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Pseudoreplication  Hypothesis
 (In manipulative experiments) Defined as o Of primary importance
the use of inferential statistics to test for  If it is not good, the
treatment effects with data from experiment will be of little
experiments where: value
o either treatments are not  Experimental design
replicated (though samples may be) o The logical structure of the
or experiment
o replicates are not statistically o Based on the objectives, and the
independent objectives should describe or specify
 In ANOVA terminology: the:
o The testing for treatment effects with  Nature of experimental units
error term inappropriate to the to be employed (ex. the type
hypothesis being considered of glassware)
 Refers to not a problem with experimental  The number and kinds of
design, but to a particular combination of treatments
experimental design (or sampling) and  Properties or responses of
statistical analysis which is inappropriate the experimental units that
for testing the hypothesis of interest will be measured (ex.
accuracy and precision)
Nondemonic intrusion o It should specify:
 The impingement of chance events on an  How treatments are assigned
experiment in progress to the available experimental
 As safeguard against this and other units
preexisting gradient, INTERSPERSION is  The number of replicates per
considered an obligatory feature of a good treatment
design.  Physical arrangement of
experimental units
 Randomization and interspersion can  Temporal sequence in which
sometimes be in conflict with one another, treatments are applied
especially in small experiments.  Measurements made on
Comprehension of this conflict can be aided different experimental units
by:  Experimental execution
o Distinguishing pre-layout o Success requires avoiding systematic
(conventional) and layout-specific error and minimizing random error
alpha (the probability of a type I  Systematic error renders an
error) experiment invalid or
 Type I error = when the null inconclusive
hypothesis is rejected, when it o Errors in experimental execution are
is in fact true often subtler and more likely to
 When it was happen than design errors + they
concluded that there are more difficult to detect
is a significant  Statistical analysis
difference, when there o To increase the clarity, conciseness,
really is none and objectivity with which results are
presented and interpreted
 Interpretation  Measurements being made smaller than
the inference space implicit in the
 Interpretation and statistical analysis are the hypothesis being tested
least critical aspects of experimentation, as o Inference space is the space in which
the data can be reanalyzed. the samples occupy. It should be
congruent with the sampling domain,
 The only complete remedy for design or which is based on the objectives of
execution errors is repetition of the the experiment.
MENSURATIVE EXPERIMENTS  Involves two or more treatments
 Involve only the making of measurements at  The different experimental units receive
one or more points in space or time different treatments and the assignment of
 Space or time is the only experimental these treatments can be randomized
variable or treatment.
 Usually do not involve the imposition of an Difference with Mensurative Experiments:
external factor, thus, every experimental  Mensurative: comparing photosynthetic
units are treated identically rates of naturally established oak and maple
QUESTION: o Treatment variable: species
o Randomized assignment of
EXAMPLE: treatments to locations WOULD
 Objective: to determine the decomposition NOT BE POSSIBLE
rate of maple leaves in a 1-m isobath  Manipulative: comparing decomposition
rate of maple and oak leaves
 Measures a property of the system at two o Randomized assignment of
points within it and asking whether there is treatments to locations IS POSSIBLE
a real difference
 Objective: to determine the decomposition Critical Features of Experimental Design:
rate of maple leaves in a 1 m isobath vs. 10 1. Controls
m isobath o “Any treatment against which one or
 Hypothesis: the decomposition rate will be more other treatments is to be
different compared”
o May be an:
IMPORTANT:  Untreated treatment
 The dispersion of the replicate samples in a  No imposition of an
manner appropriate to the hypothesis being experimental variable
tested is the most critical aspect of a  Procedural treatment
mensurative experiment.  Simply a different treatment
o In experimentation with biological
PSEUDOREPLICATION IN MENSURATIVE systems, controls are required
EXPERIMENTS because these systems exhibit
 Often a consequence of the actual physical temporal change.
space over which samples are taken, or o Controls for temporal change and
procedure effect
o Regulation of the conditions under Why is this important?
which the experiment is conducted  Randomization confers validity because it
 The homogeneity of guarantees that, on the average, errors are
experimental units independently distributed.
 Precision of treatment o The lack of independence of errors
procedures prohibits us from knowing alpha, the
 Regulation of the physical probability of a type I error.
environment in which the
experiment is conducted 4. Interspersion
o ^ However, the above definition is o Controls for regular spatial variation
unfortunate usage, as the adequacy in properties of the experimental
of true controls is independent of unit
this regulation of physical  The physical layout of the
conditions, thus the validity of the experiment and how
experiment is unaffected by this experimental units should be
regulation. distributed in space
 Replication and randomization both o Most of the time, when you have
improve estimation and permit testing. randomization, you also have
interspersion, but that is NOT always
2. Replication the case.
o Controls for the stochastic factor,  Interspersion is the most
which is the variability among critical concept, and
replicates arising from: randomization is simply a
 The material itself way of achieving
 The experimenter interspersion  eliminate
 Nondemonic intrusion bias  allow accurate
o Reduces the effects of random error specification of the alpha
and increases precision o For preliminary assessment of the
o With respect to testing, its main adequacy of experimental designs,
purpose is: interspersion is more practical to
 supply an estimate of error consider than randomization.
by which the significance of
these comparisons is to be Sources of Confusion in Manipulative Experiments:

3. Randomization
o Controls for potential experimenter
bias in the assignment of
experimental units to treatments and
the execution of the experimental
o Increases accuracy of estimates
o With respect to testing, its main
purpose is:
 To guarantee the validity of
the significance test based on
the error estimate from
 Simple segregation
o Only one layer of treatments, but the
placement of a treatment group is
adjacent to the same group
 Rarely employed in ecological field
 More commonly found in laboratory
 Dangers lead to spurious treatment effects.
o Pre-existing difference in the
“locations” of two treatments
o Non-demonic intrusion
 Difference between locations
can become greater during
 Most basic and straightforward way of
the experiment
assigning treatments to experimental units
independently of any true
 Not frequently employed in ecological field
treatment effect
experiments (when experimental units are
 Has a good chance of producing treatments
 Poses all dangers of simple segregation but
that are segregated rather than spatially
in a more extreme form
 Further increase the likelihood of a spurious
treatment effect, as within-treatment
variances are less likely to be increased
 Commonly used design in ecological field
 Reduces the probability of chance
 Example:
segregation of treatments
o 4 aquaria in each set sharing
 Helps prevent pre-existing gradients and
common heating, aeration, filtration,
nondemonic intrusion
 The replicates are dependent on each
 Achieves a very regular interspersion of
treatments but runs the risk that the spacing
interval coincides with the period of some
periodically varying property of the
1. Reject highly segregated layouts and
experimental area
o Risk: precludes the probability of
 In both systematic and randomized block
knowing the exact value of alpha
designs, we can base the assignment
process NOT ON THE LOCATIONS but on
Pre-layout and Layout-specific Alpha
the internal properties of the experimental
 αPL
units prior to imposition of treatments.
o Conventional alpha
o Risk: spatially segregated treatments
o The probability, averaged over all
 The magnitude of this risk decreases with
possible layouts of a given
increasing number of replicates.
experiment, of making a type I error
 αLS chances of finding a significant
o the probability of making a type I premanipulation difference will
error if the layout was used increase (alpha will approach 1.00)
o will usually be less than or greater  THIS IS NOT WHAT WE NEED.
than the pre-layout alpha
 Replicability is a false issue. It pertains to
 When not adhering to strict randomization the similarity that can be obtained once the
procedures, the αPL will have marginal error. experimental design is repeated.
However, it does not mean that it cannot be o The question to be asked is NOT:
done. It is up to experimenter to determine  Are experimental units
whether knowing the aPL exactly is better sufficiently similar for one to
than having an idea of a possible upper be used per treatment?
bound to aLS. o Rather, it is:
 Given the observed or
Biased estimation of treatment effects expected variability among
 The greatest bias in estimating a treatment experimental units, how
effect will result from some particular many should be assigned to
nonsystematic design and not from a each treatment?
systematic one.
PSEUDOREPLICATION IN MANIPULATIVE  Multiple samples from each experimental
EXPERIMENTS unit are taken sequentially over several
 If treatments are spatially or temporally dates, which are then taken to represent
segregated (B1-3), if all replicates of a replicated treatments
treatment are interconnected (B-4), or if
“replicates” are only samples from a single SACRIFICIAL PSEUDOREPLICATION
experimental unit (B-5), then it is  Results when an experimental design:
pseudoreplication. o Involves true replication of
o At best, they can only demonstrate a treatments but data are pooled prior
difference between locations to statistical analysis, or
o Where two or more samples taken
SIMPLE PSEUDOREPLICATION from each experimental unit are
 Involves only a single replicate per treated as independent replicates
treatment (the concept of subsamples)
 The validity of using unreplicated treatments  Example:
depends on the experimental units being o In any field situation, two replicate
identical at the time of manipulation and plots or ponds in the same
after manipulation, except as there is a treatment are NOT identical, so a
treatment effect. significance test of the difference is
o The lack of significant difference not relevant.
prior to manipulation cannot be
interpreted as evidence of CHI-SQUARE AND PSEUDOREPLICATION
identicalness, as it can only be a Employing a Chi-square analysis pn subsamples
consequence of a small number of rather than replicates.
samples taken from each unit.
 Two experimental units are different in IMPLICIT PSEUDOREPLICATION
every measurable property  When authors seem to regard paired and
o Thus, if we increase the number of non-overlapping 95% confidence intervals
samples taken from each unit, our as equivalent to significance tests, and if
they offer no specific disclaimer that their
data is inadequate in assessing treatment

 Can mensurative experiments have control
o Mostly, no.
 Which is better, to randomize the glassware
or to randomize the people who measure?
 Where will we need subsamples? And where
would subsamples be a waste of time?
o Sdsd
 Seeks to understand evolutionary  Evolution
connection between traits of populations o A genetic change in a population of
and species and their biotic and abiotic organisms over time
environment. o Organism’s ecological situation
 An essential part of introductory ecology directs its evolution
because the proximate explanations for o The organism’s response to its
ecological phenomena are environmental, ecological situation may be
but the ultimate explanations are typically evolutionary
rooted in evolutionary theory. o Population
 The basic evolutionary unit
 Proximate explanations (members of the same
o Immediate cause of a phenomenon species) inhabiting a
o Ex. specified geographic area.
 Birds lay fewer eggs, have o Occurs over several hundreds,
smaller clutches during times thousands, etc. of lifetime
of food scarcity  Adaptation
 Proximate explanation o A genetically determined
for fewer eggs is food characteristic (whether behavioral,
scarcity morphological, or physiological) that
 Temperature, day length, improves an organism’s ability to
moonlight intensity, time survive and reproduce in a
after sunset particular environment
 Ultimate explanations  This characteristic must be
o More general reason; rooted in expressed as a phenotype.
evolutionary theory o Verb: Evolutionary process whereby
o Ex. organisms become better suited to
 As the bird in the example their environments
evolved, those birds that lay o It is driven by natural selection
fewer eggs in times of food
scarcity get to pass on their  Acclimatization
genes in future generations. o Phenotypic differences based on
Overtime, this trait became a how genes are expressed as a
common feature of the function of the environment
 Seasonal temperature cycles EVOLUTION IN POPULATIONS
that may optimize HARDY-WEINBERG THEOREM
physiological performance  Mathematical algorithm that detects and
for sexual reproduction in measures genetic change, that might be the
corals, wind speeds and tidal result of evolution
phases that may maximize
fertilization success and Assume a diploid organism polymorphic for A (A, a)
dispersal, and diurnal cycles with following genotype frequency:
that may allow for predator  AA: 30 individuals (30/100 = 0.3)
avoidance.  Aa: 20 individuals (20/100 = 0.2)
 Why we have to study evolution in an  Aa: 50 individuals (50/100 = 0.5)
ecology class
Genotype frequency – the proportion of individuals  It is the variety of alleles that creates
in the population bearing a specific genotype. variation in a population.

