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orld School
…Education for Life

Holiday Homework
Class X

Theme – Affordable & Clean Energy

Dear RIMTians,

In Summer vacation you will get enough time for some

constructive activities to enhance your learning process.
Therefore, the teachers have planned some activities and
projects for you. This year we have designed holiday homework
based on ‘Affordable & Clean Energy’, one of the 17 goals
of the United Nations for Sustainable Development is
chosen as the theme for the project to be undertaken by the
students of class X in which the students will be engaged in
creative and fruitful pursuits throughout the year.

We Wish You Happy Holidays!!

Subject- English
1. Create a podcast (max 3 minutes) or a documentary explaining how to ensure access
to affordable, sustainable, reliable and modern energy for all'
2. Goal 7 of Sustainable Development is about ensuring access to clean and affordable
energy, which is the key to the development of agriculture, business,
communications, education, healthcare and transportation.
Model UN is a simulation of the UN General Assembly and its other multilateral
bodies where students perform an ambassador role while debating topics such as gender
equality, climate action, global health, and more.
As a delegate of India for MUN (Modal United Nations), write your position paper
and working paper with respect to the problem of Lack of infrastructure (in your
country) which is acting as a barrier to renewable energy development.
Mode of Submission – Project Sheets
Subject- Hindi

ifj;kstuk dk;Z %& ?kj esa viuh ekrkth dh lgk;rk ls dksbZ ,d O;atu rS;kj dhft, ftlesa
bZa/ku dk iz;ksx u fd;k x;k gks] tSls & czSM lSaMfop] QzwV pkV] “ksDl vkfnA O;atu dh fof/k
fp= lfgr ifj;kstuk “khV ij n”kkZb,A
Subject- Punjabi
pirXojnw kwrj –
AwpxI grmI dI Cu`tIAW dy iv`c Awpxy Gr dy iv`c pRXog huMdI sw& Aqy ik&wieqI aUrjw dw
srvyKx kro ik Gr dy iks Kyqr iv`c ausdw auicq pRXog nhIN ho irhw ? kuJ audwrhnW dy ky
Awpxy au`qr dw SpStIkrn krdw ie`k pRojYkt iqAwr kro?
mulWkx pRikirAw-
1 ivSwpRgtwvw 2 ic`qrkwrI
3 BwSwSYlI 4 ilKweI

Subject- Mathematics
Topic: Affordable and clear energy
Project Name – Solar Power generation
 To find the total surface area required for the installation of the solar panel, if the
houses are present in a small congested locality. What would be the smartest
way to install the solar panels in the given area?
 Calculation of the total units consumed in a household and the calculations of
subsidy offered by the government against the units used.
 Calculate the bill of electricity through solar panels and standard electricity power
supply for one month and compare the data.
Mode of Submission – Project Sheets
Subject- Social Science

Participate in a home energy audit with your family to identify ways to reduce
energy consumption and promote energy efficiency.
Mode of submission- Showcase your understanding with a short video and
send through mail -

A. Introduction of topic (further topic will not be changed)
B. Identifying the causes, consequences and remedies
C. Validity, reliability, appropriateness and relevance of data used for research work and
for presentation in the project file.
1. Make project on white sheets without any watermark
2. Use pictures
3. Mention any one case study related to your topic in the project
4. Project should be of 20- 25 pages along with the pictures, graphs and diagram
5. Be as creative and innovative as you can in doing your project
6. Neatness to be maintained
7. Pictures are a must and should be pasted on the left side and writing part to be done
on right side.
8. Draw a conclusion.
9. The Project should be handwritten by students themselves.
Mode of submission – Project file
Subject- Science

1 What is the dominant contributor to climate change?

2. How many people around the world lack access to clean cooking fuels and
3. State the purpose of affordable and clean energy?
4. Enlist the methods by which we can promote clean energy?
5. What is the Areas Where Good Progress Is Made in term of Energy?
Guidelines for Science Project 2024-25
The following essentials are required to be fulfilled for Project preparation and
1.The total length of the project should be of 25 to 30 pages
2.The project should be handwritten.
3. The project should be presented in a neat folder, spiral after finalized
4. The project report should be developed in the following sequence-

1. First page- Topic, Submitted to/ Submitted by

2. Acknowledgement
3. Certificate
4. Content
5. Introduction
6. Theory
7. Observation
8. Conclusion
9. Bibliography
10. Include the following tools to comprehend your topic: Map, Graphs, Flowchart,

Flowsheet, Schematic representation, Mindmap, Poster, Collage, Slogan.

