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Professor Andrea Miranda

May 2, 2019
Final Draft


Mexico is ranked as one the last countries within gender gap in Latin America. Current

theories focus on the reasons why the gender is at where it is and the impact it has on society, on

the country, on politics, and on the economy. In an analysis of a newspaper articles and several

other articles, lack of educational opportunities, job opportunities and gender-based violence

have resulted in the consequence of gender gap in Mexico.

The Latin American country is known for having a lot of job opportunities because of

cheap labor, and cheap education is also provided, then why is it that women are not being

benefited by these advantages? What is stopping them from achieving what men can achieve?

Why is it that they are not being part of the workforce?

The analysis of the articles is to understand and and analyse the answers for these

questions. Mexico has a lot of potential, yet a problem like is holding the country back. It is

important to understand the root of the problem in order to be able to provide solution, to create

reforms and to find way to decrease gender-based discrimination.


Women have come a long way since claiming our rights in order to have the same

opportunities as men. In many first-world countries, women were not allowed to vote, run for

office, take part in politics, or even have an active role in the labor market. Today, however, in
those countries, we have been able to achieve most of our concerns due to women’s arduous

purpose to get there. Nevertheless, this does not mean that women across the world have been

able to achieve the same perks as the women in the U.S., for example. For instance, Mexico is

ranked in the 12th position among Latin America and the Caribbean in the ranking of the Gender

Gap Report according to the World Economic Forum (“The Global Gender Gap Report”, 2018).

Gender gap is the difference in opportunities and resources provided to male and female.

In this essay, I will discuss the main issue of the gender gap in Mexico. After all, due to

these issues, women have not been provided the opportunity to give their fullest potential in the

country. And, this is besides the other discrimination that they face, for instance, femicide and

machismo. All in all, the objective of research paper is to understand the issue in the country

going on from the time frame of 2017 until today and to conclude with reforms that might be

able to bring change and prosperity equally to all human beings.


For this research paper, data and information to support my problem statement is

sustained through the analysis of the newspaper article “Mexico, entre los países con la peor

brecha de género en América Latina” (Mexico, among the countries with the worst gender gap in

Latin America) published by Forbes Mexico in November 2017 and substantial evidence from

other studies and article, such as “OECD: Women in Mexico have a low participation rate in the

workforce” uploaded in 2017 by El Universal, “Gender-based Violence, Both Cause and

Consequence of HIV and AIDS” uploaded in 2008 by UNFPA (United Nations Population

Fund), and “Girls’ Education in Mexico” uploaded by The Borden Project in 2018.
Analysis # 1

Through the article “México, entre los países con la peor brecha de género en América

Latina” [Mexico, among the countries with the worst gender gap in Latin America] article, we

are able to understand the situation of gender gap in a Mexico going on in 2017. They were able

to establish The position of Mexico’s ranking within Latin America regarding this particular

issue in which they were ranked at fifth place. Arturo Solís, the author, also made wage

comparisons, “mientras que una mujer mexicana gana 11,861 dólares anuales, un hombre recibe

23,913 dólares cada año por el mismo empleo,” [while a Mexican woman earns $11,861 per

year, a man receives $23,913 per year for the same job]. Moreover, Arturo mentions how women

constitute half of the Mexican population, their wages and opportunities being low influence the

countries economy (2017).

Argument # 1

This article was very informative and mentions a lot of good information regarding

gender inequality in Mexico. It gives the reader a great view to position Mexico by providing the

ranking of Latin American countries regarding gender gap. Moreover, it even links the issue with

the influence it has over Mexico’s economy. However, some aspects it fails to mention is the

reason behind why Mexico has a high gender gap besides men and women having different

different pay grades. Or, for instance, what countries, such as Iceland, do that Mexico does not

do to have a lower gender gap. Or, for instance, mention how does it benefit countries like

Iceland to have lower gender gaps.

Analysis # 2
Through the article “OECD: Women in Mexico have a low participation rate in the

workforce”, readers are able to understand the reason behind gender unemployment gaps.

Moreover, this article also makes this connection with Mexico’s economy and now it might

affect them. Moreover, this article does mention the reasons behind why there is a high gender

unemployment gaps. These reasons are “motherhood, household duties and the countries’ high

rates of gender violence and gender inequality”. Ruben Migueles, the writer, explains that

women do not get paid for these duties that women have perform instead of going to work.

Migueles also mentions some steps Mexico’s leaders have taken to improve their situation, for

instance, “free preschool enrollment” and providing “scholarships” for girls to have access to

education related to “science, technology, engineering, and mathematics” (Migueles, 2017).

Argument # 2

Migueles has pointed out successfully aspects that Fobes Mexico’s article did not have.

For instance, he mentioned the problem which was that there were high gender unemployment

gaps, the reason behind the problem which was because they were not allowed to get an

education, and he even mentions what have they done to improve this gender gap which was

increasing education opportunities for women. Moreover, he even made the connection with the

economy (Migueles, 2017). However, despite this, Mexico is still behind in a lot of issues

regarding gender gaps compared to other countries. It would have also helped the readers if

Migueles was able to mention how Mexico improved after increasing the education

opportunities, perhaps maybe if the ranking changed or their GDP rose, or any other statistics

proving that this change made a big impact from where the country was to where it is at the

moment Migueles wrote the article in 2017.