0.3 AA + 0.2 Aa + 0.5 aa = 1

For haploid:
 Allele frequency for A:
o p = (30 +30 + 20)/200 = 0.4
 Allele frequency for a:
o q = (50 + 50 + 20)/200 = 0.6

What does it mean?

 40% of their gametes will carry A allele.
 60% of gametes will carry the a allele.
Genetic drift
 Random shifts in allele frequencies
 Occurs in small and large populations but
the effect is most apparent in the former
 Determined by effective population size
 Two mechanisms:
o Founder effects
 When a subset of the original
population becomes a new
o Population bottlenecks
 Can occur when large
portions of a population are
killed by a chance event
unrelated to genotype

Gene flow
 Loss or gain of alleles resulting in change in
allele frequencies
 Occurs via emigration and immigration

Natural selection

 the differential representation of genotypes
in future generations, resulting from
 The equilibrium genotype frequencies is in heritable differences in survival and
the first row. “Hardy-Weinberg reproduction among these genotypes
 Elements:
 Equilibrium o Inherited variation exists among
o Means that the population is not individuals in a population
evolving or the genetic makeup is  Traits
not changing
o Not all individuals have the same o The average beak depth did not
phenotype change
 Phenotype – what the
environment sees; expressed  Directional selection
as a character o Shift in the average condition
o Resources are limiting, hence there is o Will lead to either one of the
competition among organisms for extreme (but not both)
scarce resources
o Phenotypes (and corresponding  Disruptive selection
genotype) which can garner more of o Selection against the average and for
the scarce resources leave more the extremes
offspring than others. o Will lead to the prominence of 2

 X-axis – histogram bins (i.e. beak depth)

 Y-axis – frequency

Natural selection results from differences in fitness,
which is based on adaptation.

 The contribution by an individual’s

descendants to future generations
o It doesn’t matter if the individual has
a lot of muscles or controls a lot of
resources; what matters is the ability
to reproduce.

 Absolute fitness
o The expected number of offspring
produced by a particular genotype in
a population

 Relative fitness
o The relative ability of a genotype to
obtain representation in the next
o Expressed as percentage

 Stabilizing selection
o Selection against the extreme and
for the average
o Small beak depth = small food

 Imagine: The ancestors of birds first

colonized Charles, Chatham. From here, they
colonized the area of Daphne.
o Directional selection, along with
stabilizing selection (because one
extreme are no longer represented
in the population in Daphne).
 Imagine: From Charles, Chatham to
o Disruptive selection


 Coevolution leads to divergence of
phenotypes in two species.
o Energy used supposedly for
reproduction will be used for
competition, thus, it will reduce

Abiotic factors and Limits

 Physical resources
o Abiotic factors that an organism
must assimilate if it is to live and
 Physical factor denotes other kinds of
abiotic parameters whose physical or
In the exams: chemical effects may delimit a zone in which
life is possible. When these determine the
presence or absence of a species, they are
referred to as limiting factors.

Shelford’s Law of Tolerance

 There are upper and lower bounds to the
physical factors that an organism can
tolerate (which can still change as a result of
o This tolerance is the result of
adaptation by natural selection or

Ecological Niche
 The ecological role of a species
 A hypervolume in multidimensional space
 The differences in beak depth has to do with
defined by the intersection of resource
food sources.
utilization and tolerance curves
o Defined by niche optima, niche SPECIES INTERACTIONS AND COMPETITION IN
breadth (how wide the niche is), and TEXT BOOK
niche separation  Symbiosis
o Interaction in which most or all of
 Higher niche overlap indicates higher the life cycle of one organism occurs
competition inside or on another


