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Day # 9 NOTES

Project Integration Management

Simplified Explanation with Case Study Examples

Project Integration Management is the coordination of all elements of a project. This includes
unifying and consolidating processes and activities in the project management process
groups. The project manager is responsible for ensuring that project deliverables align with the
project plan and objectives.

Key Concepts

• Unification: Ensuring that various project components come together seamlessly.

• Consolidation: Combining project management elements for efficiency.

• Communication: Facilitating effective communication among stakeholders.

• Interrelationship: Managing interdependencies among project components.

Processes in Project Integration Management

1. Develop Project Charter: Authorizes the existence of the project and gives the project
manager authority to use organizational resources.

2. Develop Project Management Plan: Defines, prepares, and coordinates all subsidiary
plans into a comprehensive project management plan.

3. Direct and Manage Project Work: Leads the project team to perform project activities
and produce deliverables.

4. Manage Project Knowledge: Uses existing knowledge and creates new knowledge to
achieve project objectives and contribute to organizational learning.

5. Monitor and Control Project Work: Tracks, reviews, and regulates project progress to
meet performance objectives.

6. Perform Integrated Change Control: Reviews and approves changes to project

deliverables, documents, and plans.

7. Close Project or Phase: Finalizes all activities to formally complete the project, phase,
or contract.

Practical Application in Organizations

1. Project Charter: Initiate projects with clear authorization and direction.

• Example: A company initiates a project to develop a new software product. The

project charter outlines the project's objectives, stakeholders, and budget.

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2. Project Management Plan: Create detailed plans that guide the project's execution.

• Example: A construction firm develops a comprehensive project management

plan that includes timelines, resource allocation, and risk management

3. Direct and Manage Project Work: Execute the project plan to deliver project outputs.

• Example: An IT team implements a new system by following the project

management plan, ensuring all tasks are completed on time.

4. Manage Project Knowledge: Leverage and share knowledge for continuous


• Example: A research team documents lessons learned from a project to

improve future research projects.

5. Monitor and Control Project Work: Regularly review project performance to stay on

• Example: A marketing team uses performance reports to adjust their campaign

strategy and meet project goals.

6. Perform Integrated Change Control: Manage changes effectively to avoid scope


• Example: An engineering firm reviews change requests to ensure any

modifications to the project are necessary and beneficial.

7. Close Project or Phase: Ensure all project activities are completed and the project is
formally closed.

• Example: A nonprofit organization completes a community project and

conducts a final review meeting to close the project and document successes
and areas for improvement.

Case Study Example

Case Study: Implementing a New CRM System

1. Develop Project Charter: The project charter for implementing a new CRM system at
XYZ Corporation includes objectives, key stakeholders, and budget allocation.

2. Develop Project Management Plan: The project manager creates a detailed plan
covering scope, schedule, cost, quality, resource, communication, risk, procurement,
and stakeholder management.

3. Direct and Manage Project Work: The project team begins work, following the plan to
configure and deploy the CRM system.

4. Manage Project Knowledge: Throughout the project, team members document best
practices and lessons learned, which are shared across the organization.

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5. Monitor and Control Project Work: The project manager reviews progress reports and
key performance indicators (KPIs) to ensure the project stays on track.

6. Perform Integrated Change Control: When a key stakeholder requests additional

functionality, the project manager assesses the impact and, after approval, integrates
the change into the project plan.

7. Close Project or Phase: After successful implementation, the project manager

conducts a final review, ensuring all objectives are met, and formally closes the project.

By following these processes, project managers can effectively integrate various project
elements, ensuring successful project completion and alignment with organizational goals.

Generative AI for Project Communication Management

ChatGPT, can assist project managers in various aspects of Project Integration Management
by enhancing efficiency, improving communication, and ensuring better decision-making.
Here’s how ChatGPT can be effectively utilized in each process of Project Integration

1. Develop Project Charter

• Prompt for Charter Creation: "Help me draft a project charter for a new e-commerce
website development project, including objectives, stakeholders, budget, and key

• Template Provision: "Provide a template for a project charter that includes sections
for project objectives, scope, stakeholders, and success criteria."

2. Develop Project Management Plan

• Plan Development Guidance: "Generate a detailed project management plan for a

mobile app development project, covering scope, schedule, cost, quality, resource,
communication, risk, and stakeholder management."

