ISO 16484-5-2017 Amd1-2020

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STANDARD 16484-5
Sixth edition

Building automation and control

systems (BACS) —
Part 5:
Data communication protocol
Systèmes d'automatisation et de gestion technique du bâtiment —
Partie 5: Protocole de communication de données

Reference number
ISO 16484-5:2017/Amd.1:2020(E)

© ISO 2020
ISO 16484-5:2017/Amd.1:2020(E)


© ISO 2020
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ii © ISO 2020 – All rights reserved
ISO 1 6484-5 : 2 0 1 7/Amd.1 : 2 02 0(E)


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ISO 1 6484-5 : 2 0 17/Amd.1 : 2 02 0(E)

(This fo rewo rd is no t p art o f the standard. It is merely info rmative and do es no t co ntain requirements nec essary fo r

co nfo rmanc e to the standard. )


The purpo se o f this addendum is to add several indep endent sub stantive changes to the B ACnet standard. The changes

are summarized b elo w.

1 3 5 -2 0 1 6 b d-1 . Add S taging Ob j ect Typ e.

1 3 5 -2 0 1 6 b e- 1 . Add Lighting B IB B S and D evice Pro files.

1 3 5 -2 0 1 6 b i - 1 . Add Audit Rep o rting.

1 3 5 -2 0 1 6 b i - 2 . Change D evic eCo mmunicaito nCo ntro lS ervic e fo r Audit Rep o rting.

1 3 5 -2 0 1 6 b i - 3 . Mo dify Logging O b j ects to Allo w fo r Extremely Large Lo gs.

1 3 5 -2 0 1 6 b k - 1 . Exp and the reserved range o f B ACnetPro p ertyIdentifier.

1 3 5 -2 0 1 6 b l - 1 . Clarify Result(- ) resp onse fo r failed WritePro p ertyMultip le requests.

1 3 5 -2 0 1 6 b l - 2 . Clarify ReadPro p ertyMultip le resp o nse on O PTIO NAL when emp ty.

1 3 5 -2 0 1 6 b l - 3 . Clarify O ut_Of_S ervic e.

1 3 5 -2 0 1 6 b m-1 . Reduce allo wed range fo r Usage Timeo ut.

1 3 5 -2 0 1 6 b m-2 . S p ecify design cho ices for MS /TP devices.

1 2 5 -2 0 1 6 b m-3 . Handle unwanted MS /TP frames in ID LE state.

1 3 5 -2 0 1 6 b n-1 . Make S CHED B IB B s co nsistent o n sup p o rted datatyp es, and add B O O LEAN.

1 3 5 -2 0 1 6 b n-2 . Clarify CO V and CO VP related B IB B s.

1 3 5 -2 0 1 6 b n-3 . Clo ck is required fo r sup p ort o f AE- ACK- A.

1 3 5 -2 0 1 6 b p -1 . Make rules for PO S T co nsistent with rules fo r PUT.

1 3 5 -2 0 1 6 b p -2 . Make 'typ e' c o nsistent at all levels and intro duc e 'effectiveTyp e'.

1 3 5 -2 0 1 6 b p -3 . F ully sp ecify the b ehavio r of " includes" .

1 3 5 -2 0 1 6 b p -4 . Remo ve the p ath syntax fro m the 'select' query p arameter.

1 3 5 -2 0 1 6 b p -5 . Reso lve c o nflicting statements ab o ut configuring external autho rizatio n servers.

1 3 5 -2 0 1 6 b p -6 . Remo ve inco rrect tab le fo r c allb ack formats.

1 3 5 -2 0 1 6 b p -7 . Allo w p lain text PO S Ts fo r p rimitive data.

1 3 5 -2 0 1 6 b p -8 . Allo w extended error numb ers.

1 3 5 -2 0 1 6 b p -9 . Add new erro r numb ers.

1 3 5 -2 0 1 6 b p -1 0 . Add fo rmal definitio n for JS O N equivalent to XML's <CS ML>.

1 3 5 -2 0 1 6 b p -1 1 . S p ecify 'name' safety c heck fo r setting data.

1 3 5 -2 0 1 6 b p -1 2 . S p ecify ho w to evaluate relative p aths fo r co llec tio ns o f links.

1 3 5 -2 0 1 6 b p -1 3 . Allo w p rop rietary catego ries fo r the 'metadata' query.

1 3 5 -2 0 1 6 b q-1 . F ix the Ab sentee_Limit p rop erty of the Access Credential o b j ect typ e.

1 3 5 -2 0 1 6 b q-2 . Ensure that the denied o r granted ac cess event is generated last.

In the fo llo wing do cument, language to be added to existing c lauses o f EN IS O 1 6484-5 and Addenda is indic ated

thro ugh the use o f italics , while deletio ns are indicated b y strikethro ugh. Where entirely new sub clauses are p ro p o sed to

b e added, p lain typ e is used thro ugho ut.

The use o f p laceho lders like X, Y, Z, X1 , X2 , etc . , sho uld no t b e interpreted as literal values o f the final standard. These

p lac eho lders will be assigned actual numb ers/letters o nly with inco rp o ration o f this addendum into the standard fo r

rep ub lic atio n.

iv © ISO 2020 – All rights reserved

ISO 1 6484-5 : 2 0 1 7/Amd.1 : 2 02 0(E)

Building automation and control systems (BACS) —

Part 5:
Data communication protocol

135-2016bd-1 Add a Staging Object Type
Ratio nale

The S taging o b j ec t typ e pro vides a way fo r B ACnet devices to map analo g values o nto multip le B inary Value, B inary

O utp ut, o r B inary Lighting O utp ut o b j ects.

A co mmon use case is in lighting app licatio ns, where a level, identified by a numeric value, sets the app rop riate values of

multip le b inary o utputs (o n o r o ff) .

S up p o rt o f this new ob j ect type is excluded fro m all data sharing B IB B s fo r life safety and ac cess c o ntro l.

[ Insert new Clause 12.X ]

12.X Staging Object Type

The S taging o b j ect typ e defines a standardized o b j ec t who se p ro p erties rep resent the externally visib le c haracteristic s o f a

staged value. A " S taging" map s a numeric value onto multip le disc rete ranges that define individual “stages” ( Nstages ).

Each S taging ob j ect is asso ciated with a co llec tio n of references to b inary valued o b j ec ts ( Nreferences ) . Each S taging o b j ect

may therefo re contro l B inary O utp ut, B inary Value, o r B inary Lighting O utp ut o b j ects. Every stage sp ecifies an arb itrary

co mb inatio n of ACTIVE/INACTIVE values to be written to these referenced ob j ects. S tages are defined by a limit, a

deadb and, and the co llec tio n of values fo r the referenc ed o b j ects.

Figure 1 2-X sho ws a typ ical S taging o b j ect ap p licatio n with fo ur stages ( Nstages =4 ) and two referenced b inary o b j ects

( Nreferences = 2).

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ISO 1 6484-5 : 2 0 17/Amd.1 : 2 02 0(E)

Bit cleared -> INACTIVE

Bit set -> ACTIVE

Max_Pres_value = Stages[4].Limit
Stages[4].Values =
Stage 4

Stage 33 Stages[3].Values =
Stage 22 Stages[2].Values =

Stages[1 ].Limit
Stage 11 Stages[1 ].Values =

Target_References[1 ]={Device 2222, Binary Output 5}

Target_References[2]={Device 3333, Binary Output 27}

Figure 12-X. Typ ical S taging Ap p licatio n ( Nstages =4 , Nreferences = 2)

Present_Value Present_Value > (Stages[2].Limit + Stages[2].Deadband)

 Present_Stage = 3
Stages[2].Deadband Stage 3


Stage 2
Present_Value < (Stages[2].Limit - Stages[2].Deadband)
 Present_Stage = 2

Present_Stage: 2 3 2 3 2

Figure 12-X2. S tage Limits inc o rp o rate hysteresis thro ugh the use o f a D eadb and around eac h Limit

S tages are defined by limits with a symmetrical deadb and. A deadb and greater than zero is used to p revent unwanted

o scillatio n when the Present_Value is clo se to a limit. As the Present_Value increases, if it rises ab o ve the limit fo r a

stage p lus the deadb and fo r that stage, the Present_S tage transitio ns to that stage+1 . S imilarly, as the Present_Value

decreases, it must fall b elo w the limit fo r a stage minus the deadb and for that stage b efore Present_S tage transitio ns to

that stage. The deadb and is allo wed to b e zero (0 . 0) .

2 © ISO 2020 – All rights reserved

ISO 1 6484-5 : 2 0 1 7/Amd.1 : 2 02 0(E)

Write 1 8.0
1 8.0 Stages
Read Limit Deadband Values

[4] 40.0 1 .0 01 1 1 1 1
1 8.0 is in Stage 2 [3] 30.0 1 .0 01 1 000
2) [2] 20.0 1 .0 1 1 1 000
Present_Stage [1 ] 1 0.0 1 .0 1 00000

Target_References Values Bit Binary PV to Write

[1 ] Device 7, Binary Output, 62 Bit(0) = 1 ACTIVE

[2] Device 28, Binary Output, 47 Bit(1 ) = 1 ACTIVE
[3] Device 1 7, Binary Output, 49 Bit(2) = 1 ACTIVE
[4] Device 6, Binary Output, 1 1 6 Bit(3) = 0 INACTIVE
[5] (local), Binary Output, 6 Bit(4) = 0 INACTIVE Priority_For_Writing
[6] Device 1 1 2, Binary Output, 7 Bit(5) = 0 INACTIVE 8

To: Object Identifier Property Identifier Property Value Priority

3) Device 7 WriteProperty Binary Output, 62 Present_Value ACTIVE 8
Device 28 WriteProperty Binary Output, 47 Present_Value ACTIVE 8
WriteProperty Device 1 7 WriteProperty Binary Output, 49 Present_Value ACTIVE 8
Requests Device 6 WriteProperty Binary Output, 1 1 6 Present_Value INACTIVE 8
(local) (WriteProperty) Binary Output, 6 Present_Value INACTIVE 8
Device 1 1 2 WriteProperty Binary Output, 7 Present_Value INACTIVE 8

Figure 12-X3. Pip eline o f o p eratio ns when Present_Value is written

S taging o b j ects may op tio nally sup p ort intrinsic rep orting to fac ilitate the rep orting of fault co nditio ns. S taging o b j ec ts

that sup p o rt intrinsic rep orting shall ap p ly the NO NE event algo rithm.

The o b j ect and its p rop erties are summarized in Table 1 2 - X and describ ed in detail in this clause.

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ISO 1 6484-5 : 2 0 17/Amd.1 : 2 02 0(E)

Table 12-X. Pro p erties o f the S taging O b j ect Typ e

Pro p erty Identifier Pro p erty D atatyp e Co nfo rmance Co de

O b j ect_Identifier B ACnetO b j ec tIdentifier R

O b j ect_Name CharacterS tring R

O b j ect_Typ e B ACnetO b j ec tTyp e R

Present_Value REAL W

Present_S tage Unsigned R

S tages B ACnetARRAY[ N] o f B ACnetS tageLimitValue R

S tage_Names B ACnetARRAY[ N] o f CharacterS tring O

S tatus_F lags B ACnetS tatusFlag s R

Event_S tate B ACnetEventS tate R

Reliab ility B ACnetReliab ility R

O ut_O f_S ervic e B O O LEAN R

D esc rip tio n CharacterS tring O

Units B ACnetEngineeringUnits R

Target_References B ACnetARRAY[ N] o f B ACnetD evic eO b j ectReference R

Prio rity_F o r_Writing Unsigned(1 . . 1 6 ) R

D efault_Present_Value REAL O

Min_Pres_Value REAL R

Max_Pres_Value REAL R

CO V_Increment REAL O

4, 5
No tificatio n_Class Unsigned O

4, 5
Event_Enab le B ACnetEventTransitio nB its O

4, 5
Acked_Transitio ns B ACnetEventTransitio nB its O

4, 5
No tify_Type B ACnetNo tifyTyp e O

4, 5
Event_Time_S tamp s B ACnetARRAY[ 3 ] o f B ACnetTimeS tamp O

Event_Message_Texts B ACnetARRAY[ 3 ] o f CharacterS tring O

Event_Message_Texts_Co nfig B ACnetARRAY[ 3 ] o f CharacterS tring O

4, 5
Event_D etectio n_Enab le B O O LEAN O

Reliab ility_Evaluatio n_Inhib it B O O LEAN O

Pro p erty_List B ACnetARRAY[ N] o f B ACnetPro p ertyIdentifier R

7, 8, 9
Value_S o urc e B ACnetValueS o urce O

Tags B ACnetARRAY[ N] o f B ACnetNameValue O

Pro file_Lo catio n CharacterS tring O

Pro file_Name CharacterS tring O

The array size o f this p ro p erty is Nstages .

The array size o f this p ro p erty is Nreferences .

This p ro p erty is required if the o b j ect supp o rts CO V rep o rting.

These pro p erties are required if the ob j ect sup po rts intrinsic rep o rting.

These pro p erties shall b e p resent o nly if the o b j ect supp o rts intrinsic rep o rting.

This p ro p erty, if present, is required to b e read- only.

This p ro p erty is required if the o b j ect sup po rts the value sourc e mechanism.

This p ro p erty shall b e present o nly if the o b j ect supp o rts the value so urce mechanism.

This p ro p erty shall b e writab le as describ ed in Clause 1 9 . 5 .

12.X .1 Object_Identifier
This p rop erty, o f typ e B ACnetO b j ectIdentifier, is a numeric co de that is used to identify the o b j e ct. It shall be unique

within the B ACnet devic e that maintains it.

12.X .2 Object_Name
This p rop erty, o f typ e Charac terS tring, shall rep resent a name fo r the ob j ec t that is unique within the B ACnet device that

maintains it. The minimum length o f the string shall be o ne character. The set o f characters used in the O b j ect_Name

shall b e restricted to p rintab le charac ters.

4 © ISO 2020 – All rights reserved

ISO 1 6484-5 : 2 0 1 7/Amd.1 : 2 02 0(E)

12.X .3 Object_Type
This p rop erty, o f typ e B ACnetO b j ectTyp e, indic ates memb ership in a p articular o b j ect typ e class. The value o f this

p ro p erty shall b e S TAGING.

12.X .4 Present_Value
This p ro p erty, of typ e REAL, indic ates the current value, in engineering units, o f the S taging o b j ect. If Present_Value is

written with a value less than Min_Pres_Value, then it shall b e clamp ed to Min_Pres_Value. If Present_Value is written

with a value greater than Max_Pres_Value, then it shall b e clamp ed to Max_Pres_Value.

Whenever Present_Value is changed, the new value shall be co mp ared with the 'Limit' values fo r the entire S tages array

using the fo llo wing algo rithm:

ops = current Pres ent_Stage

npv = new Present_Value

/ / check if value s hould remain in the current stage

I f ( ops ! = 0 ) then
upperBound = Stages[ ops] . Limit + Stages [ ops] . Deadband
if ( ops > 1 ) then
lowerBound = Stages [ ops-1 ] . Limit - Stages[ ops -1 ] . Deadband
lowerBound = Min_Pres_Value
if ( npv <= upperBound AND npv >= lowerBound) then
Present_Value = npv
exit algorithm / / no change to current s tage, stop algorithm

/ / calculate the new s tage

Present_Stage = Nstages
for ( i=1 to Ns tages -1 , step +1 )
if npv <= ( Stages[ i] . Limit) then
Pres ent_Stage = i
exit for / / found the correct stage, stop iteration
next i

Present_Value = npv

Figure 12-X4. Pseudo co de Algo rithm fo r Evaluating Present_Value and Present_S tage

12.X.4.1 Writing to Referenced Objects

Changes to Present_S tage shall cause a write o f ACTIVE or INACTIVE to the co rresp o nding ob j ec t’ s Present_Value fo r

each Target_Referenc es array element. For each b it (Index = 0 to Nreferences -1 ) in the S tages[ Present_S tage] . Values

b itstring, if the b it is set (1 ) , an ACTIVE value shall b e written, o r if clear (0 ), then an INACTIVE value shall b e writte n

to the Target_Referenc es[ Index +1 ] o b j ect's Present_Value.

Writes to Present_Value that sub sequently trigger writing to referenced o b j ects due to reevaluatio n o f Present_S tage, are

no t exp ected to wait until the referenc e writes o ccur befo re returning a Result(+) or Result(- ) fo r the write to

Present_Value. S ub sequently if any write to a referenced o b j ect fails, Reliab ility shall be changed to

CO MMUNI CATIO N_F AILURE. The CO MMUNIC ATIO N_FAILURE shall remain in effect until all referenc e writes

have b een co mp leted suc cessfully. Ho w a p artic ular imp lementatio n handles o ther failures during writing to referenc ed

o b j ects shall b e a lo c al matter excep t that Reliab ility shall indicate a value o ther than NO _F AULT_D ETECTED .

The o rder of evaluation o f referenc es and any referenc ed o bj ect write delay shall b e a lo cal matter.

© ISO 2020 – All rights reserved 5

ISO 1 6484-5 : 2 0 17/Amd.1 : 2 02 0(E)

12.X.5 Present_Stage

This p rop erty, o f typ e Unsigned, shall indicate the array index (1 to N stages ) that co rrespo nds to the c urrent ac tive stage or

0 meaning that the Present_S tage has no t yet b een initialized. Up on devic e restart, o r when the S tages pro p erty is written

to any o f its elements, or the size o f the S tages array changes, Present_S tage shall be set to 0 temp o rarily and then

Present_Value shall b e reevaluated as describ ed in Clause 1 2 . X. 4 . 1 .

Attemp ts to read Present_S tage when it is internally set to 0 shall return a Result(- ) with an 'Erro r Class ' o f PRO PERTY

and an 'Erro r Co de' o f VALUE_NO T_INITIALIZED .

12.X.6 Stages

This p ro p erty, of typ e B ACnetARRAY[ N] o f B ACnetS tageLimitValue, is an array rep resenting the stages by limit,

desired p resent values fo r the o b j ec ts referenced by Target_References, and deadb and. The size o f the array is N stages ,
where Nstages shall b e greater than 1 . B ACnetS tageLimitValue is a tup le co nsisting of the fo llo wing fields:

Limit REAL


D eadband REAL

The 'Limit' values fo r all elements shall b e strictly ascending, such that:

for I ndex=1 to Ns tages-1

lowerbound = ( Stages [ I ndex] . Limit + Stages [ I ndex] . Deadband)
upperbound = ( Stages [ I ndex+1 ] . Limit - Stages [ I ndex+1 ] . Deadband)
lowerbound <= upperbound

If any of the stages do no t meet this criterion, then the Reliab ility p rop erty shall have a value of


The b its in 'Values ' co rresp o nd to references in the Target_Referenc es array, suc h that b it (Index = 0 to N references - 1)

co rresp o nds to Target_References[ Index + 1 ] , etc . The length o f the 'Values ' b itstring shall b e N references b its.

The 'D eadb and' shall be zero or p o sitive. A negative value fo r 'D eadb and' shall cause the value o f Reliab ility to be


If the size o f the S tages array is increased, then the new array elements, fo r which no initial value is p rovided, shall be

initialized to co ntain 'Limit' = 0. 0, 'D eadb and' = 0. 0, and 'Values' = { 0… 0} , and the value o f Reliab ility shall be set to


If the size of the S tages array is less than 2, then the Reliab ility p ro p erty shall have a value of


If Reliab ility has the value CO NF IGURATIO N_ERRO R, then Present_Value shall be set to Min_Pres_Value and

Present_S tage to 1 .

If S tages[ Nstages] . Limit b ec o mes smaller than Present_Value, then Present_Value shall b e set to S tages[ Nstages] . Limit.

If the S tages p ro p erty is written, the value o f Present_S tage shall b e reevaluated and co rresp o nding writes o f new values

to Target_Referenc es’ o b j ects shall b e triggered.

If the size o f this array is changed, the size of the S tage_Names array shall also b e c hanged to the same size.

12.X.7 Stage_Names

This p ro p erty, o f typ e B ACnetARRAY[ N] o f CharacterS tring, is an array representing a name fo r eac h stage. The

numb er o f array elements in S tage_Names shall be the same as the numb er of array elements in the S tages p ro p erty.

S tage_Names[ 1 ] shall c orrespo nd to the name for Present_S tage=1 . S tage_Names[ 2 ] shall co rresp ond to the name for

Present_S tage=2 , etc .

6 © ISO 2020 – All rights reserved

ISO 1 6484-5 : 2 0 1 7/Amd.1 : 2 02 0(E)

If the size o f this array is changed, the size o f the S tages array shall also be c hanged to the same size. If the size of

S tage_Names is increased, then it shall b e a lo cal matter what the uninitialized array elements co ntain.

12.X.8 Status_Flags
This p ro p erty, of typ e B ACnetS tatusF lag s, rep resents fo ur B o o lean flags that indicate the general " health" o f a S taging

o b j ec t. Three o f the flags are asso ciated with the values o f o ther p rop erties o f this o b j ect. A mo re detailed status co uld b e

determined by reading the pro p erties that are linked to these flags. The relatio nship between individual flags is not

defined b y the p ro to co l. The fo ur flags are



IN_ALARM Lo gical FALS E (0 ) if the Event_S tate p ro p erty has a value o f NO RMAL, o therwise lo gical

TRUE (1 ) .

F AULT Lo gical TRUE (1 ) if the Reliab ility p ro p erty do es no t have a value of

NO _F AULT_D ETECTED , o therwise lo gical F ALS E (0 ) .

O VERRID D EN Always lo gic al F ALS E (0 ) .

O UT_O F _S ERVI CE Lo gical TRUE (1 ) if the Out_O f_S ervice p rop erty has a value o f TRUE, o therwise lo gical

F ALS E(0 ) .

If the o b j ec t supp o rts event rep o rting, then this p ro p erty shall be the p S tatusFlags p arameter fo r the o b j ect's event

algo rithm. S ee Clause 1 3 . 3 for event algorithm p arameter descrip tio ns.

12.X.9 Event_State
The Event_S tate p rop erty, o f typ e B ACnetEventS tate, is included in o rder to p ro vide a way to determine whether this

o b j ect has an ac tive event state asso ciated with it (see Clause 1 3 . 2. 2 . 1 ) . If the o b j ect sup p o rts event repo rting, then the

Event_S tate p ro p erty shall indicate the event state o f the ob j ect. If the o b j ect do es no t sup p ort event repo rting, then the

value o f this p ro p erty shall b e NO RMAL.

12.X.10 Reliability
The Reliab ility p ro p erty, of typ e B ACnetReliab ility, p ro vides an indication that the p rop erties o f the S taging o b j ect are in

a co nsistent state and that Target_References are b eing reliab ly written. S ee Clauses 1 2 . X. 4 . 1 , 1 2 . X. 6 , and 1 2 . X. 1 7 .

Tab le 1 2 - X2 summarizes scenario s when Reliab ility has a value o ther than NO _FAULT_D ETECTED .

Table 12-X2. Reliab ility S c enario s

S cenario Reliab ility Value S ee Clause

Co mmunic atio n erro r when writing CO MMUNI CATIO N_F AILURE 1 2 . X. 4 . 1

No n- co mmunicatio n- related failure when writing Lo cal Matter 1 2 . X. 4 . 1

'Limit' values o ut o f o rder CO NFIGURATIO N_ERRO R 1 2 . X. 6

'D eadb and' is negative CO NFIGURATIO N_ERRO R 1 2 . X. 6

S tages array size is increased CO NFIGURATIO N_ERRO R 1 2 . X. 6

Min_Pres_Value is >=
(S tages[ 1 ] . Limit - S tages[ 1 ] . Deadb and)

12.X.11 Out_Of_Service
The O ut_O f_S ervice pro p erty, o f typ e B O O LEAN, is an indic atio n whether (TRUE) or no t (F ALS E) the Present_Value

p ro p erty is co ntro llab le b y software lo cal to the B ACnet device.

When O ut_O f_S ervice is TRUE:

a) changes to the Present_Value p rop erty are deco up led from the Target_References. This means that the

o b j ects referenc ed b y Target_Referenc es shall no t b e up dated;

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ISO 1 6484-5 : 2 0 17/Amd.1 : 2 02 0(E)

b) the Present_Value p ro p erty and the Reliab ility p ro p erty, if c ap ab le of taking on values o ther than

NO _F AULT_D ETECTED , shall b e writab le to allo w simulating sp ecific c o nditions o r fo r testing p urp o ses;

c) o ther functions that dep end on the state of the Present_Value or Reliab ility p rop erties shall resp o nd to

c hanges made to these p ro p erties, as if tho se changes had o ccurred while the o b j ec t was in servic e;

Restrictions on writing to the Present_Value property by software local to the B ACnet device do not apply to local human-

machine interfaces.

When O ut_O f_S ervice b ec o mes FALS E, it shall trigger up dating o f referenced ob j ects as describ ed in Clause 1 2 . X. 4 . 1 .

12.X.12 Description
This p ro perty, of typ e Charac terS tring, is a string o f p rintab le c haracters who se c ontent is no t restric ted.

12.X.13 Units
This p rop erty, of typ e B ACnetEngineeringUnits, indic ates the measurement units of this o b j ect. S ee the

B ACnetEngineeringUnits AS N. 1 p roductio n in Clause 2 1 fo r a list o f engineering units defined by this standard.

12.X.14 Target_References
This p ro perty, of typ e B ACnetARRAY[ N] o f B ACnetD evic eO b j ectReference, is an array rep resenting references to

B inary Outp ut, B inary Value, or B inary Lighting Outp ut o b j ects. The size of the array is Nreferences . The

Target_References array elements [ Index = 1 to Nreferences ] shall co rresp o nd to the b it(Index - 1 ) o f all 'Values ' b itstrings

o f the S tages p ro p erty.

If the p rop erty is restricted to referencing o b j ects within the c o ntaining devic e, an attemp t to write to a reference to an

o b j ect o utside the co ntaining devic e into this p rop erty shall cause a Result(- ) to be returned with an erro r class of

PRO PERTY and an erro r c ode of O PTIO NAL_F UNCTIO NALITY_NO T_S UPPO RTED . Uninitialize d

Target_References array elements shall be given the instanc e number 41 9 43 0 3 . A Target_References array element

who se instance numb er is equal to 4 1 9 4 3 03 shall b e co nsidered uninitialized and shall b e igno red in all o p eratio ns that

may use that referenc e.

If the size o f this array is changed, the size o f the 'Values ' b itstrings o f the S tages p ro p erty shall also b e c hanged to the

same size. If the b itstring length is inc reased, added b its shall b e cleared (0 ) .

12.X.15 Priority_For_Writing
This p ro p erty defines the prio rity at which the referenced p rop erties are co mmanded. It co rresp onds to the 'Prio rity'

p arameter o f the WritePro p erty servic e. It is an unsigned integer in the range 1 - 1 6 , with 1 b eing considered the highest

p rio rity and 1 6 the lo west. S ee Clause 1 9 . 2 .

12.X.16 Default_Present_Value
This o p tio nal p rop erty, o f type REAL, defines the value to b e used fo r Present_Value upo n device restart. Upo n restart

D efault_Present_Value shall be co p ied to Present_Value and c ause the reevaluation o f Present_Value as describ ed in

Clause 1 2 . X. 4 .

12.X.17 Min_Pres_Value
This p ro p erty, of typ e REAL, rep resents the minimum value fo r Present_Value. Min_Pres_Value shall always b e strictly

less than the quantity (S tages[1 ] . Limit - S tages[ 1 ] . D eadb and) .

If a change to Min_Pres_Value, S tages[ 1 ] . Limit, or S tages[ 1 ] . D eadb and vio lates this rule, then the Reliab ility p rop erty

shall have a value of CO NFIGURATIO N_ERRO R. If a change to Min_Pres_Value causes it to be greater than

Present_Value, then Present_Value shall b e written with Min_Pres_Value.

12.X.18 Max_Pres_Value
This read- o nly pro p erty, o f typ e REAL, rep resents the maximum value fo r Present_Value. This value shall b e defined as

the ‘ Limit’ o f the last entry o f the S tages p ro p erty array (i. e. , S tages[ Nstages ] . Limit) .

If the size o f the S tages array is zero , then Max_Pres_Value shall b e equal to Min_Pres_Value.

12.X.19 COV_Increment
This p ro p erty, o f typ e REAL, shall sp ecify the minimum change in Present_Value that will c ause a CO V no tific atio n to

b e issued to sub sc rib er CO V- clients. This p ro p erty is required if CO V rep orting is sup p o rted b y this ob j ec t.

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12.X.20 Notification_Class
This p ro perty, o f typ e Unsigned, shall sp ec ify the instance o f the No tific atio n Class o b j ect to use fo r event-no tification-

distrib utio n.

12.X.21 Event_Enable
This p ro p erty, of typ e B ACnetEventTransitio nB its, shall c o nvey three flags that sep arately enab le and disab le the

distrib utio n of TO _O F FNO RMAL, TO _F AULT, and TO_NO RMAL no tificatio ns (see Clause 1 3 . 2 . 5 ). A device is

allo wed to restrict the set o f sup p o rted values for this p rop erty b ut shall sup po rt (T, T, T) at a minimum.

12.X.22 Acked_Transitions
This read- o nly p rop erty, of typ e B ACnetEventTransitio nB its, shall co nvey three flags that sep arately indicate the

ackno wledgment state for TO _O FF NO RMAL, TO _F AULT, and TO _NO RMAL events (see Clause 1 3 . 2 . 2. 1 . 5 ) . Each

flag shall have the value TRUE if no event of that typ e has ever o ccurred fo r the o b j ect.

12.X.23 Notify_Type
This p rop erty, o f typ e B ACnetNo tifyTyp e, shall co nvey whether the no tifications generated by the o b j ect sho uld be

Events or Alarms. The value of the p ro p erty is used as the value of the 'No tify Typ e' service p arameter in event

no tific atio ns generated b y the o b j ec t.

12.X.24 Event_Time_Stamps
This read- o nly p ro p erty, of typ e B ACnetARRAY[ 3 ] of B ACnetTimeS tamp , shall co nvey the times of the last

TO _O FF NO RMAL, TO _F AULT, and TO _NO RMAL events (see Clause 1 3 . 2. 2 . 1 ) . Timestamp s o f typ e Time or Date

shall have X'F F ' in eac h o ctet, and S equence Numb er timestamp s shall have the value 0 if no event o f that typ e has ever

o cc urred for the ob j ect.

12.X.25 Event_Message_Texts
This read- only p rop erty, o f typ e B ACnetARRAY[ 3 ] o f CharacterS tring, shall co nvey the message text values of the last

TO _O F FNO RMAL, TO _F AULT, and TO _NO RMAL events (see Clause 1 3 . 2 . 2 . 1 ). If a p articular typ e o f event has yet

to o c cur, an emp ty string shall b e sto red in the resp ec tive array element.

12.X.26 Event_Message_Texts_Config
This p rop erty, o f typ e B ACnetARRAY[ 3 ] o f Charac terS tring, co ntains the c harac ter strings which are the b asis fo r the

'Me ssage Text' p arameter fo r the event no tificatio ns of TO _O F F NO RMAL, TO _FAULT, and TO _NO RMAL events,

resp ectively, generated by this o b j ec t. The charac ter strings may o p tionally co ntain p ro p rietary text sub stitutio n co des to

inco rp orate dynamic info rmatio n such as date and time o r o ther info rmatio n.

12.X.27 Event_Detection_Enable
This p ro p erty, o f typ e B O O LEAN, indicates whether (TRUE) o r no t (F ALS E) intrinsic rep o rting is enab led in the o b j ect

and contro ls whether (TRUE) o r no t (F ALS E) the o b j ec t will b e co nsidered b y event summarizatio n services.

This p ro p erty is exp ected to be set during system configuratio n and is no t exp ected to c hange dynamically.

When this p ro p erty is FALS E, Event_S tate shall be NO RMAL, and the p ro p erties Acked_Transitio ns,

Event_Time_S tamp s, and Event_Message_Texts shall b e equal to their resp ective initial co nditio ns.

12.X.28 Reliability_Evaluation_Inhibit
This p rop erty, o f typ e B O O LEAN, indic ates whether (TRUE) or no t (F ALS E) reliab ility- evaluatio n is disab led in the

o b j ec t. This p ro p erty is a runtime o verride that allo ws temp orary disab ling o f reliab ility- evaluatio n.

When reliab ility- evaluation is disab led, the Reliab ility p rop erty shall have the value NO _F AULT_D ETECTED unless

O ut_O f_S ervice is TRUE and an alternate value has b een written to the Reliab ility p ro p erty.

12.X.29 Property_List
This read-o nly p ro p erty is a B ACnetARRAY o f p rop erty identifiers, o ne pro p erty identifier for each pro p erty that exists

within the o b j ect. The O b j ect_Name, O b j ect_Typ e, O b j ect_Identifier, and Pro p erty_List p ro p erties are no t included in

the list.

12.X.30 Value_Source
This p rop erty, o f typ e B ACnetValueS o urce, indicates the so urce of the value o f the Present_Value. The Value_S o urce

p ro p erty and its use in the value so urce mechanism are describ ed in Clause 1 9 . 5 .

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12.X.31 Tags

This p rop erty, of typ e B ACnetARRAY o f B ACnetNameValue, is a co llectio n o f tags for the o b j ect. S ee Clause Y. 1 . 4

fo r restrictio ns o n the string values used fo r the names o f these tags and fo r a descrip tio n o f tagging and the mec hanism

b y which tags are defined.

Each entry in the array is a B ACnetNameValue co nstruct which co nsists o f the tag name and an o p tional value. If the tag

is defined to b e a " semantic tag" , then it has no value, and the " value" field o f the B ACnetNameValue shall b e ab sent.

While so me tags may be known in advanc e when a device is manufactured, it is recommended that imp lementations

c o nsider that this kind of info rmatio n might no t be known until a devic e is dep loyed and to p rovide a means of

co nfiguratio n o r writab ility o f this p ro p erty.

12.X.32 Profile_Location

This p ro p erty, o f typ e CharacterS tring, is the URI o f the lo c atio n o f an xdd file (S ee Claus e X. 2 ) co ntaining the definition

o f the CS ML typ e sp ecified b y the Profile_Name p ro p erty and po ssib le o ther informatio n (S ee Annex X) . The URI is

restric ted to using o nly the " http " , " http s" , and " b acnet" URI schemes. S ee Clause Q . 8 for the definitio n of the " b acnet"

URI scheme.

If a Pro file_Lo cation value is no t p rovided fo r a p artic ular o b j ec t, then the client shall use the Pro file_Lo catio n of the

D evice o b j ect, if pro vided, to find the definitio n o f the Pro file_Name.

12.X.33 Profile_Name

This p ro p erty, of typ e CharacterS tring, is the name of an o b j ec t p ro file to whic h this o b j ec t co nforms. To ensure

uniqueness, a p rofile name shall b egin with a vendo r identifier co de (see Clause 2 3 ) in base- 1 0 integer format, fo llo wed

b y a dash. All sub sequent c haracters are administered b y the o rganizatio n registered with that vendor identifier code. The

vendor identifier code that prefixes the p ro file name shall indicate the o rganizatio n that p ub lishes and maintains the

p ro file. This vendo r identifier need no t have any relatio nship to the vendo r identifier of the devic e within which the

o b j ect resides.

A p ro file defines a set o f additio nal p rop erties, b ehavio r, and/o r requirements fo r this o b j ect b eyo nd tho se sp ecified here.

This standard defines o nly the fo rmat o f the names of p rofiles. If the Profile_Lo c atio n p ro p erty o f this o b j ect or the

D evice o b j ect is p resent and no nemp ty, then the value of this p ro p erty shall b e the name o f a CS ML typ e defined in an

xdd file referred to by the Pro file_Lo catio n pro p erty.

[ Change Table 13-1 ]

Table 13-1. S tandardized O b j ects That May S up p ort CO V Rep o rting

O b j ect Typ e Criteria Pro p erties Rep o rted

Staging If Present_Value changes by COV_Increment Present_Value, Status_Flags,

or Present_Stage

Status_Flags changes at all


Present_Stage changes at all

[ Change Table 13-5 ]

Table 13-5. Prop erties Rep o rted in CHANGE_O F_RELIAB ILITY No tificatio ns

O b j ect Typ e Pro p erties

... ...

