Ttcag110 Career Guidance in Tvet Vocational Area

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TTCAG110 Career Guidance in TVET Vocational Area

TVET Trainer Manual

Table of Contents
Table of Contents .......................................................................................................................................... ii
L.U.1: Demonstrate Knowledge on Career Guidance in TVET ...................................................................... 1
L.O1.1. Explain career guidance in TVET ................................................................................................... 2
Exercises ................................................................................................................................................ 3
L.O.1.2: Describe Career Guidance methods ............................................................................................ 5
Exercise1 ............................................................................................................................................. 11
L.O.1.3: Describe career guidance steps ................................................................................................. 14
Activity ................................................................................................................................................ 17
L.O.1.4: Apply career guidance based on vocational area ...................................................................... 21
Activity ................................................................................................................................................ 21
L.U.2: Promote Career Guidance Program ................................................................................................. 23
L.O.2.1. Prepare an action plan for career guidance awareness learning session for all learners ......... 24
Activities .............................................................................................................................................. 28
L.O.2.2: Prepare an action plan for a career guidance ........................................................................... 29
Activity ................................................................................................................................................ 33
L.O.2.3: Implement a career guidance event intended to all learners ................................................... 34
Activity ................................................................................................................................................ 38
L.U.3: Establish Career Guidance Coaching Program.................................................................................. 39
L.O.3.1: Orient learners to discover their talents, interests, strengths and weakness .......................... 40
Activity ................................................................................................................................................ 46
L.O.3.2. Set goals for a successful career ................................................................................................ 48
Activity ................................................................................................................................................ 50
L.O.3.3: Prepare an action plan for a career guidance coaching program ............................................. 51
Activity ................................................................................................................................................ 56
L.O.3.4. Apply Career guidance follow up............................................................................................... 57
Activity ................................................................................................................................................ 61
References .................................................................................................................................................. 63
Module: TTCAG110 Career Guidance in TVET Vocational Area

L.U.1: Demonstrate Knowledge on Career Guidance in TVET

By the end of this learning unit, the learner should be able to:
1. Explain career guidance in TVET
2. Describe career guidance methods
3. Describe career guidance steps
4. Apply career guidance based on the vocational area

L.U.1: Demonstrate Knowledge on Career Guidance in TVET
L.O1.1. Explain career guidance in TVET

Topic: Definition of concepts and importance of career guidance

A. Definition of concepts
• Career is:
✓ Unpredictable process; shaped by many factors, some of which we
cannot influence.
✓ Also, not given; it is something that you build/ create in a dynamically
changing environment.
✓ Individual (different for each of us) and requires many personal
decisions (under uncertain conditions)
✓ The sum of total decisions that direct your educational, social,
economic, political, and spiritual endeavors and reflect your unique
personality characteristics and basics life values.
• Guidance:
✓ Is an advice or information aimed at solving a problem.
✓ Is also a process which aims to equip individuals with a clearer
understanding of themselves and their potential for future career
• Career Guidance is:
✓ Services and activities intended to assist individuals, of any age and at
any point throughout their lives, to make educational, training and
occupational choices and to manage their careers.
✓ The guidance given to individuals to help them acquire the knowledge,
information, skills and experience necessary to identify option and

Module: TTCAG110 Career Guidance in TVET Vocational Area

narrow them to one career decision. This career decision then results
in their social, financial and emotional wellbeing throughout.
B. Importance of career guidance
• Career Guidance prepares individuals by:
✓ Teaching labor market changes and complexity of the workplace
✓ Broadening knowledge, skills, and abilities
✓ Improving decision making skills
✓ Increasing self-esteem and motivation
✓ Building interpersonal effectiveness
✓ Maximizing career opportunities
✓ Improving employment marketability and opportunities
✓ Promoting effective job placement
✓ Strengthening employer relations


Part 1: Multiple choice

1 Tick the proper definition of career
A. This is an occupation to which a person is specially drawn or for which
they are suited, trained or qualifies.
B. A calling requiring specialized knowledge and often long intensive
academic preparation
C. The sum of total decisions that direct your educational, social, economic,
political, and spiritual endeavors and reflect your unique personality
characteristics and basics life values.
D. Anything a person is expected or obliged to do.

L.U.1: Demonstrate Knowledge on Career Guidance in TVET

2. Circle the letter that corresponds to proper definition of career guidance

A. This involves giving the student facts about environmental educational and
occupational development opportunities and their requirements for the
B. This refers to helping the student be acquainted with school/college
educational and vocational development opportunities available to the
C. This means helping the student to develop self-understanding of his/her
educational development plan. The trainer will help students to deal with
emotional problems that tend to block self-development.
D. Services and activities intended to assist individuals, of any age and at any
point throughout their lives, to make educational, training and
occupational choices and to manage their careers.