1. The work has to be done on A4 size interleaf sheets.
2. It should be written in neat handwriting.
3. The file should not be spiraled.
4. The project should be handwritten and no print-outs to be used for content writing.
Sample Page
First Page
RIMT World School
Science Project

Submitted to:………. Submitted by:…………

I express my gratitude to Ms./Mr. …………… my Science teacher, who guided me
through project and also gave me valuable suggestions and guidance for completing my

Name of the Student:……………

This is to certify that ………….. of class ………… has completed the project under my
guidance. He/She has taken proper care and followed guidelines issued by CBSE.

Teacher Incharge
1. Ozone depletion
2. Blowing off CO2
3. Ultraviolet radiations
4. Comparing varying levels of O2
5. Clean water and Sanitation
6. Affordable and clean energy
7. Water management
8. Land use planning
9. Biodiversity conservation
10.The future sustainability of industries such as mining, tourism, agriculture,
forestry, and fisheries.

Subject- Computer

Write a blog on the topic ‘Affordable & Clean Energy’. Post it online.
Mode of submission – Send link / Blog through mail to email ID -
* Mention your full name, class and section in the subject of mail.

Prepare your Practical file of the practical done in the following applications:
1. Digital documentation
2. Electronic Spreadsheet
3. Database Management System
Summer Holiday Homework
English Worksheet
1. Read the following poem.
“For oh,” say the children, “we are weary
And we cannot run or leap;
If we cared for any meadows, it were merely
To drop down in them and sleep.
Our knees tremble sorely in the stooping,
We fall upon our faces, trying to go;
And underneath our heavy eyelids drooping
The reddest flower would look as pale as snow.
For, all day, we drag our burden tiring
Through the coal – dark, underground;
Or, all day we drive the wheels or iron
In the factories, round and round.”
– Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Question 1.
1. What do you mean by the phrase ‘reddest flower’ in the expression ‘The red¬dest
flower would look as pale as snow’ ?
A) a flower which is red B) a rose flower
C) the childhood D) the red flower in the child’s eye
2. The mood of the children in the poem is
A) joyful B) tired
C) angry D) jealous
3. “And we cannot run or leap” – Why do you think they cannot run or leap ?
4. How does the work affect the children ?
5. What is the central idea of the poem ?
2. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:
Happiness is not something far away and unattainable. Happiness does not depend on
circumstances or objects. It is an inseparable part of our consciousness, of our
essence, but hidden and covered from sight by our thoughts, desires and worries. We all
seek happiness but few, very-few, indeed, get it. We are unhappy partly because we
desire much more than what we can hope to attain. Our countless desires are hard to be
satisfied. And that is what makes us so sad in life. The secret of happiness lies in
the simplification of life. Simple living encourages high thinking. It leads to
contentment. Contentment gives us inner wealth, the wealth of the mind and of
the soul.
2. A contented man devotes himself to virtues; a man can feel true happiness. I do not
mean that for simplification of life, a man should become an ascetic. The
happiness of a sadhu is of a negative kind. I want positive kind of happiness.
For this I must live in the midst of life and faithfully carry out my responsibilities
to my home and my country. But all this should be done in the spirit of selfless
3. A man, who wants to lead a happy life, should also make others happy. In making
others happy he will taste real and lasting happiness. There is a kind of joy in
serving others with virtuous motives, in sacrificing what one has for the good of
others. An act of goodness is of itself an act of happiness. The secret of
perfect happiness lies in renunciation.
4. Wealth may give us joy for a while and fame may provide us with fleeting
excitement. But they cannot give us permanent happiness. Kings have everything to
make them happy and yet they feel unhappy. It is because they do not practice
renunciation. There is a sense of joy in doing one’s work honestly and efficiently.
A research-worker feels joy in research and a journalist in writing. In doing one’s
duty sincerely, one feels peace of mind which is an important essence of happiness. It
is only by cultivating spirit of renunciation, self sacrifice, contentment and science
work that one can really be happy. The strings of misfortune spare none but they will
not cow such a person.
5. Happiness is like the sun, it is often hidden by the clouds of thoughts, worries and
desires.We have to scatter and dissolve them to experience happiness. You don’t have
to create happiness. All you have to do is calm your mind, because when there is a
quiet mind and inner peace, there is happiness.
Based on your understanding of the passage, answer the following questions.
i) Which of the following is the correct chain of things, as mentioned in the
passage, leading to happiness?
a) contentment, high thinking, simple living, inner wealth
b) simple living, high thinking, inner wealth, contentment
c) high thinking, simple living, inner wealth, contentment
d) simple living, high thinking, contentment, inner wealth
ii) What does a contented man do?
a) He assimilates the basic virtues of life.
b) He faces boldly the adversities of life.
c) He encounters the strings of misfortunes.
d) He gives up bad habits effortlessly
iii) What, according to the passage, is a positive kind of happiness?
a) Keeping our motives and feelings under control.
b) Love for life and a country.
c) Leading a simple life of an ascetic.
d) Carrying out all worldly activities in the spirit of selfless service.
iv) A man who wants to live a happy life should:
a) make others happy. b) master the art of renunciation.
c) pursue wealth and fame. d) inculcate the virtues of life.
v) Choose the option that best captures the central idea of the passage from the
given quotes.
“Life is about creating and living “Imagination is more important than
experiences that are worth knowledge.” - Albert Einstein
sharing.” -Steve Jobs
(1) (2)
“Happiness is not something readymade; it “When you want something, all the universe
comes from your own actions.” conspires in helping you to achieve it.”
—Dalai Lama —Paulo Coelho

