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& Reporting
Red Flags
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& Reporting
Red Flags
for the Physical

Catherine Cavallaro Goodman, MBA, PT, CBP

Medical Multimedia Group
Faculty Affiliate
University of Montana
Missoula, Montana

Charlene Marshall, BS, PTA

Aegis Therapies at Golden Living Center
Marshfield, Wisconsin
3251 Riverport Lane
St. Louis, Missouri 63043



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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Goodman, Catherine Cavallaro, author.
Recognizing and reporting red flags for the physical therapist assistant / Catherine Cavallaro Goodman,
Charlene Marshall.
   p. ; cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-1-4557-4538-8 (pbk. : alk. paper)
I. Marshall, Charlene, author. II. Title.
[DNLM: 1. Physical Therapy Modalities. 2. Physical Therapist Assistants. 3. Signs and Symptoms. WB 460]

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This first edition is dedicated to my mom… Charlotte.
You have always been the most influential person in my life with
a connection that I continue to hold onto every day. I am proud to be your
daughter and can’t thank you enough for your unconditional love.
Because of you I have learned to persevere and to live life without regrets.
I believe that this book will teach future and current PTAs to be the best that they
can be when caring for people and I know that you would be proud of that…
I quote you when I say “Love you lots!” I will miss you till I see you again.
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In a rare departure from my usual approach, I am going individuals who have a clearly identified NMS problem
to “tell on myself ” and do so in hopes that you, the that is clearly within the scope of the PT/PTA practice—
reader, will see why I think this text is so important. because people often have more than one condition or
You see, I have never worked with a physical therapist problem and even many more comorbidities.
assistant (PTA) before now. My past experience was Using features such as The PTA Action Plan, Points
limited to occasional interactions only with on-the-job- to Ponder, and Picture the Patient, the material in this
trained aides or assistants. And that was years ago. first-time-ever presented text will bring the student or
So I never fully realized the need for the PTA to have working PTA up to date with current best practice
an instructional/reference text like this. across all health care disciplines. The methods and
In fact, I am embarrassed to admit even now that I clinical decision-making model for recognizing red
once questioned why in the world did Montana (where flags presented in this text apply to all practice settings.
I live) have a school to train PTAs? And how was As you will soon read and see in the Introduction to
that going to affect the jobs of physical therapists (PTs)? Recognizing and Reporting Red Flags for the Physical
Yes, I had fallen into the trap of seeing the PTA as Therapist Assistant (Chapter 1), we clearly delineate and
“competition.” differentiate the roles of the physical therapist versus
And then I met Charlene Marshall, who is a PTA the physical therapist assistant in this area of patient/
(and at the time that this text was written, she was client observation.
PTA Faculty and Clinical Coordinator at Great Falls The role of the PTA in performing ongoing assess-
College–Montana State University). She was able to ments and providing accurate information to the PT
clearly, carefully, and collegially educate me. And now is an important one. This is especially true regarding
she has helped me provide the information in this text any red flags or new or developing signs and/or
about recognizing yellow or red flags of systemic dis- symptoms.
ease and instruct the PTA in how to identify (and then Another skill that is important for the PTA to de-
report to the PT) anything suspicious. velop early on is to provide effective and efficient treat-
This is so important to the health of our patients/ ments to the patient/client. With the changes in health
clients. All health care workers must have this informa- care today, it is crucial that the PT and PTA can work
tion. It is in the best interest of our patient/client that together to provide adequate therapeutic interventions
everyone who has contact with that individual is on his in fewer treatment sessions. We believe that the infor-
or her toes and always watching for yellow or red flags. mation provided in this text will not only teach the
Some conditions will be missed even with proper student PTA, but will also provide important knowl-
screening by any health care professional because the edge to the working PTA with any amount of clinical
condition is early in its presentation and has not pro- experience. We hope this text will adequately highlight
gressed enough to be recognizable. In some cases, early this information for you.
recognition makes no difference to the outcome, either And we want to be clear that the purpose of this text
because nothing can be done to prevent progression of is to help the PTA recognize areas that are beyond the
the condition or there is no adequate treatment avail- scope of his or her practice or expertise. The aim is to
able. But most of the time, early recognition and report- provide a step-by-step method for PTAs to identify
ing by the PTA to the PT with follow-up evaluation clients who need further evaluation by the PT or refer-
by the PT and/or referral to a more appropriate health ral or consultation as appropriate with other health care
care professional can yield better outcomes for the professionals.
Any patient or client can present with red flags Catherine C. Goodman, MBA, PT, CBP
requiring reevaluation and at any time—even those Charlene Marshall, BS, PTA