Part 2: Read the given statement carefully and answer with True or False:
Career Guidance aims at:

a. Broadening knowledge, skills, and abilities

b. Improving decision making skills
c. Accomplishing hands-on task where I can use my physical strength
d. Giving students the opportunity to hide their talents, interests, and

Module: TTCAG110 Career Guidance in TVET Vocational Area

L.O.1.2: Describe Career Guidance methods

Topic: Career Guidance Methods

There are many different methods that a career guider can use with their clients.
Let us summarize some of the most effective during guidance sessions:

• Individual or group basis method will be used in Career guidance :

✓ Sorting through questions, concerns, fears and excitement regarding

the future.
✓ Deciding on a major career decision making process
✓ Discover the interest, values, personality and overall career
✓ Locating visits, internships and other opportunities for gaining
professional experience while you’re in school
✓ Interviewing skills
✓ Locating and securing full time/post -graduation opportunities
✓ Facilitate learners to share their thoughts, concerns and dreams

L.U.1: Demonstrate Knowledge on Career Guidance in TVET
✓ To build a professional development plan for use during their graduate
✓ Through this plan, learners will be helped to develop a better understanding
of their skills, abilities and career interests and most importantly, how these
relate to the workplace.
• Face to face method in career guidance

✓ Is a conversation that means the informal discussion among the

people. When one person discusses his views, opinion to another
person and exchanges their views in the presence of both; then it is
called face to face conversation includes the face-to-face discussion on
a particular issue.
✓ Both the information receiver and sender can exchange their views
freely and fairly.

Module: TTCAG110 Career Guidance in TVET Vocational Area

• At a distance method in career guidance

At this method of career guidance; many of teaching materials of the study

programs via World Wide Web can help:

✓ Multimedia elements like text or with compressed video;

✓ Special software related to the needed
✓ Other educational materials, which the leaner can download in his personal
computer, such as: files of text with questions, files of sound and pictures,
files of video.
✓ Exercises / activities for practice, written tests (even for being-line
completion and automatic correction).
✓ Connections with information resources, such as: libraries, published articles
in the World Wide Web and scientific journals.

Among the distance methods of guidance we find:

✓ Internet
✓ The telephone communication,
L.U.1: Demonstrate Knowledge on Career Guidance in TVET
✓ The connected computers (audio, teleconferencing),
✓ The connected computers (video, teleconferencing),
✓ The use of applications of chat-room type (supported in text) .
✓ The use of computer software
✓ The use of video films,
✓ The use of audio tapes,
✓ The use of compressed video,
✓ The electronic post (e-mail)………..
• Psychological method in Career guidance:

✓ It is a global approach to individuals under all aspects of their personal,

professional and social life;
✓ Psychological method consists in providing information, guidance and
counselling services with a view to support each and every person in any
stage of their life in the development of their own career through decision-
making as regards to education, work and community life.

Module: TTCAG110 Career Guidance in TVET Vocational Area

In career guidance some psychological methods have been identified to be used:

✓ Tests
✓ Questionnaires
✓ Inventories concerning aptitudes (intellectual, verbal, numerical,
reasoning, reaction speed, special talents, etc.)
✓ Personality
✓ Interests and special needs;
✓ Values and attitudes
✓ Assessment of academic acquisitions (learning skills and methods);
✓ Interpersonal relations
✓ Self-image
✓ Decision-making
• Pedagogical method in career guidance:

The active method that called also a learner-centered is very important and
useful in career guidance.

According to modern pedagogy:

✓ The client has gifts, needs, intellectual, creative and assimilation which
must occur from inside to outside
✓ Guidance must be done in an atmosphere of joy

L.U.1: Demonstrate Knowledge on Career Guidance in TVET

• Interview method

✓ As an interview is defined as a formal meeting in which one or more

persons question, consult, or evaluate another person
✓ And also, a meeting or conversation in which a writer or reporter asks
questions of one or more persons from whom material is sought for a
newspaper story, television broadcast.
Example of an interview:
1. Tell me about yourself.
2. Why should I hire you?
3. What is your long-range objective?
4. How has your education prepared you for your career?
5. Are you a team player?
6. Have you ever had a conflict with a boss or professor? How was it
7. What is your greatest weakness?
8. If I were to ask your professors (or your boss) to describe you, what
would they say?
9. What qualities do you feel a successful manager should have?
10. If you had to live your life over again, what one thing would you change?

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Module: TTCAG110 Career Guidance in TVET Vocational Area


Part 1: Multiple choice

2. Circle the letter with the wrong description of Individual or group basis

A. Sorting through questions, concerns, fears and excitement regarding the

B. Deciding on a major career decision-making process
C. Listening only with being pre-occupied by your own thoughts or problems
D. Discover the Interest, values, personality and overall career assessment

3. Circle letters with the correct answer

Psychological method in Career guidance is described as a global approach to

individuals under all aspects of their personal, professional and social life
trough different ways like:

A. Questionnaires
B. Being less motivated
C. Interests and special needs
D. Values and attitudes

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L.U.1: Demonstrate Knowledge on Career Guidance in TVET

Part 2: Name the career guidance method used based on the following pictures

Figure No.1

Figure No.2

Figure No.4
Figure No.3

Figure No.5

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Module: TTCAG110 Career Guidance in TVET Vocational Area

Part 3: Read the given statement carefully and answer with True or False:
a) In Pedagogical method of career guidance, the client has Gifts, needs,
intellectual, creative and assimilation which must occur from inside to
b) Guidance must be done in an atmosphere of stress
c) Associative teaching method is not very important
d) Independent or individual learning mostly used

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L.U.1: Demonstrate Knowledge on Career Guidance in TVET
L.O.1.3: Describe career guidance steps

Topic: Main steps in Career Guidance

• Self-assessment

✓ Means looking deep inside yourself and focusing on you.

