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protsction and in the evert of such opion being exercise

and workman shall asslgn to the company the imvertion of

BGret procoss or the patent, exclusive privilsge or like
protectiorn as the case may be, and sign all such deeds,
a3surancs, applications, documernts, and papers as the
Gompany shal requir to obtain the full beneft of the rghts
and options vested in the company under this service
(C) The cormpany shall at all time be enttled, whether t
shall exercise any option vested in it by clause (2) or not, to
the unqualified rights toadopt and use the said invention or
Becret process without being obiged to pay any royafty or
any othar consideration thereof and further the workman shal
not assign charge or in any way transfer such patent,
xclusive privilege or the like protecion obtained in respect
of such inventionor aBecret proc68 without providing for such
unqualified use free of charge to the company and shallon
demand, execute in favour of the company such licencas,
deeds, documents and assurances for the purpose of
enabling the compay toestablish its to such free use and or
to exercise such free use as it may require.
(D) Breach of this order constitute misconduct and the
workman shall be liable to punishment in accordance with
these orders.


(A) Aworkman shall not any time work against the

interest of the company.

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