Gait Assignment

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Lab Assignments – Kinesiology - Gait


Complete the Gait Analysis Activity Worksheets

Observe all of the stages of a classmate walking and identify and describe the positions of the
Hip, Pelvis, Knee, Ankle, and Arms.

Gait Activities

** Use a small amount of baby powder on the bottom of each bare foot. Have a starting point
and then walk for one stride or gait cycle. Using a tape measure and calculate the following:

Step Length: ________________________________

Stride Length: _______________________________

Step Width: _________________________________

● Walk with a partner for 1 minute and count the number of steps that you take.
o What is your cadence? _____________
o What is your classmate’s cadence? ______________
o Are they the same or different?
o Why do you think they are the same or different?


● Walk around for 5 minutes and go and up and down stairs with one of the following
o Do not weight bear on medial part of foot
o Do not weight bear on lateral part of foot
o Do not weight bear on your toes
o Do not weight bear on your heel

After walking for 5 minutes provide a brief description of how it felt. Are you experiencing any
soreness or pain somewhere else, etc.



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● Mimic the following abnormal gaits that we have learned about and provide a brief
comment about how it felt:
o Gluteus Maximus Gait



o Gluteus Medius Gait



o Quadriceps Weakness



o Hamstring Weakness



o Weak Ankle Dorsiflexors



o Weakness of Gastrocnemius and Soleus Muscles



o Waddling Gait


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o Hip Flexion Contracture



o Knee Flexion Contracture



o Knee Extension Contracture



o Hemiplegic Gait



o Parkinson’s Gait



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