(3) (4)
a) Option (1) b) Option (2)
c) Option (3) d) Option (4)
vi) Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE in the context of the
a) One feels peace of mind in doing one’s duty sincerely.
b) Renunciation is the result of perfect happiness.
c) Multiplicity of desires make us unhappy.
d) Making others happy makes one happy.
vii) The phrase “cow a person” refers to get someone:
a) spared b) caught
c) scared d) provoked
viii) Doing one’s work sincerely hardly makes one happy. (True/False)
ix) Select the option that makes the correct use of “unattainable”, as used in
para 1.
a) Unattainable development implies a long-term perspective.
b) Keep goals small so they are more easily unattainable.
c) Diabetes is unattainable but not curable.
d) Some economists think that 100% employment in India is an unattainable
x) The antonym of ‘permanent’ as given in para 4 is _________.

3. Write an article for your school magazine on Green Energy.

4. Suppose your are Lencho and you have come to know that it was the postmaster and
his colleagues who had come to your rescue in the name of God. Write a letter to the
postmaster to thank him for the help and say what you think of him and his
colleagues now. You might also like to apologize now.
5. On the basis of your understanding of the story “A Letter to God” validate the
following statement: “Adversity is the real test of human character”
6. The story “A Triumph of Surgery” is a powerful example of the harmful impact of
excesses of life”. Explain.
7. Riches can buy us luxuries and comforts but not health and happiness.” Discuss this
statement with reference to the story “The Triumph of Surgery”.
8. Characterization is a craft where the writer forms a character by describing the
physical appearance, the actions, the thoughts through dialogues. In the light of the
above information, trace the art of characterization as adopted by James Herriot to
form the character of Mrs Pumphrey in “A Triumph of Surgery” in about 120 words

