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[ ]
J. Kor. Inst. Met. & Mater.
Vol. 40, No. 10 (2002)


*( )  
Analysis of Bending Residual Stress in SS400 Steel Beam Using
Continuous Indentation Technique and Stress Interaction Model
Yun-Hee Lee, Wonjae Ji, Dongil Son, Jae-il Jang* and Dongil Kwon
School of Materials Science and Engineering, Seoul National University, Seoul 151-742, Korea
*R&D Center, Frontics, Inc., Seoul 151-742, Korea

Abstract : Apparent mechanical properties of welded structural components are deviated from the initially designed
values due to the residual stress. Thus, exact assessment of the residual stress using a nondestructive method became
an important issue in reliability researches. A nanoindentation model for evaluating the equi-biaxial thin film residual
stress was proposed in the previous study. However, the surface residual stress in the welded joint is a non-equi-
biaxial state and complex elastic/plastic deformations are involved in the macroindentation. Therefore, the previous
model was modified to evaluate the real non-equi-biaxial residual stress by considering a new stress-proportional
factor and a significant effect of the plasticity. The newly modified stress-analyzing model was verified empirically
by comparing the evaluated uniaxial stress with the already known residual stress of 4-point bended specimen.
(Received June 11, 2002)

Key words : Continuous indentation, Stress interaction, Stress generating jig

   _ ¤c .m ™ F 9` ™FžV(loading

 ‘•™ F ¥ .m  ‘•D_ ab c¦
        9` § ™abžV(partial unloading curve)R( 4!"
 ,   !" #$%& ' <. ‘•™ F ) ab žVR Ÿ 1 ¡¢£ ¨ 
( ) *+ ,! -./ 0123( 456 78 9  ‘•œ ©ª7 «(power-law equation)3( 2 eI¬,
:.;< . => 456 ?  @AB C@D
§ ™abžV §­$ c¦ ‘•™  ‘•D/.m
 E4F GHIJ, KLK 7M <NO  C@ ® ¯œ (h )R °@± 7 Z<. ^@O ²9³ ´
PQ R SIJ<. T#2  C@ UQ3( ‘•D( ‘• H± f ‘•D/.m ® ¯œ Oliver

hole-drilling, saw-cutting ) X-V WXQ Y Z< . [V 1-3)

ˆ Pharr 5)
« (1)( @ IJ<.
hole-drilling saw-cutting UQ  \] ^ 
_ P`23( abc deI  C@ UQP f
g hi  j k l PM.m nok l
kp *+2 UQ> 9q Z<. r$ X-V WXQ s
*+2 UQkp  t uv T WX '
w TO @x_ no( , P`2  yp z{> |}
5~ i WX 'wF € < gaq Z<.
R UQ deF 7rI .m ‚ƒ@ no<
9q Z yp z{> KLK 7M @„O †a‡ˆ ‰
ŠO .L@3( c ‹ 456 2 Œ O`F
Z 7  t<.  => .m‚ƒ t ‹456 in-
situ 2 FŽ, O 7 µm ? |O ‘’ p
 “P s*+2 E” ‘•.LQ(continuous indentation
technique)  –(—  C@PQ3( a˜IJ<. E”

‘•.LQ ‘•™ ‘•D š›œ_ E”23( C@

c ‘•™-žV !O< . 4,5) Fig. 1. Schematic diagram showing the theoretical analysis of
indentation unloading curve5) and the variation of indentation
Ÿ 1 KV3( ¡¢£ <™ ‘•™-žV ‘•D loading curves by the change of stress states6-9).

- 1042 -
40  (2002 10)
10 1043

h C = h – 0.72 (h – h i ) = h – 0.72 ---

˜" ÈF ÒÓ T•c §­ÚsÛÄ3(Å sYU€ 1
:  ÈFÒÓ ¢Ü! KL23( ݽD ¿<.

« (1)  h  ™abžV V µ¶c ‘•œ :

 p¡ q Xmœ(intercept depth)_ ¡¢?, S 

™abžV ·P P¸P<. 136i T$³ ´ ¹³ '      

>|º v_ »$ Vickers ‘•D ¯$2, A  #$  E”‘•.L c §­P  
24.5h ( #‹"<.

