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COURSE : GCT 7201-Methods and Procedures in Construction

ACTIVITY NO. : M7: Activity no. 01
TITLE : Reaction paper on Methods & Procedures for Building Construction
NAME : Ar. Joseph I. Rivera
SECTION : Section 1
PROFESSOR : Engr. Meinrado V. Samonte
DATE : September 28, 2023

These topics discuss the building procedure process in construction with different stages that
start in project initiation. This includes with the feasibility which determine the project viability, site
selection which study the other factor in the sites that need to be considered in risk assessment and
basis for the next stage. The Design development is the next stage where all the research and
observation was takes into consideration in making the design for the project. It is in the stage they
formulate the plans of all systems that serve as the guide during the construction stage. It also includes
the bill of materials to determine the total budget cost, the general specification of the construction, risk
assessment, and other methodologies. The construction phases are the execution stage and the
realization of the plans. And lastly, the post construction phase that main purpose is to prolong and
maintain the constructed project. These stages are the major milestones that must be done in a
construction project. It can execute per phases especially in large construction but mostly project done
in specific duration of time.

Each milestone is divided into series of activity to move into another milestone. This minor
activities are required that if omitted can cause a big impact to the project overall success. This
procedure in construction is a series of activity which was continuously improve by the professionals in
due time. It might be executed in a conventional manner which are tried and tested over the years or it
can incorporate innovative techniques, materials, and state-of-the-art equipment available in the
contemporary construction landscape. The modern construction industry is characterized by a wealth of
innovative materials, cutting-edge machinery, and improved methodologies that enhance efficiency,
sustainability, and the overall quality of construction projects. These advances have paved the way for
more efficient and cost-effective construction processes.
It is like in the case study where an effective method was introduced which was more
helpful during the construction of the elevated road with heavy traffic is available. It is a sosrobahu
technique, a unique and innovative construction approach that originated in Indonesia. It's often used
for the rapid construction of elevated roads and bridges with minimum disruption to involves
the construction of the horizontal supports for the highway beside the existing road, which are then
lifted and turned 90 degrees before being placed on the top of the vertical supports to form the flyover

The integration of new techniques in construction presents numerous benefits and is very
important for the building industry and society. These innovative approaches boost efficiency and
accelerate construction through the use of advanced technology and streamlined workflows, resulting in
shorter project timeframes and cost savings. Furthermore, safety is paramount with these methods,
decreasing on-site accidents and protecting workers and the public. Sustainability is another crucial
aspect, with new techniques focusing on minimizing environmental impact via sustainable materials and
energy-efficient practices. This not only helps the environment but also promotes the long-term
sustainability of building projects. Enhanced quality, adaptability to diverse project types and site
conditions, and resource efficiency further highlight the significance of these techniques. Reduced site
disruption, innovation, and economic growth are extra advantages, fostering job creation and the
advancement of new technologies. Moreover, adopting these methods adds to the resilience of
structures against natural disasters and tackles urban planning challenges. Finally, they give architects
and designers new possibilities for creative and visually appealing designs, shaping the future of
construction with ingenuity and practicality.

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