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The Experience Tactics of

Ten Types of Innovation

Andreas Bastedo

Entrepreneurship Education, Universitas Ciputra, 2015

Let’s review on what we
learn before…

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Ten Types of Innovation
is a scientific approach of
creating a breakthrough
in innovation in your
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They focused on 3

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Network Structure Process

CONFIGURATION focusing on the innermost business system

Product Product
Performance System

OFFERING focusing on core product or services

Service Channel Brand Engagement

EXPERIENCE focusing on more customer facing element

Universitas Ciputra l 2015 Entrepreneurship Education

Let’s go a little further
with what inside the
offering tactics

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OFFERINGS – ensure & enhance the utility,
performance, and apparent value of an offering.
Common example of service innovations include
product use enhancements, maintenance plans,
customer support, information's and education,
warranties and guarantees.

Profit Product Product Customer

Network Structure Process Performance System
Service Channel Brand Engagement


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Service Channel Brand Engagement

EXPERIENCE focusing on more customer facing element

Added Value Self-Service

Concierge Superior Service

Guarantee Supplementary Service

Total Experience
Lease or Loan
Loyalty Programs Try Before You Buy
User Communities/ Support
Personalized Service

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01 Added Value Service

• Added Value Service works by including an additional service

or function as part of the base price

• Added service or function is advised not to differ from the
original product/service promise

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01 Added Value Service

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02 Concierge Service

• Concierge Service works by providing premium service by

taking on tasks for which customers don’t have time.

• Concierge services usually falls under value-driven cost

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02 Concierge Service

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03 Guarantee Service

• Guarantee Service works by removing customer risk of lost

money or time from product failure / purchase error or pre-
approved condition

• Research pre-approved condition and validate it with your
control customer before officially launched it.

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03 Guarantee Service

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04 Lease/Loan Service

• Lease/Loan Service works by letting customers pay over time

to lower their upfront costs.

• Leasing is Usually Better Than a Loan

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04 Lease/Loan Service

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05 Loyalty Program Service

• Loyalty Program Service works by providing benefits and / or

discounts to frequent and high-value customers.

• Startups doesn’t need loyalty program, grow your customer

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05 Loyalty Program Service

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06 Personalized Service

• Personalized Service works by using the customer’s own

information to provide perfectly calibrated service.
• The goal is to create the personal touch. This is engagement
at a higher level

• Personalized service needs qualified dedicated sales force

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06 Personalized Service

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07 Self Service

• Self Service works by providing users with control over

activities that would otherwise require an intermediary to

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07 Self Service

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08 Superior Service

• Superior Service works by providing service(s) of higher

quality, efficacy, or which offer(s) a better experience than
any competitor

• Ensure that customer have a good experience

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08 Superior Service

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09 Supplementary Service

• Supplementary Service works by offering ancillary services

that fit with your offering

• Ensure that customer have a good experience

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09 Supplementary Service

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10 Total Experience Management Service

• Total Experience Management Service works by providing

thoughtful, holistic management of the consumer experience
across an offering’s lifecycle.
• The goal is to optimize interactions from the customer's
perspective and, as a result, foster customer loyalty.

• the six disciplines for great customer experience are strategy,
customer understanding, design, measurement, governance
and culture
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10 Total Experience Management Service

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11 Try Before You Buy Service

• Try before you buy Service works by letting customers test

and experience an offering before investing in it.

• Research your customer to deliver acceptable terms and
conditions before using the try before you buy service

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11 Try Before You Buy Service

Universitas Ciputra l 2015 Try Before You Buy Online Service – Warby Parker Entrepreneurship Education
12 User Community/Support Service

• User Community/Support Service works by providing a

communal resource for product and service support, use, and

• Ensure that customer have a good experience

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12 User Community/Support Service

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AND USERS – encompass all the ways that you connect
your company’s offering with your customers and user.
Channel innovation are particularly sensitive to
industry context and customer habits. Creating an
extraordinary experience with minimal friction (direct
or indirect selling)

Profit Product Product Customer

Network Structure Process Performance System
Service Channel Brand Engagement


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Service Channel Brand Engagement

EXPERIENCE focusing on more customer facing element

Context Specific Indirect Distribution

Cross-Selling Multi-Level Marketing

Diversification Non-Traditional Channels

Experience Center On-Demand

Flagship Store Pop-Up Presence

Go Direct

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01 Context Specific Channel

• Context Specific Channel works by offering timely access to

offerings that are appropriate for a specific location, occasion,
or situation

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01 Context Specific Channel

Universitas Ciputra l 2015 find restaurant near you. Entrepreneurship Education
02 Cross Selling Channel

• Cross Selling Channel works by offering appealing additional

products, services, or information that will enhance an
experience in situations where customers are likely to want to
buy them.