 ‘• ® uÉÑ TO ×2 ÒÓØ


Ÿ 1  YU€ 2: ‘: )  (Ÿ 1 

compressive ) tensile( #.)  ‘•™ F no<. ™Õ § UQ  $ « (2)( #‹O 8)

žV ue_ qV3( ¡¢?J<. ^@O ¼T ‘•œ ‘•D  @7‘  sYU€ 1:  
σ  @7‘ !§ ‘• ! ÂoO € |Ö
(h ) T F ‘•™ YU€ 2: ‘: )  
mÞ3( § ± 7 Z<. « (2) mÞ uv ³

   ³³ L ˆ L (  t uv ‘•™

 L s ½F ) ¾O< .  ‘•™ ½¾§ 

:U€   0ß( @7‘ !§ dÌà Îa" ¨
 €3( P fg  i 7~™
á 7 Z3¬, σ  â‰ãi_ ¡¢£<.

(residual stress-induced normal load)3( @ ¿ ,  6-8)

 ÀÁO †i(stress-independent intrinsic hardness;
[ ] [ 1 ]

 2 
H)_ »$ ‘: )   c ‘’
 – ---σ y 0 0 
(indentation mark) Â  pile-up ) sink-in  
 3   σ 0 0
   res 
¿< . Ÿ 1 eÃ#( #.O ‘•œ_ ^@B k
6-8) 2
σcom =  0 – ---σ y 0  +  0 0 0 
$  de./ @(depth-controlled relaxation 

3 

 
 0 0 0
procedure)  ¡¢¡ ‘•™, ¯$2 )  ? 
 0 0 –--- σy 
 3 
E”2 e_ 2§«3( #‹Ä3(Å YU€ 2: ÆÇ    
 ÈF± 7 ZJ< . 8) [ ]

Ÿ¦¡ T 456  j  #$  U€  1 

=> wPˆ ÉF <Ê sYU€ 2: (non-equibiaixal  – ---( 2σy – σ res)
 3
0 0 

stress state; σ Ë σ ) ¬,  Ì2  §  
Í Ÿ 2ˆ  V ÈHO U€ (σ )
res,x res,y
= 1 
0 – ---( 2σy – σ res) 0
 3 
7~U€ (σ ) s 10Î u Ï sYU€ 1
 
 – --- ( 2σ y – σ res) 
: ˆ ¹B ¡¢Ð< . E” ‘•.L ¤ 
0 0
11)  3 
 ÈFP   sYU€  ‘• ®  
uÉÑ §­c Pj a." YU€ 2:  È
[ ]

F ÒÓ 7@ ¨ no<. => Ô E4  ‘• 2

 --- σres 0 0 

 sYU€ 1:  ™Õ ) § _ ¤  3 
U! ‘•žV |Ö € ×23( ÒÓØ¿<. 4 
+  0 –1 --- σres 0 

q  Ö_ c 2 sYU€ 1:  uv 

3 

_ !, ³  uv  هG ‘•™-žV a  0

0 – ---σ res 
3 

§ " mÞ !§ ™ .m #$ 7~, ‘•™

~ F¾I ¨ ‘•: U€ σ <. σ  -σ / 3
¬ sYU€ 1:    i 7~
33 33 res

™( L ) « (3)  σ  ¯$2(A ) ä3( ¡


res 33 C

L res -σ ⋅ A
uni = -- (3)
3 res C

 ^@ ‘•œ iåP  noO ‘•™ 

L res
3(  e N¬,  j  uvˆ 
 ab" uv  هG ‘•™ FžVR ™ÕÚsÛ
Fig. 2. Typical distributions of stresses near welded joint; the
residual stress parallel to welded line, σres,x is dominant over the c C@± 7 Z<. =>  de @ ™ ¯$
line-vertical residual stress, σres,y . 2p °@I$ « (3) c  ÈF± 7 Z<.
      ¯$2(A )ˆ de ™ (σ) ‘•™ TO j!
 ÀÁB ^@O †i ÌaF@ ¹ « (6) (7)( ÒÓØ¿<. ¡ý ‘•  Berkovich ‘•D

$ ¯$2 « (4)ˆ  ‘•™ V23( sæO<. ‰ŠO ¯$2 e Tc 3Þ 2 e« i• O 8)

r$ .L ™ø  Pþ2 u ^@O Vickers

(4) ‘•D E”‘•.L  R , R , R KL2 2 e u
L T L 0L C
H = ------- = ------ = -------
7_ ´ « (6)3( ¯$2 ‘•™ j! #‹¿<.
T C 0 1 2

ç è^O ‘•œ(h )   t uv ‘•D/.m

® ¯œ(h ) ) ¯$2(A ) L ‘•™ ´  A = R L + R L + R
  uv(L   t uv ‘•™ L
C C T c 2 1 0

s  i 7~™ pé ¾O ê)  ‘•D de@ ™  ?  ‘•™ V23( rsæ

T 0

 sink-in œ(h ) j (  h ˆ A ( ¾c c ¾ ¨3( F@IJ, ( ÿ « (7)   T T

« (4) †i_ ^@B k.;<. rT(   eF ÒÓØIJ< .

