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=, ASTANAIT University Syllabus Academic Year 2023 -2024 1. General information Course title Information Communication Technologies Degree cycle (level)’ major 6B06101 — Computer Science 6B06102 ~ Software Engineering 6B06103 — Big Data Analysis, 6806104 — Industrial Automation 6B06105 Media Technologies 6806106 — Mathematical and Computational Science 6806201 ~ Tele {6806301 Cyber Security (6B06202 ~ Smart Technologies 6B07101 ~ Industrial Internet of Things 6804101 ~IT Management munications Year, term i Number of credits | Language of English deliver Prerequisites Postrequisites Instructor(s) 1. Elvira Altmukhanbetova, MSc in Computer Science, senior-lecturer, eli nbetovaiastanaitedukz, C13.357. 2. Olzhas Kazhybayev, MSc in Advanced Software Engineering, teacher,, C3 block, 3 floor, 3. Saida Smakova, MSc of Technical Sciences in IT Project management, teacher, sstrukova@astanaitedukz, C3 block, 3 floor. 4 Madina Kutubayeva MSc of Information systems, teacher mkutubayeva(, C3 block, 3 floor. 5. Madina Yermaganbetova, candidate of pedagogical science, assistant professor,, C3 block, 3 floor. 6. Dana Yespenbetova, MS in Computer Information Systems, senior- lecturer, spenhetovale dukz, C1.3.358 7. Smagulova Gulnur, MS in Technics and technology, senior-lecturer, 8. Nurgul Assanova, MSc in Technical sciences, senior-lecturer, nurgulassanova@astanait.edukz, C3 block, 3rd floor, office 13.354, 9. Kutpanova Zarina, MSc in Technical sciences, Senior Lecturer,, C3 block, 3rd floor, office 2. Goals, objectives and learning outcomes of the course Course description “«Information Communication Technologies» is a 10-week course. This course is developed to learn the introduction to ICT and the idea of computer systems; to obtain understanding of computer systems, cybersecurity, smart technologies, human-computer _ interaction, Students acquire the concepts of relational databases, computer networks, cloud technologies, and gain extensive practical experience working on a project. In addition to the practical purpose, this course provides academic and educational purposes, helping to expand the horizons of students, improve their general culture and education. Course goals) Coutse goal is to familiarize students with the world of computer systems and information technology; to understand the role and significance of modem information and communication technologies in the era of digital globalization; to acquire knowledge and skills in using modem information and communication technologies in various activities; to improve creative research and teamwork skills by performing team project(s). Course objectives: ‘Course objectives include: = To explain the principles of information and communication technologies (ICT); = To lea how to lead an independent creative search; -To explore the possibilities of moder information technology and its development trends; -To explain the conceptual foundations of the architecture of computer systems, operating systems and networks; - To understand the concepts of developing network and web applications, information security tools; ~ To master the use of modem information and communication technologies in various fields of professional activity, scientific and practical work, for self-education and other purposes. Skills competences & = Understand methods of collecting, storing, and processing information, ways of implementing information and communication processes; = Create project activities in the specialty using modem information and communication technologies. Gourse learning outcomes: By the end of this course the students will be able to: - To understand the roles of ICT, and to differentiate computer systems and its subsystems; = To explain the purpose, content, and development trends of information and communication technologies, justify the choice of the most appropriate technology for solving specific problems, = To use Internet resources, cloud, and mobile services to search, store, process, and distribute information. Methods of assessment, = Quizzes, - Theoretica nd practical assessments, Reading list T Lecture notes (available on hitpz/icarm.astanait.educka? and hitp:/ T, Tane J. Parsons, New Perspectives on Computer Concepts 18th Edition Comprehensive, Thomson Course Technology, a division ‘of Thomson Learning, Inc Cambridge, MA, 2016, 3. Reema Thareja, Fundamentals of Computers. ~ Oxford University press: Oxford, 2014. 4, Information Communication Technologies (ISBN-978-601-7911- 03-4, published by ITU, Almaty 2017). B, Resources ‘Online journals, article, papers, books and intemet resources. 