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Grade: 10 Light-POWER OF LENS NUMERICAL Kumaraswamy

1 A concave lens produces an image 20cm from the lens of an object placed 30cm from the lens.
Calculate the power of the lens.
[Hint: v=-20 cm; u=-30 cm] f=-60 cm; P=-1.66 D.
2 A convex lens is of focal length 10 cm. What is its power?
Ans: +10 D.
3 A person having a myopia eye uses a concave lens of focal length 50cm. What is the power of the lens?
Ans: -2D
4 A thin lens has a focal length of –25cm. What is the power of the lens and what is its nature?
Ans: P=-4D; Concave lens.
5 A lens has a power of –2.5 D. What is the focal length and nature of the lens?
Ans: Focal length=-40 cm; Concave lens.
6 Find the power of a concave lens of focal length 2 m.
Ans: P=-0.5 D
7 A convex lens forms a real and inverted image of needle at a distance of 50cm from the lens. If the
image is of the same size as the needle, where is the needle placed in front of the lens? Also, find the
power of the lens.
[Hint: v=50 cm; hi=ho; m=-1; u=-50 cm; f=25 cm; P=4D]
8 Two thin lenses of power +3.5 D and –2.5 D are placed in contact. Find the power and focal length of
the lens combination.
Ans: P=P1 + P2; P=+3.5 -2.5; P=1 D; f=1m=100 cm.
9 A doctor has prescribed a corrective lens of power –1.5 D. Find the focal length of the lens. Is the
prescribed lens is diverging or converging?
Ans: f=1/P=1/-1.5=-0.66 m. Both Power and focal length are negative. So, lens is diverging.
10 A concave lens of focal length 25 cm and a convex lens of focal length 20 cm are placed in contact with
each other. What is the power of this combination? Also, calculate focal length of the combination.
Ans: i/f=1/f1 + 1/f2; 1/f=1/25 -1/20; f=-100 cm; P=1/0.25 -1/0.20; P=-1 D.
11 A convex lens of focal length 20 cm is placed in contact with a concave lens of focal length 10cm. What
is the focal length and power of the combination?
Convex lens: f=+20 cm=+0.20 m; P=+5D.
Concave lens: f=-10 cm=-0.1 m; P=-10 D.
P=P1 + P2; P=5-10; P=-5D.
12 An object is placed at a distance of 50cm from a concave lens of focal length 30cm. Find the nature and
position of the image.
[The nature of the image can be determined based on the sign of v. Since v is negative, the image is
formed on the same side as the object (in front of the lens), and it is virtual and upright. Therefore,
the nature of the image is virtual and upright, and its position is 18.75 cm in front of the concave lens]
13 An object of height 2 cm is placed at a distance of 15cm in front of a concave lens of power –10D. Find
the size of the image.
[Hint: ho=2 cm; u=-15 cm; P=-10D] f=-10 cm; v=-6 cm; hi=0.8 cm.
14 A convergent lens of power 8D is combined with a divergent lens of power –10D. Calculate focal length
of the combination.
[P=P1 + P2; P=8-10; P=-2D (diverging). f=1/P; f=-50 cm.
15 A concave lens is kept in contact with a convex lens of focal length 20cm. The combination works as a
converging lens of focal length 100cm. Calculate power of concave lens.
[Hint: f1=20 cm; P1=100/f1=100/20=5D.
f=100cm; P=100/f=100/100=1D
P=P1 + P2; P2=P-P1=1-5=-4D]
16 Find the focal length and nature of lens which should be placed in contact with a lens of focal length 10
cm so that the power of the combination becomes 5D.
[Hint: P1=10D; P=P1 + P2; 5D=P1 + 10D; P1=-5D; P2=1/f2; f2=-0.2 m]
17 A convex lens of power 3D is held in contact with a concave lens of power – 1 D. A parallel beam of light
is made to fall on the combination. At what distance from the combination will the beam get focussed?
[The parallel beam of light will get focused at a distance of 1/2 meter (or 50 cm) from the
combination of lenses]
18 The power of a combination of two lenses X and Y is 5D. If the focal length of lens X be 15 cm, then:
a) Calculate the focal length of lens Y.
b) State the nature of the lens Y.
[fx=15 cm=0.15m; Px=1/fx=20/3D; P=Px + Py; 5D=20/3D + Py; Py=-5/3D.
Fy=1/Py; fy=-60cm. It is concave/diverging lens]

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