n C C

t uv ‘•™(L ) s  i 7~™ pé

‘•™ ½FO ‘:  uv(‘•™; L )  ‘ σ = -------
σ  σ
- L –  -------- L (7) res res
L  L 
•D  pile-up ë(h )F c ¯œˆ ¯$2
C 0
res res

³³ h ˆ A ( ½Fc « (4)_ pì.;< . Ÿ¦¡ ‘ sYU€ 1:  i 7~™ @ ˆ « (6), (7)

C C 6-8)

•. pile-up  íO î” ï  sink-in Tð pile- « (5) T•c @$  ÈF« « (8)( @

up ë ¾(   € O<. ç « (3) I¬, Ω R L + (R – R L )L + (R – R L )L – R L (  3 2

¯$2  uv => e¬,  de  ‡G<.

2 T 1 2 0 T 0 1 0 T 0 0

@ ™ ¡¢¡ ¯$2 e_ 2Xà ÒÓØc 

 ÈF± 7 Z<. L
σ = 3 ------------ (8)
uni 2

sYU€ 1:   FG .m L ‘•™ Ω res

Fc h ‘•œ_ !.; ñ, ãò óôõ(rigid


frame)3( ‘•Dˆ .m 4”c  ab. i ¼T


‘•œ h( kIiö ¿<. Ÿ 3      !  "# $% &'

 ^÷® de./$  t uv ¯u3( sYU€ 1: ( σ ≠ σ , σ = 0 ) 

Fø23( W‰IP   ‘•D   €3( Ÿ 4(a) 4q  Ö ³³ 30 mmˆ 160 mm ? ®

res, x res, y res, y

IJù sink-in œF abI$ ‘•D_ .m#$  (inner span) µ ®(outer span) ´iö aÑ¿, ?
„‡?» (rebounding force) ÑB "< . Ÿ¦¡ ã ® Ö4 ¡¹_ » .m sYU€ 1:  ! 6-8)

ò óôõ 4” ‘•œ kI, ‘•D_ „‡? iö ¿<. Ÿ 4(b)ˆ  .m  U€ F(¦ 
  ‘•™ ) ¯$2 ½F.;<(L úL , A úA ).   ‘:3( V23(  1: ( σ ≠ 0 , T

‘•D_ #$  „‡?  L ( #.$,  de σ = 0 ) !IJ<. ‘•.L ø ? ® ˜ 

T 0 C C res, x

Ì¥ ‘•™ e 2§« (5)( ¡¢û 7 Z<. .m  U€3( \  P¸P è^ß(, 1W 
res res, y

 ¥ .m  U€ F(¦ c¦  E”‘• .L

L L L + = L ∫ dL
uni +
7H¿<. .L O ¹³ .m  ë 

F ³³ 30 24 200 mm_ Fk¬, # 1 5! P`2 6

0 T res T res

(5) ! ´ SS400 45ã ¹¿<. .m 500 C  1.

= L + ---∫ d ( σ ⋅ A ) o

® è˜ ‡ ØO ñ ý c ? j   a
T c
3 LT

2§« üP    de @ ™ ¡¢¡  b¿, E” ‘•.L ô Bk  c #$

Fig. 3. Schematic diagram for the changes in contact load and morphology during maximum depth controlled stress relaxation6-8).
40 10 (2002 10) 1045

‘• ÞF t KL23( A¿<.

sYU€ 1:  O ¥  è^O 4ÎF
" ? ®(inner span) ?  .m _ F(k$
3 mm ®3( 3& E” ‘•.LV !c 
€ §­D ¿<.  j  uvˆ ab"
uv  هG ‘•™ FžVR ™Õc  ‘•œ
   eO ‘•™ sYU€ 1: 
 i 7~™3( C@¿<. « (6)3( #‹" ¯$
2 ‘•™ j!  i 7~™ C@°_ ¼
  ÈF« (8) T•c  §­¿<.

   ) * /0 12 3

‡ Ø ¤  ab" SS400 ã .m  هG
<™ ‘•™-žV Ÿ 5(a) ¡¢?J3¬, 9^ ‘•

Fig. 4. (a) Photograph of 4-point bending jig and (b) formation of

uniaxial residual stress in a rectangular beam specimen using the
stress-generating jig.

 1000 ¹Í( E¿<. .m N 9$ ô B

k_ c !  C@, ·* ”i §­Q
(ultrasonic velocity analysis)  ¤ C@O !`7ˆ Íz

 s_ c " sYU€ 1:  `¿<.

