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Shivaji Education society, Amravati

Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Polytechnic
Micro Project Report
Topic: Inventory Control System.
Semester :4th
Branch: Computer Engineering
Academic Session: Summer 2024-25

Group Details

Topic: Inventory Control System

Sr. Name of Group member Roll. No

1. Prathemesh Raut 02

2. Om Gavale 12

3. Shantanu Ingole 16

4. Tanmay Korde 21

Teacher’s Signature


The making of the dissertation needed co-operation and guidance

of number of people. We therefore consider it my prime duty to thank all
those who had helped me through his venture.
We are profoundly grateful to Prof S. Patil guidance and continuous
encouragement throughout to see that seminar right on its target since its
commencement to its completion.
We would like to express my deepest appreciation towards Prof.
R.H.Rathod , H.O.D., Computer Engineering, whose valuable
guidance supported me in completing the dissertation. We would like
to thank Principal Prof. G. R. Gosavi, for providing necessary facility,
guidance and valuable time during the period of working on this
dissertation. Last but not least, we are thankful to my friends and
library staff members whose encouragement and suggestion helped me
in completing my dissertation.

Thanking You …!

Prof S. Patil Prof R.H.Rathod

[Subject Teacher] [Head of Department]


Project Report

“Inventory Control System.”

In the partial fulfillment of requirement for the award of


(Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education, Mumbai)


Prathmesh Raut(02)

Om Gavale(12)
Shantanu Ingole (16)
Tanmay korde(21)
Under the Guidance of

Prof. S. Patil
Department of Computer Engineering



1. Problem Statement
2. Introduction to ER- diagram 07

3. Use Case Diagram 11

Software Requirement Specification
4. 12

5. Workflow Diagram 15

6. Swim Lane diagram 16

7. Class Diagram 18

8. DFD (Data Flow Diagram) 19

9. ER diagram 20


11. Objective ,Advantages & disadvantages, 23


Problem Statement

The problem faced by the company is they do not have any systematic system to
record and keep their inventory data. It is difficult for the admin to record the inventory
data quickly and safely because they only keep it in the logbook and not properly
1.2.1 The company now using is a manual system
The company problem is they using chaos system and it is difficult for the admin to
estimate their profit. With the new system developed, the company can manage their
inventory data easily, quickly and more secured.
1.2.2. Time Consuming
To record the inventory data will cost a time. Admin of the company only one person so
he needs to record every stock detail clearly or else it may lead to lack information about
the data.
1.2.3. The company do not have any secure system for their inventory system.
The data can easily loss because they only use a logbook to record their inventory data.
With the system, it will help more on the security of the data. Inventory loss hard to
detect because admin need to review one by one page in the logbook, but with the system
developed, it may help the admin to detect the inventory in and out from.

Introduction to ER-Diagram

 What is Inventory Management?

Inventory management can be defined as a whole lot of activities done to

maintain an optimum number of inventories to ensure uninterrupted
production, sales, high customer satisfaction, reduced inventory handling
cost and so on.

In simple words, inventory management is all about striking the balance

between overstocking and understocking. Overstocking will lead to cash
flow blockage and additional cost for managing excess stock. On the flip
side, understocking leads to loss of sale due to non-availability of stock
at the right time.

Thus, it’s all about maintaining the right level inventories at the right time
and keeping the inventory handling cost at low.

To be efficient in inventory management, a whole lot of activities

techniques are to be followed by the business.

Inventory transactions are used to track the quantities & movements of

inventories. It’s not just your purchase or sale that becomes part of your
inventory transaction types. While these are most frequent, but you got to
deal with different inventory transaction types in accordance with the
situation. The input from this becomes part of the key reports required
for optimum inventory management.

Transaction Types :

Inventory Classification :

Inventory classification refers to the grouping of inventory for ease of

identification, accessibility and differentiation by the nature of the stock, value,
durability, etc. While there no standard that guides how once should classify the
inventories but it is recommended that classification should be carried out basis the end
objective you would like to achieve through this.

For example, if you would like to see the basis of the report the type of
inventories, you can classify it as raw materials, work-in-progress and finished products.
Similarly, you can classify it by brand, nature, size, colour etc.