✓ Self-assessment helps to have someone brutally honest to assist you
on this journey of self-discovery
✓ It is allowing you to learn more about the person that looks back at
you in the mirror.
✓ During this first step, a variety of tools has to gather information
about yourself, learn about your interests: The things you enjoy doing
✓ Work-related Values: the ideas and beliefs that are important to you
and guide your actions
✓ Personality Type: Your social traits, motivations, strengths and
weaknesses, and attitudes
✓ Aptitudes: a natural talent or an ability learned through training and
✓ Preferred work environments: The type of workplaces you prefer, for
example, indoors or outdoors, office or factory, and noisy or quiet

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Module: TTCAG110 Career Guidance in TVET Vocational Area

✓ Developmental needs: your cognitive abilities that have an impact on

the type of training or education you can complete and what kind of
work you can do
✓ Realities: circumstances that may influence your ability to train for an
occupation or work in it
✓ You will identify careers that might be a good fit for you during the
self-assessment, but you will need more information before you can
make a final decision.
• Career Exploration

✓ Focuses on learning about the occupations that seem to be a good

fit based on the results of your self-assessment and any other
professions that interest you.
✓ Uses online and print resources to get a job description;
✓ Learn about specific job duties; and gather labor market
information including median salaries and job outlooks.

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L.U.1: Demonstrate Knowledge on Career Guidance in TVET

• Decision making /Match

During step 3, you will decide which occupation is the best fit for you based on what
you learned during steps 1 and 2 that is self -assessment and career exploration

✓ Identify the occupation in which you are most interested and one or two
alternatives on which to fall back if, for any reason, you can't pursue your
first choice.
✓ Give serious thought to how you will prepare to enter your chosen career,
the costs associated with education and training, and whether you will face
any barriers, which are the realities discussed during the step 1.
✓ Go back to step 2 if you find you need to explore your options further before
✓ Once you have chosen a career, you can go on to step 4, which will lead you
toward your first job in your new career.
• Acting

During this step:

✓ You will write a career action plan. It will serve as a guide to

reaching your ultimate goal of getting a job in the career you
deemed to be a good match during step 3.

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Module: TTCAG110 Career Guidance in TVET Vocational Area

✓ You will identify what long-term and short-term goals you will have
to reach to get to the ultimate one.
✓ You will start investigating appropriate education and training
programs, for example, colleges, graduate schools, or
apprenticeship programs.
✓ Then start preparing for required entrance examinations or
applying for admission.


Part 1:
Instruction: a) Please have a look at the list of examples below and tick where you
are good at.

- Observing plants and trees grow and harvesting fruits

- Accomplishing hands-on task where I can use my physical strength
- Handicraft work
- Drawing up schemes
- Studying the functions of machines
- Doing sports
- Singing
- Documenting events
- Telling stories
- Repairing things
- Handling figures and formulas

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L.U.1: Demonstrate Knowledge on Career Guidance in TVET

- Negotiating
- Dancing
- Recalling details
- Reading
- Using computers
- Preparing food
- Writing
- Being creative
- Taking care of kids
- Performing on stage
- Helping friends to deal with conflicts
- Household work
- Making things look beautiful
- Organizing parties
- Bringing things in order
- Decorating
- Trouble-shooting
- Exploring
- Helping friends/siblings with their homework
- Taking care of animals
- Inventing tools
- Sewing
- Giving advice
- Taking pictures
- Remembering names or numbers
a) Write down whatever comes to your mind that is not in the list above

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Module: TTCAG110 Career Guidance in TVET Vocational Area

Part 2:
Instruction: Now that you have identified some key features your future work
should ideally possess, it is time to bring them in some order of priority. Choose the
nine most important work characteristics from your list and write them into the
boxes on the next page. Then you take a scissor and cut them out. Try to sort them
into shape like this. This is called a “diamond ranking”.

Top Priority
(Level 1)

Level 2 priority

Level 3 priority

Level 4 priority

Level 5 priority

It has five levels of priority (the first level being the top one) and can absorb up to
nine items. The one in the first row is you top priority; something you really believe
your future job needs to provide. Each of the five rows reflects one priority level.
Repeat this exercise occasionally, because new life experiences might change the
values you find important and also the level of importance you attach to them.

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L.U.1: Demonstrate Knowledge on Career Guidance in TVET

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Module: TTCAG110 Career Guidance in TVET Vocational Area

L.O.1.4: Apply career guidance based on vocational area

Topic: Simulation of career guidance

✓ Learners are provided with opportunities for active experimentation in

solving realistic problems which require the integration of knowledge, skills,
personal attitudes, and positive work values. (Self-assessment)
✓ The essential elements of the workplace are experienced, but without its
attendant hazards and inconveniences. (Work exploration)
✓ Learners can formulate and test hypotheses, identify patterns in their own
and others' behavior, make decisions and observe consequences which
might, on the job, take weeks to transpire. (Decision Making)
✓ They can then use these opportunities to modify their decisions and actions
and to observe the impact of such changes. (Action/transition planning)


Instruction: Please take a big plain paper and answer the questions below then
afterwards, you can explain your papers to class mates. Peers may have questions.

Part 1

a) What do you think that you are good at doing?

b) What are your friends, observing you doing really well?
c) What are you doing well in your leisure time?
d) What is easy for you? What do you do easily (others might have more
difficulties with)?