 () *+ ,- .
Vickers ‘•D_ O Frontics ¹ AIS 3000R 
c 0.3 mm/min ‘•”i( E”‘•.L H¿<. 
À Á`t ‘•.L 5 è^iö  j
k l .mi 4q kŸ  » ‚ E” ‘•.L
 GH¿<. 196 N ÿ 392 Nk 49 N  ‘•™ ½
F./$ ™F-ab- F ¹ ´ <™ E”‘
•(multiple continuous indentation) UQ3(  t
uv ‘•žV !¿3¬, ³ ™9`  « (1) 
c `" ¯6! ?¶(interpolation)c  ‘•œ
 T ¯6! C¿<. O  t u
v  هG 9^ E”‘•žV(single continuous indentation Fig. 5. (a) Multiple continuous indentation curves for stress

curve) ™ÕsÛ_ ¤c <™ ) 9^ ‘•UQ O

relaxed state and (b) superposition of indentation loading curves
from various uniaxial stressed states for SS400 steel specimen.

Table 1. Chemical composition and mechanical properties of SS400 steel specimen

Sample C Mn Si Cu P S Zn Elastic modulus Poisson ratio Yield strength
SS 400 wt(%) 0.148 0.458 0.213 − 0.012 0.018 − 209 GPa 0.29 267 MPa
Table 2. Contact properties evaluated from the unloading parts in
the multiple indentation curve for SS400 beam specimen
Indentation load (N) Fitted unloading curve Contact depth (µm)
196 L=8.27(h-hf)1.61 64.9
245 L=9.49(h-hf)1.55 74.2
294 L=7.43(h-hf)1.65 83.1
343 L=7.98(h-hf)1.62 91.2
392 L=9.58(h-hf)1.55 98.5

Table 3. Power-law fitted loading curves of various uniaxial stress

and stress-free states for SS400 beam specimen
Stress state Fitted loading Stress-induced load
(MPa) curve at 90 µm depth (N)
Fig. 6. Stress evaluated from the uniaxial indentation model based
261 L=0.160h1.66 -30.1 on theoretical unloading curve analysis partially deviated from the
198 L=0.119h1.74 -17.1 applied residual stress of SS 400 steel beam.
115 L=0.121h1.74 -10.2
40 L=0.152h1.69 2.2
-34 L=0.139h1.72 9.1 4567 89: 3;<= >+  ?@ AB C<
-116 L=0.161h1.69 15.2 Ÿ 7(a)  t uv  392 N ‘•™
-190 L=0.184h1.67 22.2 F' f  Vickers ‘’ u Á(O ¨<.
Stress-free (0) L=0.147h1.70 −

žVi dÌà ™ÕI‡ ‘•UQ =Ê Nu ÞF

t A± 7 ZJ<. O  t uv ‘•ž
V  هG ‘•™ FžV sYU€ 1: 
O ‘•™ FžV ue Ÿ 5(b) ™Õc ¡
¢?J<.  U€ F(¦ ^: ‘:   
3( eÄ => ‘•™ FžV  t u
v ‘•™ FžV s   ÿ !Ê3( èÄ
 A± 7 ZJ<. # 2   t uv SS400
ã .m  هG <™ ‘•™-žV §­c c¦
‘•™ 9`  `" ¯6! ¡¢?J<. « (6) 
 ¯6! ‘•™ 2Þ«3( ¡¢?J f, 2 e u
7 R , R , R  ³³ -2.70 10 , 6.42 10 ) 7.48 10
4 2 -2

3( °@IJ<. # 3   uv T ‘•™

0 1 2

FžV u ©ª7 «(power-law equation; L=k h )3 mL

( 2 e, ^@O ‘•œ  sYU€ 1: 


  i 7~™( L )_ `¿<. # uni

2ˆ 3  4 G ¯6!  eO ‘•™


Dï_ sYU€ 1:  ÈF« « (8) T•¿<.

sYU€ 1:  ÈF ÒÓ c ÈFO ֈ
ô Bk( ÿ C@"  Ÿ 6  sÛ¿
<.  UQ  ÈF" ê ‘:  ø  
¹O °_ ¡¢?J3¡   ø  !ÞF j
¿<. « (8) Ã"# f  ÈF € |$
7 Z ™oO o3( « (1)( ÿ §­I ¯œ
!Þ_ R 7 Z<. Ô E4  î” ï E” ‘•.L. Fig. 7. Difference in the analysis from indentation load-depth
%B  ‘’  pile-up  O Ka ¯ curve with the real contact morphology; (a) underestimation of the
$2(¯œ) ½F_ »c &w 456 2± 7 Z theoretically analyzed contact area, AC by the effect of plastic pile-

iö  ÈF ‘•ÒÓ 7@¿<.

