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Revised teaching portfolio for Social Studies 2022

Teaching Portfolio Rubric (Social Studies) – Weighting 30%

The Social Studies teaching portfolio is a “product portfolio” which should contain a variety of artefacts
that depict the growth and development of competence by the teacher in a number of key areas related
to the instructional delivery of the subject.

. Structure of Portfolio

Introductory (these remarks should include the following aspects): 3 Marks

• Introduction of self and portfolio contents (1 mark)

• An overview on the rationale for teaching Social Studies/ Brief discussion on the philosophy/best
practices for the teaching of Social Studies (2 marks)

Collection of Teaching Artefacts (Inclusive of a specific reference to a topic and identified grade level of
choice): 25 %

Concept map

• Create a Unit Plan – with at least four (4) lessons outlined in that plan (5 marks);

• Prepare two (2) lesson plans - extracted from the Unit Plan – the lessons planned should reflect the
use of best practices in Social Studies (10 marks – maximum of 5 marks for each lesson plan)

; • A sample of two (2) resources/materials that would be used to teach the unit (one teacher-made –
picture to be included in the portfolio; actual aid to be handed in and one technology related resource)
e.g., a PowerPoint (5 marks – maximum of 2.5 marks for each appropriately designed

• Each lesson plan should include at least two (2) assessment instruments/tool – one for each lesson
planned (5 marks – maximum of 2.5 marks for each appropriate assessment instrument/tool).

Conclusion - Overall summary of the implications for teaching of the subject going forward and your
overall professional development (2 marks). This is the reflection.

Eastern Caribbean Joint Board of Teacher education EC/ JBTE

Please be guided accordingly.

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