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1 Introduction to Recognizing and Reporting Red Flags for the Physical

Therapist Assistant, 1

2 Pain Types and Viscerogenic Pain Patterns, 15

3 Recognizing, Documenting, and Reporting Red Flags, 49

4 Review of Systems for the Physical Therapist Assistant, 97

5 Recognizing and Reporting Red Flags in the Head, Neck, and Back, 141

6 Recognizing and Reporting Red Flags in the Upper Extremity, 179

7 Recognizing and Reporting Red Flags in the Lower Extremity, 201

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& Reporting
Red Flags
for the Physical
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Introduction to Recognizing and Reporting Red
Flags for the Physical Therapist Assistant

within the scope of the PT/PTA practice because people

INTRODUCTION often have more than one condition or problem and
The physical therapist’s (PT’s) responsibility is to make even many more comorbidities. The methods and clin-
sure that each patient/client is an appropriate candi- ical decision-making model for recognizing red flags
date for physical therapy. The therapist determines presented in this text apply to all practice settings.
what biomechanical or neuromusculoskeletal prob- With evidence-based medicine, relying on a red-flag
lem is present, determines a human movement diag- checklist based on the history has proved to be a very
nosis, and then treats the problem as specifically safe way to avoid missing the presence of serious disor-
as possible. The physical therapist assistant (PTA) ders. Efforts are being made to validate red flags cur-
follows through by carrying out the plan of care rently in use. When serious conditions have been
and providing ongoing feedback on the patient/client’s missed, it is not for lack of special investigations, but for
response to the intervention. lack of adequate and thorough attention to clues in the
As part of the PT’s diagnostic process, each patient history.1,2
or client is screened for medical disease. PTs assess for Some conditions will be missed even with proper
signs and symptoms of systemic disease that can mimic screening by the physical therapist because the condi-
neuromuscular or musculoskeletal (herein referred to tion is early in its presentation and has not progressed
as neuromusculoskeletal, or NMS) dysfunction. Peptic enough to be recognizable. In some cases, early recog-
ulcers, gallbladder disease, liver disease, and myocar- nition makes no difference to the outcome, either be-
dial ischemia are only a few examples of systemic cause nothing can be done to prevent progression of the
diseases that can cause shoulder or back pain. Other condition or no adequate treatment is available.1 Most
diseases can present as primary neck, upper back, hip, of the time, however, early recognition and reporting
sacroiliac, or low back pain and/or symptoms. by the PTA to the PT with follow-up evaluation by the
Cancer screening is a major part of the therapist’s PT and/or referral to a more appropriate health care
screening process. Cancer can present as primary neck, professional can yield better outcomes for the patient/
shoulder, chest, upper back, hip, groin, pelvic, sacroil- client.
iac, or low back pain/symptoms. Whether there is a
primary cancer or cancer that has recurred or metasta-
sized, clinical manifestations can mimic NMS dysfunc-
tion. The therapist must know how and what to look for Throughout this text, we have tried to provide helpful
to screen for cancer. elements to guide the PTA and PTA instructor. For ex-
The PTA’s role is important for performing ongoing ample, case examples are provided with each chapter to
assessments and providing information to the PT regard- give the PTA a working understanding of how to recog-
ing any red (warning) flags or new or developing signs nize the need for additional questions. In addition, in-
and/or symptoms. This text is intended to help PTAs formation is given concerning the type of questions to
recognize areas that are beyond the scope of their prac- ask and when to document and consult with the PT.
tice or expertise. The goal is to provide a step-by-step Each case is based on actual clinical experiences to pro-
method for PTAs to identify clients who need further vide reasonable examples of what the PTA can expect in
evaluation by the PT or referral or consultation as ap- a variety of inpatient/client and outpatient/client clini-
propriate with other health care professionals. cal practices.
Any patient or client can present with red flags re- Picture the Patient is a feature offered to help the stu-
quiring reevaluation and at any time—even those indi- dent better visualize and understand what to look for
viduals who have a clearly identified NMS problem when assessing and/or working with patients/clients.