Inventory Management System Use Case Diagram :

Inventory Management System Use Case Diagram– shows the UML illustration of
use cases in the project. The use cases in the diagram represents the main processes in
Inventory Management System. After that, it will be broken down into more specific
use cases based on the processes that are part of the main use case. So, in this article
you will know the Inventory Management System Use Case Diagram with its general
use case and its specific use cases.

Features of Inventory Management Systems examples

Use Case Diagram :
1) The features of Inventory Management system Use Case Diagram depends on
the users of it.
2) Monitor and Manage Inventory Information and Status
3) Manage Sales Info and Status
4) Manage Product Information and Status
5) Saves Inventory Records
By creating the Inventory Management System examples use case diagram first,
you must determine the possible features to identify the flow of the system. After
that, you can now create the blueprint, or core of the system function.

General Use Case :

So now, I’m going to show you what the Inventory Management. System general use
case. This diagram shows what the system could. do in general based on what the
company or establishment admin does and what customers do or buy in the system.

Use Case Diagram :

Software Requirement Specification:

What is SRS?

Software Requirement Specification (SRS) is the starting point of the software

developing activity. As system grew more complex it became evident that the goal of the
entire system cannot be easily comprehended. Hence the need for the requirement phase
arose. The software project is initiated by the client needs. The SRS is the means of
translating the ideas of the minds of clients (the input) into a formal document (the output
of the requirement phase.)

The SRS phase consists of two basic activities:

i) Problem/Requirement Analysis:
The process is order and more nebulous of the two, deals with understand the
problem, the goal and constraints.

ii) Requirement Specification:

Here, the focus is on specifying what has been found giving analysis such as
representation, specification languages and tools, and checking the specifications are
addressed during this activity.
The Requirement phase terminates with the production of the validate SRS document.
Producing the SRS document is the basic goal of this phase.

Role of SRS:
The purpose of the Software Requirement Specification is to reduce the
communication gap between the clients and the developers. Software Requirement
Specification is the medium though which the client and user needs are accurately
specified. It forms the basis of software development. A good SRS should satisfy all the
parties involved in the system.

The purpose of this document is to describe all external requirements for the
Stock Analyzer. It also describes the interfaces for the system.
The Basic purpose of developing this project to cater the needs any large scale stock
management departments like FCI


This document is the only one that describes the requirements of the system. It
is meant for the use by the developers, and will also by the basis for validating the final
delivered system. Any changes made to the requirements in the future will have to go
through a formal change approval process. The developer is responsible for asking for
clarifications, where necessary, and will not make any alterations without the
permission of the client.
Smart Inventory Management System 14The scope of this system to allow the stock
management departments to manage
gowdowns, inwards info, delivers info, order cancellation info, damages info and
generate the reports dynamically by updating the info very effectively with user friendly

Workflow Diagram
A workflow diagram (also known as a workflow) provides a graphic overview of the
business process. Using standardized symbols and shapes, the workflow shows step by step
how your work is completed from start to finish. It also shows who is responsible for work at
what point in the process. Designing a workflow involves first conducting a thorough
workflow analysis, which can expose potential weaknesses. A workflow analysi can help you
define, standardize and identify critical areas of your process.

Workflows are also useful to help employees understand their roles and the order in which
work is completed, and to create more unity within different departments. Originating from the
manufacturing industry, workflows are now used by a variety of industries—from government
to finance to commerce—and are easier than ever to create.

Types of workflow diagrams

There are a variety of ways to display a workflow. Here are the most popular workflow

ANSI flowchart: Using symbols from the American National Standards Institute, the ANSI
style was the first standard for workflows and provides a common language for describing
the different steps involved
UML Activity: Using the Unified Modeling Language, the UML Activity diagram is used to
graphically represent the order of steps in a process, and the flow of control.
BPMN: Standing for Business Process Modeling Notation, BPMN uses a flowchart
technique similar to UML. It serves as a common language for both technical users and
business users. It focuses on business process and information—such as internal
processes—rather than output.

Swimlane: A swimlane diagram separates each unit within the organization,

highlighting their interaction and providing a high-level view of possible inefficiencies.

