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Novel insights into the management of rheumatoid arthritis:

one year in review 2024
E. Molteni1, A. Adinolfi2, V. Bondi3, P. Delvino1,3, G. Sakellariou4,5,
C. Trentanni3, N. Ughi2, M.R. Pozzi1, C.A. Scirè1,3,7

Rheumatology Unit, IRCCS San ABSTRACT tors (JAKi); on emergent indications in
Gerardo dei Tintori, Monza, Italy; New evidence from 2023 has slightly treatment strategy; on the management
Rheumatology Division, Multispecialist shifted some perspectives on rheuma- of difficult to treat RA and finally on the
Medical Department, ASST Grande
toid arthritis (RA) management. Gluco- definition of pre-RA. To make it easier
Ospedale Metropolitano Niguarda,
Milan, Italy; corticoids have reaffirmed their role as for readers, we have summarised the re-
Rheumatology, School of Medicine bridging therapy, while novel studies on search agenda from the EULAR recom-
and Surgery, University of JAK inhibitors have examined efficacy, mendations in Table I.
Milano-Bicocca, Milan, Italy; mechanism of action, and their poten-
Department of Internal Medicine and tial in high-risk populations, bolstering Glucocorticoids
Medical Therapy, University of Pavia, our understanding with real-world data. Besides being one of the oldest avail-
Pavia, Italy;
Additionally, among treatment strate- able drugs for RA, GC are still far from
Istituti Clinici Scientifici Maugeri
IRCCS Pavia, Pavia, Italy; gies, achieving low disease activity has being out-fashioned due to their ability
Epidemiology Unit, Italian Society emerged as comparable to achieving to provide rapid symptomatic relief and
for Rheumatology, Milan, Italy. remission in the long term, and new have a long-lasting impact on radio-
Emanuele Molteni, MD insights have been gained regarding ta- graphic progression. The debate on the
Antonella Adinolfi, MD pering both biological and conventional best strategy of GC administration in
Valentina Bondi, MD synthetic DMARDs. Furthermore, novel RA is still vivid, since robust evidence
Paolo Delvino, MD approaches have been proposed for has demonstrated a detrimental effect
Garifallia Sakellariou, MD, PhD managing difficult-to-treat RA and pre- on cardiovascular and infectious risk
Carlo Trentanni, MD
RA. In this paper, the reviewers aim to and an overall increased mortality in
Nicola Ughi, MD
Maria Rosa Pozzi, MD present the most relevant studies pub- patients receiving these drugs.
Carlo Alberto Scirè, MD, PhD lished during the last year in the field of The latest update of the EULAR rec-
Please address correspondence to: RA management. ommendations has taken the increasing
Carlo Alberto Scirè concerns about the safety of GC into
Epidemiologia, Introduction consideration. In fact, while the use of
Società Italiana di Reumatologia, The treatment of rheumatoid arthritis GC for bridging therapy in new-onset
via Turati 40, (RA) remains a central topic of interest RA is still supported, the taskforce
20121 Milano, Italy. for rheumatologists. The development underlined that treatment should be at
of recommendations and guidelines short-term, aiming at a rapid tapering
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-7451-0271
helps clinicians in the day-to-day man- and discontinuation (3).
Received on April 17, 2024; accepted in agement of patients to provide quality To support this recommendation, a
revised form on April 29, 2024.
and appropriate care. However, there dedicated systematic literature review
Clin Exp Rheumatol 2024; 42: 947-960. are still many areas of interest where (SLR) on the efficacy, safety, and du-
© Copyright Clinical and there is not enough evidence to guide ration of GC treatment on background
Experimental Rheumatology 2024.
clinical decisions. For this reason, start- disease modifying anti-rheumatic drugs
ing from the previous year One Year in (DMARDs) was performed. The evi-
Key words: rheumatoid arthritis,
Reviews, we updated the search in order dence retrieved made it possible to
glucocorticoids, JAK inhibitors,
to find new evidence able to answer to confirm the efficacy of GC as initial
strategy, difficult-to-treat RA, pre-RA
the open research questions raised by bridging therapy and the feasibility of
the European Alliance of Associations GC withdrawal within 2 years. Interest-
for Rheumatology (EULAR) recom- ingly, there were no studies evaluating
mendations (1, 2). GC courses shorter than 6 months. The
Therefore, we searched for novel in- results on the safety outcomes were
sights on the role of glucocorticoids conflicting, and this is in line with the
(GC); on the mechanism of action difficulty to fully correct for confound-
Competing interests: none declared. risks and use of Janus Kinase inhibi- ing by indication in observational stud-

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Table I. Research Agenda of the EULAR recommendations for the management of rheumatoid arthritis with synthetic and biological
disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs: 2022 update (adapted from Smolen et al. (3)).

Research Agenda

1. Glucocorticoids
- Is the risk of glucocorticoids (GCs) different if a specific cumulative dose has been used within a relatively short period of time, such as up to 3 or 6
months, or chronically over a number of years?
- What are the barriers and facilitators of GC cessation after induction therapy and how can a strategy for tapering and discontinuing be best implemented?
- Does the concomitant use of GCs at very low doses (1–3 mg prednisone equivalent) increase therapeutic success without producing unacceptable side
- Can the chronic use of GCs be prevented by rapid (i.e. within 3–6 months) switching of disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drug (DMARDs) in patients
who have active disease despite DMARDs of whatever kind?
- How frequent is the chronic use of GCs among patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) followed in resource poor countries and how could such chronic
use be mitigated or prevented?
- What are the effectiveness and safety profiles of (repeated) intramuscular glucocorticoids, for example, methylprednisolone 120 mg or triamcinolone
80 mg 1–4 times yearly?
- Are safety issues with chronic GC use related to pre-existing comorbidities and do patients with such comorbidities preferentially receive GCs rather
than advancing to biological/ targeted synthetic (b/ts) DMARD therapies?

2. Janus kinase (JAK)-inhibitors and bDMARDs

- To which extent do in vitro selectivity and in vivo selectivity differ among JAK inhibitors (JAKi)?
- Are the cardiovascular and malignancy risks of JAKi as seen in the ORAL-Surveillance study, different with JAK-1 or JAK- 1/2-selective agents than
with pan-JAKi?
- Which mechanisms lead to the cardiovascular events and the increase in malignancies seen with tofacitinib?
- Which mechanisms lead to the increased risk of thromboembolic events with JAKi?
- Is monotherapy of JAKi or combination of JAKi plus methotrexate (MTX) more efficacious than MTX+GC? Ideally, an active control arm using a
TNF-inhibitor (TNFi) or tocilizumab (plus MTX) should be included in such a trial
- How safe and efficacious is the use of a JAKi after another JAKi has failed?
- How safe and efficacious is the combination of a JAKi with a bDMARD, such as a TNFi, in patients who have failed to respond to multiple drugs?
- How safe and efficacious is the use of an IL-6 pathway inhibitor if a JAKi has failed?
- How safe and efficacious are abatacept, tocilizumab and rituximab after any of the other non-TNFi bDMARDs or a tsDMARD has failed?

3. Treatment strategy and risk stratification for DMARD use

- Can we identify new biomarkers to stratify patients and to predict therapeutic response or lack of response?
- Is tapering of bDMARD monotherapy possible?
- Will randomised controlled trials on tapering of bDMARDs and tsDMARDs, designed to following predefined predictors for maintenance of good
outcomes after their withdrawal, show success?
- How good is patient adherence to a bDMARD or tsDMARD and can non-adherence explain secondary loss of efficacy?
- How long should the duration of persistent remission be before conventional synthetic (cs)DMARDs can be tapered?
- Can taxonomy of RA be improved to guide therapeutic decisions?
- Can the identification of disease phenotypes inform tailored therapeutic use?
- Will therapeutic drug monitoring improve disease course and outcome and support decisions about switching within or between drugs?
- Is leflunomide equivalent to MTX as first line csDMARD therapy?
- Is there true secondary loss of efficacy or is this due to non- adherence? And if the former, what is the reason for this loss of efficacy?
- What is the optimal treatment target: remission or low disease activity?
- What is the true frequency of undertreatment and that of overtreatment in RA clinical settings?
- Does the risk stratification for bDMARD/tsDMARD initiation based on presence of good or bad prognostic factors as recommended by EULAR trans-
late into improved outcomes for both prognosis groups?
- Do patients who lack poor prognostic factors benefit as much from a switch to or addition of a csDMARD as from the additian of a bDMARD?