Staging Present_Value


Timer ...


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ISO 1 6484-5 : 2 0 1 7/Amd.1 : 2 02 0(E)

[ Change Clause 21 BACnetObjectType

, and BACnetObjectTypesSupported p ro ductio ns]

BACnetObjectType : : = ENUMERATED { - - see b elo w for numerical o rder


schedule (1 7 )

staging (60) ,

structured-view (2 9 ),


- - - numeric al o rder referenc e


-- see lift (5 9 ),

-- see staging (60) ,


BACnetObjectTypesSupported : : = B IT S TRING {


lift (5 9 )

staging (60)

[ Change Clause 21 BACnetPropertyIdentifier

, p ro duction]

BACnetPropertyIdentifier : : = ENUMERATED { - - see b elo w fo r numerical order


default-fade-time (3 7 4),

default-present-value (492) ,

default-ramp-rate (3 7 5 ),


prescale (1 8 5 ),

present-stage (493) ,

present-value (8 5 ),

slave- p ro xy- enab le (1 7 2 ),

stages (494) ,

stage-names (495) ,

start- time (1 4 2 ),


tags (48 6),

target-references (496) ,

threat-authority (3 06),


- - - numerical o rder referenc e


-- see represents (49 1 ),

-- see default-present-value (492) ,

-- see present-stage (493) ,

-- see stages (494) ,

-- see stage-names (495) ,

-- see target-references (496)


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ISO 1 6484-5 : 2 0 17/Amd.1 : 2 02 0(E)

[ Add to Clause 21 , p reserving the alp hab etical order]

BACnetStageLimitValue : : = S EQ UENCE {

limit REAL,

values B IT S TRING, - - length is Nreferences b its, see Clause 1 2 . X. 6

deadb and REAL

[ Insert into Table K-1 in DS-V-A ]






[ Insert into Table K-5 DS-M-A

in ]



[ Change Clause K.1.27 ]

K.1.27 BIBB - Data Sharing-Life Safety View-A (DS-LSV-A)


D evices claiming c o nfo rmance to this B IB B shall be cap ab le o f reading and disp laying the o b j ect p rop erties listed in

Tab le K- 1 , exc luding p ro p erties o f Averaging, Loo p , Ac cumulato r, Pulse Co nverter, Channel, Lighting O utput, and

B inary Lighting O utput ob j ects, and Staging objects, and b e cap ab le of reading and disp laying the o b j ect p ro p erties listed

in Tab le K- 7 .


[ Change Clause K.1.28 ]

K.1.28 BIBB - Data Sharing-Life Safety Advanced View-A (DS-LSAV-A)

The A device retrieves p ro perty values and p resents them to the user. D evice A shall b e cap ab le of using ReadProp erty to

retrieve any standard p rop erty o f any standard o b j ect typ e listed in Tab le K- 1 , excluding Averaging, Lo op , Accumulator,

Pulse Co nverter, Channel, Lighting O utp ut, and B inary Lighting O utput o b j ec ts, and Staging objects, including the

o b j ec ts listed in Tab le K- 7 , e xcep t fo r tho se p ro p erties listed in Tab le K- 2 and any p roperty defined by the standard as

no t readab le via ReadProp erty. D evice A may use alternate services where sup po rt fo r executio n of the alternate service

is sup p o rted by D evice B .


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ISO 1 6484-5 : 2 0 1 7/Amd.1 : 2 02 0(E)

[ Change Clause K.1.29 ]

K.1.29 BIBB - Data Sharing-Life Safety Modify-A (DS-LSM-A)


D evic es claiming conformance to this B IB B shall be cap able o f co mmanding and relinquishing standard co mmandab le

p ro p erties at p rio rity 8 (o ther p rio rities may also b e sup p o rted) o f tho se o b j ects listed in Tab le K- 5 exc luding Averaging,

Lo o p , Acc umulato r, Pulse C o nverter, Channel, Lighting O utp ut, and B inary Lighting O utp ut o b j ects, and Staging

objects, and writing the p rop erties lis ted in Tab le K- 5 and Tab le K- 8 , excluding Averaging, Lo op , Acc umulator, Pulse

Co nverter, Channel, Lighting O utp ut, and B inary Lighting O utp ut o b j ec ts, and Staging objects .


[ Change Clause K.1.30 ]

K.1.30 BIBB - Data Sharing-Life Safety Advanced Modify-A (DS-LSAM-A)

The A devic e is ab le to use WritePro p erty to mo dify any standard p ro p erty o f o b j ect typ es listed in Tab les K- 5 and K- 8 ,

excluding Averaging, Lo o p , Acc umulato r, Pulse Co nverter, Channel, Lighting O utput, and B inary Lighting O utp ut

o b j ects, and Staging objects , where the p rop erty is no t required to b e read- o nly, o r to which acc ess is o therwise res tricted

b y the standard (e. g. , Lo g_B uffer) . D evice A shall b e cap able o f co mmanding and relinquishing standard c ommandab le

p ro p erties at any p rio rity. D evice A may use alternate servic es where suppo rt for executio n o f the alternate service is

sup p o rted b y D evice B .


[ Change Clause K.1.31 ]

K.1.31 BIBB - Data Sharing-Access Control View-A (DS-ACV-A)


D evices c laiming co nfo rmance to this B IB B shall be cap ab le o f reading and disp laying the o b j ect p rop erties listed in

Tab le K- 1 , excluding p ro p erties o f Averaging, Loo p , Accumulato r, Pulse Co nverter, Channel, Lighting O utput, and

B inary Lighting O utput ob j ects, and Staging objects , and b e c ap ab le of reading and disp laying the o b j ec t p ro p erties listed

in Tab le K- 9 .


[ Change Clause K.1.32 ]

K.1.32 BIBB - Data Sharing-Access Control Advanced View-A (DS-ACAV-A)

The A device retrieves p ro perty values and p resents them to the user. D evic e A shall b e cap ab le of using ReadProp erty to

retrieve any standard pro p erty of any standard ob j ec t typ es listed in Tab le K- 1 , excluding Averaging, Lo op,

Accumulato r, Pulse Co nverter, Channel, Lighting O utput, and B inary Lighting O utp ut o b j ec ts, and Staging objects ,

including the p rop erties listed in Tab le K-9 , exc ep t fo r tho se p rop erties listed in Tab le K-2 and any p rop erty defined by

the standard as no t readab le via ReadPro p erty. D evic e A may use alternate services where sup p o rt for executio n o f the

alternate service is sup p o rted b y D evice B .


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ISO 1 6484-5 : 2 0 17/Amd.1 : 2 02 0(E)

[ Change Clause K.1.33 ]

K.1.33 BIBB - Data Sharing-Access Control Modify-A (DS-ACM-A)


D evices claiming conformance to this B IB B shall be cap able o f co mmanding and relinquishing standard co mmandab le

p ro p erties at p rio rity 8 (o ther p rio rities may also b e sup p o rted) o f tho se o b j ects listed in Tab le K- 5 excluding Averaging,

Lo o p , Ac cumulato r, Pulse C o nverter, Channel, Lighting O utp ut, and B inary Lighting O utp ut o b j ects, and Staging

objects , and writing the p ro p erties listed in Tab le K- 5 and Tab le K- 1 0, excluding Averaging, Lo op , Acc umulato r, Pulse

Co nverter, Channel, Lighting O utp ut, and B inary Lighting O utp ut o b j ects, and Staging objects .

[ Change Clause K.1.34 ]

K.1.34 BIBB - Data Sharing–Access Control Advanced Modify-A (DS-ACAM-A)

The A device is ab le to use WritePro p erty to mo dify any standard p rop erty of o b j ect typ es listed in Tab les K- 5 and K- 1 0,

exc luding Averaging, Lo o p , Accumulato r, Pulse Co nverter, Channel, Lighting O utput, and B inary Lighting O utp ut

o b j ects, and Staging objects , where the p rop erty is no t required to b e read- o nly, o r to whic h access is o therwise res tricted

b y the standard (e. g. , Lo g_B uffer) . D evice A shall b e cap able o f co mmanding and relinquishing standard c ommandab le

p ro p erties at any p rio rity. D evic e A may use alternate services where supp o rt for executio n o f the alternate service is

sup p o rted b y D evic e B .

135-2016be-1 Add Lighting BIBBs and Device Profiles

Ratio nale

With the additio n o f the Lighting O utp ut and B inary Lighting O utp ut o b j ec t typ es, there is a need fo r lighting sp ecific

B IB B s and device p ro files.

[ Add new Clauses K.1.X1 to K.1.X11 ]

K.1.X1 BIBB – Data Sharing-Lighting Output -A (DS-LO-A)

The A devic e mo difies p ro p erties in Lighting O utput, B inary Lighting O utp ut, Analog O utp ut, Analo g Value, B inary

O utp ut, B inary Value, Multi- S tate O utp ut, and Multi- S tate Value o b j ect typ es.

B ACnet S ervic e Initiate Execute

WritePro p erty x

D evic es c laiming c o nfo rmance to D S - LO - A shall be ab le to write to the Present_Value p ro p erty o f the Lighting

O utp ut, B inary Lighting O utp ut, Analo g O utp ut, Analo g Value, B inary O utp ut, B inary Value, Multi- S tate O utp ut,

and Multi- S tate Value o b j ect typ es.

A device claiming sup p ort fo r D S - LO - A is intero p erab le with devic es that sup p o rt any comb inatio n of D S - LO - B , D S -

B LO - B , o r D S - WP- B in the case o f Analog O utput, Analog Value, B inary Outp ut, B inary Value, Multi- S tate O utp ut,

and Multi- S tate Value o b j ec t typ es.

K.1.X2 BIBB – Data Sharing-Lighting Output Status-A (DS-LOS-A)

The A device reads p ro p erties in Lighting Outp ut, B inary Lighting O utput, Analog O utp ut, Analo g Value, B inary

O utp ut, B inary Value, Multi- S tate O utp ut, and Multi- S tate Value o b j ec t typ es.

B ACnet S ervic e Initiate Execute

ReadPro p erty x

14 © ISO 2020 – All rights reserved

ISO 1 6484-5 : 2 0 1 7/Amd.1 : 2 02 0(E)

D evic es claiming co nfo rmance to D S - LO S - A shall b e ab le to read the Present_Value and Egress_Ac tive p rop erties o f

Lighting O utput and B inary Lighting O utput o b j ect typ es and to read the Present_Value p ro p erty o f Analo g O utput,

Analo g Value, B inary O utp ut, B inary Value, Multi- S tate O utp ut, and Multi- S tate Value o bj ect typ es.

A device claiming sup p o rt for D S - LO S - A is intero p erab le with devices that sup p o rt any c o mb inatio n o f D S - LO - B ,

DS - B LO - B , or D S - RP- B in the case o f Analo g O utput, Analo g Value, B inary O utp ut, B inary Value, Multi- S tate

Outp ut, and Multi- S tate Value o b j ect typ es.

K.1.X3 BIBB – Data Sharing-Advanced Lighting Output-A (DS-ALO-A)

The A device mo difies p ro p erties in Lighting O utput, B inary Lighting O utp ut, Analog O utp ut, Analo g Value, B inary

Outp ut, B inary Value, Multi- S tate O utp ut, and Multi- S tate Value o b j ect typ es.

B ACnet S ervice Initiate Exec ute

WritePro p erty x

The A devic e shall be c ap ab le o f mo difying all o f the standard pro p erties o f the Lighting O utp ut, B inary Lighting

O utp ut, Channel, Analog O utp ut, Analo g Value, B inary Outp ut, B inary Value, Multi- S tate O utp ut, and Multi- S tate

Value o b j ec t typ es.

A device claiming sup p ort for D S - ALO - A is intero p erab le with devic es that sup p o rt any co mb inatio n o f D S - LO - B ,

D S - B LO - B , D S - RP- B , or D S - WP- B in the case o f Analo g O utput, Analog Value, B inary O utp ut, B inary Value,

Multi- S tate O utp ut, and Multi- S tate Value o b j ect typ es.

K.1.X4 BIBB - Data Sharing-Lighting Output-B (DS-LO-B)

The B device imp lements the Lighting O utput o b j ect typ e.

B ACnet S ervice Initiate Exec ute

ReadPro p erty x

WriteP ro p erty x

D evic es claiming co nfo rmance to D S - LO - B shall sup p o rt the Lighting O utp ut ob j ect typ e.

A device claiming supp o rt fo r D S - LO - B is intero p erab le with devices that supp o rt D S - LO -A o r D S - ALO - A.

K.1.X5 BIBB - Data Sharing-Binary Lighting Output-B (DS-BLO-B)

The B device imp lements the B inary Lighting Outp ut ob j ect typ e.

B ACnet S ervice Initiate Exec ute

ReadPro p erty x

WritePro p erty x

D evic es claiming co nfo rmance to D S - B LO - B shall sup p o rt the B inary Lighting O utput o b j ect typ e.

A device claiming supp o rt fo r D S - B LO - B is intero p erab le with devices that sup po rt D S - LO - A o r D S - ALO - A.

K.1.X6 BIBB – Device Management – Lighting Output Management-A (DM-LOM-A)

B ACnet allo ws lighting o b j ect instances to be dynamically c reated and deleted. The A device shall be ab le to

dynamically create and delete Lighting O utp ut, B inary Lighting O utp ut, and Channel o b j ect typ es sup po rted b y the B


B ACnet S ervice Initiate Exec ute

CreateO b j ec t x

D eleteO b j ec t x

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ISO 1 6484-5 : 2 0 17/Amd.1 : 2 02 0(E)

K.1.X7 BIBB - Data Sharing-Lighting View-A (DS-LV-A)

The A device retrieves values fro m a minimum set o f lighting ob j ects and p rop erties and p resents them to the user.

D evices claiming c o nfo rmance to this B IB B shall sup p o rt D S - RP- A. The A devic e shall be cap ab le of using

ReadPro p erty to retrieve any of the p ro p erties listed b elo w. The A device may use alternate services where sup p o rt for

exec utio n o f the alternate servic e is sup p o rted by the B devic e.

B ACnet S ervic e Initiate Execute

ReadPro p erty x

D evices claiming conformance to this B IB B shall b e cap ab le o f reading and disp laying the o b j ec t p rop erties listed in

Tab le K- X1 .

Table K-X1. O b j ect Pro p erties fo r Which Presentatio n Is Required

Lighting Output Binary Lighting Output Analog Output, Analog Channel

Value, Binary Output,
Binary Value, Multi-
State Output, Multi-State
O b j ec t_Name O b j ec t_Name O b j ec t_Name O b j ect_Name

Present_Value Present_Value Present_Value Present_Value

Tracking_Value S tatus_F lags S tatus_Flags S tatus_F lags

Lighting_Co mmand B link_Warn_Enab le

S tatus_F lags Current_Co mmand_Prio rity

B link_Warn_Enab le

Current_Co mmand_Prio rity

The fo rmat of a presented p ro p erty value is unrestric ted; the intent o f this B IB B is no t to imp o se ho w, or in what

fo rm, a device disp lays data values. F o r examp le, enumerated values co uld b e disp layed as ico ns, referenc es c o uld b e

disp layed using the referenced o b j ec t's name, and numerical values c o uld b e disp layed grap hically.

Actio ns taken b y the A device when retrieval o f a value fo r disp lay fails are a lo cal matter.

D evic es c laiming c onfo rmance to this B IB B are no t required to sup p ort presentatio n of ob j ects and p rop erties that are

intro duced in a Pro to co l_Revisio n newer than that c laimed by the A device.

A device c laiming sup p o rt for this B I B B is intero p erab le with devices that sup p o rt D S - RP- B and o ne o r mo re o f the

o b j ects listed in Tab le K- X1 .

K.1.X8 BIBB - Data Sharing-Lighting Advanced View-A (DS-LAV-A)

The A device retrieves p ro perty values and p resents them to the user. The A device shall be cap ab le of using

ReadPro p erty to retrieve any standard p ro p erty o f any standard ob j ect typ e listed in Tab le K- 1 , excluding Averaging,

Lo o p , Acc umulato r, and Pulse Co nverter o b j ects, excep t fo r tho se p ro p erties listed in Tab le K- 2 and any pro p erty

defined by the standard as no t readab le via ReadProp erty. D evic e A may use alternate services where supp o rt for

executio n o f the alternate service is sup p o rted by D evice B .

B ACnet S ervice Initiate Execute

ReadPro p erty x

The info rmatio n conveyed by the pro p erties in Tab le K- 2 can b e o therwise determined and as such need no t b e read

and p resented b y devices claiming confo rmanc e to this B IB B .

In order to ensure that p roducts that c laim sup po rt fo r this B IB B are c ap ab le of presenting ac curate data values acro ss

the full range of values fo r each data typ e, devic es claiming sup p o rt for this B IB B shall be ab le to meet the

requirements describ ed in Tab le K- 3 . In additio n, the device shall b e ab le to p resent all valid values fo r fields o f the

Lighting_Co mmand p ro p erty. The fo rmat is unrestric ted as lo ng as each valid value is distinguishab le.

F o r Character S tring pro p erty values, the A device shall b e cap ab le o f p resenting string values fo r sp ecific B ACnet

p ro p erties with at least the numb er of characters, indep endent o f their encoding, sp ecified in Tab le K- 4 .

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ISO 1 6484-5 : 2 0 1 7/Amd.1 : 2 02 0(E)

The ab o ve p resentatio n requirements are no t required to b e ap p lied in all circumstances, b ut rather shall b e availab le

fo r every p rop erty value in the system. This sho uld allow a p roduct to restrict its p resentatio n under sp ecific

co nditio ns yet still allo w the user full ac cess to any sp ecific p ro p erty value.

The A device shall be cap ab le o f reading and p resenting all standard fo rms of the datatyp es as defined p er the A

devic e’ s c laimed Pro to co l_Revisio n.

Actio ns taken b y the A device when retrieval o f a value fo r disp lay fails are a lo cal matter.

D evic es claiming confo rmance to this B IB B are no t required to sup p ort presentatio n of ob j ects and p rop erties that are

intro duced in a Pro to c o l_Revisio n newer than that claimed by the A device.

A device c laiming sup p o rt for this B I B B is intero p erab le with devices that sup p o rt D S - RP- B and o ne o r mo re o f the

o b j ec ts listed in Tab le K- 1 .

K.1.X9 BIBB – Data Sharing-Lighting Modify-A (DS-LM-A)

The A device writes p ro p erties o f standard o b j ects that are generally exp ected to b e adj usted during no rmal o p eration

of the lighting system. D evices claiming sup p o rt for this B IB B are no t exp ected to be cap ab le o f fully co nfiguring

lighting contro ller B ACnet devic es, altho ugh they are no t inherently restric ted fro m do ing so .

B ACnet S ervice Initiate Execute

WritePro p erty x

D evic es claiming co nfo rmance to this B IB B shall be cap ab le of co mmanding and relinquishing standard

co mmandab le p rop erties at p rio rity 8 (o ther prio rities may also be sup p o rted) of tho se ob j ects lis ted in Tab le K- X3

and writing the p ro p erties listed in Tab le K- X3 .

Table K-X3. S tandard Prop erties That D S - LM- A D evices S hall B e Cap ab le o f Writing

Lighting Output Binary Lighting Output Analog Output, Analog Channel

Value, Binary Output,
Binary Value, Multi-
State Output, Multi-State
Present_Value Present_Value Present_Value Present_Value

Lighting_Co mmand

D evic es claiming sup p o rt fo r this B IB B shall b e c ap ab le o f writing values within the full range as defined in Tab le K-

6 . In additio n, the devic e shall b e ab le to manip ulate all of the fields o f the Lighting_Co mmand pro p erty.

D evic es c laiming co nfo rmance to this B IB B are no t required to supp o rt presentatio n and mo dificatio n o f o b j ects and

p ro p erties that are intro duced in a Pro to co l_Revisio n newer than that c laimed b y the A device.

A device claiming sup po rt for this B IB B is intero p erab le with devices that sup p ort D S - WP - B and sup p ort o ne or mo re

o f the ob j ects listed in Tab le K- X3 .

K.1.X10 BIBB – Data Sharing-Lighting Advanced Modify-A (DS-LAM-A)

The A devic e is ab le to use WritePro p erty to mo dify any standard p rop erty o f o b j ect typ es listed in Tab les K- 5 ,

excluding Averaging, Co mmand, Program, Lo op , Accumulato r, Timer, and Pulse Co nverter o b j ects, where the

p ro p erty is no t required to b e read- only, or to which access is o therwise restricted b y the standard (e. g. , Lo g_B uffer) .

The A device shall be c ap ab le o f co mmanding and relinquishing standard co mmandab le p ro p erties at any p rio rity.

The A device may use alternate services where sup p ort for executio n o f the alternate service is supp o rted by the B


B ACnet S ervice Initiate Execute

WritePro p erty x

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ISO 1 6484-5 : 2 0 17/Amd.1 : 2 02 0(E)

D evices claiming sup p o rt fo r this B IB B shall b e cap ab le o f writing values within the full range as defined in Tab le K-

6 . In additio n, the device shall b e ab le to manip ulate all of the fields o f the Lighting_Co mmand pro p erty.

The A devic e shall be cap ab le o f writing all standard fo rms o f the datatyp es as defined p er the A device’ s claimed

Pro to co l_Revisio n.

D evices claiming c o nfo rmance to this B IB B are no t required to supp o rt presentatio n and mo dificatio n o f o b j ects and

p ro p erties that are intro duced in a Pro to co l_Revisio n newer than that claimed b y the A device.

A devic e c laiming sup po rt for this B IB B is intero p erab le with devic es that sup p ort D S - WP - B and sup p ort o ne or mo re

of the ob j ects listed in Tab le K- 5 .

[ Change Annex A ]

[ Add new device p ro file checkb o xes fo r lighting devic es]

BACnet Standardized Device Profiles (Annex L):

B ACnet Cross-Domain Advanced Operator Workstation (B-XAWS )

B ACnet Advanced Operator Workstation (B-AWS )

B ACnet Operator Workstation (B -OWS )

B ACnet Operator Display (B -OD)

BA Cnet A dvanced Lighting Workstation (B-A LWS)

 BA Cnet Lighting Operator Display (B-LOD)

 B ACnet Advanced Life Safety Workstation (B -ALS WS )


B ACnet Access Control S ecurity Display (B -ACS D)

BA Cnet A dvanced Lighting Control Station (B-A LCS)

 BA Cnet Lighting Control Station (B-LCS)

 B ACnet B uilding Controller (B-B C)


B ACnet Smart S ensor (B-S S )

BA Cnet Lighting Supervisor (B-LS)

 BA Cnet Lighting Device (B-LD)

 B ACnet Advanced Life Safety Controller (B -ALS C)


[ Change Annex L ]


(This annex is p art o f this standard and is required fo r its use. )

This annex p ro vides descrip tio ns o f “standardized” typ es o f B ACnet devices. Any device that imp lements all the

required B ACnet cap ab ilities fo r a p articular device typ e and intero p erab ility area may claim to b e a device of that

p articular typ e. D evic es may also p ro vide additio nal cap ab ilities and shall indicate these c ap ab ilities in their PICS .

B ACnet device p ro files are catego rized into families:

• O p erato r Interfac es. This family is c o mp o sed of B - XAWS , B - AWS , B - O WS , and B - O D .

• Lighting Operator Interfaces. This family is composed of B-XA WS, B-A LWS, and B-LOD.

• Life S afety O p erato r Interfac es. This family is c o mp o sed o f B - ALS WS , B - LS WS , and B - LS AP.

• Access Co ntro l O p erato r Interfaces. This family is co mpo sed o f B - XAWS , B - AAC WS , B - ACWS , and B -


• Lighting Control Stations. This family is composed of B-A LCS and B-LCS.

• Co ntro llers. This family is comp o sed o f B - B C, B - AAC, B - AS C, B - S A, and B - S S .

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ISO 1 6484-5 : 2 0 1 7/Amd.1 : 2 02 0(E)

• Lighting Controllers. This family is composed of B-LS and B-LD.

• Life S afety Co ntro llers. This family is co mp o sed o f B - ALS C, and B - LS C.

• Access Co ntro l Co ntro llers. This family is co mp o sed o f B -AAC C, and B - ACC.

• Misc ellaneo us. This family is co mp o sed o f B - RTR, B - GW, B - B B MD , B - ACD C, and B - ACC R.


[ Change Clause L.1.1 ]

L.1.1 BACnet Cross-Domain Advanced Workstation (B-XAWS)

The B - XAWS wo rkstatio n is an advanced op erato r wo rkstatio n fo r all b uilding automatio n do mains exc ep t life safety

that includes the functio nality o f the fo llo wing device p ro files:

• B - AWS , see Clause L. 1 . 2

• B - AAC WS , see Clause L. 3 . 1

• B - ALWS , see Clause L. X. 1

[ Insert new Clause L.X ]

L.X Lighting Operator Interface Profiles

The fo llo wing tab le indic ates which B IB B s shall b e sup p orted by the device typ es o f this family, fo r each intero p erab ility

area. The B - XAWS is no t sho wn in this tab le. S ee Clause L. 1 . 1 .

D ata S haring Alarm & Event Management


D S - RP- A, B D S - RP- A, B AE- N- A


D S - WP- A D S - WP- A AE- AS - A


D S - LAV- A D S - LV- A AE- AVN- A

D S - LAM- A D S - LM- A AE- ELVM- A

D S - WG- A D S - WG- A

D S - ALO - A D S - ALO - A

S cheduling Trending



D evic e & Netwo rk Management

D M- D D B - A, B D M- D D B - A, B


D M- AD M- A

D M- D O B - B D M- D O B - B

D M- D CC- A

D M- MTS - A

D M- O CD - A

D M- RD - A

D M- B R- A

© ISO 2020 – All rights reserved 19

ISO 1 6484-5 : 2 0 17/Amd.1 : 2 02 0(E)

L.X.1 BACnet Advanced Lighting Workstation (B-ALWS)

The B - ALWS wo rkstatio n is an advanced o p erato r workstatio n with ab ilities to mo nito r, co ntro l, and c o nfigure lighting


The B - ALWS p ro file enab les the sp ecificatio n o f the fo llo wing:

D ata S haring

• Presentatio n o f data (i. e. , reports and grap hics)

• Ab ility to mo nito r the value o f B ACnet o b j ects relevant fo r lighting, inc luding all required and o p tio nal p ro p erties

• Ab ility to mo dify lighting p arameters

• Ab ility to c reate, delete, and co nfigure Lighting O utput, B inary Lighting O utput, and Channel o b j ec ts

• Ab ility to c o mmand lighting devices using WriteGro up

• Ab ility to co nfigure advanc ed lighting p arameters in lighting devic es

Alarm and Event Management

• O p erato r no tific atio n and p resentatio n o f event info rmation

• Alarm ackno wledgment by operato rs

• Alarm summarizatio n

• Adj ustment o f alarm limits and co nditions

• Adj ustment o f alarm ro uting

• Ab ility to create, delete, and co nfigure Event Enro llment, No tificatio n Class, and No tificatio n Fo rwarder o b j ects

• Presentatio n and mo dificatio n o f Event Lo gs

S cheduling

• Mo dificatio n of calendars and sc hedules

• D isp lay o f the start and sto p times (schedule) of scheduled devic es

• D isp lay o f calendars

• Creatio n and deletion o f calendars and schedules


• Mo dificatio n of the p arameters o f a Trend Log o b j ect

• D isp lay o f trend data

• Creatio n and deletion o f new Trend Lo g ob j ects

Device and Netwo rk Management

• Ab ility to find o ther B ACnet devices

• Ab ility to find all ob j ects in B ACnet devic es

• Ab ility to silence a device on the netwo rk that is transmitting erro neo us data

• Ab ility to synchro nize the time in devices acro ss the B ACnet internetwo rk at the request of the o p erato r

• Ab ility to cause a remo te device to reinitialize itself

• Ab ility to b ackup and resto re the co nfiguration o f o ther devic es

L.X.2 BACnet Lighting Operator Display (B-LOD)

The B - LO D is a b asic o p erato r interface with limited cap ab ilities relative to a B - ALWS . The B - LO D p ro file could be

used fo r wall- mo unted disp lay devices, simp le web server gateways to B ACnet lighting devices, disp lays affixed to

B ACnet devices; handheld terminals o r o ther very simp le contro l statio ns.

The B - LO D p ro file enab les the sp ecific atio n o f the fo llo wing:

Data S haring

• Presentatio n o f b asic data

• Ab ility to mo nito r the value o f B ACnet o b j ects relevant fo r lighting

• Ab ility to mo dify lighting p arameters

• Ab ility to co mmand lighting devic es using WriteGro up

• Ab ility to co nfigure advanced lighting p arameters in lighting devices

Alarm and Event Management

• No requirement

S cheduling

• No requirement

20 © ISO 2020 – All rights reserved

ISO 1 6484-5 : 2 0 1 7/Amd.1 : 2 02 0(E)


• No requirement

D evice and Netwo rk Management

• Ab ility to find o ther B ACnet devic es

• Ab ility to cho o se amo ng discovered B ACnet devices

• Ab ility to find o b j ects in o ther B ACnet devices

• Ab ility to cho o se amo ng discovered B ACnet device’ s o b j ects

[ Insert new Clause L.Y]

L.Y Lighting Control Station Profiles

The fo llo wing tab le indic ates which B IB B s shall b e sup p orted by the device typ es o f this family, fo r each intero p erab ility


D ata S haring Alarm & Event Management


D S - RP- A, B D S - RP- B

D S - RPM- A

D S - WP- A D S - WP- A

D S - WPM- A

D S - WG- A

D S - ALO - A D S - LO - A

S c heduling Trending



D evice & Netwo rk Management

D M- D D B - A, B D M- D D B - A, B

D M- D O B - B D M- D O B - B

D M- D CC- B D M- D CC- B

D M- TS - B

o r D M- UTC- B

L.Y.1 BACnet Advanced Lighting Control Station (B-ALCS)

A B - ALCS is any device that needs to interact with Lighting O utput, B inary Lighting O utp ut, and Channel ob j ects in

o ther devices fo r the p urp o se o f mo nito ring and/o r c ontro lling them. B - ALCS devices are no t Wo rkstatio ns and O p erato r

D isp lays. Instead, they are mo re limited devic es no netheless used fo r configuratio n. Examp les might include smart wall

switches/dimmers, scene p reset co nso les, etc. B - ALCS devic es differ fro m B - LCS devic es in B - ALCS ’ s ab ility to

co nfigure and co mmand advanced lighting p arameters in lighting devices.

Data S haring

• Ab ility to mo nito r and co mmand B ACnet lighting devices

• Ab ility to p rovide the values of any o f its B ACnet o b j ects

• Ab ility to co mmand lighting devices using WriteGro up

Alarm and Event Management

• No requirement

S cheduling

• Ab ility to schedule outp ut actio ns, b o th in the lo cal device and in o ther devices, b o th b inary and analo g, b ased on date

and time


• No requirement

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ISO 1 6484-5 : 2 0 17/Amd.1 : 2 02 0(E)

D evice and Netwo rk Management

• Ab ility to find o ther B ACnet devices

• Ab ility to resp o nd to queries ab o ut its status

• Ab ility to resp o nd to requests fo r info rmation ab out any o f its o b j ects

• Ab ility to resp o nd to communicatio n co ntro l messages

L.Y.2 BACnet Lighting Control Station (B-LCS)

A B - LC S is any device that needs to interact with Lighting O utp ut o r B inary Lighting O utp ut o b j ects in o ther devic es fo r

the p urp o se of mo nitoring and/o r co ntro lling them. B - LCS devic es are different from Wo rkstatio ns and O p erato r

D isp lays in that their interactio ns with humans are more limited. Examp les might inc lude smart wall switches/dimmers,

scene p reset co nso les, etc .

D ata S haring

• Ab ility to co mmand B ACnet lighting ob j ects’ Present_Value p ro p erties

• Ab ility to p rovide the values of any o f its B ACnet o b j ects

Alarm and Event Management

• No requirement

S cheduling

• No requirement


• No requirement

Device and Netwo rk Management

• Ab ility to find o ther B ACnet devices

• Ab ility to resp o nd to queries ab o ut its status

• Ab ility to resp o nd to requests fo r info rmation ab out any o f its o b j ects

• Ab ility to resp o nd to c ommunic atio n c o ntro l messages

[ Insert new Clause L.Z ]

L.Z Lighting Controller Profiles

The fo llo wing tab le indicates which B IB B s shall b e sup p orted by the devic e typ es o f this family, fo r each intero p erab ility


D ata S haring Alarm & Event Management


D S - RP- B D S - RP- B

D S - WP- A, B D S - WP- B

D S - WG- E- B

D S - ALO - A D S - B LO - B


D S - LO - B

S cheduling Trending



D evice & Netwo rk Management

D M- D D B - A, B D M- D D B - B

D M- D O B - B D M- D O B - B

D M- D CC- B D M- D CC- B

D M- TS - B



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ISO 1 6484-5 : 2 0 1 7/Amd.1 : 2 02 0(E)

L.Z.1 BACnet Lighting Supervisor (B-LS)

A B - LS is any device that imp lements Channel o b j ec ts and o p tio nally Lighting O utp ut and/o r B inary Lighting O utp ut

o b j ects with the ab ility to fo rward c hannel writes to o ther B ACnet devic es.

D ata S haring

• Ab ility to p rovide values fo r any o f its B ACnet o b j ects up o n request

• Ab ility to allo w mo dification o f so me or all o f its B ACnet o b j ec ts b y ano ther device

• Ab ility to execute WriteGro up co mmands

• Ab ility to p rop agate Channel values to o b j ects external to the device

Alarm and Event Management

• No requirement

S cheduling

• Ab ility to schedule outp ut actio ns, b o th in the lo c al devic e and in o ther devic es, b o th b inary and analo g, b ased on date

and time


• No requirement

Devic e and Netwo rk Management

• Ab ility to find o ther B ACnet devices

• Ab ility to resp o nd to queries ab o ut its status

• Ab ility to resp o nd to requests fo r info rmation ab out any o f its o b j ects

• Ab ility to resp o nd to c ommunic atio n c o ntro l messages

• Ab ility to sync hro nize its internal c lo ck up o n request

L.Z.2 BACnet Lighting Device (B-LD)

A B - LD is any device that imp lements B inary Lighting O utp ut and/o r Lighting O utput o bj ects

Data S haring

• Ab ility to p rovide values fo r any o f its B ACnet o b j ects up o n request

• Ab ility to allo w mo dification o f so me or all o f its B ACnet o b j ec ts b y ano ther device

Alarm and Event Management

• No requirement

S c heduling

• No requirement


• No requirement

Device and Netwo rk Management

• Ab ility to resp o nd to queries ab o ut its status

• Ab ility to resp o nd to requests fo r info rmation ab out any o f its o b j ects

• Ab ility to resp o nd to communicatio n co ntro l messages

135-2016bi-1. Add Audit Reporting.

Ratio nale

The standard currently has no definitions fo r an intero p erab le co ntro ller and workstatio n b ased audit rep o rting and

lo gging.

This addendum adds a new Audit Rep o rter ob j ec t typ e and new audit no tificatio n services to rep o rt auditab le ac tio ns. A

new Audit Lo g o b j ect typ e and a new audit query service is added to lo g and retrieve audit no tific atio ns.

B o th B ACnet clients and servers are allo wed to rep o rt auditab le actio ns. S ervers rep o rt changes to lo c al o b j ec ts, clients

rep o rt successful and attemp ted changes alo ng with extra info rmation such as reaso n fo r change. The co nsumer o f the

lo gs will b e resp o nsib le for correlating the multip le entries fo r a single actio n.

Co nfiguratio n o f audit repo rting is sup p orted on a p er o b j ec t b asis with different levels o f auditing.