2 CHAPTER 1 Introduction to Recognizing and Reporting Red Flags

Clinical presentation, especially typical red flag signs, The Case Examples and Critical Thinking Activities
and symptoms of emerging problems are included. provide opportunities for students and instructors to
The PTA Action Plan gives the PTA student an op- engage in dialogue and discussion about the role of
portunity to see the clinical application of the text ma- the PTA as a team member and in relation to the super-
terial. These sections include the “how tos” of observ- vising PT when observing, documenting, and reporting
ing, documenting, and reporting red (or yellow) flags potential red (or yellow) warning/cautionary flags.
to the physical therapist (or other health care provider
when appropriate). Follow-up Questions, Points to
Ponder, What to Watch For, and Communication
with the Physical Therapist are just a few examples of The role of the PTA in identifying yellow (caution) or
the components included throughout the text in this red (warning) flag histories and signs and symptoms is
section. important (Box 1-1). A yellow flag is a cautionary or


The presence of any one of these symptoms is not usually represents only a partial list of all the possible health risk
cause for extreme concern but should raise a red flag for the factors.
alert physical therapist assistant (PTA). The therapist will be
looking for a pattern that suggests a viscerogenic or sys- Substance use/abuse Alcohol use/abuse
temic origin of pain and/or symptoms. The therapist will Tobacco use Sedentary lifestyle
proceed with the screening process, depending on which Age Race/ethnicity
symptoms are grouped together. Often the next step is to Gender Domestic violence
conduct a risk factor assessment and look for associated Body mass index (BMI) Hysterectomy/oophorectomy
signs and symptoms. The PTA can assist in this process by Exposure to radiation Occupation
reporting any information not previously disclosed to the
therapist and/or not documented in the medical record. Clinical Presentation
• No known cause, unknown etiology, insidious onset
Past Medical History (Personal or Family)
• Symptoms that are not improved or relieved by
• Personal or family history of cancer
physical therapy intervention
• Recent (last 6 weeks) infection (e.g., mononucleosis,
• Physical therapy intervention not changing the clini-
upper respiratory infection [URI], urinary tract
cal picture (the client may get worse!)
infection [UTI], bacterial such as streptococcal or
• Symptoms that get better after physical therapy inter-
staphylococcal, viral such as measles or hepatitis),
vention, but then get worse again—a red flag identify-
especially when followed by neurologic symptoms
ing the need for re-evaluation by the therapist
1 to 3 weeks later (Guillain-Barré syndrome), joint
• Significant weight loss or gain without effort (e.g., more
pain, or back pain
than 10% of the client’s body weight in 10 to 21 days)
• Recurrent colds or flu with a cyclical pattern (i.e.,
• Gradual, progressive, or cyclical presentation of
the client reports that he or she just cannot shake
symptoms (worse/better/worse)
this cold or the flu, or that it keeps coming back)
• Unrelieved by rest or change in position; no position
• Recent history of trauma, such as motor vehicle
is comfortable
accident or fall (fracture, any age), domestic
• If relieved by rest, positional change, or application
violence, or minor trauma in older adult with
of heat, in time, these relieving factors no longer re-
duce symptoms.
• History of immunosuppression (e.g., steroids, organ
• Symptoms seeming out of proportion to the injury
transplant, human immunodeficiency virus [HIV])
• Symptoms persisting beyond the expected time for
• History of injection drug use (infection)
that condition
Risk Factors • Does not fit the expected mechanical or neuromus-
Risk factors vary, depending on family history, personal culoskeletal pattern
history, and disease, illness, or condition present. For ex- • No discernible pattern of symptoms
ample, risk factors for heart disease will be different from • A growing mass (painless or painful) considered a
risk factors for osteoporosis or vestibular or balance prob- tumor until proved otherwise; a hematoma should
lems. As with all decision-making variables, a single risk decrease (not increase) in size with time.
factor may or may not be significant and must be viewed • Postmenopausal vaginal bleeding (bleeding that oc-
in context of the whole patient/client presentation. This curs a year or more after the last period [significance
CHAPTER 1 Introduction to Recognizing and Reporting Red Flags 3

