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Name: Arda Gozacan


1. What is the topic you chose for Summative 1?

The importance of the territorial state has changed in recent decades.

2. Indicate the 3 sources for your literature review (use Harvard referencing style) and
answer the questions below.

Kahler, M. and Walter, B.F. eds., 2006. Territoriality and Conflict in an Era of
Globalization (pp. 1-21). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Jachtenfuchs, M., 2005. The modern territorial state: limits to internationalization of the state's
resources. Transformations of the State?, 13, p.37.

Tatham, M., 2010. ‘With or without you’? Revisiting territorial state-bypassing in EU interest
representation. Journal of European public policy, 17(1), pp.76-99.

Source 1:

 Is it a political science, political economy and/or legal analytical text? If not, consider
looking for a different one.

 Is it an authoritative source? If yes, what makes it authoritative? If not, look for a

different one. Tick or underline the category that applies to it.

Chapter in a book X
Text written by an expert and published in a reputable magazine or online platform

Source 2:

 Is it a political science, political economy and/or legal analytical text? If not, consider
looking for a different one.

 Is it an authoritative source? If yes, what makes it authoritative? If not, look for a

different one. Tick or underline the category that applies to it.

Chapter in a book
Text written by an expert and published in a reputable magazine or online platform X
Source 3:

 Is it a political science, political economy and/or legal analytical text? If not, consider
looking for a different one.

 Is it an authoritative source? If yes, what makes it authoritative? If not, look for a

different one. Tick or underline the category that applies to it.

Chapter in a book
Text written by an expert and published in a reputable magazine or online platform X

3. Did you read the relevant chapter from the textbook? Underline the answer.
No – If no, skip the rest of the questions and start reading it right now!

4. What is the issue/ theme from the textbook that you chose to develop in your
literature review?
I will be focusing on the chapter 11 of the book which is named “ Why is the world divided

5. What does the textbook say about the chosen issue/ theme? Briefly summarise in
100 words.

This chapter discusses how the modern system of dividing the world into bounded areas
under the control of a state came about. Political maps of today have little relation to the
maps that were used a few hundred years ago, but this chapter is interested not so much in
where the boundaries are, but why and how there are boundaries. It focuses on the concept
of territory and looks at economic, strategic and technical issues. As a conclusion it mentions
the questions about the challenges to territory today.

6. How do the three sources contribute to the argument in the textbook? Briefly
enumerate the contributions.
Source 1: This source talks about the disappearance of boundaries in the globalizing world,
which is the main topic of the chapter.
Source 2: It describes the limits of territory in the modern word.
Source 3: It talks about the no-territorial state by providing examples from EU.

7. Can you briefly outline in bullet points your literature review? (max 200 words)

 In the globalizing world the territories have lost most of their practicality.
 Having no territories is the new world’s reality.
 There are both advantages and disadvantages of having no territories.
 EU is a living example of the modern no-territory state idea.
 It is hard to maintain territorial state in the globalizing world.

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