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Luo Bu Ma Formula

Luo Bu Ma Pian

Luo Bu Ma Formula (Luo Bu Ma Pian) is a modern herbal formulation from China based on current clinical research.
General Signs/Symptoms
Luo Bu Ma Formula (Luo Bu Ma Pian) is used to treat excess-type hypertension and high cholesterol as well as associ-
ated signs and symptoms of a liver in excess such as headache, dizziness, vertigo, red eyes, pressure behind the eyes, irrita-
bility, restlessness, and insomnia.
Formula Actions
1. Calms and decongests liver 4. Extinguishes liver wind 7. Benefits the heart, liver, and
2. Clears liver heat and breaks up 5. Clears blazing ministerial fire eyes
clumping 6. Promotes urination to drain 8. Moistens intestines
3. Regulates liver blood dampness
Pinyin Latin English Percent of Formula
Luo Bu Ma (chief) Apocyni Veneti Folium Apocynum, Dogbane Leaf 45%
Xia Ku Cao (deputy) Prunellae Spica Prunella, Self-Heal Spike 10%
Gou Teng (deputy) Uncariae Ramulus cum Uncis Hook Vine, Gambir, Uncaria 10%
Jue Ming Zi (deputy) Cassiae Semen Cassia seed, Sickle-pod Senna 10%
Ju Hua (assistant) Chrysanthemi Flos Chrysanthemum 7%
Ze Xie (assistant) Alismatis Rhizoma Asian Water Plantain 6%
Chuan Niu Xi (assistant) Cyathulae Radix Cyathula Root 6%
Shan Zha (deputy) Crataegi Fructus Chinese Hawthorn Fruit 6%
General Indications / Modern Applications
• Atherosclerosis • Face, flushed • Irritability
• Cholesterol, elevated • Fatty liver • Palpitations
• Dizziness or vertigo • Glaucoma • Restlessness
• Edema • Headache, distending • Stool, dry
• Eyes, excessive tearing, painful, red, • Hypertension • Urination, inhibited
swollen, or pressure behind • Insomnia

Formula Discussion
Luo Bu Ma Formula (Luo Bu Ma Pian) is a modern formulation designed principally to address hypertension and secondarily to
reduce elevated cholesterol levels and fatty liver deposits. It also can alleviate chronic eye issues and other signs/symptoms of exu-
berant yang and blazing fire such as dizziness and vertigo, facial flushing, irritability, and fluid retention. The common denomina-
tor for all these conditions is a liver in excess. Luo Bu Ma Formula (Luo Bu Ma Pian) clears liver heat and drains ministerial fire,
extinguishes liver wind, subdues ascendant yang, unblocks urination, and benefits the blood vessels and heart.
Because Luo Bu Ma Formula (Luo Bu Ma Pian) clears blazing ministerial fire and benefits the liver, kidneys, and heart, it is also
used as an anti-aging formula. One common clinical perspective on the causes of age-related health issues is this: As we age, we
tend to accumulate stasis (of blood and phlegm) on the one hand, while on the other hand, we become increasingly susceptible
to damaging and diminishing our yin. Usually, before yin becomes deficient, there is persistent heat that consumes the yin. Stress
generates heat in two ways. One is simply that pressure itself increases heat, not unlike a pressure cooker. The other way involves
our “will” to keep producing and acting in order to meet the demands of modern life. The “will” resides in the body as kidney yang,
and when we habitually call upon our will power to meet deadlines and push ourselves beyond natural limits, we are fanning the
yang source to burn brighter. The result from doing this again and again—usually for many years—is a systemic exuberance of
yang, which can lead to the consumption of yin, if not settled and cleared.
Not everyone with hypertension has a significant deficiency of yin. In fact, in our 30s and 40s—the time of life when one is
most likely to first develop hypertension—many individuals still have plenty of yin, but the stressful lives we lead produce large
amounts of excess heat and tax the liver. In addition to and in combination with stress, dietary factors can tax the liver, especially
these three: processed foods, fried foods and refined sugar. These same kinds of foods also add to both the heat and the accumula-
tion factors. Luo Bu Ma Formula (Luo Bu Ma Pian) is designed to help those people whose yin may still be sufficient, but who
have excess yang factors, a stressed out liver, and mild to moderate phlegm and/or blood stasis, of which high cholesterol and fatty
liver are common examples. Rather than lowering blood pressure by nourishing yin, the correct strategy in the patterns described
here is to clear the excesses and strengthen the liver, heart and kidneys.
Luo Bu Ma Formula Monograph © 2020, Herbal Medicine Press