4. Difficult-to-treat Rheumatoid Arthritis

- What is the optimal treatment approach to refractory RA?
- Which other factors (e.g. life-style characteristics, treatment history) allow the best possible therapeutic decisions to be made?
- What is the optimal (therapeutic) approach to arthralgia suspicious for progression to RA?
5. Pre-Rheumatoid Arthritis
- What is the optimal (therapeutic) approach to arthralgia suspicious for progression to RA?

ies. In general, higher doses and higher data from randomised controlled tri- the inclusion of fitter patients in RCTs
cumulative doses were related to a als (RCTs) on low-dose GC (≤7.5 mg/ and that such studies are underpowered
worse safety profile, leading to higher of prednisone) with a follow-up of at to detect long-term and uncommon
risk of cardiovascular events and mor- least 2 years. The choice of RCTs was events. The SLR included 6 RCTs, the
tality. The use of GC was also related to intended as a mean to avoid the biases pooled results showed no significant
an increased occurrence of infections, caused by confounding by indication in increase in the overall occurrence of
osteoporotic fractures, and diabetes (4). observational studies, it should howev- adverse events (incidence rate ratio,
The safety of GC was investigated er be considered that the generalisabil- IRR, 1.08, 95% confidence interval
in a further SLR that included only ity of the findings might be affected by (CI) 0.86,1.34) and mortality, although

948 Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 2024

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a higher risk of infections was related zumab and abatacept to TNF inhibitors tor (GRM). The aim of this compound
to GC use (risk ratio, RR, 1.4, 95%CI (TNFi), including 17,663 patients. The is to deliver GRM selectively to acti-
1.19,1.65). The efficacy of GC in terms outcome was the proportion of patients vated immune cells expressing TNF,
of reduction of disease activity, radio- receiving GC after 12 months of bD- thus minimising the systemic side ef-
graphic progression and disability were MARDs treatment and the survival on fects of conventional GC. The primary
also demonstrated (5). GC during the follow-up. A significant endpoint of a change in DAS28 at 12
As the safety profile of GC remains the heterogeneity depending on the coun- weeks was met by ABBV-3373, with a
main concern limiting their use, some try was observed, with proportions of lower rate of adverse events compared
studies have investigated this area. An treated patients ranging from 30% to to adalimumab (12).
analysis based on a Swedish cohort of 85%. In all groups concurrent GC treat- The last year has seen a renewed re-
9656 patients with new-onset RA evalu- ment decreased over time, with an OR search interest on the optimal place-
ated the impact of GC on the occurrence of withdrawal (vs treatment start) of ment of GC in the treatment strategy of
of serious infections, taking into con- 2.19 (95% CI 1.58, 3.04) for TNFi, 2.46 RA, however there are still many unan-
sideration time-varying confounders. (1.39, 4.35) for tocilizumab and 1.73 swered questions in this area. In fact,
Patients were categorised into GC non- (1.35, 2.21) for abatacept. The median there is no evidence on the impact of
users, low dosage GC (≤10 mg/day) or time of GC discontinuation was around duration of GC treatment, of very low
high dosage GC (>10 mg/day of pred- 2 years in all groups, with a certain vari- dosages and repeated parenteral admin-
nisone) in separate periods of 90 days. ability among countries, however not in istration. Moreover, there are no strate-
This analysis showed a trend towards a line with current recommendations (9). gic studies on GC withdrawal, includ-
dose-dependent effect, with current use A meta-analysis of individual patient ing switching DMARDs for this pur-
at higher dosages and the cumulative data from 7 RCTs assessed the risk of pose. The information on the patterns of
exposure in the most recent year being continuing GC after an initial bridging GC prescriptions in low-income coun-
related to higher risk of infections (6) period. The overall risk was low after tries are scarce, and, finally, it is still ex-
Cardiovascular safety is a further issue the up to 2 years of follow-up, how- tremely hard to define whether the side
when prescribing GC. An administra- ever the risk was slightly higher with effects of GC are determined by the
tive claim-based study held in Hong oral GC than parenteral administration. drug itself or rather by the administra-
Kong on 12,233 RA patients, followed- Higher cumulative dosages after the tion to a more fragile population.
up for a median follow-up of 8.7 years, end of the bridging period were related
demonstrated that 7% of patients expe- to a higher initial dose and a slower ta- Take-home messages
rienced a major acute cardiovascular pering. (10) • Balancing side effects with thera-
event (MACE). In a multivariable Cox A secondary analysis from the GLORIA peutic efficacy, GCs remain a valua-
analysis including concurrent treatment (Glucocorticoid LOw-dose in Rheuma- ble tool, and their effectiveness in re-
and C-reactive protein (CRP) levels toId Arthritis) trial, assessing the effi- ducing disease activity, radiographic
to account for disease activity, a dose cacy of 5 mg/day of prednisone add-on progression, and disability has been
≥5 mg of prednisone/day throughout to the standard of care in patients aged demonstrated (3).
the follow-up resulted in an increased more than 65 years, evaluated the im- • The primary limitation of GC use is
risk, with a hazard ratio (HR) of 1.87 pact of GC withdrawal after 2 years on safety: a dose-dependent effect, with
(95%CI 1.60, 2.18), while lower doses disease activity, flares and adrenal in- current usage at higher doses and
did not lead to a higher rate of events. sufficiency. There were no significant cumulative exposure in the most re-
These underline that even lower doses, differences between patients on GC or cent year, has been associated with a
when taken for long periods, can be placebo in terms of change of DAS28, higher risk of infections and the oc-
detrimental (7). while the RR of flare was 1.37 (95%CI currence of major adverse cardiovas-
A relevant clinical dilemma in everyday 0.95,1.98), with a tendency toward a cular events (4-7).
practice is represented by the difficulty higher risk in patients on GC although • Tapering GCs is still controversial,
in tapering GC, especially in patients not reaching statistical significance, with trials showing varied results,
with long-term GC treatment, and pa- taking into consideration that the analy- but after 2 years of discontinuation,
tients receiving biologic DMARDs sis was based on 36 flares. There were the number of flares does not signifi-
(bDMARDs) are representative of such no cases of adrenal insufficiency (11). cantly increase (10-11).
situation (8). In the last year novel molecular mecha- • The molecular mechanisms of GCs
The aspect of GC tapering was also nisms, exploiting GC-like effects, have are still under study to synthesise
addressed by an analysis based on the also been tested. In a proof-of-concept new drugs with GC-like actions but
TOcilizumab Collaboration of Europe- phase II RCT, 48 patients with mod- without their side effects (12).
an Registries in RA (TOCERRA) and erately active RA were randomised to
Paneuropean Registry collaboration for receive either adalimumab or ABBV- Janus kinase inhibitors
Abatacept (PANABA) observational 3373, a novel antibody–drug conjugate Janus kinase inhibitors are a class of tar-
collaborative studies, that integrate composed by adalimumab and a propri- geted synthetic DMARDs (ts-DMARD)
several RA registers comparing tocili- etary glucocorticoid receptor modula- that currently includes five drugs ap-