Analysis # 3

Through the article “Gender-based Violence, Both Cause and Consequence of HIV and

Aids” released in 2008, the UFPA (United Nations Population Fund) concentrates on the

connection on gender-based violence with HIV and AIDS. They mention that gender-based

violence is one of the worst case scenarios for women within gender inequality. After all, this

type of violence involves “domestic violence, sexual abuse, human trafficking or kidnappings

and rape as war strategies”. They also discuss the role of men within this issue and the way they

contract the infections, and how they refuse to get medical care for it. Moreover, due to gender-

violence, women do not even get the opportunity to check if they have gotten the disease or to

get medical care for it (Gender-based Violence, Both Cause and Consequences of HIV and

AIDS, 2008).

Argument # 3

This article is interesting a very reliable since it is from the UN. It is interesting how they

relate the problem with a bigger problem, HIV and AIDS with gender-based violence. Moreover,

they thoroughly explain the connection between the two which is also important for the reader to

understand. Moreover, discussing the role of men in the issue was also a good addition, since it

explains why it is, specifically, a gender-based violence. They did not, however, offer any

solutions for the problem besides the uses of condoms and pills. It would have been a more

constructive article, if they would have included some policies that could have been implemented

in Mexico in order to address the issue and somewhat solve it would have been ideal. Moreover,

they mentioned that “programmes, studies and policies” from other countries were mentioned,

however, these solutions were not mentioned in the article. It would have been preferable that
they were mentioned in the paper (Gender-based Violence, Both Cause and Consequences of

HIV and AIDS, 2008).

Analysis # 4

Through the article “Girls’ Education in Mexico” uploaded in 2018, they explain us the

reason gender inequality regarding education is big in Mexico. For instance, Shweta Roy, the

author of the article, mentions that many of these girls drop out of schools unwillingly since they

are forced to do so. Roy even mentions statistics, such as “Mexico has the eight-highest number

of child marriages” which is one of the reasons why girls are forced to drop out of schools.

According to Roy, girls have the equal opportunity as boys to attend school, but the “socio-

economic problems” of being forced to raise a child and work in order to support the family, they

are forced to drop out. One important matter the author mentions is how Mexico is handling the

matter which she mentions is slow progress to reduce gender inequality. Moreover, it also

mentions some other improvements Mexico is making towards increasing education

opportunities for women.

Arguments # 4

This article seems to be perfectly written. It explains the problem, the cause, the actions

that Mexico has been taking to solve it. Moreover, it even provided statistics to understand the

reality these women are facing in Mexico. However, it fails to indicate the big picture. It does not

mention how this problem affects the country or society like the other articles do. This article

fails to mention that the lack of education for women affects the overall economy of Mexico.

Moreover, it also fails to emphasized that the lack of education leads to not getting a proper job

to be able to sustain themselves. This in consequence, leads them to dealing with unemployment
or little pay alone or with an abusive partner most times. Additionally, it also fails to mention

how the country improved after the different actions it mentions have been taken.

4. Conclusion

All in all, this study assessed the main reasons behind the gender gap in Mexico. This

research provides the analysis of resources, including articles, newspaper journals, and pieces

from reliable organizations to back up the arguments of the main statement and the objective.

Moreover, even though only three issues with the gender gap problem have been mentioned

which were education, lack of Mexican women in the workforce and gender-based violence,

there are many more that women in Mexico go through. Additionally, even though Mexico has

come a long way in reducing its gender gap, there are still areas that need to be revised and

corrected, such as the areas within the areas mentioned and other as well.

By reviewing these problems, Mexican political leaders should take action in making

policies and laws that keep helping women and increasing their opportunities to the goal of

closing the gender gap. For instance, they could create reforms that provide education

opportunities, specially for high school and college, so that these women may be able to find

good jobs after they graduate. Through this research, we can also say that the government should

make it a priority for everyone, specially women, to stay and finish school in order to have a

promising future. This would prevent them, as mentioned previously, to have the need to depend

on a man to support them. Due to this, they could be involved in the workforce, as well as, get a

good salary to maintain themselves.

Moreover, the government should find a way to involve women in political positions so

that there is a gender balance in the leaders taking the decisions in the country. This way, there

might be a possibility for improvements in the laws of gender impartiality. Additionally, the

government could include tougher laws for men who mistreat women, and loose laws in order to

have abortion as an opportunity for underage girls.

Works Cited

Gender-based Violence, Both Cause and Consequence of HIV and AIDS. (2008). United

Nations Population Fund.


Migueles, R. (2017). OECD: Women in Mexico have a low participation rate in the workforce.

El Universal.


Roy, Shweta. (2018). Girls’ Education in Mexico. The Borden Project.

Solis, A. (2017). Mexico, entre los paises con la peor brecha de género en América Latina

[Mexico, among the countries with the worst gender gap in Latin America]. Forbes



The Global Gender Gap Report 2018. World Economic Forum, 16

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