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Formula Actions Synergy of Ingredients

• Calms and decongests The chief ingredient of this formula is the eponymous apocynum (luo bu ma), comprising nearly 50% of
Luo Bu Ma Formula

liver the entire formula. So effective for lowering blood pressure, apocynum (luo bu ma) is often used by itself
and consumed as a tea to manage hypertension. On its own, it has nearly all the actions in the formula:
• Clears liver heat and
apocynum (luo bu ma) clears liver heat, subdues yang, extinguishes wind, benefits the heart, slightly moist-
breaks up clumping ens the intestines, and is a gentle diuretic. Clearing away these specific excesses while supporting the liver,
• Regulates liver blood heart, and kidney, relieves a burden on human physiology. Apocynum (luo bu ma) is therefore widely val-
• Extinguishes liver wind ued as an “anti-aging” herb.
• Promotes urination to
Sweetness is the taste ascribed to tonics. None of the herbs in this formula are categorized as “tonics,” yet
drain dampness and with a single exception, all the herbs in the formula have a “sweet” taste ascribed to them. This is no coin-
heat cidence. Hypertension is a condition requiring treatment for the long term, but Chinese medicine teaches
• Subdues exuberant liver that constant clearing over a long period will inevitably lead to deficiency. And so, 7/8 of the ingredients
yang used in Luo Bu Ma Formula (Luo Bu Ma Pian) are present in the formula partly because Chinese medi-
• Benefits heart, liver, and cal history has ascribed to them a “sweet” taste, while each of these in modern times has been utilized
eyes for its ability to lower blood pressure. The one ingredient in the formula that is not “sweet” is the deputy,
• Moistens intestines prunella (xia ku cao). Prunella (xia ku cao)ii drains liver fire and excels at dispersing clumps/dissipating
nodules and clearing excesses from the eyes.
Tongue Most of the ingredients of Luo Bu Ma Formula (Luo Bu Ma Pian) cool the liver and benefit the eyes.
May be normal, red, or dull red, Many of them also treat headache and extinguish wind. The deputy, uncaria (gou teng), strongly extin-
may be swollen, may have a thick, guishes wind and is one of the most common herbs used to treat headache caused by liver yang rising. It is
yellow coating. often combined with prunella (xia ku cao) to treat headache, dizziness, and hypertension. Liver wind can
sometimes cause muscle spasms, especially if triggered or aggravated by stress. Uncaria (gou teng) can help
calm spasms when too much yang is coming into the muscles from the (du) governing vessel.
Rapid, full, rising to the surface,
may be tense in liver position. Chrysanthemum (ju hua) is one of the assistant herbs. Like several of the others, chrysanthemum (ju
hua) cools the liver, brightens the eyes, and treats headache. Its action upon wind is more dispersing than
Contraindications/ subduing. This means that it pushes excess wind out through the exterior because it enters the lung chan-
Cautions nel. Because it is cooling and also enters the liver channel, chrysanthemum (ju hua), when combined with
Do not use during pregnancy. uncaria (gou teng), cassia seed (jue ming zi), and the chief herb, apocynum (luo bu ma)—all of which guide
Do not use if patient has low its actions to the liver—can settle internal wind as well. Chrysanthemum (ju hua) is considered another
blood pressure, diarrhea from anti-aging herb because, taken over time, it helps to regulate qi and blood flow in order to prevent accumu-
spleen qi deficiency, or is taking lations without depleting the vital humors. In modern times, chrysanthemum (ju hua) is often combined
diuretic drugs. Do not take if with hawthorn fruit (shan zha) and cassia seed (jue ming zi) to treat high cholesterol and hypertension.
hypokalemic. Cassia seed (jue ming zi) is the most nourishing of the herbs in Luo Bu Ma Formula (Luo Bu Ma Pian),
Cautionary Note: Herbs yet its primary actions are to clear heat and extinguish blazing fire to benefit the eyes, and to settle rising
and formulas that clear heat and liver yang by nourishing, cooling and generally calming the liver. It is indicated for headache, red swollen
promote urination, if taken long- eyes, dizziness and vertigo. It nourishes the kidneys as well as the liver and, in modern times has been used
term, run the risk of depleting extensively to treat hypertension, fatty liver, and elevated cholesterol. The oils from the seed moisten the
potassium. If your patient feels intestines. It is often combined with prunella (xia ku cao) for symptoms affecting the head and eyes such as
that urination has become dizziness/vertigo, red swollen eyes, and headache. It is also frequently combined with chrysanthemum (ju
excessive or if she/he begins to hua) and/or uncaria (gou teng) for similar indications.
develop palpitations or chronic Hawthorn fruit (shan zha) is in the category of “herbs that relieve food stagnation,” yet that action is not
muscle cramping, have their its primary reason for inclusion in Luo Bu Ma Formula (Luo Bu Ma Pian). Hawthorn fruit (shan zha)
potassium levels checked by a not only has an affinity for the middle burner, it also goes to the liver channel to invigorate blood, trans-
qualified lab.i form stasis, and disperse clumps. Hawthorn fruit (shan zha) effectively breaks up phlegm clumping as
well. Because of these actions it has become a popular herb for treating elevated cholesterol and fatty liver
Dosage as well as hypertension.
Since this formula is only used
for excess patterns, the dosage is Cyathula root (chuan niu xi) is the only ingredient of Luo Bu Ma Formula (Luo Bu Ma Pian) from the
often slightly higher compared “regulate blood” category. It enters the liver and kidney to unblock stagnation and it drains dampness. It is
to deficiency patterns. Suggested most often used in trauma formulas, formulas to treat menstrual blockage, or for wind-damp bi syndrome
starting dose is 3 tablets two affecting the lumbar or knees. In this formula it is being used to unblock the vessels and collaterals and to
or three times a day. Some ease the burden of the liver and kidneys. Another assistant, Asian water plantain (ze xie), is considered an
individuals may require up to 4 essential herb for settling ministerial fire. It unblocks urination and drains accumulated damp heat. Given
tabs three times a day for a brief that poor dietary habits, which lead to the development of damp heat, are often a major part of the picture
period of 1-6 months before a in how this pattern develops, Asian water plantain (ze xie) provides a necessary compliment to the herbs
smaller dose (2-3 tablets, three focused on heat building up in the liver.
times a day) will maintain a Modern Applications
healthy blood pressure. Hypertension—A study tested the effects of apocynum (luo bu ma) on spontaneous hypertension, renal
hypertension, and NaCl-induced hypertension in rats. In the spontaneous hypertension experiment, the

