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Welcome to:

How To UNLOCK Your Metabolic Potential with…

The 7-Day Spartan Burn Challenge!


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Published by Spartan Health Biohacking LTD,
5 Cow Leaze E66WX
Company NO.
ISBN: 9781915560643


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Progress not Perfection
Next Steps


Hello and welcome to the “Metabolism Revitalised” 7-Day Challenge.

What is that?

It is simply a seven day journey where every day there will be a chapter
with instructions to follow.

Which will allow you to revitalise your metabolism, experience more energy
and be able to kick-start your weight loss that perhaps has been blocked
for a long time.

There will be no complicated things to do.

Everything will concern small daily tips, nutrition, training, physical exercise
and obviously also lifestyle.

All together, obviously, with Spartan Burn.

Before we begin, there are some indications that I want to give you before

● First of all, as I have already said, it is a 7-day journey. Which aims to

reactivate your metabolism in small steps to help you lose fat like you
haven't done in a long time.

● They are a series of practical daily indications that can promote

increased metabolism and fat loss directly or indirectly.
It means that some practices make you consume more energy, therefore
making you lose fat directly, while others act by speeding up your
metabolism and consequently have an indirect action on the loss of body

● Some instructions I will give you are "one time", that is, you only have to
do them on the day you are told.

Others, however, are indicated as "evergreen", that is, they are always
valid every day and it is recommended that you put them into practice
every day.

The indications are divided into days and each chapter represents a day of
the journey with the list of practical indications to be implemented.

The route is unisex, so it is suitable for both men and women.

Obviously some advice will be different, for example those on training.

The requirements to follow this challenge are minimal, you just need
commitment, consistency, a few minutes a day to apply the advice and
18/25 minutes at least three times a week to train.
To be more precise, the time needed to exercise can even be slightly less,
because I will also give you even shorter workouts.

I also want to advise you to start putting oily fish and vitamin C powder in
your shopping cart, because they will be present in the instructions I will
give you. This way you won't find yourself unprepared with the chapter of
the day.

What will you get from this challenge?

● fat loss;
● a healthier and more active metabolism;
● healthy habits that are easy to maintain.
● a protocol that you can easily repeat after 7 days.
Please, monitor your results to take into account whether the path has
borne fruit. So:
● weigh yourself before starting;
● take photos without clothes, frontal photos, rear photos, profile to the
right, profile to the left, this before starting;
● Measure the circumferences with a tape measure, circumference of the
thigh, calf, chest, abdomen and arms and write all the data on a sheet of

You will then have to do this again after the 7 days of the challenge and in
any case on a regular basis every 2/3 weeks or even once a month.

Keep in mind that between one week and another the results may not
always be super noticeable, so at least two weeks should pass between

Obviously don't forget the crucial point of the challenge, which is to

accompany it with the use of Spartan Burn.

How to take Spartan Burn?

Very simply:

● two capsules for breakfast;


● two capsules for lunch.

If you skip breakfast, they can also be taken on an empty stomach.

If it bothers you on an empty stomach, it is better to perhaps opt to take the

entire dose at lunch.

It is not recommended in the evening because it still has an energizing

effect and we don't want to disturb your sleep.


Now let’s dive-in to this potent, one-week metabolic surge, perfect for those
seeking quick and effective results.

Here, you'll discover simple, yet powerful strategies to boost your

metabolism, enhance your energy levels, and set the stage for lasting
health improvements.


Day 1: Morning Metabolism Ignition—START YOUR DAY ON THE


First day of the challenge.

You need to start your day with a high-protein, low-carb breakfast.

An example could be:

➢ some scrambled eggs and a cup of blueberries (scrambled in a
non-stick pan);
➢ a shaker of Spartan Pro with an apple.
Another thing you need to do this day is replace refined carbohydrates
such as pasta, pizza, bread, rice with more fruits and vegetables.

To give you an example:

➢ at lunch instead of pasta you could eat a second course with a dessert
made up of 1 or 2 fruits;
➢ for dinner you could always have a second course with a generous side
dish, for example a salad with lettuce, cucumbers and tomatoes.

Obviously regarding the main meals, for lunch instead of pasta you could
eat a second course with a dessert made up of 1 or 2 fruits.