 Phenotypic variation among individuals in a
population results from the combined
effects of genes and environment
o Ex,
 Differences among
populations in the three
common garden sites
indicate genetic differences.  Under commensalism is:
 Differences within o Inquilinism – when one organism
populations in the three uses another for residence
common garden sites  If the impact is negative, it means there is
indicate environmental energy expended or injury incurred.
differences among the  In general, competition will be negative for
common garden sites, NOT both parties because even the winner will
genetic differences. have expended more energy to gain that
 Phenotypic plasticity resource than it would have if there was no
o When organisms change the competition.
expression of traits in response to
o Phenotypic variability that might not  Interference competition
actually be caused by genotypic o Involves direct interactions between
variability individuals
o If one has phenotypic plasticity, the  E.g. excessive defense of
environment leading to that change territories, cannibalism (which
in phenotype is NOT affecting the plays into how interference
genetic makeup of the population, may okay a role in
which insulates the genome from intraspecific competition,
changing, and hence, will inhibit even in the absence of
selection obvious resource limitation.)
o Related to “acclimatization”, because  Intraspecific competition
it happens in ONE life span o Competition with members of their
own species
 With reduced gene flow, populations could o Self-thinning rule
diverge genetically. Such genetic divergence  Plants will decrease in
would increase the genetic variation among population density as the
populations. total biomass of the
population increases
 Populations with the highest levels of  Consequence of intraspecific
inbreeding or with the lowest competition for limited
heterozygosity had the highest probabilities resources
of extinction.
o May also happen in the absence of evolutionary response that would alter their
obvious resource limitation fundamental niches.
 Interspecific competition
o Competition between individuals of  Long-term competition between two
2 species that reduces the fitness of species can lead to evolutionary divergence
both in morphology.
 This reduction in fitness may
not be equal  Because interspecific competition reduces
 Resource or exploitative competition the fitness of competing individuals,
o Competition involving the use of individuals that compete less should have
limited resources higher fitness than individuals that compete
Other ideas:
 Resource limitation Interspecific competition  character displacement
o When there is a limited supply of
resources that causes competition  Character displacement
o Circumstance in which 2 species
COMPETITION AND NICHES differ more from each other in
 Competitive Exclusion Principle geographic areas where they occur
o Proposes that 2 species with together than where their
identical niches cannot coexist distributions do not overlap
indefinitely, which leads to the
prediction that coexisting species Six criteria to build a definitive case for
will have different niches character displacement:
o Realized within the context of 1. Morphological differences between a pair
interspecific competition of sympatric species are statistically greater
o Competitive exclusion can result than the differences between allopatric
from competition for food populations of thee same species
2. The observed difference have a genetic
 Niche partitioning bases
o Done by organisms of different 3. Differences between populations must have
species with similar niches to reduce evolved in place (they evolved from the
competition same island)
o An example of strong selective force 4. Variation in character must have a known
competition effect in use of resources
5. There must be demonstrated competition
 Priority effect for resource and competition must be
o Under intermediate conditions, the directly correlated with similarity in the
species establishing itself in greater character
numbers first generally wins out in 6. Differences in the character cannot be
competition explained by differences in the availability of
resources to sympatric and allopatric
 Competition can have short-term ecological populations
effects on the niches of species by
restricting them to realized niches, yet
these species may retain their capacity to
inhabit the fuller range of environments we
call the fundamental niche. However, if
competition persists, they might have an
POPULATION ECOLOGY Parameters that Describe Populations
INTRODUCTION  Population density
Populations o number of individuals per unit area
 Group of conspecifics inhabiting a specific or volume, or as percentage cover
place in a specific time o can be expressed as crude density or
o Conspecific – individuals belonging to ecological density
the same species
 A human construct, i.e. they are not
normally discernible in nature

Boundaries of populations are defined by many

means, mostly arbitrary:
 Relative to species ranges
o Relative to where it is found
 Relative to life-span of individuals
 To maximize important processes (e.g.
reproduction, dispersal) within boundaries
compared tot hose between the study area
and other regions
 Genetically; e.g., demes – locally defined
population characterized by random mating
within the group  Dispersion
o Spatial distribution of organisms

 Age structure
o The distribution of individuals in the
various age classes

 Sex ratio
o The proportion or percentage of the
population that is either male or
Crude density  In dispersion, the patterns are not easily
 Number of individuals per unit area or discernible. There should be quantitative
volume ways to distinguish one from the other.

Ecological density Patterns of Dispersion

 Number of individuals per habitable unit These patterns are produced by (1) social interactions
area or volume within populations, (2) structure of the physical
environment, (3) a combination of both.
 May not be appropriate for clonal
organisms, or those whose individuals or a. Random patterns (Random dispersion)
modules are difficult to distinguish o An individual has an equal
o Ex. corals probability of occurring anywhere in
an area
 Organisms may be unitary or modular o Processes:
o Genet – A genetic individual arising  Neutral interactions between
from a zygote individuals and between
o Modules produced asexually by the individuals and local
genet are ramets environment
 They may be physically linked o Individuals are randomly spaced
to the parent or separate within the community
 They are clones or exact  Not that much common in
copies of the parent genet nature
 This occurs as there are no
strong interactions between
the individuals
 Show neutral interactions
b. Regular patterns (Uniform dispersion)
o Processes:
 Antagonistic interactions
between individuals or local
depletion of resources
o Individuals are uniformly spaced
within the population
 Mainly results from the
 Population density declines with increasing competition for resources
organism size.  Therefore there are
o Self-thinning aggressive interactions
between the neighbors
 Species living at low population densities c. Clumped patterns
generally have small, restricted distributions. o Attraction between individuals or
attraction of individuals to a
 3 factors important for the Classification of common resource
Commonness and Rarity by Rabinowitz o “contagious dispersion”
o Geographic range (extensive vs. o Most common pattern that can be
restrictive) observed in populations
o Habitat tolerance (broad vs. narrow) o Individuals are bunched into groups
o Local population size (large vs. small) within the population
 Mainly results from the  On large scales, individuals within a
response to the unevenly population are clumped.
distributed resources in o Why?
their environment  Because the environment
 also happens if there are varies and individuals
positive interactions aggregate in areas where the
(mutual attraction) between environment in favorable.
o Advantages: Dispersal can increase or decrease population
 Provides protection from densities.
predators  Density of predator populations can
 Facilitates finding mates and increase with increased prey density.
reproduction.l  Ongoing dispersal can join numerous
 Decrease the energetic cost subpopulations to form a metapopulation.
of food search o Subpopulation = a part of a larger
population that sustains a limited
exchange of individuals through
immigration and emigration.
o Metapopulation = group of
subpopulations living on habitat
patches connected by exchange of
individuals among patches