up and (b) schematic diagram for elastic-plastic contact morphology
with considering pile-up and elastic deflection.
40 10  (2002 10) 1047

 j O<. ,à   
equi-biaxial residual stress)
V ÈHO  kÎ2P fg sYU€ 1: 
3( ÒÓر 7 ZJ<.
2. ‘• |Ö sYU€ 1:  € î”
ï !  mÞ !§p   §
Ä3(Å sYU€ 1:  i 7~™( L )( a. uni

¿3¬, sYU€ 1:  ÈF« z-ˆ  i


L uni 2
σres = 3 ------------

3. 7@" sYU€ 1:  ÈF ÒÓ Ý½ c

q  kŸ_ c SS400 ã .m <NO 1:
Fig. 8. Comparison of the evaluated stress from the pile-up
 ‘:  uv_ !¿<. 2  u
v T ‘•™ FžV §­ Ä  j
modified indentation model and the residual stress measured from
strain gage. Two stress values from the contact-modified uniaxial
indentation model and the strain gage agreed well.
k l uv T <™ ‘•žV ™ ™ab §
×23( §­c `" ¯$2 c  È
« (1) c ‘•™ abžV  `" ¯$2(qV) F¿<. ‘•ÒÓ ¤ ÈF" Ö ô Bk
 sÛ$ ‘’  pile-up  Ka ¯$2 )  C@"  sÛ± f  ø  !Þ_ ¡
1.21Î( ½F ¨3( ¡¢Ð<. Ÿ 7(b)  pile-up j
. ¼T ‘•™  Á(I Ka ¯$2( A ) « 4. î”  ™ E” ‘•.L  ‘’ Â 
º¦G pile-up  ¡¢¡¬, (  ¯$2 ½FF

(1) ™ abžV  §­I ¯$2(A ) Þ_ Ò«


i( ¡¢£ ¨<. ‘’ Â !2  p »

O<. .þ ‹|†3( C@" ¯$2 ™abžV
c §­" ¯œ(h ) pile-up j ± f Ka ¯œ §­ ¤ `" ¯$2 s_ c ³ ™ 9`
( h )x< Ñ ê ¡¢£<.
T Ka ¯$2 x@¿<. x@" ¯$2 T•
c ÈF"  ‘: )   Ìr \/ 

Ka ¯$2 ½Fs( A /A )_ »c  j


ô Bk  C@"  ^Ö¿3¬, ( ÿ


k l uv ¯$2 <. `, « (6) ‘•


™ TO KL2 2Þ«3( 2 e./$ R , R , R  ³ sYU€ 1:  ÈF« ¢Ü! ݽIJ<.

³ -3.27 10 , 7.75 10 ) 9.03 10 ( °@IJ<. 7@
0 1 2
4 2 -2

" ¯$2 #‹« sYU€ 1:  ÈF« (8) T REFERENCES

•c ê §­¿<. Ÿ 8  ‘•ÒÓ ¤
§­" ê ô Bk( ÿ C@"  sÛ              

x$ ‘:  ø  ÖF )® *B ÈFI     !"#$%

&  '   (  )* +    ,  -./  
J3¡ 456 ˜Ì! wB € |Ö   *+ +  !"#0% 11#
ø  + ^Ö †€ ¡¢?J<. ( ÿ sYU€ 1  2   3 (   4  3*- 5  !""#% &6#
1:  T 7@"  uÉÑ S,  ÈF«
7 8 9 ) 3  -      

¢Ü! KL23( A± 7 ZJ<.

(+ 7 / *    !&:::% :1
0 2  ', ; * (   *    !""&% 067
6 8 9   ) 3   3   * <
*   !&::% :
$ 8 9 ) 3   *    !&::&% ":
# 8 9 2  8   ) 3   3  
¡ý ‘•.L ‘•œ a‡  de ÒÓØ ¤ * < *   !&::&% $77
c S" ÆÇ  ÈFPQ E” ‘•.L O " 4  4 2  ', ; * (   *  
&w  456  ÈF( ATP c ×2 ÒÓ  !""6% $0&

7@ ݽ KLR 7H¿3¬ E4° z-ˆ  : 5  , 2  ',

 !""6% $6:
; * (   *  

@¿<.  4 3 2   + 8 = > 2  

1. ÆÇ YU€ 2: (equi-biaxial residual stress)

   !""#%  1
& *  ?  - )  ( 4  )= 5+
uvˆ å &w 456  Â( sYU€ 2: (non- *   !""$% 1"61

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