© ISO 2020 – All rights reserved 23

ISO 1 6484-5 : 2 0 17/Amd.1 : 2 02 0(E)

[ Insert new Clause 19.Y ]

19.Y Audit Logging

Audit lo gging consists o f rec o rding records in audit lo gs which do cument the sequence o f ac tivities that affec t the


B ACnet audit lo gging is made up o f fo ur acto rs: the c lient that requests the o p eration b eing lo gged (the o p eration

so urc e) , the server that p erforms the o p eratio n (the o p eratio n target) , the lo gger that sto res the audit reco rds, and the

viewer that c o nsumes the audit lo g. In this framewo rk, bo th the o p eration so urce and the o p eratio n target are given the

o p p ortunity to p ro vide audit log reco rds to the audit lo gger. This allo ws B ACnet devic es to p rovide these features:

1) audit lo gging when either the o p eratio n source or the o p eratio n target do es no t sup p o rt audit lo gging;

2) lo gging o f extended audit informatio n that is no t availab le for rep orting by the o p eration target;

3) reco rding o f failed actio ns by the o p eration so urce when the o p eratio n target do es no t respo nd;

4) reco rding o f failed actio ns by the o p eratio n target where unautho rized op eratio n so urces do no t log

their attemp ts.

The o p eratio n so urce generates audit lo g entries which desc rib e the o p eratio n it requested and whic h o p tio nally co ntain

extra info rmation inc luding the B ACnet o b j ect which is the so urce of the o p eratio n (if app lic ab le) , user identific atio n (if

ap p licab le) , and a descrip tio n o f, o r reaso n fo r, the o p eratio n.

The server generates audit log entries which describ e the o peratio n it has b een requested to p erfo rm.

The lo gger rec eives no tificatio ns fro m lo cal and remo te o p eratio n sources and o peratio n targets and p lac es the

no tificatio ns in Audit Lo g ob j ects.

O p eratio n so urce side auditing is co ntro lled via:

1) an Audit Rep o rter o b j ec t in the o p eratio n so urce devic e whic h generates the audit no tific atio ns; and

2) the Audit_No tific atio n_Rec ip ient p rop erty in the op eratio n so urc e’ s D evice ob j ect.

O p eratio n target side auditing is co ntro lled via:

1) co nfiguratio n p ro p erties in the o b j ec t o p erated up o n b y the op eratio n b eing rep o rted;

2) Audit Rep o rter ob j ects which generate the audit no tific ations; and

3) the Audit_No tificatio n_Recip ient p rop erty in the op eratio n target’ s D evice o b j ec t.

The fo llo wing figures p rovide a diagrammatic o verview o f the architecture discussed in the rest o f this clause.

Audit Logger Operation Source

(with auditing

2 2

1) Source requests operation.

Operation Target 2) Target performs operation, reports audit
(with auditing event, and returns result to source.
support) 3) Source reports audit event.

Figure 19-Y1 : General flo w of o p erations and audit no tificatio ns

fro m bo th op eratio n so urc es and o p eratio n targets.

24 © ISO 2020 – All rights reserved

ISO 1 6484-5 : 2 0 1 7/Amd.1 : 2 02 0(E)

Audit Logger Operation Source

(without auditing

2 2

1) Source requests operation.

Operation Target 2) Target performs operation, reports audit
(with auditing event, and returns result to source.

Figure 19-Y2 : General flo w of o p erations and audit no tificatio ns

fro m op eratio n targets with no o p eratio n so urce no tificatio ns.

Audit Logger Operation Source

(with auditing


1) Source requests operation.

Operation Target 2) Target performs operation, and returns
(without auditing result to source.
support) 3) Source reports audit event.

Figure 19-Y3 : General flo w of o p erations and audit no tificatio ns

fro m op eratio n so urce o nly.

Audit Logger Audit Forwarder Operation Source

(with auditing

4 3

4 1
2 1) Source requests operation.
2) Target performs operation,
2 reports audit event to
forwarder, and returns result
Audit Forwarder Operation Target to source.
(with auditing 3) Source reports audit event to
support) forwarder.
4) Forwarders report audit
events to Audit Logger

Figure 19-Y4 : General flo w of o p erations and audit no tificatio ns

fro m bo th op eratio n so urces and o p eratio n targets with audit

fo rwarders.

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ISO 1 6484-5 : 2 0 17/Amd.1 : 2 02 0(E)

19.Y.1 Audit Notification Generation

O p eratio n targets generate audit no tificatio ns fo r the fo llo wing o p eratio ns (sub j ect to filtering) :

1) a B ACnet request fo r an op eratio n typ e describ ed in Tab le 1 9 - Y3 , which is executed successfully;

2) a lo c al request fo r an o p eration typ e describ ed in Tab le 1 9 -Y3 , which is succ essfully p erfo rmed but which is

no t the result o f the no rmal op eratio n o f the o b j ect (fo r examp le, up dating o f an input o bj ect' s Present_Value

b ased o n reading o f the p hysical inp ut wo uld no t b e auditab le, b ut the setting o f the Present_Value o f a value

o b j ect b y a lo cal p ro gram wo uld b e auditab le) ; and

3) any actio n the lo cal device determines to b e relevant in an audit lo g.

It is a lo c al matter whether o r no t an op eratio n target generates audit no tific atio ns fo r B ACnet requests fo r an op eration

typ e describ ed in Tab le 1 9 - Y3 , whic h fail. It is imp o rtant to c o nsider when such o p eratio ns will result in no tific atio ns as

this co uld fo rm the b asis of a denial of service attac k thro ugh the increased wo rklo ad and network traffic required to

rep o rt the failed op eratio ns.

O p eratio n S o urces generate audit no tificatio ns for the fo llo wing o p eratio ns (sub j ec t to filtering) :

1) a B ACnet request fo r an op eratio n typ e describ ed in Tab le 1 9 - Y3 , whic h is requested; and

2) any ac tio n the lo cal device determines to b e relevant in an audit lo g.

When rep o rting a successful op eratio n, no result code is included in the audit no tificatio n. When rep o rting a failed

op eratio n, a result co de shall be included.

19.Y.1.1 Audit Notification Generation Through Monitoring

It is p o ssib le fo r a devic e that is no t invo lved in the ac tio ns to mo nitor the netwo rk traffic and generate audit no tificatio ns

on b ehalf o f o p eration so urces and/o r o p eration targets.

S uch a p ro duct is installed so that it is ab le to mo nito r all c o mmunications o f interest that o riginate with an o p eration

so urce (o r all op eratio n so urces) , o r all co mmunications destined fo r an op eratio n target (o r all o p eration targets) . When

B ACnet message s are detec ted which co ntain auditab le actio ns, the pro duct generates audit reco rds as if it were the

op eratio n source or the o p eratio n target device (dep ending on whic h device it is p erforming auditing fo r. )

The c o nfiguration and c o ntro l o f p ro ducts that pro vide suc h functio nality is o utside the scop e o f this standard.

19.Y.2 Audit Reporter Objects

Audit no tificatio ns are generated b y Audit Rep o rter o b j ec ts. B o th o p eratio n so urc e and op eratio n target devices which

generate audit no tificatio ns c ontain Audit Rep o rter o b j ects.

In the mo st b asic case, there will be a single Audit Rep o rter o b j ect resp onsib le for all audit no tific atio ns. In comp lex

scenario s, a devic e may have multip le Audit Rep o rter o b j ects each generating audit no tificatio ns fo r a different set of

ob j ects to allo w fo r a finer granularity of c o ntro l o ver audit no tificatio ns.

When a device sup po rts audit rep o rting and is a B ACnet c lient, exactly o ne Audit Rep o rter o b j ect shall have the

Audit_S o urce_Rep orter pro p erty set to TRUE and is used for co nfiguratio n o f o p eration source audit rep o rting. An Audit

Rep o rter o b j ec t with this flag set shall no t b e deletab le. If creatio n o f Audit Rep o rter o b j ects is sup p o rted by the device,

any created Audit Rep o rter o bj ects shall have the Audit_S o urce_Rep o rter flag set to F ALS E.

All write o p erations to an Audit Rep o rter o b j ect shall result in an audit no tification by the co ntaining device, if

Audit_Level is no t NO NE.

Audit Rep o rter o b j ects may op tio nally sup po rt delaying the sending o f audit no tific atio ns so that multip le no tificatio ns

can b e sent in a single request. The Maximum_S end_D elay p ro p erty limits ho w lo ng audit no tificatio ns may b e delayed.

26 © ISO 2020 – All rights reserved

ISO 1 6484-5 : 2 0 1 7/Amd.1 : 2 02 0(E)

19.Y.3 Audit Notification Configuration

Any device which sup po rts auditing shall co ntain at least o ne Audit Rep o rter ob j ect.

Auditing can b e co nfigured o n a p er Audit Rep o rter level and o n a p er o b j ect level. Gro up enab ling and disab ling o f audit

rep o rting is co ntro lled via the Audit_Level and Auditab le_Op eratio ns p ro p erties o f the Audit Rep o rter o b j ects.

Audit_Level co ntro ls the level o f audit rep o rting at the Audit Rep o rter or at the o b j ect level. When the Audit_Level

p ro p erty in the Audit Rep o rter o b j ect is NO NE, the Audit Rep o rter ob j ect shall no t generate any audit no tific atio ns, with

the excep tio n of generating a no tificatio n when its Audit_Level p ro p erty is mo dified. When the Audit_Level p ro p erty in

an o b j ect (o ther than an Audit Rep o rter o b j ect) is NO NE, the device shall no t generate any audit no tificatio ns fo r the

o b j ec t, with the excep tio n o f generating a no tific atio n when the o b j ect’ s Audit_Level is modified.

The Auditab le_O p eratio ns p ro p erty in an o b j ect co ntro ls which o p eratio ns on the obj ect an Audit Rep o rter o b j ect

generates audit no tificatio ns fo r. If the p ro p erty is no t p resent, then the Auditab le_O p eratio ns p rop erty in the asso ciated

Audit Rep o rter o b j ect is used instead. Irresp ec tive o f the value o f an Auditab le_O p eratio ns p rop erty, changes to an

Auditab le_O p eratio ns p ro p erty will always result in an audit no tificatio n by the server device if Audit_Level is no t


When a device is acting as an o p eratio n so urc e, the Auditab le_O p eratio ns p rop erty o f the Audit Rep o rter ob j ec t, with the

Audit_S o urce_Rep orter p rop erty set to TRUE, co ntro ls which o p eratio ns initiated by the device will be rep o rted. The

Auditab le_O p eratio ns p ro p erty o f the target o b j ect has no imp act o n the audit no tific atio ns generated by the o p eration

so urce.

The Audit_Prio rity_F ilter p ro p erty sp ec ifies the p rio rities fo r whic h audit no tificatio ns will be generated fo r write

o p eratio ns. Any auditab le write o p eration to the co mmandab le p ro p erty o f an o b j ec t with a p rio rity asso ciated with a bit

set to 0 in this p ro p erty shall no t result in an audit no tificatio n. F o r examp le, if b it 7 o f this p ro p erty is set and b it 1 0 is

no t set, a manual o verride at p rio rity 8 would result in an audit no tific ation, whereas a WritePro p erty request at p rio rity

11 wo uld no t (the difference in the b it numb ers versus the p rio rities in this examp le is due to b its b eing 0- b ased and

p rio rities b eing 1 - b ased). This p ro p erty has no effect on the auditing o f no n- write o p eratio ns no r on the auditing of

o p eratio ns on p ro p erties o ther than co mmandab le p rop erties. If this p ro p erty is no t p resent in an o b j ect with a

co mmandab le p ro p erty, then no co mmand prio rity b ased audit filtering will b e ap p lied. The p urp o se o f this p ro p erty is to

allo w no rmal co ntro l actio ns to o ccur without audit no tificatio ns b eing generated while ensuring that o verride actions are


The Audit_Level p ro p erty determines which p ro p erties in the o b j ect are auditab le. Irresp ective o f the value o f this

p ro p erty, changes to this p ro perty shall always result in an audit no tificatio n b y the server device.

Table 1 9-Y1 . Audit Level

O p eratio n Co mment

NO NE No o p erations o n the o b j ec t will result in

audit no tific atio ns excep t fo r the no ted

mo dificatio ns to the audit configuratio n.

D EF AULT The value fo r the audit level fo r this

o b j ec t is taken fro m the Audit_Level

p ro p erty o f the asso c iated Audit

Rep o rter o b j ec t.

AUD IT_CO NF IG O p eratio ns o n co nfiguratio n pro p erties

will result in audit no tificatio ns.

O p eratio ns o n the Present_Value will

no t result in audit no tificatio ns unless

Present_Value has b een designated as a

co nfigurab le item fo r the p roduct.

AUD IT_ALL O p eratio ns o n all pro p erties will result in

audit no tificatio ns.

The B ACnetAuditLevel enumeratio n is extensib le p roviding a metho d fo r vendo rs to sp ecify new audit levels fo r o b j ects

that require them. No extensib le audit level value shall b e equivalent to NO NE (result in no auditab le o p erations o n the

o b j ect. )

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ISO 1 6484-5 : 2 0 17/Amd.1 : 2 02 0(E)

F o r the audit level AUD IT_CO NF IG, it is a lo c al matter whether or no t any given pro p erty in an ob j ect is co nsidered a

co nfiguratio n p rop erty. This is a lo cal matter sp ecifically to allo w imp lementatio ns to make this designatio n b ased on the

needs o f the sp ec ific ap p licatio n o f the p ro duct.

19.Y.4 Audit Notifications

The p arameters sent in an audit no tificatio n are describ ed in Tab le 1 9 - Y2 .

Table 1 9-Y2. Audit No tificatio n Parameters

Parameter D ata Typ e Value

S o urce Timestamp B ACnetTimeS tamp The time the o p eration was requested by the o p eratio n

so urc e.

This field shall no t be inc luded in o p eration target

no tific atio ns unless the so urce and target are the same

devic e.

Target Timestamp B ACnetTimeS tamp The time the o p eratio n was perfo rmed by the o p eratio n


This field shall no t be inc luded in o p eration so urc e

no tific atio ns unless the so urc e and target are the same

devic e.

S o urce D evic e B ACnetRecip ient The device requesting the o p eratio n.

If kno wn, the B ACnetO b j ectIdentifier fo rm shall be

p ro vided.

S o urce O b j ec t B ACnetO b j ec tIdentifier The ob j ect requesting the op eratio n. This field shall no t

be included in o p eratio n target no tificatio ns, unless the

so urc e and target are the same device, or when there is

no so urce o b j ect to rep o rt.

O p eratio n B ACnetAuditO p eratio n The o p eration b eing requested.

S o urce Co mment CharacterS tring A human readab le descrip tio n of the o p eratio n. This

value may be system generated. For systems where

human co mments are required for do cumenting ac tio ns

suc h as required by so me pharmaceutic al installatio ns,

the human entered co mment shall be p rovided in this

p arameter in additio n to any system generated co mment.

For GENERAL o p eratio n audit no tificatio ns, this field

shall include a system generated descrip tion of the

o p eratio n.

Target Co mment CharacterS tring A human readab le descrip tio n o f the op eratio n.

For GENERAL o p eratio n audit no tificatio ns, this field

shall include a system generated descrip tion of the

o p eratio n.

Invoke Id Unsigned8 The invo ke id fro m the service request that resulted in

this audit rec o rd. This p ro vides the ab ility to mo re easily

match o p eratio n source and o p eratio n target audit

reco rds.

This field shall no t b e inc luded in op eratio ns co nsisting

o f unco nfirmed service requests.

This field shall no t be inc luded if the sourc e and target

are the same devic e.

28 © ISO 2020 – All rights reserved

ISO 1 6484-5 : 2 0 1 7/Amd.1 : 2 02 0(E)

Parameter D ata Typ e Value

S o urce User Id Unsigned1 6 The user p erfo rming the o p eratio n. The value in this field

dep ends on the user authentic atio n model in use. S ee

Clause 24. 1 4 on user authentic atio n fo r informatio n on

this value.

This field shall no t b e included if no user identific atio n is

availab le.

S o urce User Ro le Unsigned8 The ro le o f the user p erfo rming the o p eration. The value

in this field dep ends o n the user authentic atio n model in

use. S ee Clause 24. 1 4 on user authenticatio n for

info rmatio n o n this value.

This field shall no t be inc luded if no user ro le

info rmatio n is availab le.

Target D evice B ACnetRecip ient The target device o f the o p eratio n.

If kno wn, the B ACnetO b j ectIdentifier fo rm shall be

p ro vided.

Target O b j ect B ACnetO b j ec tIdentifier The target o b j ect of the o p eratio n. This field shall be

ab sent if the target is no t an ob j ect.

Target Pro p erty B ACnetPro p ertyReference The target o f the o p eration if it is targeted at a p ro p erty.

This field shall b e ab sent if the target is no t a pro p erty.

Target Prio rity Unsigned(1 . . 1 6 ) F o r o p erations which inc lude a p rio rity (such as when a

co mmand o ccurs) this field is p resent and co ntains the

p ro vided prio rity. This field may be ab sent if the

p ro vided p rio rity is 1 6 .

Target Value AB S T RACT- S YNTAX. &Typ e For o p erations whic h include a value (such as when a

write o ccurs) this field is p resent and co ntains the new


When the value b eing written is larger than 32 enco ded

o ctets, it is a lo cal matter whether the target value is

included in the audit no tificatio n. This allo wance is

included so that large audit no tificatio ns c an b e avo ided

where the data value is large.

Audit lo ggers may disc ard this p arameter value if it

exc eeds 5 0 0 o ctets when no t acting as a fo rwarder.

Current Value AB S T RACT- S YNTAX. &Typ e When an o p eratio n inc ludes a value (suc h as when a

write o ccurs) and the current value (b efore the o p eration)

o f the target p rop erty is known, this field is p resent and

co ntains the current p ro p erty value.

When the current value is larger than 3 2 encoded o ctets,

it is a lo cal matter whether the current value is included

in the audit no tification. This allo wanc e is included so

that large audit no tificatio ns c an be avo ided where the

data value is large.

Audit lo ggers may disc ard this p arameter value if it

exc eeds 5 0 0 o ctets when no t acting as a fo rwarder.

Result Erro r When the o p eratio n fails, this field shall be present and

indicates the erro r that o cc urred.

© ISO 2020 – All rights reserved 29

ISO 1 6484-5 : 2 0 17/Amd.1 : 2 02 0(E)

19.Y.5 Audit Operations

The 'O p eratio n' field o f an audit no tificatio n indicates the o p eratio n requested o r p erformed. The map p ing of standard

B ACnet services to the B AC netAuditO p eratio n enumeratio n is sho wn in Tab le 1 9 - Y3 . When a service allo ws multip le

o b j ec t or p ro p erty targets (e. g. , ReadPro p ertyMultip le, WritePro p ertyMultip le, etc. ) , each target shall be rep o rted in a

sep arate no tificatio n.

Table 19-Y3. S ervice to Audit O p eratio n Map p ing

Audit O p eratio n B ACnet S ervic e Co mment

READ ReadPro p erty When rep orting a file op eratio n, no 'Target Prop erty'

ReadPro p ertyMultip le value is p ro vided.


Ato micReadF ile This setting sho uld b e used with cautio n as it can result

AuditLo gQ uery in a large increase in netwo rk traffic .

WRITE WritePro p erty When rep orting a file op eratio n, no 'Target Pro p erty',

WritePro p ertyMultip le 'Target Value', o r ' Current Value' values are p ro vided.

Ato micWriteF ile

WriteGro up These entries c an b e disc arded if the write o p eratio n do es

AddListElement no t result in a change (the 'Target Value ' equals the

Remo veListElement ' Current Value', and re- writing the p ro p erty has no side-

effects) .

CREATE CreateO b j ect Initial values are no t p rovided in a CREATE o p eratio n

audit reco rd. Initial values may b e o p tionally rep orted b y

rep o rting WRITE o p eratio ns.

D ELETE D eleteO b j ect No 'Target Pro p erty', 'Target Value', o r ' Current Value'

values are p ro vided.

LIF E_S AF ETY LifeS afetyO p eratio n The 'Target Value' shall inc lude the 'Requesting Pro cess

Identifier' and 'Request' p arameters in a

B ACnetLifeS afetyO p eratio nInfo sequence.

The 'S o urc e Co mment' shall b e set to , o r include, the

‘ Requesting S o urce’ p arameter value.

ACKNO WLED GE_ALARM Ackno wledgeAlarm The 'Target Value' shall include the ‘ Event S tate

Ackno wledged’ , and ’ Timestamp ’ p arameters in a

B ACnetAckno wledgeAlarmInfo sequence.

The 'S o urce Co mment' shall be set to, or include, the

‘ Ackno wledgement S o urce’ parameter value.

Devic eC ommunicationCo ntrol


D eviceCo mmunicatio nCo ntrol o p eratio n is p erfo rmed.

No 'Target O b j ec t', 'Target Pro p erty', 'Target Value', or

' Current Value' values are p rovided.

Devic eC ommunicationCo ntrol

D EVICE_ENAB LE_CO MM Used when an ENAB LE D eviceCo mmunicatio nCo ntro l

o p eratio n is p erfo rmed, o r when a D IS AB LE o r

D IS AB LE_INITIATIO N D evic eCo mmunicatio nCo ntro l

o p eratio n's lifetime exp ires.

No 'Target O b j ect', 'Target Pro p erty', 'Target Value', o r

' Current Value' values are p rovided.

D EVICE_RES ET ReinitializeD evic e WARMS TART and CO LD S T ART o p tio ns o f the

ReinitializeD evice servic e. An audit reco rd is generated

when the device is reset fo r any reaso n.

No 'Target O b j ect', 'Target Pro p erty', 'Target Value', o r

' Current Value' values are p rovided.

30 © ISO 2020 – All rights reserved

ISO 1 6484-5 : 2 0 1 7/Amd.1 : 2 02 0(E)

Audit O p eratio n B ACnet S ervice Co mment

D EVICE_B ACKUP ReinitializeD evic e S TART_B ACKUP, AB O RT_B AC KUP, o r

END _B ACKUP o p tio ns o f the ReinitializeD evice


No 'Target O b j ect', 'Target Pro p erty', 'Target Value', o r

' Current Value' values are p rovided.


END _RES TO RE o p tio ns o f the ReinitializeD evic e


No 'Target O b j ect', 'Target Pro p erty', 'Target Value', o r

' Current Value' values are p rovided.

S UB S C RIPTIO N S ub scrib eCO V The 'Target Value' p arameter shall be of typ e

S ub scrib eCO VPro p erty B O O LEAN and indicates whether (TRUE) the o p eratio n

is a sub scrip tio n, or (F ALS E) the o p eration is an

unsub scrip tio n. S ub scrip tio n timeo uts shall be rep o rted

as unsub scrip tio ns.

No 'Current Value' p arameter is p ro vided.

NO TIFICATIO N Event No tific atio n Rec eip t of event no tification and CO V no tificatio n

CO V No tificatio n messages are treated as so urce auditab le op eratio ns;

whereas the generatio n o f event no tificatio ns and CO V

no tificatio ns are treated as target auditab le op eratio ns.

This setting sho uld b e used with cautio n as it can result

in a large increase in netwo rk traffic.

The 'Target Pro p erty' shall be the Event_S tate p rop erty,

and the 'Target Value' shall b e the new Event_S tate.

AUD ITING_F AILURE Used to rep o rt that audit reco rds were drop p ed.

The 'Target Timestamp ' field is used to rep o rt the time o f

earliest reco rd that was drop p ed.

The 'S o urc e D evice' and 'Target D evic e' fields are set to

reference the lo c al device.

The 'Current Value' field is set to an Unsigned co unt o f

the numb er o f reco rds drop p ed.

NETWORK_CHANGES Used to rep o rt changes to Netwo rk Po rt o b j ects whic h

are a result of so mething o ther than ap p licatio n layer

B ACnet services (such as B VLL messages or

registratio n timeo uts) .

GENERAL Any o ther actio ns that the devic e needs to rep o rt to the

audit lo g.

Given the no n- standard nature o f this audit reco rd typ e, it

is imp o rtant that info rmation be fo rmatted into the

' Co mment' p arameter.

Where a device rep o rts a wide variety o f o ther ac tio ns, o r

there is a large variatio n in the exp ec ted frequency of

different typ es of actio ns, it is recommended that

imp lementers p ro vide a metho d of co nfiguring which

actio ns result in no tific atio ns when the GENERAL

o p eratio n no tificatio ns are enab led.

© ISO 2020 – All rights reserved 31

ISO 1 6484-5 : 2 0 17/Amd.1 : 2 02 0(E)

19.Y.6 High Volume Situations

Under so me high traffic conditio ns, a devic e might b e unab le to generate audit no tifications fo r all auditab le actio ns due

to lo cal reso urce co nstraints. When suc h a co nditio n exists, the device shall selec tively dro p audit rec o rds attemp ting to

keep the mo st imp o rtant reco rds fo r distrib ution to the audit lo gger. The device shall rep o rt to the audit logger the numb er

o f dro p p ed rec ords using an audit no tificatio n with an op eratio n o f AUD ITING_F AILURE.

Excep t fo r no tificatio ns mandated b y this standard fo r c hanges in audit settings, the relative p rio rity o f audit no tifications

is a lo cal matter, it is suggested that when drop p ing no tificatio ns, no n- mo dificatio n audit no tificatio ns sho uld b e dro p p ed

first (e. g. , audit op eratio n is READ , NO TIF ICATIO N, etc . ) . Audit no tific atio ns that are mandated b y this standard for

c hanges in audit settings shall be deemed to be the highest p rio rity reco rds and the newest o f these shall be the last

rec o rds to b e dro p p ed.

19.Y.7 Audit Logs

19.Y.7.1 Audit Logger
The lo gging device is the central rep o sito ry fo r audit lo gs. S inc e it is exp ected that audit lo gs will b e very large, such a

device is exp ected to have a large amount of sto rage dedicated to audit lo gging.

The general structure is that o ne or mo re Audit Log ob j ects exist in the audit lo gger into which received audit

no tificatio ns are p lac ed. It is a lo c al matter ho w many and which Audit Log o b j ec ts any p artic ular audit no tification is

p laced into with the excep tion that, fo r any sp ec ific o b j ect, there is at least o ne Audit Lo g o b j ect which contains the

c o mp lete audit histo ry for the o b j ec t.

Audit lo ggers differ fro m o ther lo ggers in that archiving o f audit lo g reco rds is acco mp lished b y o p eration so urces and

o p eratio n targets p ushing no tificatio ns to the lo gger and B UF F ER_RE AD Y is no t used to info rm archival lo ggers o f new

no tificatio n reco rds. Also , given that auditing sho uld no t be interrup ted, there is no sup p o rt for the S to p _When_F ull

functio n.

19.Y.7.2 Audit Forwarder

An audit forwarder is a sp ecialized audit lo gger that is used to reduce netwo rk traffic caused b y audit lo gging.

The audit forwarder co llec ts audit no tificatio ns from multiple requests into an Audit Lo g o b j ect and then fo rwards them

to a p arent audit lo gger. O nce fo rwarded succ essfully, audit no tificatio ns may be remo ved fro m the forwarder’ s Audit

Lo g ob j ec t.

Audit fo rwarders are no t required to sup p ort the audit querying functionality and as such are no t considered a so urce of

audit info rmatio n fo r audit rep o rting. The audit fo rwarder is simp ly used for reducing the imp act o f audit rep orting on

netwo rk usage.

Audit fo rwarders shall no t disc ard, or change, p arameter values in audit no tific atio ns fro m o ther devic es when

fo rwarding the no tificatio ns.

While audit fo rwarder func tionality can b e p laced in any device in the system, it is reco mmended that it b e p laced in

ro uters as this minimizes the imp act o n netwo rk traffic.

19.Y.7.3 Audit Logger Hierarchies

When the o p eration sourc e and o p eration target devices invo lved in an auditab le op eratio n rep o rt audit no tific atio ns to

different audit loggers, there will b e two distinct reco rds o f the o p eratio n in two different audit lo ggers. If there is to b e a

co nso lidated lo g, then a hierarchy o f audit lo ggers shall b e setup . A co mp lete log with all audit rec o rd p airs will o nly b e

availab le in the top mo st audit lo gger in the hierarchy. The hierarc hy is achieved through the Memb er_O f p rop erty o f the

Audit Lo g o b j ect.

19.Y.8 Security of Audit Notifications

The B ACnet audit lo gging framewo rk do es no t p ro vide any security. S ecurity o f the netwo rk shall b e achieved through

o ther means such as the security framewo rk desc rib ed in Clause 2 4 .

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Given that values are sto red in Audit Lo gs, care sho uld be taken in co nfiguring access to Audit Lo g o b j ects so that

info rmation that needs to b e restricted can b e.

[ Insert into Clause 3.2 ]

persistent: when used to describe property values, the property value is stored in non-volatile storage so as to survive device

resets and power failures.

[ Mo dify Table 12-13 ]

A udit_Notification_Recipient BA CnetRecipient O



If p resent, this pro p erty shall be writab le.


This property shall be present if, and only if, the device supports audit reporting.

[ Add new Clause 12.11.X1 ]

12.11.X1 Audit_Notification_Recipient
This pro p erty, of typ e B ACnetRecip ient, sp ecifies the audit lo gging device to which audit no tificatio ns are sent.

When this p ro p erty is changed, an audit no tific atio n shall be generated and it shall b e either glo b ally b ro adcast, o r sent to

b o th the o riginal audit no tificatio n rec ip ient and the new audit no tificatio n rec ip ient.

If this p rop erty is p resent, it shall b e writab le.

[ Add new Clause 12.X ]

12.X Audit Reporter Object Type

The Audit Rep o rter o b j ect typ e defines a standardized o bj ec t who se pro p erties rep resent the externally visib le audit

settings fo r a B ACnet device whic h rep orts auditab le actio ns. B ACnet devic es which rep ort auditab le ac tions shall

co ntain at least o ne Audit Rep o rter ob j ec t. A detailed descrip tio n o f B ACnet audit rep o rting can b e found in Clause 1 9 . Y.

Audit Rep o rter ob j ects may o p tio nally supp o rt intrinsic rep o rting to fac ilitate the reporting o f fault conditio ns. Audit

Rep orter o b j ec ts that sup po rt intrinsic rep o rting shall ap p ly the NO NE event algorithm.

The Audit Rep o rter o b j ec t and its p ro p erties are summarized in Tab le 1 2 - X and describ ed in detail in this c lause.

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ISO 1 6484-5 : 2 0 17/Amd.1 : 2 02 0(E)

Table 12-X. Pro p erties o f the Audit Rep o rter O b j ec t Typ e

Pro p erty Identifier Pro p erty D atatyp e Co nfo rmanc e Co de

O b j ect_Identifier B ACnetO b j ectIdentifier R

O b j ect_Name Charac terS tring R

O b j ect_Typ e B ACnetO b j ectTyp e R

D esc rip tio n Charac terS tring O

S tatus_F lags B ACnetS tatusF lags R

Reliab ility B ACnetReliab ility R

Event_S tate B ACnetEventS tate R

Audit_Level B ACnetAuditLevel R

Audit_S o urc e_Rep orter B O O LEAN R

Auditab le_O p eratio ns B ACnetAuditO p eratio nF lags R

Audit_Prio rity_F ilter B ACnetPrio rityF ilter R

Issue_Co nfirmed_No tific ations B O O LEAN R

Mo nito red_Ob j ec ts B ACnetARRAY[ N] o f B ACnetO b j ectS electo r O

1 ,2
Maximum_S end_D elay Unsigned O

1 ,2
S end_No w B O O LEAN O

3 ,5
Event_D etectio n_Enab le B O O LEAN O

3 ,5
No tificatio n_Class Unsigned O

3 ,5
Event_Enab le B ACnetEventTransitio nB its O

3 ,5
Acked_ Transitio ns B ACnetEventTransitio nB its O

3 ,5
No tify_Typ e B ACnetNo tifyTyp e O

3 ,5
Event_Time_S tamp s B ACnetARRAY[ 3 ] o f B ACnetTimeS tamp O

4, 5
Event_Message_Texts B ACnetARRAY[ 3 ] of CharacterS tring O

Event_Message_Texts_Co nfig B ACnetARRAY[ 3 ] o f CharacterS tring O

Reliab ility_Evaluatio n_Inhib it B O O LEAN O

Pro p erty_List B ACnetARRAY[ N] o f B ACnetPro p ertyIdentifier R

Tags B ACnetARRAY[ N] o f B ACnetNameValue O

Pro file_Lo catio n CharacterS tring O

Pro file_Name Charac terS tring O

If p resent, these p ro p erties shall b e writab le.

If the ob j ect sup p orts delaying o f audit no tificatio ns, then these p ro p erties shall b e p resent.

These p ro p erties are required if the o b j ect supp o rts intrinsic rep o rting.

This p ro p erty, if p resent, is required to b e read- only.

These p ro p erties shall b e p resent o nly if the ob j ect sup p orts intrinsic rep o rting.

12.X.1 Object_Identifier
This p ro p erty, o f typ e B ACnetO b j ectIdentifier, is a numeric co de that is used to identify the o b j ect. It shall be unique

within the B ACnet devic e that maintains it.

12.X.2 Object_Name
This p ro p erty, o f typ e CharacterS tring, shall rep resent a name fo r the ob j ect that is unique within the B ACnet device that

maintains it. The minimum length o f the string shall be o ne character. The set o f characters used in the O b j ect_Name

shall b e restric ted to p rintab le c haracters.

12.X.3 Object_Type
This prop erty, o f typ e B ACnetO b j ectTyp e, indicates memb ership in a p articular o b j ec t typ e class. The value o f this

p ro p erty shall b e AUD IT_REPO RTE R.

12.X.4 Description
This p ro p erty, of typ e CharacterS tring, is a string o f p rintab le c haracters who se c ontent is no t restricted.

34 © ISO 2020 – All rights reserved

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12.X.5 Status_Flags
This p ro p erty, of typ e B ACnetS tatusF lag s, rep resents fo ur B o o lean flags that indicate the general " health" o f the Audit

Rep o rter o b j ec t. Three o f the flags are asso ciated with the values o f o ther pro p erties o f this o b j ect. A mo re detailed status

co uld b e determined by reading the p rop erties that are linked to these flags. The relatio nship b etween individual flags is

no t defined by the pro to c o l. The fo ur flags are



IN_ALARM Lo gical TRUE (1 ) if the Event_S tate p ro p erty is p resent and do es no t have a value o f NO RMAL,

o therwise lo gical FALS E (0 ) .

F AULT Lo gical TRUE (1 ) if the Reliab ility p ro p erty is p resent and do es no t have a value of

NO _F AULT_D ETECTED , o therwise lo gical F ALS E (0 ) .

O VERRID D EN Lo gical F ALS E (0 ) .

O UT_O F _S ERVI CE Lo gical F ALS E (0 ) .

If the o b j ect supp o rts event rep o rting, then this p ro p erty shall be the p S tatusF lags p arameter fo r the o b j ec t's event

algo rithm. S ee Clause 1 3 . 3 for event algorithm p arameter descrip tio ns.

12.X.6 Reliability
The Reliab ility p ro p erty, o f typ e B ACnetReliab ility, p ro vides an indicatio n that the p ro p erties o f the Audit Rep o rter

o b j ect are in a co nsistent state and whether the ob j ect is o p erating p rop erly.

If this Audit Rep o rter o b j ect is enab led and configured to monito r o ne or mo re ob j ects that ano ther enab led Audit

Rep o rter o b j ec t is also co nfigured to mo nito r, then this p ro p erty shall have the value CO NF IGURATIO N_ERRO R.

If the Audit Rep o rter ob j ect is enab led and the device is unab le to reso lve the Audit_No tificatio n_Recip ient device, then

this p ro p erty shall have the value CO NFIGURATIO N_ERRO R.

If the Audit Rep o rter o b j ect fails to successfully send audit no tificatio ns, or fails to receive ackno wledgements when

using Co nfirmedAuditNo tificatio n requests, the Reliab ility p ro p erty shall b e set to CO MMUNICATIO N_F AILURE. The

existence o f this reliab ility co nditio n shall no t sto p the ob j ect fro m attemp ting to send audit no tificatio ns. It is a lo cal

matter whether or no t the o b j ect will retry sending o f audit no tificatio ns.