 Observations:
o Kenyan population is fairly young
and is growing

 Ecological concepts are very scale specific. A

pattern in 1x1 meter can be very different
from a patter in 20x20 meter

 On small scales, individuals within

populations are distributed in patterns that
may be random, regular, or clumped.
The effect of sex ratio

NE = (4NmNf)/(Nm + Nf)

 mx = the number of offspring of a given age

 Used to calculate and summarize important  lxmx = allows for a number of applications
parameters relating to the growth of for management of populations
populations, such as survivorship, mortality, o ex.
and life expectancy  Age class with the most
contribution to reproduction
is 6-7, therefore, to make
sure the population does not
die out, we have to take care
of this population.
 If this life table is a life table
for fishes, we can infer that
those with lxmx that, when
subtracted to R0, still
generates a difference
 Proportion surviving = survivorship greater than 1, then catching
fishes of these age classes
 Age-specific/Cohort Life Tables should not affect the growth
o Cohort is followed over time of the fish population. In
o Requires frequent censuses contrast, if we catch fishes of
 Time-specific Life Tables (Static Life age class 6-7, then that
Tables) would cause the population
o Useful for long-lived organisms to shrink because it
o Assumes stationarity and number contributes the most to the
born each year is the same population’s reproduction.
 R0 = over the average life span of a typical
Birth rate organism, it will produce this number of
 Number of young born per female in a offspring on average
period of time o The population of lions in this life
Fecundity schedule table increases its population by 33%
 Tabulation of birth rates for females of for every generation (roughly every 3
different ages in a population years).
o If R0 is 1, then the population is not
growing. If <1, the population is

 Life tables are for females, mostly.

POPULATION GROWTH organisms to ruderals, stress-tolerators, and
 The life table will ultimately allow us to competitive strategies. Few species can be
compute net reproductive rate, which can unambiguously assigned to a strategy in
be converted to r, the intrinsic growth both schemes. Most species exhibit
rate, which can then be used in modeling combinations of traits of alternative
the pattern of population growth. schemes. Why do you think that is so?
 Population growth accelerates.
Two patterns of growth:  Describe the intrinsic properties of a species
 exponential growth (J-shaped curve) with regards to life history strategy
o growth that does not occur in
discrete generations, but is instead Types:
continuous  Type I
o rate of population growth increases o Most individuals lost when older
over time (Higher mortality in elderly)
 logistic growth (S-shaped curve). o Found in vertebrates especially those
o Growth pattern that happens when with parental care
resources are depleted and  Type II
population growth rate declines then o Constant mortality rate across age
eventually stops groups
 Carrying capacity o In Hydra and many birds
 The population size at  Type III
which growth stops o Most individuals lost when young
 Represents the (Higher mortality in young
number of individuals individuals)
that an environment o Found in many invertebrates and
can support plants
o Population growth is highest when
N = K/2 and ceases when N = K. N is
population size.
o As N gets closer to K, environmental
factors increasingly impede further
population growth.

 Age (x-axis)
o Maximum longevity
 Logarithmic scale of nx (y-axis)

 Despite the name, life history strategies

followed by species or populations are
outcomes of evolution, not conscious
choice. The classical scheme assigns
organisms to either r-selected or K-
selected strategies. Newer schemes divide
invests a greater proportion of their
energy budget to reproduction.
 When adult survival is higher, organisms
defer reproduction to a later age and
allocate a smaller proportion of their
resources to reproduction.
o High adult survival = delayed

Two Types:
 Life history o observed in opportunistic small
o Any aspect of the developmental organisms with good dispersal
pattern and mode of reproduction of capabilities
an organism that results from  strongest in species that
evolution (and not “conscious often colonizes new or
decision”) disturbed habitats
o Adaptations of an organism that o Characteristic of unpredictable or
influence aspects of its biology, such variable environments
as reproduction, survival, size, and o have short life spans, rapid
age at reproductive maturity. development
o Aspects include: o early reproductive age
 Body size o Semelparous
 Developmental stages  Reproduce only once and
 Instars typically die after that
 Metamorphosis o fast population growth; variable
 Senescence – the process of population size below K
timing, aging, degeneration,  K is carrying capacity
and death o Type III survivorship, no parental
 Reproductive patterns care
 Ability to disperse
 K-selected
 Organisms that produce larger offsprings o Large organisms with poor
are constrained to produce fewer. dispersal capability but good
o Why? Organisms take in energy at a competitive ability
limited rate due to external  Favors more efficient
environment conditions and internal utilization of resources such
constraints. These constraints are as food nutrients
fundamental to the principle of  Most prominent in
allocation, which states that if an populations near carrying
organism uses energy for one capacity most of the time
function such as growth, it reduces o Characteristic of predictable
the amount of energy available for environments
other functions such as o Long-lived, slow development
reproduction. o Late reproductive age
o Iteroparous
 When adult survival is lower, organisms  Can reproduce many times
begin reproducing at an earlier age and o Slow population growth; population
size around K
 Likely because of late rate of growth becomes slower until
reproductive age it stabilizes at the carrying capacity.
o Type I or II survivorship
 Number of offspring per reproductive event:
o Large litters or clutches do not
increase fitness since these are offset
by higher mortality from predators,
lower body weight of offspring,
higher feeding costs, etc.
 Present vs. Future Reproduction
o Selection favors age of reproduction
that occurs before survivorship
declines markedly
o Semelparity vs. Iteroparity
 Age at Sexual Maturity