At dinner you could always have a second course with a generous side
dish, for example a salad of lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes.

Another thing you need to do today is increase your daily activity.

What Should I do?

➢ try taking the stairs instead of the elevator,

➢ go on foot or use the bicycle instead of the car. If obviously it's short
distances, it's not like you have to walk ten kilometres.

How should these recommendations be addressed?

How often?

The advice I gave you initially, therefore the one regarding breakfast and
the replacement of refined carbohydrates, is evergreen, that is, to be
followed every day that no different advice is given, because for example it
will happen that there will be the advice to skip breakfast .
In that case, obviously, the advice to start the day with a high-protein
breakfast will not apply, because you have to skip breakfast.

In general on days when you have to have breakfast, follow this advice.


Day 2: THE WATER TRICK—Hydration Boost Formula

This second day we have very simple advice, you must drink 1.5 litres of
water more than normal habits for 8 weeks.

This is due to a mechanism related to thermogenesis and obviously due to

the fact that it leads to less water retention, it will cause weight to drop.

So, on this day 2, try to drink an extra litre and a half of water.

What Should I do? :

➔ Quantify more or less how much water you drink in a day;

➔ Add an additional litre and a half of water to that amount.

Try to drink:

● half a litre of water before breakfast,

● half a litre of water 30 minutes before lunch,
● half a litre of water 30 minutes before dinner.

What's the trick?

The trick is that obviously it will also fill your stomach a little and this will
lead to an early sense of satiety.

So, that's also the effect there was on weight loss.

This advice is evergreen, so I recommend it every day, apply it at least for

these 7 days of the challenge.


Day 3: Protein Power Punch—DO THIS ONE THING AT EVERY MEAL


Day 3 of the challenge.

Consume protein at every meal, including snacks.

When you have a meal, you eat something, I don't care what you want to
eat. There must be some protein.

Why proteins?

Because proteins are more expensive to metabolise than fats and

carbohydrates. They have a TEF which stands for Thermogenic effect food,
a thermogenic effect induced by food intake that is 20/30% higher than
other macronutrients.

The best sources are:

❖ Meat,
❖ Fish,
❖ Eggs and beef protein powder.
If you want to integrate protein powder, perhaps in snacks, I obviously
recommend itSpartan Pro. Why Spartan Pro and not other proteins?

Well, because they are:

● naturally flavoured,
● They have no artificial sweeteners
● excellent solubility.

We have created a product that from this point of view is truly excellent. If
you want to avoid any lumps:

➔ First put the water in the shaker, possibly a little warm➔ add the Spartan
pro measuring cup afterwards,
➔ shake for 15/20 seconds and I assure you that you will find absolutely no
lumps or bad solubility.

This third day tip is evergreen, every day at least for the 7 days of the


Day 4: Move to Revitalise—WHAT TO DO AT ALL TIMES TO LOSE FAT

If you have a sedentary job, get up 5/10 minutes for every 60 minutes of
sitting time.

This is used to interrupt a sedentary lifestyle, because when we sit for a

long time, energy consumption inevitably drops and we also realise this
due to the fact that as soon as we sit for a while, especially in winter, we
start to feel colder.
Getting up every 5/10 minutes is useful for:

● interrupt this period of sedentary lifestyle,

● reactivate circulation,
● reactivate the metabolism.

You can take advantage of going to the bathroom to stretch your legs if you
work in an office.
If you can do it, I recommend doing 10 bodyweight squats.

This serves to give a greater stimulus to the reactivation of circulation and


Another important thing, you must always keep yourself active, you should
take at least 5,000 steps a day.

You can use a pedometer or your smartphone if it has this functionality, for
example on the iPhone if we go to the Fitness app there is a movement

If perhaps you need to take the dog out or go for a walk, you will see that it
is easy to reach 10,000 steps.

These tips I give you are evergreen tips that I recommend you continue
throughout the 21 day challenge and beyond.


Day 5: Green Detox Adjustment—SAY “NO” TO VEGETABLES THAT


It's time to exclude cruciferous vegetables.