12.X.7 Event_State
The Event_S tate p rop erty, o f typ e B ACnetEventS tate, is included in o rder to pro vide a way to determine whether this

o b j ect has an active event state asso ciated with it (see Clause 1 3 . 2. 2 . 1 ) . If the o b j ect sup p o rts event repo rting, then the

Event_S tate p ro p erty shall indic ate the event state o f the ob j ect. If the o b j ect do es no t sup p ort event repo rting, then the

value o f this p ro p erty shall b e NO RMAL.

12.X.8 Audit_Level
This p ro p erty, o f typ e B ACnetAuditLevel, sp ec ifies the level o f auditing to p erfo rm fo r all o b j ec ts this Audit Rep o rter

o b j ect rep orts fo r which do no t have an Audit_Level p ro p erty, or for which the Audit_Level p ro p erty is set to


This p ro p erty shall no t have the value D EF AULT.

If no t co nfigurab le, this p ro p erty shall no t have the value NO NE.

Fo r details o n auditing and the use o f this p ro p erty, see Clause 1 9 . Y. 2 .

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12.X.9 Audit_Source_Reporter
This read- o nly p rop erty, o f typ e B O O LEAN, indicates whe ther (TRUE) o r no t (F ALS E) this audit rep o rter ob j ec t is the

rep o rter o b j ect whic h co ntro ls o p eratio n source audit rep orting.

If this p rop erty is TRUE, this o b j ect generates no tific atio ns fo r auditab le o p eratio ns initiated b y this device.

F o r details o n auditing and the use o f this p ro p erty, see Clause 1 9 . Y. 2 .

12.X.10 Auditable_Operations
This p ro p erty, of typ e B ACnetAuditO p eratio nF lags, sp ecifies the o p eratio ns that the o b j ect will rep o rt.

If no t co nfigurab le, the values o f the READ , NO TIF I CAT IO N, and S UB S CRIPTIO N b its shall be 0, and the WRITE,

CREATE, D ELETE, and ACKNO WLED GE_ALARM b its shall b e 1 .

F o r details o n auditing and the use o f this p ro p erty, see Clause 1 9 . Y. 3 .

12.X.11 Audit_Priority_Filter
This p ro p erty, of typ e B ACnetPrio rityF ilter, sp ec ifies the auditab le co mmand prio rities fo r write o p erations on the

co mmandab le p ro p erty o f the o b j ects fo r which this o b j ect p erforms audit rep o rting. B its which are set indicate the

p rio rities fo r which audit no tificatio ns will b e generated. The b it numb er is 1 less than the p rio rity it is asso ciated with

(b it 7 is asso c iated with p rio rity 8 ) .

F o r details o n auditing and the use o f this p ro p erty, see Clause 1 9 . Y. 3 .

12.X.12 Issue_Confirmed_Notifications
This p ro p erty, o f typ e B O O LEAN, shall co nvey whether co nfirmed (TRUE) o r unco nfirmed (F ALS E) audit no tific atio ns

shall b e issued.

12.X.13 Monitored_Objects
This p rop erty, o f typ e B ACnetARRAY o f B ACnetO b j ec tS e lecto r, is used to indic ate the o b j ects that the Audit Rep o rter

o b j ect will generate no tificatio ns fo r.

If the array is o f length 0 , o r all entries in the array are NULL entries, then the Audit Rep o rter o b j ect do es no t generate

no tificatio ns fo r any o b j ects in the device.

Entries o f typ e B ACnetO b j ectIdentifier indicate sp ecific o b j ects that are rep o rtab le b y the Audit Rep o rter o b j ect. Entries

o f typ e B ACnetO b j ectTyp e indicate that all o b j ec ts o f the sp ec ified typ e are rep o rtab le by the Audit Rep o rter o b j ect.

Entries o f typ e NULL are igno red.

If there are multip le Audit Rep o rter o b j ects whic h are co nfigured to repo rt fo r a sp ecific o b j ect, only the o ne with the

lo west o b j ect instance shall generate no tificatio ns fo r the ob j ect. This allo ws a generic catch- all Audit Rep o rter o b j ect to

be c reated with a high instanc e numb er and lo wer instance numb er Audit Rep o rter o b j ects which p rovide custo mized

audit rep orting fo r sp ec ific ob j ects.

12.X.14 Maximum_Send_Delay
This p ro p erty, o f typ e Unsigned, sp ecifies the maximum amo unt of time, in seco nds, that the Audit Rep o rter ob j ect will

delay sending audit no tificatio ns fo r the p urp o se o f b atc h sending no tificatio ns.

The value in this p ro p erty does no t mandate that no tificatio ns shall be delayed, b ut rather allo ws the o b j ect to delay

sending o f no tificatio ns by up to the sp ecified numb er o f seco nds.

This p ro p erty shall sup p ort all values in the range 0 to 3 6 0 0 .

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ISO 1 6484-5 : 2 0 1 7/Amd.1 : 2 02 0(E)

12.X.15 Send_Now
This p rop erty, o f typ e B O O LEAN, when written to TRUE, fo rces the Audit Rep o rter ob j ect to send any and all audit

no tific atio ns that are b eing delayed. After all delayed audit no tificatio ns are sent, the Audit Rep o rter o b j ect resets the

p ro p erty to FALS E.

It is a lo cal matter whether o r no t the Audit Rep o rter o b j ect sto p s attemp ting to immediately send its delayed no tific atio ns

if the value is written to F ALS E.

12.X.16 Event_Detection_Enable
This p ro p erty, o f typ e B O O LEAN, indicates whether (TRUE) o r no t (F ALS E) intrinsic rep o rting is enab led in the o b j ect

and co ntro ls whether (TRUE) o r no t (F ALS E) the o b j ec t will b e co nsidered b y event summarizatio n servic es.

This p ro p erty is exp ected to be set during system configuratio n and is no t exp ected to change dynamically.

When this p ro p erty is F ALS E, Event_S tate shall be NO RMAL, and the p ro p erties Acked_Transitio ns,

Event_Time_S tamp s, and Event_Message_Texts shall b e equal to their resp ective initial c o nditio ns.

12.X.17 Notification_Class
This p rop erty, o f typ e Unsigned, shall sp ecify the instance o f the No tificatio n Class o b j ec t to use fo r event-no tification-

distrib utio n.

12.X.18 Event_Enable
This p ro p erty, of typ e B ACnetEventTransitio nB its, shall co nvey three flags that separately enab le and disab le the

distrib utio n of TO _O F F NO RMAL, TO _F AULT, and TO_NO RMAL no tificatio ns (see Clause 1 3 . 2 . 5 ). A device is

allo wed to restrict the set o f sup p o rted values for this p rop erty b ut shall sup po rt (T, T, T) at a minimum.

12.X.19 Acked_Transitions
This read- o nly p rop erty, of typ e B ACnetEventTransitio nB its, shall co nvey three flags that sep arately indicate the

ackno wledgment state for TO _O F F NO RMAL, TO _FAULT, and TO _NO RMAL events (see Clause 1 3 . 2 . 2. 1 . 5 ). Each

flag shall have the value TRUE if no event of that typ e has ever o ccurred fo r the o b j ec t.

12.X.20 Notify_Type
This p rop erty, o f typ e B ACnetNo tifyTyp e, shall c o nvey whether the no tific atio ns generated by the o b j ect sho uld be

Events or Alarms. The value of the p ro p erty is used as the value of the 'No tify Typ e' service p arameter in event

no tificatio ns generated b y the o b j ect.

12.X.21 Event_Time_Stamps
This read- o nly p ro p erty, of typ e B ACnetARRAY[ 3 ] of B ACnetTimeS tamp , shall c o nvey the times of the last

TO _O FF NO RMAL, TO _F AULT, and TO _NO RMAL events (see Clause 1 3 . 2. 2 . 1 ) . Timestamp s o f typ e Time o r Date

shall have X'F F ' in each o ctet, and S equence Numb er timestamp s shall have the value 0 if no event o f that typ e has ever

o ccurred fo r the ob j ec t.

12.X.22 Event_Message_Texts
This read- only p rop erty, o f typ e B ACnetARRAY[ 3 ] o f CharacterS tring, shall co nvey the message text values of the last

TO _O F F NO RMAL, TO _F AULT, and TO _NO RMAL events (see Clause 1 3 . 2 . 2 . 1 ). If a p articular typ e o f event has yet

to o ccur, an emp ty string shall b e sto red in the resp ective array element.

12.X.23 Event_Message_Texts_Config
This p rop erty, o f typ e B ACnetARRAY[ 3 ] o f Charac terS tring, co ntains the character strings which are the b asis fo r the

'Me ssage Text' p arameter fo r the event no tific atio ns of TO _O F FNO RMAL, TO _F AULT, and TO _NO RMAL events,

resp ectively, generated by this o b j ect. The character strings may o p tio nally co ntain p ro p rietary text sub stitutio n c o des to

inc o rp orate dynamic info rmatio n suc h as date and time or o ther informatio n.

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12.X.24 Reliability_Evaluation_Inhibit
This p rop erty, o f typ e B O O LEAN, indicates whether (TRUE) o r no t (F ALS E) reliab ility- evaluatio n is disab led in the

o b j ec t. This p ro p erty is a runtime o verride that allo ws temp orary disab ling o f reliab ility- evaluatio n.

When reliab ility- evaluatio n is disab led, the Reliab ility p rop erty shall have the value NO _F AULT_D ETECTED unless

O ut_O f_S ervice is TRUE and an alternate value has b een written to the Reliab ility p ro p erty.

12.X.25 Property_List
This read-o nly p ro p erty is a B ACnetARRAY o f p rop erty identifiers, o ne pro p erty identifier for each pro p erty that exists

within the o b j ec t. The O b j ect_Name, O b j ect_Typ e, O b j ect_Identifier, and Pro p erty_List p ro p erties are no t included in

the list.

12.X.26 Tags
This p rop erty, of typ e B ACnetARRAY o f B ACnetNameValue, is a co llec tio n o f tags for the o b j ect. S ee Clause Y. 1 . 4

fo r restrictio ns o n the string values used fo r the names o f these tag and fo r a descrip tion of tagging and the mechanism b y

which tags are defined.

Each entry in the array is a B ACnetNameValue co nstruc t which c o nsists o f the tag name and an o p tional value. If the tag

is defined to b e a " semantic tag" then it has no value, and the " value" field o f the B ACnetNameValue shall b e ab sent.

While so me tags may be known in advance when a device is manufactured, it is recommended that imp lementations

co nsider that this kind of info rmatio n might no t be known until a device is dep loyed and to p rovide a means of

co nfiguratio n o r writab ility o f this p ro p erty.

12.X.27 Profile_Location
This p ro p erty, o f typ e CharacterS tring, is the URI o f the lo catio n o f an xdd file (S ee Claus e X. 2 ) co ntaining the definition

of the CS ML typ e sp ec ified b y the Profile_Name p ro p erty and po ssib le o ther informatio n (S ee Annex X) . The URI is

restricted to using o nly the " http " , " http s" , and " b acnet" URI schemes. S ee Clause Q . 8 for the definitio n o f the " b acnet"

URI scheme.

If a Pro file_Lo c ation value is no t p rovided fo r a p articular o b j ect, then the c lient shall use the Pro file_Lo catio n of the

Device o b j ec t, if pro vided, to find the definitio n o f the Pro file_Name.

12.X.28 Profile_Name
This p ro p erty, of typ e CharacterS tring, is the name of an o b j ec t p ro file to which this o b j ect c o nforms. To ensure

uniqueness, a p rofile name shall b egin with a vendo r identifier c o de (see Clause 2 3 ) in base- 1 0 integer format, fo llo wed

by a dash. All sub sequent characters are administered b y the o rganizatio n registered with that vendor identifier code. The

vendor identifier code that prefixes the p ro file name shall indic ate the o rganizatio n that p ub lishes and maintains the

pro file. This vendo r identifier need no t have any relatio nship to the vendo r identifier of the devic e within which the

ob j ec t resides.

A p ro file defines a set o f additio nal p rop erties, b ehavio r, and/o r requirements fo r this o b j ec t b eyo nd tho se sp ecified here.

This standard defines o nly the fo rmat o f the names of p rofiles. If the Profile_Lo catio n p ro p erty o f this o b j ect or the

Devic e o b j ec t is p resent and no nemp ty, then the value of this p ro p erty shall b e the name o f a CS ML typ e defined in an

xdd file referred to by the Profile_Lo c atio n p ro p erty.

[ Add new Clause 12.Y ]

12.Y Audit Log Object Type

An Audit Lo g o b j ect c o mb ines audit no tificatio ns fro m o p eratio n so urces and op eratio n targets and sto res the co mb ined

reco rd in an internal b uffer fo r sub sequent retrieval. Each timestamp ed b uffer entry is called an audit lo g " reco rd. "

38 © ISO 2020 – All rights reserved

ISO 1 6484-5 : 2 0 1 7/Amd.1 : 2 02 0(E)

Each Audit Lo g o b j ect maintains an internal, p ersistent, o p tio nally fixed- size log buffer. This lo g b uffer fills or gro ws as

audit lo g reco rds are added. If the lo g b uffer b eco mes full, the least recent lo g reco rds are o verwritten when new log

reco rds are added. Lo g b uffers are transferred as a lis t o f B ACnetAuditLo gReco rd values using the ReadRange and

AuditLo gQ uery services. Each lo g reco rd in the lo g b uffer has an imp lied sequence numb er that is equal to the value o f

the To tal_Reco rd_Co unt pro perty immediately after the reco rd is added. S ee Clause 1 9 . Y fo r a full descrip tion o f how

audit no tificatio ns are added to audit logs.

As reco rds are added into the lo g, the Audit Lo g o b j ect will sc an existing entries fo r a matching reco rd. A reco rd is a

match if:

1) the rec o rd contains the timestamp fo r the op p o site ac to r (the reco rd co ntains the o p eratio n so urce

timestamp when merging in an o p eration target no tific atio n and vice-versa) ;

2) the o p eration- so urce, o p eration, invoke- id, target- device, target- p rop erty, are all equal;

3) if the user- id, user- ro le, target-value fields are pro vided in b oth no tific atio ns then they are equal; and

4) if the so urce- timestamp and target- timestamp values are ap p roximately equal (+/- APD U_Timeo ut *


If a matc h is fo und, the existing lo g record is up dated. O therwise, a new reco rd is created. If a match is fo und, and it

already contains b o th an op eratio n so urce and an o p eratio n target p ortio n, then the no tificatio n is dro pp ed. When creating

a new reco rd, tho se fields which are no t sup p lied in the no tificatio n (such as the 'S o urce Timestamp ' when a server

no tific atio n is rec eived) shall b e ab sent fro m the record. When updating an existing record, tho se fields no t supp lied in

the o riginal no tificatio n are up dated fro m the new no tificatio n, if p resent. F o r the 'Current Value' field, a value p ro vided

by the o p eratio n target device shall always take p recedence o ver a value p rovided by an o p eratio n so urce device. As

suc h, if the values p rovided in the p eer no tificatio ns differ, the o p eration target value shall b e the one used in the reco rd.

Lo gging may b e enab led and disab led thro ugh the Enab le pro p erty. Audit Lo g enab ling and disab ling is reco rded in the

audit lo g b uffer.

Unlike o ther log ob j ects, Audit Lo g ob j ects do no t use the B UF FER_READ Y event algo rithm.

The acquisitio n o f log records b y remo te devices has no effect up o n the state o f the Audit Lo g o b j ect itself. This allo ws

co mp letely indep endent, b ut pro p erly sequential, ac cess to its lo g reco rds b y all remo te devices. Any remo te device can

indep endently up date its lo g reco rds at any time.

Audit Lo g ob j ects may o p tionally sup po rt fo rwarding o f audit no tific atio ns to “p arent” audit lo gs. This functio nality

imp ro ves the reliab ility o f the audit system b y allo wing intermediaries to b uffer audit no tificatio ns in the case where the

ultimate audit lo gger is o ffline fo r a sho rt p eriod o f time. It is exp ec ted that intermediaries b e cap ab le o f sto ring a larger

numb er o f rec o rds than devices which rep o rt auditab le actions. It is also useful for b uffering o f audit no tificatio ns so they

can be sent in bulk to the p arent audit log. When o p erating in this mo de, with the D elete_O n_Fo rward p ro p erty set to

TRUE, the o b j ect is no t required to p erfo rm audit no tification matching and co mb ining.

Audit Lo g o b j ects may o p tionally sup p o rt intrinsic rep orting to facilitate the rep o rting o f fault co nditions. Audit Log

ob j ec ts that sup p o rt intrinsic rep o rting shall app ly the NO NE event algorithm.

The Audit Log o b j ect and its pro p erties are summarized in Tab le 1 2 - Y and describ ed in detail in this sub clause.

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ISO 1 6484-5 : 2 0 17/Amd.1 : 2 02 0(E)

Table 12-Y. Pro p erties o f the Audit Lo g O b j ec t Typ e

Pro p erty Identifier Pro p erty D atatyp e Co nfo rmance Co de

O b j ec t_Identifier B ACnetO b j ectIdentifier R

O b j ect_Name CharacterS tring R

O b j ec t_Typ e B ACnetO b j ectTyp e R

Pro p erty_List B ACnetARRAY[ N] o f B ACnetPro p ertyIdentifier R

D escrip tio n CharacterS tring O

S tatus_F lags B ACnetS tatusF lags R

Event_S tate B ACnetEventS tate R

Reliab ility B ACnetReliab ility O

Enab le B O O LEAN W

B uffer_S ize Unsigned3 2 R

Lo g_B uffer B ACnetLIS T o f B ACnetAuditLo gReco rd R

Reco rd_Co unt Unsigned6 4 R

To tal_Rec o rd_Co unt Unsigned6 4 R

Memb er_O f B ACnetD eviceO b j ectReference O

1 ,2
D elete_O n_F o rward B O O LEAN O

Issue_Co nfirmed_No tifications B O O LEAN O

3 ,4
Event_D etectio n_Enab le B O O LEAN O

3 ,4
No tificatio n_Class Unsigned O

3 ,4
Event_Enab le B ACnetEventTransitio nB its O

3 ,4
Acked_Transitio ns B ACnetEventTransitio nB its O

3 ,4
No tify_Typ e B ACnetNo tifyTyp e O

3 ,4
Event_Time_S tamp s B ACnetARRAY[ 3 ] o f B ACnetTimeS tamp O

4, 5
Event_Message_Texts B ACnetARRAY[ 3 ] o f CharacterS tring O

Event_Message_Texts_Co nfig B ACnetARRAY[ 3 ] o f CharacterS tring O

3 ,4
Event_D etectio n_Enab le B O O LEAN O

Reliab ility_Evaluatio n_Inhib it B O O LEAN O

Audit_Le vel B ACnetAuditLevel O

Auditab le_O p eratio ns B ACnetAuditO p eratio nF lags O

Tags B ACnetARRAY[ N] o f B ACnetNameValue O

Pro file_Lo c atio n CharacterS tring O

Pro file_Name CharacterS tring O

These p ro p erties shall b e p resent if the ob j ect sup p orts fo rwarding.

This p ro p erty shall b e read- only and TRUE if the o b j ect do es no t sup p ort matching and comb ining o f

reco rds.

These p ro p erties are required if the o b j ect supp o rts intrinsic rep o rting.

These p ro p erties shall b e p resent o nly if the ob j ect sup p orts intrinsic rep o rting.

This p ro p erty, if p resent, is required to b e read- only.

If this p rop erty is p resent, then the Reliab ility p ro p erty shall b e p resent.

This p ro p erty shall b e present o nly if the device supp o rts audit rep o rting.

12.Y.1 Object_Identifier
This p ro p erty, o f typ e B ACnetO b j ectIdentifier, is a numeric co de that is used to identify the o b j ect. It shall be unique

within the B ACnet device that maintains it.

12.Y.2 Object_Name
This p ro p erty, o f typ e CharacterS tring, shall rep resent a name fo r the ob j ect that is unique within the B ACnet device that

maintains it. The minimum length o f the string shall be o ne charac ter. The set o f characters used in the O b j ect_Name

shall b e restricted to p rintab le charac ters.

40 © ISO 2020 – All rights reserved

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12.Y.3 Object_Type
This p rop erty, o f typ e B ACnetO b j ectTyp e, indic ates membership in a p articular o b j ec t typ e class. The value o f this

p ro p erty shall b e AUD IT_LOG.

12.Y.4 Property_List
This read-o nly p ro p erty is a B ACnetARRAY o f p rop erty identifiers, o ne p ro p erty identifier for each p ro p erty that exists

within the o b j ect. The O b j ect_Name, O b j ec t_Typ e, O b j ect_Identifier, and Pro p erty_List p ro p erties are no t included in

the list.

12.Y.5 Description
This p ro p erty, of typ e CharacterS tring, is a string o f p rintab le characters who se content is no t restricted.

12.Y.6 Status_Flags
This p ro p erty, o f typ e B ACnetS tatusFlags, rep resents fo ur B o o lean flags that indic ate the general " health" o f an Audit

Lo g ob j ec t. The IN_ALARM and FAULT flags are asso ciated with the values of o ther p ro p erties o f this o b j ect. A more

detailed status may be determined by reading the p ro p erties that are linked to these flags. The relationship b etween

individual flags is no t defined b y the p ro to co l. The fo ur flags are



IN_ALARM Lo gic al FALS E (0 ) if the Event_S tate p ro p erty has a value o f NO RMAL, o therwise lo gical TRUE

(1 ) .

F AULT Lo gical TRUE (1 ) if the Reliab ility p ro p erty is p resent and do es no t have a value of

NO _F AULT_D ETECTED , o therwise lo gical F ALS E (0 ) .

O VERRID D EN The value o f this flag shall b e Lo gical F ALS E (0 ) .

O UT_O F _S ERVI CE The value o f this flag shall b e Lo gical F ALS E (0 ) .

If the o b j ect supp o rts event rep o rting, then this p ro p erty shall be the p S tatusF lags p arameter fo r the o b j ect's event

algo rithm. S ee Clause 1 3 . 3 for event algorithm p arameter desc rip tio ns.

12.Y.7 Event_State
The Event_S tate p rop erty, o f typ e B ACnetEventS tate, is inc luded in o rder to p ro vide a way to determine whether this

o b j ect has an ac tive event state asso ciated with it (see Clause 1 3 . 2. 2 . 1 ) . If the o b j ect sup p o rts event repo rting, then the

Event_S tate p ro p erty shall indicate the event state o f the ob j ect. If the o b j ec t do es no t sup p ort event repo rting, then the

value o f this p ro p erty shall b e NO RMAL.

12.Y.8 Reliability
The Reliab ility p ro p erty, o f typ e B ACnetReliab ility, p ro vides an indicatio n that the p ro p erties o f the Audit Lo g o b j ect are

in a co nsistent state and whether the o b j ect is op erating p roperly.

If the Audit Lo g o b j ect is enab led and co nfigured to fo rward audit no tificatio ns, and the device is unab le to reso lve the

Memb er_O f device, then this p ro p erty shall have the value CO NF IGURATIO N_ERRO R.

If the Audit Log o b j ect, when co nfigured to fo rward audit no tific atio ns, fails to succ essfully send audit no tificatio ns, or

fails to rec eive ac kno wledgements when using Co nfirmedAuditNo tificatio n requests, the Reliab ility p ro p erty shall b e s et

to CO MMUNIC ATIO N_FAI LURE. The existence o f this reliab ility c o nditio n shall no t sto p the o b j ec t fro m attemp ting

to send audit no tific atio ns. It is a lo cal matter whether or no t the o b j ect will retry sending of audit no tificatio ns.

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12.Y.9 Enable
This p ro p erty, o f typ e B O O LEAN, indicates and co ntro ls whether (TRUE) or no t (F ALS E) lo gging is enab led. Logging

o c curs if and o nly if Enab le is TRUE. Lo g_B uffer reco rds o f typ e lo g- status are recorded witho ut regard to the value of

the Enab le pro p erty.

12.Y.10 Buffer_Size
This p ro p erty, o f typ e Unsigned3 2 , shall sp ecify the maximum numb er of lo g reco rds the lo g buffer may ho ld. If

writab le, it may no t b e written when Enab le is TRUE. The disp o sitio n o f existing lo g reco rds when B uffer_S ize is written

is a lo cal matter.

Fo r p ro ducts that sup p o rt very large lo g o b j ects, the value 2 -1 is reserved to indicate that the b uffer size is unkno wn and

is co nstrained so lely b y currently availab le reso urc es.

12.Y.11 Log_Buffer
This p ro p erty, of typ e B ACnetLIS T of B ACnetAuditLo gReco rd, is a list of timestamp ed lo g reco rds of datatype

B ACnetAuditLo gRec o rd, each o f whic h co nveys the audit no tific atio n p arameters or status c hanges in the Audit Lo g

o b j ec t. Eac h log reco rd has data fields as fo llo ws:

Timestamp The lo c al date and time that the entry was p lac ed into the audit lo g.

Lo g D atum The audit no tific atio n info rmatio n, o r a change in status o r op eratio n of the Audit Lo g o b j ec t itself.

The c ho ices availab le fo r the 'Lo g D atum' are listed b elo w:

lo g- status This c ho ice represents a c hange in the status or o p eratio n of the Audit Log ob j ect.

Whenever o ne o f the events rep resented by the flags listed b elo w o cc urs, a lo g reco rd

shall b e ap p ended to the b uffer.

LO G_D IS AB LED This flag is c hanged whenever co llec tio n o f log reco rds b y the

Audit Lo g o b j ect is enab led or disab led. It shall be TRUE if

Enab le is F ALS E; o therwise it shall b e F ALS E.

B UFF E R_PURGED This flag shall be set to TRUE whenever the lo g b uffer is

cleared. After this value is reco rded in the lo g b uffer, the

sub sequent immediate change to F ALS E shall no t b e reco rded.

A lo g rec o rd indicating the p urging o f the lo g buffer shall be

p laced into the lo g buffer even if lo gging is disab led, the lo cal

time is o utside of the time range defined b y the S tart_Time and

S to p _Time p ro p erties, or the lo g b uffer was comp letely emp ty

b efo re the request fo r c learing.

LO G_INTERRUPTED This flag indicates that the co llectio n o f log reco rds b y the Audit

Lo g ob j ect was interrup ted by a p o wer failure, device reset,

o b j ect reco nfiguration, or other suc h disrup tion, such that

samp les p rio r to this lo g rec o rd might have b een missed.

audit- no tificatio n This cho ice rep resents an audit no tificatio n that was received. It consists o f the audit

info rmation fro m the o peratio n so urce and o p eratio n target generated

Co nfirmedAuditNo tificatio n and/o r Unco nfirmedAuditNo tificatio n reques ts. If the audit

no tificatio n was generated locally, this cho ice shall ho ld what wo uld be rec eived if the

Audit Lo g o b j ec t existed on a remo te device.

time- change This cho ice represents a c hange in the clo ck setting in the device, reco rds the numb er of

seco nds and fraction o f a sec ond b y which the clo c k changed. If, and o nly if, the numb er

is no t kno wn, such as when the clo c k is initialized fo r the first time, the value rec orded

shall b e 0 . 0 . This lo g rec o rd shall b e reco rded after c hanging the lo cal time o f the device,

and the timestamp shall reflect the new lo c al time of the device.

42 © ISO 2020 – All rights reserved

ISO 1 6484-5 : 2 0 1 7/Amd.1 : 2 02 0(E)

Also asso c iated with each lo g reco rd is an imp lied sequence numb er, the value o f which is equal to To tal_Reco rd_Co unt

at the p o int where the lo g rec o rd has b een added into the lo g buffer and To tal_Rec o rd_Co unt has b een adj usted

acc o rdingly. All clients shall be ab le to co rrectly handle the case where the Audit Log o b j ect is reset such that its

To tal_Reco rd_Co unt is returned to zero and also the case where To tal_Rec o rd_Co unt has wrap p ed b ack to o ne. While no

intero p erab le metho d is p ro vided fo r resetting the Audit Log o b j ec t, catastro p hic failures can result in rep lac ement of the

lo gging devic e whic h will b e equivalent to resetting o f the o b j ect. It is fo r situatio ns suc h as this that c lients need to b e

p rep ared.

The lo g b uffer is no t netwo rk accessib le excep t thro ugh the use o f the ReadRange and AuditLo gQ uery servic es in o rder

to avo id p rob lems with rec o rd sequencing when segmentation is required.

12.Y.12 Record_Count
This read- o nly p rop erty, o f typ e Unsigned6 4 , shall rep resent the number o f log rec ords currently resident in the log

b uffer. Unlike o ther log o b j ect typ es, this p rop erty is no t writab le as audit lo gs are never exp ected to b e reset.

12.Y.13 Total_Record_Count
This p ro p erty, o f typ e Unsigned6 4 , shall rep resent the to tal numb er o f lo g reco rds co llected b y the Audit Lo g o b j ec t since

creatio n. When the value of To tal_Rec o rd_Co unt reaches its maximum po ssib le value o f 2 - 1, the next value it takes

shall b e o ne. Onc e this value has wrap p ed to o ne, its semantic value (the to tal numb er of lo g records co llected) has b een

lo st.

12.Y.14 Member_Of
This p rop erty, o f typ e B ACnetD eviceO b j ectReference, shall indic ate the device which this Audit Lo g o b j ec t fo rwards all

audit lo g reco rds to .

All lo g reco rds co llected b y the Audit Lo g shall b e sent to the referenced device via audit no tificatio n requests.

12.Y.15 Delete_On_Forward
This p ro p erty, o f typ e B O O LEAN, indicates whether (TRUE) o r no t (FALS E) the no tificatio ns will b e remo ved fro m the

lo g b uffer after b eing suc cessfully fo rwarded.

12.Y.16 Issue_Confirmed_Notifications
This p ro p erty, of typ e B O O LEAN, shall co nvey whether confirmed (TRUE) o r unco nfirmed (FALS E) audit no tific atio ns

shall b e issued when forwarding audit no tific atio ns.

12.Y.17 Event_Detection_Enable
This p ro p erty, o f typ e B O O LEAN, indicates whether (TRUE) o r no t (F ALS E) intrinsic rep o rting is enab led in the o b j ect

and co ntro ls whether (TRUE) o r no t (F ALS E) the o b j ec t will b e co nsidered b y event summarizatio n services.

This p ro p erty is exp ected to be set during system configuratio n and is no t exp ected to c hange dynamically.

When this p ro p erty is F ALS E, Event_S tate shall be NO RMAL, and the p ro perties Acked_Transitio ns,

Event_Time_S tamp s, and Event_Message_Texts shall b e equal to their resp ective initial c o nditio ns.

12.Y.18 Notification_Class
This p rop erty, o f typ e Unsigned, shall sp ecify the instance o f the No tificatio n Class o b j ect to use fo r event-no tification-

distrib utio n.

12.Y.19 Event_Enable
This p ro p erty, of typ e B ACnetEventTransitio nB its, shall co nvey three flags that separately enab le and disab le the

distrib utio n of TO _O FF NO RMAL, TO _F AULT, and TO_NO RMAL no tific atio ns (see Clause 1 3 . 2 . 5 ). A device is

allo wed to restrict the set o f sup p o rted values for this p rop erty b ut shall sup po rt (T, T, T) at a minimum.

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ISO 1 6484-5 : 2 0 17/Amd.1 : 2 02 0(E)

12.Y.20 Acked_Transitions
This read- o nly p rop erty, of typ e B ACnetEventTransitio nB its, shall co nvey three flags that sep arately indicate the

ac kno wledgment state for TO _O F F NO RMAL, TO _F AULT, and TO _NO RMAL events (see Clause 1 3 . 2 . 2. 1 . 5 ) . Each

flag shall have the value TRUE if no event of that typ e has ever o cc urred fo r the o b j ect.

12.Y.21 Notify_Type
This p rop erty, o f typ e B ACnetNo tifyTyp e, shall co nvey whether the no tific atio ns generated by the o b j ect sho uld be

Events or Alarms. The value of the p ro p erty is used as the value of the 'No tify Typ e' service p arameter in event

no tificatio ns generated b y the o b j ect.

12.Y.22 Event_Time_Stamps
This read- o nly p ro p erty, of typ e B ACnetARRAY[ 3 ] of B ACnetTimeS tamp , shall co nvey the times of the last

TO _O F F NO RMAL, TO _F AULT, and TO _NO RMAL events (see Clause 1 3 . 2. 2 . 1 ) . Timestamp s o f typ e Time o r Date

shall have X'F F ' in each o c tet, and S equenc e Numb er timestamp s shall have the value 0 if no event o f that typ e has ever

o c curred fo r the ob j ect.

12.Y.23 Event_Message_Texts
This read- only p rop erty, o f typ e B ACnetARRAY[ 3 ] o f CharacterS tring, shall co nvey the message text values of the last

TO _O F F NO RMAL, TO _F AULT, and TO _NO RMAL events (see Clause 1 3 . 2 . 2 . 1 ). If a p articular typ e o f event has yet

to o ccur, an emp ty string shall b e sto red in the resp ec tive array element.

12.Y.24 Event_Message_Texts_Config
This p rop erty, o f typ e B ACnetARRAY[ 3 ] o f CharacterS tring, co ntains the character strings whic h are the b asis fo r the

'Me ssage Text' p arameter fo r the event no tificatio ns of TO _O F F NO RMAL, TO _FAULT, and TO _NO RMAL events,

resp ec tively, generated by this o b j ect. The character strings may o p tionally co ntain p ro p rietary text sub stitutio n co des to

inco rp orate dynamic info rmatio n such as date and time o r o ther info rmatio n.

12.Y.25 Event_Detection_Enable
This p ro p erty, o f typ e B O O LEAN, indicates whether (TRUE) o r no t (F ALS E) intrinsic rep o rting is enab led in the o b j ect

and c ontro ls whether (TRUE) o r no t (FALS E) the o b j ect will b e co nsidered b y event summarizatio n servic es.

This p ro p erty is exp ected to be set during system configuratio n and is no t exp ected to change dynamically.

When this p ro p erty is F ALS E, Event_S tate shall be NO RMAL, and the p ro p erties Acked_Transitio ns,

Event_Time_S tamp s, and Event_Message_Texts shall b e equal to their resp ective initial c o nditio ns.

12.Y.26 Reliability_Evaluation_Inhibit
This p rop erty, o f typ e B O O LEAN, indicates whether (TRUE) or no t (FALS E) reliab ility- evaluatio n is disab led in the

o b j ect. This p ro p erty is a runtime o verride that allo ws temp orary disab ling o f reliab ility- evaluatio n.

When reliab ility- evaluation is disab led, the Reliab ility p rop erty shall have the value NO _F AULT_D ETECTED unless

O ut_O f_S ervic e is TRUE and an alternate value has b een written to the Reliab ility p ro p erty.

12.Y.27 Audit_Level
This p rop erty, o f typ e B ACnetAuditLevel, sp ecifies the level o f auditing to p erfo rm fo r the sp ecific o b j ec t. If this

p ro p erty has the value D EF AULT, o r if this p ro p erty is no t p resent in the o b j ect, then the audit level value fo r the o b j ect

shall b e taken fro m the Audit_Level p rop erty o f the o b j ect’ s asso ciated Audit Rep o rter o b j ec t.

Fo r details o n auditing and the use o f this p ro p erty, see Clause 1 9 . Y. 3 .

If this p rop erty is p resent and no t co nfigurab le, the value shall no t b e NO NE.

44 © ISO 2020 – All rights reserved

ISO 1 6484-5 : 2 0 1 7/Amd.1 : 2 02 0(E)

12.Y.28 Auditable_Operations
This p ro p erty, of typ e B ACnetAuditO p eratio nF lags, sp ecifies the o p eratio ns that the device will rep o rt for this o b j ect.

If p resent and no t c o nfigurab le, the values o f the READ , NO TIFICATIO N, and S UB S C RIPTIO N b its shall b e 0 , and the

WRITE, C REATE, D ELETE, and ACKNO WLED GE_ALARM b its shall b e 1 .