 Most species are a mix of these two


Growth patterns are related to life history


 Describes 3 types of life history strategies

o Ruderal – small, shortlived; allocate
more energy to reproduction,
 Persist in locations
experiencing high
disturbance, meaning that
organisms with this life
 r-selected  J-shaped strategy have several
o Exceeding the carrying capacity K characteristics that endure
means the number of individuals in any mechanism that limits
the population often exceed the them by destroying their
ability of the environment to support biomass (predation ???)
these numbers  the population will  High disturbance, low stress
increase, then crash, then increase life history strategy
again, then crash. o Stress-tolerant = allocate more
 Evident in pests energy to maintenance
 K-selected  S-shaped  Large body sizes, longer lives
o Population grow fastest at about  Rarely reproduces
halfway the carrying capacity  Low disturbance, high stress
o As the slope population size  Stress – induced by
approach the carrying capacity, the environmental
conditions that limit  Irruptions
an organism’s growth o When populations that typically have
 Grow slowly low densities and stable numbers
o Competitors = allocate more energy suddenly explode in numbers
to growth, resource acquisition, and o Example:
competition  Outbreaks of coral-eating
 Faster growth but not as fast starfish
as the ruderal
 Low disturbance, low stress DENSITY DEPENDENT VERSUS DENSITY
 Organisms have the INDEPENDENT FACTORS
capacity to grow well,  Density dependent factors
but this results to
competition among

POPULATION REGULATION o In populations that are regulated

 Stems from observations that show that more when their densities are higher
different species have different patterns with  Density increases = birth rate
regards to the sizes of their populations decreases = death rate
Patterns of population fluctuation o Found in K-selected species
 Small-magnitude irregular fluctuations o Usually lead to increased mortality
o Year to year random changes of one percentage as population density
order of magnitude (base 10) or less increases
 Large-scale irregular fluctuations
o Peaks may be several orders of  Density-independent factors
magnitude higher than the lows
o Typical of r-selected species like
most insect pests
 Cycles
o Regular changes with fixed periods,
magnitude can be large or small
o Best known examples:
 4 year cycles of microtine
rodents (lemmings and voles)
 10 year cycles of hare,
grouse, and lynx
o Typically k-selected species
o Density’s impact on birth and death  And this depends on the
rates are somewhat fixed, fairly level of productivity, that is,
stable how much food is available,
how much photosynthesis is
occurring in the ecosystem
that they are exploiting

 Density-dependent or density-
o Density of humans and their
mortality due to typhoons?
 Density-independent
o Density of ant colonies and their
mortality due to (paghuhukay XD)
 Density-independent
Barnacles o Density of invertebrates and their
 Logs are density independent mortality due to predation
o Why?  Density-independent
o Extinction
 Abiotic factors are density-independent??  ???
 Biotic factors are density-dependent?? o Mortality of plants due to herbivores
o ^ Not a good generalization.  Density-independent
o Mortality ng ipis dahil sa baygon
 Inverse density dependent?
 If we assume na the
strength of baygon
spray is at maximum
strength if mas
mataas yung
concentration sa
isang ipis
 Density dependent
 If we assume na one
 Ecosystem Exploitation Hypothesis baygon spray can kill
o “The factor that regulates the one ipis and 4 ipis at
population of one species is usually equal efficiency
either its own kind or a predator or
herbivore of that species.”
o Mortality of humans due to COVID-
 Density-dependent
o Mortality of bad bacteria sa body
 Inverse density dependent
SYSTEMS ECOLOGY  Steady state of ecosystems
 System o When total input = total output
o Any part of the universe that can be o Dynamic equilibrium
isolated for the purposes of o Homeostasis = when environment is
observation and study kept constant

Ecosystem vvv closed system

 any unit that includes all organisms that
function together (the biotic community) in
a given area interacting with the physical
environment so that the flow of energy
leads to clearly defined biotic structures and
cycling of materials between living and non-
living parts (Odum 1983).
 Basic functional unit of ecology
 Components and processes of an ecosystem:
o Biotic community
 Group of populations that
interact with one another
o Flow of energy
o Cycling of materials
o Feedback control loops

 Autotrophs – produce their own food

 Heterotrophs – eat autotrophs for energy

 Ecosystems are living systems difficult to

isolate without affecting its properties
o BOUNDARIES are best defined in
terms of flows
 There should be less of these
crossing boundaries than
staying with them.
o Open vs. Closed system
IMBALANCES IN NATURAL CYCLES Important Notes to Supplement the Slides.

Regarding flow of energy:

 Flow of energy tends to be one-way and is
eventually lost (most times as heat). We see
this in the trophic level concept.
 As energy moves from one trophic level to
the next, most of the useful energy is given
off as heat. Only 10% is retained in biomass.
 In land, there are 3-5 trophic levels.
 In seas, there are 6-9 trophic levels.

Regarding open and closed systems:

 Open system
o Energy flows outside of the defined
o Because energy cross boundaries,
some energy is lost from the system.
 Closed system
o No material/energy crossing the
boundary of the system.
o The system is in a steady state.