What are cruciferous vegetables?
They are a certain family of vegetables, specifically:

➔ broccoli,
➔ cauliflower,
➔ cabbage, Roman cabbage,
➔ radishes,
➔ mustard,
➔ Brussels sprouts.

There are probably other vegetables too, but these are the best known.
They contain goitrogenic substances that can block the absorption of iodine
and slow down the activity of the thyroid, therefore at least to be excluded
in this challenge.

Replace these vegetables with other vegetables, such as:

➢ cucumbers,
➢ courgettes and pumpkin.

If you really want to consume cruciferous vegetables, do not do so more

than once or twice a week and always well cooked, because cooking
deactivates these substances which remove iodine.

Ideally, if you tend to have a slow metabolism, you really should limit these
vegetables as much as possible. In any case, for this 21 day challenge I
advise against them.


Day 6: Fast-Track Fasting Window—THE WINNER’S DAY

On this day you need to skip breakfast and go straight to lunch and dinner.

So we do a sort of intermittent fasting, because it is assumed that the last

meal you had was dinner the day before at a time around 7.20pm.

In addition to this, you must follow the proposed training, here I make a

If you're following Spartan Home Training or Spartan Home Fitness or any

other training program, for this day you can easily follow your program,
which is certainly more intense and advanced than this one.
However, if you are coming from a sedentary period in which you are not
training, you can do this workout which is lighter.

This advice I'm giving you for day 6 is one time, it's not evergreen. It's not
that you have to skip breakfast every day, it's a practice that can also be
done every day, but it needs to be put into context for a moment.



Exclude foods that contain gluten from your diet, therefore:

● pasta
● pizza
● cereals containing gluten, for example spelled because it contains gluten.

What cereals do not contain gluten?

First the rice and then also the corn.

But be careful, because corn can also have other problems.

So the only cereal that is well tolerated by everyone is rice.

Why exclude gluten?

● Increases inflammation,
● can stimulate the production of cortisol (the stress hormone)● causes
intestinal permeability,
● It can favour thyroid and autoimmune problems, therefore not only the
thyroid, but also other organs.

Removing gluten can result in an immediate and long-term boost to your

There are also studies that show how removing gluten has brought about
significant improvements in people suffering from hypothyroidism.

As we know, the thyroid is very important for the metabolism, so absolutely

for this 21 day challenge, but also for life throughout, it would be advisable
to exclude gluten.

So you can simply exclude bread, pasta, pizza and recipes that involve the
use of flour, wheat flour, flour or other cereals with gluten, replacing with
vegetables, fruit, potatoes and rice.
This is evergreen advice.


Well, the time has come to take stock because the challenge has come to
an end.

So what should you do?

1. First weigh yourself and compare the result with the initial one.

You should expect a decrease in weight.

Look for an aesthetic comparison too, take photos of yourself without

clothes first from the front, then from the back, then in profile to the right
and then in profile to the left.

2. Measure your circumferences with a tape measure and compare them

with the initial ones.

Circumferences of the thigh, calf, chest, abdomen and arm.

3. Write these data on a sheet of paper.

Watch in amazement at the progress you’ve made in only 7 days!

Now what to do after the challenge?

First and foremost, keep taking Spartan Burn, two capsules a day.

I advise you to combine Spartan Nutrition with the evergreen suggestions

you have seen in this challenge and this combination will allow you to
achieve even more results in terms of weight loss.

If you don't already follow a structured training program, the advice I give
you is to combine the evergreen suggestions of the challenge with a course
likeSpartan HomeTraining if you are a Man, or Spartan home fitness if you
are a Woman.
Rather than doing the workout suggested in this challenge, you will have a
much more structured and effective program to follow, which will help you
lose fat faster.

Got Questions?



You’ve now completed the "Revitalised Metabolism: 7-Day Spartan Burn


This week-long journey was designed to provide a glimpse into the power
of simple lifestyle changes in enhancing your metabolic health.

We encourage you to continue implementing these practices and to stay

connected with us for further support and guidance.

Congratulations on taking this significant step towards better health!

Remember, the journey to wellness is ongoing, and every small change


Keep pushing forward, and don't hesitate to reach out for support.

Here's to your continued health and vitality!

In your corner,

Oli & Spartan Health

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