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Is the Dhyanalinga mentioned

anywhere in Vedas or any Hindu or
religious scriptures?
3 Answers

Prasanth Chandrahasan, Practicing Yoga &

Meditation since 2001
Answered 6 years ago · Author has 84 answers and
1.4M answer views

I have been to the Isha Yoga Center at Coimbatore.

Took a dip at the Theerthakund and sat inside the
Dhyanalinga dome for hours and hours with closed
eyes. Nothing happened. No chakras, no energy, no
enlightenement. Just wasted time.

And then I visited Ramana Maharishi's Ashram at

Tiruvannamalai. Entered Bhagawan's shrine and sat
cross-legged near his bed. I immediately slipped in
to deep meditation. My only regret was that I didn't
get to spend enough time at the Ashram.

OK, that's not what you asked. The answer to your

question is....I don't know the answer to the
question. But then let's dig a little more deeper.
Sadhguru alaways claimed that the Dhyanalinga is
mentioned in the Vedas and that such a linga will be
consecrated by a householder Yogi. Remember that
when he make such claims he is preaching to a
choir. Most people who listen to him believes all and
everthing he says. Sadhguru always claimed that he
is an "ignorant guru" with no spiritual education
whatsoever. In those programs where he has quoted
scriptures, he has used a references like a book. In
one of the programs I attended, he quoted from
Bhagavad Gita. So that begs the question - if he is
ignorant Guru, then how come he know about
Dhyanalinga in the Vedas.

He also says that prana pratishta technique comes

from Agama Shashtra. There aren't a lot of books
out there about Agama Shashtra. Plus it later
evolved in to Kashmir Shaivism, a highly developed
Tantric school.

Thus applying Occam's Razor to Sadhguru's claim,

we can conclude that he is either highly
exaggerating or lying. Most probably both.
Technical term for this process is called application
of Bovine Fecal Matter.
10.7K views · View upvotes

33 8

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Where is the reference of Dhyanalinga in Rig


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it? Is it from God? If it's not, why is it the most
sacred text amongst all Hindu scriptures?

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Marco Lupo, studied at Rhode Island School

of Design
Updated 2 years ago

Jaggi Vasudev takes something from occultism,

something from theosophism, something from his
own imagination and mixes it all togheter to fool
people. Some decontestualized data abusively
taken from hinduism are just the glaze on the pie.
He says the Dhyanalinga is the final and successful
step of many attempts to create THE Perfect Being.
According to his own words, the first idea to create
"a synthetic (!) perfect being that could be the
perfect Master and the Redeemer of humanity" was
first pursued by a certain yogi Sunira, who would
have lived right after the sapta rishi age.... This very
idea is a total nonsense: do you really believe that
an imperfect being can create a perfect being ???
Can the more come from the less??? And if instead
Sunira himself was perfect, then this "perfect being
redeemer of humanity" was already there, so why to
create it artificially? Please use your intelligence!

2.9K views · View upvotes

8 2

Ashok Kumar, Since Birth

Updated 1 year ago · Author has 212 answers and
155.2K answer views

It is a debatable topic, I myself can go on proving

there is no such mention..

On the other hand,

I can go on saying it's mentioned…

It's like Did Jesus exist….that kinda matter..strange

rite not a single photo of arguably greatest being on
earth…but no Proof to show his photo, drawing,
something but we have images of people way
before him…but again one cannot fully deny he
didn't exist..

What I suggest always look for the place from where

it all started…

So Find about Yogi Sunera..

Rest I leave it you…

Continue Reading

But clues to be sure..about Dhyanalinga -


But find if such a person existed,

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Read about Bhojeshwar T
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Arvind Kesh, Just another seeker

Updated 10 months ago · Author has 95 answers and
604.4K answer views

What is Dhyanalinga, and have you visited this


This meme is an accurate description of my thought

process during my college days.

I used to live with my grandparents back then. I was

completely against against lingas, temples or
anything related to Sanatana Dharma. But my
curious mind used to read a lot of Osho and even
some western books on mysticism.

My grandfather was a theosophist and was the first

person to teach me all religions lead to the same
God. I used to mutter within:

But God is within me! Why do I need all these

external help? I am God!

He stuck a lot of “divine” pictures here and there.

From Krishna to Christ to Mecca and a lot more.
Every room had at least two or three realised beings
or holy place. I barely cared to individually
investigate what each picture meant. I hated the
idea of religion itself.

The only practise of any kind I did was a simple

meditation taught by my uncle. I was never regular
and rarely did it. You could say I was more into
“spiritual gossip” as I was content in reading and
exploring other dimensions rather than doing
anything to actually explore those dimensions.