If this pro p erty is no t p resent, and the devic e sup p orts auditing, then the Auditab le_Op eratio ns p rop erty o f the o b j ec t’ s

asso ciated Audit Rep o rter o b j ect shall co ntro l the op eratio ns that are auditab le fo r this o b j ect.

F o r details o n auditing and the use o f this p ro p erty, see Clause 1 9 . Y. 3 .

12.Y.29 Tags
This p rop erty, of typ e B ACnetARRAY o f B ACnetNameValue, is a co llec tio n o f tags for the o b j ect. S ee Clause Y. 1 . 4

fo r restrictio ns o n the string values used fo r the names o f these tag and fo r a descrip tion of tagging and the mechanism b y

whic h tags are defined.

Each entry in the array is a B ACnetNameValue co nstruct whic h co nsists o f the tag name and an o p tional value. If the tag

is defined to b e a " semantic tag" then it has no value, and the " value" field o f the B ACnetNameValue shall b e ab sent.

While so me tags may be known in advanc e when a device is manufactured, it is recommended that imp lementations

co nsider that this kind of info rmatio n might no t be known until a device is dep loyed and to p rovide a means of

co nfiguratio n o r writab ility o f this p ro p erty.

12.Y.30 Profile_Location
This p ro p erty, o f typ e Charac terS tring, is the URI o f the lo catio n o f an xdd file (S ee Claus e X. 2 ) c o ntaining the definition

o f the CS ML typ e sp ecified b y the Profile_Name p ro p erty and po ssib le o ther informatio n (S ee Annex X) . The URI is

restricted to using o nly the " http " , " http s" , and " b acnet" URI sc hemes. S ee Clause Q . 8 for the definitio n o f the " b acnet"

URI scheme.

If a Pro file_Lo cation value is no t p rovided fo r a p articular o b j ec t, then the client shall use the Pro file_Lo catio n of the

D evic e o b j ect, if pro vided, to find the definitio n o f the Pro file_Name.

12.Y.31 Profile_Name
This p ro p erty, of typ e CharacterS tring, is the name of an o b j ec t p ro file to which this o b j ect c o nforms. To ensure

uniqueness, a p rofile name shall b egin with a vendo r identifier c o de (see Clause 2 3 ) in base- 1 0 integer format, fo llo wed

b y a dash. All sub sequent characters are administered b y the o rganizatio n registered with that vendor identifier code. The

vendor identifier c ode that prefixes the p ro file name shall indicate the o rganizatio n that p ub lishes and maintains the

p ro file. This vendo r identifier need no t have any relatio nship to the vendo r identifier of the device within which the

o b j ect resides.

A p ro file defines a set o f additio nal p rop erties, b ehavio r, and/o r requirements fo r this o b j ect b eyo nd tho se sp ecified here.

This standard defines o nly the fo rmat o f the names of p rofiles. If the Profile_Lo catio n p ro p erty o f this o b j ect or the

D evic e o b j ect is p resent and no nemp ty, then the value of this p ro p erty shall b e the name o f a CS ML typ e defined in an

xdd file referred to by the Profile_Lo catio n p ro p erty.

[ Add to all Object Type Tables Clause 12 in ]

[ No te: These p rop erties are added to the Audit Rep o rter and the Audit Lo g o b j ect typ es as o f this addendum. S ee new

Clauses 1 2 . X. and 1 2 . Y. In the Audit Rep o rter ob j ect typ e, these p ro p erties have sp ec ific requirements. In the Audit Lo g

o b j ec t typ e, the p ro p erties are included as sho wn b elo w. ]

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ISO 1 6484-5 : 2 0 17/Amd.1 : 2 02 0(E)

Pro p erty Identifier Pro p erty D atatyp e Co nfo rmance

Co de

... ... ...

A udit_Level BA CnetA uditLevel O
A uditable_Operations BA CnetA uditOperationFlags O

... ... ...

This property shall be present only if the device supports audit reporting.

[ Add to all Commandable Object Type Tables in Clause 12 ]

Pro p erty Identifier Pro p erty D atatyp e Co nfo rmance

Co de

... ... ...

A udit_Priority_Filter BA CnetOptionalPriorityFilter O

... ... ...

This property shall be present only if the device supports audit reporting.

[ Add to all Object Types in Clause 12 ]

[ No te: These p rop erties are added to the Audit Rep o rter and the Audit Lo g o b j ect typ es as o f this addendum. S ee new

Clauses 1 2 . X. and 1 2 . Y. In the Audit Rep o rter ob j ec t typ e, these p ro p erties have sp ec ific requirements. In the Audit Lo g

o b j ect typ e, the p ro p erties are inc luded as sho wn b elo w. ]

12.Z.X1 Audit_Level
This p roperty, o f typ e B ACnetAuditLevel, sp ecifies the level o f auditing to p erfo rm fo r the sp ecific o b j ect. If this

p ro p erty has the value D EF AULT, o r if this p ro p erty is no t p resent in the o b j ect, then the audit level value fo r the o b j ect

shall b e taken fro m the Audit_Level p rop erty o f the o b j ect’ s asso c iated Audit Rep o rter o b j ect.

F o r details o n auditing and the use o f this p ro p erty, see Clause 1 9 . Y. 3 .

If this p roperty is p resent and no t co nfigurab le, the value shall no t b e NO NE.

12.Z.X2 Auditable_Operations
This p ro p erty, of typ e B ACnetAuditO p eratio nF lags, sp ecifies the o p eratio ns that the device will rep o rt for this o b j ect.

If p resent and no t co nfigurab le, the values o f the READ , NO TIF ICATIO N, and S UB S C RIPTIO N b its shall b e 0 , and the

WRITE, CREATE, D ELETE, and ACKNO WLED GE_ALARM b its shall b e 1 .

If this prop erty is no t p resent, and the device sup p orts auditing, then the Auditab le_Op eratio ns p rop erty o f the o b j ect’ s

asso c iated Audit Rep o rter o b j ect shall co ntro l the op eratio ns that are auditab le fo r this o b j ect.

F o r details o n auditing and the use o f this p ro p erty, see Clause 1 9 . Y. 3 .

[ Add to all Commandable Object Types in Clause 12 ]

12.Z.X3 Audit_Priority_Filter
This p rop erty, of typ e B ACnetO p tio nalPrio rityF ilter, sp ec ifies the auditab le p rio rities fo r write o p eratio ns on the

co mmandab le pro p erty o f the o b j ec t. B its which are set (1 ) indicate the p rio rities fo r which audit no tific atio ns will be

generated. The b it numb er is one less than the p riority it is asso ciated with (e. g. , b it 7 is asso ciated with p rio rity 8 ) .

If p resent and no t co nfigurab le, this p ro p erty shall have the value NULL.

46 © ISO 2020 – All rights reserved

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If this p ro p erty is p resent and has the value NULL o r if the p ro p erty is no t p resent, the o bj ec t shall use the p rio rity filter

setting fro m the Audit_Prio rity_Filter p ro p erty of the ob j ect’ s asso ciated Audit Rep o rter ob j ect.

Fo r details o n auditing and the use o f this p ro p erty, see Clause 1 9 . Y. 3 .

[ Insert new Clause 13.X]

13.X AuditLogQuery

The AuditLo gQ uery service pro vides efficient access to Audit Lo g reco rds. The servic e allo ws fo r a few co mmo n queries

o n Audit Lo gs.

The service allo ws devic es to find and retrieve audit info rmatio n witho ut reading and pro cessing a co mp lete audit log.

The queries currently facilitated b y the AuditLogQ uery service are:

Audit Query By Target - Retrieve the audit reco rds for the sp ecified target devic e, o b j ect, and p rop erty.

Reco rds are returned in reverse sequenc e numb er o rder (newest to o ldest) .

Audit Query By S ource - Retrieve all audited ac tions initiated b y the sp ecified op eratio n so urce. Reco rds are

returned in the reverse sequence numb er o rder (newest to o ldest) .

13.X.1 AuditLogQuery Service Structure

The structure of the AuditLogQ uery service p rimitive is shown in Tab le 1 3 - X. The termino lo gy and symbo lo gy used in

this tab le are exp lained in Clause 5 . 6 .

Table 13-X1 . S truc ture o f AuditLo gQ uery S ervic e Primitives

Parameter Name Req Ind Rsp Cnf

Argument M M(=)

Audit Lo g M M(=)

Q uery Parameters M M(=)

S tart At S equence Numb er U U(=)

Requested Co unt M M(=)

Result(+) S S (=)

Audit Lo g M M(=)

Reco rds M M(=)

No Mo re Items M M(=)

Result(- ) S S (=)

Erro r Typ e M M(=)

13.X.1.1 Argument

This p arameter shall c o nvey the p arameters fo r the AuditLogQ uery co nfirmed service request.

13.X.1.1.1 Audit Log

This p arameter, of typ e B ACnetO b j ectIdentifier, sp ec ifies the Audit Lo g o b j ect to query.

13.X.1.1.2 Query Parameters

This p arameter, of typ e B ACnetAuditLo gQ ueryParameters, sp ecifies the query p arameters to ap p ly. The typ e of

p arameters varies b y the typ e o f query as sho wn b elo w.

© ISO 2020 – All rights reserved 47

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13.X. Audit Query By Target

Table 13-X2 . S tructure o f 'Audit Q uery B y Prop erty' Q uery Parameters

Parameter Name Req Ind D atatyp e

Target D evice Identifier M M(=) B ACnetO b j ectIdentifier

Target D evice Address U U(=) B ACnetAddress

Target O b j ect Identifier U U(=) B ACnetO b j ectIdentifier

Target Prop erty Identifier U U(=) B ACnetPro p ertyIdentifier

Target Array Index U U(=) Unsigned

Target Prio rity U U(=) Unsigned (1 . . 1 6)

O p eratio ns U U(=) B ACnetAuditO p eratio nF lags

Result F ilter M M(=) B ACnetS uccessF ilter

The 'Target D evic e Identifier', 'Target D evic e Address ', 'T arget O b j ec t Identifier', 'Target Pro p erty Identifier', 'Target

Array Index' identify the device, o b j ect, or p ro p erty fo r which audit reco rds are requested.

When b o th 'Target D evic e Identifier' and 'Target D evic e Address' p arameters are included, a reco rd is a matc h if it

matc hes either o f the two p arameters.

The 'Target Priority' p arameter is used to restrict reco rds to o nly tho se fo r the sp ecified p rio rity. Audit reco rds witho ut a

'Prio rity' will match any 'Target Prio rity'.

The 'O p eratio ns' p arameter determines the o p eratio n typ es fo r which entries are requested. If no t p resent, all o p eration

typ es will b e returned.

The 'Re sult Filter' p arameter indicates whether audit reco rds fo r suc cessful and/o r failed ac tio ns will b e inc luded in the

resp o nse.

13.X. Audit Query By Source

Table 13-X3 . S truc ture o f 'Audit Q uery B y S o urc e' Q uery Parameters

Parameter Name Req Ind D atatyp e

S o urce D evice Identifier M M(=) B ACnetO b j ectIdentifier

S o urce D evice Address U U(=) B ACnetAddress

S o urce O b j ect Identifier U U(=) B ACnetO b j ectIdentifier

O p eratio ns U U(=) B ACnetAuditO p eratio nF lags

Result F ilter M M(=) B ACnetS uccessF ilter

The 'S o urce D evice Identifier' and 'S o urc e O b j ec t Identifier' identify the o p eration so urce fo r which audit reco rds are


When b o th the 'S o urce D evic e Identifier' and 'S o urce D evice Address' p arameters are inc luded, a reco rd is a match if it

matc hes either o f the two p arameters.

The 'O p eratio ns' p arameter determines the o p eratio n typ es fo r which entries are requested. If no t p resent, all o p eration

typ es will b e returned.

The 'Re sult F ilter' p arameter indicates whether audit reco rds fo r suc cessful and/o r failed ac tio ns will b e inc luded in the

resp o nse.

13.X.1.1.3 Start At Sequence Number

This o p tio nal p arameter, o f typ e Unsigned6 4 , identifies, b y sequenc e numb er, where in the lo g to start the query. O nly

tho se reco rds which match the query p arameters and whic h have a sequence numb er less than the value of this p arameter

are to b e returned. If this p arameter is no t p resent, the query will start with the latest rec o rd in the log.

48 © ISO 2020 – All rights reserved

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13.X.1.1.4 Requested Count

This p arameter, of typ e Unsigned1 6 , is used to limit the numb er o f reco rds that will b e returned. The resp onding device

shall no t return mo re reco rds than sp ecified by this p arameter.

13.X.1.2 Result(+)
The 'Result(+) ' p arameter shall indicate that the servic e request succeeded. A succ essful result includes the fo llo wing

p arameters.

13.X.1.2.1 Audit Log

This p arameter, of typ e B ACnetO b j ec tIdentifier, sp ecifies the Audit Lo g o b j ect the query was p erfo rmed o n.

13.X.1.2.2 Records
This p arameter, of typ e list o f B ACnetAuditLo gReco rdResult, co ntains the returned reco rds. Each entry is of the fo rm:

Table 13-X4 . S tructure o f an Entry of the 'Rec o rds' Parameter

Parameter Name Rsp Cnf Parameter Typ e

S equence Numb er M M(=) Unsigned6 4

Reco rd M M(=) B ACnetAuditLo gReco rd

13.X.1.2.3 No More Items

This p arameter, of typ e B O O LEAN, sp ecifies whether the query p ro cessed to the end o f the Audit Log and found no

mo re rec o rds (TRUE) , o r no t (F ALS E) . When F ALS E, there may, o r may no t, b e mo re items in the lo g which matc h the


13.X.1.3 Result(-)
The 'Re sult(- ) ' p arameter shall indic ate that the service request failed. The reaso n fo r failure is sp ecified by the 'Erro r

Typ e' p arameter.

13.X.1.3.1 Error Type

This p arameter consists o f two co mp onent p arameters: (1 ) an 'Erro r Class ' and (2 ) an 'Error Co de'. S ee C lause 1 8 .

The 'Erro r Class ' and 'Erro r Co de' to b e returned fo r sp ecific situatio ns are as fo llo ws:

S ituatio n Erro r Class Erro r Co de

The sp ecified Audit Lo g ob j ect do es no t O B JE CT UNKNO WN_O B JECT


The device is no t co nfigured to p erfo rm S ERVICE S O PTIO NAL_F UNCTIO NALITY_NO T_S UPPO RTED

audit lo gging.

No te that there shall b e no validatio n o f ob j ect/p ro p erty sp ec ificatio n filter p arameters. F o r examp le, 'Target Array Index'

shall no t be validated to ensure it is co nsistent with the 'Target O b j ect Identifier' and 'Target Pro p erty Identifier'. The

resp o nding device shall j ust perfo rm the c omp ariso n b etween the audit lo g reco rds and the filter p arameters as described

b elo w.

13.X.2 Service Procedure

After verifying the validity o f the request, the resp onding B ACnet- user shall attemp t to query the sp ecified Audit Log

o b j ec t and co nstruct a list o f rec o rds that match the query.

D evic es that sup p o rt execution o f this service are required to sup p ort all query typ es.

© ISO 2020 – All rights reserved 49

ISO 1 6484-5 : 2 0 17/Amd.1 : 2 02 0(E)

Reco rds are returned latest first. The respo nding devic e shall return up to 'Requested Co unt' rec o rds. If the resp o nding

device reaches the end o f the b uffer and all reco rds whic h match the query are returned, then the 'No Mo re Items'

p arameter shall b e set to TRUE; o therwise it shall b e set to F ALS E.

If there are no reco rds in the Audit Lo g that match the query criteria, then a Result(+) shall b e returned with no reco rds

included and the 'No Mo re Items' p arameter set to TRUE.

13.X.2.1 Audit Query By Target

This query is used to get a his to ry o f audit rec o rds fo r ob j ects in a sp ecific device. It selec ts the mo st recent rec o rds with

a sequenc e numb er less then 'S tart At S equenc e Numb er', and have 'Target D evice', 'Target O b j ect', 'Target Pro p erty', and

'Prio rity' fields which match the 'Target D evice Identifier' o r 'Target D evice Address', 'T arget O b j ect Identifier', 'Target

Pro p erty Identifier', 'Target Array Index', and 'Target Prio rity' query p arameters.

S o me o f the query filter p arameters ('Target O b j ec t Identifier', 'Target Pro p erty Identifier', 'Target Array Index', 'Target

Prio rity') are op tio nal. When one o f these p arameters is no t pro vided, all values of the co rresp o nding field in the audit log

reco rd will b e co nsidered a match.

13.X.2.2 Audit Query By Source

This query is used to get a histo ry o f audit reco rds of ac tio ns initiated b y a sp ec ific o p eratio n so urc e. It selec ts the mo st

recent records with a sequence numb er less then 'S tart At S equenc e Numb er', and have 'S o urce D evice', and 'S o urce

O b j ec t' fields whic h matc h the 'S o urce D evice Identifier' and 'S o urc e O b j ect Identifier' query p arameters.

The 'S o urce O b j ect Identifier' and 'O p eratio ns' query filter p arameter is op tio nal. When o ne of these p arameters is not

p ro vided, all values of the co rresp o nding field in the audit log reco rd will b e c o nsidered a match.

[ Insert new Clause 13.Y]

13.Y ConfirmedAuditNotification

The Co nfirmedAuditNo tificatio n servic e is used b y an o p eratio n so urce, o p eration target, o r audit forwarder to p rovide

audit no tificatio ns to an audit lo gger. S ee Clause 1 9 . Y.

13.Y.1 ConfirmedAuditNotification Service Structure

The structure of the Co nfirmedAuditNo tific atio n service p rimitive is sho wn in Tab le 1 3 - Y1 . The termino logy and

symb o lo gy used in this tab le are exp lained in Clause 5 . 6 .

Table 13-Y1 . S tructure o f ConfirmedAuditNo tificatio n S ervice Primitives

Parameter Name Req Ind Rsp Cnf

Argument M M(=)

No tificatio ns M M(=)

Result(+) S S (=)

Result(- ) S S (=)

Error Typ e M M(=)

13.Y.1.1 Argument

This p arameter shall co nvey the p arameters fo r the Co nfirmedAuditNo tificatio n confirmed service request.

13.Y.1.1.1 Notifications

This p arameter sp ecifies o ne or mo re audit no tificatio ns o f typ e B ACnetAuditNo tificatio n. For the co ntent o f audit

no tificatio ns, see Clause 1 9 . Y. 4 .

50 © ISO 2020 – All rights reserved

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13.Y.1.2 Result(+)
The 'Result(+) ' p arameter shall indicate that the service request succeeded.

13.Y.1.3 Result(-)
The 'Re sult(- ) ' p arameter shall indicate that the service request failed. The reaso n fo r failure is sp ecified by the 'Erro r

Typ e' p arameter.

13.Y.1.3.1 Error Type

This p arameter consists o f two co mp onent p arameters: (1 ) an 'Erro r Class ' and (2 ) an 'Error Co de'. S ee C lause 1 8 .

The 'Erro r Class ' and 'Erro r Co de' to b e returned fo r sp ecific situatio ns are as fo llo ws:

S ituatio n Erro r Class Erro r Co de

The device is no t co nfigured as an audit S ERVICE S ERVICE_REQ UES T_D ENI ED

lo gger.

13.Y.2 Service Procedure

After verifying the validity o f the request, the resp o nding B ACnet- user shall add the audit no tificatio ns to the lo cal Audit

Lo g ob j ec t.

[ Insert new Clause 13.Z ]

13.Z UnconfirmedAuditNotification
The Unco nfirmedAuditNo tificatio n service is used b y an o peratio n so urce, o p eration target, o r audit fo rwarder to pro vide

audit no tificatio ns to an audit lo gger. S ee Clause 1 9 . Y.

13.Z.1 UnconfirmedAuditNotification Service Structure

The structure o f the Unco nfirmedAuditNo tificatio n service p rimitive is sho wn in Tab le 1 3 - Z1 . The termino logy and

symb o lo gy used in this tab le are exp lained in Clause 5 . 6 .

Table 13-Z1 . S tructure of Unco nfirmedAuditNo tific atio n S ervice Primitives

Parameter Name Req Ind

Argument M M(=)

No tificatio ns M M(=)

13.Z.1.1 Argument
This p arameter shall c o nvey the p arameters fo r the Unco nfirmedAuditNo tificatio n co nfirmed service request.

13.Z.1.1.1 Notifications
This p arameter sp ecifies o ne or mo re audit no tificatio ns o f typ e B ACnetAuditNo tificatio n. For the co ntent o f audit

no tificatio ns, see Clause 1 9 . Y. 4 .

13.Z.2 Service Procedure

After verifying the validity o f the request, the resp o nding B ACnet- user shall add the audit no tific atio ns to the lo c al Audit

Lo g ob j ec t.

© ISO 2020 – All rights reserved 51

ISO 1 6484-5 : 2 0 17/Amd.1 : 2 02 0(E)

[ Insert into pro ductio n BACnetPropertyIdentifier Clause 21 in , p reserving the alp hab etical and numerical o rder]


audit-source-reporter (497) ,

audit-level (498) ,

audit-notification-recipient (499) ,

audit-priority-filter (500) ,

auditable-operations (501 ) ,

delete-on-forward (502) ,

maximum-send-delay (503) ,

monitored-objects (504) ,

send-now (505) ,


-- numerical order reference


-- audit-source-reporter (497) ,

-- audit-level (498) ,

-- audit-notification-recipient (499) ,

-- audit-priority-filter (500) ,

-- auditable-operations (501 ) ,

-- delete-on-forward (502) ,

-- maximum-send-delay (503) ,

-- monitored-objects (504) ,

-- send-now (505) ,


-- The special property identifiers . . .

[Change production BACnetPropertyIdentifier Clause 21 in ]


issue-confirmed-notifications (51 ) ,


-- formerly: see issue-confirmed-notifications (5 1 ), removed in version 1 revision 4 , added back

-- in version 1 revision 20


[Insert into production BACnetObjectType Clause 21 in , p reserving the alphab etic al and numerical o rder]

audit-log (61 ) ,

audit-reporter (62) ,


-- see audit-log (61 ) ,

-- see audit-reporter (62) ,

[Insert into production BACnetObjectTypesSupported Clause 21 in ]

audit-log (61 ) ,

audit-reporter (62) ,

[Insert into production BACnetPropertyStates Clause 21 in ]

audit-level [59] BA CnetAuditLevel,

audit-operation [60] BA CnetAuditOperation,

[Change production BACnetServicesSupported Clause 21 in ]

BACnetServicesSupported : : = B IT S TRING {

- - Alarm and Event S ervic es


-- confirmed-audit-notification (44) ,

52 © ISO 2020 – All rights reserved

ISO 1 6484-5 : 2 0 1 7/Amd.1 : 2 02 0(E)


- - O b j ec t Acc ess S ervices


-- audit-log-query (45) ,

- - Unco nfirmed S ervices


-- unconfirmed-audit-notification (46) ,


unc o nfirmed- co v-no tificatio n-multip le (4 3 ) (43) , - - Alarm and Event S ervice

-- Services added after 201 6

confirmed-audit-notification (44) , -- A larm and Event Service

audit-log-query (45) , -- Object A ccess Service

unconfirmed-audit-notification (46) -- A larm and Event Service

[ Insert new pro ductio ns into Clause 21 , sectio n 'B ase Typ es ', p reserving the alp hab etical o rder]

BACnetAcknowledgeAlarmInfo : : = S EQ UENCE {

event-state-acknowledged [0] B ACnetEventS tate,

timestamp [1 ] B ACnetTimeS tamp

BACnetAuditLevel : : = ENUMERATED {

no ne (0 ) ,

audit- all (1 ) ,

audit- co nfig (2 ) ,

default (3 ) ,


-- Enumerated values 0-1 2 7 are reserved for definition by AS HRAE. Enumerated values 1 2 8 -2 5 5 may be used

-- by others subj ect to the procedures and constraints described in Clause 2 3 .

BACnetAuditOperation : : = ENUMERATED {

read (0 ) ,

write (1 ) ,

create (2 ) ,

delete (3 ) ,

life- safety (4 ) ,

ackno wledge- alarm (5 ) ,

devic e- disab le- co mm (6 ) ,

devic e- enab le- co mm (7 ) ,

devic e- reset (8 ) ,

devic e- b ackup (9 ) ,

devic e- resto re (1 0 ) ,

sub scrip tio n (1 1 ) ,

no tificatio n (1 2 ) ,

auditing- failure (1 3 ) ,

netwo rk- changes (1 4 ) ,

general (1 5 ) ,


-- Enumerated values 0-3 1 are reserved for definition by AS HRAE. Enumerated values 3 2-6 3 may be used

-- by others subj ect to the procedures and constraints described in Clause 2 3 .

-- The enumerated values match the bit positions in B ACnetAuditOperationFlags.

© ISO 2020 – All rights reserved 53

ISO 1 6484-5 : 2 0 17/Amd.1 : 2 02 0(E)

BACnetAuditOperationFlags : : = B IT S TRING {

read (0 ) ,

write (1 ) ,

create (2 ) ,

delete (3 ) ,

life- safety (4 ) ,

ackno wledge- alarm (5 ) ,

device- disab le- co mm (6 ) ,

device- enab le- co mm (7 ) ,

device- reset (8 ) ,

device- b ac kup (9 ) ,

device- resto re (1 0 ) ,

sub scrip tio n (1 1 ) ,

no tificatio n (1 2 ) ,

auditing- failure (1 3 ) ,

netwo rk- c hanges (1 4 ) ,

general (1 5 ) ,


-- B it po sitions correspond one-to-one with the B ACnetAuditOperation enumeration values.

-- B its 0-3 1 are reserved for definition by AS HRAE. B its 3 2 -63 may be used by others subj ect to

-- the procedures and constraints described in Clause 2 3 for B ACnetAuditOperation enumeration values.

BACnetLifeSafetyOperationInfo : : = S EQ UENCE {

requesting-process-identifier [0] Unsigned3 2 ,

request [1 ] B ACnetLifeS afetyOperatio n

BACnetPriorityFilter : : = B IT S TRING {

manual-life- safety (0),

automatic-life-safety (1 ),

priority-3 (2),

priority-4 (3 ),

critical-equipment-controls (4),

minimum-on-off (5 ),

priority-7 (6),

manual-operator (7 ),

priority-9 (8 ),

priority-1 0 (9 ),

priority-1 1 (1 0),

priority-1 2 (1 1 ),

priority-1 3 (1 2 ),

priority-1 4 (1 3 ),

priority-1 5 (1 4),

priority-1 6 (1 5 )

BACnetObjectSelector : : = CHOICE {

none NULL,

obj ect B ACnetObj ectIdentifier,

obj ect-type B ACnetObj ectType

BACnetOptionalPriorityFilter : : = CHOICE {

default NULL,

filter B ACnetPriorityFilter

BACnetAuditNotification : : = S EQ UENCE {

so urce- timestamp [ 0 ] B ACnetTimeS tamp O PTIO NAL,

target- timestamp [ 1 ] B ACnetTimeS tamp O PTIO NAL,

54 © ISO 2020 – All rights reserved

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so urce- devic e [ 2 ] B ACnetRecip ient,

so urc e- o b j ect [ 3 ] B ACnetO b j ectIdentifier OPTIO NAL,

o p eratio n [ 4 ] B ACnetAuditO p eratio n,

so urce- co mment [ 5 ] CharacterS tring O PTIO NAL,

target- co mment [ 6 ] Charac terS tring O PTIO NAL,

invo ke- id [ 7 ] Unsigned8 O PTIO NAL,

so urce- user- id [ 8 ] Unsigned1 6 O PTIO NAL,

so urce- user- ro le [ 9 ] Unsigned8 O PTIO NAL,

target- devic e [ 1 0 ] B ACnetRec ip ient,

target- o b j ec t [ 1 1 ] B ACnetO b j ectIdentifier,

target- p rop erty [ 1 2 ] B ACnetPro p ertyReference O PTIO NAL,

target- p rio rity [ 1 3 ] Unsigned (1 . . 1 6 ) O PTIONAL,

target- value [ 1 4 ] AB S TRACT- S YNTAX. &Typ e O PTIO NAL,

current-value [ 1 5 ] AB S TRACT- S YNTAX. &Typ e O PTIO NAL,

result [ 1 6 ] Erro r O PTIO NAL

BACnetAuditLogRecord : : = S EQ UENCE {

timestamp [ 0 ] B ACnetD ateTime,

lo g- datum [ 1 ] CHO ICE {

lo g- status [ 0 ] B ACnetLo gS tatus,

audit- no tificatio n [ 1 ] B ACnetAuditNo tific atio n,

time- change [ 2 ] REAL

BACnetAuditLogRecordResult : : = S EQ UENCE {

sequenc e- numb er [ 0 ] Unsigned6 4 ,

lo g- record [ 1 ] B ACnetAuditLo gReco rd

BACnetAuditLogQueryParameters : : = CHO ICE {

b y- target [ 0 ] S EQ UENCE {

target- device- identifier [ 0 ] B ACnetO b j ectIdentifier,

target- devic e- address [ 1 ] B ACnetAddress O PTIO NAL,

target- o b j ect- identifier [ 2 ] B ACnetO b j ectIdentifier OPTIO NAL,

target- p rop erty- identifier [ 3 ] B ACnetPro p ertyIdentifier O PTIO NAL,

target- array- index [ 4 ] Unsigned O PTIO NAL,

target- p rio rity [ 5 ] Unsigned(1 . . 1 6 ) O PTIO NAL,

o p eratio ns [ 6 ] B ACnetAuditO p eratio nF lags O PTIO NAL,

succ essful- actio ns- o nly [ 7 ] B O O LEAN


b y- so urc e [ 1 ] S EQ UENCE {

so urc e- device- identifier [ 0 ] B ACnetO b j ectIdentifier,

so urce- device- address [ 1 ] B ACnetAddress O PTIO NAL,

so urce- o b j ect- identifier [ 2 ] B ACnetO b j ectIdentifier OPTIO NAL,

o p eratio ns [ 3 ] B ACnetAuditO p eratio nFlags O PTIO NAL,

successful- actio ns- o nly [ 4 ] B O O LEAN

BACnetSuccessFilter : : = ENUMERATED {

all (0 ) ,

succ esses- o nly (1 ) ,

failures- o nly (2 )

[ Insert into pro ductio n BACnetConfirmedServiceChoice in Clause 21 ]

- - Alarm and Event S ervic es

© ISO 2020 – All rights reserved 55

ISO 1 6484-5 : 2 0 17/Amd.1 : 2 02 0(E)


confirmed-audit-notification (32) ,


- - O b j ec t Acc ess S ervices


audit-log-query (33) ,


-- Services added after 201 6

-- confirmed-audit-notification (32) see A larm and Event Services

-- audit-log-query (33) see Object A ccess Services

-- O ther services to b e added . . .

[Insert into pro duc tio n BACnet-Confirmed-Service-Request Clause 21 in ]

-- Alarm and Event S ervices


confirmed-audit-notification [3 2] ConfirmedA uditNotification-Request,


-- O b j ect Access S ervices


audit-log-query [33] A uditLogQuery-Request,


-- Services added after 201 6

-- confirmed-audit-notification [32] see A larm and Event Services

-- audit-log-query [33] see Object A ccess Services

- - Co ntext- sp ec ific tags 0 . . 3 1 33 are NO T used in the enco ding . . .

[ Insert into pro ductio n BACnet-Confirmed-Service-ACK Clause 21 in ]

- - O b j ect Ac cess S ervices


audit-log-query [3 3] A uditLogQuery-A CK,


- - Co ntext- sp ec ific tags 3 . . 2 9 33 are NO T used in the enco ding . . .

[ Insert into pro ductio n BACnetUnconfirmedServiceChoice Clause 21 in ]


unco nfirmed- co v-no tificatio n-multip le (1 1 ) (1 1 ) ,

unconfirmed-audit-notification (1 2)

- - O ther services to b e added . . .

[ Insert into pro ductio n BACnet-Unconfirmed-Service-Request Clause 21 in ]


unco nfirmed- co v-no tificatio n-multip le [ 1 1 ] Unco nfirmedCO VNo tific atio nMultip le- RequestRequest,

unconfirmed-audit-notification [1 2] UnconfirmedA uditNotification-Request

56 © ISO 2020 – All rights reserved

ISO 1 6484-5 : 2 0 1 7/Amd.1 : 2 02 0(E)

- - Co ntext- sp ecific tags 0 . . 1 1 12 are NO T used in the enco ding . . .

[ Insert new pro ductio n into Clause 21 , at end o f sectio n 'Co nfirmed Alarm and Event S ervic es']

ConfirmedAuditNotification-Request : : = S EQ UENCE {

no tificatio ns [ 0 ] S EQ UENCE O F B ACnetAuditNo tificatio n

[ Insert new pro ductio ns into Clause 21 , at end o f sectio n 'Co nfirmed O b j ec t Acc ess S ervices']

AuditLogQuery-Request : : = S EQ UENCE {

audit- lo g [ 0 ] B ACnetO b j ectIdentifier,

query-p arameters [ 1 ] B ACnetAuditLo gQ ueryParameters,

start- at- sequence- numb er [ 2 ] Unsigned3 2 O PTIO NAL,

requested- count [ 3 ] Unsigned1 6

AuditLogQuery-ACK : : = S E Q UENCE {

audit- lo g [ 0 ] B ACnetO b j ectIdentifier,

reco rds [ 1 ] S EQ UENCE O F B ACnetAuditLo gRec o rdResult,

no - more- items [ 2 ] B O O LEAN

[ Insert new pro ductio n into Clause 21 , at end o f sectio n 'Unco nfirmed Alarm and Event S ervices']

UnconfirmedAuditNotification-Request : : = S EQ UENCE {

no tificatio ns [ 0 ] S EQ UENCE O F B ACnetAuditNo tificatio n

[ Insert into pro ductio n BACnet-Error Clause 21 in ]


- - Alarm and Event S ervices


confirmed-audit-notification [32] Error,


- - O b j ec t Acc ess S ervices


audit-log-query [3 3] Error,


-- Services added after 201 6

-- confirmed-audit-notification [32] see A larm and Event Services

-- audit-log-query [33] see Object A ccess Services

- - Co ntext- sp ecific tags 0 . . 3 1 33 and 1 2 7 are NO T used in the enco ding . . .

[Insert into Application Types section of Clause 21 ]

Unsigned64 ::= Unsigned (0. . 1 8 4467 4407 3 7095 5 1 61 5 ) -- 0 . . 'the 64th power of two '-1

[Insert new entries in Table 23-1 Clause 23

in ]

BA CnetA uditLevel 0-1 27 255

BA CnetA uditOperation 0-31 63

© ISO 2020 – All rights reserved 57

ISO 1 6484-5 : 2 0 17/Amd.1 : 2 02 0(E)

[ Add new Clause K.X1 and sub c lauses to Annex K ]

K.X1 Audit Reporting BIBBs

K.X1.1 BIBB - Audit Reporting-Logging- A (AR-L-A)

The A device is an audit lo gger. It lo gs rec eived audit no tificatio ns fro m o p eration so urces and o p eratio n targets fo r

merging into its Audit Lo gs and forwards no tifications to p arent audit loggers.

B ACnet S ervic e Initiate Execute

Co nfirmedAuditNo tificatio n x x

Unc o nfirmedAuditNo tification x x

AuditLo gQ uery x

The audit logger receives audit event no tificatio ns and p lac es them into lo c al Audit Lo g obj ects.

The audit logger p erforms all functio ns of an audit lo gger as desc rib ed in Clause 1 9 . Y.

D evices claiming co nformance to this B IB B are intero p erable with devices claiming c o nformanc e to AR- R- B .

K.X1.2 BIBB - Audit Reporting-Reporter-B (AR-R-B)

The B device generates audit no tificatio ns and sup p orts Audit Rep o rter o b j ects. It is an o p eratio n target which

generates audit no tificatio ns fo r lo c al ob j ects, and, if it p erfo rms actio ns, it is an o p eratio n so urce which generates

audit no tific atio ns fo r its ac tio ns. S ee Clause 1 9 . Y fo r mo re info rmation o n audit logging.

B ACnet S ervic e Initiate Execute

Co nfirmedAuditNo tificatio n x

Unco nfirmedAuditNo tification x

At least o ne o f these shall b e sup p o rted.

