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Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association

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A Comparison of the Size Distribution of Particulates

Emitted from Air, Mechanical, and Steam Atomized
Oil Fired Burners
a b
Frederick J. McGarry & Constantine J. Gregory
Environmental Engineers, Inc , Concord , New Hampshire , USA
Northeastern University , Boston , Massachusetts , USA
Published online: 15 Mar 2012.

To cite this article: Frederick J. McGarry & Constantine J. Gregory (1972) A Comparison of the Size Distribution of
Particulates Emitted from Air, Mechanical, and Steam Atomized Oil Fired Burners, Journal of the Air Pollution Control
Association, 22:8, 636-639, DOI: 10.1080/00022470.1972.10469692

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A Comparison of the Size Distribution of
Particulates Emitted from Air, Mechanical, and
Steam Atomized Oil Fired Burners
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Frederick J. McGarry Constantine J. Gregory

Environmental Engineers, Inc. Northeastern University
Concord, New Hampshire Boston, Massachusetts

Participate size distributions were obtained in the effluent gases from three steam slower moving oil stream as the mixture
generating boilers of a power station employing mechanical, steam, and air sys- passes through a burner nozzle.
The least common method of fuel
tems for heavy fuel atomization. Samples were obtained with an eight-stage atomization in this country is the air
cascade impactor. The air atomized burner produced the lowest particulate atomized burner. The primary reason
loading, the greatest percentage of particulates by weight in the submicron range, for its limited use is the feeling that
and particulates with the lowest combustible content. the cost of supplying the required
pressurized air is too great to warrant
its use. This method is similar in
operation to the steam atomizer except
that pressurized air from a burner
primary air fan replaces steam as the
atomizing fluid. The oil under a pres-
sure of 28 psi passes through an orifice
There are many factors which can in- The most frequently used fuel ato- within the burner tip and immediately
fluence the quantity and size distribu- mizers are of the mechanical type. comes in contact with a stream of air
tion of particulate emissions produced High pressure (400 psi) is used to force rotating clockwise under a pressure of
by oil-fired boilers employed for power the oil at a high velocity through the 27 in. of water or about 1 psi. It then
generation. One of the most im- small tangential passages of a sprayer comes in contact with a second stream
portant is the nature of fuel atomiza- plate into a chamber where the oil is of air of equal pressure to the first,
tion. The degree of atomization has rapidly rotated. Centrifugal forces moving in a counter-clockwise direction.
an important effect on the size of the caused the oil to break up into thin The combination of the two streams of
particles as well as the particulate layers, thereby producing a mist-like compressed air create a great deal of
loading. Poor atomization results in spray. Proper atomization is depen- turbulence, resulting in the dispersion
large fly ash particles and a higher dent upon the centrifugal velocities offinelyatomized fuel droplets.
particulate loading, since the droplets which in turn are dependent upon fuel
of fuel may be quite large and thereby pressures. Experimental Methods
difficult to burn completely. Good Steam atomizers are divided into two A total of 27 particulate samples were
atomization has a reverse effect since categories, outside and inside mix, collected from the flue gas effluent from
the oil droplets are small and complete depending upon whether the steam and three oil-fired steam generating boilers,
combustion is more likely to occur. oil mix inside or outside the burner each utilizing a separate method of fuel
This study is concerned with a com- nozzle. The steam atomizer investi- atomization. The device used for
parison of the size distributions of gated here is of the inside mix variety. sampling was the Andersen Stack
particulates associated with the three Steam, under a pressure of up to 140 sampler. This sampler uses the prin-
types^of heavy fuel oil atomizers pres- psi, has a much greater velocity than ciple of a cascade impactor for the
ently used in the generation of elec- the oil, which is pumped at a pressure separation and collection of particulates
tricity: mechanical, steam, and air. of up to 120 psi, and thus atomizes the on 8 internal collection plates. The

