Presured C

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moral: Don't be peer presured by anyone..

Chapter1 (New student)

.....WHAT! i shouted as i run to the bathroom to see my bestfriend(ZOE) crying,
what happened i 'asked ' with a worried face,
then she replyed ' mia took a pic of me in the bathroom calling my ugly and fat
and threatened to send it to the school group
if i don't write the test for her,
as soon as i heard that, i stormmed to mia's classroom and called her out, MIA!
why the hell will you threaten my bestfriend
like that, she looked at me with a grin on her face and then said ' what are you
going to do about it' i ran up to her then
punched her on the face then a fight broke out, but luckly a teacher came by and
stop the fight, they found out i started the
fight so i got suspended, when my parents found out what happened they told me it
was best that i leave the school. I did not
agree with them but i think i wanted to start over again a week later when my
bestfriend (ZOE) found out i was leaving the
school and did not tell her sooner, she got really angry and started to ignore my
Few weeks later....
i finally joined my new school named (uphill collage), on my frist day, as i
walked into the class room feeling confident and brave
as the teacher introduces me to the class.
The next few hours of class was borring until break started, as i was walking down
the hall i felt people looking at me
and it was making me so unconfortably, so i grabed my lunch and sat down in the
cafetaria in a little corner,
then a bunch of boys came to me and then one of them sat next to me and said, he
has never seen this type of beauty before,
he got so close to my body i felt so uncomfortable, then he told me not to be shy
why he put his hand on my lap! i tried pushing him
of but it did'nt work, then after he was about to touch me, as girl my age with
green glasses, short hair shouted
she took my hand and then ran for it. From that day we hv become very close
friends, and learned that her name was joy.
That same night i texted ola, that i really missed her and i wanted her to sorry
forgive me but she never replyed.
As i was about to sleep, a notification popped up, as i checked it
i found out it was an unkown text, saying do you remember me!!

Chapter 2 (pleasent suprise)

I reply feeling watched all over, who are you?
then a video popped up, me and the same boy that tryed to touch me the other day, i
looked up in shocked feeling like my bed
should swallowed me hole, then i just wanted him to go straight to the point, so i
asked what do you want from me?
he replyed saying we are going to hv fun this term, that this point i just blocked
him cause it felt like he want something from
The next day of school...
as i was walking to school with joy, puting my books in the locker as i looked at
my self in the mirror, smiling as i brushed my
long black curly hair then i saw the talk of the school her name was princess, she
had brown short hair, pink lips,sagging her tie
mini skirt , there was girl behind
her, wait is that.....
ZOE!! i shouted she heared me then draged my hand to the girls toliet and said in
this school we don't know each other, were
not friends anymore get that in your head then she walked off , i got so angry so i
shouted: Why can't you just be greatful after
everything i have done for you i got suspended because of you, YOU SPOILED BRAT!!,
i rann out of the toliet and went to my class trying not to think of what just
happened but did not know what was about
to happen was even worse.
the unkown boy that i blocked was my class partner tell the end of the term!!
i got to know that his names was Traver, on my first week i already know he is a
when school finished i saw zoe talking to traver, as the smiled and laugh, at this
point i was already feed up with her, so i didn't
care, when i was about to leave the hall i heard a girl shout my name Angel!
as i looked back it was princess,
hey, could i get your number? she asked
umm sure?
as we exchanged numbers, joy looked at me furiously,
then when princess left she told me not to talk to then that they were bad
influence on me,
i found out that they have been hating on each other for a long time, that was only
the beginning of there hate for each other.

Chapter 3 ( )
It was finally weekend and i have been chatting with princess for hours, i found
out we have alot in common
later that day she sent me a text said that
a boy is into me and wants to meet me at 2pm tommorw at the park opposite the

well it was unexpected cause i just came to the school a week ago but it is what it

that night i was also add to princess friend group and i got close with them,
i felt like this is were i belong
but if joy saw this she will legit kill me!
The next day...
i really wanted to know who princess was talking about so i went to the address
she gave me well turns out it was traver,
Uhh such a stocker!
traver: hey i am sorry about the other day, what i did was wrong and i wanted to
apologies, can we start over.
i don't know what came over me but i gave him another change.
we talked for hours and i found out we had nothing in common, we are so different.
After that i called princess to tell her how it went with traver, but the way she
sounded was like she already new. The next day
as i was walking with princess,With me
Traver came and held my waist...
i was shocked and asked ''W-what are u doing",he didn't even reply and tragged me
to the locker room and said...
Traver: ur very interesting,i really like you and the body of urs
He cornered and grabed me waist..kissing my neck

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