A devic e claiming this B IB B sup p o rts modific atio n o f its audit repo rting co nfiguration. S p ecifically, the fo llo wing

Audit Rep o rter p ro p erties shall b e writab le:

Table K-X1. Writab le Audit Rep o rter Pro p erties


Auditab le_O p eratio ns

Audit_Prio rity_F ilter

K.X1.3 BIBB - Audit Reporting-Reporter-Simple-B (AR-R-S-B)

The B device generates audit no tific atio ns. It is an op eratio n target which generates audit no tificatio ns fo r lo cal

o b j ec ts, and, if it p erforms actio ns, it is an op eratio n so urce which generates audit no tificatio ns fo r its actio ns. S ee

Clause 1 9 . Y fo r mo re info rmatio n o n audit lo gging.

B ACnet S ervice Initiate Exec ute

Co nfirmedAuditNo tificatio n x

Unco nfirmedAuditNo tification x

At least o ne o f these shall b e sup p o rted.

K.X1.4 BIBB - Audit Reporting-Forwarder-B (AR-F-B)

The B device is an audit lo gger which receives audit no tificatio ns and fo rwards them to p arent audit lo ggers. S ee

Clause 1 9 . X fo r mo re info rmatio n o n audit lo gging.

B ACnet S ervice Initiate Exec ute

Co nfirmedAuditNo tificatio n x x

Unco nfirmedAuditNo tification x x

58 © ISO 2020 – All rights reserved

ISO 1 6484-5 : 2 0 1 7/Amd.1 : 2 02 0(E)

K.X1.5 BIBB - Audit Reporting-View-A (AR-V-A)

The A device queries audit loggers using AuditLo gQ uery or ReadRange and p resents query results to the user.

B ACnet S ervice Initiate Execute

AuditLo gQ uery x

ReadRange x

At least o ne o f these shall b e sup p o rted.

K.X1.6 BIBB - Audit Reporting-Advanced View and Modify-A (AR-AVM-A)

D evice A co nfigures auditing in all standard o b j ects in D evice B . D evice A shall sup p o rt D S - RP- A, D S - WP- A, D M-

O CD - A, and AR- V- A. The A device shall b e c ap ab le o f using ReadPro p erty to retrieve and WritePro p erty to mo dify

any auditing related prop erties. D evice A may use alternate services where sup p o rt fo r executio n o f the alternate

service is sup p o rted by D evic e B. D evic e A shall be c apab le o f creating/deleting Audit Rep o rter and Audit Lo g

o b j ects in the B devic e.

B ACnet S ervice Initiate Execute

AuditLo gQ uery x

CreateO b j ect x

D eleteO b j ect x

ReadPro p erty x

WritePro p erty x

Table K-X2. Auditing Related Pro p erties


Auditab le_O p eratio ns

Audit_Prio rity_F ilter

The A device is ab le to use ReadPro p erty to retrieve and p resent all standard p ro p erties o f the Audit Rep orter and

Audit Lo g o b j ect typ es, except tho se listed in Tab le K- 2 .

The A devic e is ab le to use WritePro p erty to mo dify any standard p rop erty of the Audit Rep o rter and Audit Lo g

o b j ect typ es where the pro p erty is no t required to be read- o nly, or to which access is o therwise restric ted by the

standard (e. g. , Log_B uffer) .

[ Ap p end to Clause L.1.2 Clause L.2.1, Clause L.3.1

, ]

[ Adds audit rep o rting requirements to all advanced wo rkstatio n device pro files]

[ No te that there are o ther addenda to 1 3 5 - 2 0 1 6 which define new advanced wo rkstatio n device p ro files. S imilar additions

will b e made to tho se p ro files b y tho se addenda. ]

A udit Reporting

• Query and display of logged audit records

• A bility to configure audit reporting in BA Cnet devices

© ISO 2020 – All rights reserved 59

ISO 1 6484-5 : 2 0 17/Amd.1 : 2 02 0(E)

[ Add new tab le sec tio n to Clause L.1 ]

Audit Rep o rting



[ Add new tab le sectio n to Clause L.2 ]

Audit Rep o rting



[ Add new tab le sectio n to Clause L.3 ]

Audit Rep o rting



135-2016bi-2. Change DeviceCommunicationControl Service for Audit Reporting.

Ratio nale

Audit rep o rting should no t b e sup p ressib le b y disab ling co mmunicatio n via the D eviceCommunic atio nCo ntro l service.

Clarify that audit no tificatio ns fo r changes in respo nse to B ACnet service requests are sent even if initiatio n has b een

disab led fo r the device.

D ep recate the D IS AB LE o p tio n o f the D evic eCo mmunicatio nCo ntro l service. Having long b een no ted as no t very useful,

this o p tio n o f the servic e is b eing deprec ated at this time due to the co mp licatio ns added when co mb ined with audit

no tificatio ns.

[ Change Clause 16.1 ]

16.1 DeviceCommunicationControl Service

The D eviceCo mmunicationCo ntro l service is used b y a c lient B ACnet- user to instruct a remo te device to sto p initiating

BA Cnet services and o p tio nally sto p respo nding to all APD Us (excep t D eviceCo mmunicatio nCo ntro l or, if sup po rted,

ReinitializeD evic e) on the communicatio n netwo rk or internetwo rk fo r a sp ecified duratio n o f time. This service is

p rimarily used b y a human op erato r fo r diagno stic purp o ses. A p asswo rd may b e required from the client B ACnet- user

p rio r to exec uting the service. The time duration can b e set to " indefinite, " meaning co mmunicatio n must b e re- enab led

b y a D eviceCo mmunicatio nCo ntro l or, if supp o rted, ReinitializeD evic e service, no t by time.

[ Change Clause ] Time Duration

This o p tio nal p arameter, o f typ e Unsigned1 6 , indic ates the numb er o f minutes that the remo te device shall not initiate

BA Cnet services igno re all APD Us excep t D evic eCo mmunicatio nCo ntro l and, if sup p orted, ReinitializeD evice APD Us.

If the 'Time D uratio n' p arameter is no t p resent, then the time duratio n shall b e considered indefinite, meaning that o nly an

exp licit D eviceCo mmunicationCo ntrol o r ReinitializeD evice APD U shall enab le co mmunic atio ns. The 'Time D uratio n'

p arameter shall b e igno red and the time p erio d considered to be being indefinite if the 'Enab le/D isab le' p arameter has a

value o f ENAB LE.

If the resp onding B ACnet- user do es no t have a clo ck and the time duratio n is no t indefinite, then the request shall be

c o nsidered invalid and the resp o nding B ACnet- user shall iss ue a Result(- ) resp o nse.

60 © ISO 2020 – All rights reserved

ISO 1 6484-5 : 2 0 1 7/Amd.1 : 2 02 0(E)

[ Change Clause] Error Type
This p arameter co nsists o f two co mpo nents component parameters: (1 ) the 'Erro r Class' and (2 ) the 'Error Co de'. S ee

Clause 1 8 . The 'Erro r Class' and 'Erro r Co de' to b e returned fo r sp ecific situatio ns are as follo ws:

S ituatio n Erro r Class Erro r Co de

The p asswo rd is invalid o r absent when o ne is S ECURITY PAS S WO RD _F AILURE


The device do es no t have a clo ck and the S ERVICES O PTIO NAL_F UNCTIO NALI TY_NO T_S UPPO RTED

'Time D uratio n' p arameter is no t set to

" indefinite" .

If the request is valid and the 'Enable/Disable' SERVICES SERVICE_REQUEST_DENIED

parameter is the deprecated value DISA BLE

[ Change Clause 16.1.2 ]

16.1.2 Service Procedure

After verifying the validity o f the request, inc luding the 'Time D uratio n' and 'Passwo rd' p arameters, the resp o nding

B ACnet- user shall resp o nd with a 'Result(+) ' service p rimitive. If the request is valid and the 'Enab le/D isab le ' p arameter

is D IS AB LE, the resp o nding B ACnet- user shall disc o ntinue resp onding to any sub sequent messages exce p t

D eviceCo mmunicatio nCo ntrol and, if sup po rted, ReinitializeD evice messages, and shall disc o ntinue initiating messages.

If the request is valid and the 'Enab le/D isab le ' p arameter is D IS AB LE_INITIATIO N, the resp o nding B ACnet- user shall

disco ntinue the initiatio n of BA Cnet messages excep t fo r I- Am requests issued in acc o rdance with the Who - Is servic e

p ro c edure and ConfirmedA uditNotification and UnconfirmedA uditNotification requests . Co mmunicatio n shall be

disab led in this manner until either the 'Time D uratio n' has exp ired or a valid D eviceCo mmunicatio nCo ntro l (with

'Enab le/D isab le ' = ENAB LE ) o r, if sup p orted, a valid ReinitializeD evice (with 'Reinitialized S tate of D evice' =

WARMS TART o r CO LD S T ART) message is received.

If the resp o nding B ACnet- us er do es no t have a c lo ck and the 'Time D uratio n' p arameter is no t set to " indefinite, " the

APD U shall b e ignored and a ' Result(- ) ' servic e p rimitive shall b e issued. If the 'Passwo rd' p arameter is invalid o r ab sent

when a p asswo rd is required, the APD U shall be igno red and an Erro r- PD U with 'erro r class ' = S ECURITY and 'erro r

co de' = PAS S WO RD _F AILURE shall b e issued.

If the request is valid and the 'Enable/Disable' parameter is the deprecated value DISA BLE, the request shall be ignored

and an Error-PDU with 'error class' = SERVICES and 'error code' = SERVICE_REQUEST_DENIED shall be issued.

[ Change COMMUNICATION_DISABLED descrip tio n in Clause 18.6 ]

COMMUNICATION_DISABLED - Co mmunic atio n has b een disab led due to receip t of a

D eviceCo mmunicatio nCo ntrol request. This error is not expected in response to service requests but rather is

expected to be used internally when actions that would normally result in initiation of a BA Cnet service fail due

to communications being disabled. A s such, this error code would be seen in objects that record the result of

failed operations, such as logging objects.

[ Change Clause 21 ]

DeviceCommunicationControl-Request : : = S EQ UENCE {

timeD uratio n [ 0 ] Unsigned1 6 O PTIO NAL,

enab le- disab le [ 1 ] ENUMERATED {

enab le (0 ) ,

disab le (1 ) , -- 'disable' deprecated in version 1 revision 20

disab le- initiatio n (2 )


p asswo rd [ 2 ] CharacterS tring (S IZE(1 . . 2 0 ) ) O PTIO NAL

© ISO 2020 – All rights reserved 61

ISO 1 6484-5 : 2 0 17/Amd.1 : 2 02 0(E)

[ Change Clause E. 4 . 1 ]

E.4.1 An Example of the DeviceCommunicationControl Service

While tro ub lesho o ting a p rob lem o n a B ACnet netwo rk, it b eco mes necessary to sto p co mmunic atio n exchanges from a

p articular device fo r a p eriod o f five minutes. This is ac co mp lished by means o f the D eviceCo mmunicatio nCo ntro l

S ervice as fo llo ws.

S ervice = D eviceCo mmunicatio nCo ntrol

'Time D uratio n' = 5

'Enab le/D isab le ' = D IS AB LE _INITIA TION

'Passwo rd' = " #egb df! "

[ Change Clause F . 4 . 1 ]

F.4.1 Encoding for Example E.4.1 - DeviceCommunicationControl Service

X'0 0 ' PD U Typ e=0 (B ACnet- Co nfirmed- Request- PD U, S EG=0 , MO R=0 , S A=0 )

X'0 4 ' Maximum APD U S ize Accep ted=1 0 2 4 o c tets

X'0 5 ' Invoke ID =5

X'1 1 ' S ervice Cho ic e=1 7 (D eviceCommunicatio nCo ntro l- Request)

X'0 9 ' S D Co ntext Tag 0 (Time D uratio n, L=1 )

X'0 5 ' 5

X'1 9 ' S D Co ntext Tag 1 (Enab le- D isab le, L=1 )

X'0 1 2' 1 2 (D IS AB LE _INITIA TION)

X'2 D ' S D Co ntext Tag 2 (Passwo rd, L>4 )

X'0 8 ' Extended Length=8

X'0 0 ' IS O 1 0 6 46 (UTF - 8 ) Encoding

X'2 3 6 5 6 7 6 2 6 4 66 2 1 ' " #egb df! "

135-2016 bi-3. Modify Logging Objects to Allow for Extremely Large Logs.
Ratio nale

Allo w fo r lo gging o b j ects to sto re mo re than 2 -1 entries and to remo ve the need to re- alloc ate lo g b uffer entries fo r

large lo gging ob j ects.

This change reco gnizes the inab ility o f many imp lementatio ns to p re-determine the size required fo r reco rds and thus the

numb er o f rec o rds that can b e sto red b y the o b j ect.

[ Change Enable p ro p erty descrip tio ns in lo gging o b j ects, Clauses 12.25.5, 12.27.8, 12.30.8 ]

This p ro p erty, of typ e B O O LEAN, indic ates and co ntro ls whether (TRUE) or no t (F ALS E) lo gging of events and

c o llected data is enab led. Logging o ccurs if and o nly if Enab le is TRUE, Lo cal_Time is on or after S tart_Time, and

Lo c al_Time is b efo re S to p_Time. If S tart_Time c o ntains an unsp ecified datetime, then it shall b e c onsidered equal to 'the

start o f time'. If S to p _Time co ntains an unsp ecified datetime, then it shall b e c o nsidered equal to 'the end of time'. Log

reco rds o f typ e log- status are rec o rded witho ut regard to the value o f the Enab le p rop erty.

Attemp ts to write the value TRUE to the Enab le p ro p erty while S to p _When_F ull is TRUE and either Reco rd_Co unt is

equal to B uffer_S ize , or Buffer_Size is 2 -1 and there is no space for another record, shall cause a Result(- ) resp o nse to

b e issued, sp ec ifying an 'Erro r Class ' o f O B JECT and an 'Erro r Co de' o f LO G_B UFF ER_F ULL.

[ Change Stop_When_Full p ro p erty descrip tio ns in logging o b j ects, Clauses 12.25.12, 12.27.11, 12.30.17 ]

62 © ISO 2020 – All rights reserved

ISO 1 6484-5 : 2 0 1 7/Amd.1 : 2 02 0(E)

This p ro p erty, o f typ e B O O LEAN, sp ecifies whether (TRUE) o r no t (F ALS E) lo gging sho uld cease when the lo g b uffer

is full. When lo gging ceases b ecause the additio n of o ne mo re lo g reco rd would cause the lo g b uffer to b e full, Enab le

shall b e set to F ALS E and the event rec o rded.

If S to p_When_F ull is writab le, attemp ts to write the value TRUE to the S to p _When_F ull p rop erty while Reco rd_Co unt

is equal to B uffer_S ize shall result in the o ldest Lo g_B uffer rec o rd b eing discarded, and shall cause the Enab le p rop erty

to b e set to F ALS E and the event to b e reco rded.

If Stop_When_Full is TRUE and Buffer_Size is 2 -1 and the addition of a new record fails due to a lack of space, then

the oldest Log_Buffer record shall be discarded, the Enable property shall be set to FA LSE and the event is recorded.

[ Change Buffer_Size p rop erty descrip tio ns in lo gging o b j ects, Clauses 12.25.13, 12.27.12, 12.30.18 ]

This p ro p erty, o f typ e Unsigned3 2 , shall sp ecify the maximum numb er of lo g rec o rds the lo g buffer may ho ld. If

writab le, it may no t b e written when Enab le is TRUE. The disp o sitio n o f existing lo g rec o rds when B uffer_S ize is written

is a lo c al matter. If all reco rds are deleted when the B uffer_S ize is written then the o b j ec t shall ac t as if the Reco rd_Co unt

was set to zero .

For products that support very large log objects, the value 2 -1 is reserved to indicate that the buffer size is unknown

and is constrained solely by currently available resources.

[ Change Table 15-14 ]

Reference S equence Number M M(=) Unsigned3 2

[ Change Clause ] Reference Index

The 'Reference Index' p arameter sp ec ifies the index o f the first (if 'Co unt' is p o sitive) o r last (if 'Co unt' is negative) item

to b e read. If the item with the index sp ec ified in this p arameter do es no t exist, then no items match the criteria fo r b eing

read and returned, regardless o f the value o f the 'Co unt' p arameter.

Devices that execute ReadRange shall support Unsigned32 values for reference indexes unless the device contains object

types which have Total_Record_Count properties of type Unsigned64, or which are capable of containing list properties
with more than 2 -1 entries, in which case the device shall support Unsigned64 reference indexes.

Devices which initiate the By Position form of ReadRange with arbitrary reference indexes shall support Unsigned32

values for reference indexes unless the device interacts with object types which have Total_Record_Count properties of

type Unsigned64, in which case the device shall support Unsigned64 reference indexes.

[ Change Clause ] Reference Sequence Number

The 'Reference S equenc e Numb er' p arameter sp ec ifies the sequence numb er of the first (if 'Co unt' is p o sitive) o r last (if

' Co unt' is negative) item to b e read. If the item with the sequence numb er sp ecified in this p arameter do es no t exist, then

no items match the criteria fo r b eing read and returned, regardless o f the value o f the 'Co unt' p arameter.

Devices that execute ReadRange shall support Unsigned32 values for sequence numbers, unless the device contains

object types which have Total_Record_Count properties of type Unsigned64 in which case the device shall support

Unsigned64 sequence numbers.

Devices which initiate ReadRange shall support Unsigned32 values for sequence numbers, unless the device interacts

with object types which have Total_Record_Count properties of type Unsigned64 in which case the device shall support

Unsigned64 sequence numbers.

© ISO 2020 – All rights reserved 63

ISO 1 6484-5 : 2 0 17/Amd.1 : 2 02 0(E)

[ Change Clause ] First Sequence Number

This p arameter, of typ e Unsigned3 2 , sp ecifies the sequence numb er o f the first item returned. This p arameter is o nly

included if the 'Range' p arameter o f the request was o f the typ e 'B y S equenc e Numb er' or 'B y Time' and 'Item Co unt' is

greater than 0 .

Devices that execute ReadRange shall support Unsigned32 values for sequence numbers, unless the device contains

object types which have Total_Record_Count properties of type Unsigned64 in which case the device shall support

Unsigned64 sequence numbers.

Devices which initiate ReadRange shall support Unsigned32 values for sequence numbers, unless the device is intended

to interact with object types which have Total_Record_Count properties of type Unsign ed64 in which case the device

shall support Unsigned64 sequence numbers.

135-2016 bk-1. Expand the reserved range of BACnetPropertyIdentifier.

Ratio nale

The B ACnetPro p ertyIdentifier enumeration will so o n o verflo w the p ortio n of the range reserved fo r definitio n by

AS HRAE, with the additio n of new enumeratio ns fo r new pro p erties.

[ Change Clause 21, BACnetPropertyIdentifier production]

BACnetPropertyIdentifier : : = ENUMERATED { -- see below for numerical order


-- The special property identifiers all, optional, and required are reserved for use in the

-- ReadPropertyMultiple service or services not defined in this standard.


-- Enumerated values 0-5 1 1 and enumerated values 41 94304 and up are reserved for definition by AS HRAE.

-- Enumerated values 5 1 2 -41 943 03 may be used by others subj ect to the procedures and constraints described

-- in Clause 2 3 .

[ Change Table 23-1 ]

Table 23-1. Extensib le Enumeratio ns

Enumeration Name Reserved Range Maximum Value

... ... ...

B ACnetPro p ertyIdentifier 0. .. 5 1 1 , 4 1 9 43 0 3

32 32
41 94304. . . (2 - 1) (2 - 1)

... ... ...

64 © ISO 2020 – All rights reserved

ISO 1 6484-5 : 2 0 1 7/Amd.1 : 2 02 0(E)

135-2016bl-1. Clarify Result(-) response for failed WritePropertyMultiple requests

Ratio nale

The standard do es no t state what a B ACnet device sho uld do in execution o f the WritePro p ertyMultip le servic e when it

canno t deco de an ob j ect identifier, pro p erty identifier, o r array index after it has already suc cessfully written o ne o r more

p ro p erties.

The c hange clarifies what the 'F irst F ailed Write Attemp t' p arameter shall co ntain when o ne or mo re p rop erties have

already b een suc cessfully deco ded and written.

F o r the case when the ob j ect identifier, p ro p erty identifier, or array index canno t be dec o ded, the resp ec tive values to

return in the 'First F ailed Write Attemp t' p arameter are sp ec ified.

[ Change Clause 15.10.2 ]

15.10.2 Service Procedure


If, in the p ro c ess o f c arrying out the modificatio n of the indicated p rop erties in the o rder sp ec ified in the 'List o f

Write Acc es s S p ecificatio ns ', a p ro p erty is encountered that canno t b e mo dified, the resp o nding B ACnet- user

shall issue a 'Re sult(- ) ' resp o nse p rimitive indicating the reaso n fo r the failure. The result o f this service shall b e

either that all o f the sp ec ified p ro p erties o r only the p ro p erties up to , b ut no t including, the p ro p erty sp ec ified in

the 'F irs t Failed Write Attemp t' p arameter were suc cessfully mo dified.

A B ACnet- Rej ec t- PD U shall b e issued o nly if no write o p eratio ns have b een suc cessfully executed, indicating

that the service request was rej ec ted in its entirety. If any o f the write o p eratio ns co ntained in the 'List o f Write

Acc ess S p ec ificatio ns ' have b een successfully exec uted, a Result(- ) resp o nse indicating the reaso n fo r the failure

shall b e issued as desc rib ed abo ve.

In the case that the 'Object Identifier', the 'Property Identifier', or the 'Property A rray Index' cannot be

successfully decoded after at least one write operation has completed successfully, the object instance portion of

the 'Object Identifier' specified in the 'First Failed Write A ttempt' shall contain the instance value 41 94303. In

this case, the value of the 'Property Identifier' parameter and the 'Property A rray Index' parameter is a local


135-2016bl-2. Clarify ReadPropertyMultiple response on OPTIONAL when empty.

Ratio nale

Clarific atio n is needed regarding the enco ding of the ReadPro p ertyMultip le- ACK and its co nstituents fo r the pro p erty

O PTIO NAL, when there are no o p tio nal p rop erties, so the list is emp ty.

Examp les are added to Annex E and F for clarificatio n.

No te that so me language is added to Clause 1 5 . 7 . 3 . 1 . 2 'List o f Prop erty References' as an erratum fix, fo r c larificatio n of

what to return in this case. This is no t sho wn in this addendum.

[ Add new Clause E.3.X]

E.3.X Example of the ReadPropertyMultiple Service OPTIONAL response if there are no optional properties
Parameters fo r reading O PTIO NAL p ro p erties o f a single ob j ect:

Assumed o b j ec t: O b j ect Identifier O b j ec t Typ e

(Analo g Inp ut, Instance 1 9 ) ANALO G_INPUT

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ISO 1 6484-5 : 2 0 17/Amd.1 : 2 02 0(E)

S ervice = ReadPro p ertyMultip le

'List o f Read Access S p ecific atio ns' = ((Analo g Input, Instance 1 9 ) , (O PTIO NAL) )

Assuming that (Analo g Input, 1 9 ) exists and co ntains no o p tio nal p ro p erties, the result would b e:

'List o f Read Access Re sults ' = ( )

[ Add new Clause F.3.X ]

F.3.X Encoding for Example E.3.X - ReadPropertyMultiple OPTIONAL response if there are no optional
X'0 0 ' PD U Typ e=0 (B ACnet- Co nfirmed- Request- PD U, S EG=0 , MO R=0 , S A=0 )

X'0 4 ' Maximum APD U S ize Ac cep ted=1 0 24 o ctets

X'0 2 ' Invoke ID =2

X'0 E ' S ervic e Cho ice=1 4 (ReadPropertyMultip le- Request)

X'0 C ' S D Co ntext Tag 0 (O b j ect Identifier, L=4 )

X'0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 ' Analo g Inp ut, Instanc e Number=1 9

X'1 E' PD O p ening Tag 1 (List O f Pro p erty References)

X'0 9 ' S D Co ntext Tag 0 (Prop erty Identifier, L=1 )

X'5 5 ' 8 0 (O PTIO NAL)

X'1 F ' PD Clo sing Tag 1 (List O f Prop erty Referenc es)

Assuming that (Analo g Input, 1 9 ) exists and co ntains no o p tio nal p ro p erties, the result would b e:

X'3 0 ' PD U Typ e=3 (B ACnet- Co mp lexACK- PD U, S EG=0 , MO R=0 )

X'0 2 ' Invoke ID =2

X'0 E' S ervice ACK Cho ic e=1 4 (ReadPro p ertyMultip le- ACK)

X'0 C ' S D Co ntext Tag 0 (O b j ect Identifier, L=4 )

X'0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 ' Analo g Inp ut, Instance Number=1 9

X'1 E ' PD O p ening Tag 1 (List o f Results)

X'1 F ' PD Clo sing Tag 1 (List o f Results)

135-2016 bl-3. Clarify Out_Of_Service.


The O ut_O f_S ervice functionality is inc o nsistent acro ss o b j ects and is unclear with resp ec t the changeab ility o f the

Reliab ility p ro p erty (vs writab ility) .

The O ut_O f_S ervice p rop erty fo r all o b j ects is mo dified to be c o nsistent in requirements and p resentatio n.

[Replace Out_Of_S ervice property language with the following language in:

Clause 12.4.9 , Analog Value o bj ect type,

Clause 12.8.9 , B inary Value o bj ect type,

Clause 12.20.9 , Multi- state Value obj ect type,

Clause 12.37.9 , CharacterS tring Value obj ect type,

Clause 12.38.9 , DateTime Value obj ect type,

Clause 12.39.9 , Large Analog Value obj ect type,

Clause 12.40.10 , B itS tring Value obj ect type,

Clause 12.41.9 , OctetS tring Value obj ect type,

Clause 12.42.9 , Time Value o bj ect type,

Clause 12.43.9 , Integer Value obj ect type,

Clause 12.44.9 , Positive Integer Value obj ec t type,

Clause 12.45.9 , Date Value obj ect type,

66 © ISO 2020 – All rights reserved

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Clause 12.46.9 , DateTime Pattern Value obj ect type,

Clause 12.47.9 , Time Pattern Value obj ect type,

Clause 12.48.9 , Date Pattern Value obj ect type]

12.X.Y Out_Of_Service
The O ut_O f_S ervice p ro p erty, o f typ e B O O LEAN, is an indicatio n whether (TRUE) or no t (F ALS E) the Present_Value

p rop erty is c o ntro llab le b y so ftware lo cal to the B ACnet device.

When O ut_O f_S ervice is TRUE:

- the Present_Value of the o b j ect is p revented fro m b eing changed by so ftware lo c al to the B ACnet device in

which the o b j ect resides;

- the Present_Value p rop erty and the Reliab ility p rop erty, if p resent and cap ab le o f taking o n values o ther than

NO _F AULT_D ETECTED , shall b e writab le to allo w simulating sp ec ific co nditions o r fo r testing p urp o ses;

- o ther functions that dep end on the state o f the Present_Value, or Reliab ility p ro p erties shall resp o nd to changes

made to these p ro p erties, as if tho se c hanges had o c curred while the o b j ect was in servic e;

- if the Prio rity_Array and Relinquish_D efault p ro p erties are p resent, the Present_Value p ro p erty shall still be

co ntro lled b y the B ACnet c o mmand prio ritizatio n mec hanism (see Clause 1 9 ) .

Restrictions on changing the Present_Value property by software local to the B ACnet device do not apply to local human-

machine interfaces.


Clause 12.2.10 , Analog Input obj ect type,

Clause 12.6.10 , B inary Input obj ect type,

Clause 12.18.10 , Multi-state Input obj ect type]

[Note that the current language in 1 2. 1 8 . 1 0 is slightly different to that in 1 2. 2. 1 0 and 1 2 . 6. 1 0 using “input” instead of

“physical input” so that change is to be made as well but does not show in the belo w change marking]

12.X.10 Out_Of_Service
The O ut_O f_S ervice p rop erty, o f typ e B O O LEAN, is an indicatio n whether (TRUE) o r no t (F ALS E) the physical input

that the o b j ec t rep resents is not in servic e.

When Out_Of_Service is TRUE:

- This means that the Present_Value p ro p erty is deco up led fro m the physical inp ut and will no t trac k changes to

the p hysical input; when the value o f O ut_O f_S ervice is TRUE.

- In additio n, the Reliab ility p rop erty and the co rresp onding state o f the F AULT flag o f the S tatus_Flags p ro p erty

shall b e deco up led fro m the physical inp ut when O ut_O f_S ervice is TRUE.

- While the O ut_O f_S ervic e p ro p erty is TRUE, the Present_Value property and the Reliab ility property, if

present and capable of taking on values other than NO_FAULT_DETECTED, p ro p erties may b e changed to any

value as a means o f shall be writable to allow simulating sp ecific fixed conditio ns o r fo r testing p urpo ses.

- O ther other functions that dep end on the state o f the Present_Value or Reliab ility pro perties shall resp o nd to

changes made to these p ro p erties while O ut_O f_S ervice is TRUE, as if tho se changes had o cc urred in the

p hysic al inp ut.


Clause 12.3.10 , Analog Output obj ect type,

Clause 12.7.10 , B inary Output obj ect type,

Clause 12.19.10 , Multi-state O utput obj ect type,

Clause 12.55.8 , B inary Lighting Output obj ect type]

[Note that in the first sentence of 1 2 . 1 9. 1 0 “output or process” is changed to “physical p oint” to match the other outp ut

obj ect types and in the remainder of 1 2 . 1 9 . 1 0, “output” is changed to “physical output” to match other output obj ect types.

These changes are not shown in change marking. ]

[Note that in Clause 1 2 . 5 5 . 8 , “lighting output” is changed to “physical output” to match other output obj ect types and o ther

minor editorial changes are made to make the clause match. These changes are not shown in change marking. ]

© ISO 2020 – All rights reserved 67

ISO 1 6484-5 : 2 0 17/Amd.1 : 2 02 0(E)

The O ut_O f_S ervice p rop erty, o f typ e B O O LEAN, is an indic atio n whether (TRUE) o r no t (F ALS E) the physical p o int

that the o b j ect rep resents is not in service.

When Out_Of_Service is TRUE:

- This means that changes to the Present_Value p ro p erty are deco up led fro m the p hysical o utp ut; when the value

o f O ut_O f_S ervice is TRUE.

- In additio n, the Reliab ility p ro p erty , if present, and the co rresp o nding state of the F AULT flag of the

S tatus_F lags p ro p erty shall b e dec o up led fro m the p hysical o utp ut; when O ut_O f_S ervice is TRUE.

- While the O ut_O f_S ervice pro p erty is TRUE, the Present_Value property and the Reliab ility property, if

present and capable of taking on values other than NO_FAULT_DETECTED, p ro p erties may still b e changed to

any value as a means o f shall be writable to allow simulating sp ec ific fixed co nditions o r fo r testing p urp o ses ; .

- O ther other functions that dep end on the state o f the Present_Value or Reliab ility pro perties shall resp o nd to

changes made to these p ro p erties while O ut_O f_S ervice is TRUE, as if tho se changes had o c curred to the

p hysic al o utput; .

- The the Present_Value p rop erty shall still be co ntro lled by the B ACnet co mmand p rioritizatio n mechanism if

O ut_O f_S ervice is TRUE (see Clause 1 9) . S ee Clause 1 9 .

[ Change

Clause 12.15.11 , Life S afety Po int o b j ect typ e,

Clause 12.1 6.11 , Life S afety Zo ne ob j ect typ e]

The O ut_O f_S ervic e p rop erty, o f typ e B O O LEAN, is an indicatio n whether (TRUE) or no t (FALS E) the inp ut(s) or

p ro cess the o b j ect rep resents is no t in service.

When Out_Of_Service is TRUE:

- This means that c hanges to the Tracking_Value p ro p erty are decoup led fro m the inp ut(s) o r p ro cess ; when the

value o f Out_O f_S ervice is TRUE.

- In additio n, the Reliab ility p rop erty and the co rresp onding state o f the F AULT flag o f the S tatus_F lags p ro p erty

shall b e dec o up led from the input or process; when O ut_O f_S ervice is TRUE.

- While the O ut_O f_S ervice pro p erty is TRUE, the Tracking_Value property and the Reliab ility property, if

capable of taking on values other than NO_FA ULT_DETECTED, p ro p erties may b e changed to any value as a

means o f shall be writable to allow simulating sp ec ific fixed c o nditions o r fo r testing purp o ses ; .

- O ther other func tions that dep end on the state o f the Tracking_Value o r Reliab ility p rop erties shall resp o nd to

changes made to these p ro p erties while O ut_O f_S ervice is TRUE, as if tho se changes had o ccurred to the

inp ut(s) o r p ro cess.

[ Change Clause 12.17.9 , Lo op o b j ec t typ e]

The O ut_O f_S ervice p ro p erty, o f typ e B O O LEAN, is an indicatio n whether (TRUE) o r no t (F ALS E) the algo rithm this

o b j ect rep resents is o r is no t in service.

When Out_Of_Service is TRUE:

- The the Present_Value p rop erty shall be dec o up led fro m the algo rithm ; when the value o f O ut_O f_S ervic e is


- In additio n, the Reliab ility p ro p erty , if present, and the co rresp o nding state of the F AULT flag of the

S tatus_F lags p ro p erty shall b e dec o up led fro m the algo rithm; when O ut_O f_S ervice is TRUE.

- While the O ut_O f_S ervice pro p erty is TRUE, the Present_Value property and the Reliab ility property, if

present and capable of taking on values other than NO_FA ULT_DETECTED, shall be writable to allow

p ro p erties may be c hanged to any value as a means of simulating sp ecific fixed co nditio ns or fo r testing

p urpo ses ; .

- The the p ro p erty referenced by Manip ulated_Variab le_Reference and o ther func tions that dep end on the state o f

the Present_Value or Reliab ility p ro p erties shall resp o nd to changes made to these p ro p erties while

O ut_O f_S ervice is TRUE, as if tho se changes had b een made b y the algo rithm.

[ Change Clause 12.22.13 , Program ob j ect typ e]

The O ut_O f_S ervice p rop erty, o f typ e B O O LEAN, is an indicatio n whether (TRUE) o r no t (F ALS E) the p ro cess this

o b j ect represents is no t in service. In this case, " in service" means that the app licatio n p ro gram is pro p erly lo aded and

68 © ISO 2020 – All rights reserved

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initialized, altho ugh the p ro cess may o r may no t b e actually executing. If the Program_S tate p ro p erty has the value ID LE,

then O ut_O f_S ervic e shall b e TRUE.

When Out_Of_Service is TRUE:

- the application program process is not executing;

- the Reliability property, if present, and the corresponding state of the FA ULT flag of the Status_Flags property

shall be decoupled from the program;

- the Reliab ility property, if present and capable of taking on values other than NO_FA ULT_DETECTED, shall

be writable to allow simulating specific conditions or for testing purposes;

- other functions that depend on the state of the Reliability property shall respond to changes made to this

property, as if those changes had occurred to the application program process.

[ Change Clause 12.23.10 , Pulse Co nverter o b j ec t typ e]

The O ut_O f_S ervice p rop erty, o f typ e B O O LEAN, is an indicatio n whether (TRUE) o r no t (F ALS E) the input that the

o b j ect directly represents, if any, is no t in servic e. (" D irec tly rep resents" means that the Inp ut_Referenc e p rop erty is no t

p resent in this o b j ec t. )

When Out_Of_Service is TRUE:

- The the Present_Value p ro p erty is deco up led fro m the Co unt p ro p erty and will no t track changes to the inp ut;

when the value o f Out_O f_S ervice is TRUE.

- In additio n, the Reliab ility p rop erty and the co rresp onding state o f the F AULT flag o f the S tatus_F lags p ro p erty

shall b e deco up led fro m the inp ut; when O ut_O f_S ervice is TRUE.

