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Sub-Titles Guiding questions/Statements

to be
Title date, Title of activity,
duration, Conduct 12 community dialogue related to Ebola,
venue The dialogue will take fourteen days, commencing on 24/10/2022 to 6th
/11/2022 in the community of Nyakatehe, Ngoma,
Ikamiro,Hanga1,Kituti,NsongaA,nsonga B,Nsunzu A,Nsunzu
Background EVD (Ebola) outbreak was confirmed by health authorities of Uganda in the
to the district of Mubende in 20th Sept 2022.
activity However it has been confirmed in other four districts of Kyegegwa, Kasanda,
Bunyangabu, and Kagadi.
There are 37 deaths (17 EVD confirmed & 20 probable NOT confirmed EDV).
However from the above information, Kagadi being a neighboring district to
Kikuube (Kyagwali sub country) there is a need for sensitization of the locals
about EDV.
Specfic To enhance participants of stakeholders in Ebola, prevention and response.
objective of To enhance the locals with psycho-social support as far the outbreak is
the meeting concerned
To create awareness within the locals as far as the KFDA projects
Link and The dialogue will increase community awereness on Ebola prevention and
alignment responsible able contribute reduction in the risks of Ebola and improve the
with the quality of response.
design or
Expected 12 Community dialogues conducted
out puts of 360 people reached during the meeting
the meeting
Expected Increased participation of community in Ebola prevention and response
outcomes enabled and sustained
Improve quality of services of local people
Participants Each dialogue target 30 people comprising of 9 executive local council one,2
Religious ledears,2police officer,5councelors,5 youth representative,5
Chairperson of boda-boda,1 parish chief and 1 Mobilizer.
Transport for staff
Facilitators CLO and Nurse.
Cantante Ebola and social affairs
Budget Budget Code:
S/N Items Unity No of Unity Total
description Units cost
1 Soda Carton 30 12000 360000/
2 Biscuit Boxes 12 60000 720000/
3 Abertine Carton 12 12000 360000/
4 Facilitation Person 27 25000 675000/
for other
5 Facilitation Person 3 50000 150000/
for Police,
6 Transport person 2 60000 120000
for staff
7 Total

NOTE: This budget is per village

Report At the end of the training a detailed report will be written and shared with the

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Approved by:

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