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Pre-Clinical Research 2022; volume 4:9554

tive stress occurs.1 Haloperidol-treated rats

exhibit symptoms similar to PD. A typical
Modulation of haloperidol-
Correspondence: Veera Raghavulu Bitra,
induced catalepsy in wistar rats neuroleptic drug, haloperidol, works by School of Pharmacy, University of Botswana,
by foxtail millet (Setaria italica) blocking postsynaptic dopamine D2 recep- Gaborone, P/Bag-0022, Botswana.
tors2 in the mesolimbic system. This inhibit- E-mail:
Shaik Kareemun,1 Deepthi Rapaka,1 ing effect causes an increase in dopamine
Key words: Parkinson’s disease; Oxidative
Veera Raghavulu Bitra,1,2 Annapurna turnover. Haloperidol also has minor anti-
stress; motor dysfunctions; catalepsy.
Akula1 cholinergic and -adrenergic receptor block-
1A.U. ing properties. PD is characterized primari-
College of Pharmaceutical Contributions: KSK: conducted the experi-
ly by the loss of melanin-containing
Sciences, Andhra University, mental studies; DR: wrote the manuscript;
dopaminergic neurons in the substantia VRB: study design and co-supervision; AA:
Visakhapatnam, India; 2School of
nigra’s zona compacta.3 conceptualisation and supervision.
Pharmacy, University of Botswana, Haloperidol causes marked rigidity,
Gaborone, Botswana which is most likely due to a potent block- Conflict of interests: The authors declare that
ade of central dopamine receptors3 and there are no conflicts of interest.
decreased dopamine neurotransmission.4
Neurotoxins such as MPTP, 6-OHDA, and Funding: The authors did not received funding
Abstract haloperidol are commonly used in preclini- either from government or private sources.
cal studies to create experimental models of
The current study looked at the behav- Ethics approval: All experiments were carried
PD5 that can model specific aspects of the
ioral and antioxidant activity of Foxtail out in accordance with the guidelines of the
disease such as motor abnormalities and
Millet (FM) against haloperidol-induced "Committee for the Purpose of Control and
catalepsy. Only when dopaminergic neu- Supervision of Experiments on Animals,"
catalepsy in Parkinson’s Disease (PD)

ronal death exceeds a critical threshold of (Regd.No.516/01/2019/ACPCSEA), New

patients. It has been demonstrated that the
antipsychotic drug haloperidol, which has a 70-80% of striatal nerve terminals do clini- Delhi, India, and were approved by the

high capacity to block D2-type receptors, cal symptoms appear.3 Catalepsy is a symp- Institutional Animal Ethical Committee

can cause motor impairments similar to tom of certain nervous disorders such as PD (IAEC), Andhra University, Visakhapatnam.

those seen in people with PD. Catalepsy can and epilepsy. Muscular rigidity, loss of mus-

cle control, slowing of bodily functions, and Availability of data and materials: All data
develop when animals are placed in abnor- generated or analysed during this study are
mal or unusual postures for an extended wavy flexibility are among the symptoms.
included in this article.

period of time. Foxtail millet significantly Catalepsy occurs when animals are placed
reduced lipid peroxidation (p 0.001) in abnormal or unusual postures that they Received for publication: 1 July 2022.

increased the antioxidant enzymes SOD (p maintain for an extended period of time. A Revision received: 12 August 2022.
0.05) and GSH (p 0.05), and significantly normal animal will return to its normal Accepted for publication: 14 August 2022.

improved motor deficits such as catalepsy, position and explore its environment within
motor coordination, and locomotor activity seconds, whereas a cataleptic animal will This work is licensed under a Creative

maintain this externally imposed posture for Commons Attribution NonCommercial 4.0
in our study. These results show that foxtail License (CC BY-NC 4.0).
an extended period of time.6

millet can protect against the motor deficits

(catalepsy) associated with PD and epilepsy. Foxtail Millet (FM) was the first whole ©Copyright: the Author(s), 2022
grain cultivated by humans (Setaria italica Licensee PAGEPress, Italy

L.). Pre-Clinical Research 2022; 4:9554

FM is high in phenolic acids, minerals, doi:10.4081/pcr.2022.9554

Introduction fiber, protein, and other phytonutrients.7 It

has consistently gained popularity, owing to Publisher's note: All claims expressed in this arti-