9. It is our attitude to life that makes it a joy or sorrow for us. Do you agree? Discuss
with special reference to the poem “Dust of Snow”.
10. Discuss the use of symbolism in the poem “Fire and Ice”

Hindi Worksheet
1- ehjk us vius d’V ds fuokj.k ds fy, fdls iqdkjk vkSj D;ks\a vkt ladV ds le;
esa yksx fdldk lgkjk ysrs gSa\
2- **tc ls dkuwu Hkax dk dke “kq# gqvk gS rc ls vkt rd bruh cM+h lHkk ,sls
eSnku esa ugha dh xbZ Fkh vkSj ;g lHkh rks dguk pkfg, fd vksiu yM+kbZ FkhA** ;gk¡
ij dkSu&ls vkSj fdlds n~okjk ykxw fd, x, dkuwu dks Hkax djus dh ckr dh xbZ
gS\ D;k dkuwu Hkax djuk mfpr gksrk gS\ vius fopkj izdV dhft,A
3- *euq’;rk* dfork ds vk/kkj ij crkb, fd vPNs ukxfjd gh vPNs jk’Vª dk fuekZ.k
dj ldrs gSaA
4- *gfjgj dkdk* dgkuh ds vk/kkj ij gfjgj dkdk dh vlgk; fLFkfr dk laf{kIr
o.kZu djsaA ml fLFkfr ds fy, mRrjnk;h ?kVukvksa ls vkidks thou esa lko/kku jgus
dh D;k lh[k feyrh gS\
5- cM+s HkkbZ lkgc dgkuh ds vk/kkj ij crkb, fd lk{kj gksus vkSj fMfxz;k¡ cVksjus ls
csgrj nqfu;knkjh dh le> gksrh gSA rdZ nsdj dFku dh lkFkZdrk fln~/k dhft,A
Social Science Worksheet

The following table shows the proportion of undernourished adults in India. It is based
on a survey of various states in the country for year 2001. Read the table and answer the
following questions:
States Male % Female %
Kerala 22 19
Karnataka 36 38
Madhya Pradesh 47 42

A. Compare the nutritional value of people of Kerala and Madhya Pradesh?

B. Can you guess why around 40 percent of people in the country are undernourished
even through it is argued that there is enough food in the country? Describe in your
own words?
C. In which state females are among the most undernourished?
D. What is Undernourishment?
1. Read the extract and answer the question that follows:
Following the defeat of Napoleon in 1815, European governments were driven by a
spirit of conservatism. Conservatives believed that established, traditional
institutions of state and society—like the monarchy, the Church, social hierarchies,
property and the family—should be preserved. Most conservatives, however, did not
propose a return to the society of prerevolutionary days. Rather, they realised, from
the changes initiated by Napoleon, that modernisation could in fact strengthen
traditional institutions like the monarchy. It could make state power more effective
and strong. A modern army, an efficient bureaucracy, a dynamic economy, the
abolition of feudalism and serfdom could strengthen the autocratic monarchies of
Europe. In 1815, representatives of the European powers—Britain, Russia, Prussia
and Austria— who had collectively defeated Napoleon, met at Vienna to draw up a
settlement for Europe. The Congress was hosted by the Austrian Chancellor Duke
Metternich. The delegates drew up the Treaty of Vienna of 1815 with the object of
undoing most of the changes that had come about in Europe during the Napoleonic
wars. The Bourbon dynasty, which had been deposed during the French Revolution,
was restored to power, and France lost the territories it had annexed under Napoleon.
A series of states were set up on the boundaries of France to prevent French
expansion in future:

1. Identify the purpose to convene Congress of Vienna in 1815.

2.What did conservatives focus on at the Congress of Vienna?
3. How did the Congress of Vienna ensure peace in Europe?
3. Read the extract and answer the question that follows:
In1956, an Act was passed to recognize Sinhala as the only official language, thus
disregarding Tamil.
The governments followed preferential policies that favored Sinhala applicants for
university positions and government jobs. A new constitution stipulated that the state
shall protect and foster Buddhism. All these government measures, coming one after
the other, gradually increased the feeling of alienation among the Sri Lankan Tamils.
They felt that none of the major political parties led by the Buddhist Sinhala leaders
was sensitive to their language and culture. They felt that the constitution and
government policies denied them equal political rights, discriminated against them in
getting jobs and other opportunities and ignored their interests. As a result, the
relations between the Sinhala and Tamil communities strained over time. The Sri
Lankan Tamils launched parties and struggles for the recognition of Tamil as an
official language, for regional autonomy and equality of opportunity in securing
education and jobs. But their demand for more autonomy to provinces populated by
the Tamils was repeatedly denied. By 1980s several political organizations were
formed demanding an independent Tamil Eelam in northern and eastern parts of Sri
1. What is the moral reason behind power sharing?
2. What are the demands of Sri Lankan tamils?
3.For a long time it was believed that all power of government must reside in one
person or group of persons located at one place. Give reason.
4. The tension between Dutch-speaking and French-speaking communities was
more acute in Brussels’. Give reason.
5. Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow-
Some human activities such as deforestation, overgrazing, mining and quarrying
too have contributed significantly in land degradation. Mining sites are
abandoned after excavation work is complete leaving deep scars and traces of
over-burdening. In states like Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh and
Odisha deforestation due to mining have caused severe land degradation. In states
like Gujarat, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra overgrazing is one of
the main reasons for land degradation. In the states of Punjab, Haryana, western
Uttar Pradesh, over irrigation is responsible for land degradation due to water
logging leading to increase in salinity and alkalinity in the mineral processing like
grinding of limestone for cement industry and calcite and soapstone for ceramic
industry generate huge quantity of dust in the atmosphere. It retards the process
of infiltration of water into the soil after it settles down on the land. In recent
years, industrial effluents as waste have become a major source of land and water
pollution in many parts of the country have contributed significantly in land
degradation. There are many ways to solve the problems of land degradation.
Afforestation and proper management of grazing can help to some extent.
Planting of shelter belts of plants, control on over grazing, stabilization of sand
dunes by growing thorny bushes is some of the methods to check land
degradation in arid areas. Proper management of waste lands, control of mining
activities, proper discharge and disposal of industrial effluents and wastes after
treatment can reduce land and water degradation in industrial and suburban areas.
1. Explain the interdependent relationship between nature, technology and
2. “Resources are a function of human activities”. Elaborate the statement with
suitable arguments.
3. How far it is correct to say that the availability of resources is a necessary
condition for the development of any region? Explain.
4. How far it is correct to say that it is possible to reverse land degradation?
Science Worksheet
1. A red-brown metal X forms a salt XSO4. When hydrogen sulphide gas is passed
through an aqueous solution of XSO4, then a black precipitate of XS is formed
alongwith sulphuric acid solution.
a) What could the salt XSO4 be ?
b) What is the colour of salt XSO4 ?
c) Name the black precipitate XS.
d) By using the formula of the salt obtained in (a) above, write an equation of the
reaction which takes place when hydrogen sulphide gas is passed through its
aqueous solution.
e) What type of chemical reaction takes place in this case ?
2. When a strip of red-brown metal X is placed in a colourless salt solution YNO3 then
metal Y is set free and a blue coloured salt solution X(NO3)2 is formed. The liberated
metal Y forms a shining white deposit on the strip of metal X.
a) What do you think metal X is ?
b) Name the salt YNO3.
c) What could be metal Y ?
d) Name the salt X(NO3)2.
e) What type of reaction takes place between metal X and salt solution YNO3 ?
3. Gas A, which is the major cause of global warming, combines with hydrogen oxide B
in nature in the presence of an environmental factor C and a green material D to form a
six carbon organic compound E and a gas F. The gas F is necessary for breathing.
a) What is gas A ?
b) What is the common name of B ?
c) What do you think could be C ?
d) What is material D ? Where is it found ?
4. A student wants to project the image of a candle flame on a screen 48 cm in front of a
mirror by keeping the flame at a distance of 12 cm from its pole.
i) Suggest the type of mirror he should use.
ii) Find the linear magnification of the image produced.
iii) How far is the image from its object?
iv) Draw ray diagram to show the image formation in this case.
Read the below given paragraph and answer the following questions:
5. As we know that, in case of concave mirrors when a ray of light parallel to principal
axis strikes the mirror and after reflection it passes through principal focus of the
concave mirror. Also, a ray which is passing through the principal focus of the
concave mirror after reflection goes parallel to the principal axis. And the ray of
light which is passing through the centre of curvature of concave mirror after
reflection retraces the same path in backward direction. Because of converging
property of concave mirrors they are used in solar furnaces to concentrate more light to
produce huge amount of heat energy. They are also used in search lights, torches,
head lights of vehicles so that a strong parallel beam of light will be produced. Also,
in case of shaving mirrors concave mirrors are used to see larger face of the
While convex mirrors are used as rear view mirror in vehicles to see the traffic
behind the person for safe driving. As these mirrors are curved outwards they has
wider field of view. In convex mirrors the image formed is always diminished,
virtual and erect.
In concave mirror, when the object is at infinity the image formed will be at focus F
and which is highly diminished, point sized, real and inverted.
i) In case of concave mirror when the image formed is virtual and erect?
ii) In which case the image formed is of same size as the object in case of concave
mirrors? Draw ray diagram to show the image formation in this case.
iii)Which mirrors are called as converging and diverging mirror?
iv)According to sign conventions what is the sign of focal length of concave mirror
and convex mirror.
Information Technology Worksheet