Regarding Nutrient Cycling (Yung pail-water-

The associated urbanization is cutting (?) and
pump illustration):
releasing heat, manifested as convection current,
 Changes associated with bifurcation will
which is the turbulence you feel when a plane
lead to changes that will affect other
crosses over a city.
o Whether the input is decreased or
increased, there will be a cascade of
changes in all compartments.
 If no bifurcation:
o If flow rate in is increased
 Water level rises in one
compartment, decreases in
the other, but there are no
visible changes on the water
level of other compartments.
o If flow rate in is decreased
 Water level drops in one
compartment, which will
lower its flow rate to the next
compartment, and so on,
until one compartment has
most of the water and all
other compartments nearly
 However, the pail will never o Phosphorus is usually the limiting
run dry, as this is a closed nutrient in life processes (remember
system. the Redfield ratio of 106 C: 16 N: 1
 Higher content = Export will remain the P), so the increase in P distribution
same usually leads to cultural
o No change is observed in other eutrophication
 Lower content = Export will decrease after  Nitrogen cycle
the content nearly empties o Predominantly a gaseous cycle, so it
o Other compartments will change is predominantly stored in the
 Is the water stagnant? atmosphere
o NO. The water level is stable, but o The pipes and pumps assumption
they don’t have permanent applies in this cycle, as the amount
residence in one compartment, as of N in the atmosphere does not
they are still flowing from one affect the rate of nitrification done
compartment to another. by bacteria and lightning.

Regarding Biogeochemical cycles: Regarding biodiversity ecosystem function:

 Turnover rate  Interaction strengths vary in every
o # of times the contents of a ecosystem, and the bigger the system is, the
compartment is replaced less important the role every little
 Residence time interaction plays.
o The amount of time before the o More species with similar
contents are completely replaced abundances  more stable network
 Carbon cycle of interactions.
o Amount of carbon in Ocean > C in  Ex. a predator will not go
soil > C in atmosphere extinct if a prey of theirs go
o Has the fastest turnover rate and extinct, as it can prey on
shortest residence time other organisms. Compare it
o The pipes and pumps assumption to when a predator only has
does NOT apply here because the one species as a prey, then its
amount of C in the atmosphere survival is solely dependent
affects how much C flows to the on the existence of that prey.
ocean (a simple dissolution o A species that has a big role in the
process), and such, the rate of ecosystem (e.g. whales in aquatic
import to one container affects the ecosystems) can cause a collapse if
rate of its export, which should not its role is disturbed.
be the case in the illustrated
example of a system using the pails
and water and pumps.