BOX 1-1 RED FLAGS—cont’d

depends on whether the woman is on hormone re- • Pain accompanied by signs and symptoms associ-
placement therapy and which regimen is used]) ated with a specific viscera or system (e.g., gastroin-
• Bilateral symptoms: testinal, genitourinary, gynecologic, cardiac, pulmo-
nary, endocrine)
Edema Clubbing • Change in musculoskeletal symptoms with food in-
Numbness, tingling Nail-bed changes take or medication use (immediately or up to several
Skin pigmentation changes Skin rash hours later)
• Change in muscle tone or range of motion (ROM) Associated Signs and Symptoms
for individuals with neurologic conditions (e.g., • Recent report of confusion (or increased confusion);
cerebral palsy, spinal-cord injured, traumatic-brain this could be a neurologic sign; it could be drug in-
injured, multiple sclerosis) duced (e.g., nonsteroidal antiinflammary drugs) or a
sign of infection; usually it is a family member who
Pain Pattern
takes the PTA aside to report this concern
• Back or shoulder pain (most common location of • Presence of constitutional symptoms (see Box 1-3)
referred pain; other areas can be affected as well, but or unusual vital signs (see Discussion, Chapter 3);
these two areas signal a particular need for the ther- body temperature of 100° F (37.8° C) usually indi-
apist’s attention) cates a serious illness
• Pain accompanied by full and painless ROM • Proximal muscle weakness, especially if accompa-
• Night pain (constant and intense; see complete nied by change in deep tendon reflexes
description in Chapter 3) • Joint pain with skin rashes, nodules (see discussion of
• Symptoms (especially pain) constant and intense systemic causes of joint pain, Chapter 3; see Table 3-6)
(Remember to ask anyone with “constant” pain: “Are • Any cluster of signs and symptoms observed during
you having this pain right now?”) the Review of Systems that are characteristic of a
• Pain made worse by activity and relieved by rest particular organ system (see Box 4-19)
(e.g., intermittent claudication; cardiac: upper quad- • Unusual menstrual cycle/symptoms; association be-
rant pain with the use of the lower extremities while tween menses and symptoms
upper extremities are inactive) • It is suggested that the PTA ask each patient/client a
• Pain described as throbbing (vascular), knife-like, question at the beginning of each treatment session,
boring, or deep aching such as, “Are there any new symptoms or problems
• Pain that is poorly localized anywhere else in your body that have developed in
• Pattern of pain coming and going like spasms, colicky the last 24 hours (or since I saw you last)?”

PTA Action Plan

warning symptom that signals one to “slow down”
and think about the need to conduct a more formal Documenting and Reporting Yellow or Red Flags
observation/assessment. Red flags are features of the Anytime a yellow or red flag is observed or reported,
individual’s medical history and clinical examination the PTA must document this in the record and report it
thought to be associated with a high risk of serious to the PT. This is true even for single individual flags
disorders such as infection, inflammation, cancer, or that may seem inconsequential at the time (remember
fracture.3,4 A red-flag symptom requires immediate at- “Progression of Disease”—what appears benign now
tention, either to ask the individual some additional may develop into something more significant later; a
questions and/or bring the information to the atten- record of its first appearance can be extremely helpful).
tion of the PT. Cases of isolated symptoms will be presented in this
Listening for yellow- or red-flag symptoms and text as they occur in clinical practice. Symptoms of any
observing for red-flag signs can be easily incorpo- kind that present bilaterally always raise a red flag for
rated into everyday practice. It is a matter of listening concern and further investigation.
and looking intentionally. The presence of a single Clusters of two or three or more yellow and/or red
yellow or red flag is not usually cause for immediate flags may not represent an emergency but must be docu-
concern. Each cautionary or warning flag must be mented and reported. Each case is evaluated on its own.
viewed in the context of the whole person given the Re-evaluation by the PT is warranted when risk factors for
age, gender, past medical history, known risk factors, specific diseases are present that have not been known or
medication use, and current clinical presentation of both risk factors and red flags are present at the same time.
that patient/client.
4 CHAPTER 1 Introduction to Recognizing and Reporting Red Flags