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02 Cross Selling Channel

Universitas Ciputra l 2015 NIKETOWN – Treadmills and Ipad Apps Entrepreneurship Education
03 Diversification Channel

• Diversification Channel works by adding and expanding into

new or different channels

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03 Diversification Channel

Universitas Ciputra l 2015 M-PESA, Kenya Entrepreneurship Education

04 Experience Center Channel

• Experience Center Channel works by creating space that

encourages your customers to interact with your offerings—
but purchase them through a different (and often lower cost)

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04 Experience Center Channel

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05 Flagship Store Channel

• Flagship Store Channel works by creating a retail outlet to

showcase quintessential brand and product attributes.

• Flagship store carries the company brands and its aspiration.
Make sure that the brand and its promise are present

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05 Flagship Store Channel

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06 Go Direct Channel

• Go Direct Channel works by not using traditional retail

channels and connect directly with customers.

• Going direct can cut significant costs from the system
• tends to alienate wholesalers and retailers

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06 Go Direct Channel

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07 Indirect Distribution Channel

• Indirect Distribution Channel works by using others as

resellers who take responsibility for delivering an offering to
the final user.
• This model usually has three levels: the producer, the
wholesaler and the retailer

• All parties in the channel tend to protect their own best
interests. Thus, retailers are pitted against wholesalers, and
wholesalers try to best producers

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07 Indirect Distribution Channel

Universitas Ciputra l 2015 Brands under Unilever Entrepreneurship Education

09 Multi Level Marketing Channel

• Multi Level Marketing Channel works by selling bulk or

packaged goods to an affiliated but independent sales force
that turns around and sells it for you.

• MLM system has a bad reputation in some countries and

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09 Multi Level Marketing Channel

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10 Non-Traditional Channel

• Non-Traditional Channel is when business entity employ

novel and relevant avenues to reach and service customers.

• Non traditional channel boils down to the way the product is
purchased by consumers

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10 Non-Traditional Channel

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11 On Demand Channel

• On Demand Channel works when business entity deliver

goods in real-time whenever or wherever they are desired.

• Limit the on demand channel to the terms and conditions that
serve the best need and want of the customer first, once you
get the hang of it, then expand

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11 On Demand Channel

Universitas Ciputra l 2015 Amazon Whispernet for Kindle Entrepreneurship Education

12 Pop up Presence Channel

• Pop up Presence Channel works by creating a noteworthy but

temporary environment to showcase and / or sell offerings
• Customers are attracted to exclusivity.

• Pop up presence has this ‘fear of missing out’ quality to them.
• Customer usually looks for unique services/products, localized
assortments, optimal pricing, convenience, and a fun

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12 Pop up Presence Channel

Universitas Ciputra l 2015 A three-day store -Edwards Moore for Arnsdorf, Melbourne Entrepreneurship Education
BUSINESS – help to ensure that customers and user
recognize, remember, and prefer your offering to those
of competitors or substitutes. Brand innovation its all
about branding your component and making
customers aware of their value can build both
preference and bargaining power.

Profit Product Product Customer

Network Structure Process Performance System
Service Channel Brand Engagement


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Service Channel Brand Engagement

EXPERIENCE focusing on more customer facing element

Brand Extension Component Branding

Brand Leverage Private Label

Certification Transparency

Co-Branding Values Alignment

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01 Brand Extension

• Brand Extension works by offering a new product or service

under the umbrella of an existing brand

• New product or services doesn’t have to be in the same
industry as the original brand, but need to carry the same
ideology to maintain the original brand vision

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01 Brand Extension

Universitas Ciputra l 2015 Virgin Space Travel - Virgin Entrepreneurship Education