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L.U.1: Demonstrate Knowledge on Career Guidance in TVET

Part 2
a) Collect at least five sorts of jobs you find interesting to you
b) Among those jobs, choose about two jobs you find most interesting
c) find at least three aspects you like for every job
Part 3
According to your strengths, skills, ability, weakness, which is the best suitable job
for you between the two mentioned above.
Part 4
Hung the paper on the wall and present to colleagues. Answer their questions if

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Module: TTCAG110 Career Guidance in TVET Vocational Area

L.U.2: Promote Career Guidance Program

By the end of this learning unit, the learner should be able to:
5. Prepare an action plan for career guidance awareness learning session for all
6. Prepare an action plan for career guidance event with evidence of
mainstreaming gender and people with special needs
7. Implement career guidance event intended to all learners, mainstreaming gender
and people with special needs.

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L.U.2: Promote Career Guidance Program
L.O.2.1. Prepare an action plan for career guidance awareness learning session
for all learners

Topic 1: Definition and activities of career guidance awareness campaign

• Definition of career guidance awareness campaign

Career guidance awareness campaign
✓ Is an understanding of the types of career choices and jobs available to
you and what it takes to be successful in a given field.
✓ Is an advice or information aimed at solving a problem and simply an
understanding of the various possibilities for long-term employment and
the knowledge necessary to begin work in a career field and progress in
that job.
• Activities of career guidance awareness campaign
✓ Make the mind map
A mind map is a diagram used to visually organize information.
It is often created around a single concept, drawn as an image in the
center of a blank page, to which associated representations of ideas
such as images, words and parts of words are added
Major ideas are connected directly to the central concept, and other
ideas branch out from those.
Creating a career mind map is a great way to organize and
brainstorm your thoughts onto paper, leading to clarity around
your career. By putting all of your thoughts on to paper, one
thought can lead to another, and suddenly you have a complete
picture of what your career looks like – or should look like!
✓ Presentation from job recruiters or human resources representatives from
various types of companies
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Module: TTCAG110 Career Guidance in TVET Vocational Area

✓ Learn about specific job duties from the above presentation; and gather
labor market information including median salaries and job outlooks.
✓ Career fair in common area where learners can interact with employees in
different fields
✓ Dress up of the career choices: On this activity students come dressed in a
variety of outfits, often bringing different uniforms to demonstrate the work
that they do. Many occupations are represented by the students'
choices. Among these include welders, technicians, civil aviation engineers,
teachers, and athletes. Facilitators assign a part of the activity to have the
students talk about their careers and why they chose them. By the end of
the day, teachers and classmates have a better understanding of each other
with students experiencing a fun activity at school.
✓ Make decision about choices

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L.U.2: Promote Career Guidance Program
Topic 2: Action plan for career guidance awareness learning session

In the topic above we developed activities to be carried out during the career
guidance awareness campaign, here there is an example of an action plan for
career guidance awareness learning session.It will be composed by the following
Activities to be done
Materials to be used
Time Activity Materials

10 min • Welcome notes: ✓ Venue

✓ Who we are: (Organizers, ✓ Computer
Participants, Observers of this ✓ Projector
learning session) ✓ Papers
✓ Why we are here: (Purpose of ✓ Flip chart
the session) ✓ Markers
✓ Pencils

40min • Career guidance awareness ✓ Flip chart

learning session ✓ Markers
✓ Definition of concepts of Career ✓ Papers
Guidance ✓ Overalls
✓ Importance of career guidance ✓ Helmet
✓ Lab coat

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Module: TTCAG110 Career Guidance in TVET Vocational Area

Time Activity Materials

✓ Who are the beneficiaries of

career guidance
✓ Presentation from different
company representatives
✓ Exercise of choosing career
based on instructions of the

5 min • Break time:

✓ Energizer activity ( Related to
career choosing)
5 min • Evaluation
✓ Dress up activity/ exercise


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L.U.2: Promote Career Guidance Program


Activity one
• Based on your career choices, make a career mind map using texts or images
Activity two

• Referring to the example of career action plan above, prepare an action plan
for career guidance awareness learning session

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Module: TTCAG110 Career Guidance in TVET Vocational Area

L.O.2.2: Prepare an action plan for a career guidance

Topic: Introduction and Action plan for a career guidance event with evidence
of mainstreaming gender and people with special needs.

• Introduction to career guidance of people with special needs and gender


✓ Learners living with mental or physical disabilities are targets of either outright
abuse or more subtle discrimination and social exclusion. Disabled
learners struggle to find jobs and are often vulnerable to being
unceremoniously sacked or badly treated.

✓ Career guidance could be used to bolster disabled youngsters’ confidence

and show them what jobs are available. It is also a valuable tool to teach
disabled learners about their rights as a prospective employee.

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L.U.2: Promote Career Guidance Program
✓ Gender influences a wide range of career-related attitudes, behaviors, and
outcomes. This includes career choice, career experiences, occupational
health, work attitudes, other people’s perceptions, and career outcomes.
Therefore, to understand individuals’ careers, it is important to consider

• Action plan for a career guidance event with evidence of mainstreaming

gender and people with special needs

Considerations while preparing an action plan for a career guidance event:

✓ Make sure that the venues are fully accessible.