One of the most common neurodegen- its hypoglycemic, hypolipidemic, and cle are solely those of the authors and do not
erative movement disorders is Parkinson’s necessarily represent those of their affiliated
antioxidant properties.8 Because of their organizations, or those of the publisher, the edi-
Disease (PD). PD is expected to double in low side effects and long history of human

tors and the reviewers. Any product that may be

global prevalence by 2040, surpassing use, natural products derived from the diet evaluated in this article or claim that may be
Alzheimer’s disease as the neurological ail- are known to exhibit a variety of biological made by its manufacturer is not guaranteed or
ment with the fastest rate of growth. PD effects.9 FM extracts exhibited changes in endorsed by the publisher.
manifests itself in several clinical forms GABA10 levels as well as anti-prolifera-
(akinetic, rigid, and tremulous) and causes a tive11 and antioxidant12 activities due to the
variety of symptoms, including the motor presence of polyphenols. So, we hypothe-
triad (tremor, rigidity, and bradykinesia). sized in this study that FM could cause sig- stored in an airtight container.
The progressive death of dopaminergic neu- nificant changes in the motor deficits The FM powder was finely ground and
rons in the Substantia Nigra pars compacta caused by haloperidol. mixed with powdered rat feed in two differ-
(SNc) causes movement dysfunction in PD, ent ratios: low dose (25%w/w) and high
and new research suggests that oxidative dose (50%w/w). The FM powder was
stress is a major trigger for the intricate mixed with rat feed (75% w/w) and (50%
degenerative cascade that underpins Materials and Methods w/w) by adding tap water 33, formed into
dopaminergic neurodegeneration in all pellets, and given to two groups separately
types of PD. When the production of Foxtail millet powder preparation as normal rat feed along with water for 28
Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) exceeds and administration days after disease induction. The method
the removal by endogenous antioxidant The FM was purchased at a local mar- was used in accordance with the protocol
enzymes and molecular chaperones, oxida- ket, ground to a fine powder, sieved, and developed by Ren et al.8

[page 6] [Pre-Clinical Research 2022; 4:9554]


Chemicals Assessment of catalepsy assay by measuring MDA levels in striatal

Sigma-Aldrich, India, supplied the Catalepsy in a single rat was measured tissue homogenate. The lipid peroxidation
haloperidol at a concentration of 1mg/kg. stepwise using a scoring method described assay was used to assess cellular damage
All other necessary chemicals were by Bashkatova et al.15 The rat was placed caused by the end product Malondialdehyde
obtained from commercial suppliers in the on the table in step one. If the animal does (MDA). Ohkawa et al.20 described the
area and were of analytical grade. not move when gently touched on the back method for estimating it.
or pushed. Step 2: The rat’s front paws were
Animals alternately placed on a 3cm height block. A Estimation of reduced glutathione content
Mahaveer Enterprises in Hyderabad, score was assigned if the rat did not correct GSH (mg/g) was determined using the
India, provided male young Wistar albino its posture within 15 seconds. Step 3: Place Ellman21 method.
rats weighing 200-250 g. Under standard the rat’s front paws alternately on a 9 cm
high block. If the rat remained in this pos- Superoxide dismutase (SOD) estimation
laboratory conditions, the animals were
ture for more than 15 seconds, a score for SOD activity was determined using the
housed in polyacrylic cages. The rats were
each paw was added to the step 1 and 2 Kono22 method. The absorbance change
kept on a 12-hour light/12-hour darkness
scores. Thus, the highest score for an animal was measured at 420nm.
cycle, and they were fed water and rat chow
pellets as needed. was 3.5 (cut-off score), which reflects total
Behavioral experiments were conduct- catalepsy. Statistical analysis
ed from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. All experiments All data were expressed in mean and
were carried out in accordance with the Hanging wire test Standard Error of Mean (S.E.M.; n=7), and
guidelines of the “Committee for the The animal’s grip strength was assessed differences were investigated using one-
Purpose of Control and Supervision of using a hanging wire test. A stainless-steel way ANOVA followed by Dunnett’s test.
Experiments on Animals,” wire (90cm length, 3mm diameter) placed **p 0.05 and ***p 0.001 differences were
considered statistically significant.