Even as we write this, the focus on red flags in assess- is a placebo effect. Perhaps there is a physiologic effect
ment has been called into question, so this remains an of movement on the diseased state. The physical ther-
evolving practice.5,6 It has been reported that in the apy intervention may exert a positive influence on the
primary care (medical) setting, some red flags have body as it tries to regain a balance of health and homeo-
high false-positive rates and have very little diagnostic stasis. You may have experienced this phenomenon
value when used by themselves.7,8 Efforts are being yourself when coming down with a cold or symptoms
made to identify reliable red flags that are valid based of a virus. You felt much better and even symptom free
on patient-centered clinical research. Whenever possi- after exercising.
ble, those yellow/red flags are reported in this text.7,9,10 Movement, physical activity, and moderate exercise
Yellow and red flags are only one tool the PTA will aid the body and boost the immune system,11-16 but
monitor. In addition, the PT will review the patient/cli- sometimes such measures are unable to prevail, espe-
ent’s history, presenting pain pattern, and possible asso- cially if other factors are present such as inadequate
ciated signs and symptoms along with results from treat- hydration, poor nutrition, fatigue, depression, immu-
ment administered by the PTA in making a decision to nosuppression, and stress. In such cases the condition
modify treatment or consult with other disciplines. will progress to the point that warning signs and symp-
toms will be observed or reported and/or the patient/
client’s condition will deteriorate. The need for consul-
PTA Action Plan tation with the PT will become much more evident.
Key Factors to Consider
Three key factors the PTA should always keep in mind
(because these create red flag signs and symptoms) are: The PTA must always keep in mind that medical condi-
• Side effects of medications tions can cause pain, dysfunction, and impairment of the:
• Comorbidities • Back/neck
• Visceral pain mechanisms • Shoulder
If the medical diagnosis is delayed, the correct diagno- • Chest/breast/rib
sis is eventually made when: • Hip/groin
1. The patient/client does not get better with physical • Sacroiliac (SI)/sacrum/pelvis
therapy intervention. But for the most part, the back and shoulder represent
2. The patient/client gets better, then worse. the primary areas of referred viscerogenic pain patterns. In
3. Other associated signs and symptoms eventually essence, anytime a patient or client is being treated for
develop. shoulder or back pain, a yellow flag is raised. These two
areas are the most commonly affected because the organs
are located in the central portion of the body and refer
At time, a patient/client with NMS complaints is symptoms to the nearby major muscles and joints. This
actually experiencing the side effects of medications. In concept will be explained in greater detail in Chapter 2.
fact, this is probably the most common source of asso-
ciated signs and symptoms observed in the clinic. Side PTA Action Plan
effects of medication as a cause of associated signs and
symptoms, including joint and muscle pain, is dis- Monitoring Vital Signs
cussed more completely in Chapter 2. Visceral pain Monitoring vital signs is a quick and easy way to iden-
mechanisms are also discussed in Chapter 2. tify the need for medical conditions that require further
As for comorbidities, many patient/clients are af- evaluation by the PT. Vital signs are discussed more
fected by other conditions such as depression, diabetes, completely in Chapter 4. Asking about the presence of
incontinence, obesity, chemical dependency, hyperten- constitutional symptoms is important, especially when
sion, osteoporosis, and deconditioning, to name just a the cause is unknown. Constitutional symptoms refer
few. These conditions can contribute to significant mor- to a constellation of signs and symptoms present when-
bidity (and mortality) and must be documented as part ever the patient/client is experiencing a systemic illness.
of the problem list. Physical therapy intervention is of- No matter what system is involved, these core signs and
ten appropriate to address the effects of these comor- symptoms are often present.
bidities, but sometimes these problems have not been
recognized and addressed yet, so the PTA brings them
to the PT’s attention as needed.
Finally, consider the fact that some clients with a
systemic or viscerogenic origin of NMS symptoms get The practice of physical therapy has changed many
better with physical therapy intervention. Perhaps there times since it was first started with the Reconstruction
CHAPTER 1 Introduction to Recognizing and Reporting Red Flags 5

Aides. Clinical practice, as it was shaped by World War health care providers function as a team observing and
I and then World War II, was eclipsed by the polio epi- reporting any unusual, new, or suspicious signs and/or
demic in the 1940s and 1950s. With the widespread use symptoms.
of the live, oral polio vaccine in 1963, polio was eradi- Because today’s health care environment is complex
cated in the United States and clinical practice changed and highly demanding, the PT/PTA team must be alert
again (Fig. 1-1). to red flags of systemic disease at all times. Warning
Today, most clients seen by therapists have impair- flags may come in the form of reported symptoms or
ments and disabilities that are clearly related to NMS observed signs. It may be a clinical presentation that
(Fig. 1-2). Most of the time, the client history and does not match the recent history. It may be someone
mechanism of injury point to a known cause of move- who has been given early release from the hospital or
ment dysfunction. But changes in technology, the vast transition unit. Specific red and yellow flags are dis-
amount of information about health problems now cussed in greater detail later in this chapter, but an un-
available, and the aging of America (and subsequent derstanding of why we must watch out for these may be
needs of the older adults) have changed the way health helpful.
care is delivered and the way PTs function. These fac-
tors are making it more important than ever that all Quicker and Sicker
“Quicker and sicker” is a term used to describe
patients/clients in the current health care arena
(Fig. 1-3).17,18 Quicker refers to how health care delivery
has changed in the last 10 years to combat the rising
costs of health care. In the acute care setting, the focus is
on rapid recovery protocols. As a result, earlier
mobility and mobility with more complex patients are
allowed.19-22 Better pharmacologic management of agi-
tation has allowed earlier and safer mobility. Hospital
inpatients/clients are discharged much faster today than

FIG. 1-1 ​Patients in iron lungs receive treatment at Ran-

cho Los Amigos during the polio epidemic of the 1940s and
1950s. (Courtesy Rancho Los Amigos.)