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proved for the treatment of RA: tofaci- into cellular inhibition of JAK/STAT statistical significance. Conversely, the
tinib, baricitinib, peficitinib, upadaci- signaling. Despite differences in JAK risk of all-cause mortality for tofaci-
tinib, and filgotinib. The mechanism of selectivity, the cytokine inhibition pro- tinib was notably increased compared
action is based on the interaction with files of currently approved JAKi were to adalimumab (odds ratio (OR) 1.9,
non-receptor tyrosine kinases (JAK1, highly similar, with a preference for 95%CI: 1.12–3.23). Interestingly, ba-
JAK2, JAK3, and Tyk2), which transmit JAK1-mediated cytokines. Novel types ricitinib had the lowest risk of all-cause
extracellular messages to the nucleus of JAKi exhibited a narrow cytokine mortality among JAKi. Moreover, both
via the Janus kinase signal transducer inhibition profile specific for JAK3- or baricitinib and upadacitinib showed an
and activator of transcription JAK/ TYK2-mediated signaling. The neces- incidence of all-cause mortality lower
STAT pathway (13). Since we have lim- sity of understanding which pathway of than adalimumab (15).
ited head-to-head data on the selectivity the JAK-STAT transduction mechanism These findings were corroborated in
and efficacy of JAKi, a Finnish study is inhibited has been underscored by the real-world settings: in a national cohort
conducted an in vitro head-to-head recent concern raised by the ORAL Sur- study from Sweden, researchers com-
comparison of the five JAKi approved veillance trial about tofacitinib. Indeed, pared the incidence of MACE in pa-
for RA and five molecules under clini- since this pan-JAK inhibitor blocks sev- tients with RA treated with tofacitinib,
cal evaluation (deucravacitinib, decer- eral intracellular signal pathways, it ap- baricitinib, and upadacitinib against
notinib, itacitinib, ritlecitinib, and brep- pears to increase cardiovascular risk in both TNFi and other bDMARDs, as
ocitinib). The analysis centered on the certain patients. The goal for the future well as against the general population.
drugs’ ability to inhibit catalytic activ- is to identify which pathway is associ- Patients were recruited from 2016 to
ity, their capacity to bind to kinase and ated with cardiovascular damage and 2022 in the national Swedish Rheu-
regulatory pseudokinase domains, the how each JAKi mechanism interacts matology Quality Register for a total
inhibition of cytokine signaling in pe- with it (14). of more than 13,000 persons, 3,037 of
ripheral blood from healthy volunteers, The ORAL Surveillance trial, a ran- them starting a JAKi. After a median
and the percentage of cytokine-induced domised, open-label, non-inferiority follow-up of 1.62, 1.6 and 1.7 years for
STAT phosphorylation at clinically rel- study requested by the Food and Drug patients treated with JAKi, non-TNFi
evant concentrations of JAKi. These ex- Administration (FDA), aimed to com- and TNFi respectively, the authors
periments were conducted in vitro using pare the risk of developing MACE and highlighted that among patients in JAKi
isolated peripheral blood mononuclear malignancies in patients aged over 50 therapy, only 59 had a MACE (mainly
cells (PBMCs) obtained from patients with cardiovascular risk factors who in patients assuming baricitinib) and
with RA and from healthy donors. Pan- were treated with either tofacitinib or the sex and age-standardised incidence
JAK inhibitors (tofacitinib, baricitinib, a TNFi for RA. This trial, which has ratios were similar in the JAKi (0.88)
peficitinib) targeted JAK1, JAK2, and been subject of debate, revealed that to- and TNFi (0.91) cohorts. Moreover,
JAK3 with high potency (IC50<10 nM) facitinib may expose patients to a high- when comparing the occurrence of
except baricitinib, which was less effec- er risk of these adverse events. Thus, MACE and myocardial infarctions
tive toward JAK3; on the other hand, both FDA and the European Medicine in JAKi-treated against TNFi-treated
JAK1-targeted inhibitors (upadacitinib, Agency strictly regulated the possibility populations with cardiovascular risk
filgotinib, itacitinib) inhibited most po- to prescribe tofacitinib and all the other factors, the adjusted hazard ratios (HR)
tently JAK1, even only itacitinib was JAKi and these decisions were received were 0.71 (95%CI 0.52–0.99) and 0.65
the only clearly JAK1-selective inhibi- in the 2022 EULAR recommendations (95%CI 0.41–1.02) respectively. Con-
tor (39-fold over JAK2), whereas fil- of RA treatment (3). sequently, this study suggests that in the
gotinib and upadacitinib also targeted During the past year, there has been short-term follow-up period (in com-
JAK2 (2-fold selectivity for JAK1 over widespread discussion regarding the parison to the ORAL Surveillance trial
JAK2). Notably, JAK1-targeted inhibi- true extent of the risk of major adverse where the median follow-up was ap-
tors did not potently inhibit JAK3 and cardiovascular events (MACE) and proximately 4 years) and with different
TYK2. Interestingly, the inhibition malignancies associated with Janus ki- inhibition pathways of JAK, there is no
percentages of cytokine-induced STAT nase inhibitors (JAKi), with re-analysis difference in the incidence of MACE in
phosphorylation for clinically relevant of data from principal RCTs and new patients treated with JAKi or TNFi (16.)
concentrations of each JAKi did not studies on real-world populations. Wei A favourable safety profile under cardi-
demonstrate significant differences be- et al. conducted a SLR and network ovascular risk was also demonstrated in
tween pan-JAK and JAK-selective in- meta-analysis, which included a col- an Italian real-world study on filgotinib:
hibitors. Moreover, this study revealed lection of RCTs focusing on the inci- both bDMARDs naive and bDMARDs-
that JAKi inhibition of STAT phospho- dence of MACE and all-cause mortality inadequate responders did not exhibit a
rylation was more pronounced in PB- associated with JAKi. After selecting higher incidence of MACE after 2 years
MCs from RA patients than in those and analysing 14 RCTs, the difference of follow-up (17).
from healthy individuals. As a result, the in the risk of MACE between JAKi The second warning raised from the
authors concluded that inhibiting JAK and tumour necrosis factor inhibitors ORAL Surveillance trial was the higher
kinase activity did not directly translate (TNFi) and abatacept did not reach incidence of malignancies in patients

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treated with tofacitinib. This issue has genicity. For example, inhibiting JAK2 the use of a second JAKi and switch-
been investigated in patients treated might impact thrombopoietin receptor ing to a bDMARD demonstrate similar
with other JAKi, and data were synthe- signal transduction, which plays a role efficacy in reducing disease activity.
sised in a meta-analysis by Russell et al. in platelet activation. However, the pre- However, when discontinuation of the
The authors analysed 62 RCTs and 16 cise role of JAK2 in platelet activation first JAKi occurs due to adverse events,
long-term extension studies involving remains uncertain. Additionally, other it is more likely that the second JAKi
all JAKi approved for RA. Each JAKi pathways not directly linked to the will also be discontinued for the same
(tofacitinib, baricitinib, upadacitinib, JAK/STAT pathway may be affected, reason, suggesting that switching to a
filgotinib, peficitinib) showed no sig- leading to unintended prothrombotic bDMARD might be a more reasonable
nificant differences in malignancy inci- outcomes. Moreover, the pre-existing alternative in this scenario (21).
dence compared with placebo or MTX conditions of patients exposed to JAKi Among different mechanisms of action
(IRR 1.06; 95%CI 0.58–1.94), while often entail an increased risk of throm- (MOA), both JAKi and b-DMARDs
when comparing JAKi to TNFi, the in- boembolic events (such as RA itself, as (sarilumab and tocilizumab) directly in-
cidence of all malignancies was signifi- well as factors like age and obesity). terfere with the interleukin 6 pathway.
cantly higher in the JAKi group (IRR Nonetheless, the exact mechanism by An interesting study compared clini-
1.63; 95% CI 1.27–2.09). Since the which JAKi elevate thromboembolic cal responses in patients with RA who
ORAL Surveillance trial was included events remains incompletely clarified switched from an interleukin 6 receptor
in the RCTs, the authors conducted an at present (20). inhibitor (IL-6Ri) to a JAKi and vice
influence analysis excluding this study. Since the recent introduction of multi- versa. The primary outcome was the
While the effect remained in the direc- ple JAKi, the effectiveness of intraclass CDAI after six months of therapy. In
tion of a higher malignancy incidence cycling is not fully understood. An in- both groups, the improvement was clin-
with JAKi compared with TNFi, it teresting study aimed to compare the ef- ically significant, and even the adjusted
was not statistically significant. Con- ficacy of switching to another JAKi ver- comparison of CDAI at the beginning
sequently, the authors suggested that sus switching to a bDMARD in patients of the treatment and after 6 months be-
JAKi are not associated with a higher with RA after failure of the first JAKi. tween IL-6Ri initiators and JAKi initia-
incidence of malignancies but are not The observation period started from the tors showed no significant differences.
as protective as TNFi in patients with failure of the first JAKi up to the failure Secondary outcomes such as the Health
RA (18) However, the potential mecha- of the second b/tsDMARD. Two thou- Assessment Questionnaire, patient-re-
nisms associated with an increased risk sand patients were enrolled from 17 dif- ported pain, and fatigue also improved
of MACE and malignancies have not ferent registries worldwide: 365 were in both groups without significant dif-
yet been fully elucidated. treated with a second JAKi, while 1635 ferences. The only notable result high-
Currently, it is known that tofacitinib received another bDMARD. Disease lighted by the authors was that IL-6Ri
can lead to dose-dependent increases in activity was assessed using the clinical initiators (with moderate-to-severe
lipid levels, including total cholesterol, disease activity index (CDAI) over time disease) had higher odds of achieving
low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cho- and was estimated using a linear regres- CDAI low disease activity (LDA) com-
lesterol, and high-density lipoprotein sion model, adjusting for confounders. pared to JAKi initiators (adjusted OR
(HDL) cholesterol. These alterations in Patients initiating a second JAKi were [95% CI]: 3.30 [1.01, 10.78]), suggest-
lipid profiles might play a role in the de- found to be older, more often seroposi- ing that switching from IL-6Ri to JAKi
velopment of atherosclerosis and sub- tive, had longer disease duration, re- and vice versa appears to yield compa-
sequent cardiovascular events. How- ceived a higher number of previous bD- rable responses in a short-term observa-
ever, the exact mechanism behind these MARDs, had longer exposure to the first tion period (22).
effects needs further quantification and JAKi treatment, and more often were on It would be intriguing to conduct a
investigation (18). Additionally, the im- monotherapy compared to those switch- comparison between JAKi as a first-
munosuppressive effects of tofacitinib ing to a bDMARD. After two years of line treatment against MTX plus GC
may hinder leukocyte’s ability to detect treatment, cycling to another JAKi was to explore the potential of blocking the
and eliminate malignant cells, poten- associated with a higher retention rate dysregulated JAK/STAT pathway in the
tially increasing the risk of cancer de- than switching to a bDMARD (hazard early phases of RA. Such a study could
velopment. Research has demonstrated ratio for withdrawal 0.82, 95%CI 0.68– demonstrate whether an aggressive ini-
that tofacitinib inhibits the proliferation 0.99). Adverse events were the most fre- tial therapy can induce and sustain re-
of natural killer cells, which could di- quent cause of discontinuation in both mission more effectively than the usual
minish the ability to regulate tumour groups. CDAI showed similar improve- standard of care, potentially preventing
growth and prevent metastasis (19). ment in both groups after 12 months of structural damage in patients with rheu-
Furthermore, JAKi could potentially follow-up (mean CDAI improvement 8 matoid arthritis.
disrupt the balance between prothrom- [95%CI 3.4–18.2] for the JAKi cycling
botic and antithrombotic factors, influ- group vs. 10.4 [95% CI 3.1–17.7] for the Take-home messages
encing platelet production and func- bDMARD group; p=0.79). In addition, • JAK inhibitors interfere with the
tion, and thus contributing to thrombo- after the failure of the first JAKi, both JAK-STAT pathway at various steps