636 Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association

sampler is made up of 9 jet plates, each Table II. Summary of participate data obtained from stack sampling.
having a pattern of 300 drilled holes, Type burneir
housed in a stainless steel case. Each
of the plates is separated by a 2.5-mm Air Steam Mechanical
atomized atomized atomized
The size distribution of particles No. of samples 10 8 9
produced by the stack sampler was Total mg 226.8 642.1 4032.3
Total mg normalized to 100 Mw hra 383.2 1069.7 7892.6
supplied by the manufacturer. The Particulate <30 M! mg/avgtest 8.9 21.6 109.0
calibration data were obtained for Particulate <30 n; % 39.2 26.9 24.3
spherical particles of unit density at an Particulate <3.3 n; mg/avgtest 6.5 10.8 40.4
Particulate <3.3 n\ % 28.5 13.5 9.0
Downloaded by [Clayton State University Library] at 19:10 07 October 2014

airflow rate of 0.75 cfm. The particle

size distribution for each of the 8 stages mg mg of test sample v 60 X 100
of the sampler is shown in Table I.
Sample collection was achieved at
stack conditions. The sampler, fitted
with a Vrin. entrance nozzle, was
placed on the end of a probe and
operated at three equally spaced loca- sary since a flow rate greater than this together to obtain a total weight. A
tions across the middle of an 18 by value would result in the particle dis- percent weight of the total was then
4.6 ft duct running from the economizer tribution in the sampler shifting upward calculated for each stage.
to the air heater. This location was due to the increased velocities. Flow Figure 1 shows a comparison of the
chosen since it was one of the few areas rates less than 0.75 cfm would shift weight of material retained on each of
accessible for sampling. Some con- the distributions on the plates to lower the four upper collection stages, ranging
sideration was given to sampling after values. from over 30/t to 3.3/*, for each of the
an electrostatic precipitator which was Table II is a general summary of the three types of atomizers. The arith-
located downstream of the air heater data collected. The sampling results metic mean was used to calculate the
but collection efficiency of the precipi- are presented with reference to both the percent by weight retained on a given
tator varied and it was felt that a con- total weight of particulate sampled plate. The air atomized unit produced
sistent gas sample was not possible. during each of the three types of firing the greatest percent weight of particu-
Ideally, isokinetic sampling, where and the percentage of particulate by lates for the range over 30/x, 12% greater
the velocity of the flue gas in the duct is weight in the various size ranges. The than the mechanical and 7% over that
matched by the velocity of the sample total weight of particulate is also of the steam atomized units. Both
passing through the nozzle, should be presented as values normalized to milli- the steam and mechanical atomized
employed. At the time of sampling, grams per 100 megawatt hour in order units had nearly equal values of percent
calibration curves were not available to provide for comparisons compensated weight retained for both collection
for flow rates other than 0.75 cfm. for differences in length of sampling stages 1 and 2, 27.45% on stage 1 and
Consequently, the samples taken were time and total Btu firing rates of the 27.50% on stage 2 for the steam unit,
drawn at the specified flow rate of 0.75 three boilers tested. and 22.21% on stage 1 and 22.71% on
cfm and isokinetic sampling was not The velocities in the duct were not stage 2 for the mechanical unit.
attempted. This procedure was neces- constant across the gas stream, ranging In stages 3 and 4, 9.2 to 5.5 /x and 5.5
from 44.4 ft/sec near the walls to 63.0 to 3.3 n, the mechanical atomized unit
ft/sec in the center of the duct. Veloc- produced the greater percent weight of
ities at the sampling points also varied, particulates. In the 9.2-5.5 n range,
differing by up to 4 ft/sec during a 3- the mechan|cal unit was 16% greater
min monitoring period. At the speci- than the air unit and 10% greater than
Table I. Particle size distribution of
fied sampling rate and with a ^-in. the steam. In the 5.5-3.3 n range the
Andersen stack sampler for a flow rate of nozzle, the flow rate through the nozzle difference was 5% over the air and 4%
0.75 ft 3 /min. was 36.7 ft/sec. The error produced over the steam.
Stage number Particle size retained, n
by sampling at less than the stream Figure 2 represents the weight of
velocity is that an excess of coarse particulate collected on the lower four
0 30 and larger particles will be collected.1 stages of the sampler, ranging from 3.3
1 9.2-30
2 5.5-9.2
to 0.1^. Here the air atomized unit
Results produced the greatest percentage weight
3 3.3-5.5
4 2.0-3.3 The manner in which the sampler of particulates retained on the stages.
5 1.0-2.0 segregated the particulates into definite For stage 5, the air was 3.5% greater
6 0.3-1.0 than the mechanical and 0.5% more
7 0.1-0.3 size ranges made possible a comparison
on the basis of a weight of the particu- than the steam. Stage 6 continues
lates retained per plate. For each the trend with the air atomizer unit
sample taken, the weights of the particu- being 3% greater than the mechanical
lates collected on each plate were added and 5% greater than steam.