FIG. 1-3 ​The aging of America from the “traditionalists”

(born before 1946) and the Baby Boom generation (born
1946-1964) will result in older adults with multiple comor-
bidities in the care of the physical therapist/physical therapist
assistant team. Even with a known orthopedic and/or neuro-
logic impairment, these clients will require a careful observa-
tion for the possibility of other problems, including side ef-
fects from medications.  (From Sorrentino SA: Mosby’s
textbook for nursing assistants, ed 7, St. Louis, 2008,
FIG. 1-2 (Courtesy Jim Baker, Missoula, Montana, 2005.) Mosby.)
6 CHAPTER 1 Introduction to Recognizing and Reporting Red Flags

they were even 10 years ago. Patients are discharged a natural result of the primary condition (e.g., cerebral
from the intensive care unit (ICU) to rehab, step-down palsy) or long-term effects of treatment for other prob-
or transition units, or even home. Outpatient/client sur- lems (e.g., chemotherapy, biotherapy, or radiotherapy
gery is much more common, with same-day discharge for cancer).
for procedures that would have required a much longer
hospitalization in the past. Patients/clients on the medi- Signed Prescription
cal-surgical wards of most hospitals today would have Clients who obtain a signed prescription for physical
been in the ICU 20 years ago. therapy from their primary care physician or other
Sicker refers to the fact that patients/clients in acute health care provider, based on similar past complaints
care, rehabilitation, or outpatient/client setting with any of musculoskeletal symptoms, without actually seeing
orthopedic or neurologic problems may have a past the physician or being examined by the physician will
medical history of cancer or a current personal history of require close observation for red flags.
diabetes, liver disease, thyroid condition, peptic ulcer,
and/or other conditions or diseases. Any of these can get Medical Specialization
worse or spiral out of control—and the first sign of trou- In addition, with the increasing specialization of medi-
ble may be one of the many red flags discussed in this text. cine, clients may be evaluated by a medical specialist
The number of people with at least one chronic dis- who does not immediately recognize the underlying
ease or disability is reaching epidemic proportions. systemic disease, or the specialist may assume that the
According to the National Institute on Aging,23 79% of referring primary care physician has ruled out other
adults over 70 have at least one of seven potentially causes. This type of situation is a yellow (cautionary)
disabling chronic conditions (arthritis, hypertension, flag, again requiring close observation of the client dur-
heart disease, diabetes, respiratory diseases, stroke, and ing the physical therapy intervention.
cancer).24 The presence of multiple comorbidities em-
phasizes the need to view the whole patient/client and Progression of Time and Disease
not just the body part in question. Sometimes in the early presentation, there are no red
In addition, the number of people who do not have flags or associated signs and symptoms to suggest an
health insurance and who wait longer to seek medical underlying systemic or viscerogenic cause of the client’s
attention are sicker when they access care. This factor, NMS symptoms or movement dysfunction. But with the
combined with the American lifestyle that leads to passage of enough time, an untreated disease process can
chronic conditions such as obesity, hypertension, and eventually progress and get worse (Case Example 1-1).
diabetes, results in a sicker population base.25 Not until the disease progresses does the clinical picture
change enough to raise a red flag. In some cases, exercise
Natural History stresses the client’s physiology enough to tip the scales.
Improvements in treatment for neurologic and other Previously unnoticed, unrecognized, or silent symptoms
conditions previously considered fatal (e.g., cancer, cys- suddenly present more clearly.
tic fibrosis) are now extending survivorship and life Symptoms may become more readily apparent or
expectancy for many individuals. Improved interven- more easily clustered. In such cases, the alert PTA may be
tions bring new areas of focus, such as quality-of-life the first to ask the patient/client pertinent questions to
issues. With some conditions (e.g., muscular dystrophy, determine the presence of underlying symptoms requir-
cerebral palsy), the artificial dichotomy of pediatric ing further evaluation by the PT or medical personnel.
versus adult care is gradually being replaced by a life- The PTA must know what follow-up questions to ask
style approach that takes into consideration what is clients in order to identify the need for reevaluation by
known about the natural history of the condition. the therapist. Knowing what medical conditions can
Many individuals with childhood-onset diseases cause signs or symptoms suggestive of NMS involve-
now live well into adulthood. For them, their original ment (especially in the shoulder, neck, or back) is help-
pathology or disease process has given way to second- ful. Familiarity with risk factors for various diseases,
ary impairments. These secondary impairments create illnesses, and conditions is an important tool for early
further limitations and issues as the person ages. For recognition in the assessment process. All of the com-
example, a 30-year-old with cerebral palsy may experi- ponents of assessment and follow-up appropriate for
ence chronic pain, changes or limitations in ambulation the PTA are included in this text.
and endurance, and increased fatigue.
These symptoms result from the atypical movement Patient/Client Disclosure
patterns and musculoskeletal strains caused by chronic Finally, sometimes patients/clients tell the PTA things
increase in tone and muscle imbalances that were origi- about their current health and social history that are
nally caused by cerebral palsy. The PTA’s assessment unknown or unreported to the PT or physician. The
may identify signs and symptoms that have developed as content of these conversations can reveal red flags and
CHAPTER 1 Introduction to Recognizing and Reporting Red Flags 7