02 Brand Leverage

• Brand Leverage works by allowing others to use your brand

name to lend them your credibility and extend your
company’s reach

• Usually works best in services industry

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02 Brand Leverage

Universitas Ciputra l 2015 Adobe Authorized Channel Entrepreneurship Education

03 Certification

• Certification works when business entity develop a brand or

mark that signifies and ensures certain desirable
characteristics in third party offerings

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03 Certification

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04 Co-Branding

• Co-Branding works when business entity combine brands to

mutually reinforce key attributes or enhance the credibility of
an offering

• Usually being used to raise awareness and generate sales

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04 Co-Branding

Universitas Ciputra l 2015 Adidas and Polar Electro sport apparel Entrepreneurship Education
05 Component Branding

• Component Branding works when business entity brand a

discrete piece of the offering to make the whole appear more

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05 Component Branding

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06 Private Label

• Private Label works when business entity Provide goods

made by others packaged under its own brand

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06 Private Label

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07 Transparency

• Transparency works when business entity let customers see

into your operations and participate with your brand and

• Co-create with community

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07 Transparency

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08 Value Alignment

• Value Alignment works when business entity make its brand

stand for a big idea or a set of values and express them
consistently in all aspects of your company

• Create an align-community to help the value alignment brand
to existing customers

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08 Value Alignment

Universitas Ciputra l 2015 Method – People Against Dirty Community Entrepreneurship Education
provide broad avenues for exploration and help people
find ways to make parts of their lives more
memorable, fulfilling, delightful even magical. Even
simple gestures like elegant and intuitive packaging
can extend and elevate the experience customers have
with a company.

Profit Product Product Customer

Network Structure Process Performance System
Service Channel Brand Engagement


Universitas Ciputra l 2015 Entrepreneurship Education

Service Channel Brand Engagement

EXPERIENCE focusing on more customer facing element

Autonomy and Authority Experience Simplification

Community and Belonging Mastery

Curation Personalization

Experience Automation Status and Recognition

Experience Enabling Whimsy and Personality

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01 Autonomy and Authority

• Autonomy and Authority works when company grant users

the power to shape their own experience.

• User can act as your product tester and market validation

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01 Autonomy and Authority

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02 Community and Belonging

• Community and Belonging works when company facilitate

visceral connections to make people feel they are part of a
group or movement.

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02 Community and Belonging

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03 Curation

• Community and Belonging works when company create a

distinct point of view to build a strong identity for yourself
and give your followers exactly what they want.

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03 Curation

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04 Experience Automation

• Experience Automation works when company remove the

burden of repetitive tasks from users to simplify their lives
and make new experiences seem magical

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04 Experience Automation

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05 Experience Enabling

• Experience Enabling works when company extend the realm

of what’s possible to offer a previously improbable

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05 Experience Enabling

Universitas Ciputra l 2015 Facebook Place Tips Entrepreneurship Education

06 Experience Simplification

• Experience Simplification works when company reduce

complexity and focus on delivering specific experiences
exceptionally well

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06 Experience Simplification

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07 Mastery

• Mastery works when company helps customers to obtain

great skill or deep knowledge of some activity or subject

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07 Mastery

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08 Personalization

• Personalization works when company alter a standard

offering to allow the projection of the customer’s identity

• Personalization Tactics can be Lookalike-Inspired
Segmentation, Dynamic Content, Time Zone, Segmentation by
Purchase Behavior, or Customer-Specific Needs

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08 Personalization

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09 Status and Recognition

• Status and Recognition works when company offer cues that

confer meaning, allowing users— and those who interact with
them—to develop and nurture aspects of their identity

• Synchronize status and recognitions attributes to either
international or local norm.

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09 Status and Recognition

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10 Whimsy and Personality

• Whimsy and Personality works when company humanize

your offering with small flourishes of on-brand, on-message
ways of seeming alive

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10 Whimsy and Personality

Universitas Ciputra l 2015 Sephora Beauty Insider Program for Customers Entrepreneurship Education
Successful Innovator use
many types of innovation

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In your opinion, which tactics of

innovation suits your business
model better?

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Thank You

This module is created for courses in Universitas Ciputra and it is intended

to be used as a teaching material module, any reproduction is not
permitted without authorization

Entrepreneurship Education, Universitas Ciputra, 2015

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