9. Course policy ‘Course and university policies include: Attendance: Students are expected to attend all scheduled class sessions with all required reading and supplementary materials. Readings are to be completed prior to class. ‘The student won't obtain additional points for course attendance, but the attendance is important to pass the course. In ease the student is not able to attend the classes for some reasons, he/she must inform the dean’s office in advance and the student is responsible for learning all ‘materials, which were given during unattended lessons, In case if the student did not attend more than 20% of the classes without any reasonable excuses, the teacher has a right tomark him as “not graded”, and the student wouldn't beadmitted to the exam, In other words, students must participate in at least 80% of all class time, otherwise he/she fails the course Preparation for Class: Class participation is a very important part of the leaming process in this course. Although not explicitly grade, students will be evaluated on the QUALITY of their contributions and insights, Quality comments possess one or more of the following properties: = Offers a different and unique, but relevant, perspective; = Contributes to moving the discussion and analysis forward; - Builds on other comments. Class work: The duration of each lecture and practical lesson is SO minutes for offline class, and 40 minutes for online class. Students are expected to complete all readings and assignments ahead of time, attend class regularly and participate in class discussions. In case of systemic student's misconduet, the student would be dispensed from the classes. Being late on class: When students come to class late, it can disrupt the flow of a lecture or discussion, distract other students, impede learning, and generally erode class morale. Moreover, if left unchecked, lateness can become chronic and spread throughout the class. By the policy of this course, students who come late to class for more than 5 minutes are rot allowed (o get in to class and consequently, they will be marked as “absent” for the specific hour, Attestation T and IT: Students with score less than 25% for Attestation period I of Attestation period II (RK 1/RK2) are automatically failed and should take the course again. Home work / Assignments: The assignments are designed to acquaint students with the theoretical knowledge and practical skills required for the course. The textbook readings will be supplemented with materials collected from recent professional articles and journals, In case of using someone's work (papers, articles, any publications), all works must be properiy cited. Failure to cite work will be resulted as a cheating from the students and may be a subject of additional disciplinary measures. Late assignments: Most assignments will be discussed in class on the duedate, therefore late assignments will not receive eredit. Itis expected that all work will be submitted on time, Failure to pass assignments in on time will result in 0% for the assignment. In other words, no late submissions are allowed. All gradings are based using a percentage grading scale, In the event of some extraordinary event, students should notify the teacher and request an extension of the deadline. If approved, a new date will be given to the student depending upon the circumstances. Final exam: The final exam for the course «Information Communication Technologies» is a final group project, ‘The project materials must be submitted in the Leaming Management System ( Laptops and mobile devices can only be used for classroom purposes when directed by the teacher, Misuse of laptops or handheld devices will be considered a breach of discipline and appropriate action will be initiated by the teacher ‘Online lessons can be used in case if there won't be a chance to make offline traditional lessons. It must not discourage the interest and enthusiasm of students, The main software to run the online lessons is Microsoft Teams for video calls and live webinars, and Moodle ( as a Learning Management System. Also, some alternatives such as Skype or Telegram messenger may be involved as an additional workaround. Cheating and plagiarism are defined in the Academie conduct poli of the university and include 1. Submitting work that is not your own papers, assignments, or exams; 2. Copying ideas, words, or giaphies from a published or unpublished source without appropriate citation; 3. Submitting or using falsified data; 4, Submitting the same work for credit in two courses without prior consent of both instructors. ies ‘Any student who is found cheating or plagiarizing on any work for this, ‘course will receive 0 (zero) for that work and further actions will also be taken regarding academic conduct policies of the university. Academic Conduct Policies of the university: The full texts of al the academic conduct code will be posted to the students using Learning ‘Management System (mood le.astanait.edw.k2). Contacting the Instructor (Teacher): The easiest and most reliable ‘way to get in touch with the teacher is by email. Students must feel free to send email if you have a question related to the course. The teachers will respond as soon as they can but notalways instantancously. Besides that, students are also welcomed to arrange a one-to-one meeting with the teacher by their office during office hours to discuss the class using both offline and online ways. 3._Course Content # Abbreviation Meaning l TSIS ‘Teacher-supervised independent work 2 SIS ‘Students’ independent work 3 IP Individual project 4 PA Practical assignment 5 LW __| Laboratory work 6 MCQ Multiple choice quiz 3.1 Lecture, practical/seminar/laboratory se: plans Lectu | Practice | Lab. | TSIS | SIS Week res sessions | sessio | (H/W | (H/ Ne Course Topic caw | (HW) ms >) |w 0 ) cay) 1 Introduction to the Course and Policies 2. 2 0 2 9 Introduction to ICT. a. Definition of ICT b. Technology c. ICT in Education d. Standards 2 [Tntroduction to Computer Systems. | 2 2 0 2 9 Computer Systems Architecture. 