CASE EXAMPLE 1-1 Progression of Disease

A 44-year-old woman was referred to the physical therapist symptoms (see Box 1-3), the PTA notified the PT of the
(PT) with a complaint of right paraspinal/low thoracic back present concerns. The therapist contacted the client by
pain. There was no reported history of trauma or assault telephone and suggested that she make a follow-up ap-
and no history of repetitive movement. The past medical pointment with her doctor as soon as possible.
history was significant for a kidney infection treated As it turned out, this woman’s kidney infection had
3 weeks ago with antibiotics. The client stated that her recurred. She recovered from her back sequelae within
follow-up urinalysis was “clear” and the infection resolved. 24 hours of initiating a second antibiotic treatment.
The physical therapy examination revealed true para- This is not the typical medical picture for a urologically
spinal muscle spasm with an acute presentation of lim- compromised person. Sometimes it is not until the
ited movement and exquisite pain in the posterior right disease progresses that the systemic disorder (mas-
middle to low back. Spinal accessory motions were querading as a musculoskeletal problem) can be clearly
tested following application of a cold modality and were differentiated.
found to be mildly restricted in right sidebending and left Last, sometimes clients do not relay all the neces-
rotation of the T8-T12 segments. The PT assessed that sary or pertinent medical information to their physi-
this joint motion deficit was still the result of muscle cians but will confide in the PT or PTA. They may feel
spasm and guarding and not true joint involvement. Prior intimidated, forget, become unwilling or embarrassed,
to the next session the physical therapist assistant (PTA) or fail to recognize the significance of the symptoms
initiated face-to-face communication with the PT to dis- and neglect to mention important medical details (see
cuss details of client status and intervention options. Box 1-1).
Result: After three sessions with the PTA in which Knowing that systemic diseases can mimic neuromus-
modalities were used for the acute symptoms, the client culoskeletal dysfunction, the therapist is responsible for
was not making observable, reportable, or measurable identifying as closely as possible what neuromusculoskel-
improvement. Her fourth scheduled appointment was etal pathologic condition is present. It is difficult for a
cancelled because of the “flu.” therapist to identify a condition without the timely com-
Given the recent history of kidney infection, the lack of munication of the competent PTA that is involved with the
expected improvement, and the onset of constitutional follow-up treatments.

