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Full Name: Oumaima BABA

Number: 05

Assessment & Evaluation

The first article discusses how modifying the assessment

methods in foreign language classes can increase
students' motivation to learn. It shows how teachers in
China are usually very strict and tough, they often point
out mistakes and don't give much praise or
encouragement. The article suggests ways to change
how evaluations are done. It includes things like
focusing on success and achievement, using specific
testing goals, doing detailed assessments, and being
understanding of people's differences. These techniques
help teachers and students get along, feel good about
themselves, have fun while learning, and do their best
for success.
Teachers can encourage students a lot by changing how
they grade them in language class.
Paying attention to success and accomplishments
instead of errors can help teachers and students get
along better and feel good about themselves.
Objectives-referenced testing compares how well
students do with the standards. It can help students feel
confident and good about themselves.
Analytic assessment helps teachers see what students
need to work on and gives them helpful feedback,
which makes students learn better and feel more
Teachers should be understanding of how students are
different from each other and consider their personal
circumstances and how they learn when judging how
well they are doing.
Some ways to change evaluation methods are by
concentrating on success and accomplishment, using
tests that are based on specific goals, doing careful
assessments, and being accepting of people's
When teachers and students concentrate on doing well,
it helps them get along, feel good about themselves,
have fun when learning, and work harder to succeed.
Objectives-referenced testing is when students'
performance is measured against specific standards, not
compared to other students. It helps all students do
well as long as they are learning what they need to and
it helps them feel good about themselves.
Analytic assessment helps teachers figure out where
students need to get better and give them specific
feedback, which makes them learn better and feel more
confident. It helps teachers notice and praise good
work, and find out why some work isn't successful.
Each student is different in many ways, like their family,
school, how they learn, and how good they are at
learning new languages. Teachers who accept and
understand that students are different can better
understand and assess how well each student is doing
based on their personal circumstances. This creates a
friendly and welcoming place for learning.
The second article talks about five different ways that
English teachers can test how well students know and
use vocabulary. The writer says that learning new words
takes time and just knowing the definition of a word
doesn't mean you have completely mastered it. There
are five types of tests: filling in the blanks, showing
what words you know, making sentences that make
sense, and finding the right words to use together. The
writer gives examples and ways to score each type of
test. It's best to use these types of tests to help students
learn more words.
Learning new words takes time and isn't just about
understanding what they mean.
Knowing many words means understanding what they
mean, how to use them, and being able to say or write
The article talks about five kinds of tests: fill-in-the-
blank, vocabulary level, vocabulary scale, sentence, and
collocation tests.
Each test looks at different parts of what a person
knows about words and how they use them.
Use these tests to help students get better at their
We can test how many words you know by using
different types of tests like fill-in-the-blank, vocabulary
level, and sentence tests. These tests ask students to
use words in speaking or writing and show that they
understand how to use them correctly.
Understanding when and how to use a word is
important in measuring someone's vocabulary because
words are often used together in certain situations.
Knowing which words go together and using them
correctly in a sentence is an important part of learning
vocabulary. Testing formats that include real-life
situations, like using words in sentences and phrases
that are commonly used together, are helpful for seeing
how well students can use words correctly in different
Receptive vocabulary knowledge means being able to
understand and recognize words when reading or
listening. Knowing lots of words and being able to use
them well when speaking or writing is called productive
vocabulary knowledge. Some people can understand a
word when they see or hear it, but have trouble using it
correctly or in the right situation.
These tests are good for practicing and improving
vocabulary. They are best for helping students learn.
Teachers should show students the types of tests they
will have, give them examples, and let them practice
before taking the tests. After taking the tests, teachers
can tell students how they did and encourage them to
keep practicing their vocabulary.
The last article highlights the use of question grids as a
method for improving student communication in large
class environments. The writer says that students
sometimes have a hard time working together in pairs,
but question grids can help them do better. The grid
helps students know what to do and when to finish. It
helps students who are not as sure of themselves feel
better, and makes the teacher able to check on students
and help them. It also makes students work together
and try to do their best. The article shows how to use
question grids for practicing vocabulary, grammar, and
real-life activities. Grids can be used in many different
ways and for different language activities. The writer
says that grids help people talk to each other and are
really helpful for students who are new to talking in
Using question grids can help students get involved and
practice communicating in big classes.
Grids help students know what to do and when to stop,
make it easier for students who are not as sure of
themselves, and make students feel more confident.
Question grids help teachers keep an eye on how
students are doing and provide the right help when
Grids help students work together and compete in the
classroom, making learning fun and exciting.
Grids can be used for many things at different levels,
like learning words, grammar, and doing tasks.
Question grids help students stay focused and keep
working for a longer time. They help students who are
not very confident and make them feel more sure of
themselves by giving them all the words and questions
they need on the grid. This lets students look at the grid
if they need to, and concentrate on talking and working
with their partners.
Question grids make students work together and also
compete with each other. Students have fun filling out
their grids and trying to finish before others. This makes
the classroom more fun and encourages students to join
in and use the language they are learning.
Question grids are useful for learning grammar and
vocabulary at any level. They can be changed to fit
different languages by making grids with important
questions and clues. Question grids can help you
practice language skills, from beginner words about
family to more complex grammar rules.
Question grids can help students practice the new
language even when they are not in class. Teachers can
tell students to ask the same questions to three people
outside of class. This can help them practice using
language in real life. This can be really helpful in places
where a lot of people speak English or at universities.

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