I've used captivating visuals, enchanting music, and a compelling
narrative to evoke emotions and desires related to using Andreshka's perfume. Logos is
integrated by highlighting the exclusive ingredients, craftsmanship, and the thought put
into each bottle.

5. **Sequence in My Advertisement**: The sequence of my Andreshka perfume ad

follows a well-structured format. It starts with an attention-grabbing opening to captivate
the viewers, followed by introducing the perfume line and highlighting its unique features
and benefits. I've aimed to create an emotional connection with the audience throughout
the video, and it concludes with a call to action, encouraging viewers to experience the
luxury of Andreshka's perfumes.

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