Programming The Computer (Python) - B

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The City School Network-SR

Reinforcement Worksheet 2022-23

Worksheet: B

Topic: Programming the computer - Python

Name: ____________________________ Class: 7 Section: ______________

Total marks: 30
Q1.Mark the correct answer /4

I. Which of the following is the correct extension of the Python file?

a) Python
b) .pl
c) .py
d) .p

II. Which of the following is used to define a block of code in Python language?
a) Indentation
b) Key
c) Brackets
d) All of the mentioned

III. Which keyword is used for function in Python language?

a) Function
b) Def
c) Fun
d) Define

IV. Algorithm and Flowchart are the _______________of creating new program

a) Tools
b) Functions
c) Application
Q2: Fill in the blanks. /5

a) List in Python Programming starts from_______________

b) Algorithm can be represented by ___________________
c) A __________ is a name given to a storage area
d) For Loop is used for ____________________
e) Indentation refers to the _________ of a code lone

Q3. Write down the symbols of flowcharts and their function /5

Symbols Name Functions

Q4.Answer the following questions /6

• Define Computer Programming?


• Describe the importance of Python Programming?


• What is meant by the function of Python programming


Q4. Identify the Following term of Python Programming Language: /10

• Syntax Error
• Logical Error
• Variable

• Comments
• Loop

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