- While the O ut_O f_S ervice pro p erty is TRUE, the Present_Value property and the Reliab ility property, if

present and capable of taking on values other than NO_FA ULT_DETECTED, shall be writable to allow

p ro p erties may be changed to any value as a means of simulating sp ecific fixed co nditio ns or fo r testing

p urpo ses ; .

- O ther other functions that dep end on the state o f the Present_Value or Reliab ility pro perties shall resp o nd to

c hanges made to these p ro p erties while O ut_O f_S ervic e is TRUE as if tho se changes had oc curred in the input.

If the Inp ut_Referenc e p roperty is p resent, the state of the O ut_O f_S ervic e pro p erty of the o b j ec t referenced by

Inp ut_Reference shall no t b e indicated b y the O ut_O f_S ervice p ro p erty of the Pulse Co nverter o b j ec t.

[ Change Clause 12.24.14 , S c hedule o b j ect typ e]

The O ut_O f_S ervic e pro p erty, of typ e B O O LEAN, is an indicatio n whether (TRUE) or no t (F ALS E) the internal

calc ulatio ns o f the sc hedule ob j ect are used to determine the value o f the Present_Value pro p erty.

When Out_Of_Service is TRUE:

- This means that the Present_Value p rop erty is deco up led fro m the internal c alculatio ns and will no t track

c hanges to o ther pro p erties ; when O ut_O f_S ervice is TRUE.

- O ther other functio ns that dep end on the state o f the Pres ent_Value, such as writing to the memb ers o f the

List_O f_O b j ect_Pro p erty_References, shall resp o nd to changes made to that pro p erty while O ut_O f_S ervic e is

TRUE, as if tho se changes had o c curred by internal calc ulatio ns.

[ Change Clause 12.26.9 , Access D o o r o b j ec t typ e]

The O ut_O f_S ervic e p ro p erty, o f typ e B O O LEAN, is an indicatio n whether (TRUE) or no t (F ALS E) the lo gical do or

which this o b j ect represents is no t in service.

When Out_Of_Service is TRUE:

- This means that the Present_Value p ro p erty is deco up led fro m the physic al do o r and will no t track changes to

the p hysical doo r; when the value o f O ut_O f_S ervice is TRUE.

- In additio n, the Reliab ility p rop erty and the co rresp onding state o f the FAULT flag o f the S tatus_F lags p ro p erty

shall b e deco up led fro m the physical do o r; when Out_O f_S ervice is TRUE.

- While the O ut_O f_S ervice pro p erty is TRUE, the Present_Value property and the Reliab ility property, if

capable of taking on values other than NO_FA ULT_DETECTED, p ro p erties, and if p resent, the Do o r_S tatus,

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Lo ck_S tatus and D oo r_Alarm_S tate p rop erties shall be writable to allow may be changed to any value as a

means o f simulating sp ecific fixed co nditio ns o r fo r testing p urpo ses ; .

- O ther other func tio ns that dep end o n the state o f the Present_Value o r Reliab ility p ro p erties, and if present the

D o o r_S tatus, Lo ck_S tatus and D o o r_Alarm_S tate p ro p erties, shall resp o nd to changes made to these p rop erties

while O ut_O f_S ervice is TRUE, as if tho se changes had o c curred to the physical do or.

[ Change Clause 12.31.8 , Ac cess Po int o b j ect typ e]

The O ut_O f_S ervice pro p erty, o f typ e B O O LEAN, is an indicatio n whether (TRUE) o r no t (F ALS E) the authentication

and authorizatio n p ro cess this o b j ect rep resents is o ut of service.

When Out_Of_Service is TRUE:

- If o ut of servic e, then the p ro cess that this o b j ect rep resents shall no t p erform any authenticatio n or

autho rizatio n.

- the Reliability property and the corresponding state of the FA ULT flag of the Status_Flags property shall be

decoupled from the associated process this object represents;

- the Reliability property, if capable of taking on values other than NO_FA ULT_DETECTED shall be writable to

allow simulating specific conditions or for testing purposes;

- other functions that depend on the state of the Reliability property shall respond to changes made to this

property, as if those changes had occurred to the associated process this object represents.

When this p ro p erty changes fro m F ALS E to TRUE, then the Access_Event p ro p erty shall b e set to O UT_O F_S ERVICE .

When this p ro p erty changes fro m TRUE to F ALS E, then the Access_Event p ro p erty shall be set to


[ Change Clause 12.32.10 , Access Zo ne o b j ect typ e]

The O ut_O f_S ervice p rop erty, o f type B O O LEAN, is an indicatio n whether (TRUE) o r no t (F ALS E) the ob j ect is out of


When Out_Of_Service is TRUE: the ob j ect is o ut o f service,

- the Reliab ility p ro p erty and the co rrespo nding state o f the F AULT flag o f the S tatus_F lags p ro p erty shall be

dec o up led from the associated process this object represents;

- and the Reliab ility p ro p erty , if capable of taking on values other than NO_FA ULT_DETECTED, shall be

writable to allow may b e changed to any value as a means o f simulating sp ec ific fixed co nditio ns o r fo r testing

p urpo ses ; . O ther func tio ns that dep end on the state o f the Reliab ility p ro p erty shall resp ond to changes made to

this p ro p erty while O ut_O f_S ervice is TRUE;

- If if o ccup ancy co unting is sup p orted and the o b j ect is o ut o f servic e, then the O c cup ancy_Co unt pro p erty is

deco up led fro m the p ro cessing o f o cc up ancy counting.

- In addition, writing to the Adj ust_Value p ro p erty shall no t mo dify the O cc up ancy_Co unt; .

- The the O ccup ancy_Co unt p ro p erty , if present, shall be writable to allow may be changed to any value as a

means o f simulating sp ecific fixed c o nditio ns o r fo r testing p urpo ses ; .

- O ther other func tions that dep end o n the state o f the O ccup ancy_S tate or Reliability properties p ro p erty shall

resp o nd to c hanges made to this p ro p erty while Out_O f_S ervic e is TRUE thes e properties, as if those changes

had occurred to the associated process this object represents.

[ Change Clause 12.36.8 , Credential D ata Inp ut ob j ect typ e]

The O ut_O f_S ervic e pro p erty, o f typ e B O O LEAN, is an indicatio n whether (TRUE) or no t (F ALS E) the Present_Value

o f the Credential D ata Input o b j ec t is p revented fro m b eing mo dified by so me p ro cess lo cal to the B ACnet devic e in

which the ob j ec t resides.

While the When O ut_O f_S ervic e p ro p erty is TRUE, :

- the Present_Value property and the Reliab ility property, if capable of taking on values other than

NO_FA ULT_DETECTED, sh all be writable to allow p ro perties may be changed to any value as a means of

simulating sp ecific fixed co nditio ns o r fo r testing p urp o ses ; .

- O ther other functions that dep end on the state o f the Present_Value or Reliab ility pro perties shall resp o nd to

c hanges made to these p ro p erties while O ut_O f_S ervice is TRUE, as if tho se changes had o ccurred in the inp ut.

70 © ISO 2020 – All rights reserved

ISO 1 6484-5 : 2 0 1 7/Amd.1 : 2 02 0(E)

[ Change Clause 12.50.12 , Glob al Gro up o b j ect typ e]

This p ro p erty, of typ e B O O LEAN, indicates and c ontro ls whether (TRUE) or no t (F ALS E) the object is out of service.

When Out_Of_Service is TRUE:

- the Present_Value p rop erty is deco up led and is no t updated to track the values o f the gro up memb ers ; .

- In additio n, the Reliab ility p ro p erty , if present, and the c o rresp o nding state of the F AULT flag of the

S tatus_F lags p ro p erty shall be deco up led from their no rmal calculatio ns the state of the object; when

O ut_O f_S ervice is TRUE.

- While the O ut_O f_S ervice p ro p erty is TRUE, the Reliab ility p ro p erty, if present and capable of taking on

values other than NO_FA ULT_DETECTED, shall be writable to allow may b e c hanged to any value as a means

o f simulating sp ec ific fixed c onditio ns o r fo r testing p urpo ses ; .

- O ther other functions that depend o n the state o f the Reliab ility p rop erty shall resp ond to changes made to this

propertythese p ro p erties while O ut_O f_S ervic e is TRUE as if tho se changes had o ccurred b y normal op eratio n.

[ Change Clause 12.51.7 , No tificatio n F o rwarder o b j ect typ e]

The O ut_O f_S ervic e p ro p erty, o f typ e B O O LEAN is an indic atio n whether (TRUE) o r not (F ALS E) the o b j ect has b een

p revented from forwarding event no tificatio ns.

When Out_Of_Service is TRUE:

- This p ro p erty can b e used to disab le the No tificatio n Fo rwarder o b j ect is disabled and does not forward event

notifications; .

- the Reliability property, if capable of taking on values other than NO_FA ULT_DETECTED, shall be writable to

allow simulating specific conditions or for testing purposes; .

- other functions that depend on the state of the Reliability property shall respond to changes made to this

property as if those changes had occurred by normal operation.

[ Change Clause 12.53.11 , Channel o b j ect typ e]

This p ro p erty, o f typ e B O O LEAN, is an indicatio n whether (TRUE) o r no t (F ALS E) the fo rwarding mechanism that the

o b j ec t rep resents is no t in service.

When Out_Of_Service is TRUE:

- This means that changes to the Present_Value p ro p erty are deco up led fro m the fo rwarding mechanism ; when

the value of O ut_O f_S ervice is TRUE.

- In additio n, the Reliab ility p ro p erty , if present, and the c o rresp o nding state of the FAULT flag of the

S tatus_F lags p ro p erty shall b e deco up led fro m the fo rwarding mechanism ; when O ut_O f_S ervic e is TRUE.

- While the O ut_O f_S ervice pro p erty is TRUE, the Present_Value property and the Reliab ility property, if

present and capable of taking on values other than NO_FA ULT_DETECTED, shall be writable to allow

p ro p erties may still be changed to any value as a means of simulating sp ec ific fixed conditio ns o r for testing

p urpo ses ; .

- O ther other functions that dep end on the state o f the Present_Value or Reliab ility pro perties shall resp o nd to

c hanges made to these p rop erties while O ut_O f_S ervic e is TRUE, as if tho se changes had o cc urred and had

b een p assed o n to the fo rwarding mechanism.

S ince the Channel o b j ect do es no t directly imp lement command p rio ritizatio n, the Present_Value pro p erty shall no t be

required to imp lement the B ACnet c o mmand p rio ritizatio n mechanism when O ut_O f_S ervice is TRUE. S ee Clause 1 9 .

[ Change Clause 12.54.11 , Lighting O utp ut o b j ect typ e]

[ This O ut_O f_S ervice c lause is identical to that for the o ther o utp ut o b j ec t typ es excep t fo r the last bullet p o int which

talks ab o ut lighting co mmand. ]

This The Out_Of_Service prop erty, o f typ e B O O LEAN, indicates whether (TRUE) o r no t (F ALS E) the p hysical po int

that the o b j ec t rep resents is not in service.

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When Out_Of_Service is TRUE:

- This means that c hanges to the Present_Value p ro p erty are deco up led fro m the physical lighting o utput; when

the value of O ut_O f_S ervic e is TRUE.

- In additio n, the Reliab ility p ro p erty , if present, and the co rresp o nding state of the F AULT flag of the

S tatus_F lags p ro p erty shall b e deco up led fro m the p hysical lighting outp ut; when O ut_O f_S ervic e is TRUE.

- While the O ut_O f_S ervice pro p erty is TRUE, the Present_Value property and the Reliab ility property, if

present and capable of taking on values other than NO_FA ULT_DETECTED, shall be writable to allow

p ro p erties may still be changed to any value as a means of simulating sp ecific fixed c onditio ns o r for testing

p urpo ses ; .

- O ther other functions that dep end on the state o f the Present_Value or Reliab ility pro perties shall resp o nd to

changes made to these p ro p erties while O ut_O f_S ervice is TRUE, as if tho se changes had o ccurred to the

p hysic al lighting o utp ut; .

- The the Present_Value pro p erty shall still b e contro lled b y the B ACnet co mmand prio ritizatio n mechanism and

lighting c o mmand if O ut_O f_S ervice is TRUE (see Clause 1 9) . S ee Clause 1 9 .

[ Change Clause 12.56.7 , Netwo rk Po rt o b j ec t typ e]

The O ut_O f_S ervice pro p erty, o f typ e B O O LEAN, is an indicatio n whether (TRUE) o r no t (F ALS E) the netwo rk p ort is

o ut o f servic e.

When a netwo rk p o rt is O ut_O f_S ervice is TRUE: ,

- all B ACnet co mmunicatio n thro ugh that the p o rt shall b e disab led; ,

- and writing any value o ther than RES TART_PO RT, D IS CO NNE CT, and or D IS CARD _CHANGES to the

Co mmand p rop erty shall result in an erro r resp o nse with an ‘ Erro r Class’ o f PRO PE RT Y and ‘ Erro r Co de’ of


- the Reliability property, if present, and the corresponding state of the FA ULT flag of the Status_Flags property

shall be decoupled from the port;

- the Reliability property, if capable of taking on values other than NO_FA ULT_DETECTED, shall be writable to

allow simulating specific conditions or for testing purposes;

- other functions that depend on the state of the Reliability property shall respond to changes made to the

property, as if those changes had occurred to the port.

[ Change Clause 1 2.57.9 , Timer o b j ect typ e]

The O ut_O f_S ervic e p rop erty, o f typ e B O O LEAN, is an indicatio n whether (TRUE) or no t (F ALS E) the timer this o b j ec t

rep resents is in servic e and will co unt do wn.

If When O ut_O f_S ervic e is F ALS E, the timer is functio ning as sp ecified.

If When O ut_O f_S ervic e is TRUE, :

- the o b j ect shall b ehave as sp ecified, excep t that Present_Value shall no t auto matic ally co unt do wn in the

RUNNING state. ;

- While O ut_O f_S ervice is TRUE, the Present_Value property and the Reliab ility property, if present and

capable of taking on values other than NO_FA ULT_DETECTED, shall be writable to allow p ro p erties may be

changed as a means o f simulating states and transitio ns, o r for testing p urp o ses ; .

- other functions that depend on the state of the Present_Value and Reliability properties, such as timer state

changes, shall respond to changes made to that, as if those changes had occurred while Out_Of_Service was


Writing values to Present_Value shall c ause the timer to p erfo rm resp ec tive timer state transitio ns as sp ecified

in the state machine descrip tion. If an event algo rithm and/o r reliab ility evaluatio n is in p lace, it shall p erfo rm its

evaluatio ns as sp ecified, regardless o f the value o f this p ro p erty.

[ Change Clause 12.59.30 , Lift o b j ect typ e]

The O ut_O f_S ervic e p ro p erty, o f typ e B O O LEAN, is an indicatio n whether (TRUE) or no t (F ALS E) the o b j ect is

deco up led from the lift that this o b j ect rep resents.

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When Out_Of_Service is TRUE:

- This means that the o b j ect do es no t track the status o f the lift;

- , and the ob j ect will no t co ntro l the lift o p eratio n. The and the value o f this p ro p erty shall have no effec t o n the

o p eratio n o f the lift this o b j ect rep resents. ;

- While this p ro p erty has a value o f TRUE, the status p ro p erties As signed_Landing_Calls, Registered_Car_Call,

Car_Po sitio n, Car_Mo ving_Directio n, Car_Assigned_D irectio n, Car_D o o r_S tatus, Car_D o o r_Zone, Car_Lo ad,

Next_S to p p ing_Flo o r, Passenger_Alarm, Energy_Meter, Car_D rive_S tatus, F ault_S ignals, and

Landing_D o o r_S tatus shall no t trac k the status of the lift. These pro p erties and shall be writab le ; while

O ut_O f_S ervic e is TRUE.

- While this p ro p erty has a value of TRUE, the pro p erties Making_Car_Call, Car_D o o r_Co mmand, and

Car_Mo de, shall not track the respective values currently applied by the lift, shall no t have any effect o n the

o p eratio n o f the lift, . In additio n, these p ro p erties shall no t track the resp ec tive values currently ap p lied b y the

lift. These p ro p erties and shall b e writab le ; while O ut_O f_S ervice is TRUE.

- While the O ut_O f_S ervic e p ro p erty is TRUE, the p ro p erties listed in this clause no rmally indicating status or

c urrently ap p lied contro l values shall be writable to allow may be changed to any value as a means of

simulating sp ecific fixed conditio ns o r fo r testing p urp o ses ; .

- O b j ect other functio ns that dep end o n the state of any of the aforementioned these p ro perties shall resp o nd to

c hanges made to these p ro p erties while O ut_O f_S ervice is TRUE, as if tho se changes had o ccurred in the lift.

[ Change Clause 12.60.15 , Escalato r o b j ect typ e]

The O ut_O f_S ervice p ro p erty, o f typ e B O O LEAN, is an indicatio n whether (TRUE) or no t (FALS E) the o b j ect is

deco up led from the escalato r that this o b j ec t rep resents.

When Out_Of_Service is TRUE:

- This means that the o b j ect do es no t track the status o f the escalato r; , and

- the o b j ect will no t co ntro l the esc alato r o p eration. The and the value o f this pro p erty shall have no effect o n the

o p eratio n o f the escalato r this o b j ect rep resents. ;

- While this p ro p erty has a value of TRUE, the status p rop erties Po wer_Mo de, O p eratio n_D irection,

Energy_Meter, Fault_S ignals, and Passenger_Alarm shall no t track the status of the escalato r. These p ro p erties

and shall b e writab le ; while Out_O f_S ervice is TRUE.

- While this p ro p erty has a value of TRUE, the p ro p erty Escalato r_Mo de shall no t have any effect on the

o p eratio n o f the escalato r, . In additio n, this p rop erty shall no t track the resp ective value currently app lied b y the

lift, and. The pro p erty Escalato r_Mo de shall b e writab le ; while O ut_O f_S ervice is TRUE.

- While the O ut_O f_S ervic e p ro p erty is TRUE, the p ro p erties listed in this c lause no rmally indicating status or

c urrently ap p lied contro l values shall be writable to allow may be changed to any value as a means of

simulating sp ecific fixed conditio ns o r fo r testing p urp o ses ; .

- O b j ect other functio ns that dep end o n the state o f these any of the aforementioned p rop erties shall resp o nd to

c hanges made to these p ro p erties while O ut_O f_S ervice is TRUE, as if tho se changes had o cc urred in the

escalato r.

[Replace Clause 12.61.10 , Accumulator obj ect type with the following language]

12.61.10 Out_Of_Service
The O ut_O f_S ervice p rop erty, o f typ e B O O LEAN, is an indicatio n whether (TRUE) o r no t (F ALS E) the physical input

that the o b j ec t rep resents is not in servic e.

When O ut_O f_S ervice is TRUE:

- This means that the Present_Value and Pulse_Rate p ro p erties are dec oup led fro m the physical inp ut and will no t

trac k changes to the physical inp ut when the value o f Out_Of_S ervic e is TRUE.

- In additio n, the Reliab ility p ro p erty, if p resent, and the co rresp o nding state of the F AULT flag of the

S tatus_F lags p ro p erty shall b e deco up led fro m the p hysical inp ut; when O ut_O f_S ervice is TRUE.

- While the O ut_O f_S ervice p ro p erty is TRUE, the Present_Value, and Pulse_Rate properties and the Reliab ility

property, if present and capable of taking on values other than NO_FA ULT_DETECTED, p rop erties may be

c hanged to any value as a means o f shall be writable to allow simulating sp ecific fixed co nditio ns o r fo r testing

p urpo ses.

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- O ther other func tions that dep end on the state o f the Present_Value, Pulse_Rate o r Reliab ility p ro p erties shall

resp o nd to changes made to these p ro p erties while O ut_O f_S ervice is TRUE, as if tho se changes had o c curred

in the p hysical inp ut.

135-2016bm -1. Reduce allowed range for Usage Timeout

Ratio nale

The MS /TP p arameter Tusage_timeout as defined in Clause 9. 5 . 3 has b een misinterpreted by so me imp lementers sinc e it

allo ws up to 1 0 0 ms o f delay fo r no des to rep ly to Po llF o rMaster o r to b egin using a p assed to ken. The current language is

unfo rtunately vague and imp lies that an imp lementatio n may use a value as small as 2 0 ms or as large as 1 0 0 ms. The

intentio n was always that the definitio n o f Tusage_delay wo uld require that devices always rep ly within 1 5 ms, but the wide

variatio n in Tusage_timeout was misleading to so me imp lemento rs. This creates an intero p erab ility issue if a " 2 0 ms" device

attemp ts to intero p erate with a " 1 0 0 ms" device.

The range o f Tusage_timeout is reduced to 3 5 milliseco nds maximum.

[ Change Clause 9.5.3, Tusage_timeout ]

Tusage_timeout The minimum time witho ut a D ataAvailab le o r ReceiveError event that a node must wait fo r a

remo te no de to b egin using a to ken o r rep lying to a Po ll F o r Master frame: 2 0 milliseco nds.

(Imp lementations may use larger values fo r this timeo ut, no t to exceed 1 0 0 35 millisec o nds. )

135-2016bm -2. Specify design choices for MS/TP devices.

Ratio nale

The standard allo ws fo r MS /TP devices to make vario us choices in their imp lementatio n. There is no standard method fo r

determining some o f the key cho ices.

Also , the current language limits the numb er o f nodes p er segment to 3 2 due to the EIA- 4 8 5 standard. Ho wever, EIA-

48 5 sp ecifies 3 2 unit lo ads, no t 3 2 no des. Early EIA- 4 8 5 transceivers were o ne unit lo ad, b ut to day, 1 /2 , 1 /4 , and even

1 /8 lo ad transceivers are availab le, allo wing the p o ssib ility o f up to 8 * 3 2 , o r 2 5 6 nodes per segment.

The PICS is extended to allo w sp ecificatio n o f the imp lementatio n c ho ices, including unit lo ads, o f the MS /TP p ro duct.

[ Change Clause 9.2.2 ]

9.2.2 Connections and Terminations

The maximum numb er o f no des unit loads p er segment shall b e 3 2 (as sp ecified b y the EIA- 4 8 5 standard) .

Additio nal nodes unit loads may b e acc o mmo dated b y the use o f rep eaters, as describ ed in Clause 9 . 9 .


[ Add new Clause 9.X ]

9.X Documenting MS/TP Device Design Choices

Every MS /TP device inc ludes a co llec tio n o f design cho ices that affect the b ehavio r o f the device. Amo ng these, the

fo llo wing choices are imp ortant in terms o f MS /TP interop erab ility:

(a) master o r slave imp lementation

(b ) iso lated o r non- iso lated po wer so urce for EIA/TIA-4 8 5 transceiver

(c) whether lo c al b iasing is built- in to the devic e

(d) transceiver unit lo ading

(e) data rates sup p o rted b y the device

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ISO 1 6484-5 : 2 0 1 7/Amd.1 : 2 02 0(E)

Each MS /TP device shall indicate all o f this info rmatio n in its Pro to co l Imp lementation Co nfo rmanc e S tatement

(PICS ) . S ee Annex A.

9.X.1 Master or Slave Implementation

The PICS shall indicate whether the devic e imp lements a Master No de S tate Mac hine o r S lave No de S tate Mac hine

o r either.

9.X.2 EIA/TIA-485 Power Isolation

The PICS shall indicate whether the EIA/TIA-4 8 5 transceiver imp lements an o p tically and magnetically iso lated

po wer so urce, or no t. D esigns that imp lement such a p o wer so urce shall b e called IS O LATED , and designs that do

no t shall b e called NO N- IS O LATED .

9.X.3 Local Biasing

The PICS shall indicate whether the device imp lements local b iasing, b y way o f 4 7 K ohms p ull- up /p ull- do wn (see

9 . 2 . 2 ) , as having “Lo cal B ias 4 7 K. ” D evices witho ut 47 K ohms b iasing shall indicate “Local B ias no ne. ”

9.X.4 Transceiver Unit Loading

B ased o n the c haracteristics o f the EIA/TIA- 48 5 transc eiver o f the device, the PICS shall indicate “Unit Lo ad X”

where X is 1, ½, ¼, or ⅛.
9.X.5 Data Rates
The PICS shall inc lude a list o f each data rate sup p orted by the device.

[ Change Annex A ]

Data Link Layer Options:

. . .

 
MS /TP master (Clause 9 ) , b aud rate(s) :

 
Master Slave

  
Non-isolated transceiver Isolated transceiver

   ⅛
Local 47K ohms bias resistors None Other: ____________________

     
Transceiver unit loading: 1 ½ ¼

Data rates: 9600 1 9200 38400 57600 76800 1 1 5200

MS /TP slave (Clause 9 ) , b aud rate(s) :

. . .

. . .

135-2016bm -3. Handle additional unwanted MS/TP frames in IDLE state.

Ratio nale

S o me MS /TP frames sent to a master device b eing in ID LE state are no t valid frames in that state, so they are unwanted

frames and sho uld b e igno red. Excep t that the ReceivedValidFrame flag sho uld b e reset to F ALS E to signal the message

is p ro cessed and to allo w a next rec eived message b eing fed into the state mac hine.

A new c o nditio n is included in the master node's state mac hine state ID LE, in sectio n ReceivedUnwantedF rame, to

handle these unwanted frame typ es.

[ Change Clause ]

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ISO 1 6484-5 : 2 0 17/Amd.1 : 2 02 0(E) IDLE
In the ID LE state, the no de waits fo r a frame.

. . .


If ReceivedValidFrame is TRUE and either

(a) DestinationAddress is not equal to either TS (this station) or 2 5 5 (broadcast) or

(b) DestinationAddress is equal to 25 5 (broadcast) and FrameType has a value of Token, Test_Request, or a

proprietary type known to this node that expects a reply (such frames may not be broadcast) or

(c) FrameType has a value that indicates a standard or proprietary type that is not known to this node or

(d) DestinationA ddress is equal to TS and FrameType is equal to Reply To Poll For Master or Reply Postponed,

then an unexpected or unwanted frame was received. S et ReceivedValidFrame to F ALS E, and enter the IDLE state

to wait for the next frame.

. . .

135-2016bn -1. Make SCHED BIBBs consistent on supported datatypes, and add BOOLEAN.

The datatyp es whic h must be sup p o rted in B IB B S CHED - E- B and S CHED - VM- A are no t currently sp ecified in the


B IB B S CHE D - E- B sp ec ifies the minimum requirements, in terms o f datatyp es which must b e sup p o rted. The datatyp es

sp ecified by S CHED - VM- A are aligned, in o rder that these B IB B s have meaningful utility when c omp aring devic es

which claim them.

In addition, the datatyp e B O O LEAN is added to b e sup p orted.

[ Change K.3.3 ]

K.3.3 BIBB - Scheduling - External - B (SCHED-E-B)

The B device p rovides date and time sc heduling o f the values o f sp ecific p rop erties o f sp ecific o b j ects in o ther devices.

D evices at Protocol_Revision X or higher, and c laiming co nfo rmanc e to S CHED - E- B s hall at a minimum support the

writing of primitive datatypes BOOLEA N, REA L, Enumerated, and Unsigned32 to all standard properties of those

datatypes in any standard objects. A Schedule object in the device shall support the writing of primitive datatype NULL

to commandable standard properties in standard objects. This occurs when the value in the Relinquish_Default property

is NULL and no schedule actions are in effect from the Weekly_Schedule and Exception_Schedule properties. Scheduling

of other datatypes may also be supported.

The device shall also sup po rt S CHED - I- B and D S - WP- A. The List_O f_Ob j ect_Pro perty_Referenc es pro p erty shall

sup p o rt references to o b j ects in external devices.

[ Change Clause K.3.5 ]

K.3.5 BIBB - Scheduling - Advanced View and Modify - A (SCHED-AVM-A)


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D evices claiming sup po rt fo r this B IB B shall b e cap ab le o f presenting, and mo difying S chedule ob j ec ts that schedule any

o f the fo llo wing typ es:


and which may co ntain NULL values and shall be c ap ab le o f changing the datatyp e that a S chedule ob j ect schedules.

S c hedule ob j ects c o ntain a numb er o f p rop erties that need to be consistent in the datatyp e of the values they co ntain.

D evices claiming sup po rt fo r this B IB B shall b e p rep ared to interact with , as well as allow disp lay and mo dificatio n o f,

S c hedule ob j ects that are self- inco nsistent. A self- inco nsistent S c hedule o b j ect is o ne in which the scheduled values in

the Weekly_S chedule, Exc ep tio n_S chedule, and S chedule_D efault p rop erties are no t all o f the same datatyp e o r in which

the co ntro lled o b j ects are no t all o f the same datatyp e o r are o f a datatyp e different than the sc heduled values.

Devices claiming sup p ort for this B IB B shall b e cap ab le o f creating, deleting, p resenting, and mo difying Timer ob j ects

that write any of the fo llo wing typ es:


and shall b e cap ab le o f changing the datatyp e that a Timer o b j ect writes, and shall b e cap ab le o f setting the 'No Value'

op tio n. Timer o b j ects c ontain a numb er o f p ro p erties that need to b e co nsistent in the datatyp e o f the values they c ontain.

Devic es claiming sup po rt fo r this B IB B shall b e p rep ared to interact with, as well as allow disp lay and mo dific atio n o f,

Timer ob j ects that are self- inco nsistent. A self- inco nsistent Timer o b j ect is one in which the values to write in the

S tate_Change_Values p ro p erty are no t all o f the same datatyp e o r in which the co ntro lled o b j ects are no t all o f the same

datatyp e o r are of a datatyp e different than the values to b e written.


[Change Clause K.3.6 ]

K.3.6 BIBB - Scheduling - View and Modify - A (SCHED-VM-A)


D evices c laiming sup po rt fo r this B IB B shall b e c ap ab le o f presenting, and mo difying S chedule ob j ects that schedule any

o f the fo llo wing typ es:


and whic h may contain NULL values.

Devices claiming sup p o rt fo r this B IB B shall b e cap ab le o f p resenting and mo difying Timer o b j ec ts that write any o f the

fo llo wing typ es:


and which may contain the 'No - Value' o p tio n.


[Change Clause K.3.7 ]

K.3.7 BIBB - Scheduling - Weekly Schedule - A (SCHED-WS-A)


Devic es claiming sup po rt fo r this B IB B shall b e cap ab le o f presenting, and mo difying S chedule ob j ec ts that schedule any

of the fo llo wing typ es:


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ISO 1 6484-5 : 2 0 17/Amd.1 : 2 02 0(E)

and which may contain NULL values.

The A device shall b e c ap ab le o f p resenting and mo difying S chedule o b j ects o f the fo rms defined b o th prio r to , and in

Pro to co l_Revisio n 4 .


135-2016bn -2. Clarify COV and COVP related BIBBs.

Ratio nale

If all S ub sc rib eCO V and/o r S ub scrib eCO VPro p erty requests are initiated with the ‘ Issue Co nfirmed No tificatio ns’ flag

either consistently TRUE or co nsistently F ALS E, then no legitimate CO V no tificatio n service request of the o ther

p o larity of the flag would ever b e received. The D S - CO V- A and D S - CO VP- A B IB B s are c hanged to no t require both

services b e executed. No te that the D S - CO VM- A already requires o nly o ne typ e of CO V multip le no tificatio n exec ution.

The D S - CO VP- A B IB B requirements are inco nsistent with the S ub scrib eCO VPro p erty service definitio n regarding the

'Lifetime ' p arameter. The DS - CO VP- A and D S - CO VP- B B IB B s are made co nsistent with S ub sc rib eCO VPro p erty

regarding the sub sc rip tion 'Lifetime' p arameter.

Also , it is unclear which CO V related B IB B s require supp o rt o f cancellatio n o f sub scrip tio ns. The D S - CO V- A, DS -

CO VP- A, and D S - CO VP- B B IB B s are c hanged to b e c lear on cancellatio n requirements.

[Change Clause K.1.11 ]

K.1.11 BIBB - Data Sharing-COV-A (DS-COV-A)

The A device is a user o f CO V data fro m devic e B .

B ACnet S ervic e Initiate Execute

S ub scrib eCO V x

Co nfirmedCO VNo tific atio n x

Unco nfirmedCO VNo tificatio n x

Execution of at least one of these services is required.

S up p o rt fo r sub scrip tio ns of a limited lifetime is required, and supp o rt fo r sub scrip tio ns of indefinite lifetime is o p tio nal.

Support for cancellation is optional, except in the case where the device is able to request indefinite subscriptions, in

which case it is required.

[Change Clause K.1.13 ]

K.1.13 BIBB - Data Sharing-COVP-A (DS-COVP-A)

The A device is a user o f CO V data fro m devic e B .

B ACnet S ervic e Initiate Execute

S ub scrib eCO VPro p erty x

Co nfirmedCO VNo tific atio n x

Unco nfirmedCO VNo tificatio n x

Execution of at least one of these services is required.

S up p o rt fo r sub scrip tio ns of a limited lifetime is required, and supp o rt fo r sub sc rip tio ns of indefinite lifetime is o p tio nal.

Support for cancellation of subscriptions is optional.

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[Change Clause K.1.14 ]

K.1.14 BIBB - Data Sharing-COVP-B (DS-COVP-B)

The B device is a provider of COV data of an arbitrary property of a specified obj ect to device A.

B ACnet S ervice Initiate Execute

S ub scrib eCO VPro p erty x

Co nfirmedCO VNo tificatio n x

Unco nfirmedCO VNo tificatio n x

Devices claiming conformance to DS -CO VP- B shall support a minimum of five concurrent subscriptions. S upport for

subscriptions of a limited lifetime is required, and support for subscriptions of indefinite lifetime is optional.

135-2016bn -3. Clock is required for support of AE-ACK-A.

Ratio nale

A device that initiates AcknowledgeAlarm requests is typ ically so p histicated eno ugh that it is no t unreaso nab le to require

the device co ntains a clo ck and p ro duce B ACnetD ateT ime fo rm timestamp s fo r the ‘ Time of Ackno wledgment’

p arameter.

The requirement to sup p o rt the Lo c al_D ate and Lo cal_Time p ro p erties fo r AE- ACK- A will mandate that the ‘ Time of

Ackno wledgment’ p arameter of the Ackno wledgeAlarm request is filled with a B ACnetTimeS tamp of typ e

B ACnetD ateTime, as required b y Clause 1 2 . 1 . 7 .

[ Change Clause K.2.4 ]

K.2.4 BIBB - Alarm and Event Management-Acknowledge-A (AE-ACK-A)

D evice A ackno wledges alarm/event no tificatio ns.

B ACnet S ervice Initiate Execute

Ackno wledgeAlarm x

Devices claiming conformance to A E-A CK-A shall also support the Local_Date and Local_Time properties in the Device


135-2016bp-1. Make rules for POST consistent with rules for PUT.
Ratio nale

W. 2 9 . 1 lists the " co mp uted metadata" that can't be PUT to the server, b ut W. 2 8 do es no t make a similar p ro hib itio n

against PO S Ting co mp uted metadata.

[ Change Clause W.28 ]

W.28 Creating Data

If the server allo ws it, new memb ers o f the co llec tio n typ es Co llectio n, List, S equenceO f, and Array shall b e creatab le by

PO S Ting a fully formed data to the p ath o f the co llectio n. The server shall first check that the type of the provided data

matches the target's member type and that none of the server-computed metadata, 'count', 'children', 'descendants',

'truncated', 'history', 'valueA ge', 'etag', 'next', 'self', 'edit', 'failures', or 'id', are present. If these basic conditions are not

met, a WS_ERR_VA LUE_FORMA T error shall be indicated.

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. . .

135-2016 bp -2. Make 'type' consistent at all levels and introduce 'effectiveType'.

Ratio nale

The requirement in W. 1 5 . 4 that the ' typ e' change meaning at the to p level do es no t fully sup p ort data that is defined to b e

an " Any" . Instances that rep lac e a defined " Any" need two " typ es" . Their " effective typ e" o r " defined typ e" is sp ecified

b y Clause W. 1 5 . 4 to b e the locatio n in a named definitio n where the Any is dec lared. B ut when that Any is rep laced at

run- time, it also has a " given typ e" also kno wn as " actual typ e" or " runtime typ e. " B oth the " effective typ e" and the

" given typ e" are valid and the to tal set o f metadata fo r the data item is the co mb inatio n o f the metadata fro m the two

typ es.