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and with differing selectivity, yet The potential benefits of utilising a ance between therapeutic efficacy and
their cytokine inhibition profiles are hypothetical biomarker to predict re- pharmacological safety profile, the iden-
highly similar, showing a preference sponse to treatment for RA has been tification of distinct phenotypes of RA
for JAK1-mediated cytokines (14). formally evaluated through a Markov and their impact on treatment response
• Despite this similarity, pan-JAKi model comparing a standard treat-to- represents a key element in the RA re-
and more selective JAKi may have target (T2T) strategy with a biomark- search agenda. Recognising early onset
different risk profiles concerning er-guided approach, in terms of time RA and promptly initiating appropriate
malignancies and all-cause mortality spent in remission or LDA and asso- tapering strategies has significantly im-
(15, 18). ciated costs. Findings suggest that the proved patients’ outcomes over the past
• In a very short-term observation pe- biomarker strategy may lead to an addi- year. This improvement has resulted in
riod, the risk of MACE for JAKi is tional 2.9 months in LDA or remission enhanced quality of life and increased
not statistically different from that of over 48 months compared to usual care. life expectancy, particularly when com-
TNFi. However, long-term studies are While total costs were slightly higher pared to cases of late-diagnosed RA
needed to confirm this data (16-17). for the biomarker strategy, cost-effec- (27). Moreover, differentiating patients
• The exact mechanism underlying tiveness was influenced more by early with RA according to their autoantibody
both MACE and malignancies in and proactive tapering of medication status, including both rheumatoid factor
JAKi therapy is still partly under- and drug costs rather than biomarker (RF) and anti-citrullinated proteins anti-
stood (19-20). characteristics (23). bodies (ACPA), is known to have rele-
• Further studies are needed on cy- Unfortunately, an approach based on vant implications in terms of both clini-
cling and switching of targeted syn- individual biomarkers has not yet iden- cal response and prognosis. A recent
thetic/biologic DMARDs after JAKi tified useful tools for precise identifica- SLR with meta-analysis, incorporating
failure, and robust data on JAKi as tion of patients responsive to specific data solely from RCTs (n=23), aimed to
first-line therapy are lacking (21-22). treatments. More pragmatically, several investigate the role of rheumatoid fac-
studies agree on identifying markers of tor (RF) and anti-citrullinated protein
Treatment strategy inflammatory activity as useful factors antibodies (ACPA) in predicting clini-
and risk stratification for identifying patients more likely to cal response to bDMARDs in RA. The
In the treatment landscape of RA, em- respond, combining diagnostic poten- findings from the meta-analysis suggest
phasis has shifted from singular medi- tial with predictive potential. that bDMARDs demonstrate compa-
cation approaches to comprehensive An UK study aimed to identify prot- rable efficacy in patients with both au-
therapeutic strategies. eomic biomarkers associated with clin- toantibody-positive and autoantibody-
One of the remaining frontiers in the ical outcomes in RA patients starting negative RA, regardless of the specific
treatment of RA is the personalisation etanercept, the study identified ten in- pharmacological mechanism of action.
of therapies. While we recognise cer- dividual proteins (including T-complex Moreover, in patients who are refractory
tain patient profiles that respond better protein 1 subunit eta) related to acute to TNFi, the available evidence tends to
to treatments, we are not yet able to se- phase and inflammatory responses that suggest a higher response rate for bD-
lect therapies based on individual char- were significantly associated with RA MARDs in those who are seropositive.
acteristics. For patients achieving good clinical outcomes (24). However, due to the limited number of
disease control, treatment reduction The predictivity of synovial inflamma- studies, definitive conclusions cannot be
strategies can be applied, although op- tion as potential biomarker of treatment drawn at this time (28). In a recent pro-
timal schemes are still unknown. While response has been investigated by dif- spective observational study, Aripova
the available therapies have proven effi- ferent modalities, so far. New evidence and colleagues investigated the predic-
cacy, their acceptability and adherence further strengthens the concept that pa- tive role of an expanded antigen-specific
are often suboptimal. New challeng- tients with objective signs of synovitis ACPA profile compared to the commer-
es include transferring accumulated are more likely to respond to DMARD cially available anti-cyclic citrullinated
knowledge into clinical practice fully treatments. For example a study report- peptide (CCP)-3 assay in 1092 patients
and finding new ways to personalise ed a significantly higher uptake of [68 with RA initiating bDMARDs. Two out
treatments. Ga]Ga-FAPI-04 in synovial tissue com- the three expanded ACPA profiles, iden-
pared to non-responders (25). A synovi- tified by a principal component analysis
Biomarkers al biopsy study assessed 53 inflamma- and explaining –~ 70% of the variability
Current RA treatment guidelines lack tory arthritis patients including 34 RA: in ACPA expression, demonstrated a
recommendations for selecting person- in the follow-up study high-grade syno- significant superiority to predict posi-
alised b/tsDMARD therapies. This gap vitis were significantly associated with tive treatment response to bDMARDs
results in trial-and-error b/tsDMARD DAS28 remission, ACR20/50 response, compared to conventional anti-CCP-3
prescription until an effective class of and Boolean 2.0 remission (26). assay (29). The impact of the expanded
drug is found, highlighting the need for antigen specific ACPA profile was in-
predictive biomarkers to promote opti- Disease phenotypes dependent of the mechanism of action
mal treatment decisions. In the management of the delicate bal- of the bDMARD. In the hypothesis that

