De Khao Sat Tieng Anh 10 Lan 2 Nam 2022 2023 Truong THPT Ke Sat Hai Duong

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MÔN TIẾNG ANH – Khối lớp 10
Thời gian làm bài : 60 phút
(Đề thi có 03 trang) (không kể thời gian phát đề)

Họ và tên học sinh :..................................................... Số báo danh : ................... Mã đề 140


Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of the
primary stress in each of the following questions. (0.5p)
Câu 1. A. recover B. officer C. dependent D. domestic
Câu 2. A. independent B. economic C. invironmental D. possibility

Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. (2.75pts)
Câu 3. I usually _________all my assignments on Eclass for my teachers to mark.
A. upload B. read C. download D. check
Câu 4. Many__________animals have been saved thanks to community efforts.
A. endangered B. generous C. natural D. dangerous
Câu 5. Viet Nam is a member of many international ___________.
A. businesses B. organisations C. programmes D. communities
Câu 6. My teacher, ____________has been teaching for 25 years, finds it hard to make use of electronic
devices in her teaching.
A. whose B. that C. which D. who
Câu 7. The Korean are ____________than the American in addressing their bosses.
A. the most formal B. formal C. most formal D. more formal
Câu 8. In __________ learning, students may have face-to-face discussions, take online tests and submit
homework online.
A. normal B. traditional C. blended D. online
Câu 9. Nam: “Which gender, do you think, works harder: male or female?Lan: “____”
A. Both males and females are responsible for childcare.
B. I think it depends on individuals rather than gender.
C. Males like high position jobs more than females.
D. Females prefer to have a stable job .
Câu 10. Ba said he__________ some good marks the semester before.
A. have got B. had gotten C. got D. gets
Câu 11. We should _________action to protect endangered animals.
A. make B. get C. take D. do
Câu 12. ___________is the gradual increase of temperature on the earth's surface due to greenhouse effect.
A. Extreme weather B. Natural habitats
C. Climate change D. Global warming
Câu 13. UNICEF has helped many ________ teenagers continue their education by offering them job
A. advantaged B. active C. disadvantaged D. talented

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the
underlined word(s) in each of the following Câus (0.5p).
Câu 14. Air pollution is a major cause of respiratory diseases or even lung cancer.
A. sorrow B. right C. action D. reason
Câu 15. Many species have become extinct each year before biologists can identify them.
A. endanger B. drain C. destroy D. discover

1/4 - Mã đề 140 -

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in
each of the following Questions. (0.5p)
Câu 16. Fresh water is very important to life because no one can live without it. Yet it is one of the limited
and most endangered natural resources on our planet.
A. Polluted B. Drinkable C. Running D. Clean
Câu 17. In my country, it is compulsory to go to school between the ages of five and sixteen.
A. essential B. selective C. optional D. necessary

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction. (0.5p)
Câu 18. A lot of people think that marriage women shouldn’t pursue a career.
A. think B. marriage C. A lot of D. pursue a career
Câu 19. We must stop discrimination on people coming from the rural area .
A. coming from B. must stop
C. rural area D. discrimination on

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer. (1.25pts)
For many years, scientists have been arguing about global warming. While they don't all agree about what
this might mean for Planet Earth, many think it is going on - and that we can do something about it. We need
a few more years to gather facts before anyone can say for sure. But people need to start now to do things to
stop it.
There are many types of gases in our atmosphere. Some of them absorb the heat from the sun and control
our climate. "Greenhouse gases” are those that hold the heat around the planet's surface. When we increase
the level of these gases, we upset the balance. These extra gases trap even more heat.
Some scientists say global warming has already started to change the environment. The Earth's
temperature has risen one degree Fahrenheit this century. Many scientists believe it could rise from two to
eight degrees Fahrenheit in the next hundred years. This would be the fastest rise in 10,000 years.
Sea levels could rise. Ice sheets could melt and add to the water level. Many places near the coast would
be in danger of flooding. If the climate change is too large and too fast, some plants and animals could really
suffer. They could even die out. Weather could become more violent and extreme. In some places there
would be more forest fires. But in other areas there would be more rain and snow, storms and floods.
(Adapted from
Câu 20. According to the passage, gases control our climate by _______
A. increasing its level B. changing the environment
C. upsetting the balance D. absorbing the heat
Câu 21. The word "it" in paragraph 3 refers to _______
A. century B. global warming C. temperature D. environment
Câu 22. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage!
A. Scientists have all agreed about global warming.
B. Climate change would cause forest fires everywhere.
C. The gases we increase trap even more heat.
D. Scientists say that global warming can never change the environment.
Câu 23. What is the passage mainly about?
A. Global warming and forest fires.
B. Global warming and suggested solutions.
C. Global warming and its advantages.
D. Global warming and its negative effects.
Câu 24. The word "extreme" in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to _______
A. gentle B. quiet C. severe D. peaceful

