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ID Testcase Title (Pre-Conditional)_Steps

Interface (This section writes test cases for common communication and interfaces for controls)
Transfer_1 Check screen function 1. Login App successfully
Transfer_2 Check common interface 2.
1. Select
Check Payment: Transfer:
the composition, font,
Transfer_1 spelling, text color
Check the interface after rotating 1. Open the application screen
Transfer_1 horizontal
Check when / vertical or moving
executing the Homethe 2.
1. Rotate
Open the theapplication
Transfer_1 key
Checkon when
Mobile executing the Back on 2.1. Press
Open the
the Home button
application on
Transfer_1 Mobile keys closing the screen
Check when 2.
1. Press
Close Back
the x on Mobile
mark in the corner,
Transfer_1 Multitab test or closed / close button on the on
1. On the app, tab continuously
Data validate the button
Check each
Senderdata field according toCheck
Information the conditions stated, other data fields default input valid
list combobox

Validate Receiver Information Check list combobox

Validate Amount Check the default value
(Positive integer form, up to 10
characters including commas) Check data is characters
in text required
Check special character entry:! @
$% ^input
& * ()number
_ + ":>? <|,00
0 or Oror 000
Check negative number
Check the decimal number (eg
xxx.xx or xxx.x
Data entry test> or
maxlength (8)
Enter data and add space to the
beginning and end (or make a copy
Copy and paste
Check in number but have data.0 in
front, over
Enter eg 02500
3 numbers, 6 numbers,
Check Enter thecheck theand
value number
click the
Check icon
valid digital data entry
Validate Content Check the default value

Check data
requiredon the data
Check when onblur data field
Check in text characters
Check special character entry:! @
$% entry
^ & *test>
() _ +maxlength
":>? <|, Or(100)
Check Input Space at the top and
Checkof the string
Enter the value and click the
delete icon
Check valid data entry, including:
Validate button: Continue 0-9;
buttonspaces, dots,
Check the right reasonable color
display design
Confirmation screen
Check function (failed/success)
Expected Result Test Result Result
unication and interfaces for controls)
Screen function displayed according to the solution P
Title: Owntextboxes,
1. Labels, Account Transfer
comboboxes have the same length, width and P
spacing, no deviation
Do not handle screen rotation, vertical keep P
1. Return to Mobile Home screen P
2. Whentopressing
Return the application's
the previous screen of theicon again, still reopen the
application P
Close the application screen, display the previous screen of the app P
Appdisplay the interface
still works of Mobile
normally, not hanging, crash P
Do not open multiple screens, perform multiple functions
ther data fields default input valid P

The default value is empty P

Show notification:
Disable You need
button Continue untilprovide amount
field have valid data P
Do not allow input P
Show notification: Please input number ! P
Do not allow input P
Don't allow input P
Allow to input P
Automatically block maxlength at the client, do not enter the entry P
notification: Please input number ! F
Only allow Copy & Paste Digital Data P
Allow to continue the functional flow, automatically remove 0 in P
Automatically format more commas "," to separate between 3 P
Delete data in blank textbox P
Allow to continue the functional flow P
The default value is empty P
Show Hint:
Disable Input
button Contentuntil field have valid data
Continue P
TextBox changes background color or background color P
Open the touch corresponding
Hide keyboard keyboard, format both letters and numbers P
System for importing: 0-9; A-Z; A-Z P
Do not allow input special characters, except: spaces, dots, commas P
Automatically block maxlength at the client, do not enter the entry P
performing the automatic cutting system function at the top F
and the end in
Delete data of blank
the chain
textbox P
Allow to continue the functional flow P
Button disable when the entry data is not valid, enable when the data P
entered correctlythe right color design
Button displays P
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