952 Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 2024

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RF may potentially reduce therapeutic recommendations emphasising the higher adiposity findings. These find-
drug levels through the interaction with early introduction of DMARDs in RA, ings suggest an increased probability
the fragment crystallisable (Fc) por- DMARDs were initiated in less than of achieving therapeutic goals through
tion of TNFi, a recent Spanish study one third of LORA patients (28.9%). the early initiation of TNF inhibitors in
retrospectively compared the retention This initiation was less likely in those patients with lower BMI (35).
rate of certolizumab pegol (CZP), the receiving long-term GC or with a his-
only TNFi lacking an Fc portion in its tory of severe infections. Remarkably, Adherence
structure, with other TNF-i according about ten percent of patients not treat- Adherence to treatment is a well-known
to baseline RF titre in 638 patients with ed with DMARDs were undergoing determinant of the efficacy of DMARDs
RA. After matching by using a propen- prolonged GC monotherapy. Factors in RA. With the wide availability of
sity score technique, patients with very positively associated with the use of highly effective oral tsDMARDs, ques-
high RF levels (≥200 IU/mL) exhibited DMARDs included younger age, fewer tions arise about the acceptability and
longer drug survival with CZP than with comorbidities, and higher income (32). adherence to this new class of drugs.
any anti-TNF monoclonal antibodies Therapeutic management of obese or Recent industry-funded analyses have
[HR 2.3 (95% CI 1.2, 4.3)] or etanercept overweight patients with RA remains focused on comparing adherence rates
[HR 2.8 (95% CI 1.5, 5.2)], irrespective controversial, with some studies sug- among bDMARDs and tsDMARDs. In
of age, co-medication with MTX and gesting lower treatment responses and a study assessing adherence to tofaci-
previous exposure to b/tsDMARDs. No worse outcomes in this population. tinib and self-injectable TNFi therapies
differences between groups were found Three recent studies examined the in RA patients using the Medication
when considering only patients with RF clinical effects of various bDMARDs Event Monitoring System, 112 patients
levels <200 UI/mL (30). and tsDMARDs in patients with RA, were included, with 76% initiating to-
The STRAP and STRAP-EU trials categorised by individual body mass facitinib and the remaining receiving
are two open-label, biopsy-driven, index (BMI). A first study, a retrospec- other TNFi. Tofacitinib demonstrated
phase-3 randomised controlled tri- tive analysis involving 2,515 RA pa- marginally better adherence compared
als conducted in the UK and Europe, tients (443 overweight and 829 obese) to TNFi (36).
respectively. These trials aimed to from the Swiss Clinical Quality Man- Another study comparatively assessed
evaluate the efficacy of rituximab, to- agement in Rheumatic Diseases reg- adherence to different tsDMARDs,
cilizumab, and etanercept in 226 bio- istry, demonstrated comparable ef- demonstrating better adherence for
logic disease-modifying anti-rheumatic fects among etanercept, infliximab, upadacitinib compared to TNFi and
drugs (bDMARDs)-naïve patients with abatacept, and adalimumab in terms other licensed JAKi. However, a sub-
rheumatoid arthritis (RA), categorised of achieving Disease Activity Score stantial level of non-adherence ranging
into B cell-rich and B cell-poor syno- on 28 joints (DAS28) remission within from 40% to 60% was observed for all
vial histopathology groups. The results 12 months, regardless of BMI (33) In investigated drugs, indicating that non-
showed no significant difference in a second study, a post-hoc analysis of adherence is still an unresolved issue
terms of ACR20 response between the the FINCH 1-3 RCTs, it was found that in RA regardless of the administration
tocilizumab/etanercept group and ritux- treatment with filgotinib at doses of 100 route (37).
imab group in either histopathology or 200 mg/day did not affect the like-
group. However, radiological progres- lihood of achieving a clinical response Tapering
sion was more frequent in B cell-rich based on baseline BMI. Interestingly, DMARD tapering is a relevant point
patients treated with rituximab (31). treatment with filgotinib did not lead to to consider when treating patients with
Although the classification based on significant changes in BMI throughout RA achieving remission or LDA, while
synovial pathotypes did not predict a the study period (34). Lastly, a second- the optimal individual strategy is far to
better response to rituximab compared ary analysis of the RACAT and TEAR be fully elucidated.
to alternative strategies, further studies RCTs explored whether BMI and adi- In the last year, trials investigating
are needed to explore the role of syno- pokine levels could significantly impact disease activity-driven tapering strat-
vial pathotypes in guiding therapeutic treatment response in RA patients re- egies for TNFi treatment, such as the
decisions for patients with RA. ceiving either triple therapy with MTX, Arctic Rewind trial, failed to demon-
Despite the progress in therapeutic sulfasalazine, and hydroxychloroquine strate noninferiority in terms of flare
outcomes for RA, managing patients or an early combination of MTX and occurrence, with flares observed in a
diagnosed with RA after the age of etanercept. The analysis revealed that significant proportion of patients taper-
65, known as late-onset RA (LORA), underweight or normal-weight patients ing TNFi compared to those maintain-
can be challenging due to a relatively and those with lower adipokine scores ing bDMARDs at a full dose. In this
higher disease burden and concerns were more likely to respond to the early trial, patients with RA in remission for
about serious adverse events. A recent introduction of etanercept compared to at least one year on stable TNFi dos-
retrospective study examined the thera- triple therapy. In contrast, no significant ages were randomised to tapering or
peutic management of 33,373 LORA difference was observed among obese maintaining TNFi therapy, with most
patients using Medicare data. Despite or overweight patients and those with patients also receiving csDMARDs.

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At 12 months, 63% of patients in the achieved in a small percentage (10%). mographic factors also play a role, with
tapering group experienced a disease The ToLEDo trial aimed to assess the smoking identified as an independent
flare compared to 5% in the stable TNFi non-inferiority of progressively spac- predictor for restarting infliximab, and
group. Notably, 19% of flares in the ing tocilizumab or abatacept driven women tending to experience more
tapered group occurred when patients by Disease Activity Score on 28 joints disease exacerbation than men. Under-
were receiving TNFi half-doses. Since (DAS28) versus maintenance at full standing these predictors can assist cli-
csDMARD dosages remained un- dose on disease activity, relapse, struc- nicians in selecting appropriate candi-
changed, it remains uncertain whether tural lesion progression, and function dates for tapering strategies, ultimately
reducing csDMARDs first might have in patients with established RA in sus- optimising treatment outcomes while
yielded better outcomes than tapering tained remission. In this open-label minimising the risk of disease flares or
TNFi first. The trial demonstrated that RCT, 60% of patients in the spacing worsening symptoms (43).
despite maintaining remission for one arm were able to space or discontinue Discontinuation of csDMARDs in RA
year, most patients still required con- their treatment by the end of the 2-year management is a matter of debate, es-
tinuous therapy with TNFi (38, 39). follow-up. However, the study could pecially regarding the duration of re-
Conversely, the Dose Reduction Strat- not demonstrate non-inferiority be- mission needed before tapering. ACR
egy of Subcutaneous TNFi Study tween the two arms for the main or any guidelines suggest a minimum 6-month
(DRESS) trial showed noninferiority of the secondary study outcomes. While remission period, but individual fac-
for tapering compared to maintenance guidelines suggest tapering biologic or tors like disease severity, treatment re-
strategy for major flares but not short- targeted synthetic disease-modifying sponse, and comorbidities can influence
term flares. This study involved patients anti-rheumatic drugs (b/tsDMARDs) this decision. Patients with severe dis-
with RA who had achieved LDA while as a viable strategy for patients in sus- ease may require longer remission for
on stable treatment with adalimumab tained remission, the ToLEDo trial in- stability, while those with milder disease
or etanercept, compared with continua- dicates no discernible benefit when this could taper sooner. Decisions should be
tion over an 18-month period. Despite approach is applied to patients receiv- tailored to each patient, considering dis-
slightly higher radiographic progres- ing TCZ or ABA (41). ease status and monitoring closely for
sion in the dose optimisation group, no Despite previous efforts to identify signs of relapse during tapering (3).
significant differences were observed predictors for successful discontinu- Furthermore, it is crucial to carefully
in major flare incidences, disease ac- ation of b- and ts-DMARDs, there re- consider the risk of flare when taper-
tivity, or radiographic progression in mains a lack of consensus on when or ing or discontinuing csDMARDs. In
the extended 3-year study. A follow-up in whom these medications should be this regard, an insightful letter by Lil-
study of the DRESS trial demonstrates discontinued. Some authors have at- legraven and colleagues provided reas-
that over a decade, disease activity– tempted to develop tests to predict RA surance (44). The authors enrolled 56
guided dose optimisation of TNFi in relapse after tapering TNFi, but these RA patients from the Arctic Rewind
RA leads to significant dose reduction efforts have not been successful so far trial who were taking csDMARDs (not
while maintaining disease control, in- (44) Indeed, the concept of “deep re- b/tsDMARDs) and had previously ta-
cluding a discontinuation attempt after mission” has emerged as a significant pered to half-dose, remaining flare-free
2.5 years. Adhering to a strict treat-to- predictor for successful discontinuation for at least 12 months. They divided
target approach is crucial for mitigating of b- and ts-DMARDs. Studies define these patients into two groups and as-
radiographic progression. These find- deep remission based on various crite- sessed the superiority of discontinuing
ings offer valuable insights for refining ria, often involving DAS measurements csDMARDs (26 patients) versus main-
dose optimisation recommendations in of sustained remission or sustained taining a stable half-dose (30 patients)
RA management, highlighting the im- LDA. Physical function, as measured regarding disease flare over an addition-
portance of optimising dosing strategies by the Health Assessment Question- al 12-month follow-up. During the ob-
and monitoring outcomes to ensure pa- naire (HAQ), has also been identified servation period, 10 out of 26 (38.5%)
tient safety (40). as a significant predictor. Lower HAQ patients discontinuing csDMARDs
The amount of evidence on the poten- scores at baseline are associated with experienced a flare, compared to 5 out
tial benefit of non- TNFi bDMARD successful bDMARD discontinuation, of 30 (16.7%) continuing a half-dose
tapering is more limited. The DREAM which is often linked to shorter disease regimen. Importantly, after the flare, a
study showed that tocilizumab discon- duration and less radiographic progres- significant proportion of patients in both
tinuation resulted in high flare rates, sion. Serological markers such as RF groups regained remission as defined by
with only 13.4% of patients in sustained and ACPA are additional predictors. DAS28 parameters (80.0% and 66.7%,
remission at 1 year (43) Another study, Seronegative patients are more likely respectively). Additionally, no signifi-
the Study on Abatacept and Tocilizum- to maintain LDA or remission after cant differences in radiographic bone
ab Attenuation (SONATA), found that discontinuation. Furthermore, low lev- damage progression, as defined by the
tapering tocilizumab or abatacept was els of acute phase reactants like CRP, Sharp-van der Heijde score, were de-
possible in only a minority of patients ESR, and IL-6 also predict successful tected between the two groups, suggest-
with RA, with complete discontinuation bDMARD discontinuation. Certain de- ing that discontinuation of csDMARDs