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results showed apocynum (luo bu ma) to be effective at significantly lipoprotein (HDL) were measured. The results showed that com-
decreasing systolic blood pressure. It was noted that the effects were pared to the model group, the treatment groups at various dosages all
weaker than that of the pharmaceutical medication captopril, an ACE had significantly reduced TC, TG, LDL, an increase in HDL, and the
inhibitor. For renal hypertension, the study showed that apocynum middle and high dosages of Chinese hawthorn fruit (shan zha) could
(luo bu ma) significantly decreased systolic blood pressure as well maintain systolic blood pressure.x
as significantly increased urine volume and urinary Na+ and K+
Research was conducted to determine the anti-hyperlipidemic effect
excretions, and decreased blood urea nitrogen (BUN) level. In the
of gambir (gou teng). The research used ethyl acetate fraction of gam-
NaCl-induced hypertension, apocynum (luo bu ma) was found to
bir (gou teng) extract in a rat model. Rats were induced with a high
decrease systolic blood pressure. There was no change in Na+ or K+
cholesterol and saturated fat feeds for 28 days. Rats were then given
values, but the BUN level was lower than the control group. The anti-
treatment for 28 days. The results showed that low dosing of gambir
hypertensive effect of apocynum (luo bu ma) is believed to be due to
(gou teng) reduced total cholesterol (TC) and low density lipoprotein
the amelioration of kidney function.iii
(LDL) levels; mid dosing of gambir (gou teng) reduced TC, LDL as
A study was conducted to see the effects of prunella (xia ku cao), one well as triglycerides (TG); and high dosing of gambir (gou teng) re-
of the most commonly prescribed herbs for hypertension, on blood duced TC, LDL levels, TG, as well as increased the HDL levels.xi
pressure in spontaneously hypertensive rats. In the study, the rats
Sickle-pod senna (jue ming zi) was investigated in an animal study for
were divided into two groups: a hypertensive control group and the
its lipid metabolism effects. In the study, rats were divided into three
treatment group. The results showed the arterial systolic blood pres-
groups: a normal group, a control group that was fed a high choles-
sure was significantly lower in the treatment group compared to that
terol diet, and a treatment group that was fed a high cholesterol diet
of the control group.iv
with sickle-pod senna (jue ming zi) for five weeks. The results showed
Another study used uncaria (gou teng) and sickle-pod senna (jue ming that total cholesterol (TC) levels and triglyceride (TG) levels were
zi) for the treatment of hypertension due to liver yang hyperactivity reduced significantly in the treatment group. Additionally, compared
with liver and kidney yin deficiency. 96 patients were divided into a to the control group, serum high-density lipoprotein (HDL) was in-
trial group and a control group. Benazepril, a pharmaceutical drug creased in the treatment group. Fecal bile acid and lipid excretion was
for hypertension, was given to both groups as a basic treatment. Un- also significantly increased in the treatment group.xii
caria (gou teng) and sickle-pod senna (jue ming zi) were given to the
The potential effects of essential oils from Asian water plantain (ze
trial group once a day for eight weeks. The changes in blood pressure
xie) on lipid metabolism were studied in a murine research model.
and clinical symptoms were monitored in both groups. The results
It was shown that oral administration of Asian water plantain (ze
showed a total efficacy rate of 89.36% in lowering blood pressure and
xie) for three weeks significantly reduced plasma total cholesterol
93.62% in improvement of clinical symptoms in the trial group. This
and triacylglycerols (TAGs)—the storage form of fatty acids in the
is compared to 68.89% and 66.67% respectively in the control group.
body—concentrations by 29% and 46% respectively, showing that the
The study demonstrated that compared to anti-hypertensives alone,
essential oils from Asian water plantain (ze xie) may have hypocholes-
uncaria (gou teng) plus sickle-pod senna (jue ming zi) are more effec-
terolemic properties.xiii
tive in the treatment of patients with hypertension due to liver yang
hyperactivity with liver and kidney yin deficiency.v Atherosclerosis—A study was conducted observing the anti-atheroscle-
rotic effects of apocynum (luo bu ma). The study used flavonoid ex-
In a recent study, chrysanthemum (ju hua) was shown to have hypo-
tract from apocynum (luo bu ma) on rats that were fed high fat feed for
tensive effects. Rats with cardiac hypertrophy induced by renovascu-
nine weeks. Treatment was then administered one time a day for four
lar hypertension were used. They were given the herbal extract once a
weeks. The results showed significant decrease of serum total choles-
day for four weeks. The results showed that chrysanthemum (ju hua)
terol (TC), triglycerides (TG), low-density lipoprotein (LDL), and
may alleviate hypertensive cardiac hypertrophy in rats—the mecha-
malondialdehyde (MDA); and an increase of high-density lipoprotein
nisms being related to the reduction of blood pressure and ameliora-
(HDL) and superoxide dismutase (SOD). Additionally, increased
tion of the myocardial energy
appetite and body weight were observed in the apocynum (luo bu ma)
Alismol—an active component of Asian water plantain (ze xie)—was groups compared to the control. Upon sample collection and examina-
isolated in a recent study and used on various hypertensive rat mod- tion, the apocynum (luo bu ma) groups revealed reduced areas of aorta
els. The research showed that alismol caused a sustained antihyper- lipid deposition and reduced thickening of arterial wall. Additionally,
tensive action in all the experimental models. It was noted, however, the aortic sub-endothelial foam cells (a type of cell that contains cho-
that the anti-hypertensive effects were weak.vii, viii lesterol) and lipid vacuoles decreased. The research showed apocynum
(luo bu ma) has an obvious anti-atherosclerotic effect.xiv
Cyathula root (chuan niu xi) was used in a study to be evaluated for
its use as an alternate antihypertensive. Cyathula root (chuan niu xi) Chrysanthemum (ju hua) was used in a study to evaluate the anti-ath-
was administered at low, medium, and high doses to hypertension erosclerotic activity of the herb against high fat diet induced rats. Rats
Luo Bu Ma Formula