 Phosphorus cycle
o Sedimentary cycle (so predominantly
stored in sediments under the
ocean) and tied to the rock cycle,
hence, it has the longest residence
time of a thousand years and the
slowest turnover rate
SAMPLE QUESTIONS FROM QUIZZES, REVIEW 4. T or F: All experimental designs should have
1. Which of the following types of 5. Identify the no. of true replicates and no. of
experimental designs has a regular subsamples in the mensurative study aimed
interspersion of treatments but is prone to at comparing the rate of leaf decomposition
the risk of periodically varying properties of at high (the “treatment” group) and low (the
the experimental area within the space “control” group) altitude.
o Systematic Design: 10 randomly selected leaf samples
at the peak of the hill, another 10 atleast
2. Lydia works in a flower shop after school. 100 m below the peak of the hill
She notices that the hydrangeas in o 10 replicates, no subsamples per
Container 1 have pink blossoms, while the treatment
hydrangeas in Container 2 have blue
blossoms. She makes sure they all receive 6. During randomization for sampling or
the same amount of light and water. Her experimental lay-outs, ensuring
boss tells her that the flowers were all interspersion means:
grown from the same seed variety. Lydia o All of the choices given are
discovers, after testing the soil, that appropriate
although the same type of soil was used, the o Resorting to haphazard
soil in Container 1 has a pH of 6.0, and the arrangements instead of
soil in Container 2 has a pH of 5.0. Lydia randomization
conducted her investigation to answer o Accepting any randomization
which question about hydrangeas? outcome
o How does the chemistry of soil o Repeating the randomization to
affect the color of hydrangea get a satisfactory interspersion
blossoms? o Making your own lay-out if the
randomization results are not
3. Professor Z sets up a lab for her biology satisfactory
students using a culture of the small
crustacean Daphne, obtained from a pond 7. The following was done in an experiment to
that was 20 degrees C. The students are to determine if noise (from window-type air
investigate the effect of temperature on conditioners) in classrooms affects the
Daphnia. The students will observe the performance of students in standardized
crustacean’s heartbeat under the intelligence tests: 120 students were
microscope, at the ff. temps: 0, 10, 20, 30, randomly divided into eight groups of 15
and 40C. They will count the number of students each, randomly assigned a
heartbeats per sec. To avoid classroom per group and given 90 minutes
pseudoreplication, which would be the best to complete the same test. Four of the
experimental design? rooms had noisy AC units and four didn't.
o Placing 5 of each identical cultures The rooms are randomly interspersed. How
of Daphnia at different many independent samples per treatment
temperature did this experiment have?
o Placing 5 cultures, each with a o 4
different type of crustacean, at a
different temp 8. Where is RCB more advantageous?
o When the environment can noisy AC units. The following day, the procedure
introduce bias. was repeated except all the 8 rooms used had quiet
AC units, and the exam used was different (from
There were five separate experiments conducted to that of the first day), but is otherwise equivalent.
determine if noise (from window-type air
conditioners) in classrooms affects the performance 9. Which experiment will be most affected by
of students in standardized intelligence tests taken genetic differences among students?
in those classrooms: o Experiments A and B, because the
variability will not cancel out.
Experiment A: 120 students were randomly divided However, if a choice between the
into four groups of 30 students each and randomly two is needed, the more appropriate
assigned to a classroom per group and given 90 would be Experiment B because it
minutes to complete the same test. Two of the had less number of subsamples.
rooms had noisy AC units and two didn’t. The
rooms are randomly interspersed. 10. Least affected by genetic differences?
o Experiment D, RCB design.
Experiment B: 120 students were randomly divided
into 8 groups of 15 students each and randomly 11. Which experiment got completed earlier?
assigned to a classroom per group and given 90 o Experiments A and B
minutes to complete the same test. Four of the
rooms had noisy AC units and four didn’t. The 12. Most biased by repetitive testing?
rooms are randomly interspersed. o Experiments C and E, they took the
test twice + segregated design
Experiment C: 120 students were randomly divided
into four groups of 30 students each and randomly 13. Most affected by potential long term effects
assigned to a classroom per group and given 90 of air conditioning
minutes to complete the same test. All four rooms o Experiments C and E
had noisy AC units. The following day, the
procedure was repeated except all the four rooms IMPORTANT NOTES:
used had quiet AC units, and the exam used was  Something is manipulative when you’re
different (from that of the first day), but is otherwise making decisions based on levels.
equivalent. o Mensurative = when you’re
determining levels
Experiment D: 120 students were randomly divided  The “randomization” in RCB should be
into four groups of 30 students each and randomly within the blocks.
assigned to a classroom per group and given 90  Standard error as a basis for determining
minutes to complete the same test. Two of the significant differences in graph (error bars)
rooms had noisy AC units and two didn’t. The would have narrower differences compared
rooms are randomly interspersed. The following to when standard deviation is used.
day, the procedure was repeated except those who Therefore, if the error bars are close to each
were in quiet rooms in the previous run were other and SD was used, it’s likely not
assigned to noisy rooms and vice versa, and the significantly different with each other.
exam used was different (from that of the first day),
but is otherwise equivalent. LE2
Experiment E: 120 students were randomly divided SELECTION:
into 8 groups of 15 students each and randomly A. Populations grow faster than their resources
assigned to a classroom per group and given 90 can support. Random mutation creates
minutes to complete the same test. All 8 rooms had variation in genotype (and consequent
phenotype). These variations are passed on
to succeeding generations.
B. Individuals in the population compete
depending on crowding, resource supply.
Both lead to different biological conditions
over time and space. Physical and chemical
conditions in the environment differ over
time and space.
C. Some phenotypes (and corresponding
genotypes) confer an advantage during
competition; others confer a disadvantage
to those competing individuals that have
this trait.
D. Those genotypes that confer an advantage
get passed on to more individuals in the
succeeding generations as their bearers are
more successful in having more offspring.
E. The genetic composition and consequent What type of selection occurred:
general characters of the populations
change over time. 4. Jervis  Daphne
o Directional
1. A hypothetical population was found to
have a genotype frequency of AA=25%, 5. Chatham  Jervis (G. fulliginosa)
Aa=50%, and aa=25%. What is the o Directional
frequency of the A allele in proportions?
o 0.5 6. G. magnirostris in Jervis
o Directional
2. A hypothetical population was found to
have a genotype frequency of AA=20%, 7. Which of the following statements is wrong?
Aa=40%, and aa=40%. Which observed o The basic unit of selection is the
genotype is/are the farthest from population
equilibrium? o Adaptation is the result of genetic
o Aa change
o Biological factors can be selective
3. A hypothetical population was found to agents
have a genotype frequency of AA=10%, o Niches are exclusively defined by
Aa=80%, and aa=10%. What type of physical and chemical factors
selection is this trait likely experiencing? o Migration can occur without gene
o Stabilizing selection flow

1. T or F: Competition between different
species can lead to the expansion of the
distribution limits of one or both species.
o True

2. Why are individuals in some population

more clumped in dispersion than others?
o Due to availability of limited 13. What is the effective population size if 40%
resources of the panmictic population of 100 humans
are polygamous males and the rest are
3. Which of the following factors does not polygamous females?
likely influence the dispersion of plants in a o 96
o Genetic diversity 14. What is the effective population size if 40%
of the panmictic population of 100 humans
Density-dependent or density-independent? are monogamous males and the rest are
4. Mortality of plants due to limited nutrients monogamous females?
in the soil? o 80
o Density-independent
15. What is the effective population size if 40%
5. Mortality of farmers due to drought? of the panmictic population of 100 humans
o Density-independent are polygamous males and the rest are
monogamous females?
6. Bamboo and sunlight o 96
o Density-independent (?)
16. What is the effective population size if 40%
7. Complete the life table for the following: dx of the panmictic population of 100 humans
of 500, 375, 109, 15, 1; a 5 year life span, are monogamous males and the rest are
fecundity schedule (mx) of 0.00, 0.9, 1.9, 4.0, polygamous females?
0.0 respectively for each of the five years. o 80
What is the next reproductive rate (R0) of
this population? 17. Cohort life tables require that the
o 0.75 stationarity assumption be made:
o False
8. Generation time?
o Dfsdf

9. Is the population from above growing?

o No

10. What type of survivorship curve does this

hypothetical organism have?
o Type I

11. Assuming this species is a commercially

important finfish from the sea, which is the
youngest age class that could be harvested
without endangering the survival of this
o This population cannot support

12. If this is a pest, which age class will you

target to impact its growth rate?
o 1-2 year olds

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