August 1972 Volume 22, No. 8 637


30- 1 Air
ii Mechanical

1 Steam •q 6

s 5

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Collection stage
1 2 3 4 Collection stage
(over 30//) (30-9.2^) (9.2-5.5/*) (5.5-3.3//) 5 6 7 8
(3.3-2.0/0 (2.0-1.0/0 (1.0-0.3,*) (0.3-0.1/*)
Figure 1. Relationship between percent by weight retained and
collection stage for air, mechanical, and steam atomizers, 30 to 3.3 p. Figure 2. Relationship between percent by weight retained and
collection stage for air, mechanical, and steam atomizers, 3.3 to 0.1 ft.

In stages 7 and 8 the air atomized identical configurations. They were collected on the plates exhibited a
burner produced a percent weight of tangentially fired with natural circula- strong adhesive force, the large particles
particulates which was 7.5% greater tion, designed for coal or oil firing. could be removed without loss of the
than the mechanical and 5% greater The boilers were designed and con- smaller ones.
than steam for stage 7, and 6% greater structed by Combustion Engineering. The particles collected on the plates
than mechanical and 4% greater than It was not practical to operate with the from the air atomized burner were
steam for stage 8. same load on each of the three boilers. markedly different from both those of
The air atomized unit produced the This was due to the fact that each type the mechanical and steam atomized
greatest percentage weight of particu- of atomization produced a different units. In the range below 1 (i, the
lates in the range from 3.3 to 0.1 p. maximum output. In order to obtain particulates usually formed miniature
The mechanical atomizer produced the equal loadings, it would have been neces- stalagmites with the upper portions
greatest percent weight in the 9.2 to sary to reduce the outputs of the being thread-like in appearance. The
3.3 n range. The steam atomized unit, mechanical and steam atomized units, color of these formations varied from a
with the exception of the 30 to 9.2 ^ by about 12%, to the maximum output gray white to a yellow gray. This
range, had percent weights which did of the air atomized burner. Since the coloring corresponded to the color of
not predominate in any particular size testing occurred during the summer the fuel ash upon combustion of all
range. H months when the yearly demands for volatile material.
Figure 3 has logarithmic-probability electricity are at their peak, this reduc- Ash content of the particulates col-
plots of particulate diameter versus tion would have been excessive. There- lected was investigated. It was found
percent by weight retained greater than fore, it was necessary to sample the that the mechanical atomized burner
the diameter for each type of burner. three units at their maximum outputs, produced particulates which had a
These plots allow estimates of the per- 69 mw for air, 80 mw for steam, and combustible content of up to 99%.
cent by weight of particulates of a given 84 mw for mechanical. The steam atomized unit produced
size range which may be emitted from a The Andersen Stack Sampler pre- particulates which contained approxi-
given type of atomizer. Also, it is sented a minor problem in that particu- mately 80% combustibles. The use
possible to check the expected emissions lates were drawn through the gasket of the air atomized burner resulted in
against air pollution control standards, seal between the plates. This oc- the formation of particulates with only
thus determining if compliance can be casionally resulted in the collection of a 40% combustible content.
aided through choice of the atomizer. large particulates on the periphery of The mechanical atomized burner
plates 7 and 8. The best method for produced the greatest percentage of
Discussion removing these particulates was to particulates in the 9.2 to 3.3 n range.
The atomizer units were located in lightly tap the bottom of the collection All of the particulates collected were
three boilers which had essentially plate. Since the particulates normally very dark in color and did not exhibit
638 Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association
the characteristic of the particulates likely due to the predominance of and the total weight of particulates
from the air atomized unit, i.e., forming particles within the light scattering collected. The percent of the total
the miniature stalagmites. The per- region of 0.3 to 0.8 M-2 Although the weights retained on each plate was then
cent combustibles in the particulates sampler did not specifically separate computed for each sampling date.
collected ran as high as 99.3%, in- particulates into this range, it did The plumes produced by each type
dicating very poor efficiency in com- separate the particulates into the 0.1- of atomizer were observed and com-
bustion of the fuel. The particulates 1.0 fi range, the limits of which are pared to the results of the particulate
collected in the ranges below 1 fx gen- slightly outside the light scattering samples.
erally formed very flat mounds and ap- region. Over 14% by weight of the The air atomized burner produced
peared primarily black in color. particulates fell within the 0.1-1.0 M the greatest percentage of particulates
The steam atomized burners produced range. by weight in the sub-micron range of
particulates which had properties which The plume of the steam atomized the three types of atomizers investi-
generally fell between those of the air burner appeared slightly less dense than gated. The air atomized unit also
Downloaded by [Clayton State University Library] at 19:10 07 October 2014