induced rats over a two-month period. The results showed cyathula were fed a high fat diet for 28 days. Glucose, high-density lipoprotein
root (chuan niu xi) effected a marked decrease in the measured blood (HDL), low-density lipoprotein (LDL), total cholesterol (TC), and
pressure parameters. It was noted that the outcome of this study triglycerides (TG), among other parameters were evaluated. The re-
potentially validated the use of cyathula root (chuan niu xi) as antihy- sults showed chrysanthemum (ju hua) exhibited a significant decrease
pertensive.ix in glucose, TG, TC, and LDL levels when compared to the control
group. Chrysanthemum (ju hua) showed anti-atherosclerotic activity
Hyperlipidemia—An experimental study to observe the effect of
with significant reduction in lipid profile, glucose, and total protein.xv
Chinese hawthorn fruit (shan zha) treating hypertension and hyper-
lipidemia in rats was conducted. Administration was done once a Diabetes—A murine research study using prunella (xia ku cao) was
day for eight weeks. Systolic blood pressure, total cholesterol (TC), conducted to investigate anti-diabetic effects of the herb. Mice were
triglycerides (TG), low-density lipoprotein (LDL), and high-density treated with a high fat, high cholesterol diet along with prunella (xia

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ku cao) for 8 weeks. Prunella (xia ku cao) markedly lowered blood glu- bone (long gu), and oyster shell (mu li). Compared to the previous two

cose and systolic blood pressure. Additionally, total cholesterol (TC), formulas, Luo Bu Ma Formula (Luo Bu Ma Pian) is the strongest
Luo Bu Ma Formula