✓ ensure that all relevant information and materials are accessible
✓ Provide support such as interpretation facilities.
✓ Encourage and facilitate the participation of parents, communities and
organizations of persons with disabilities in the planning and decision-
making process.
Common Questions to be asked by participants
a) Where do learners register for disability services or accommodations?
b) Who is eligible for disability services?
c) Who is responsible for providing accommodations?
d) What courses are on offer?
e) What is the entry for mature students?
f) Is there an Interview involved?
g) How do I apply?
h) Is this a mixed school?
i) Is the course that I am interested in covered under the grant scheme?
j) What is the average weekly timetable?

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Module: TTCAG110 Career Guidance in TVET Vocational Area

k) If the learners that have completed this course where have they progressed?
l) What qualification will I get when I finish the course?
m) Will I get employment when I finish the course?
n) Will I enjoy the course?
o) Does the school have accommodation for both girls and boys?
p) Who is eligible for gender services?

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L.U.2: Promote Career Guidance Program
Here we have an example of career action plan event with evidence of
mainstreaming gender and people with special needs.

Time Activity Materials Cost Responsib


1 ✓ Advertisement of career guidance Computers X Career

month event amou guidance
✓ Through different media( nt of officers(
Example: Radio, TV, ….) -Internet mone organizers
✓ Preparation of brochures, -Any means y )
posters, burners and invitations for transport
✓ Distribution of event invitations
and flyers
1 month ✓ To highlight the main topics to be -Computers X -Career
presented during the event amou guidance
✓ Selection of presentation delivers nt of officers(
✓ To select the best tools to be used by -Internet mone organizers
presenters, entertainers during the -Any means for y )
presentations transport - Protocol
✓ Preparing the entertainers with the
-Chairs team
theme “career guidance with
evidence of mainstreaming gender -Sound system
and people with special needs”
✓ To avail the venue with the
necessary facilities (Example: sound -Didactic

system, chairs, decoration,….) materials

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Module: TTCAG110 Career Guidance in TVET Vocational Area

✓ Publishment of the posters and -Protocol

burners in different locations uniforms
✓ Organize protocol team
✓ Prepare sitting arrangement
✓ Distribution of agenda and brochures
✓ Cocktail

nt of


Instruction: Referring to the example given above, prepare a complete action plan
for the career guidance event with evidence of mainstreaming gender and people
with special needs.

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L.U.2: Promote Career Guidance Program
L.O.2.3: Implement a career guidance event intended to all learners

Topic: Career guidance implementation event intended to all learners

As implementation is the process of putting a decision or plan into effect, here

bellow is an implementation of career guidance event intended to all learners,
mainstreaming gender and people with special needs.

Example of event necessities

✓ Brochures
✓ Poster
✓ Agenda of the event

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Module: TTCAG110 Career Guidance in TVET Vocational Area

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L.U.2: Promote Career Guidance Program

• Develops broader understanding of Career guidance services given to all

strengths, preferences and aspirations learners, gender and people with
special needs.
• Creates personalized career guidance

• Automatic transfer of career guidance

data to the student/client’s resume

• Career practitioner one-on-one and

group facilitation

• Builds self-confidence and self-reflection


•Comprehensive includes
education/training; work
history/values/skills/interests, drive level,
self-esteem, personal qualities, leisure
interests and special talents

• Increases career opportunity awareness,

including career combinations

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Module: TTCAG110 Career Guidance in TVET Vocational Area

✓ Agenda of the event

Time Activity Responsible

3:00 PM Arrival of participants Protocol Team
3:20 PM Arrival of learners from different Protocol Team
3:30 PM Arrival of Institutions representatives MC, Protocol Team
3:40 PM Arrival of Guest of Honor MC
3:50 PM Welcome speech RP Vice Chancellor
4:00 PM Dance by Ni Nyampinga Ni Nyampinga dance
4:10 PM Speech of Gender Representative Gender Representative
4:20 PM Presentation of the topic: Career Advisor

Gender and career choices

5:00 PM Sketch(on career choices) Girls from IPRC Kigali
5:10 PM Presentation of the topic: Career Specialist

Facilitating learners with special needs

about self-determination, occupation,
exploitation and decision making
5:50 PM Speech of the representative of people Representative of people
with special needs with special needs
6:00 PM Poem of leaner with special needs Learner with Special

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L.U.2: Promote Career Guidance Program

6:10 PM Speech of the Guest of Honor Guest of Honor

6:20 PM Dance by Ni Nyampinga Ni Nyampinga Dance
6:30 PM Closing and Cocktail MC and protocol team


Instruction: Prepare career guidance meeting intended to all learners,

mainstreaming gender and peoples with special needs.

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Module: TTCAG110 Career Guidance in TVET Vocational Area

L.U.3: Establish Career Guidance Coaching Program

By the end of this learning unit, the learner should be able to:
1. Orient learners to discover their talents, interests, strengths and weakness
2. Set goals for a successful career
3. Prepare an action plan for career guidance coaching program
4. Apply career guidance follow up

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L.U.3: Establish Career Guidance Coaching Program
L.O.3.1: Orient learners to discover their talents, interests, strengths and

Topic 1: Definition of concepts and identification of someone’s interest,

strengths and weaknesses

a) Definition of concepts
✓ Talent
A special natural ability or aptitude
A capacity for achievement or success
✓ Strength:
The quality or state of being strong
Capacity for exertion or endurance
✓ Weakness:
The quality or state of being weak
An instance or period of being weak
✓ Interest:
Is a state of curiosity or concern about or attention to something
Your interests are the things that you enjoy doing
b) Identification of someone’s interest, strengths and weaknesses
• Ways to identify someone’s interest
✓ It is called a self-assessment of career interest which is the first step
to know yourself because it helps you develop as a person. Below
are some tips:

When you are in confusion, ask the people who know you very
well, when you seem the happiest and what you do the most
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What sort of activities and subjects you enjoy/ like which

courses really are interesting you! Which ones do you find
boring? It can have a powerful impact on your career decisions.
What style of work environment you enjoy! Identify your
professional hero, read about their career path.
Focus on the things that you both enjoy and do well, write them
down, list to the top three or four things, review it, plot tour
career move.
Connect with people who share your areas of interest.
Think about what you loved long before what had to worry
about your career, what was your childhood passion.
Don’t let financial pressures dictate your choices; passionate
career can ultimately lead to financial security.
Remember, career interests are different than abilities or skills.
Understanding your interests can help to develop them.
• Identification of someone’s strengths and weaknesses
Self-knowledge is a powerful tool that too many people disregard
because it's difficult or inconvenient, or perhaps because it makes them
feel uncomfortable. Here are six parts which some one can use to
identify his/her strengths and weaknesses
Understanding your abilities
✓ Appreciate your effort
✓ Write down what you do
✓ Reflect on your values
✓ Examine your responses for themes and patterns

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✓ Determine whether your life aligns with your values
✓ Consider situational meanings
• Performing a reflective best self-exercise
✓ Find people to ask
✓ Ask for feedback
✓ Look for commonalities
✓ Make a self-portrait
• Listing your actions
✓ Write about your actions
✓ Think of a challenging situation in which something bad happened
✓ Find a less challenging situation
✓ Consider times you faced a difficult personal situation
• Listing your desires
✓ Ask yourself about your desires
✓ Decide what you enjoy
✓ Consider what motivates you
• Assessing your strengths and weaknesses
✓ Rethink your weaknesses
✓ Identify your areas for growth
✓ Focus on your strengths
✓ Write down your strengths and weaknesses
✓ Compare the lists against one another
✓ Consider any surprises or mismatches
✓ Ask the opinions of friends or family
✓ Seek professional assistance
✓ Reflect on your findings

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✓ Reject perfectionism
✓ Don't deny important moments in your life
• Using the skills in interviews
✓ Consider the relevancy of your strengths and weaknesses
✓ Exhibit honesty and confidence
✓ Practice interviewing skills
✓ Do not try to spin
✓ Be honest about weaknesses
✓ Acknowledge the bad parts of your challenges
✓ Show the interviewer how you strive to overcome your challenges
✓ Talk about your strengths confidently
✓ Provide examples when talking about a strength

Topic 2: Ways to discover the talent

Your perception of yourself is very complex. Similar to how you cannot see your
own nose, you may often be blinded to the things that you are best at. Below are
two parts which can help you to discover your hidden talents.

• Reflecting on yourself
✓ Open your mind to all paths : Because you are likely blind to what
some of your talents really are, a good place to start when evaluating
your talents is to just open your mind to the possibilities
✓ Look back on your past: As you reflect on yourself in search of your
talents, start by looking at your past. Look at the things that you've

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✓ Think about what you enjoy: The things that make you happy can
also reveal your talents.
✓ Evaluate what you're good at: Now, there's a big difference
between what you enjoy and what you're good at.
✓ Think about times you were successful: Look back on your life and
think about times where you really succeeded, times where you felt
about to burst with the pride of your success. This can indicate a
talent you possess.
✓ Write the story of your life: This exercise can help you reveal not
only the talents that you have but also talents that you should
consider developing.
✓ Ask around: Having an outside perspective, other people may find it
easier to see what you're good at.
• Experiencing Life
✓ Open up time for new things: Your life needs to have room for
discovering your talents.
✓ Make time for yourself: While other people can help you find your
talents, it's also important to take some time that's just for you.
✓ Build on your existing skills: You probably already have some basic
skills. Any skill that you possess can be turned into a real talent, but
you need to take the time to develop it and really work on
experiencing all of the different activities that go into that talent.
✓ Try things you would never have tried before: However, you don't
know you're that kind of person until you start becoming that
person. You have to give life a chance to surprise you.

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✓ Take classes in subjects that interest you: If there's a subject that

interests you and you think you might want to develop it into a
talent, consider taking a class.
✓ Travel to expand your experiences: Traveling is one of the most
impactful experiences you can have. It will challenge you and teach
you more about yourself than you thought possible.
✓ Take on challenges: When you have to struggle, when you're
removed from your usual comfortable environment, is when you
learn the most about yourself.
✓ Volunteer to help shift your perspective: In experiencing just your
own life and your own world, it's easy to have your mind closed to
the possibilities.

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Part 1.

Instruction: Tick the proper definition of the term talent

a) Natural inability or skills

b) Special inability that allows someone to do something well
c) A capacity for achievement or success
d) A former weight and unit of currency, used especially by the ancient
Romans and Greeks.
Part 2.

Instruction: Within groups, discuss the following questions, after discussion each
group will make a short presentation

a) How can I discover my talents?

b) Can talking, writing and solving math problems be a talent?

c) Can someone be multi-talented?

d) What do I do if I am confused about what my talents are?

e) How can you determine whether your values are in line with your abilities?

f) How can others help you figure out your strengths and weaknesses?

g) How can you determine how your actions are strengths or weaknesses?

h) Why is it important to write down your desires and passions?