But every time I sat on a particular couch I would

suddenly become meditative. I just closed my eyes
and found myself going into Gyan Rudra
automatically. My grandpa used to call my grandma
whenever I sat there. They used to enjoy the sight
of the rebel meditating. He used to mockingly call
me a “spiritual master”.

Years passed by. The rebel started striving to be a

yogi. I was introduced to Inner Engineering and got
initiated into Shambhavi Mahamudra. After getting a
taste of my Agnya chakra, I was able to perceive
energies and was blown away by the exuberance
exuded by some of our Devi temples. A notable
mention would be the Attukal Bhagavathi Temple.
She was so fierce!

After these experiences, the thirst to go to

Dhyanalinga became intense. If Sadhguru’s yogic
process was able to open me up in this way, I
wanted to know what the man was capable of

It was a Mahashivaratri night and I was expecting a

lot of fireworks within. But nothing happened. There
were no fireworks. Instead, a deep sense of
relaxation engulfed my body. It was beautiful. I
thought I had spent a couple of minutes inside while
in reality it was half an hour.

After this incident, I visited Dhyanalinga multiple

times. The experiences are always so subtle and
very hard to recollect in future. The only common
theme is a deep sense of relaxation. It’s a kind of
mini-death and when you come out there is a sense
of renewed life. But all these are so subtle and if it
weren’t for Shambhavi Mahamudra, I'm sure I
wouldn’t even be aware of it.

A couple of years later, I visited my hometown again

and decided to go to my grandparent’s house. It
was a nostalgic trip especially because my dear
grandfather had passed away.

I remembered that old couch I used to sit on - the

one which made me meditative. The cushions still
had the familiar dusty smell. I sat down and casually
looked at the wall on the opposite side. There was
this photo. I remembered that it was always there
and I had never cared to investigate it. But this time,
it needed no investigation. It was an image of the

^This just a reference pic. The wall back home

wasn’t this cool! It was a normal white wall.
997 views · View upvotes · View 12 shares

313 12

Related Answer

Rami Sivan, Priest, Dharma teacher,

counsellor, Gov. Advisor (1998-present)
Answered 1 year ago · Author has 5.3K answers and
56.4M answer views

Are black holes mentioned anywhere in Hindu

Black holes and Dark Matter are scientific
postulates to explain certain mysterious
cosmological phenomena.

So no, there is no mention of them specifically, but

the Upanishad (Subala 2:4) does say that at the
time of the Big Crunch (pralaya) all matter merges
into TAMAS (darkness) before being reabsorbed
into the Brahman (totality of Being). LIkewise re-
emergence of the Universe arises from Tamas.
16.4K views · View upvotes · View 1 share

535 1 10

Related Answer

Mani Jay
Answered 3 years ago · Upvoted by Ravi Kumar,
former Teacher at Isha Foundation (2003-2007) and
Pradeep Balasubramanian, Volunteer at Isha
Foundation (2008-present) · Author has 354 answers
and 1.9M answer views

What makes Isha Yoga and "Inner

Engineering" dangerous?
A few things.

It is very dangerous because you will untie the knots

called thoughts

It is very dangerous because you will start to sleep

less. Well, not sleepless but sleep less

It is very dangerous because you will need to eat

less. Your appetite will go down as your digestion

It is very dangerous because you may turn

conscious from compulsive

It is very dangerous because you are now in a set


It is very dangerous because you will be less

concerned aboutContinue
what happens
Readingin your outward life

It is very dangerous because you will start to feel

1.1K 28 16
more happy and start seeking

It is Related
very danger

Pragya Singh, lives in Bengaluru, Karnataka,

India (2021-present)
Answered Sep 23, 2021

Have you benefited from any of the isha yoga

center programs? If yes, can you share your
Yes yes! So much have changed for good!

I have done Inner Engineering in the year 2019

I got initiated into Shambhavi Mahamudra in Dec,

2019 ever since my life has not been same as

Then I learned Bhuta Shuddhi, Surya Shakti and

Surya Kriya in 2021

My experience with Shambhavi Mahamudra have

been phenomenal! It is a completion program in
Inner Engineering course.