triglycerides (TG), and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) were markedly to clear excess, specifically clear liver fire and subdue liver yang. Fol-
decreased, and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) was increased.xvi lowed by Hematite and Scrophularia Combination (Zhen Gan Xi
Fang Teng), the action of which is anchoring. For long-term use, Luo
In another study, cyathula root (chuan niu xi) was evaluated for its an-
Bu Ma Formula (Luo Bu Ma Pian) is also more suitable to address
tidiabetic effects. In the study diabetic induced rats showed increased
the excess conditions, as it does not contain heavy herbs, such as
levels of aspartate transaminase (AST), alanine transaminase (ALT),
minerals and shells, which can be difficult to digest. However, middle
lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) in
burner and constitutional support may still be needed.
the liver, as well as elevated levels of glucose and cholesterol in serum.
The study showed that oral administration of cyathula root (chuan Endnotes
In the vast majority of cases this formula has a beneficial effect on the heart and liver. Though rare,
niu xi) reversed this condition.xvii signs and symptoms of hypokalemia (sudden muscle cramping, palpitations, fatigue, tingling and
numbness, or chronic digestive problems) may develop if the patient is taking this formula regularly
Formula Comparisons for several months at a time.
Though not “sweet” per se, Zhu Dan-xi claims (controversially) that it nevertheless has an ability to
Gastrodia & Uncaria Formula nourish liver yin and blood.
Gastrodia and Uncaria Formula (Tian Ma Guo Teng Yin) is the iii
Kim DW, et al., “Effects of aqueous extracts of apocynum venetum leaves on spontaneously
hypertensive, renal hypertensive and NaCl-fed-hypertensive rats,” Journal of Ethnopharmacology,
most frequently prescribed Chinese herbal formula for hypertension 2000;72:1.
and has been shown to be effective for hyperlipidemia.xviii, xix As both iv
You SM, Zhu YT, “Effects of prunella vulgaris on blood pressure in spontaneously hypertensive rats,”
Zhejiang Institute of Dermatology, Deqing (China) 2011;3.
Gastrodia and Uncaria Formula (Tian Ma Guo Teng Yin) and Luo v
Wang YK, et al., “Clinical efficacy of gambir plant and cassia obtusifolia L recipe for hypertension
Bu Ma Formula (Luo Bu Ma Pian) are effective to treat hypertension patients with liver yang hyperactivity,” Chinese General Practice, 2011;19.
Gao T, Zhu ZY, Zhou X, Xie ML “Chrysanthemum morifolium extract improves hypertension-
and high cholesterol, differentiation is important. Gastrodia and Un- induced cardiac hypertrophy in rats by reduction of blood pressure and inhibition of myocardial
caria Formula (Tian Ma Guo Teng Yin), like Luo Bu Ma Formula hypoxia inducible factor-1alpha expression,” Pharmaceutical Biology, 2016;54:12.
Yamahara J, Kobayashi G, et al., “The effect of alismol isolated from alismatis rhizoma on
(Luo Bu Ma Pian), has the function to calm the liver, clear heat, and experimental hypertensive models in rats,” Phytotherapy Research, 1989;3:2.
extinguish wind. However, it is more effective for these conditions viii
Chung MJ, Park KW, Kim KH, et al., “Asian plantain (plantago asiatica) essential oils suppress
when caused by an underlying deficiency, specifically of liver yin. Luo 3-hydroxy-3-methyl-glutaryl-co-enzyme A reductase expression in vitro and in vivo and show
hypocholesterolemic properties in mice,” British Journal of Nutrition, 2008;99:1.
Bu Ma Formula (Luo Bu Ma Pian) is going to be used for conditions ix