SIPOC: This acronym stands for Supplier-Input-Process-Output-Customer, which

clearly shows who creates and receives the data and outlines the high-level process

Workflow Diagram

Swimlane Diagram Description

A Swim Lane diagram is a process flowchart that allows you to visually distinguish
duties and responsibilities, as well as sub-processes within these business processes. The swim
lane diagram first surfaced in the ’60s.

Like any other flowchart, it visualizes a process from beginning to end, using the
metaphorical lanes of an actual swimming pool to place the steps of mapping the lanes either
vertically or horizontally.

A swim lane is typically used for projects that extend over various departments and
distinguishes channels according to a specific set of objectives. By organizing the
responsibilities in various directions, it can clearly distinguish the objective of each department
and individuals inside the team.

Swim Lane diagrams are generally used in multi-departmental organizations

for illustrating cooperative business models between the departments. By displaying the
departments in a vertical lane and objectives in a horizontal direction, or vice versa.

Essentially, each department or team is represented by its own lane. You can use as many
lanes as needed to illustrate your objective. You can even create loops in diagrams, or multiple
“if … then”, or “or” lanes in case of different outcomes of the proposed objective.

Swim lane diagrams also make it easier for departments to work with each other, as
they not only identify bottlenecks but also objectives. Moreover, swim lane diagrams are able
to distinguish the teams’ limits when it comes to abilities and capacity. It allows departments to
know what their counterparts are doing. Which in turn helps avoid collision and repetition of
work by multiple figures.

Class Diagram for Inventory Management System Construction

The illustration shown in this article gives you the hint on how will you design your own
Inventory Management System UML Class Diagram. It has the simple idea on how the class
Diagram works.

It resembles a chart in which classes are represented as boxes with three rectangles inside each
box. The top rectangle has the class’s name; the middle rectangle contains the class’s properties;
and the bottom rectangle contains the class’s methods, commonly known as operations.

As you can see through the illustration, the classes were determined which is symbolized
by boxes. They were designated with their corresponding attributes and shows the class’
methods. Their relationships are also plotted to show the connections between classes and their

You should also look into the visibility symbols displayed in the diagram. These are important
because it declares the status of attributes in your Class Diagram. Some of the Class’ attributes
are for public (+) which means that they can be accessed by the classes connected to them.
While the protected (#) symbols, means that the attributes of the data can be accessed by the
same classes or subclass and the (-) symbol means it cannot be accessed by other class.

Inventory Management System DFD (Data Flow Diagram)

Inventory Management System DFD (Data Flow Diagram) is an illustration used to

present the overall flow of data in the project. It is needed in your project documentation as the
basis of the project development. The DFD Diagram for Inventory Management System has
three levels which discusses the project . These DFD levels were composed of Level 0, 1 and 2
that broadens and gives deeper illustration about how supposed the Inventory Management
System handles the overall data.

Inventory Management System ER Diagram

This inventory management system may also be used to keep track of product
quantity, price entity, and the item that has to be ordered from the motorcycle
replacement parts supplier in order to maintain efficient stock levels. It can also be used
to keep track of which portions of an item are in high demand and which sections are still
available. Most importantly, it can aid in the monitoring and retrieval of data, particularly
in terms of income.

This solution will keep the user’s operations operating smoothly until the consumer
transaction is completed. This system was created to prevent various issues with customer
transactions and to keep track of the products’ availability, quantities, and amounts.

Inventory Management System Entities and their Attributes:

• Inventory Entity Attributes of Inventory are inventory_id, inventory_items,

inventory_number, inventory_type, inventory_description
• Customer Entity : Attributes of Customer are customer_id, customer_name,
customer_mobile, customer_email, customer_username, customer_password,
• Purchasing Entity : Attributes of Purchasing are purchase_id,
purchase_customer_id, purchase_amount, purchase_type, purchase_total,
purchase_recepit, purchase_bill, purchase_description
• Stock Entity : Attributes of Stock are stock_id, stock_items, stock_number,
stock_type, stock_description
• Payment Entity : Attributes of Payment are payment_id,
payment_customer_id, payment_date, payment_amount, payment_description
• Supplier Entity : Attributes of Supplier are supplier_id, supplier_name,
supplier_mobile, supplier_email, supplier_username, supplier_password,