After getting initiated into Shambhavi Mahamudra, I

no more see life the way I use to before. I am more
joyful everyday. I feel calm and composed within
myself. I do not get frustrated
Continue or irritated with
uncertainty to an exte

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Devala Rees, Hindu practitioner and scholar

of Pagan religions
Updated Jun 12, 2021 · Author has 4K answers and
11.7M answer views

What is the Vedas? What are the contents of

it? Is it from God? If it's not, why is it the most
sacred text amongst all Hindu scriptures?
The Vedas (literally meaning “Knowledge”) are the
most ancient Hindu scriptures, composed in Vedic
Sanskrit and preserved over many millennia by oral
tradition, from Guru to disciple, using highly
sophisticated mnemonic techniques. The contents
of the Vedas include hymns, philosophy, and
guidance on ritual for priests.

Are the Vedas from God? Traditionally, essentially

yes. The Vedas are emanated by the God Brahma
and the Goddess Vagdevi (Saraswati), and were
“cognized” by human Rishis and Rishikas in deep
meditation. For this reasonReading
Continue the Vedas are also called
Shruti, or “that which is heard”, s
43 6 11

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Dr Vinay Bathineni, Business Development

Manager at Phenomenex (2013-present)
Answered Jun 23, 2021

How do I experience Isha Foundation

Dhyanalinga as a live guru?

Dhyanalinga - Continue
Just sitting in front of the the
Dhyanalinga silently for few minutes is enough to
make27even those unaware
8 of meditative experience
a state of Deep meditativeness .

it’s not the

Related place to worship but is a place of
meditation. As Sadhguru says meditation is not an
Rupa, Isha Yoga Centre experience
act it’s something that you “Become”.
Updated Jul 23, 2021

Why are the young

Dhyanalinga volunteering
is an energy body of for
the orgs like
Ishaof being possible,
foundation justnot
but are like volunteering
a Yogi sitting there
their own parents? Or their community
Well I wanted to volunteer for Isha Foundation in
it was consecrated with all the seven Chakras
July 2019 for Sadhana Pada. I did everything
just like a living being .(7 chakras-crown, third eye,
possible to convince my parents. Tried hook or
throat, heart, Solar plexus, sacral and root/base cha
crook and literally everything under the sun but I
failed to convince. I was so willing and longing to go
to ashram and volunteer.

July 2019, July 12th we were supposed to report in

the ashram. July 16th we had Guru Pournami. Since
April I was asking my parents, I was getting up early,
washing my clothes, parking the footwear properly,
eating healthy. In June I quit my job to tell them how
serious I was. It was not just
Continue another program for
me. I assured t
13 2 11

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Moirangthem Vikas Singh, former Student

Answered 2 years ago

Is the Isha Foundation a cult organisation?

Yes i would say so . I have followed sadhguru for the
last 5 years. Listen to his videos and attended his
satsang and have completed most of isha's
foundation program except samyama. After
attending the programs i no longer know what to
believe anymore. I would say i am completely
disheartened and disappointed by what is being
offered and how gullible people are being exploited .
Many of the elements of the programs are
techniques and practices in psychology . What
really dishearten me is that people are so ignorant
and misinformed?Continue
I would Reading
say majority of the people
i talked to had hardly rea
72 1 9

Related Answer

Prabhu K.S.B., Have experience with

different Babajis.
Answered 4 years ago · Author has 3.7K answers and
6.2M answer views

Where is the reference of Dhyanalinga in Rig

Bro, There are so many gurus these days saying so
many things which are not in the scriptures and
those who listen, having no knowledge themselves
believe them.

See this video in which he speaks of Svetaketu, a

sage in the Vedas, but actually what he does is mix
the stories of Satyakama another sage and
Svetaketu both wrongly to bring out the teachings
he wants to teach.

There is no crash course in spirituality. It has to be

seriously practiced and attained. It cannot be
swallowed like a pill. There are no shortcuts.

Study the scriptures, practice their teachings. Stop

believing in TV gurus. Religion is becoming
telemarketing. There are so many people who are
becoming gurus and cheating people. Be careful.
2.1K views · View upvotes · View 1 share · Answer requested by
Shanmugam P

14 1

Related Answer

Answered 2 years ago

Why are Isha Yoga courses in Delhi so

expensive? If many members of a family want
to do it, it is a huge cost. Are they only for the
elite and the very rich? Why not ask for
donate what you can?
“Why are Isha Yoga courses in Delhi so
expensive? If many members of a family want to
do it, it is a huge cost. Are they only for the elite
and the very rich? Why not ask for donate what
you can?”

Indeed, you said the word: everything done by Jaggi

Vasudev is basically smart business and political
scheme, aimed for the ELITE.

Obviously, in order to maintain such a huge

popularity, he allows programs to take place also in
rural areas at very low costs, but of course the
quality and validity of such programs is usually
terrible and mostContinue
people who are not absolute
beginners would feel deceived in
8 1

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