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Part 3:

Instruction: Answer the following statement by True or False

a) When interviewing for a job, it is important that you avoid talking about your

b) You disconnect with people and this help in sharing of your areas of interest
and this help in your interest’s identification

c) When you think about how your strengths and weaknesses are relevant to the
particular job you are applying for you consider the relevancy of your strengths and
d) Strengths and weaknesses are both positive aspects of external and internal
environments that are under direct control of a firm or a decision marker

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L.O.3.2. Set goals for a successful career

Topic: Establishment of goal setting and strategies of building a successful career.

• Definition of concepts
✓ Goal: Is the result or achievement toward which effort is directed; aim;
Example: Anne’s primary goal is to get a college certificate
✓ A short-term goal: Is something you want to do in the near future. The
near future can mean today, this week, this month, or even this year.
Example: Chantal’s short-term goal is to buy a new pair of shoes.
✓ A long-term goal: Is something you want to do further in the future.
Long-term goals require time and planning. They are not something you
can do this week or even this year.
Example: James’s long-term goal is to have his own business

a) Strategies to build a successful career

A successful career is one that stirs up a certain level of excitement, passion
and happiness in a person. It is one that is enjoyable and interesting. Here
are strategies you can employ to build a successful career
• Be willing to go the extra mile
✓ You do not get ahead in life by accident
✓ You will never be extraordinary without doing something extra
• Broaden your skills
✓ Update your knowledge and skills
✓ Seek improvement of your know- how
• Work on your resume

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✓ It is to think on your resume as a summary of your work experience

✓ Consider what you have accomplished in the past and what you can
offer in the future
• Network
✓ Be ready to participate in social functions
✓ Meet new people and deal with them respectfully and
• Know your merits
✓ Know your strengths and weaknesses
• Accept challenges
✓ Through challenges, you will reach areas of your personality you
have never discovered before
• Career coaching
✓ Career coaching helps you to gain career confidence, insight,
encouragement and inspiration
• Relax often
✓ Relax and do something different, a hobby or that something that
makes you happy
✓ Take time off for your self

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Part 1.

Instruction: Basing on your career choices set your five short- and long-term goals

Part 2.

Instruction: Briefly discuss the following strategies of building a successful career

a) Broaden your skills

b) Accept challenges
c) Know your merits
d) Network
e) Work on your resume

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L.O.3.3: Prepare an action plan for a career guidance coaching program

Topic: Action plan for a career guidance coaching program

• Definition of career guidance coaching program

✓ It is a comprehensive, developmental program designed to assist
individuals in making and implementing informed educational and
occupational choices.
✓ A career guidance coaching program develops an individual’s
competencies in self- knowledge, educational and occupational
exploration and career planning.
• Action plan for career guidance coaching program

Important questions to be considered while making career coaching

development plan:

✓ What do you want to achieve with your career?

✓ How much time are you prepared to spend on your career?
✓ What skills do you need to develop?
✓ What resources will you need?
✓ Where can you get support or advice?
✓ What type of person do you need to be?
✓ How will you know you are ready to move forward?
✓ What is your motivation?

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Here there is an example of action plan of career guidance coaching program


1 4 weeks Demonstrate Explain career guidance in • Classroom

knowledge TVET: • Tables,
on career Chairs
• Definition of concepts
guidance in • Projector
and importance of
TVET • Computer,
career guidance
• Whiteboard
• Markers
• Ream of
• Pens
• Manilla
• Flipchart
• Pins , Video

• Post it

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Describe Career Guidance The same

methods: materials

• Career Guidance
Describe career guidance The same
steps: materials

• Main steps in Career

Apply career guidance The same
based on vocational area: materials

• Simulation of career
2 3 weeks Promote Prepare an action plan for The same
career career guidance materials
guidance awareness learning
program session for all learners:

• Definition and activities

of career guidance
awareness campaign
• Action plan for career
guidance awareness
learning session

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Prepare an action plan for The same

a career guidance event materials
with evidence of
mainstreaming gender
and people with special

• Introduction and
Action plan for a
career guidance
event with evidence
of mainstreaming
gender and people
with special needs.
Implement a career The same
guidance event intended materials
to all learners,
mainstreaming gender and
people with special needs:

• Career guidance
event intended to
all learners,

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gender and people

with special needs

3 5 weeks Establish Orient learners to discover The same

Career their talents, interests, materials
guidance strengths and weakness:
• Definition of
concepts and
identification of
someone’s interest,
strengths and
• Ways to discover
the talent
Set goals for a successful The same
career: materials

• Establishment of
goal setting and
strategies of
building a successful

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Prepare an action plan for The same

a career guidance materials
coaching program:

• Action plan for a

career guidance
coaching program
Apply Career guidance The same
follow up: materials

• Positive guidance
importance and
problem solving
• Mentoring


Instruction: Referring to the given example above, make a one month action plan
for career guidance coaching program

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L.O.3.4. Apply Career guidance follow up

