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Recommendation Letter

To Whom It May Concern,

This letter is written at the request of my student Feyzullayev Rasul whom I had the
pleasure of teaching as part of my course called “Fundamentals of Operational İnvestigation”.
He took my “Fundamentals of Operational İnvestigation” course in the spring 2023 semester,
and he finished it with outstanding performance. He actively participated in every lesson and
put all his efforts into contributing to the class. Especially in the group project assignment, Rasul
managed to adjust to the group setting easily and carefully organized the group work as a team
leader. I have personally witnessed his team-leading capability by explaining all necessary
nuances to his teammates and organizing small in-group discussions during break-time.
Due to his excellence in international law studies and the public sector, I strongly believe
that he will be an expert in his field if he continues his master’s degree at the prestigious
universities of leading countries. Embarking on a master's degree program at renowned
universities in leading countries would provide him with unparalleled access to cutting-edge
research, esteemed faculty, and a diverse network of peers from around the world. Moreover,
such an experience would open doors to invaluable opportunities for internships, fellowships.
I have known Rasul for 2 years, not only for his participation in my course but also for his
reputation at Baku State University. Rasul was captain of BSU in intellectual games in various
regional contests. Furthermore, Rasul has actively participated and volunteered in organizing
various regional events at the university. His organizing, problem-solving, and communication
skills have been the main reasons for university administration to select him for key roles in
events with companies, ambassadors, and well-known people around country. I think that his
constant hunger for new successes and his desire to improve himself are the main reasons
behind his success and motivation.
Finally, I strongly believe that Rasul will be able to do all he can for his master’s degree and
will be a remarkable student at your university if you choose Rasul Feyzullayev as a master

Baku State University

Head of the Department of Criminalistics and Forensic Expertise
Prof.Kamil Salimov

Contact number:+994502201280

Date and signaturedate:04.09.2024

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