II. PHẦN TỰ LUẬN: 4,0 điểm

Give the correct form of each word in the brackets. (1.0p)
Câu 25. Habitat ____________ is the process by which a natural habitat becomes incapable of supporting its
native species. (DESTROY)
Câu 26. Gender equality is also a part of the _________ to the challenges facing society. (SOLVE)

2/4 - Mã đề 140 -

Câu 27. The Intel programme tries to deliver the “four Cs” to grade-10 students: critical thinking,
communication, collaboration, and __________. (CREATE)
Câu 28. Many digital textbooks are ____________ updated and often more vivid, helpful, creative, and a lot
of cheaper than those old heavy books. (CONSTANT)

Rewrite the following sentences beginning with the given words (1.0p)
Câu 29. Russia is bigger than any other country in the world.
=> Russia ___________________________________________________________________________
Câu 30. Electronic devices are bad for your eyes. Their radiation is very harmful. (whose)
=> Electronic___________________________________________________________________________
Câu 31." I won't have enough money to finish this job."
=> He said ____________________________________________________________________________
Câu 32.They will sue the company for wage discrimination. (sued)
=> The company _______________________________________________________________________.

Write a paragraph (120 – 150 words) about an international organization you know. (2.0p)
------ HẾT ------

3/4 - Mã đề 140 -

4/4 - Mã đề 140 -
Thời gian làm bài : 60 phút

(Không kể thời gian phát đề)

Phần đáp án câu trắc nghiệm:

Tổng câu trắc nghiệm: 24.
140 141 142 143 144

1 B D C C B
2 C A A C D
3 A D C A A
4 A B A B B
5 B A B A D
6 D B D D C
7 D C D D C
8 C D B C D
9 B C D D C
10 B B D B C
11 C D A A C
12 D D B B A
13 C B B D A
14 D B B C C
15 D C A D B
16 A B A D D
17 C A A A B
18 B D C A B
19 D C A C B
20 D C A D A
21 C A C C C
22 C A A C D
23 D D C C D
24 C D D A A

145 146 147 148 149

1 A B C A B
2 A B A A B
3 B C C C A
4 D A D B C
5 C C C C D
6 D B B B D
7 C B D D C
8 B D D D B
9 A D C A D
10 B C B A C
11 B D D A A
12 D A C C C
13 B C D B D
14 A C D A C
15 D D D D A
16 C D D A C
17 B A A B C
18 B C C A B
19 A C B C B
20 B C D C A
21 A C C C C
22 D A A C D
23 A D A C A
24 A A C D B

150 151 152 153

1 C C D A
2 B B A A
3 B A B D
4 C C D D
5 A C D B
6 A D B C
7 D D C C
8 D A B B
9 A C A C
10 B C A B
11 D D B D
12 B C B C
13 A C A A
14 A B C C
15 A A D B
16 A A C A
17 D C D A
18 A B D B
19 B A A C
20 D B A C
21 C B B D
22 D C C A
23 A A D C
24 A D D A
Phần đáp án câu tự luận:
Câu Nội dung Điểm
Give the correct form of each word in the brackets 1,00
25 destruction 0,25
26 solution 0,25
27 creation 0,25
28 constantly 0,25
Rewrite the following sentences beginning with the given words 1,00
29 Russia is the biggest country in the world 0,25
30 Electronic devices whose radiation is very harmful are bad for your eyes. 0,25
31 He said he wouldn’t have enough money to finish that job 0,25
32 The company will be sued for wage discrimination. 0,25

1. Form: (0.5pt)
+ Passage
+ Easy to follow
+ Coherent
2. Content: (0.75pt)
CRITERIA +Successful fulfillment of the task. 2.0 pts
3. Language: (0.75pt)
+ Appropriate vocabulary
+ Suitable connectors
+ Correct grammar
+ Punctuating / Spelling


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