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Ayutthaya which is a beautiful place with all of the history and mystery.

Ayutthaya in history One of

the most busy capital city , but the ruins of the capital of the Kingdom Ayutthaya are now only a major
tourist attraction and the pride of the Thai people. So what happened to Ayutthaya? And today if you
are interested in history and just want to learn about the old places, let's get started!

My presentation is divided into 3 parts: The rise of Ayutthaya; The fall of Ayutthaya and The beauty of
ancient capital.

First, Let’s started with The rise of Ayutthaya

1.Ayutthaya is an ancient city in Thailand.It was founded back in 1350 by King U-Thong. It’s located
about 80km north of Bangkok. The city was once the capital of the Ayutthaya Kingdom, one of the
major powers in Southeast Asia from the 14th to the 18th century and became one of the most
vibrant trading centers in Asia. And Merchants from Europe proclaimed Ayutthaya to be the finest city
they had ever seen. Why? Because Ayutthaya have Convenient geographical location Ayutthaya was
strategically located on the Chao Phraya River, near its mouth where it flows into the Gulf of Thailand.
This made Ayutthaya an important trading hub between Southeast Asia and China, India, and other
East Asian countries; Developed transportation system Open trade policies Cultural and ethnic
diversity.It was good conditions and the ingenuity of the kings, The Ayutthaya Kingdom reached its
peak prosperity in the 17th century. Specially, Ayuthaya entered into a peaceful golden age in the
latter half of the 18th century in which art, literature and learning flourished. This is can call the glory

But how long did that glorious era last? Turning our attention now to part 2

2.In 1767 Burma invaded Siam, The attempt was short-lived, totally destroying Ayutthaya and ending
the era of the proud nation of Siam. That collapse was the result of not only Burmese Invasions but
also Lack of Unity and Internal Support , Internal conflicts and political instability weakened the ability
to resist the invading army and Neighboring Kingdoms; Poor military strength and strategies of the
Burmese army… Those are some of the main reasons. The downfall of Ayutthaya had significant
consequences for the kingdom and the surrounding region, including: Loss of cultural and historical
heritage; Shifts in regional power balance especially Burma; Changes in political and social structure;
Impact on trade and economy; Impact on culture and religion. The history of mankind basically a story
of conflict and war. That's why when war happens, it always leaves behind many regrets.

3.Finaly how the beauty of ayutthaya became a regret even though in the present it remains an
extremely popular tourist attraction. Then we will come to the end The beauty of ancient capital.
Ayutthaya is known for the beauty of its cultural heritage and ancient architecture, blending
traditional Southeast Asian styles with influences from Indian, Chinese, and Cham cultures. The
architectural structures in Ayutthaya are often adorned with intricate carvings and unique vaulted
roofs, creating a distinctive and captivating landscape. Here are some beautiful aspects of Ayutthaya:
Wat Mahathat; Wat Phra Si Sanphet; Wat Chaiwatthanaram; Bang Pa-In Palace; Chao Phraya River
scenery. Let the pictures speak for themselves.

+ Wat Mahathat: one of the most important and iconic temples in Ayutthaya, Thailand and One of the
most famous features of Wat Mahathat is the Buddha head entwined in the roots of a fig tree. The
temple complex was once a major religious center and is believed to have housed a relic of the
Buddha, which is why it was named "Mahathat," meaning "great relic."

+ Chao Phraya River scenery: The landscape of the Chao Phraya River is an integral part of Thailand's
natural beauty and culture, especially in Ayutthaya. The Chao Phraya River is not only an important
geographical and economic river but also provides a sense of tranquility and grandeur to the region.

Conclusion: The beauty of Ayutthaya not only in its historic architectural structures but also in the
cultural and natural landscapes of the area. It was proven in 1991, Ayutthaya is become a UNESCO
World Heritage Site. It is surely a source of pride for Thai people. I observe that they always love and
preserve Ayutthaya. And I watched Love Destiny, an extremely popular film produced in 2018. It
became famous for the viral phrase "My Destiny". Besides from the actor, I was also impressed by the
beauty of Ayutthaya. So when I have the opportunity to study in Thailand. I made my decision without
hesitation. And I'll never forget that Saturday. This was a wonderful day. So as a foreigner, I still truly
appreciate it.

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