(Regd.No.516/01/2019/ACPCSEA), New 60cm above the ground soft surface is

Delhi, India, and were approved by the included. The animals were permitted to

Institutional Animal Ethical Committee hang by their forelimbs. The latency to fall
(IAEC), Andhra University,
from the wire was measured, and the cut off
Visakhapatnam. time was recorded.16 FM’s effect on motor activity-relat-

ed behavioral parameters
Experimental design Biochemical assessments Hanging wire test

This study employed a total of 28 ani- Brain tissue homogenate preparation When compared to the normal control
mals. Animals were randomly selected and The animals were put to sleep using group, administration of haloperidol

divided into four groups after one week of urethane anaesthesia (1.3g/kg, i.p.).17 The (1mg/kg, i.p.) for 28 days resulted in a sig-
acclimatization, with each group consisting skull and brain samples were dissected from nificant decrease in time to fall by impeding

of seven animals (n=7). The animals in the the dorsal side of the skull. The cerebellum grip strength (p<0.001). When compared to
control group (I) were fed the standard diet. was removed, and the brains were cleaned the diseased control animals, treatment with

Similarly, the animals in groups II, III, and with chilled normal saline before separating FM at both doses resulted in a significant
IV were given haloperidol to induce the striatum tissues from both cerebral

improvement in the time to fall (p<0.001,

catalepsy. Groups III and IV were fed FM, hemispheres using the Glowinski et al. p<0.001; Table 2).
and the animals’ body weights and food method.18 The striata from both hemi-

intake were recorded daily (Table 1). spheres were collected and homogenized in Catalepsy by block method
The animals were evaluated behavioral- chilled extraction tris buffer (10 mM Tris- When compared to the diseased control

ly at the beginning and end of the study. The HCl, pH 7.4, 0.44 M sucrose, 10 mM animals, haloperidol induced animals had a
study had a total duration of 28 days. After EDTA, and 0.1% BSA) immediately after significant impairment in posture and motor

the behavioral tests, all of the animals were dissection. The homogenates were cen- activity (p 0.001), whereas FM low and
euthanized with urethane anaesthesia, and trifuged for 30 minutes at 4 °C in an ice- high doses exhibited low scores and showed
their brains were quickly dissected and used

cold (pH 7.4) extraction buffer solution. a significant improvement in posture and
for biochemical analysis. Supernatants were used for molecular and motor activity (p<0.001, p<0.001; Table 2).
neurochemical testing.19
Behavioral studies Physical activity
Assessment of locomotor activity Assessment of oxidative stress markers When compared to the normal control
Locomotor activity is defined as the Lipid peroxidation assay group animals, haloperidol administration
movement and motion required to move Cellular injury was assessed in this resulted in a significant decrease in locomo-
from one location to another. The actopho-
tometer was used to measure the locomotor
activity. After 5 minutes on the actopho-
tometer, the basal activity score of each ani-
mal was recorded. The difference in activity Table 1. Experimental Design. Animals were divided into 4 groups, each group consisting
levels before and after FM treatment (motor
of seven animals (n=7).
activity score/5min) was measured.13 Groups Treatment

Assessment of motor co-ordination

I. Control Received normal saline for 28 days
The rota-rod test was used to assess
II. Disease control Rats induced with haloperidol (i.p.) for 28 days
motor coordination and gripping strength, III. Treatment Rats induced with haloperidol+low dose FM (25%)
as described by Hong et al.14 IV. Treatment Rats induced with haloperidol+low dose FM (50%)

[Pre-Clinical Research 2022; 4:9554] [page 7]


tor count (p<0.001). FM treatment at low which is a marker of lipid peroxidation and
and high doses significantly improved the Discussion cellular injury. While the diseased control
decrease in locomotor count (p<0.001 and group had lower levels of the antioxidant
The current study demonstrated the
p<0.001, respectively; Table 2). enzymes SOD and GSH. The antioxidant
anti-oxidative potential of FM in a PD
levels in the fox tail millet-treated groups
model induced by haloperidol. Haloperidol
Rota rod test were significantly higher. The findings sug-
has been shown in studies to reproduce a
The rotarod test assesses rodent motor gest that foxtail millet may have antioxidant
wide range of behavioral and biochemical properties.
coordination. When compared to the normal alterations similar to those seen in PD.3
control group animals, haloperidol induc- While oxidative stress is linked to neu-
Haloperidol, a D2 receptor antagonist used ronal death. ROS accumulation caused by
tion reduced the time to fall (p<0.001). to treat agitation and aggression in the acute cellular redox imbalance causes neuronal
When compared to the diseased control ani- phase of schizophrenia, can cause injury. ROS accumulation can cause oxida-
mals, the treatment groups showed signifi- extrapyramidal side effects such as akinesia tive damage to lipids, proteins, DNA, and
cant improvement in motor coordination and rigidity of movement.23 Catalepsy, a RNA, impairing neuronal function and
and increased the time taken to fall (p<0.05, bradykinetic and rigidity behavioral condi- structural integrity,25 depending on the sub-
p<0.001; Table 1). tion in which the animal is unable to correct cellular location of ROS synthesis.
externally imposed postures, can be caused Importantly, evidence from earlystage
Biochemical assessments by haloperidol in rodents. Haloperidol PD patients revealed that elevated oxidative
Assay for lipid peroxidation induction also blocks nigrostriatal D2 stress is a critical feature of the early disease
Lipid peroxidation was significantly dopaminergic receptors, so it is frequently stages, preceding major neuron loss.26 This
increased in the striatum (p<0.001) of dis- used as an animal model for the study of implicates uncontrolled ROS production as
eased animals and significantly decreased motor impairments and the screening of a potential cause of dopaminergic neurode-
anti-parkinsonian agents.24