and the mechanical atomized units. that observed for the air atomized unit. produced particulates with a lower
Compared to the other two types of The particulate weight concentration combustible content than either of the
atomizers, there was' generally no in the 0.1-1.0 n range was slightly other two units.
specific size range of particulate con- over 5%, considerably less than that The mechanical atomized burner
centration. The particles in the range for the air atomizer. produced particulates which were con-
below 2 fj. generally exhibited a dark The mechanical atomizer produced a centrated in the 9.2-3.3 n range. The
gray color, noticeably lighter than the plume considerably less dense than the steam atomized burner on the other
particulates in the same region from the others. The particulate concentration hand, produced a particulate distribu-
mechanical atomizer. There was also a by weight in the 0.1-1.0 M range was less tion which was spread approximately
tendency to form the same stalagmite- than 1%. proportionately through the particulate
like formations as were observed with size ranges investigated.
the particulates collected from the air Summary and Conclusions
atomized units. The percent com- Particulate air samples were collected Acknowledgments
bustible material in the ash also fell from the effluent gases from three steam This investigation was supported in
between those values for the particulates generating boilers at an electric gene- part by Public Health Service Training
collected from the other two units, ap- rating station. Samples were collected Grant No. 5 A10 AH 00649-03, from
proximately 85%. by an Andersen Stack Sampler which the Health Manpower Grants Branch
Visual observations of the plumes operates on the principle of a cascade of the United States Public Health
from each unit were made at ground impactor. The samples were separated Service.
level, with the sun to the rear of the into eight size ranges and were deposited The authors are also pleased to
observer, and at a distance of approxi- on the collection plates of the sampler. acknowledge the Boston Edison Co.
mately 1000 m. Under clear sky condi- These plates were weighed with the for its assistance and cooperation, and
tions, the air atomized unit had a white, samples and compared with their tare Mr. C. J. Geiser for constructive com-
dense plume. This appearance is most weights to obtain the weight per plate ments.
1. R. W. Wasser, "Sampling of effluent
Cumulative percent weight retained greater than particle size gases for particulate matter," Amer.
99.9 99 95 90 80 60 . 40 20 10 5 2 1 .5 Ind. Health Assoc. J., 19(6):(Dec. 1958).
2. J. S. Clarke and G. J. Hudson, "Heavy
oil burning," Institute of Marine
Engineers, 71(5): 135 (March 1959).
3. Medi-Comp Research and Develop-
ment, "Technical Data and Instruc-
tions for Operation and Care of Ander-
sen Stack Sampler," Salt Lake City,
Mechanical atomized burner
Utah, 1970.

Air atomized burner

Mr. McGarry is a Senior Sanitary

Engineer with Environmental Engi-
neers, Inc., Concord, N. H. Dr.
Gregory is an Associate Professor of
Environmental Science in the De-
partment of Civil Engineering at
Northeastern University, Boston,
Figure 3. Log probability distributions of particulate size produced by
fuel atomizers.

August 1972 Volume 22, No. 8 639

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