4, Computers and Systems b. System Concepts and Architecture c. IT System Architecture 3 | Software & Operating Systems. Human- | 2 2 0 7 (|9 Computer Interaction a, System Software b. Application Software c. Introduction to HCL 4 Networks and Telecommunications 2 a 0 2 9 a, Historical Perspective b. Network Concepts c. Network Models 3 | Intemet Technologies. Cloud and Mobile technologies a, Web Components b, Web Data Delivery c. Web Languages 4. Cloud Computing Midterm 6 | Database Systems a, Role and Advantages of the DBMS b. DBMS Functions c. Data Models T | Cybersecurity a. Cybercrime b. Cybersecurity ¢. Common Threats 8__ | Mattimedia Technologies a. Multimedia Technologies 'b, Multimedia Classifications and Systems c. Multimedia File Formats 9 | Smart Technology. Data analysis a. loT b, Smart Home c. Smart Grid d. Data Analysis 10 | E-services. Information Technology in the Professional Sphere a. B-services b, E-commerce ©. Elearning 4d. E-govemment ¢, Information Technology in the Professional Sphere Endtenn ‘Total hours: 150 20 | 20 0 10 [90 3.2 List of assignments for Student Independent Study ‘Topies for independent | Hours study Recommended literature and other sources (links) Form of submission 1 | Computer systems and 9 computer systems architecture, Books, intemet resources electronic version 2 | Software, human-computer 9 Books, internet electronic interaction, comparing resources ‘version operating systems, 3 | Networks and 9 Books, internet electronic telecommunications, resources version 4 | Intemet technologies, cloud 9 Books, internet electronic and mobile technologies. resources version 5 | Database systems. 9 Books, internet electronic resources version 6 | Cybersecurity and 9 Books, intemet electronic ceybererime. resources version 7 | Multimedia technologies, 9 Books, internet electronic resources version 8 | Smart technology and data 9 Books, internet electronic analysis, resources version 4, Student performance evaluation system for the course Period Assignmet Number Total of points attestation | Assignment 1 28 100 Assignment 2 25 Weekly quizzes on leam.astanait 10 Midterm 40 2nd Assignment 3 25 100 attestation | Assignment 4 25 Weekly quizzes on leam.astanait 10 Endterm 40 Final exam | Project defence 100 Total 0,3* 1st t+0,3*2nd A tt+0,4*Final 100 Achievement level as per course curriculum shall be assessed according to the evaluation chart adopted by the academic credit system. Letter Numerical Grade according to the Grade equivalent Percentage traditional system A 40 252100; Excellent [ A 3,67 90-94 BE 333 85-89 B 3.0 80-84 Be 2,67 75-79 Good ce 2,33 70-74 c 2.0 65-09 c 1,67 60-64 Dr 1,33) 35-59 Satisfactory D 10 50-54 FX 0 25-49 Fail F 0 0-24 Based on the specific grace for euch assignment, and the final grade, following criteria must be satisfied: Grade | Criteria to be satisfied = Work would be worthy of further dissemination under appropriate conditions - Mastery of advanced methods and techniques at a level beyond that explicitly taught ~ Ability to synthesize and employ in an original way idea from across the subject 90-100 _| - Outstanding command of critical analysis and judgment = Excellent range and depth of attainment of intended outcomes ~ Mastery of a wide range of methods and techniques - Evidence of study and originality of what has been taught 80-89__| - Able to display a command of critical analysis and judgement ~ Attained all the intended learning outcomes for a unit = Able to use well a range of methods and techniques to come to conclusions 70-19 _| - Able to employ critical analysis and judgement = Some limitations in attainment of leaming objectives, but has managed to grasp most of them ~ Able to use most of the methods and techniques taught ~ Evidence of study and comprehension of what has been taught but grasp insecure - Some grasp of the issues and concepts underlying the techniques and material 60-69 _| taught, but weak and incomplete ~ Attainment of only a minority of the leaming outcomes ~ Able to demonstrate a clear but limited use of some of the basic methods and techniques taught = Weak and incomplete grasp of what has been taught - Deficient understanding of the issues and concepts underlying the techniques and 30-59 _ | material taught ~ Attainment of nearly all the intended Teaming outcomes deficient ~ Lack of ability to use at all or the right methods and techniques taught ~Inadequately and incoherently presented - Wholly deficient grasp of what has been taught - Lack of understanding of the issues and concepts underlying the techniques and, 25-49 _| material taught No significant assessable material, absent or assessment missing a must pass 0.24 _| component 5. Methodological Guidelines Assessment is administered continuously throughout the course. The students are rated against their performance in continuous rating administered throughout the semester (60%) and summative rating done during the examination session (40%), total 100%, Continuous rating is students? on-going performance in class and independent work. Class work is assessed for at ndance, laboratory works’ defense and in- class assessments. ‘TSIS (Teacher Supervised Student Independent Study) - comprises presentation to be done by students independently and checked by the instructor. Midterm and Endterm are reviews of the topics covered and assessment of cach student's knowledge. The form is a multiple-choice quiz, Final assessment: The final exam for the course «Information Communication Technologics» is a final project. The project materials must be submitted in the Leaming Management System (

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