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Not so sweet & simple

With the rising cases of diabetes in young India, Yoga expert Dr Renu Mahtani shows how to incorporate yoga to beat this lifestyle disease Pune Mirror Bureau When Neha Deshmukh, a 35-year-old management consultant from Pune, went to see her doctor because of fatigue, she was shocked to discover the underlying cause: Type 2 Diabetes! Like many others surprised by the diabetes diagnosis, she had always associated the chronic illness with the elderly. Until her diagnosis, Jayanti didnt realise those extra kilos, combined with her genetic history, were enough to trigger the disease. Nehas story is increasingly typical. India reportedly has some 50 million diabetics with as many as 50 million more in a pre-diabetic state. Even more worrisome is the rate at which the disease is proliferating. The World Health Organisation predicts that the numbers will double by 2030. The elderly are not the only ones developing the disease teenagers and young middleaged are also being diagnosed. Every fifth person in India is in the bracket and we are being seen as the emerging diabetic capital in the world. THE CAUSE Insulin deficiency or resistance is the reason. Insulin is a hormone that allows glucose (sugar) to enter the cells to metabolised into energy. It is released by the pancreas located deep inside the upper abdomen, close to the back. Diabetes develops when we have a shortage of insulin or a resistance to it or typically, a combination of both. When the glucose isnt converted properly, as is the case with diabetics, it builds up in the blood, which then damages the vital organs and leads to a long list of life-threatening complications heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, kidney disease, and nerve damage. THE SOLUTION Although the problem is growing, it is not insurmountable. Diabetes can be prevented or at least delayed even in high-risk groups (those with a strong family history) and the means to do so are within reach. In fact, many people with a genetic predisposition to the disease, may not show up because their parents and grandparents took good care of themselves. But if the genetic predisposition is there and you do the wrong things, you put yourself at risk.

YOGA FOR DIABETES Yoga practices are shown to keep diabetic symptoms in check, and help one feel more in control of their health. Asanas, pranayama, chanting, kriyas, all work holistically towards a redesigned lifestyle. Physical Benefits: Exercise is a big part of diabetes treatment because it increases insulin sensitivity and lowers blood sugar. All asanas help but the ones found to be most beneficial are the twists poses i.e vakrasana, ardha maysyendrasana, back stretches such as dhanurasana, paschimottansana, etc Visceral Benefits: Yoga exercises gently press on the bodys glands and organs, resulting in positive effects. They increase the blood flow to the pancreas because of the negative suction pressure created in the abdomen along with the gentle squeezes which is like massaging the gland to vitality and rejuvenation. Stress Reduction: By releasing the muscle tension and teaching how to relax at will, Yoga relaxation training helps reduce the harmful effects of physical and mental stress. This aids to battle the emotional challenges that help control cravings for better weight loss A single practice that can keep diabetes away Agnisara Kriya! Yoga is the only form of exercise which uses techniques that massage and stimulate the internal organs. The way our muscles need stretching and contractions to remain healthy, so do our internal organs! The pancreas, intestines and the stomach need changes in pressure to be stimulated and perform at their optimal levels. Agnisara Kriya does that and also promotes the healthy secretion of insulin from the pancreas and other digestive juices as well. THE MAGICAL TECHNIQUE While standing with feet apart, bend your knees and place your palms on your thighs. Bend slightly forward from the waist while keeping the back straight. The support of your straight arms ensures that the back is not strained. Now, breathe in deeply. After this, exhale fully through the mouth contracting the abdomen and lungs so that all the air is expelled. While holding breath in this position, contract or flap your abdominal muscles in and out in an upward direction (10 50 times as possible) Note that this should be done rapidly while holding the exhaled position and WITHOUT inhaling. Do this as many times possible and then relax your abdomen. Then take a slow, deep breath inside. This is one round of the practice. Repeat it three times.

Remember that you should not to do it with food in your stomach or when youre pregnant or menstruating. ADDITIONAL BENEFITS OF AGNISAAR KRIYA Improved digestion and no constipation Improved metabolism Better liver functioning and detoxification

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