Ojekale A, Lawal OA, Lasis M, “Cyathula prostrata: a potential herbal hope for hypertensives,
like hypertension and high cholesterol, and their related symptoms, an animal model study and its secondary metabolites assessment via GC-MS,” European Journal of
Medicinal Plants, 2015;14:2.
when due to excess, especially liver fire, and will be stronger to clear x
Yuan Y, Zhao J, Gao, HJ, Wang JH, “Experimental study on the effect of hawthorn on compounding
heat, calm the liver, subdue yang, and extinguish wind, when com- hypertension and hyperlipidemia rats,” Journal of Xin Jiang Medical University, 2013;1.
Yunarto N, Intan PR, Kurniatri AA, et al., “Potential of ethyl acetate fraction from gambir leaf
pared to Gastrodia and Uncaria Formula (Tian Ma Guo Teng Yin). extract as antihyperlipidemia,” The Indonesian Pharmaceutical Journal, 2015;5:1.
Cho IJ, Lee C, Ha TY, “Hypolipidemic effect of soluble fiber isolated from seeds of cassia tora linn.
Hematite & Scrophularia Combination in rats fed a high-cholesterol diet,” Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2007;55:4.
Hematite and Scrophularia Combination (Zhen Gan Xi Fang Teng) xiii
Chung MJ, Park KW, Kim KH, et al., op. cit.
Zhang Y, et al., “Anti-atherosclerotic effect of flavonoids in folium apocyni veneti,” Chinese Journal of
is another classical formula used to treat hypertension. This formula, Public Health, 2016;12.
like Gastrodia and Uncaria Formula (Tian Ma Guo Teng Yin) is de- xv
Sravanthi P, et al., “Anti-atherosclerotic activity of ethanolic extract of chrysanthemum idicum
l. flowers against high fat diet induced atherosclerosis in male wistar rats,” Asian Journal of
signed to treat both excess and deficiency, but pays more attention to Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, 2017;10:9.
the treatment of the excess manifestations. In Hematite and Scroph- xvi
Sun MH, et al., “Anti-diabetic effect of prunella vulgaris in db/db mice with type 2 diabetes,” The
American Journal of Chinese Medicine, 2012;40:5.
ularia Combination (Zhen Gan Xi Fang Teng) there is a strong focus xvii
Kavitha M, et al., “Protective effect of cyathula prostrata extract on alloxan induced diabetes
on the descending function used to quell liver wind and subdue the mellitus in rats,” IUP Journal of Biotechnology, 2011;5:3.
Yang PR, Shih WT, Chu YH, et al., “Frequency and co-prescription pattern of Chinese herbal
yang. This is done with minerals like hematite (dai zhe shi), fossilized products for hypertension in Taiwan: a cohort study,” BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine,

Useful Combinations
There can be multiple diagnoses for hypertension and its related symptoms in Chinese medicine. It is important to differentiate and treat ac-
cordingly. The following formulas can be used alone or together with Luo Bu Ma Formula (Luo Bu Ma Pian) as a root-branch treatment.

For yang deficiency Combine with or use Essential Yang Formula.

For both yin and yang deficiency Combine with or use Two Immortals Formula.

For yin deficiency Combine with or use Rehmannia and Scrophularia or

Rehmannia Six Formula.

For yin and blood deficiency Combine with or use He Shou Wu Formula.

For qi stagnation with phlegm-heat Combine with or use Bupleurum D Formula.

For wind phlegm Combine with or use Pinellia and Gastrodia Combination.

For qi, yin, and blood deficiency Combine with or use Baked Licorice Formula.

For blood stasis Combine with or use Blood Palace Formula.

For qi stagnation with heat Combine with or use Free and Easy Wanderer Plus.

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