Cocomo Model
Cocomo (Constructive Cost Model) is a regression model based on LOC, i.e number of
Lines of Code. It is a procedural cost estimate model for software projects and is often used as
a process of reliably predicting the various parameters associated with making a project such
as size, effort, cost, time, and quality. It was proposed by Barry Boehm in 1981 and is based
on the study of 63 projects, which makes it one of the best-documented models. Boehm’s
definition of organic, semidetached, and embedded systems:
1. Organic – A software project is said to be an organic type if the team size
required is adequately small, the problem is well understood and has been solved in the past
and also the team members have a nominal experience regarding the problem.
2. Semi-detached – A software project is said to be a Semi-detached type if the vital
characteristics such as team size, experience, knowledge of the various programming
environment lie in between that of organic and Embedded. The projects classified as Semi-
Detached are comparatively less familiar and difficult to develop compared to the organic
ones and require more experience and better guidance and creativity. Eg: Compilers or
different Embedded Systems can be considered of Semi-Detached type.
3. Embedded – A software project requiring the highest level of complexity,
creativity, and experience requirement fall under this category. Such software requires a
larger team size than the other two models and also the developers need to be sufficiently
experienced and creative to develop such complex models.
All the above system types utilize different values of the constants used in Effort
Types of Models: COCOMO consists of a hierarchy of three increasingly detailed and
accurate forms. Any of the three forms can be adopted according to our requirements. These
are types of COCOMO model:
1. Basic COCOMO Model
2. Intermediate COCOMO Model
3. Detailed COCOMO Model

Objective of inventory management system

An inventory management system aims to achieve a delicate balance between supply and
demand by employing strategic methodologies. Its overarching objectives include:

Optimal Stock Levels: Ensuring that the right quantity of goods is available to meet customer
demand without excess, minimizing holding costs and the risk of obsolescence.

Cost Minimization: Efficiently managing inventory helps minimize various costs, including
storage, insurance, and the expenses associated with overstock or stockouts.

Improved Forecasting: Leveraging historical data and analytics to enhance demand forecasting,
enabling businesses to anticipate market trends and plan accordingly.

Enhanced Order Fulfillment: Ensuring timely and accurate order processing, reducing lead
times, and improving overall customer satisfaction through reliable product availability.

Supply Chain Optimization: Integrating inventory data with the broader supply chain to
enhance visibility and coordination, resulting in streamlined logistics, reduced inefficiencies,
and improved collaboration with suppliers.

Data-Driven Decision Making: Utilizing real-time information to make informed decisions

about inventory replenishment, pricing, and product life cycles, leading to better overall
business strategies.

Prevention of Stockouts and Overstocks: Minimizing the risk of stockouts, which can lead to
lost sales and dissatisfied customers, as well as preventing overstocks that tie up capital and
warehouse space.

Compliance and Accuracy: Ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements and maintaining
accurate inventory records to facilitate financial reporting and auditing processes.

Continuous Improvement: Regularly evaluating and adjusting inventory management strategies

based on performance metrics, market changes, and evolving business needs.

Profitability: Ultimately, the primary goal is to contribute to the company's profitability

by optimizing inventory-related processes, improving cash flow, and meeting customer
expectations consistently.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Advantages :

1. It helps to maintain the right amount of stocks

2. It leads to a more organized warehouse
3. It saves time and money
4. Increased information transparency
5. Schedule maintenance

Disadvantages :

1. High implementation costs

2. Increased space is need to hold the inventory
3. Complexity
4. Production problem

Referances :

Conclusion :

Thus, We are able to performed project of Inventory Control System. We

learned a lot by doing this project Inventory is an idle stock of physical goods that
contain economic value, and are held in various forms by an organization in its
custody awaiting packing, processing, transformation, use or sale in a future point
of time.
We made a class diagram, sequence diagram, Swimlane Diagram, etc. Hence we
are successfully performed project on Inventory control System.


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