in the FM treated group animals (p<0.001, generation rather than a secondary response
p<0.001; Table 3). Catalepsy is a prominent feature of PD; to progressive neurodegeneration.27

when compared to normal control group Previous research has found that FM
animals, the administration of haloperidol has powerful anti-oxidative properties, as
SOD assay
resulted in significant behavioral changes in well as changes in neurotransmitter lev-
SOD activity was significantly reduced

motor performance tests such as hanging els.10,27 FM consumption significantly

in the striatum (p<0.05) when compared to
wire, locomotor activity, rotarod test, and reduced kidney tissue damage in a diabetic
the control group. FM treatment resulted in
block method for catalepsy. When com-

mouse model by restoring pro-inflammato-

a significant increase in SOD levels in both pared to disease control animals, treatment ry characteristics, according to a recent
groups (p<0.05, p<0.05; Table 3).

with foxtail millet powder significantly study by Liu and colleagues.28 Cooked FM
improved motor dysfunctions in all behav- consumption increased the expression of

GSH estimation ioral tests. glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor (GLP-1R)

Enzymatic antioxidant levels of GSH Increased oxidative stress and mito- and phosphoinositide-protein kinase B (p-

were significantly reduced after haloperidol chondrial dysfunction have been linked to AKT/AKT) levels in a diabetic mouse
administration (p<0.001), but significantly PD, as has nigrostriatal pathway degenera- model, whereas raw FM consumption

increased in a dose-dependent manner after tion. So, in this study, we looked at oxida- decreased the expression of stearoyl-coen-
FM powder treatment in both groups tive stress markers like MDA, SOD, and zyme A desaturase 1 (SCD1) levels.29 In

(p<0.05, p<0.05; Table 3). GSH. When comparing diseased control physiological conditions, SCD 1 activates
animals to normal control animals, we protein kinase B (Akt), which is involved in

found a significant increase in MDA levels, cell proliferation, apoptosis, and glucose

Table 2. Effect of FM on various behavioural parameters on haloperidol-induced catalepsy in rats.

Groups Hanging wire test Catalepsy block method Locomotor activity Rota-rod test
Time (sec) Fall of time (score) (counts) Time (sec)
Normal Control 111±5.64 0±0.00 362.85±14.42 110.57±4.74
Disease Control 31.83±8.29*** 1.92±0.16 117.5±11.62*** 39.28±6.81***
FM (25%) + Haloperidol 51.85±12.34*** 1.5±0.21*** 250±18.80*** 76.0±8.31**
FM (50%) + Haloperidol 71.28±9.20*** 1.08±0.20*** 315.57±13.30*** 94.71±9.71***
Values were expressed as mean ± SEM (n=7). All the data were analysed by one-way ANOVA followed by Dunnet’s test and significant change was reported at p<0.05, ***. **indicate p<0.001, p<0.05.

Table 3. Effect of FM on various oxidative stress parameters on haloperidol-induced catalepsy in rats.

Groups SOD (U/g) MDA (nmol/mg) GSH (nmol/mg)
Normal Control 4.71±0.21 1.11±0.09 7.53±0.41
Disease Control 3.26±0.19** 2.37±0.10*** 3.71±0.23***
FM (25%) + Haloperidol 3.43±0.20** 1.81±0.08*** 3.54±0.29**
FM (50%) + Haloperidol 3.88±0.22** 1.43±0.14*** 4.43±0.30**
Values were expressed as mean ± SEM (n=7). All the data were analysed by one-way ANOVA followed by Dunnet’s test and significant change was reported at p<0.05, *** indicate p<0.001, ** p<0.05.

[page 8] [Pre-Clinical Research 2022; 4:9554]


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