Topic 1: Positive guidance techniques, importance and problem-solving steps

• Some positive guidance techniques

✓ Use positive verbal guidance (Responsive language, specific,
meaningful praise)
✓ Use the safety rule
✓ State rules in positive terms
✓ Make requests and give directions in respectful ways
✓ Validate learner’s feelings
✓ Classify mentoring rules and give reasons for the limits
✓ Model the behavior you want a learner to follow
✓ Reinforce appropriate behavior (reinforce what you want to see)
• Importance of using positive guidance technique
✓ It develops strong working relationship with learners. This means that
they can go to their trainers for help when there is a problem and feel
secure that they are known and understood and will get what they
✓ It supports or encourages the learners in developing according to
their goals and those of school community.
✓ Positive guidance techniques provide a better sense of self efficacy for
learners and believe their own capacity to learn and accomplish things
✓ Positive guidance techniques make a big difference in academic
performance for learners
✓ Positive guidance is an important part of many learners ‘social and
emotional growth

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• Problem solving steps

People who throw themselves at their problems often become worried
and confused

When you are faced with a problem, how do you go about solving it? Do you
let it overwhelm you or do you flex your problem-solving muscles and figure
out the best solution?

Here are the steps to develop your critical thinking and problem-solving
techniques to high level.
✓ Change your language about the problem from negative to positive
✓ Define the situation or problem clearly
✓ Use critical thinking to approach the problem from several different
✓ Clearly define the ideal solution to the problem

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✓ Pick the best solution to solve your challenge

✓ Prepare for the worst possible outcome and how to overcome it
✓ Measure your progress
✓ Take complete responsibility for your decision
✓ Set a deadline for when things should be solved
✓ Act and solve your problem

Topic 2: Mentoring techniques

✓ Mentoring:
✓ Refers as the process for the informal transmission of knowledge, social
capital, and the psychosocial support perceived by the recipient as
relevant to work, career, or professional development.
✓ Entails informal communication, usually face-to-face and during a
sustained period of time, between a person who is perceived to have
greater relevant knowledge, wisdom, or experience (the mentor) and a
person who is perceived to have less (the mentee)
✓ The most commonly used techniques among mentors are:
✓ Accompanying: making a commitment in a caring way, which involves
taking part in the learning process side-by-side with the learner.
✓ Sowing: mentors are often confronted with the difficulty of preparing
the learner before he or she is ready to change. Sowing is necessary
when you know that what you say may not be understood or even
acceptable to learners at first but will make sense and have value to
the mentee when the situation requires it.

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✓ Catalyzing: when change reaches a critical level of pressure, learning
can escalate. Here the mentor chooses to plunge the learner right into
change, provoking a different way of thinking, a change in identity or
a re-ordering of values.
✓ Showing: this is making something understandable, or using your own
example to demonstrate a skill or activity. You show what you are
talking about, you show by your own behavior.
✓ Harvesting: here the mentor focuses on "picking the ripe fruit": it is
usually used to create awareness of what was learned by experience
and to draw conclusions. The key questions here are: "What have you
learned?", "How useful is it?".

Use a mentor for your career success, if you are choosing your own mentors
consider the tips below to ensure a successful mentoring relationship

✓ A good career mentor

Is knowledgeable in his/her field
Is generous and honest with advice
Is a good communicator
Will get to know their mentee; his/her capabilities, interests
and goals
✓ Choosing a career mentor
✓ Choose someone you admire
✓ Choose someone in another area of your organization who has
had a career path similar to your goal
✓ Find multiple mentors
✓ Setting up the mentor( Mentee relationship)

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✓ Before seeking a mentor’s assistance, make a plan. What do

you expect from your mentor? What do you want to focus?
✓ Invite the potential mentor to lunch or coffee to discuss your
✓ Find out how involved the potential mentor wants to be in this
✓ The relationship
✓ Set up the parameters of the relationship together, how often,
when and where you will meet
✓ Respect your mentor’s time
✓ Set up boundaries of your phone
✓ Obtain approval from your mentor before using them as


Part 1:

Instructions: Use positive guidance techniques and problem-solving steps to help

overcoming the problem from the scenario below


Emmanuel has a very important job interview at City College today. The
campus is very large but he cannot find the employment office. He asks
different people for directions but he is lost. It’s five minutes before the job
interview appointment. What is your advice for Emmanuel?

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Part 2:

Instruction: All are the aims of mentor except;

a) To drive a personal growth, building skills knowledge and understanding

b) To encourage ethical behavior within an organization

c) To assist the mentee to omit his/her career objectives

d) To open doors making connections and sharing experience

Part 3:

Instruction: answer by True or False. The mentor is:

a) The one who will get to know his/her mentee’s capabilities, interests and goals

b) A good communicator

c) Generous and dishonest with advice

d) A knowledgeable person in his/her field

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interview-questions-and-answers)/ / accessed on 4 July 2018
✓ from: /
accessed on 4 th July 2018
524774// accessed on 4 July 2018

✓ from Principles and methods of teaching)/ / accessed on 5 th
July 2018
✓ method// accessed on 5 th
conversation/)/ accessed on 10 July 2018
distance_collaboration2)/ accessed on 10 July 2018

✓ accessed on 13 th
July 2018
development-resources/individual-career-counseling)/ accessed on 11
July 2018
✓ accessed on 16 th
July 2018
✓ accessed on 16 th
July 2018
✓ accessed on 16 th
July 2018

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✓ https:/ accessed on 16 th
✓ accessed on 15 th
July 2018
✓ https:/ accessed on 15 th
July 2018
✓ accessed on 15 th
July 2018
✓ is career awareness/accessed on
18 July 2018
✓ accessed on 18 th
July 2018
assessment)/ / accessed on 4 July 2018

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