954 Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 2024

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might be feasible for some patients, (95% CI 38, 432); p=0.03] and adali- Treatment target
and structured follow-up of DMARD mumab [+28% (95% CI 6, 51); p=0.03]. in rheumatoid arthritis
treatment-free patients is advisable, but Moreover, in non-responsive patients, Our literature review from the past year
further studies are needed (44). TDM resulted in an earlier switch to did not yield any articles examining
other bDMARDs compared to conven- whether achieving clinical remission in
Therapeutic drug monitoring tional approach (11 vs. 2 participants RA leads to better outcomes compared
While bDMARDs have notably trans- for all three drugs; p=0.036). Although to LDA. However, there has been recent
formed the treatment landscape and the TDM approach did not reduce the criticism of the Boolean definition of
long-term prognosis for RA patients, a occurrence of adverse events, similar remission in RA, particularly regarding
considerable subset still struggles with or even better clinical outcomes were the stringent requirement for a patient
refractory disease or fail to sustain ad- observed in comparison to the conven- global assessment (PtGA) score of ≤1.
equate control over time. Therapeutic tional arm. The potential negative im- Many patients with RA may not achieve
drug monitoring (TDM), potentially pact of ADAs on RA clinical outcomes this threshold despite the absence of
coupled with the detection of anti-drug was confirmed by the recent ABI-RA swollen or tender joints and normal
antibodies (ADAs), emerges as a prom- multicenter prospective study, which CRP levels, often due to factors unre-
ising precision medicine strategy aimed included 230 patients with RA treated lated to inflammatory activity. To ad-
at optimising therapeutic outcomes in with different classes of bDMARDs dress this issue, a revised version of the
immune-mediated disorders. A recent (68 TNFi monoclonal antibodies, 82 Boolean definition (Boolean 2.0) with
study conducted in Norway examined etanercept, 50 tocilizumab, 30 rituxi- a PtGA threshold of 2 was externally
the association between serum adali- mab). ADAs were detected within 12 validated and endorsed by the ACR/
mumab levels after three months, treat- months in 38.2%, 6.1%, 20%, and 50% EULAR. This revision aims to improve
ment response, and drug discontinu- of patients receiving TNFi monoclonal agreement between the Boolean defini-
ation in a cohort of 340 patients with antibodies, etanercept, tocilizumab, and tion and index-based criteria for remis-
inflammatory joint diseases (97 with rituximab, respectively. An inverse cor- sion (49, 50). Adopting the Boolean
RA, 69 with psoriatic arthritis (PsA), relation between the detection of ADAs 2.0 definition allows for a broader clas-
and 174 with axial spondyloarthritis) and EULAR response at 12 months and sification of RA patients as achieving
(45). In patients with both RA and PsA, at each time point was observed in all remission, resulting in increased agree-
therapeutic response and drug persis- groups of bDMARDs (OR 0.19; 95% ment with index-based definitions. This
tence were significantly associated with CI, 0.09, 0.38; p<0.001). Notably, a sig- expanded definition does not sacrifice
adalimumab levels ≥6.0 mg/l [OR 2.2 nificantly lower concentration of inflix- the correlation with structural and func-
(95% CI 1.0–4.4) and HR 0.49 (95% imab and adalimumab was documented tional outcomes, providing a more in-
CI 0.27–0.80), respectively]. ADAs in patients with ADA positivity com- clusive approach to assessing remission
were detected in about 10% of patients, pared to those with ADA negativity. in RA management.
with a negative impact on treatment Likewise, non-responder patients ex-
response and drug survival. Previous hibited lower drug levels of etanercept Take-home messages
bDMARD use, non-combination with and adalimumab compared to respond- • Biomarker-guided strategies show
MTX, and the use of adalimumab origi- ers (47). Consistent with earlier find- promise in predicting treatment re-
nator compared to GP2017 were signifi- ings, there was a negative association sponse and optimising outcomes in
cantly associated with the development between concomitant use of MTX at RA, especially by assessing objec-
of ADAs. To explore how identifying baseline and the development of ADAs. tive synovial inflammation (23, 26,
serum trough levels of TNFi outside Additionally, an intriguing study by 28, 29, 31).
therapeutic intervals may impact clini- Martínez-Feito et al. investigated the • Adherence to DMARD treatment
cal decision-making, Pfeiffer-Jensen impact of baseline RF and ACPA lev- remains a critical issue, even with
and colleagues conducted an open RCT els on serum drug levels of infliximab, the introduction of oral ts-DMARDs
comparing the effect of a TDM ap- adalimumab, and certolizumab pegol in (36-37).
proach on reducing drug prescription 170 patients with RA. They observed • Tapering bDMARDs monotherapy
versus a conventional strategy in 239 that patients with high RF levels at in RA patients in sustained remis-
patients with chronic inflammatory ar- baseline had lower levels of infliximab sion often results in flares, indicating
thritis (99 with RA, 48 with PsA, 92 and adalimumab serum levels, and sec- inconsistent success in this approach
with SpA) receiving infliximab, adali- ondary non-response was more com- (38, 40).
mumab, and etanercept (46). Compared mon in these patients compared to those • Studies have not shown non-inferi-
to standard approach, TDM allowed a with low serum RF levels (48). These ority when tapering or discontinu-
significant dose decrease of infliximab findings underscore the importance of ing bDMARD therapy compared
[-12% (95% CI -20, -3); p<0.001] and implementing therapeutic drug moni- to maintaining full-dose treatment
etanercept [-15% (95% CI -29, -1); toring (TDM) algorithms to customise in preventing disease flares or joint
p<0.001], as well as a prolonged inter- treatment decisions and optimise drug damage progression (45, 47).
dosing interval of etanercept [+235% exposure in patients with RA. • It is commonly recommended to wait

Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 2024 955

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for at least six months to one year of with a similar number of prior targeted and even though specific sub-analyses
sustained remission or LDA before therapies (<20%) (52) When patients were not provided, these results were
considering tapering DMARDs (43- not fulfilling the EULAR definition arguably reflective of a population of
44). due to the failure of at least two target- RA and considerable functional dis-
• Adopting an individualised tapering ed therapies but without regard to the ability like D2T-RA. Probably, the best
approach may be an attractive addi- mechanism of action were classified as treatment strategy for D2T-RA could
tion to daily practice for effectively “alternative” D2T-RA (n=120 vs. 200 be the prevention of its development.
managing RA for both patients and non-DT2-RA), equivalent percentages In an Italian retrospective multicentre
rheumatologists (45-47). of remission and treatment escalation cohort study conducted between 2021
• Achieving “remission at the lowest were observed with an equivalent num- and 2022, 48 D2T-RA patients were
efficacious dose” is an important goal ber of therapy lines, notably with a sim- compared to 145 non-D2T-RA con-
in RA management, with therapeutic ilar pattern of response to anti-CD20 trols and a failure to start MTX within
drug monitoring potentially more and JAKi. Moreover, in this subgroup 3 months since diagnosis was associ-
beneficial than fixed-dose injection the absence of combination with MTX ated with features of D2T-RA (OR
spacing strategies (49-50). was associated with D2T-RA (63/120, 0.3, 95%CI 0.1–0.7, p=0.007; adjust-
53% and non-DT2-RA 128/200, 64%, ed OR 0.3, 95%CI 0.1–0.9, p=0.031
Difficult-to-treat p=0.046), but the inclusion of RA who for at least 6 months of MTX, GC >6
rheumatoid arthritis failed two TNF inhibitors with low pro- months). Moreover, persistent GC ther-
Refractory cases of RA, also known as portion of patients receiving MTX may apy (i.e. >6 months) was also observed
difficult-to-treat RA (D2T-RA), are rec- explain this finding. to be associated with D2T-RA (OR 4.8,
ognised clinical challenges in RA man- With regard to non-pharmacological 95%CI 2.3-9.7, p<0.001; adjusted OR
agement. Since 2020 a consensus-based treatments, the effectiveness of physi- 4.6, 95%CI 2.2–9.5, p<0.001 for at
definition of D2T-RA has widespread cal exercise for RA patients including least 6 months of MTX and MTX de-
for clinical practice and trials purposes D2T-RA was proved in a randomised lay) and these findings support the hy-
and the following was agreed upon to controlled trial on 217 people (90% fe- pothesis that an unsuccessful early RA
classify patients as D2T-RA within the male, mean age 59 years old) (53) In management due to treatment delay
framework of the EULAR recommen- this trial, 104 patients received a per- with MTX and inability to discontinue
dations: the failure of ≥2 b/tsDMARDs sonalised, supervised and longstanding GCs may lead to a D2T-RA status (54).
with different mechanisms of action af- (≥52 weeks) active exercise therapy Likewise, the potential role of MTX
ter failing csDMARDs along with the according to a standardised protocol against the development of D2T-RA
finding(s) of either active disease, dis- to be delivered by a trained primary was confirmed by the data from the
ease progression, impact on quality on care physical therapist as intervention Korean College of Rheumatology Bio-
life, or inability to taper GCs (51). in comparison with 98 patients treated logics registry. Out of 2321 RA treated
In the last year, very little but note- as per usual care. The change in the with b/tsDMARDs, 271 patients were
worthy evidence has come to light and highest-ranked Patient-Specific Com- classified as D2T-RA and the prior
might help to answer the latest research plaints Numerical Rating Scale score use of MTX was protective against
questions about the optimal treatment (0: easy; 10: impossible to do) for the D2T-RA (OR 0.36, 95%CI 0.23–0.57,
approach to refractory RA and about most limited activities at 52 weeks was p<0.001; adjusted OR 0.44, 95%CI
the factors which allow the best possi- the primary outcome and a significant 0.24–0.81, p=0.008 for age, body
ble therapeutic decisions to be made on improvement was shown in the inter- mass index, smoke, and use of GCs),
D2T-RA. vention group (mean difference and as well as the history of use of other
It is not yet possible to give a solid 95%CI -1.7 and -2.4,-1.0) overall. Sig- csDMARDs (sulfasalazine, OR 0.65,
answer to the critical question about nificantly larger improvements favour- 95%CI 0.47-0.90, p=0.008; adjusted
the optimal treatment of D2T-RA and ing the intervention were also shown OR 0.59, 95%CI 0.42–0.83, p=0.003;
scarce data were published on phar- for the secondary outcomes (the Pa- leflunomide, OR 0.76, 95%CI 0.57-
macological and non-pharmacological tient Reported Outcome Measurement 1.02, p=.061; adjusted OR 0.67, 95%CI
treatments which may be beneficial for Information System Physical Func- 0.49–0.92, p=0.013) (55).
such patients. tion-10, the HAQ-Disability Index, Unfortunately, it is unclear which fac-
In 2023, only one study described the re- the Rheumatoid Arthritis Quality of tors allow to predict the development of
sponse to targeted therapies in a French Life Questionnaire, the 36-Item Short- D2T-RA and to guide the best possible
retrospective cohort of 320 RA patients, Form Health Survey (SF-36) Physical therapeutic decisions in these patients.
where 76 were D2T-RA and 244 were Component Summary Scales and the Data on sociodemographic and clini-
non-D2TRA, and a higher percentage 6-minute walk test) except for the SF- cal features as predictors of D2T-RA
of remission (DAS28-ESR <2.6) was 36 Mental Component. A large propor- are sparse and inconsistent. Young age,
observed with anti-CD20 antibody tion of these patients were classified as elevated initial disability, long-standing
(7/26, 27%) and with JAKi (3/11, 27%) EULAR D2T-RA (intervention 44/101, disease, concomitant interstitial lung
compared with other targeted therapies 43.6% and usual care 46/90, 51.1%) disease, low socioeconomic status, and