The p ro b lem is that, as currently required b y W. 1 5 . 4 , the p ro to co l only returns o ne 'typ e', and that is sp ecified to b e the

" effective typ e" . S o the " given typ e" for an Any is masked and the client canno t determine ho w to p rop erly co nsume o r

understand the instance data.

No te that this p ro b lem ap p lies o nly to 'Any' memb ers of a S equenc e, Co mp o sitio n, o r O b j ect. It is no t a p ro b lem fo r

co llectio ns (Co llectio n/Array/List/S equenceO f) o f 'Anys’ . This is b ecause there is no " effective typ e" in that case. A

definitio n for a co llec tio n o f 'Any' can't sp ecify any metadata fo r its memb ers; therefo re, it is no t augmenting the

memb er's given typ e and there is no co nflic t (the effective typ e is the same as the given typ e in this case, and there is no

p ro b lem with the p ub lished standard) .

It is critical fo r clients to b e ab le to dec ode data, esp ecially JS O N enco dings where the $ base is no t always included and

therefo re the c lient needs to kno w the type definition in order to kno w the b ase typ es.

F o r examp le, given the fo llo wing definition,

<D efinitio ns>

<Co mp o sitio n name=" 5 5 5 - O uter" >

<S tring name=" innerS tring" disp layName=" InnerS tring" />

<Any name=" innerAny" disp layName=" InnerAny" />

</Co mpo sitio n>

</D efinitio ns>

If the c lient asks fo r an instanc e o f " 5 5 5 - O uter" , there is no p ro b lem b ecause the " given typ e" o f the inner is co nveyed by

the 'typ e' attrib ute and the " effective typ e" o f " 5 5 5 - O uter/innerAny" is imp lied by its co ntainment.

GET /p ath/to /outer

<Co mp o sitio n name=" o uter" typ e=" 5 5 5 - outer" >

<S tring name=" innerS tring" value=" … " />

<S equence name=" innerAny" typ e=" 0- B ACnetAddress" >… </S equence>

</Co mp o sitio n>

Ho wever, if the c lient drills do wn to the Any, there is a p rob lem sinc e the standard currently requires the 'typ e' o n the top

level item b e the " effective typ e" , which masks the runtime typ e o f the data and the c lient no lo nger kno ws that the data is

an instance o f " 0 - B ACnetAddress" .

GET /p ath/to /inner

<S equenc e name=" inner" typ e=" 5 5 5 - O uter/inner" >… </S equence>

The pro b lem is so lved by pro viding the given 'typ e' and the effec tive typ e as defined b y Clause W. 1 5 . 4 in a sep arate

'effectiveTyp e' metadata. This makes 'typ e ' co nsistent at all levels, as its meaning do es no t c hange fo r the to p level o nly.

GET /p ath/to /inner

<Seq u ence name="in ner" effectiveType="555-Outer/i nner" type="0-BACnetAd d ress" >… </Sequ ence>

80 © ISO 2020 – All rights reserved

ISO 1 6484-5 : 2 0 1 7/Amd.1 : 2 02 0(E)

Clause W.15.X
[ Insert new ]

W.15.X The 'type' Metadata

If the data is an instance o f a named definitio n, then the 'type' metadata shall b e the name o f that definitio n. This shall b e

p resent at the to p level in respo nse o r anywhere that it canno t b e derived b y context. F o r examp le, if the defined typ e of

a data item is 'Any' then an instance o f that will need a 'typ e' metadata to indic ate the actual instance typ e.

[ ChangeClause W.15.4 ]

W.15.4 The 'type' 'effectiveType' Metadata

S ince the server returns o nly the metadata that is different fro m its definitio n, the client needs to kno w that definitio n in

o rder to infer the elided metadata values. If the top level resp o nse data is a direc t instanc e o f a named typ e, then that is

easy and the 'typ e' metadata direc tly sp ecifies that named typ e. B ut if the client has " drilled do wn" into an instance using

a URI p ath that references data that is only a p art of a larger named typ e, then the server needs to reflect that information

in the 'typ e' 'effectiveType' metadata so the client can know what higher level named definitio n the referenc ed data was

instantiated fro m. Therefo re, fo r the top level data item in a resp o nse:

(a) If the data item is a direct instance o f a defined typ e, then the 'typ e' metadata o n the data item shall simp ly

be the name of that typ e definitio n. This includes memb ers o f co llectio ns that use 'memb erTyp e' since no

o ther metadata can b e defined fo r the memb ers.

(b ) If the data item is a p art o f an instance o f larger data definitio n (it has an anonymo us type) , then the 'typ e'

'effectiveType' metadata shall b e the name o f the o utermo st ap p licab le definition p lus a slash- sep arated p ath

do wn to that data item. This includes memb ers of co llectio ns that use 'memb erTyp eD efinitio n', since

additio nal metadata can b e defined b y that c o nstruct.

Therefore, given a definitio n of:

. . .

F o r an instanc e of " B " at /b , the server shall return the 'typ e' 'effectiveType' metadata, and the client shall infer the

effective value o f the 'co mment' metadata, fo r the fo llo wing p aths:

/b /$ effectiveType typ e = " B" /b /$ co mment = " This is a B "

/b /a1 /$ effectiveType typ e = " B /a1 " /b /a1 /$ comment = " co mment o n B /a1 "

/b /a2 /$ effectiveType typ e = " B /a2 " /b /a2 /$ comment = ""

/b /a3 /$ effectiveType typ e = " B /a3 " /b /a3 /$ comment = " co mment o n A/a3 "

/b /b 1 /$ effectiveType typ e = " B /b 1 " /b /b 1 /$ co mment = ""

/b /b 1 /a1 /$ effectiveType typ e = " B /b 1 /a1 " /b /b 1 /a1 /$ co mment = " co mment o n B /a1 "

/b /b 1 /a2 /$ effectiveType typ e = " B /b 1 /a2 " /b /b 1 /a2 /$ co mment = " co mment o n

B /b 1 /a2 "

/b /b 1 /a3 /$ effectiveType typ e = " B /b 1 /a3 " /b /b 1 /a3 /$ co mment = " co mment o n A/a3 "

/b /b 2 /$ effectiveType typ e = " B /b 2 " /b /b 2 /$ co mment = ""

/b /b 2 /{ n} /$ effectiveType typ e = " A" /b /b 2 /{ n} /$ co mment = " This is an A"

/b /b 2 /{ n} /a1 /$ effectiveType typ e = " A/a1 " /b /b 2 /{ n} /a1 /$ c o mment = ""

/b /b 2 /{ n} /a2 /$ effectiveType typ e = " A/a2 " /b /b 2 /{ n} /a2 /$ c o mment = ""

/b /b 2 /{ n} /a3 /$ effectiveType typ e = " A/a3 " /b /b 2 /{ n} /a3 /$ c o mment = " c o mment o n A/a3 "

/b /b 3 /$ effectiveType typ e = " B /b 3 " /b /b 3 /$ co mment = ""

/b /b 3 /{ n} /$ effectiveType typ e = " B /b 3 /$ memb erTyp eD efinitio n/1 " /b /b 3 /{ n} /$ co mment = " an ano n extensio n o f


/b /b 3 /{ n} /a1 /$ effectiveType typ e = " B /b 3 /$ memb erTyp eD efinitio n/1 /a1 " /b /b 2 /{ n} /a1 /$ comment = " "

/b /b 3 /{ n} /a2 /$ effectiveType typ e = " B /b 3 /$ memb erTyp eD efinitio n/1 /a2 " /b /b 3 /{ n} /a2 /$ comment = " c o mment on

B /b 3 /? /a2 "

/b /b 3 /{ n} /a3 /$ effectiveType typ e = " B /b 3 /$ memb erTyp eD efinitio n/1 /a3 " /b /b 2 /{ n} /a3 /$ c omment = " co mment on A/a3 "

/b /b 4 /$ effectiveType typ e = " B /b 4 " /b /b 4 /$ co mment = ""

/b /b 4 /r/$ effectiveType typ e = " B /b 4 /$ c ho ices/r" /b /b 4 /r/$ co mment = " c o mment o n

B /b 4 /r"

© ISO 2020 – All rights reserved 81

ISO 1 6484-5 : 2 0 17/Amd.1 : 2 02 0(E)

[Change Clause Y.4.3 ]

Y.4.3 'type'
This o p tio nal metadata item, of typ e S tring, indicates the type o f a data item when that item is an instanc e o f a p reviously

defined typ e. If the data item has a defined typ e, then the typ e o f that data c an o nly be c hanged to a typ e that is an

extensio n o f the defined typ e, unless the defined typ e is Any, in whic h case the new typ e is limited to the typ es, or

extensio ns thereo f, allo wed by the definitio n of the Any. S ee Clause W. 1 5 . 4 W. 1 5. X fo r mo re info rmation on the type

metadata item.

[ Insert new Clause Y.4.X ]

Y.4.X 'effectiveType'
This o p tio nal metadata item, of typ e S tring, indic ates the type o f a data item when that item is o nly a p o rtio n of a defined

typ e. This c an b e used in c ontexts where the o uter co ntainer fo r the data is missing and thus the context o f the defining

typ e name. S ee Clause W. 1 5 . 4 fo r mo re info rmation o n the 'effec tiveTyp e' metadata item.

[ Change Clause Q.2.1 ]

Q.2.1 <CSML>
When used in a file co ntext, the XML syntax defined by this annex is enclo sed in the element <CS ML> (" Co ntrol

S ystems Mo deling Language" ) that has an xml namesp ace of " http: //www. b acnet. o rg/CS ML/1 . 2 "

"http: //www. bacnet. org/CSML/1 . 3".

135-2016 bp-3. Fully specify the behavior of "includes".

Ratio nale

It is no t fully sp ecified ho w <Inc ludes> and $ $ includes wo rk.

[ Change Clause Q.2.1.4 ]

Q.2.1.4 <Includes>
This o p tio nal c hild element o f <CS ML> p ro vides o ne o r more " inc lude direc tives" instruc ting the co nsumer to include all

o f the info rmation co ntained in o ther CS ML file(s) . The valid child elements o f <Includes> are <Link> elements. There

c an b e multip le <Includes> elements under a <CS ML> element and these may app ear in any po sitio n. The < Includes>

element is structurally equivalent to a < List> . The rules for evaluating Link paths are the same as for the JSON

$$includes member defined in Z. 2. 4.

Data item(s) in the target file are included as if they existed in the place of the < includes> directive, so the directive can

appear anywhere in a file. However, the included items are unordered because < CSML> is defined to be a Collection,

which is unordered, and the < Includes> is defined to be a List of Links, which is also unordered. Therefore, < Includes>

cannot be used inside a Sequence base type or in situations with implied ordering behavior like the auto-assignment of

Enumerated 'namedValues' metadata.

If the included file has a < CSML> wrapper, the menbers of that collection are included separately.

For example, if the included file has a CSML wrapper, then

< Collection>

< String name="bob" value="Bob"/>

< String name="carol" value="Carol"/>

< String name="ted" value="Ted"/>

< String name="alice" value="A lice"/>

82 © ISO 2020 – All rights reserved

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< /Collection>


< Collection>

< String name="alice" value="A lice"/>

< Includes> < Link value="http: //host/include-some. xml"/> < /Includes>

< String name="bob" value="Bob"/>

< /Collection>

produce the same logical result if the included file is either:

< ?xml. . . >

< CSML. . . >

< String name="carol" value="Carol"/>

< String name="ted" value="Ted"/>

< /CSML>


< ?xml. . . >

< CSML. . . >

< String name="ted" value="Ted"/>

< String name="carol" value="Carol"/>

< /CSML>

If the included file does not have a CSML wrapper, then

< Collection>

< String name="bob" value="Bob"/>

< String name="carol" value="Carol"/>

< String name="ted" value="Ted"/>

< String name="alice" value="A lice"/>

< /Collection>


< Collection>

< String name="alice" value="A lice"/>

< Includes> < Link value="http: //host/include-some. xml"/> < /Includes>

< String name="ted" value="Ted"/>

< String name="bob" value="Bob"/>

< /Collection>

produce the same logical result if the included file is:

< ?xml. . . >

< String name="carol" value="Carol" … >

[ Change Clause Z.2.4 ]

Z.2.4 "$$includes"
This o p tio nal memb er o f a CS ML o b j ect, of b ase typ e " List o f Link" , p ro vides a list o f directives to include o ther CS ML

do c uments. The value restrictio ns fo r the Links fo llo w the same rules defined in Clause Q. 2. 1 . 4 fo r XML includes.

Co nsumers o f JS O N do cuments are o nly required to include o ther JS O N do c uments. The rules for including data are the

same as for the XML < Includes> element defined in Clause Q. 2. 1 . 4

135-2016bp-4. Remove the path syntax from the 'select' query parameter.
Ratio nale

The standard grammar fo r the ' select' query p arameter allo ws fo r " p aths" b ut it did no t also allo w fo r wildcards o n tho se

p aths. Allo wing p aths without wildcards p ro ves to b e imp ractical and no t useful. Rather than intro duce wildcards, this

addendum simp ly remo ves the p ath o p tion sinc e the c omp lexity o f imp lementatio n was no t o utweighed by the b enefit,

given that the standard allo ws the use o f /. multi fo r retrieving multip le no n- contiguous data items.

© ISO 2020 – All rights reserved 83

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[ Change Clause W.14 ]

W.14 Selecting Children

The selectio n o f c hildren to be returned fo r constructed b ase typ es c an be co ntro lled with the query p arameter 'selec t'.

S elec ting children that do no t exist is no t co nsidered an error and shall b e ignored.

The syntax fo r the selectio n exp ressio n is defined by the fo llo wing grammar. Whitesp ace (sp ace or tab in any

co mb inatio n) is no t sho wn in this grammar definitio n. Whitesp ace is allo wed b etween any o f the items o f the grammar

and shall b e igno red b y the server device.

selectQ uery = " select=" selectClause

selectClause = selectPath selectName [ " ; " selectClause ]

selectPath = selec tName / " . re quired" / " . o p tio nal" [ " /" selectPath ]

selectName = ". required" / ". optional" / { string matching the name o f the data item}

135-2016 bp-5. Resolve conflicting statements about configuring external authorization servers.
Ratio nale

The o p ening sentence o f Clause W. 3 . 3 . 1 co nflicts with item (d) in that same Clause.

[ Change Clause W.3.3.1 ]

W.3.3.1 Factory Default Condition

. . .

While in the default c o nditio n, the configuratio n of o ther usernames or p asswo rds or the writing of any external

autho rizatio n server info rmatio n shall b e fo rb idden. Therefore, the o nly sec urity configuratio n o p eratio ns that are allo wed

in this c o nditio n are:

(a) to set the b ase username and passwo rd at " /. auth/int/user" and " /. auth/int/p ass" to non- default values,

(b ) to set the b ase client's id and secret at " /. auth/int/id" and " /. auth/int/secret" to no n- default values,

(c) to set the server UUID at " /. auth/dev- uuid" if no t factory preset and fixed, o r

(d) to co nfigure the external autho rizatio n server info rmatio n and then disab le the internal server b y writing " false"

to " /. auth/int/enab le" .

135-2016 bp-6. Remove incorrect table for callback formats.

Ratio nale

Tab le W- 1 1 is a vestige o f earlier drafts o f the standard. It is no lo nger valid in the pub lished standard and do es no t

matc h the textual desc rip tio n o f callb acks o r the examp les.

84 © ISO 2020 – All rights reserved

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[ D elete Table W-11 ]

Table W-11. Callb ack F o rmat

Path Typ e D esc rip tio n

/ Co mp o sitio n The PO S Ted c allb ack data container

/$ sub scrip tio n Link A Link to the sub scrip tio n

/co vs List A list o f CO V values

/co vs/{ n} Co mp o sitio n A single CO V value

/co vs/{ n} /p ath S tring The p ath to the data

/co vs/{ n} /value Any The value o f the data

/lo gs List The list o f lo g sp ec ifications

/lo gs/{ n} Co mp o sitio n A single lo g sp ecific atio n

/lo gs/{ n} /p ath S tring The p ath to the lo g b uffer

/lo gs /{ n} /reco rds List The list o f trend rec o rds

/lo gs/{ n} /reco rds/{ x} S equence a reco rd o f typ e " 0 - B ACnetLogReco rd"

135-2016bp-7. Allow plain text POSTs for primitive data.

Ratio nale

Plain text PO S Ts sho uld no t be fo rb idden.

Clause W. 3 . 1 . 4 says:

While in the factory defaults mo de, the autho rity c ertificate(s) shall b e writab le in p lain text, eac h

using an HTTP PO S T to the List at " /. auth/ca- certs- p end"

B ut W. 9 says:

The alt=p lain fo rmat ap p lies to GET and PUT o p eratio ns o nly. O ther methods shall generate a

WS _ERR_B AD _METHO D erro r respo nse.

There is no reaso n to fo rb id PO S Ts fo r c o llectio ns that are defined to b e o f p rimitive data typ es

[ Change Clause W.9 ]

W.9 Representation of Data

. . .

For the format alt=p lain, the rep resentatio n of p rimitive value data is to return or acc ept the value in p lain text. The

rep resentatio n o f o ther b ase typ es in p lain text is no t defined and shall generate a WS _ERR_NO T_RE PRES ENT AB LE

erro r resp o nse. The HTTP Co ntent- Typ e shall b e set to " text/p lain" . The text is p lac ed directly in the bo dy o f the HTTP

request o r resp o nse, and, sinc e escap ing and quo ting are not necessary, they shall no t b e used. The textual fo rmat shall

b e the same as the 'value ' attrib ute o f the XML fo rmat, with the excep tio n that fo r D ate, Time, and D ateTime b ase typ es,

the textual fo rmat when 'unsp ecifiedValue' is true shall b e " - - - - /- - /-- " , " - - : -- : - - " and " - - -- /- -/- - T- - : - - : -- Z" , resp ectively. The

alt=p lain fo rmat ap p lies to GET and PUT o p eratio ns on primitive base types and for POST operations where the

'memberType' is defined to be a primitive. o nly. O ther metho ds shall generate a WS _ERR_B AD _METHO D error

resp o nse , and other base types shall generate a WS_ERR_VA LUE_FORMA T error response.

. . .

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135-2016 bp-8. Allow extended error numbers.

Ratio nale

There is no p ro visio n fo r p roprietary erro r numb ers. It is no t desirab le to foresee every erro r co nditio n to use


[ Change Clause W.40 ]

W.40 Errors
To rep o rt erro rs to the client, the server shall use an ap p ro priate HTTP status c o de with a Co ntent- Typ e o f " text/p lain"

and a resp onse b ody c ontaining text that is b o th machine readab le and human readab le.

The bo dy o f an error respo nse shall c o nsist o f at least o ne line o f text. O ther lines o f text c an b e p ro vided at the server's

o p tio n. The fo rmat o f the first line o f text shall no rmally co nsist o f a questio n mark fo llo wed by a sp ac e fo llo wed b y a

decimal erro r numb er, defined b y the tab le in this clause or vendor-defined, fo llo wed by a human readab le text to p rovide

details. The c o ntent o f the human readab le text is a lo cal matter; ho wever, it is reco mmended that it b e app ro priate to the

lo c ale into which the server device is dep lo yed.

. . .

Vendor-defined error numbers for conditions beyond those specified by this standard shall be greater than or equal to

1 000 and the selection of the corresponding HTTP status codes is a local matter but shall be appropriate to the kind of

error detected.

135-2016 bp-9. Add new error numbers.

Ratio nale

S everal erro r co nditio ns have b een identified that wo uld b enefit fro m standard erro r numbers.

[ Add to Table W-14 ]

Table W-14 . Erro r Numb ers

Erro r Name Erro r HTTP Examp le Erro r Text

Numb er S tatus

Co de

WS _ERR_O THER 0 5 00 " O ther erro r"

. . . . . . . . . . . .

WS _ERR_CANNO T_F O LL O W 46 404 " Canno t fo llo w reference to data"

WS_ERR_FUNCTION_NA ME 47 403 "Invalid Function Name"

WS_ERR_FUNCTION_TA RGET 48 403 "Invalid target data for function"

WS_ERR_ A RG_BA D_SYNTA X 49 400 "Bad syntax for function argument"

WS_ERR_A RG_NOT_SUPPORTED 50 403 "Function argument not supported"

WS_ERR_A RG_VA LUE_FORMA T 51 403 "Function argument value format"

WS_ERR_A RG_OUT_OF_RANGE 52 403 "Function argument out of range"

WS_ERR_TA RGET_DA TA TYPE 53 403 "Incompatible target datatype"

WS_ERR_CA NNOT_HA VE_CHILDREN 54 403 "Target cannot have children"

WS_ERR_CA NNOT_HA VE_VA LUE 55 403 "Target cannot have value"

WS_ERR_OA UTH_INVA LID_REQUEST 56 403 "Invalid OA uth request"

WS_ERR_OA UTH_INVA LID_TOKEN 57 401 "Invalid OA uth token"

WS_ERR_INSUFFICIENT_SCOPE 58 401 "Insufficient authorization scope"

WS_ERR_CA LLBA CK_FA ILED 59 500 "Callback failed"

WS_ERR_CLIENT_A CTION_FA ILED 60 500 "Client action failed"

86 © ISO 2020 – All rights reserved

ISO 1 6484-5 : 2 0 1 7/Amd.1 : 2 02 0(E)

135-2016bp-10. Add formal definition for JSON equivalent to XML's <CSML>.

Ratio nale

XML files have a c ap ab ility that JS O N files lack: a <C S ML > wrap p er. With this wrap p er ab sent, an XML file rep resents

a single data item, but with the wrap p er p resent, an XML file rep resents zero or more data items and can contain only a

<D efinitio ns> sectio n with no data items at all. B ut a JS O N file is assumed o nly to be a single data item, with no

cap ab ility to define a " wrap per, " therefore, it can't c o ntain o nly a $ $ definitio ns sectio n. Also , when inc luding a JS O N

file, the include p ro c esso r do esn't kno w when to include the single to p level o b j ect o r include the memb ers individually

the way it wo uld when including the <CS ML> Co llectio n.

Therefore, this addendum defines the reserved name " . csml" to indicate such a wrap p er. If the outer JS O N o b j ect has

" $ name" : " . csml" , then it b ehaves exactly as its <CS ML> co unterp art - it is assumed to b e a Co llectio n o f zero o r more

data items, and therefo re can have only a $ $ definitio ns and/o r $ $ tagD efinitio ns sectio n(s) and no o ther data items, and

the memb ers are included individually and the o uter JS O N o b j ec t disap p ears the same way the <CS ML> wrap p er

Co llectio n do es.

[ Change Clause Z.2 ]

Z.2 JSON Document Structure

In JS O N, the top level o b j ect is ano nymo us. If required b y co ntext, e. g. , in the b o dy of a PO S T where a new name is

b eing pro po sed, an exp lic it " $ name" can b e included to p rovide a name for the top level data item. This to p level ob j ect

can have an op tio nal memb er named " $ $ defaultLo c ale" (see Clause Z. 2 . 1 ) .

When used in a file co ntext, the to p level o b j ect shall b e an Annex Y data item o f b ase typ e Co llectio n and shall have a

"$name" of ". csml". This to p level ob j ect is referred to as the " CS ML o b j ect" (Co ntro l S ystems Mo deling Language) and

equivalent to the < CSML> Collection defined in Clause Q. 2. 1 . This o b j ec t can have an op tio nal " $ $ definitio ns" member

(Clause Z. 2 . 2 ) , an o p tional " $ $ tagD efinitio ns" memb er (Clause Z. 2 . 3 ) , an op tio nal " $ $ includes" memb er (Clause Z. 2 . 4 ),

and any numb er and co mb inatio n o f memb ers allo wed b y the Co llectio n b ase typ e. S ince this to p level o b j ect in a file is a

Co llectio n, the metadata " p ub lished" , " autho r" , " descrip tio n" , " dataRev" , etc. , can b e used to p ro vide help ful info rmatio n

to co nsumers. .

. . .

135-2016bp-11. Specify 'name' safety check for setting data.

Ratio nale

There is no exp licit restric tio n in the 'name ' o f data that is P UT. This can b e dangerous if the c lient is p utting data that has

a different name fro m the target item sinc e this is likely an erro r and needs to b e rej ected.

[ Change Clause W.29 ]

W.29 Setting Data

. . .

Up o n receip t o f a p rop erly autho rized PUT, the server shall recursively update the values, metadata, and children in the

target data with the values, metadata, and c hildren in the pro vided data, acc o rding to the rules in the fo llo wing c lause.

When a rule says to " recurse o n" an item, that item b eco mes the new " target" and the rules are fo llo wed again,

descending as needed to p ro cess all the p ro vided data.

If the provided data has a name and that name is not equal to ". anonymous", then that name shall match the target data

item's name. If it does not match, the server shall return a WS_ERR_INCONSISTENT_VA LUES error response.

. . .

© ISO 2020 – All rights reserved 87

ISO 1 6484-5 : 2 0 17/Amd.1 : 2 02 0(E)

135-2016 bp-12. Specify how to evaluate relative paths for collections of links.
Ratio nale

The $ descendants and $ failures metadata are defined to return " relative links" . It is clear fro m the standard textual

descrip tio n what the links are relative to , b ut it is no t p o ssib le fo r an auto mated p ro c esso r fo r the $ target alias to know

what the links are to b e relative to witho ut hardcoded rules.

Therefore, the standard needs to state that relative p aths in Links are evaluated relative to the p arent o f the Link, unless

the p arent is a co llec tio n (Array/List/Co llec tio n/S equenceO f) o f Links, in whic h case, the p aths are evaluated relative to

the grandp arent o f the Link. This wo rks b ecause $ descendants and $ failure are defined to have a $ memb erTyp e o f Link,

so that that layer of " co llec tion of links" gets skipp ed o ver when evaluating relative links. Ho wever, if Links are p laced

o n a co llectio n (Array / List / Co llectio n / S equenceO f) that do es no t have a $ memb erType o f Link, then the relative links

are evaluated relative to the co llectio n itself. This wo uld b e exp ected b ehavio r, since p utting links o n the co llectio n b ase

typ es is a legitimate thing to do - it' s o nly a " co llec tio ns o f links" layer that gets skip p ed. O ther kinds o f lists o f p o inters

like /. data/o b j ects o r /. data/nodes/p o int don't have this p ro b lem b ecause they co ntain ab so lute links.

[ Change Clause Y.4.46 ]

Y.4.46 'target'
The 'target' metadata is an alias fo r the data that is b eing po inted at b y the values o f a Link. This metadata is no rmally not

p resent in serialized contexts. If ap p lied to a no n- Link b ase typ e, the 'target' metadata simp ly refers to the data item itself,

i. e. , every data item imp licitly " targets" itself if it is no t actually a link to so me o ther data. This metadata o nly has

p rac tic al use in co ntexts and o p eratio ns (such as web servic es) where it is desirab le to " traverse" through links to the

referent data, e. g. , GET /p ath/to /link/$ target/child/of/target.

When applied to a Link base and the value contains a relative path, the relative path is evaluated relative to the parent of

the Link, unless that parent has a 'memberType' of "Link", in which case the relative path is evaluated relative to the

grandparent of the Link. Thus, the evaluation of relative paths "skips over" collections of links, such as 'descendants' or

'failures' to find the basis for evaluation of the relative path.

135-2016 bp-13. Allow proprietary categories for the 'metadata' query.

Ratio nale

There is an imp lied p rohib ition against p ro p rietary catego ries fo r the 'metadata' query p arameter.

[Change Clause W.15.2 ]

W.15.2 Enhanced Content

. . .

The standard catego ry identifiers allo wed fo r the 'metadata' query p arameter are defined by the fo llo wing tab le:

. . .

88 © ISO 2020 – All rights reserved

ISO 1 6484-5 : 2 0 1 7/Amd.1 : 2 02 0(E)

135-2016 bq-1. Fix the Absentee_Limit property of the Access Credential object type.
Ratio nale

F o r the Ab sentee_Limit p ro p erty, it is no t clear if zero is a valid value for the Ab sentee_Limit p ro p erty. The calculation

o f the ab sentee limit sho uld be b ased o n date only, no t time and date. If the Ab sentee_Limit p ro p erty exists in the Access

Credential o b j ect b ut there is no ab sentee limit, then it is amb iguo us as to what value it sho uld b e set to .

The fo llo wing changes co rrec t and clarify the Ab sentee_Limit p ro p erty acc o rdingly.

[ Change Table 12-40 ]

Table 12-40 . Pro p erties o f the Acc ess Credential O b j ect Typ e

Pro p erty Identifier Pro p erty D atatyp e Co nfo rmanc e Co de

. . .

Ab sentee_Limit Unsigned Unsigned1 6 O

. . .

If this p rop erty is p resent, then the p rop erty Last_Use_Time shall also b e p resent.

[ Change C lause 12.35.16 ]

12.35.16 Absentee_Limit
This p rop erty, o f typ e Unsigned Unsigned1 6, sp ecifies the maximum numb er of co nsecutive days during which the

credential this object represents is unused fo r whic h the credential can remain inactive (i. e. , unused) b efo re it b eco mes

disab led. The calc ulatio n of consecutive days inac tivity duratio n is b ased o n the time date o f last use as indic ated b y the

p ro p erty Last_Use_Time. If Last_Use_Time do es no t have a valid time and date, then the ab sentee limit shall be

co nsidered to no t b e exceeded.

A n A bsentee_Limit of 0 specifies that the credential this object represents must be used every day to avoid being disabled

due to inactivity.

When the ab sentee limit is exceeded, the Acc ess Credential shall b e disab led and the value D IS AB LED _INACTIVITY

shall be added to the Reaso n_F o r_D isab le list. The value D IS AB LED _INACTIVITY s hall be removed fro m the list

when this co ndition no lo nger ap p lies.

If this property is present and has the value 65535, then the credential this object represents shall never be disabled due

to inactivity.

If Ab sentee_Limit is p resent, Last_Use_Time shall also b e p resent.

© ISO 2020 – All rights reserved 89

ISO 1 6484-5 : 2 0 17/Amd.1 : 2 02 0(E)

135-2016 bq-2. Ensure that the denied or granted access event is generated last.
Ratio nale

A single ac cess transactio n may generate multip le access events. F o r examp le, a p erso n p resenting a credential at a doo r

may generate the fo llo wing events:


PAS S B ACK_D ETECTED (“s o ft p assb ack” only repo rts b ut do es no t deny ac cess)


Currently, B ACnet do es no t mandate the order in which the events are generated. If the p revio us events were generated

in the order sho wn ab o ve, the last event is the TRACE event. This is the event that remains indicated b y the Access Po int

o b j ec t until the next transactio n takes p lace. Ho wever, this do es no t give the op erator a useful indication of what

hap p ened during the last transactio n. It is p referab le that the GRANTED event is the last e vent generated in a transactio n.

The fo llo wing change mandates that when multip le events are generated within a single ac cess transactio n then the

denied or granted event shall b e generated last.

[ Change Clause ] Operations for setting the Access_Event property

When a new event o c curs at the acc ess p o int, the fo llo wing series o f o p eratio ns shall b e p erfo rmed ato mic ally:

The value written to Access_Event shall b e sto red in the Access_Event p ro p erty,

(1 ) If this event is the start o f a new access transac tio n, the value o f the Access_Event_Tag pro p erty shall b e


The current date and time shall b e sto red in the Access_Event_Time p ro p erty.

The reference to the Ac cess C redential o b j ec t that is asso ciated with this event shall b e sto red in the

Ac cess_Event_Credential p rop erty. S ee Clause 1 2 . 3 1 . 3 0 for o ther c onditio ns.

The value o f the authentic ation fac to r that is asso ciated with this event shall b e sto red in the

Acc ess_Event_Authenticatio n_F ac to r p rop erty. S ee Clause 1 2 . 3 1 . 3 1 fo r o ther co nditions.

When a single access transaction causes multiple access events to be generated, then the granted event or the denied

event shall be the final event generated. If none of the multiple events are granted or denied events, then the resulting

events can be generated in any order.

Add new entries to History of Revisions ]

(This History of Revisions is not part of this standard. It is merely informative and does not contain
requirements necessary for conformance to the standard)


90 © ISO 2020 – All rights reserved

ISO 1 6484-5 : 2 0 1 7/Amd.1 : 2 02 0(E)

Protocol Summary of Changes to the Standard

Version Revision
… … …
1 20 Addendum bd to ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 135-2016
Approved by AS HRAE on June 1 5 , 201 8 ; and by the American National S tandards

Institute on June 1 5 , 2 01 8 .

1. Add a S taging Ob j ect Type.

1 20 Addendum be to ANSI/ASHRAE 135-2016

Approved by AS HRAE on June 1 5 , 201 8 ; and by the American National S tandards

Institute on June 1 5 , 2 01 8 .

1. Add Lighting B IB B s and D evice Profiles

1 20 Addendum bi to ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 135-2016

Approved by AS HRAE on June 1 5 , 201 8 ; and by the American National S tandards

Institute on June 1 5 , 2 01 8 .

1. Add Audit Reporting.

2. Change DeviceCommunic atio nControl S ervice for Audit Reporting.

3. Modify Logging Obj ects to Allow for Extremely Large Logs.

1 20 Addendum bk to ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 135-2016

Approved by AS HRAE on June 1 5 , 201 8 ; and by the American National S tandards

Institute on June 1 5 , 2 01 8 .

1. Expand the reserved range of B ACnetPropertyIdentifier

1 20 Addendum bl to ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 135-2016

Approved by AS HRAE on June 1 5 , 201 8 ; and by the American National S tandards

Institute on June 1 5 , 2 01 8 .

1. Clarify Result(-) response for failed WritePropertyMultiple requests.

2. Clarify ReadPropertyMultiple response on OPTIONAL when empty.

3. Clarify Out_Of_S ervice.

1 20 Addendum bm to ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 135-2016

Approved by AS HRAE on June 1 5 , 201 8 ; and by the American National S tandards

Institute on June 1 5 , 2 01 8 .

1. Reduce allowed range for Usage Timeout.

2. S pecify design choices for MS /TP devices.

3. Handle unwanted MS /TP frames in IDLE state.

1 20 Addendum bn to ANSI/ASHRAE 135-2016

Approved by AS HRAE on June 1 5 , 201 8 ; and by the American National S tandards

Institute on June 1 5 , 2 01 8 .

1. Make S CHED B IB B s consistent on supported datatypes, and add


2. Clarify CO V and COVP related B IB B s.

3. Clock is required for support o f AE-ACK-A.

© ISO 2020 – All rights reserved 91

ISO 1 6484-5 : 2 0 17/Amd.1 : 2 02 0(E)

Protocol Summary of Changes to the Standard

Version Revision
1 20 Addendum bp to ANSI/ASHRAE 135-2016
Approved by AS HRAE on June 1 5 , 201 8 ; and by the American National S tandards

Institute on June 1 5 , 2 01 8 .

1. Make rules for POS T consistent with rules for PUT

2. Make 'type' consistent at all levels and introduce 'effectiveTyp e'

3. Fully specify the behavior of " includes"

4. Remove the path syntax from the 'select' query parameter

5. Resolve conflicting statements about configuring external authorization


6. Remove incorrect table for callback formats

7. Allow plain text PO S Ts for primitive data

8. Allow extended error numbers

9. Add new error numbers

1 0. Add formal definition for JS O N equivalent to XML's <CS ML>

11. S pecify 'name' safety check for setting data

1 2. S pecify how to evaluate relative paths for collections of links

1 3. Allow proprietary categories for the 'metadata' query parameter

1 20 Addendum bq to ANSI/ASHRAE 135-2016

Approved by AS HRAE on June 1 5 , 201 8 ; and by the American National S tandards

Institute on June 1 5 , 2 01 8 .

1. Fix the Ab sentee_Limit property of the Access Credential ob j ect type.

2. Ensure that the denied or granted access event is generated last.

92 © ISO 2020 – All rights reserved

ISO 16484-5:2017/Amd.1:2020(E)

ICS 3 5 .2 40.67; 91 .040.01

Price based on 92 pages
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