Write following question – answers in notebook:

1. Describe any one method to create a style in word.
2. Jyoti has created a template. She wants to create similar template based on the
previous one. What steps should she follow to create a template based on another?
3. Differentiate between Paragraph and Character Styles.
4. List the different style categories.
5. Pictorially show the concept of overlapping images and images after using bring
forward option.
6. What is the use of clip art?
7. Draw the flowchart of steps involved in Mail Merge.
8. Sonal wants to modify a style to get a custom style in word? Help her make
modifications in the existing style.
9. Sumiti teacher has asked her to create a document on basic geometrical shapes. She
has created the document but is facing a problem while setting the order of the images.
Help her arrange the images in the document.
10. Ravi is studying in Class 8.In the parent-teachers meeting, Ravi’s class teachers, tell
parents that Ravi fails to adhere to the instructions given in the class. Ravi’s parents
feelthat this can be because of some communication barriers. List down the factors
responsible for internal barriers.
11. How can we have effective written communication?
12. Anand is speaking for the first time in a seminar. Give some tips which he should
follow while addressing the audience.
13. How can prejudice cause miscommunication?
14. Give one example of Intrapersonal and Interpersonal communication.
15. Write some effective non-verbal practices you should keep in mind during an
Subject- Punjabi Worksheet

1. gurU nwnk dyv jI dI piv`qr bwxI dw koeI ie`k Slok ilKo?

2. ‘pMjwbI swihqk ieiqhws dw mu`K AMg sRI gurU gRMQ swihb jI hn[’iehnW dy pwvn srUp iv`c
ikhnW mhWpurKW dI bwxI drj hY?auhnW nUM ilKo[
3. Gr dI ie`k mnu`K dI izMdgI iv`c kI mh`qqw hY[Awpxy SbdW iv`c ibAwn kro?
4. purwxy smyN dI iesqrI Aqy A`j dy smyN dI iesqrI dI hwlq iv`c kI pirvrqn AwieAw hY?
5. ‘hr ivAkqI dy jIvn dw koeI nw koeI audyS huMdw hY’[qusIN Awpxy jIvn dw audyS kI soicAw hY
Aqy iesnUM nUM pUrw krn leI qusIN kI inXm ApxwEgy?

* The homework is to be submitted to the respective subject

teachers on July 04, 2024. Homework will not be accepted after the
due date.

Happy Holidays!!

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