956 Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 2024

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diabetes were found to be associated what occurs in patients with D2TRA- year. Additionally, only half of the doc-
with D2T-RA. On the other hand, re- inefficacy (58). However, RA patients tors who agreed with treatment actually
sults on disease activity, smoking and failing two TNF inhibitors showed treated pre-RA patients in their clinical
female sex were conflicting. Interest- similarities with D2T-RA who failed practice, citing concerns about poten-
ingly, the proportions of RF and ACPA ≥2 b/tsDMARDs with different mech- tial side effects as their main reason for
positivity did not differ consistently anisms of action and this suggest that hesitancy. However, among patients,
between D2T-RA and non-D2TRA in future updates of the EULAR definition most respondents were satisfied with
multiple studies except for a lower pro- of D2TRA might reconsider the role of the treatment, although satisfaction de-
portion of RF in D2T-RA in one study the mechanism of action further to the creased among those who progressed to
(52, 55-57). number of failures (52) Finally, it was confirmed RA (59).
A subset of patients was observed to proposed to consider the inflammatory The Abatacept in individuals at high
have a non-inflammatory refractory phenotype since PIRRA and NIRRA risk of rheumatoid arthritis (APIPPRA)
RA (NIRRA) in opposition to persis- may benefit from different treatment and Abatacept Reversing subclinical
tent inflammatory phenotype (PIRRA) approaches (57). inflammation as measured by MRI in
with elevated DAS-28-CRP, swollen ACPA positive Arthralgia (ARIAA) tri-
joint counts, CRP levels and synovitis Take-home messages als investigated the effects of abatacept
detected by ultrasound examination. • The optimal treatment for D2T-RA in patients with pre-clinical rheumatoid
In a cross-sectional study in the Unit- has still to be defined and first data arthritis (RA), focusing on clinical and
ed Kingdom, among 247 D2T-RA, a suggest that JAKi and rituximab imaging outcomes (60, 61).
substantial proportion of patients had might be considered based on higher The APIPPRA study was a phase 2b
no objective signs of inflammation remission rate than with other tar- RCT that included patients at risk of
(46/107, 43% NIRRA) and similar find- geted therapies (52, 54, 57, 58). RA, positive for both ACPA and RF, and
ings were observed when D2T-RA pa- • A comprehensive strategy includ- experiencing inflammatory joint pain.
tients were subclassified in polyrefrac- ing also non-pharmacological treat- Participants were treated with either
tory (i.e. failed at least 5 b/tsDMARD ments like physical exercise pro- abatacept or placebo for 12 months and
classes, 11/34, 32% NIRRA) with no grams should be implemented in the followed for an additional 12 months.
differences in terms of age, sex, time of management of D2T-RA (53). The primary endpoint was the time to
disease, and time on biologics between • Predictors of D2T-RA development the development of clinical synovitis in
PIRRA and NIRRA (57) Likewise, the and outcomes are yet to be identi- three or more joints or a diagnosis of
proportion of NIRRA was substantial fied, but unsuccessful early treat- RA according to ACR criteria. Second-
in another Italian study on DT2-RA ment due to delay in MTX com- ary outcomes included changes in pa-
(17/48, 35%) and treatment delay with mencement and GCs discontinuation tient-reported outcomes (PROs) and US
MTX was found to be associated with and noninflammatory disease pheno- findings, such as synovial hypertrophy
PIRRA (<3 months vs. >12 months, types might have a role in D2T-RA and power Doppler signal. The analy-
OR, 95%CI, 0.2, 0.1–0.8, p=0.015) patients (54, 57). sis of primary outcomes showed that
(54) Moreover, NIRRA was observed at 12 months, 6% of participants in the
to have high proportion of obesity Pre-rheumatoid arthritis abatacept group and 29% in the placebo
and fibromyalgia compared to PIRRA The concept of pre-clinical RA is not group met the primary endpoint. These
(n=24, 55% vs. n=15, 26%, p=0.004; yet fully established but is characterised proportions increased further at the
n=7, 15% vs. n=2, 3%, p=0.037, respec- by inflammatory arthralgia, positivity 24-month follow-up to 25% and 37%
tively) (57). These findings could have for ACPA and/or RF, and subclinical for the abatacept and placebo groups,
implications for management. signs of joint involvement on imag- respectively. Kaplan-Meier analy-
Thus, it is widely accepted that a defini- ing modalities like ultrasound (US) or sis demonstrated differences between
tion of D2T-RA is necessary, but a data- magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). the groups favouring abatacept at 24
driven update was also proposed. This pre-phase presents an opportunity months. Additionally, at 12 months, the
The importance of defining D2T-RA on to intervene early and potentially pre- proportion of participants with swollen
the basis of drug failures in opposition vent the progression to established RA, joints was higher in the placebo group
to other reasons for drug change (e.g. although the appropriate treatment ap- than in the abatacept group, although
safety or compliance) was confirmed proach remains controversial. this difference was less substantial at
in a Spain prospective study on 253 Many questions surround the early 24 months. Similarly, improvements in
patients (131 non-D2TRA and 86/122, treatment of pre-RA. A survey con- PROs were observed in the abatacept
71% D2TRA-inefficacy and 36/122, ducted among healthcare profession- group at 12 months but were not sus-
29% D2TRA-other) where the absence als and patients enrolled in the TREAT tained at 24 months. Regarding serial
of differences was observed between EARLIER trial revealed that only a US assessments, abatacept was found
non-D2TRA patients and D2TRA-other small percentage of healthcare profes- to reduce the progression of subclinical
with regards to sociodemographic char- sionals strongly agreed with initiating disease, with some effects sustained at
acteristics and disease activity, unlike treatment in pre-RA patients for one the 24-month follow-up (62).

Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 2024 957

Treatment novelties in RA / E. Molteni et al.

In the ARIAA trial, the primary ob- • The long-term benefits of treating pre- matoid arthritis: a systematic review and me-
ta-analysis. Rheumatology (Oxford) 2023;
jective was to assess the proportion RA patients are not fully understood,
62(8): 2652-60. https://
of patients experiencing any reduc- as progression to RA may increase
tion in inflammatory MRI findings at even after treatment withdrawal (63). 6. BARBULESCU A, SJÖLANDER A, DELCOI-
6 months among those with arthral- Conclusions GNE B, ASKLING J, FRISELL T: Glucocor-
ticoid exposure and the risk of serious in-
gia, ACPA positivity, and evidence of In our 2023 review of RA treatment, we fections in rheumatoid arthritis: a marginal
synovitis, tenosynovitis, or osteitis on followed the research agenda outlined structural model application. Rheumatology
baseline MRI scans. Participants were in the latest EULAR recommendations (Oxford) 2023; 62(10): 3391-99. https://
randomised to receive either abatacept for RA management. Throughout our
or placebo. After 6 months, 57% of review, certain topics garnered contin- Time and dose-dependent effect of systemic
patients in the abatacept arm and 31% ued interest, such as the use of GCs, glucocorticoids on major adverse cardiovas-
in the placebo arm showed improve- the potential risks of cardiovascular cular event in patients with rheumatoid ar-
ment in inflammatory signs on MRI. events and malignancies associated thritis: a population-based study. Ann Rheum
Dis 2023; 82(11): 1387-93.
Tenosynovitis exhibited the highest im- with JAK inhibitors, the exploration
provement rate, followed by a slight im- of new biomarkers, and the optimal 8. ADAMI G, FASSIO A, ROSSINI M et al.: Taper-
provement in synovitis seen only in the strategy for tapering and discontinu- ing glucocorticoids and risk of flare in rheu-
treatment group. Furthermore, after 18 ing DMARDs. However, there are still matoid arthritis on biological disease-mod-
ifying antirheumatic drugs (bDMARDs).
months, the difference in improvement areas that require further investigation, RMD Open 2023; 9(1): e002792. https://
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the proportion of patients progressing to therapy, understanding the molecular
matoid arthritis initiating TNF-inhibitors,
to RA was significantly higher in the mechanisms of JAK inhibitors, refin- tocilizumab or abatacept: Results from the
placebo group at both the 6-month and ing RA classification, and discerning international TOCERRA and PANABA ob-
18-month marks. However, the pro- differences between remission and low servational collaborative studies. Joint Bone
Spine 2024; 91(2): 105671.
portion also increased in the treatment disease activity over the long term. In
group over time. These findings sug- conclusion, our review underscores the 10. van OUWERKERK L, BOERS M, EMERY P et
gest a potential benefit of abatacept in enduring importance of RA research al.: Individual patient data meta-analysis on
reducing inflammatory MRI findings and encourages continued focus on continued use of glucocorticoids after their
initiation as bridging therapy in patients
and delaying the onset of RA compared both clinical and laboratory investiga- with rheumatoid arthritis. Ann Rheum Dis
to placebo (63). tions for the benefit of our patients. 2023;82(4): 468-75.
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supports the significance of tenosyno- 11. ALMAYALI AAH, BOERS M, HARTMAN L et
al.: Three-month tapering and discontinua-
vitis in the early phases of rheumatoid 1. GARAFFONI C, ADINOLFI A, BORTOLUZZI A
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et al.: Novel insights into the management
fore decreases in synovitis and osteitis of rheumatoid arthritis: one year in review
et al.: Efficacy and safety of ABBV-3373,
a novel anti-tumor necrosis factor gluco-
among patients who did not develop 2023. Clin Exp Rheumatol 2023; 41 (11): corticoid receptor modulator antibody-drug
RA. This suggests that tenosynovitis 2129-41. https:// conjugate, in adults with moderate-to-severe
may serve as an early indicator or pre- rheumatoid arthritis despite methotrexate
3. SMOLEN JS, LANDEWÉ RBM, BERGSTRA SA therapy: a randomized, double-blind, active-
cursor to the development of RA, high- et al.: EULAR recommendations for the man- controlled proof-of-concept phase IIa trial.
lighting its potential role in identifying agement of rheumatoid arthritis with synthetic Arthritis Rheumatol. 2023; 75(6): 879-89.
individuals at risk of progressing to and biological disease-modifying antirheu-
overt disease (64). matic drugs: 2022 update [published correc- 13. BENUCCI M, BERNARDINI P, COCCIA C et
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e76]. Ann Rheum Dis 2023; 82(1): 3-18. matic diseases. Autoimmun Rev 2023; 22(4):
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nity for intervention to prevent pro- BAUMER A et al.: Efficacy, duration of use 14. VIRTANEN A, PALMROTH M, LIUKKONEN S
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gression to established disease, but literature review informing the 2022 update ity among different types of JAK inhibitors
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mains controversial (59). management of rheumatoid arthritis. Ann vitro profiling. Arthritis Rheumatol. 2023;
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