hold important clues to point out a systemic illness or symptoms, and/or a clinical presentation that do not fit
viscerogenic cause of musculoskeletal or neuromuscu- the expected picture for NMS dysfunction, this informa-
lar impairment. tion must be communicated effectively to the therapist.
The PTA may hear the client relate new onset of
symptoms that were not present during the initial ex- PTA Action Plan
amination. Such new information may come forth any
time during the episode of care. If the patient/client PT/PTA Team Communication Style
does not progress in physical therapy or presents with Each PT/PTA team will develop their own unique com-
new onset of symptoms unreported before, the screen- munication style. With time and experience, the PTA
ing process may have to be repeated by the therapist. will learn what is appropriate for each situation. One
way to maintain a positive, balanced relationship with
DECISION-MAKING PROCESS the PT is to present the situation and then ask:
• How do you want to handle this? or
This text is designed to help PTAs recognize when it is • How do you want me to handle this?
appropriate to document and report red-flag signs and Unless directed otherwise by the supervising thera-
symptoms. The hallmark of professionalism in any pist, when providing written documentation, the PTA
health care practitioner is the ability to understand the can include in a note to the therapist (or in the medical
limits of his or her professional knowledge. The PTA, record) a short paragraph of findings followed by a list
either on reaching the limit of his or her knowledge or of concerns.
on reaching the limits prescribed by the client’s condi-
tion, should not hesitate to consult with the PT. In this
way, the PTA will work within the scope of his or her Documentation and Liability
level of skill, knowledge, and practical experience. Documentation is any entry into the patient/client
Knowing when to consult with the therapist is just record. Documentation may include the PTA’s observa-
as important as carrying out the plan of care. Once the tions and assessment, progress notes, recap of discus-
PTA recognizes red-flag histories, risk factors, signs and sions with the therapist or other health care professionals,
Another random document with
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I would I had not come.
Nay, this is but a feeble grieving you have awakened. For,
madam, you whom I loved once—you are in the right. Our
blood runs thinner than of yore; and we may no longer, I
think, either rejoice or sorrow very deeply.
It is true.... I must go ... and indeed I would to God, that I
had not come. (Falstaff bows his head and remains
silent. Presently she goes on) Yet, there is something here
which I must keep no longer; for here are all the letters
you ever writ me. (She hands him a little packet. He turns
them awkwardly in his hands once or twice; stares at them
and then at her.)
You have kept them—always?
Yes, but I must not be guilty of continuing such follies. It is
a villainous example to my grandchildren.... Farewell.
(Falstaff draws close to her and takes both her hands in
his. He looks her in the eyes and draws himself very
How I loved you!
I know and I thank you for your gift, my lover, O brave,
true lover, whose love I was not ever ashamed to own!
Farewell, my dear, yet a little while, and I go to seek the
boy and girl we know of.
I shall not be long, madam. Speak a kind word for me in
Heaven; for I have sore need of it.
(By this time she has reached the door) You are not sorry
that I came?
There are many wrinkles now in your dear face, my lady,
the great eyes are a little dimmed, and the sweet laughter
is a little cracked; but I am not sorry to have seen you
thus. For I have loved no woman truly save you alone; and
I am not sorry. Farewell. (He bends over and reverently
kisses her fingers. Then she leaves as quietly as a cloud
(he goes back to the chair by the fire and sits at ease)
Lord, Lord, how subject we old men are to the vice of
lying.... Yet it was not all a lie;—but what a coil over a
youthful greensickness ’twixt a lad and a wench more than
forty years syne.... I might have had money of her for the
asking, yet I am glad I did not; which is a parlous sign and
smacks of dotage.... Were it not a quaint conceit, a merry
tickle-brain of Fate that this mountain of malmsey were
once a delicate stripling with apple cheeks and a clean
breath, smelling of civit and as mad for love, I warrant you
as any Amadis of them all? For, if a man were to speak
truly, I did love her. I had special marks of the pestilence.
Not all the flagons and apples in the universe might have
comforted me; I was wont to sigh like a leaky bellows; to
weep like a wench that is lost of her granddam; to lard my
speech with the fagends of ballads like a man milliner; and
did indeed indite sonnets, cazonets and what not of mine
own elaboration.... And Moll did carry them, plump, brown-
eyed Moll that hath married Hodge, the tanner and reared
her tannikins and died long since.
Lord, Lord, what did I not write (He draws a paper from the
packet and leaning over deciphers the faded writing by the
fire light.)
Have pity, Sylvia! Cringing at thy door
Entreats with dolorous cry and clamoring
That mendicant who quits thee nevermore;
Now winter chills the world, and no birds sing
In any woods, yet as in wanton Spring
He follows thee; and never will have done
Though nakedly he die, from following
Whither thou leadest. Canst thou look upon
His woes and laugh to see a goddess’ son
Of wide dominion, and in strategy
More strong than Jove, more wise than Solomon,
Inept to combat thy severity?
Have pity Sylvia! And let Love be one
Among the folk that bear thee company.
Is it not the very puling speech of your true lover? Faith,
Adam Cupid, hath forsworn my fellowship long since; he
hath no score chalked up against him at the Boar’s Head
Tavern; or if he have, I doubt not the next street beggar
might discharge it.
And she hath commended me to her children as a very
gallant gentleman and a true knight. Jove that sees all
hath a goodly commodity of mirth; I doubt not his sides
ache at times, as if they had conceived another wine-god.
“Among the folk that bear thee company” Well well, it was
a goodly rogue that wrote it, though the verse runs but
lamely! A goodly rogue.
(Bardolph steals back into the room.)
Well, Sir John?
(He addresses Bardolph. As the speech goes on
Bardolph’s jaw drops lower and lower as he gapes his
astonishment) Look you, he might have lived cleanly and
forsworn sack, he might have been a gallant gentleman
and begotten grandchildren and had a quiet nook at the
ingleside to rest his old bones; but he is dead long since.
He might have writ himself armigero in many a bill or
obligation or quittance or what not; he might have left
something behind him save unpaid tavern bills; he might
have heard cases, harried poachers and quoted old saws;
and slept in his own family chapel through sermons yet
unwrit, beneath his presentment, done in stone, and a
comforting bit of Latin but he is dead long since.
(Mistress Quickly too steals in.)
Well, Sir John?
(Continues his meditation, unaware of them) Zooks, I
prate like a death’s head. A thing done hath an end, God
have mercy on us all! And I will read no more of the
rubbish. (He casts the papers into the heart of the fire;
they blaze up and he watches them burn to the last spark.
Then he gives himself a mighty shake) A cup of sack to
purge the brain! And I will go sup with Doll Tearsheet.
(The curtain falls quickly, it also is happy the play hath
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