• Subsidiary Plan Templates: "Provide templates for subsidiary plans, including the
scope management plan, schedule management plan, and risk management plan."

3. Direct and Manage Project Work

• Task Assignment and Tracking: "Create a task list for the initial phase of our
marketing campaign project, including responsibilities and deadlines."

• Progress Update Summaries: "Generate a weekly progress update summarizing

completed tasks, upcoming milestones, and any issues faced."

4. Manage Project Knowledge

• Lessons Learned Documentation: "Help document lessons learned from the recent
software deployment project, focusing on what went well and what could be

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• Knowledge Sharing: "Draft a communication to share best practices and key findings
from the project with the broader team."

5. Monitor and Control Project Work

• Performance Report Templates: "Provide a template for a project performance

report that includes key metrics, variance analysis, and corrective actions."

• Issue Tracking: "Generate a report on current project issues, their impact, and
proposed resolutions."

6. Perform Integrated Change Control

• Change Request Evaluation: "Draft an evaluation of a change request for adding a

new feature to our product, including impact on scope, schedule, cost, and quality."

• Change Log Management: "Create a change log template to track all change
requests, their status, and decisions made."

7. Close Project or Phase

• Closure Checklist: "Provide a checklist for closing a project phase, ensuring all
deliverables are met, and documentation is completed."

• Final Report Drafting: "Generate a final project report summarizing the project’s
outcomes, performance against objectives, and lessons learned."

Additional Uses in Project Integration Management

• Automated Meeting Minutes: "Draft minutes from our project kick-off meeting,
highlighting key decisions and action items."

• Stakeholder Communication Plans: "Create a stakeholder communication plan for

our project, detailing communication methods, frequency, and responsible parties."

By leveraging ChatGPT in these areas, project managers can streamline the integration of
various project components, improve coordination and communication, and ensure that the
project progresses smoothly and successfully aligns with organizational goals.


1. Develop Project Charter

• Charter Creation Prompt: "Help me draft a project charter for a new e-commerce
website development project, including objectives, stakeholders, budget, and key

• Template Provision Prompt: "Provide a template for a project charter that includes
sections for project objectives, scope, stakeholders, and success criteria."

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2. Develop Project Management Plan

• Plan Development Guidance Prompt: "Generate a detailed project management

plan for a mobile app development project, covering scope, schedule, cost, quality,
resource, communication, risk, and stakeholder management."

• Subsidiary Plan Templates Prompt: "Provide templates for subsidiary plans,

including the scope management plan, schedule management plan, and risk
management plan."

3. Direct and Manage Project Work

• Task Assignment and Tracking Prompt: "Create a task list for the initial phase of our
marketing campaign project, including responsibilities and deadlines."

• Progress Update Summaries Prompt: "Generate a weekly progress update

summarizing completed tasks, upcoming milestones, and any issues faced."

4. Manage Project Knowledge

• Lessons Learned Documentation Prompt: "Help document lessons learned from

the recent software deployment project, focusing on what went well and what could
be improved."

• Knowledge Sharing Prompt: "Draft a communication to share best practices and key
findings from the project with the broader team."

5. Monitor and Control Project Work

• Performance Report Templates Prompt: "Provide a template for a project

performance report that includes key metrics, variance analysis, and corrective

• Issue Tracking Prompt: "Generate a report on current project issues, their impact,
and proposed resolutions."

6. Perform Integrated Change Control

• Change Request Evaluation Prompt: "Draft an evaluation of a change request for

adding a new feature to our product, including impact on scope, schedule, cost, and

• Change Log Management Prompt: "Create a change log template to track all change
requests, their status, and decisions made."

7. Close Project or Phase

• Closure Checklist Prompt: "Provide a checklist for closing a project phase, ensuring
all deliverables are met, and documentation is completed."

• Final Report Drafting Prompt: "Generate a final project report summarizing the
project’s outcomes, performance against objectives, and lessons learned."

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Additional Uses in Project Integration Management

• Automated Meeting Minutes Prompt: "Draft minutes from our project kick-off
meeting, highlighting key decisions and action items."

• Stakeholder Communication Plans Prompt: "Create a stakeholder communication

plan for our project, detailing communication methods, frequency, and responsible

* End of document

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